HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-3-31, Page 2•,AGE VVQ; t. ogle Rule for h'reland Financing the New Parliame nts Many Taxes To Be Collected by Britain 'and Returned, The parliaments of the north and south, which are to, be established lea Ireland within a year, have 'auth' Or-aty to reduce the income tax, but 'They neither levy it nor collect it, Custom and excise, the Imposition cert profits tax, a general levy pe cap- ' aril—these, too, are matters re, served for the United Kingdom Ex- chequer.. If the story ended there, eiehe Irish parliaments might find fin- sucingrather difficult. But the United Kingdom will pay back to Ireland what- ever taxes it collects, minus a contribu- outo`Fmperiai liabilities and expepdi- tere and the cost of any, services admin- 'fisiered•in Ireland by the United King- sions government, WWI these deduct time, the Northern parliament and the Stec/them parliament get back the taxes levied within their respective jurisdic- tions.They are also empowered to levy say ether taxes of their own which they -see fit,•so long as these do not come 'within the categories mentioned... Revenue from Land Purchase Acts i'i source of revenue of a type quite ;unfamiliar to Canadians will be that eau= payments under the various land 1patrchase acts. Fifty years ago Ireland wits cursed with a system of land ownership which impoverished the epe sentry at the expense of the land - Hord. Tenants who leased fauns, fences, drains, they were obliged to supply themselves. And when a lease expired ora tenant was a year behind, these im- sroventents which he had made became the property of the landlord. Meas- ures have since been passed which have In various ways permitted the tenants 'to acquire their own holdings and have haus ended the vicious system which formerly prevailed, Putting it in a gen- eral way, the government of the United iiingdom advanced part, and later the whole, of the money necessary for such purchases of land, the tenants repaying the government to annual instalments. Ten and three-quarter million acres lave thus been acquired by 327.000 tenants for £105,000,000. Two and three-quarter million additional acres are near process of acquirement by go,o00 tenants for £18,000,000. The DANDRUFF GOES! HAIR STOPS FALLING Iremedietely after using "Danderine' Jsou can not find any dandruff or failing 3baar, but what pleases yon most is that, you 3uiir seems twice a6 abundant; so Blick, glossy and js'f"§t radiant with life and beauty, Got a 95 -cent bottle now. Uwe Iota of long, heavy, beautiful hair. annual payments of tenants are now to be collected and retained by the Irish parliaments, giving them g revenue esti- meted at over three and,a quarter mill- ion pounds. What they will receive.' from other sources is unknown, but it is thought that the twa governments will .haev, between them a' surplus of over seven and a half million dollars for their requirements, after paying their obligations to the. United King- dom. The Imperial Exchequer will de- fray the cost of providing,. the neces- sary parliament and departmental build- ings, For the purposes of the financial pro- visions of the act, a joint exchequer board is established, whose duty it will be to. determine various questions as be- tween the .two parliaments and also as between then and the United Kingdom parliament. Irelands's Imperial Contribution As a partner in the United Kingdom, with members in the British house as well as in her own, Ireland will make a contribution to Imperial finance. It is fixed provisionally. at £18,000,000, of which 56 per cent. is to be borne by Southern and 44 per cent, by Northern Ireland. At the end of the second year it is to be revised by the joint exche- quer board on the basis of taxable cap- acity, and the board will also have power to adjust on this basis any over- payments which the first two years may have involved. Under such an arrangement, Ireland will continue to support the British Crown, the British navy, the British army, and will contribute towards tate debt charges of Britain. Her obliga- tions as an integral part of the United Kingdon remain. But site is given a great measure of self-determination by the creation of her own parliaments,' with funds of their own, and wide. pow- ers with respect to the making of laws, Births. Births GRAHAM:—In Stanley. Township on March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Graham, a son. —HITCHEN:— At 337 Crawford Street Toronto, on March 24t11, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hitchen (nee Maida Coo- per, a daughter (Betty Almeda). Deaths BAiRD In Stanley Township on Thursday, March 24th, Margaret A. McDiarmid, beloved wife of Thomas B. Baird, aged 36 years and 7 months, 4 Independent Labor party in Britian has voted against giving adhesion tell Lenin. ,The Clinton I New ,Era HURON ,COUNTY NEWS IN ,BRIEF Zurich: --.While moving the effeets of Mr, J. bey one day last week, the team of Mr, J. Deciser Jr, got beyond control and threw the wagon loaded With furniture, etc. into the ditch, there by sustaining considerable loss to Mr, Hey, No physicai injuries• were receive ed. Fordwichr- U. A, Andrews repres- enting the district agricultural office, conducted a days drill in stock judging here on Tuesday Members of the Young Farmers' .Club took •advantage of the instruction in connection with a de- monstration et Alex Robinson's farm. 'In ,the evening Mr, Andrews.delivered a lecture illustrated by film. The boys are ell interested in the work and next wint er expect to have a team enter the judg ing contest at the Guelph fair. Hensall.—Mr, Robt. Higgins while riding ie a wagon last week was accid- ently thrownyout on his back and was badly shaken up. Mr. Higgins was con- fided to his room for a few days but is now able; to be about again. East .Wawanosh.—Rev. ' Mr. Peters har the tr.isfortune to run his car into the swamp, while on the way to the Brick Church on Sunday Morning, It struck a log on the road. Crediton.—A meeting of our base ball fans was held in Ewald's shop on Monday night. A good number were present and everybody was enthusiastic and determined to have our team win the trophy this year if a league is form- ed, Fred Kerr acted 'as chairman and Freeman Morlock secretary of the meet ing. The following officers were elected —Hon, Pres., herb. K. Silber Pres., Ez- ra unlit; Vice -Pres., l'red Kerr; Sec- Treas„ Freeman Morlock; Scorer, Sam Wein, Captain of the Team, Bill Motz; Manager, Herb Fahner, A vote of thanks was tendered the officers of the past year for their services. Blyth:—Messrs, Wm. Amore & Son have disposed of their hardware busi- ness to Mr. Colin Fiugland and the stock is being taken preparatory to the new owner taking possession. Seaforth.—Mr. Dave Reid, of town has been appointed Census Commission er for the riding of South lluron for tite conning census taking in June. Blyth.—The council has selected Mr. Samuel Westlake as constable of the vil- lage. Mr. Westlake held the ,position sone years ago. East Wawanosh.—The council voted $100 to the Blyth Memorial Hall. 1 5EAFORTH. Police, Magistrate Grieg' handed out Itis decision Monday in connection with the charge against Alex McLellan pro- prietor of the Commercial Hotel, for violating the 0. T, A. a fine of $200 and costs being imposed, The case was the outcome of a visit by inspector Pel- uuraraisinse qh/, fasty ea il3iscui/s "_.EAS1fiRSTza, $verything you cook or bake will be more delicious if you use EASIrIRST. It is the ideal shortening—always of the same high quality. Economical to buy. Economical to use—r2 ounces go as far t As x6 of butter or lard—and, further, the EASIrIRST left after frying anything can be used for something else without carrying over food flavors. S `'a These things being so—EASIkIRS' t will save you money every week of the year. Easily proved—your first carton , of EASIPIRST will do it. THIS RECIPE WILL DELIGHT YOU 3 cops flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 2 level tablespoons NASIFIRST 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon sugar. Sift.flour, salt and baking polo. der together. Add sugar, 'rub let ZASIFIRST, add sweet milk to make soft dough. Moderately hot oven. Por a delightful variation, ,press into top of each biscuit a small piece of sugar loaf which_ has been dipped into orange juice, or drop a small portion of raspberry jam into a little hollow, Bakq as usual. Your grocer will supply you. • Sold in cartons and tins. A copy of. Gonna Proved Recipe Booklet will be gladly sent on request, GUNNS LIMITED . West Toronto 2 tow and assistants recently, s;ben liquor was found in the hotel aril stable be- longing to McLellan. Mr: -and Mrs, Robert Smith two well- known and highly -respected resideets of t-lullett Township, celebrate.' their diamond wedding at their home on Monday afternoon, where about 70 guests, including their children, grand- children and great-grandchildren were assembled. Mr, and Mrs. Smith were married in 1861 by the Rev, William Graham, of Egmondville, and spent the first seven years of their married life on a farm in Tuckersmith. They after- ward removed to McKilop, where they remained for five years, after which they located in Hu'llett. They were presented with a purse of gold by the members of the fancily. An enjoyable Laster dance under the auspices of the G. W, V. A. was held in the clubrooms Tuesday night. There was a good attendance, Music was fur- nished by the Krug Orchestra, of Kit- chener. LONDESBORO. The regular monehly meeting of the \\'nutans' institute wilt, he field in Forester's hall on Thursday, April 7th. The topic will be:—"Present Day Needs," ley Miss L. Mains. Music by Miss R. Woodman. Miss Violet Philips, of Toronto, spent Easter at the hone of her mother, Miss Alice and Mr. Frank l'inglaud, of Toronto, were the guests of their parents oeer the week end. Miss Mary Jamieson spent Easter at her home here. The Women's Institute held a very successful Pie Social here on Monday night. The programme was excell- ent, Mr. Steer is a first class enter- tainer, and his songs were grand. Miss McElroy, of Blyth, also gave some splendid readings. The proceeds a- mounted to $142.00, Mrs, B. Herrington, of Biyth, spent a few days with Mrs. Bell this week, Mrs. Belt spent the past three weeks Tiaursday, March 313t, 1921 •1 More Smlall'Advts. on Page 5 'at tli.e h:"fih 9tug. One was "Welcome Eslster,a' t_ p Don'tilae forgetof, theMrs epttJie$rtin toWebe ltfieivenld, other "''I"he King of Gfory," in Us hall an Frjday tilght, April 1st Mr, aitd.Mrs» Wii1 Tantblyo, of Tor,.to be elven by the Qrangemen there. onto, are spending the. holidays et the fornset°s mother Irene Miss Brlghant is home fi:r the holiday, ing and aivening.' , The choir sang two Mr; and Mrs. Geddes are moving splendid Easter anthtftns in the 'even- into Mrs, Brawu'e house this week, Speclal Easter eerviees were render- ed In the Methodist Church both morn - HURON CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY CLINTON Thursday, April 7th .1921 The annual Spring Show will be held, maybe read below, itt Clinton next Thursday afternoon, and judging will commence as soon et- teni. o'clock as possible, , A good prize list has been made and a big list of special prizes have been donated by tate merchants of town and I The judging competition for young men will he another strong item this year and they must write their reasons this year. flexure and conte out to the Spring Show next Thursday, Followig are the Special prizes, :.Special Prizes rano, Langlois & Co., donate First prize of $13 for Clydes , dale Stal lion of 3 years and over W. J.:Dpdds,'Cockshutt. Agent, gives $6.00 for family of three Heavy b,raught colts, progeny of same sire, foaled 1919. W. M. Govenlock, M.P.P., for Centre Huron, ,gives $8 for the best -Heavy Draught filly or gelding, 3 years or over, W. T. O'Neil gives $5.00 worth of groceries for best FIeavy Draught filly or gelding, 2 years and under 3. J. 13. Lavis, 1, I -1..C,; Agent gives walking plow, value $22,00 for best Heavy Draught team ie harness ' W.Gay, Graham Hotel gives 1st prize of $8 for best Agricultural Brood Mare, 3 years and over; J. J. Meener, M. P., for South Huron, gives Feist prize of $8 for best Agricultural filly or gelding, 3 years and over. Berry & Cameron, Massey Barris Agents, gives a Harrow cart, valued at $21.00 for 1st prize for best Agricultural team in harness. F. W. Wigg, gives 1st prize of $5 worth of groceries for best General Purpose filly or gelding, 3 years or oyer. W. R. Counter gives $7 in goods for best Carriage horse in harness. C. W. Bown gives a Raincoat, valued at $t5.00 as first prize for best Roadster horse in ]farness, E,Wendorf, Dominion Cafe, gives $5 for best collection of horses exhibited by any one ntan,'quantity and quality considered. Stallions barred. -^+1 Morrish Clothing 'Co„ gives a $15 Raincoat for best matched team in harness, any color. Clinton Branch of U. F. O., gives $15 for tite best three heavy Draught, Agricultural or General Purpose horses (stallions barred) any age, in halter, and need not to be the property of one man, but frust be owned in the township. No com- petition unless two or more townships are represented. W. 11. Heliyar tvfll give $7.00 worth of goods for best lady driver; and Bap & Atkinson, a $5 chair as Second prize to the best laly drivers, who have won prizes before, For Ladies not having won any prizes before, J. A. Irwin gives a 55. Umbrella for first prize and Second prize of $3 by the Society. Clinton Creamery Ltd., gives three prizes of $10; $7; aul $5; for best Grade heifer under 2 years, sired by Registered bull of any dairy breed, age to be considered. Maisons and Royal Banks, Clinton give $10.00 for best Dairy Cow, ':a.5i( Huron Specialty Casting Co., give $10 for best Heavy Draught Brood mare,'3 years and over, Plumsteel Bros, gives Gauntlets, valued at $3.00 as 3rd prize for Carriage horse. Harland Bros., gives pail of Hess' Stock Food, valued at $3,50 for best Agricultural filly or gelding, one year and under 2 years. A, E, Betts gives $4.c0 worth of breal tickets for 3rd prize for Dairy Cow, Corless & Venner, will give $5,00 cash and $to,po in Hardware for the best General Purpose Team, Sutter & Perdue gives $5,00 for Agricultural filly or gelding, 2 years and under 3. $10.00 Special Prize will be given by Joseph Fisher for Stallion and four of Isis progeny under 2 years from grade mares. Judging Competition for Young Men, not more than 25 years old; Feist prize $5; 2nd, $4; 3rd, $3; 4th, $2; 5th, $t. One' of the strongest classes will be used for this purpose, The waiting of reasons will be made compulsory this year. _._. Come and See The -Colonial-Maid • R� ill ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHER OU will be delighted with the appearance of the BlueBird. For you will see a handsome and graceful cabinet that will add as much to the appearance of 'the kitchen or laundry as the phonograph does totthe living -room. There are noexposed parts, dangerous cog -wheels or levers to menace the hands or sleeves of the user, , or children playing about it. The BlueBird .is .strongly' and sturdily built to give a lifetime of efficient and economical service. Let Us Demonstrate the .Blue$ird under Actual Working Conditions and you will be absolutely amazed at thespeed and thoroughness with which it • washes clothes of every description— yet . all without any of the mess or bother.or dis- traction from other household duties that you have previouslyassociated with wash- day. You will then truly appreciate our statement that Washday, when .you own a .Bluel3ird, will be np different from any other day. Come in and see this remarkable electric clothes washer de- monstrated TO -DAY! Demonstration on Saturday. April 2nd SUTTER & PERDUE t Aro exikderztparts to isij5recsi.11trr essok the aster of a 13%uc ird D-8 AUCTION SALE Of Barn and Shed on Saturday, April 2ncl,,o1) The Premises of tite Commercial Hotel,. Ciinton;'at 1;30 o'clock, The barn in .40X60, and the shed 20X90. Theywill be auetiotted . off se aratela.' Deposit of 10 per cent of trchase price balance before building$ are re- moved; '.Be sure and attend this sale, We also have ail kinds of lumber, brick, doors and sash for sale at reason- able prices, ' THE MERCANTILE SALVAGE CO, Proprietors GEOGRE ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. AUCTION • SALE ...Of Farm Stock and Implements. Mr. George Elliot has been instructed to self by, public auction on Lot 17, Concess- ion 2, Stanley, 1e,4, miles west of Bruce - field, en TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, at one oclock sharp, the following property namely:—HORSES:—t Heavy horse '10 years dld, 1 Heavy Horse 8 years old, 1 large driver 10 years old a good third horse, filly 3 years old. CATTLE— One Cow 8 years old due April 9th, it 'Cow 7 year's old due April 25th, 1 cow 6 years old calved January 18th, 1 cow 9 years old with baby beef calf at foot, 3,dry cows 4 years old, 1 aged dry conn, 1 cow 4 years old dueSeptember 24th 3 heifers due in September, 6 suet calves 7 months old, one calf 2 months old, IMPLEMENTS: -1 Massey- Harris binder 6 foot cut, 1 Deering Mower 6 foot cut, Deering 3 -drum 9 -foot roller, Massey -Harris corn and bean scuffler with puller attachment, Deering spring tooth cultivator, small scuffler, 4 -sect - tion diamond harrows, single plow, Verity riding plow, 2 furrow plow, loft McCormick rake, broadcast seeder, steel wheel heavy wagon, democrat wagon, rubber tired buggy, 2 cutters, sleigh with log hunks, fanning still, set 1000 Ib scales, bag truck, Melottte Cream separator, large stotje boat, coria starker, wheelbarrow, 2 grindstones, flat grain rack, gravel box, large iron kettle, 2 wire stretchers, 2 ladders, 28 - foot extension ladder, root pulper, pig crate, chicken feeding crate, 2 hand corn planters, Daisy churn, set heavy harness, set plow harness, set single harness, Wood rack, 2 dozen grain bags, about 90 hens, a quantity of lumber, some cedar posts and poles, a quantity of hay, a quantity of chop, 300 bushels of ids, about too tile, scoop shovel, grain scoop, forks,' chains, doubfetrees, pails, and numerous other articles, 40 bushels potatoes, Also kitchen range, cook stove, couch, 4 kitchen chairs, rocking chairs, writing desk, clock, a kitchen tables, bedroom suite, 2 s-rts of springs, sewing machine, glass cup- board. TERAISt—All sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount 9 months credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 4 Cents on the dollar off for CASH, Hay, Chop and Grain to be CASH, GEO. ELLIOTT HUGH McCREGOR Auctioneer Proprietor. FOR SALE 2 Hen 1 -louses, a bargain for quick sale. ' H. A. HOVEY, Clinton MUSKRAT SKINS WANTED Will Pay $1.50 each for goodskinse Damaged Skins at value. H. A. HOVEY, Vinton Puncture Proof Inner Tubes Have your car fitted with the Areo Cushion Tubes. No punctures, no blow outs. All sizes of tubes kept its stock. W. L. Peffers, Corner Albert and Prin. cess Street Clinton, FOR SALE On Lot 22, Concession 3, East Wawanosh, an unlimited supply of cedar posts and anchor posts; alse large frame house and small barn. Ap- ply to MRS. D. PATTERSON, Auburn or to T. R. PATTERSON, Goderich SPRING FESTIVAL A Spring Festival and Masquerade under the auspices of the Garden Class, of Willis Church will be held in the School room; Friday, April est, at S o'clock, ADMISSION-25cents. Proceeds to go to the Mistelon Band, Everybody Welcome, FOR SALE t\ A 'Cottage on H• uron StreeLln fairly good condition inside; 7 rooms; ToweNe Water; Nearly an Acre of Land. Apply to Miss E. WHITELY or W. BRYDONE Clinton For Salo. Two size room• ed !souses on Feeder ick St. near the new Flax Mill, will be sold very cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or 0, B, Hal& FARM FOR SALE 100 Ames, Lot 16, Concessieta 2, Hultett, 10 acres of hardwood bush;ee0 Acres almost new land, balance has beta grazed and top -dressed for 20 yearg;;\ All Good Land, Well Drained, Perfectly. \ Clean. Every furrow arable, in first class state for cultivation, within half 'a mile of the macadamized roads; 3 utiles from town. 800 rods of extra good fencing; Barn 4304, with steel roof and a steel siding, also rodded, Stable roam for 40 head of stock, Cement Floors and Waterworks; Up-to-bato for conveniences, First Class Garage and I •Buggy House. Good Water and a good Frame House with ftp -to -date convetf. lances, Foe- Further Particulars Apply tie' CHARLES PEACOCK R. R. No, 4, Clinton Or Apply on Prontisett