HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-3-31, Page 1tIstablishetw. 9865, Vol.. $5, No,40' irh 0 �, t .• i ttf6•'� , C[.INT°N, ONTARIO, o a all our u T lH U It SPAT MARCH 31st, 1221. old, Editors eind Publishers scribers 4Jya o tly A RHYME IN SEASON When days are chill and cold of Woe And all looks blue and full Winds blow, What clears the chest with a healthful glow, Wampoles Cold Liver Extract When growing boys and kirls look pale What best can make them strong and hale ? I- I The Remedy Never Known to fail Wampoles Cod Liver Extract GET IT AT W.,‘ S. P THE O L+L g GE ►s Phm. B. i worwwwwwwwwwtovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwwwwv RE 13.62? INCORPORATED 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches There, is no safer or surer way of safeguarding your surplus money than placing ,it in a savings account with The Molsons Bank. Why' not begin to -day? H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. The M y Easter VLsiitors Mrs. W. Pinner was in Toronto hast l week. • Miss Edna Hogg is visiting her sister le Detroit, Mrs. M. D, McTaggart, is visiting at Morrisburg. Postmaster Kay, of Stratford, was in town this week, Miss Whittle O'Neil was a visitor in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson, of Chip- pewa, are visiting in town, Miss Mary Argent was a vitor in Blyth over Good Friday. Wee Lee spent the week end visiting with friends in Toronto. Miss Bertha Webster, of Auburn, is visiting friends in town, Mr. Charles Forbes spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. A. Forbes. Mr, W. H, Davison, of Siincoe, was in town over the week end, Mr. Earl O'Neil of Toronto was an Easter visitor at hone • here. Miss Annie Shobrook, of Toronto, was home for the Easter holidays. Mr. Joe Brimfield, of Welland, spent Easter with his mother in town. Miss Mary Bradfield, of Toronto, was en Easter visitor with her mother, Mr. Harry Weir, of Kitchener, is visiting his chum, Alfred Henderson. Miss Amy Gould; of Torontc, was visiting at the parental home for taster, Mrs. W, L. Diehl, of Port Burwell, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A, Mc - JAMES CARDINAL GIBBONS,.—Arch- bishop of Baltimore anct Primate of the United States Roman Catholic Church, died at the archiepiscopal residence Baltimore last Thursday after a prolonged illness, which main- ly affected Isis heart. He was in his 57th year, Miss Mary Chidley, of Toronto, was home for Easter. • Chief Co. Constable Whitesides, of Hensel!, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. 1•l. Joyner left this week to visit with his• grandson, Mr. Meal, at Kit - Larva. chener. Mr. Wallace Diehl, of Port Burwell, Miss Emmeline Holland leaves this is visiting his grandmother, . Mrs. Mc- week to take a school at Mildmay for Larva the next term. Miss Emma Higgins, who is attending Mr, Alex. McIntyre, of the Wing - University at Toronto, was home for ham Knitting Co„ was an Easter visitor 'Easter. in town with his mother. Miss Sadie Draper, of Stratford Nor- Rev. W. H. Dunbar, of Listowel, was mal, spent the• holidays at the parental re-elected Chairman of the Library hone. Board at the annual meeting.—Rev. Mr. Miss Maggie Richardson, of Seaforth Dunbar was a former Clintonian, when staff, at Stratford, was an Easter visitor he was Rector of Middleton-Holmesville at the home of his mother. was an Easter visitor with friends it , (churches. Mrs. Lawson and youngest daughter town, Mr. Asa 'Bolton, of S'tratforl, was !tome for Good Friday. • Mr. Thos. 'Sharp, of Hensel.), spent Good Friday in Clinton. Mr, Sid. Watts, of Listowel ,spent Eastertide at the parental home. Mr. Arnold Glazier, of Stratford, was an Easter visitor with his parents, Mr. Will Gould, of Kitchener, was an Easter visitor at the parental home. Miss Jean Chidley, of Toronto, was an Easter visitor with her mother. Master Howard Gould was an Easter visitor with friends in Goderich town- ship, o•pW17CCt THd CCi0Rt71:lla@�ufA QUCKGLANCE AT c8"".."6"6"4" THE LOCAL NEW Wesley Church Rev. J E Ford of Goderich, will preach an educational. sermons .on Sun- Items of Interest Picked Up. Horst. day at 11 a, 51. endd There About the Town.,:. . Rev, Mr, Spencer, of Stratford Lord's Day Alliance, Secretary for Western Ontario will preach at 7 p, m. Council Meets Monday Evening: St. Paul's Church The regular meeting of the Toivire • Fathers will be held on Monday Femme - Holy Communion 11 am, s/S, S. and Bible Classes at 2.3o. Evensong fug of this week. at 7 pm. Preacher—Rev, S, E. Mc- Special Services Good Friday. Kegney: I Special services were held In S(,... St, Paul's Vestry Meeting Paul's and St. Joseph's church on Googn St. Paul's Vestry Meeting was held Friday and also on Saturday in St. Jose:+•• in the Sunday Schoch room Monday 1 ph's church. March 28th, 1921. The following . Some Attended Seaforth Dance. •"e officers, were duly elected: C. Middle- 1 ton, re -appointed Rector's Warden. Some rom here attended the G. W. James Ford, Re-elected People's War- V. A. ds rices in Seaforth this eek. The- den. C. D, Bouck ;51e -elected Vestry music teas supplied liy the Krugworctnes.•• Clerk. Mr, Guy Hicks added to sides- ; tri of Kitchener. men for 5920 Re -appointed. Messrs. [tispected C. C. C. 1. Cadets, J. Ransford and 'Col. Rance elected t Lay Delegates to Synod. Messrs. Last Thursday afternoon Col. h. W.. Col. Combe and WW1, Jackson elected iLomb inspected the C. C.I. Cadets. 'at: Substitute Lay Delegate,s to Synod. the Collegiate grounds. The boys are C. Middleton rendered a very satis- factory 'Merlin Financial Report. Mr. and Mrs, Frank C. Libby, of Owen Sound, were holiday visitors in town. Miss Helena Middleton, teacher at Toronto, was home for the Easter va- cation. Miss McLean, of Wingham, was an Easter visitor With Mrs, Mary Mci Intyre, Mr, and Mrs. Watts, of Stratford, spent the Eastertide with their relatives in tont. , Miss Stone and Miss Ward spent the Eastertide at the home of the former at Essex. Miss Viola Cook, of Toronto, return- ed last week and will remain house for Sometime. liensall Observer:—Mrs. McMartin is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hoskin of Clinton. - Miss McConnell, who teaches at Wal- ton, was an Easter visitor at the par- ental home. Dr. R, McGill, of Mitchell, was in town Good Friday, visiting his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Axon, Miss A. Wallace has been confined to the house during the past week with the prevailing cold. Mr, Fred Rumball, of the Royal Bank Mr, B. J. Gibbings returned last Wed- of Windsor, are visting with the for- -•^—^^^^^^ "" Mrs, C. D. Bouck and Miss lone nesday from Baltimore Hospital and his mer's father, Mr, Thos, Judd. Bouck were visitors at Stratford last ; many friends are glad to hear that the I Miss Agnes Walker who is attending Thursday. 1 operation looks to be successful. It Normal at Stratford, is spending her Mr. Ian Wylie, of Toronto, was an will be sometime before, Mr. Gibbings holidays at tine parental hotne. Easter visitor with his sister, Mrs, 1 will be able -to be around much, Mr. 'Colenso Salter who is attnding „• � ,�; � n4 ' •u^ (Rev.) Hogg. 1 hir, and Mrs. Ralph 1•lawson, of Tor- Upper- Canada College, Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wasntan, of Tor- i onto, are visitors with the latter's par- home for the Easter holidays. gailo, spent the Eastertide with relat- eats, Mr. and Mr, T. H. Cook. They , misses Mary and Jean McMurchie, "�i�• `•- ""s i Ives in•town, I expect to leave for Pasediva,'California; who are attending Toronto University where Mr Hewson has accepted the Mr, Willis Cooper, who is attending are spending the Easter holidays at the t University, s home Cor the position of chief engineer in a large pareastal home, No Man will avant to appear on Easter Sunday in the dulled and clingy clothes he has worn through the Winter. - Don't Do It. The time is ripe to buy. In one of this season's Newest Models of a Suit or Raincoat a Man will be proud of his appearance. Suits $15.00 to $50.o0 Raincoats $7.50 to $30.00 Handsome Outfitting for Boy's off All Ages. Don't overlook the Boy's Easter Outfit! Our Hats and Haberdashery Departments are also in the bloom of Easter freshness. New, Correct and Exclusive styles in Toggery at evry turn JUST COME, SEE! The Morrish Clothing Ce, A Qiinibrc Deal for Every Man Toronto i i hospital holdnys. there. Mr. and Mrs. Crerar, of Toronto,.,,. were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs, , IA G. D. McTaggart. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schoenhais attended the Masonic at hone at Goderich on Tuesday evening. Mr, Fred Thompson, who is attending Agent For Overland Car Medical school at London, was !tone Buys Car ;j �,t,; Mr, J, H. Paxman has secured the for the Easter holidays. Mr. HenrySnider bought a new OVCOverlanddcar Calx Mr.from J. 11. Paxman, agency of this town for Overland cars. March Goes Out Like a Lion News .412.1112 I Mr, and Mrs. Geo. E. Cooper of town are visiting their daughter, Mrs. P• Hitchen, of Toionto. Miss Grainger, Superintendent at the Clinton Hospital, was an Easter visitor at her home in Brucefield. Miss Winnie Thompson who is teach- ing in one of the schools at Toronto is hone for the Easter holidays, Oontnelekiimailivomeiintlexiimmir mgr - I.1,1MaY*WweraleM/NNIENIVOMiesortesiontnomPOWO The Era ingi far Job Work in 1761 Sells Bakery and Restaurant Mr. Peter Henderson, who purchas- ed the Bakery and Restaurant from Mr, Harry Bartliff, disposed of his business to Mr. Johnson, of George- town, who took possession on Monday. Owners Should be Careful. Farmers who bring cattle into the town for shipping purposes and also de- livery drivers are fast gaining disfavor with the residents for allowing the bovines and delivery rigs to get onto the boulevards.' At thsi time of year the earth is very soft and they leave ugly narks on the surface which will take time to, efface, Just Suited The Editor Miss Jewel Bartliff, of the Standard Batik Staff, Toronto, was an Easter visitor at the home of her mother, Miss Mina Youngblut and Miss Ellen Phillips, of Auburn, were visiting Mr, the sl t a i e t during, W. Mu ch p andMrs. 1N g W weeek.• ! I Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Brooks, of Win- , nipeg, who have been visiting the tat- ter's sister, Mrs, H. Fitzsimons, are visit ing at London, , ' Mr. N, Ball ado Mr. Jno, Wiseman were in Guelph on Monday to visit the Hoover family. Mr. Hoover was too ill to be seen by his old friends. Mr. Spencer, of Kingston, who is chief engineer on one ,of the boats now getting ready for the season at Goderich, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, R. Marshall. Mr, Spen- cer is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Mar- shall Next Monday, April 411, Mr, David Beacom will celebrate itis 94tH birth- day, Mr, Beacom is still hale and hearty and is down street every day. His old friends will offer hearty con- gratulations to this "young" man, Mrs, .1, G, OuInnell who has spent the past month with her mother, Mrs. Argent, was called home suddenly last Friday owing to the sickness of her husltnnd, Mr, Quinnell was gassed while overseas grid has not fully re- covered from the effeets of it yet, A week or so ago the Editor received 10 standard songs from the music from of Boosey and,Co. Toronto, -Ont. which the were delig'lited to get. Among the numbers were "The Barefoot Trail" by Wfiggers, sung by Joint McCormick "Claribel" the words by Tennyson and "A Wee Brown Maid" also by Wiggers. The songs sent certainly hold up the re potation of tlae firm as the House of Song Fame. Listowel Rector Named Rural Dean. Rev. W. H. Dunbar has received word from the Bishop of Huron of his appointment as rural dean of Perth in snccesston to Rev. C. K. Bar is success- ion to Rev. C. K. Masters, M. A, of St, Marys, Mr. Dunbar is now in his sixth year es rector of Christ church 'here, Rev, Mr. Dunbar resided in Clinton dor ing the time he wac.Reetor,at Middle- ton ltotrnesville and Summerhill Church es and his old friends will be gild to ' hear of his new 11000, Willis Church Rev. R. C, McDermid, of Goderich, will conduct the services, morning and evening next Sunday. The Sacrament of Baptism wilt be observed at the morning service of Sunday, April 10111. St. James Church, Middleton The' congregation spent Wednesday evening very pleasantly when they gath ered or their annual church supper and Vestry meeting. More than sixty sat down at the tables laid in the Sunday School, and enjoyed the good things provided by the ladies of the church, ing which a former days was peculiar_ to whom much credit is due, for their to different different division of the humor., energetic work. The A, Y. P. A. un- race. Tuesday when the sun was not: der whose auspices the supper was held shining it was real cold. are to be congratulated for the efficient manner in which they organized. Af- O. A. C. Troupe to Tour. terwards the annual election of church A, concert company, composed of 11.1. officers was held, the following being A. . men, is to be formed, which wits' the results:—Mr. Fred Middleton and tour rural Ontario, putting on concert 11. Steepe were re-elected Rector's and plays in the various towns throughout People's Wardens, respectively; Mr. E. the province. The proceeds from Ube.' 11. Wise, delegatentot the Synod, and tour over and above the expenses ere. Messrs. Bert, Lindsay, Howard Clark, to swell the memorial hall fund, At W. Wise and Raymond Whitmore, sides- each place the company puts on an• en - men. The meeting was closed -with tertainment, and an opportunity will be- • the benediction by the Incumbent, Rev. given the people to make personal sate— 'C. Hollowell. scriptions to the fund. Ontario Street Church Municipal Debts, The pastor took charge of the morn- The following figures are- taken from ing service on Easter Sunday and in the Govt, Blue Book:•--Chesley the eventfig exchanged with Rev. Mr. 000; Kincardine $165,000; Wiartor_ Edwards of. Seaforth. The choir ren- $174,000;Walkerton $55,000; Hanover 'dered special music, ) $163,000; M•eaford $171,00O;t1wa On Monday evening the Ontario St. Sound $192-,000; Clinton $t 72,000 Epworth League opened their Mock Oakville $420,000; Burlington $361,- Perilament, Lieutenant -Governor (Mer- 000; Goderich $430,000; Seaforth $308 vin Hanley) reading speech from the 000; Wingham $253,000 Listowel S2:,r`. throne, Then th,e speaker( Mayor 000; Stratford $3,900,009; Partners fvlchiurray) and Chaplain, (Mr, Hawke) toll $142,000; Bowntanvihle $272,000; were escorted to chair opening prayer A0i»1er $201,000; Leamington $256.,by Chaplain. The Hon. member from 000. Beaton moved the adoption of speech , income Forms. from throne, seconded by Hon. Member George Tantbihng inspector of taxa!, from Blyth. This was objected to by ion at London has written postmasters the Hon. member from Cresswell (Op as follows:bThe taxpayers forms T. i positioh). The vote being taken in T -I -A. and T-2 have arrived at this ef-- favor of adoption. The Hon. member fice but are necessarily held here pe'sdf•• front Helen, moved motion that all ing the arrival of the explanatory stook bachelors be taxed, explaining why lets, which are to accompany them, ante..' without which taxpayers will not 8,1. March came in like a lamb and is go - getting into splended shape for thein general inspection. ' Shipped a Car of Potatoes. Mr. D. Cantelon shipped a car of pc tatoes this week. The prevailing price was S.Oc a bag. Some of the potatoes• had been purchased at $1,50 a bag but. the owners were glad to unload to Mn:.. Cantelon and accept the loss with good •, grace, A Bit of Winter. Clinton and district were treated or Monday to more little bit of winter• just as a reminder that the weather mare, has not lost that faculty of mind chang- Seconded by tion, member from ?otter, ing out like aroariug lion. Rain fell her reasons, being "that after Leap early in the morning, but by 9:30 it year there should 'stave been no bache- had turned•to snow. fors left", Amendment by Han. men - Coil Drops ber from Mcfauls that spinsters should mem- Mr. Mustard announces this week be taxed also, Seconded by clot. men- the price of coal will be $16.00 for ber front Evans, claiming if this was April, The various coal dealers have dote the ministers would have more been getting a big supply in now, ntt,triinorlal fees. The yeas and Nays were called for. Amendment carried. "A Cheerful Liar" Monday. The Hon, member from Tyndall moved Don't fait to�t your r seats marked motion that hanging ing be abolished amu og on Friday, for the comedy, "A Cheer- very ably debated his reasons, Second - full Liar, to be presented by the Lucan ed by the lion, Premie (5, Liverntoe) Dramatic Club, under the auspices of There was a good deal of cross -firing at St. Joseph's church here. this' point by the Hon. member from Nelles (Leader of Opposition) and Hon. Coming To Clinton member from Cresswell, but the Pre- (Seaforth News!)—The W. A. of mien proved himself to be very cont - St. Thomas' church gave a tea to Mrs, patent in upholding his Government, North, who is shortly leaving for Cliia- the "National Progressive Party." Af- ton, on Tuesday last, and presented ter some minor motions, a voice from her with a W. A, Cross, the gallery shouted , that before the Will Run Show House dissolved that Speaker McMurray Next Thursday'•afternoon and even- should be elevated to the Senate in ing special films will be rust at the honor of this, his birthday (Applause.) Princess Theatre under the auspices The 1•ton, member from 'Cresswell of the Young Men's Class of Ontario claimed this was out of order, coming Street 'Church. front the gallery, but promised due con sideration, The House then dissolved. The Hon, members of Government and Opposition showed some rare talent, ready and witty speaking. Meeting Was well attended and much enjoyed by all. More of this work will be taken up by the young people, Installed Two Lighting Plants 'a•a' Messrs. Sutler and Perdue have in-, SersSorth.-•--The council have itlaced Buys Old Bowling Alley Mr. Bart Levis, Agent rolet Car ihas purchased, ing Alley and will move property, to be used as and work shop. for the Chev- the old Bowl - it to its own .a store room stalled two li,r,htine plants for two farmers near Ibieter and both are now running in goad shape. 'rhe Firm handle the Dontittlon Light Plant, a team and a spilt -log drag on the streets to maid up the centre and fill no the deep ruts made during the wet 5.. 1Y(,?u tach -need. ed. irnrrds weather, It is a n i Meld, able to calculate their taxes.These book lets were destroyed 6y fire in Otfawa.: some weeks ago and had to be reprinsa-• ed. They were promised for the. 1st stant'and 1 expected their arrfvai when they will be immediately sent out to the postoffices," Surcharge In Effect. A surcharge of 7% per cent cost -- Il fel-- road n made twill 1 e e on cost -- cueing to -day g road tickets front 'Canadian to Anneri• can points it was officially annouarcad' to -day, to cover the exchange rate he-- lween the two countries. The decision to make such a surcharge was made' some months ago and it was originally expected that it would go into effect ore' on Wren 15, 'rhe' Charge is' based spur: tine exchange rate and constitutes ap- proximately one-half of the New York t+raft rate. A new rate will become effective on April t and it will Be' changed every 15 days thereafter_ Some Questtoits??7 Will we get fooled to -morrow? Does it have to rain every Ssturdsyif Will it rain on the Spring Sliow da;;, t• Will your name be on the • Voter:: list? Will all; those that rive us -please. settle? ' Did you let the Nety Era know yoa''r Visitors names? Why not get the split -log drag riut on the hack streets?' Have yon renewed your subscription:' to the New Eyelet? What does the fellow think who re- fused $1.50 a bag for potatoes and O. now acceptiiig 50c a,bag? . `mow THE EDUCATION OF YOUR CHILDREN Have you. the money with which to do it? Start to save while they are young—let them commence life knowing you are at the back of them. Savings Accounts are a specialty with THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA R. E. MANNING, Manager ClintoW Branch — The M y Easter VLsiitors Mrs. W. Pinner was in Toronto hast l week. • Miss Edna Hogg is visiting her sister le Detroit, Mrs. M. D, McTaggart, is visiting at Morrisburg. Postmaster Kay, of Stratford, was in town this week, Miss Whittle O'Neil was a visitor in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson, of Chip- pewa, are visiting in town, Miss Mary Argent was a vitor in Blyth over Good Friday. Wee Lee spent the week end visiting with friends in Toronto. Miss Bertha Webster, of Auburn, is visiting friends in town, Mr. Charles Forbes spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. A. Forbes. Mr, W. H, Davison, of Siincoe, was in town over the week end, Mr. Earl O'Neil of Toronto was an Easter visitor at hone • here. Miss Annie Shobrook, of Toronto, was home for the Easter holidays. Mr. Joe Brimfield, of Welland, spent Easter with his mother in town. Miss Mary Bradfield, of Toronto, was en Easter visitor with her mother, Mr. Harry Weir, of Kitchener, is visiting his chum, Alfred Henderson. Miss Amy Gould; of Torontc, was visiting at the parental home for taster, Mrs. W, L. Diehl, of Port Burwell, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A, Mc - JAMES CARDINAL GIBBONS,.—Arch- bishop of Baltimore anct Primate of the United States Roman Catholic Church, died at the archiepiscopal residence Baltimore last Thursday after a prolonged illness, which main- ly affected Isis heart. He was in his 57th year, Miss Mary Chidley, of Toronto, was home for Easter. • Chief Co. Constable Whitesides, of Hensel!, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. 1•l. Joyner left this week to visit with his• grandson, Mr. Meal, at Kit - Larva. chener. Mr. Wallace Diehl, of Port Burwell, Miss Emmeline Holland leaves this is visiting his grandmother, . Mrs. Mc- week to take a school at Mildmay for Larva the next term. Miss Emma Higgins, who is attending Mr, Alex. McIntyre, of the Wing - University at Toronto, was home for ham Knitting Co„ was an Easter visitor 'Easter. in town with his mother. Miss Sadie Draper, of Stratford Nor- Rev. W. H. Dunbar, of Listowel, was mal, spent the• holidays at the parental re-elected Chairman of the Library hone. Board at the annual meeting.—Rev. Mr. Miss Maggie Richardson, of Seaforth Dunbar was a former Clintonian, when staff, at Stratford, was an Easter visitor he was Rector of Middleton-Holmesville at the home of his mother. was an Easter visitor with friends it , (churches. Mrs. Lawson and youngest daughter town, Mr. Asa 'Bolton, of S'tratforl, was !tome for Good Friday. • Mr. Thos. 'Sharp, of Hensel.), spent Good Friday in Clinton. Mr, Sid. Watts, of Listowel ,spent Eastertide at the parental home. Mr. Arnold Glazier, of Stratford, was an Easter visitor with his parents, Mr. Will Gould, of Kitchener, was an Easter visitor at the parental home. Miss Jean Chidley, of Toronto, was an Easter visitor with her mother. Master Howard Gould was an Easter visitor with friends in Goderich town- ship, o•pW17CCt THd CCi0Rt71:lla@�ufA QUCKGLANCE AT c8"".."6"6"4" THE LOCAL NEW Wesley Church Rev. J E Ford of Goderich, will preach an educational. sermons .on Sun- Items of Interest Picked Up. Horst. day at 11 a, 51. endd There About the Town.,:. . Rev, Mr, Spencer, of Stratford Lord's Day Alliance, Secretary for Western Ontario will preach at 7 p, m. Council Meets Monday Evening: St. Paul's Church The regular meeting of the Toivire • Fathers will be held on Monday Femme - Holy Communion 11 am, s/S, S. and Bible Classes at 2.3o. Evensong fug of this week. at 7 pm. Preacher—Rev, S, E. Mc- Special Services Good Friday. Kegney: I Special services were held In S(,... St, Paul's Vestry Meeting Paul's and St. Joseph's church on Googn St. Paul's Vestry Meeting was held Friday and also on Saturday in St. Jose:+•• in the Sunday Schoch room Monday 1 ph's church. March 28th, 1921. The following . Some Attended Seaforth Dance. •"e officers, were duly elected: C. Middle- 1 ton, re -appointed Rector's Warden. Some rom here attended the G. W. James Ford, Re-elected People's War- V. A. ds rices in Seaforth this eek. The- den. C. D, Bouck ;51e -elected Vestry music teas supplied liy the Krugworctnes.•• Clerk. Mr, Guy Hicks added to sides- ; tri of Kitchener. men for 5920 Re -appointed. Messrs. [tispected C. C. C. 1. Cadets, J. Ransford and 'Col. Rance elected t Lay Delegates to Synod. Messrs. Last Thursday afternoon Col. h. W.. Col. Combe and WW1, Jackson elected iLomb inspected the C. C.I. Cadets. 'at: Substitute Lay Delegate,s to Synod. the Collegiate grounds. The boys are C. Middleton rendered a very satis- factory 'Merlin Financial Report. Mr. and Mrs, Frank C. Libby, of Owen Sound, were holiday visitors in town. Miss Helena Middleton, teacher at Toronto, was home for the Easter va- cation. Miss McLean, of Wingham, was an Easter visitor With Mrs, Mary Mci Intyre, Mr, and Mrs. Watts, of Stratford, spent the Eastertide with their relatives in tont. , Miss Stone and Miss Ward spent the Eastertide at the home of the former at Essex. Miss Viola Cook, of Toronto, return- ed last week and will remain house for Sometime. liensall Observer:—Mrs. McMartin is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hoskin of Clinton. - Miss McConnell, who teaches at Wal- ton, was an Easter visitor at the par- ental home. Dr. R, McGill, of Mitchell, was in town Good Friday, visiting his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Axon, Miss A. Wallace has been confined to the house during the past week with the prevailing cold. Mr, Fred Rumball, of the Royal Bank Mr, B. J. Gibbings returned last Wed- of Windsor, are visting with the for- -•^—^^^^^^ "" Mrs, C. D. Bouck and Miss lone nesday from Baltimore Hospital and his mer's father, Mr, Thos, Judd. Bouck were visitors at Stratford last ; many friends are glad to hear that the I Miss Agnes Walker who is attending Thursday. 1 operation looks to be successful. It Normal at Stratford, is spending her Mr. Ian Wylie, of Toronto, was an will be sometime before, Mr. Gibbings holidays at tine parental hotne. Easter visitor with his sister, Mrs, 1 will be able -to be around much, Mr. 'Colenso Salter who is attnding „• � ,�; � n4 ' •u^ (Rev.) Hogg. 1 hir, and Mrs. Ralph 1•lawson, of Tor- Upper- Canada College, Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wasntan, of Tor- i onto, are visitors with the latter's par- home for the Easter holidays. gailo, spent the Eastertide with relat- eats, Mr. and Mr, T. H. Cook. They , misses Mary and Jean McMurchie, "�i�• `•- ""s i Ives in•town, I expect to leave for Pasediva,'California; who are attending Toronto University where Mr Hewson has accepted the Mr, Willis Cooper, who is attending are spending the Easter holidays at the t University, s home Cor the position of chief engineer in a large pareastal home, No Man will avant to appear on Easter Sunday in the dulled and clingy clothes he has worn through the Winter. - Don't Do It. The time is ripe to buy. In one of this season's Newest Models of a Suit or Raincoat a Man will be proud of his appearance. Suits $15.00 to $50.o0 Raincoats $7.50 to $30.00 Handsome Outfitting for Boy's off All Ages. Don't overlook the Boy's Easter Outfit! Our Hats and Haberdashery Departments are also in the bloom of Easter freshness. New, Correct and Exclusive styles in Toggery at evry turn JUST COME, SEE! The Morrish Clothing Ce, A Qiinibrc Deal for Every Man Toronto i i hospital holdnys. there. Mr. and Mrs. Crerar, of Toronto,.,,. were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs, , IA G. D. McTaggart. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schoenhais attended the Masonic at hone at Goderich on Tuesday evening. Mr, Fred Thompson, who is attending Agent For Overland Car Medical school at London, was !tone Buys Car ;j �,t,; Mr, J, H. Paxman has secured the for the Easter holidays. Mr. HenrySnider bought a new OVCOverlanddcar Calx Mr.from J. 11. Paxman, agency of this town for Overland cars. March Goes Out Like a Lion News .412.1112 I Mr, and Mrs. Geo. E. Cooper of town are visiting their daughter, Mrs. P• Hitchen, of Toionto. Miss Grainger, Superintendent at the Clinton Hospital, was an Easter visitor at her home in Brucefield. Miss Winnie Thompson who is teach- ing in one of the schools at Toronto is hone for the Easter holidays, Oontnelekiimailivomeiintlexiimmir mgr - I.1,1MaY*WweraleM/NNIENIVOMiesortesiontnomPOWO The Era ingi far Job Work in 1761 Sells Bakery and Restaurant Mr. Peter Henderson, who purchas- ed the Bakery and Restaurant from Mr, Harry Bartliff, disposed of his business to Mr. Johnson, of George- town, who took possession on Monday. Owners Should be Careful. Farmers who bring cattle into the town for shipping purposes and also de- livery drivers are fast gaining disfavor with the residents for allowing the bovines and delivery rigs to get onto the boulevards.' At thsi time of year the earth is very soft and they leave ugly narks on the surface which will take time to, efface, Just Suited The Editor Miss Jewel Bartliff, of the Standard Batik Staff, Toronto, was an Easter visitor at the home of her mother, Miss Mina Youngblut and Miss Ellen Phillips, of Auburn, were visiting Mr, the sl t a i e t during, W. Mu ch p andMrs. 1N g W weeek.• ! I Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Brooks, of Win- , nipeg, who have been visiting the tat- ter's sister, Mrs, H. Fitzsimons, are visit ing at London, , ' Mr. N, Ball ado Mr. Jno, Wiseman were in Guelph on Monday to visit the Hoover family. Mr. Hoover was too ill to be seen by his old friends. Mr. Spencer, of Kingston, who is chief engineer on one ,of the boats now getting ready for the season at Goderich, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, R. Marshall. Mr, Spen- cer is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Mar- shall Next Monday, April 411, Mr, David Beacom will celebrate itis 94tH birth- day, Mr, Beacom is still hale and hearty and is down street every day. His old friends will offer hearty con- gratulations to this "young" man, Mrs, .1, G, OuInnell who has spent the past month with her mother, Mrs. Argent, was called home suddenly last Friday owing to the sickness of her husltnnd, Mr, Quinnell was gassed while overseas grid has not fully re- covered from the effeets of it yet, A week or so ago the Editor received 10 standard songs from the music from of Boosey and,Co. Toronto, -Ont. which the were delig'lited to get. Among the numbers were "The Barefoot Trail" by Wfiggers, sung by Joint McCormick "Claribel" the words by Tennyson and "A Wee Brown Maid" also by Wiggers. The songs sent certainly hold up the re potation of tlae firm as the House of Song Fame. Listowel Rector Named Rural Dean. Rev. W. H. Dunbar has received word from the Bishop of Huron of his appointment as rural dean of Perth in snccesston to Rev. C. K. Bar is success- ion to Rev. C. K. Masters, M. A, of St, Marys, Mr. Dunbar is now in his sixth year es rector of Christ church 'here, Rev, Mr. Dunbar resided in Clinton dor ing the time he wac.Reetor,at Middle- ton ltotrnesville and Summerhill Church es and his old friends will be gild to ' hear of his new 11000, Willis Church Rev. R. C, McDermid, of Goderich, will conduct the services, morning and evening next Sunday. The Sacrament of Baptism wilt be observed at the morning service of Sunday, April 10111. St. James Church, Middleton The' congregation spent Wednesday evening very pleasantly when they gath ered or their annual church supper and Vestry meeting. More than sixty sat down at the tables laid in the Sunday School, and enjoyed the good things provided by the ladies of the church, ing which a former days was peculiar_ to whom much credit is due, for their to different different division of the humor., energetic work. The A, Y. P. A. un- race. Tuesday when the sun was not: der whose auspices the supper was held shining it was real cold. are to be congratulated for the efficient manner in which they organized. Af- O. A. C. Troupe to Tour. terwards the annual election of church A, concert company, composed of 11.1. officers was held, the following being A. . men, is to be formed, which wits' the results:—Mr. Fred Middleton and tour rural Ontario, putting on concert 11. Steepe were re-elected Rector's and plays in the various towns throughout People's Wardens, respectively; Mr. E. the province. The proceeds from Ube.' 11. Wise, delegatentot the Synod, and tour over and above the expenses ere. Messrs. Bert, Lindsay, Howard Clark, to swell the memorial hall fund, At W. Wise and Raymond Whitmore, sides- each place the company puts on an• en - men. The meeting was closed -with tertainment, and an opportunity will be- • the benediction by the Incumbent, Rev. given the people to make personal sate— 'C. Hollowell. scriptions to the fund. Ontario Street Church Municipal Debts, The pastor took charge of the morn- The following figures are- taken from ing service on Easter Sunday and in the Govt, Blue Book:•--Chesley the eventfig exchanged with Rev. Mr. 000; Kincardine $165,000; Wiartor_ Edwards of. Seaforth. The choir ren- $174,000;Walkerton $55,000; Hanover 'dered special music, ) $163,000; M•eaford $171,00O;t1wa On Monday evening the Ontario St. Sound $192-,000; Clinton $t 72,000 Epworth League opened their Mock Oakville $420,000; Burlington $361,- Perilament, Lieutenant -Governor (Mer- 000; Goderich $430,000; Seaforth $308 vin Hanley) reading speech from the 000; Wingham $253,000 Listowel S2:,r`. throne, Then th,e speaker( Mayor 000; Stratford $3,900,009; Partners fvlchiurray) and Chaplain, (Mr, Hawke) toll $142,000; Bowntanvihle $272,000; were escorted to chair opening prayer A0i»1er $201,000; Leamington $256.,by Chaplain. The Hon. member from 000. Beaton moved the adoption of speech , income Forms. from throne, seconded by Hon. Member George Tantbihng inspector of taxa!, from Blyth. This was objected to by ion at London has written postmasters the Hon. member from Cresswell (Op as follows:bThe taxpayers forms T. i positioh). The vote being taken in T -I -A. and T-2 have arrived at this ef-- favor of adoption. The Hon. member fice but are necessarily held here pe'sdf•• front Helen, moved motion that all ing the arrival of the explanatory stook bachelors be taxed, explaining why lets, which are to accompany them, ante..' without which taxpayers will not 8,1. March came in like a lamb and is go - getting into splended shape for thein general inspection. ' Shipped a Car of Potatoes. Mr. D. Cantelon shipped a car of pc tatoes this week. The prevailing price was S.Oc a bag. Some of the potatoes• had been purchased at $1,50 a bag but. the owners were glad to unload to Mn:.. Cantelon and accept the loss with good •, grace, A Bit of Winter. Clinton and district were treated or Monday to more little bit of winter• just as a reminder that the weather mare, has not lost that faculty of mind chang- Seconded by tion, member from ?otter, ing out like aroariug lion. Rain fell her reasons, being "that after Leap early in the morning, but by 9:30 it year there should 'stave been no bache- had turned•to snow. fors left", Amendment by Han. men - Coil Drops ber from Mcfauls that spinsters should mem- Mr. Mustard announces this week be taxed also, Seconded by clot. men- the price of coal will be $16.00 for ber front Evans, claiming if this was April, The various coal dealers have dote the ministers would have more been getting a big supply in now, ntt,triinorlal fees. The yeas and Nays were called for. Amendment carried. "A Cheerful Liar" Monday. The Hon, member from Tyndall moved Don't fait to�t your r seats marked motion that hanging ing be abolished amu og on Friday, for the comedy, "A Cheer- very ably debated his reasons, Second - full Liar, to be presented by the Lucan ed by the lion, Premie (5, Liverntoe) Dramatic Club, under the auspices of There was a good deal of cross -firing at St. Joseph's church here. this' point by the Hon. member from Nelles (Leader of Opposition) and Hon. Coming To Clinton member from Cresswell, but the Pre- (Seaforth News!)—The W. A. of mien proved himself to be very cont - St. Thomas' church gave a tea to Mrs, patent in upholding his Government, North, who is shortly leaving for Cliia- the "National Progressive Party." Af- ton, on Tuesday last, and presented ter some minor motions, a voice from her with a W. A, Cross, the gallery shouted , that before the Will Run Show House dissolved that Speaker McMurray Next Thursday'•afternoon and even- should be elevated to the Senate in ing special films will be rust at the honor of this, his birthday (Applause.) Princess Theatre under the auspices The 1•ton, member from 'Cresswell of the Young Men's Class of Ontario claimed this was out of order, coming Street 'Church. front the gallery, but promised due con sideration, The House then dissolved. The Hon, members of Government and Opposition showed some rare talent, ready and witty speaking. Meeting Was well attended and much enjoyed by all. More of this work will be taken up by the young people, Installed Two Lighting Plants 'a•a' Messrs. Sutler and Perdue have in-, SersSorth.-•--The council have itlaced Buys Old Bowling Alley Mr. Bart Levis, Agent rolet Car ihas purchased, ing Alley and will move property, to be used as and work shop. for the Chev- the old Bowl - it to its own .a store room stalled two li,r,htine plants for two farmers near Ibieter and both are now running in goad shape. 'rhe Firm handle the Dontittlon Light Plant, a team and a spilt -log drag on the streets to maid up the centre and fill no the deep ruts made during the wet 5.. 1Y(,?u tach -need. ed. irnrrds weather, It is a n i Meld, able to calculate their taxes.These book lets were destroyed 6y fire in Otfawa.: some weeks ago and had to be reprinsa-• ed. They were promised for the. 1st stant'and 1 expected their arrfvai when they will be immediately sent out to the postoffices," Surcharge In Effect. A surcharge of 7% per cent cost -- Il fel-- road n made twill 1 e e on cost -- cueing to -day g road tickets front 'Canadian to Anneri• can points it was officially annouarcad' to -day, to cover the exchange rate he-- lween the two countries. The decision to make such a surcharge was made' some months ago and it was originally expected that it would go into effect ore' on Wren 15, 'rhe' Charge is' based spur: tine exchange rate and constitutes ap- proximately one-half of the New York t+raft rate. A new rate will become effective on April t and it will Be' changed every 15 days thereafter_ Some Questtoits??7 Will we get fooled to -morrow? Does it have to rain every Ssturdsyif Will it rain on the Spring Sliow da;;, t• Will your name be on the • Voter:: list? Will all; those that rive us -please. settle? ' Did you let the Nety Era know yoa''r Visitors names? Why not get the split -log drag riut on the hack streets?' Have yon renewed your subscription:' to the New Eyelet? What does the fellow think who re- fused $1.50 a bag for potatoes and O. now acceptiiig 50c a,bag? .