HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-3-24, Page 6r }; A E SIX HOW IS THIS FOR , A FLANNELETTE BARGAIN? COMMENCING SATURDAY MORNING, . FEB. 26th 1921 WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE ONE YARD OF FLANNELETTE ,,,WITH EVERY TWO YARDS OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED. GOODS d PURCHASED. THAT IS TO SAY : xe * * * You Pay for 2 Yards and get 3 You Pay for 5 Yards and get 71/2 You Pay for 10 Yards and get 15 You Pay for 20 Yards and get 30 WILL YOU ' BUY AT LESS THAN COST? IF SO, COME TO l !NTE THE TOOLS IN OUR WINDOW •:S +4 Give but a small idea of \the number • and variety in the store, so if you don't see the tool you want. C,0ME IN AND ASK FOR IT, The sante idea holds good with our housecleaning helps. Conte in and talk it over. We Want you to feel at home in our store, Corless & Venner Hardware and Electrical TRY . Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND Repairing Done Phone 53 ;Veda BROODER STOVES ---0— We have a limited number of Brooder Stoves on hand which OO IyeJ7r we are selling at a considerable 1�1'lS reduction, the price being $25.00. These stoves will brood from 300 Promptly • to 400 Chickens. Just what you need to get early pullets and Chickens for the high summer market, , ' fraitgces Lead 1 There Is a Reason � GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Clint O Ask Us. ligniltsPlangratOtiftiett on,Ontario w e til. W. Trewartha Local Manager SCRANTON' COAL The un.to.date Firm n Don't forget to leave your o.g,R PRICES ` i • Gocdericlr A Vbtd bf $4,600fors order for Spring Delivery for 1/)a: scala:...s, You Could Help Never mind the boulevard. Drive right up on to it. It i; soft and you only cut it up and make a hard job for the owner to get it back into decent shape, 18 Cents Per Head Cost of the C:.nsus 011 the basis of the $1,620,000 set aside in the estimates to pay the e::pe•nses of the decennial ceneus beginning on' June 1 next, the Do- minion Bureau of Statistics evidently expects the total cost to be about 13 cents for every man, woman and child in the Dominion, if the popu- lation proves to the nine millions . confidently predicted by many Gov - 1 eminent officials, The pay for tate enumerators is so much for every name about which information is ob- tained, with an allowance per hun- dred names, differing with the var- ious Provinces, for the expense of driving, Mistakes in School Books. J. E. Wetherell, M, A., editor of text books for the Ontario education de- partment, illustrates the difficulty o{ avoiding mistakes, even when the greatest care is taken. The present public. school airlthntetic had two authors, and each author was sup- plied with three assistants to check every question and answer. Yet, in spite of all these precautions, the de- partnient is receiving notices indicat- ing several mistakes in the book, When authors and editors who have time et their disposal Mak; Mistakes it is not Surprising that blunders and inaccuracies re solrie.lL.es found hiin newspapers, on wch the work is done In such a hurry that there is but little time for' reyISiota, a. L. owing to an exceptional winter, we. are now glad to announce the return of almost normal conditions in the sniping industry, and the return of our old straight-line coal, the celebrated P. L. & W. SCRANTON This permits us to announce els° NORMAL QUOTATIONS,. And another Reduction of $1.50 PER TON Making the Price of the Prepared Sizes $17.00 DELIVERED This price is rock bottom, apd is based on present wages, freight rates and An1ericanf'lxcttange, which from all appearance will not probably be any less. Place your order tvitli the only deal- er in town displaying a Government License. • Would also ask all those with :out- standing accounts to kindly arrange for settlement tillsmonth as it is the close of our coal year. .ANO. B. MUSTARD Clinton ,$i Brucefield ` Phone for C'inton No. 74. Phone for Beucefiield 11 on 618. ottoutnowookolosiftr Qpderich dock improvement is included in the Ottau's{ estimates, � COAL and WOOD — biIdre ' ools'whh' WARD, if you want e� �t t r` irk satisfaction n - We will look -otter you— Terms--vutrictll. Cash—Phone 155. It is hard. to keep the children frum. catching,cold, they will run out of Mayors , y, not properly wrapped, or have 100 �a much clothing on and get overheated and cool off too suddenly, they got their feetRESIDENCE—HURON STREET wet, kick off the clothes at night. —, - — — The mother cannot watch them all The he Corner Grocery the time so what is ate going to do? Mothers must never neglect her children's coughs or' colds, but muni look for e. remedy on the first sign. A great many mothers are now giving their chlldreu Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, as it is so pleasant and nice for them to take, and relieves the cough or cold in a very short time. T Mrs. S. Crowe R.R. No. 5, Truro, N.S., writes;—"Two years ago my little boy caught a severe,. cold which left. ;dm with a very had cough. He. could not rest at night, and became very thin and weak, The prescription our physician gave me did not help hims and 1 did not know what to do. My stater, in Manitoba, wtote me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I went, right to town and purchased two bottles, and before they were nand rely' bey's cough had disappeared, and he became strong and well again.+ ; • We always knout what to nee note for 'soughs and colds." Dr. Wood's Norway 1'ino" yrap le age. ?sand 60c. 1► bottle at all dealers,S Maaufrsot'ttra>71'hrily bya iXls'e T. Milburn. Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Special Price Dinner Sets A White and Gold Complete Dinner Set at $28.50 and a beautiful Semi- Porcelin Set at $38,50 also half Dinner Setts consisting of Six of each at $1.7.95. A special price on a 1landpainted Tea Set, Cheap Tea's and Coff'ee's are dear. at any price but when you buy Our 60c; 70c; or 80c; a special Bland of Tea or. oqa' 50c; and GSc'Coffee, You are getting value hard to equal,' Pied. W. Wigg Phone 45, The Clinton New grit SII I1 SII 11 111111 II1111Ill 11111 Local. m ll u 4 u i ;l 1014M1m uM News IIIAMNIIIMmJUbUp>Rlawl R19 1u I811Nu00uMmuu MUmiIuuuliumuuumupuutm► Some Retreat Adjutant Martini Was Here "The Battle of Beatings" seems Adjutant Marlin, of London, WAS in to have ended in tate retreat of the for- town the past week to prepare for a ees' of Gen, ftitney, eenvass for funds for. the work of the • Te8ring Doyen Commercial Hotel The Wrecking Company started tear- ing down the Commercial Hotel this Thursday -morning, Holiday Hours pt Post°ffice Tile usual holiday hours will be ob- served at the Post Office wicket. Box - holders will be able to get their mail at Any hour, Buys Farm Mr, Charles Tyner, of town, has pur- chased the farm from Ezra Durst on the Base Lltie, Mullett and will take possess- ton this Spring. Why Not Subscribe Your neighbor will always' loan you his New Era to read the, latest news of your district, but wouldn't it be much Meer to have it coming to your home regularly? Subscribe now. Buys Truck ' M. 'Bart Lavis left on Wednesday for Oshawa where he will bring back a 'Chevrolet truck for Mr. John Schoen- hals of the Clinton Flour Mills. Mr. Lavis expects to be back on Good Fri- day, "A Cheerful Liar." On April 4111 the Dramatic Club of Lucas will present the play "A Cheerful Liar" in the Town !fall, Clinton, under the sutsppices of St, Joseph Church. Keep the date clear and further infor- mation will be given next week. Purchased 23 Acres The Heron Hosie committee has purchased the Swinhank place on the London road to add to the farm. The 'County will retain 20 acres and are now offering the buildings and 3 acres for sale. See Advertisement on Page 2. Income Tax Returns. Salvation Ariny, Will Use Municipal Officials We understand that the Re- turning Officer for South Huron will ale the Municipal Returning officers and Poll Clerks fon the coming election. Has Signed Up for Winter Concerts The Girl's Auxiliiary signed up this week for a course of 5 concerts for next winter. The final concert of this year's course will be given on April 22nd, , Married Last .Wednesday Mrs. Marjorie Pattison, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Water Manning, was qultely !Harried last Wednesday by Rev, T. J. Snowdon, to Mr, John Harry Hall, of Victoria„B, C, Mr. and Mrs. Hail intends locating in Victoria, 13, C., and leave for, the Coast City in the course of a week or so, The best wish- es accompany the young couple to their Western home, Birds Returning North • • Already the honk-konk of the' 'wild geese flying north has been heard at night as the birds were making their return to the colder north, They have been seen flying as usual 01 the form of a "V” with the leader in the apex a little ahead of the others. Old timers say that this is the earliest in many years that these birds have gone over this part of the country, Not Yet in Effect. The surcharge imposed upon tick- ets sold from Canadian points to destiny tints in the United States to cover the rate of exchange between the two coun- tries had not been placed in effect by local ticket offices at noon to -day, The official statement received some time ago stated that it would be put into ef- fect on the 15th of ahs; month and at - though there has been no contradiction of this order no nib cial 'ir.tice isas been Dominion income tax returns of sal- received hr 'nen'. afdres, aries, wages and dividends pstid by indi- viduals or corporation must be In by Public School Meet. March 31, Returns .:t ins individual'sRealizing the value and Ituportanee income and of the hncamr. of incorpora- of athletics in conreetion with the acid tions must be submitted by April 30, emic traini 14 of public School pupils, Minor Locals .. • the Public School Principals' Assoelat- `` ion of St. Catharines has taken an initial Good friday, March 25th. step to place public school athletics on Bank holidays on Friday and Mon- a higher Province of Ontario. Acting on day, the device of teachers and school hoard; March -will soon be over, in various parts of the p'oviuce they The Police had a lodger from Luck- have decided to hold a public' school WW1 on Thursday evening last, athletic meet in St. Catharines 00 Friday, Fortunately the wind storm did 11111* May 27. it is hoped that next year the damage around here on Saturday, athletic commission for the province Railways are not offering reduced will dlirect and control this branch of gates during Easter holiday. , athletics. Any public school pupil in Get ready for a clean up about your the province of Ontario, under 15 years premises so as to have them passed by t of age, on May 20, 1921 Is eligibe to the S:utitsry Inspector. compete. All entries must be sent in to • Seaforth Spring Show will be Fri- J, S. Elliott, 119 Lowell avenue, St. clay, April ISI and Clutton Show Thurs- Catharines, Ont„ by May 14. The pup - day, April 7th. ils age must be certified to by the prhi Some early, plosvl.iig has been done 1 cipai of the school which the pupils but the land has been a trifle "juicy" attends, The following is the list of ev-! for much work 5,9 far but• will soon be eats: stunning high jump; Runninc fit. broad jump; Pole vault; 100 yard dash Fast due subscriptions to rite New 220 yard dash; 440 yard dash; Running Era must be paid. A number are in hop, step and jump. To the pupil's arrears for several years and appear to events ihave been added two tVeitl$ open forget the fact. It takes stoney to to male public school teacher's of the finance a newspaper and good inten- province, namely; 100 yard dash; 229 tions, are not enough. yard dash. in s fd19 v'1.. h::', t F 0,40I: i4t10Rer.,." ; YouCant" .,. ffor,' 'False ,'u.L .i oar You can't expect the same wear and, service from a twenty dollar suit than you get from one at forty. And the forty dollar Mt will cost you less in the long run, jt will give you etter and longer wear and service than the inferior grade. A uality lighting plant like the .Dominion, built of the highest rade materials with careful workmanship, without thought of ying to skimp and save will save you money in the end. Low fuel consumption, freedom from repair and ability to deliver ontinuous power are what count. A Dominion Lighting Plant ill your property means ample power every°day wit�h;i Glow main- tenance: •.t',, l�juttiw: k�i Write for descriptive booklet and name of your local dealer. "If you want the bests buy a Dominion." \rll(l////4�/%/ tW :a_ ,, 14 'N' II S'utte-r / Perdue Thursday, March 24th, 1921. The Cost of ,Dipping If you are worth $50,00 a week or pay it tjO an employee who dips his pen in the ink 50 times a day, the dipping costs you'll/2c a day, that is why WATER MAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN is replacing the old style pen everywhere, in office, school and ,home, The W . D. F#}l_dr eo Often the cheapest--Alwtiys the Best Easy to Beat Eggs —but its hard to beat the Quality of our Bulk.. Teas, You can get it in Black Mixed or Green, to 3 grades, that suits the taste also the purse. We offer you at pre-war prices, REGAL BRAND Black 35c per Ib 2 lbs for 65c KING BRAND Black or Mixed t ib 55e 2 lbs for $1.00 QUALITY BRAND 1 tb for... .. .,75c 2 Ih s for 91.45 PHONE 11'1, eam.,.,.,m.memare.®,d_,o,® SPRING CLEANING TIME IS CLOSE AT HAND AND NOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN-UP — pork and Beans 3 Bars. Ivory, Lifebouy or Goblin Soap for 25c 2 Packages Jelly Powder .. , .25c 1 Can Heinz GET THE 1-IABIT 0 F DEALING AT „ 220 THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means, that auto owners must equip their cars with approved Lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight liolophane Legalite Shaler Roadlighter Primolite Macbeth ;ouopher Clear :3onopher Noviol Claniert Conte in and have us fill out your applications J. H. PAXMAN EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 80 . Residence 140 ,4.0,403.441 ONT. ii CLINTON,..... a-..,�....,.,..�.., NEW A S A WANT AIT.: The Most Interesting News in The Paper WHEN there is an emergency to meet, when a need of business or the home presents itself, quick, decisive action is demanded. Thera are innumerable occasions when there is t er•tr:r� esired olU;o Jstypersttyve demand to a.'CCotnplisii d it o„ct at once and to do it in the most efficient i9ay with mexiluuM return and minimum expense. The set curing of reliable household servants and help of all kinds. Getting the right kind of capable experienc- ed employes for office, mill, store, shop or factory Selecting high grade representatives to secure add- ed volume of business. The renting or buying s home. Choosing investment chances that are pro. stable and sure. Finding a job that is pleasant, congenial and that holds possibility of advancement and increased return. Restoring lost articles of value, Ask for the Want Ad. Man, "tai'.° oes for "Chil.dr -n Most mothers who buy Hurlbuts once, buy them always -=—but they never need to buy them as often as any other make. This is because Hurlbuts Shoes are BETTER SHOES, and have ex- clusive features not found in other slakes. Compare Hurlbuts With the life of any pair of ordinary shoes you have ever bought—and you will see that Hurlbut Welted 'Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest price.per-day's wear of any shoe Made for dhildren, 1•.'j:j+;s A FULL RANGE OF STYLES AT FRED.G�l�� se�v�niaitw�'maa ie 19.kt e --"SHOE"a THAT, M.AT[SPY" -• prisiessemasserearteriesesseesse