The Clinton New Era, 1921-3-24, Page 5`Ghul•sday, Mauch 214th, 121., ,
The Clutton Now Zra
Like any other part of the
Human body, requires a
stimulant when overtaxed.
Our Stimulant for Weak
Eyes is Glasses. If you need
them call and see us.
. Small charge for glasses.
Examination free.
Jeweler & Optometrist
issuer of Marriage Licenses
phone No.174w; House '174 j
Florida Grape Fruit
Rolled Wheat and Lawson's
Fresh Halibut
Swift's Breakfast Bacon and
Toast and Marmalade
Hot Cross Buns (Bett's),
O'Neil's Best Coffee
W. T. o'NE1 Le
Phone 4S
Wheat $i 70 & $1.30
Oats , 40c to Soc
, Barley 70c
Peas $1,25
30c & 31c.
$40 to $45
$40 to $45
One of the things that ought to
become fixed habits in every house-
hold in Clinton is that of sending
The New Era the news items that
they may know of; tell us of your
news and any neighborhood or other
items that will be of interest to
yourself, your neighbors or your
Every lodge, church body or
social organization should have some
representative who will promptly
and carefully after its news report-
ing. If you think some organization
has better news service than your
own, it Is probably because that or-
ganization looks after such matters
ti$! . kto
Write your Items and send them
In when possible. Or telephone
them to No. 30, but please don't ask
that long lists Of names be taken
over telephone, as it not only re-
quires much time, but is fruitful in
possibilities of error.
Above all, be early. Never watt
till late on Thursday to send an item
that can be sent In days before.
The New Era telephone number Is
30 and at nights 95. Fix them to
your mind.
"Cascarets” if.
or Bilious
sate News of
Mex. McLennan, of this town, was
arrainged before Magistrate Greig Tues-
day charged with violation of section 41
of the O.. T, A. Fleering of the case
lasted five hours; at the end of which
the magistrate reserved judgment for
one week, The cake has aroused con-
siderttble interest •
Mr, Carlin, of flensail, has'pur'ehased
Mrs, T. Corbel's residence on Market
Mr, J. J. Monier, M, P., has returned
fronr Ottawa.
Mrs, E. J. Clark has returned•to her
home in Toronto.
Miss Rae Govenlock of St. Ca.her-
ines, is visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. John Govenlock.
Miss Mary Crosby of the Stratford
Normal school is a visitor at her home
here. •
The funeral of tate late Miss Mary
Mae Livens youngest daughter of Mrs.
H. Livens took place from the family.
residence this afternoon to the Mait-
"landbank cemetery, The service was
conducted by Rev, 'Capt. Edwards as-
sisted by Rev. F. H. Larkin, D. D. Prior
to her illness Miss Livens was a mem-
ber of the staff of Shaws Business Col-
lege in Toronto and was a favorite with
all who knew her. r
• .44-4+144-144•4++444+4+4+,414-1-1+4-H41,4•144+1+1+1,0•444*
Tonight sure! Leta pleasant, harm
lege Casearet work while you sleep and
have your liver fictive, head clean',
stomach sweet and t -.:Is moving
rc;nllar tee -non.• . , .ping or in-
ronveni• , tent boxes.
Chilclr uhartie too,
The snowfall this winter in this loc-
ality has only been 10 inches,
while the record made some 60 years
ago was 10 feet 5 inches.
Ed, Davis has taken a position as
junior in the local branch of 'he Cana-.
Tian Batik of Commence.
Quite a number of houses are chang-
ing hands in town. Mr. Morgan, of
Usborne Township, has purchased the
residence of Mr. Richard Welch, on I
Andrew street. 111r. 'Walter Cunning- l
haat has purchased Mrs. Tay lot's house'
on Gidley street, and Mr. George Cow-
ard, of Usborne Township, has pur-
chased Mr, James Scott's property in
Mr. George Cudntore, who recently
fell and fractured Itis hip, is improv-
ing very slowly. His Son, Wilbur, from
Stettler, Alberta, is visiting hint .
Miss Lila Johns, who has been visit-
ing in Aurora, las returned awl is
now the guest of Mr, and Mrs, W.
Mr. Frank Coates, of Usborne, has
perchased from Mr. 'Charles Upshall
the 5o -acre grass* farm north of Win-
chelsea for $3,300,
Verna, seven-year-old slaughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Sam Beavers, London
road north, died this morning after a
few days' illness from scarlet fever.
Two other chillren of the family are
ill with the malady. This is the first
fatality that has occurred during
this outbreak in the community, all the
rest of the cases progressing favorably:
The death occurred this morning of
Miss Edith Moncur, only daughter of
Mr, and AB's, W. H. Moncur, William
street. The deceased lady had suffer-
ed greatly during a long and painful
illness. She is survived by her parents
and two brothers, William, of Toronto,
and Coleman, of Peterboro. Funeral
arrangements have not yet been made.
ar +.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears /'�si'J weuK/ai
Signature of
Mr, Dick Nixon an old Belgrave boy
but now of Vancouver spent n day with
friends in Belgrave,
Andy Proctor and Harry Wilkinson
left for Saskatchewan on Tuesday.
Pjr, P, W. Scott has been appointed
Returning Officer for North Huron in
the coming Referendum in April.
Mr. McMillan, of Meaford, has a gang
of men stere taking out square timber.
Sorry to report Mrs. Geo. Proctor is
in the hospital under the doctor's care
but hope she will soon be back to her
home again; ,
Mr. Nathaniel Baer, of Colborne town
ship, had an exciting experience for a
short time, on Friday of last week.
Immediately atter he crossed the bridge
between Colborne and Goderich town-
ships, coating towards Holmesville, and
as he was ascending the hill, his horse
fell on the ice and in trying to regain
Rs feet it fell again with half of its
body lying over the bank of the river,
Fortunately for Mr. Baer and the horse
there were some neighbors, Meseta,
Marshall and Johnston and their two
boys, cutting wood ill Sino MacMa111's
bush nearby. With the. all of Mr,
MaeMatli's team the Men managed sec-
cessfully to prevent lejary to the en-
dangered animal, • ..
� rsra�4�
Mr, J. D. Flavelle:—Chh4rman 'of . the
Ontario Board of License Conn
mfasioners, who announces his res-
ignation, effective June est.
Harry Johnson, Josephine street,
was arrested to -day by Chief Allen on
a warrant being sworn out by J, Mc-
Laren, mail carrier, of Victoria street,
charging Johnson with the stealing of
a diamond ring and two bottles of
rye whisky. Mr. and Mrs. McLaren
were away yesterday. Last evening
when they returned to their home they
found the side door had been broken
Rev, Mr, °McLelut, of ligtnondville,
occupied the pulpit of our chores!, tan
Sunday morning,
Mr, Hugh Floss has got his artificial
legs, and is trying theist unci if he uses
as much zeal in trying them as lie
has ii other things he will amort be
able to walk with them[. Tlrouagh all
his sufferings he kept tip it brave
Hugh McGregor lately sold his farm
to Mr. John Taylor, of Grand Bend
has bought the brick cottage of Mr.
Higgins occupied by John Grainger
and gets possession shortly.
Our station was a very busy place on
Saturday,there was three parties'
shipped fat stock to Toronto, Messrs.
George Hill, Wm. Taylor,. and Mr.
Mrs, John Burge is at present` very
111 of neuritis.
Mrs. George Hill has returned from
vielting at the home of Dr. Rodgers,
of Forrest,
John Grainger is moving into Dr.
Rodgers house on the corner.
Mr• Dixon, of Exeter, bas returned
to, our village. ,
Envelopes for the Easter offering have
been distributed amongst the methbers
of the Senior and Junior Auxiliaries of
the W. M. S. Union Church. On ac-
count of the high rate of exchange on
stoney sent to the foreign fields, the
Executive Board of the Prespyterian
Church have found there is a large
open and on making an investigation deficit than they had anticipated. It
found the house had been ransacked has cost from 20 to 70 cents to send
and the ring at once was missed, and; one dollar to the foreign field during
a trunk broken open and the two the last year, although recently the rate
bottles of liquor taken. Before Mayor
II, 13. Elliott, this eveni ng Johnson
pleaded not guilty. The only evidence to be, stet another year. In the mean -
was that of Frank Mooney, who lives i time the Executive Board hesitate to
in a couple of rooms at the !slcLaren 1 undertake anything new such as the
house, and testified •that Johnson was' pension scheme for disabled missionary
there. His worship therefore dismiss- workers or the taking on of new rais-
ed the charge. r'sionaries, even some of our native
Last evening a dance was given in l workers may. have to be dismissed until
the Mills' Memorial hall here by I they see how they will be backed up
Lieut. Bob Moss and officers of the ' by the Society at large. May our Sou
9tll Grey Horse. Fry Foblis' Novelty iety do its part in helping to raise the
Orchestra rendered music during the
evening. The hall was prettitly trim-
med with green streamers and sham -
has dropped almost to par. If this con-
tinues such heavy charges will not have
required amount, If we, including the
hone helpers and members in attend-
ance would follow the suggestion of
rocks. The cavalry lodge was hung the Board "a dollar a member extra
over the orchestra pit, l this Easter" the increase over last year
from this congregation alone would be
over $140.00.
The Great English Preparation.
'Sones and invigorates the whole nervous system. makes new Blood
9DebilityMental and Brain Worry,
n old Veins. Used for Nervous
Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation if
the Heart, Failing Memory. Price$2per box,3-
for $5. Sold by all druggists, or mailed in plain
pkg. on receipt of price. Neu' Pamphlet mailed I
For the second time within a' month
a• degree team from Charity Encamp-
ment, No. 5, of Stratford, visited
Huron Encampment, No. 23, and put
on the second and third degrees in an
excellent manner, The team was ac-
companied by C. P. William Dill, and
included some 15 patriarchs, After
the work had been exemplified to seven
candidates lunch was served and the
remainder of the evening was spent in
speech and song,
The doath occurred Monday night
after a lingering illness of lda White,
wife of J, P. l-Iume, principal of the
Goderich Collegiate institute: The
deceased Was prominent in the wom-
en's organizations of the town and an
active worker in Knox Presbyterian
Church. Besides her husband one
daughter, Esther, and three sons, Don-
ald, James and Alec., survive. The
funeral service was held on Tuesday
night, burial taking place at Burnb-
rae, Northumberland County.
According to rumors here it is pos-
sible that navigation will open on the
lakes sooner than expected. The en-
gineers fitting out the four boats here
have been asked if they could be ready
by April 5, which is regarded by solea
as an order to be ready by that date. In
previous years the insurance did not
start until the 15th, but the absence of
ice •on the lakes may mean that • the
steamboat companies may ',ask for in-
surance as soon as they are ready. The
early opening is presumed to be an ef-
fort to. get what little offering of grain
and freight there is,
Mrs, Wm. Britton and her two young-
est daughters left on Tuesday to cele-
brate her parents golden Wedding An-
niversary. They live in Warwick.
Miss Addle Love, of Seaforth, spetit
from Friday till Monday with her sis-
1 ter, Mrs, Edwin Britton,
; Mrs. Adam Nicholson spent a few
days last week in Goderich.
Mrs. Thos. Polard is visiting her
mother in Clinton for a few days.
The following persons have pur-
1 chased ears recently, Mr. Robert Law-
Half Mr. Robert Clark and Mr, Frank
Mrs, McArthur and baby, of Gcdn4
rich it spending a few days with, her
sister, Mrs, Adaln Nicholson, w•
Mrs, John Knott las been on the
sick list this week.
The Masons had a big meeting in
their new Hall on Tuesday night,
On leaving the store, Mr, and Mrs.
Dan Geddes will move in with R.
The saw mill began operations on
Monday. More Togs are expected to
be brought in.
A party of dancers made merry if The
home of Mr, and Mrs, James McCool
on Friday night. •
On Thursday evening Mr. and, Mrs.
Jos. Vodden very kindly entertained
at their home the Young Ladies' and
Young Men's Sunday School Classes
of the Methodist Church, A very en-
joyable evening was spent,
On Sunday morning the Sunday
Sthool of the Methodist 'Church will
conduct a Special Easter service. An
offering will be taken for the China
Famine Fund. The service hour will
be 10:30.
Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, met
the Temperance Workers, of Hullett
Township on Tuesday and the organ-
ization of the Municipality for the ref-
erendum Campaign was completed with
Wut. Lyon, Chairman; A. Jamieson,
Vice Chairman; J, Fingland, Secretary
Treasurer. A Captain and a Treas-
urer with a Committtee of five were
appointed for each polling division,
The Community Hall Committee met
the Council on Friday and presented
the report of the canvass that had
been carried out with subscriptions
amounting to ovef $1300.00 and siv-
e at
Meve Regularly, or Do They
If the truth were only known it would
be found that half the ills of life aro
caused by constipation, for when the
bowels cease to work properly all the
organs of the body become deranged.
A free motion of the bowels, every day,
should be the rule of everyone who
aspires to perfect health.
Keep [your bowels regular by the use of
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and you will
have no constipation, no bilious or sick
headaches, or any oilier troubles arising
from a wrong action of the liver or bowels,
Mrs. G. Brown, Lewisville N,B.,
writes:—"I have been troubled for
years with constipation, end trying
various so-called remedies, which did me
no good whatever, 1 was persuaded,b, a
friend to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills,
They have done me worlds of good.
They.are indeed a splendid pill. and I
eau heartily recommend theta to all who
suffer from Constipation.
Milburn's Lama -Liver Pills are 25e. a
vial at all dealers, or [hailed direct on
receipt of price by The T, Milburn CDu
Waited, Toronto, Ont, i
▪ PTIIII,444444444.4444444444.4 44?
* tt • * a@ x tP 1$ iF N * *
E •W • 1 FATTY
Who says that without immigration
the pro•;pects of the Canadian Nat.
Tonal Lines are topless, and that
any legislation that would stens the
tide of desirable immigration would
pale up further deficits.
ed a declaration of the 'Committee
guaranteeing to [Hake the total of
$2000.00. The Report was accepted
and in accordance with the Community
Hall act they proceeded to appoint an
official Committee to proceed with
the undertaking, The following Is the
Committee: — Councillors: — Messrs.
Barr and Howson. Members of the
;Community; Rev. J. Abrey, Chairman;
and Messrs. Chas, Watson, -J. D. Car-
ter, Thos. Miller and John Scott,
Tete Committee is already busy arrang-
ing plans,
Inspector J. E. Torn visited S. S, No.
t and to on Tuesday and. Wednesday
of this week.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Gilmour and Gilbert
Bought at the very lowest prices are now coming' into
stock and are being marked very dose for quick turnover,
While prices are considerably lower than they have been,
Many lines of staple goods are ver yscarce and at the present
low prices they are good buying.
Everything in stock has been priced down t othe present
level regardless of profits and many lines priced at a big sacri-
fice to clear.
Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes all at very attractive prices
1'Iumsteel Bros.
Small Profit's Phone 25 More Business
left this week for Moose Jaw, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and Mr.
Goldie Graham attended the funeral of
their aunt, Mrs, Brown, of Blyth last
The annual meeting of the Zurich
Athletic Association was held on Mon-
day evening and the following officers
were elected Honorary Presidents, Wm.
p'F.tien, John Deeper, Oscar Klopp, E.
F, Klopp; President, John Preeter; vice
president, Charles Fritz; manager, W.
Ie. Colles; captain, L. W. lfofftnan; ex-
ecutive committee, T. L. Wurni, P. J.
O'Dwyer, C. A. Hoffman, Wm. Braun,
Zurich will enter a strong team In the
North Wellington Baseball League again
this year.
* a
Mrs, Oliver Wright dropped dead in
a St. Catharines office just after tele-
Nathan Kilpatrick was fatally injured
while falling a tree on a farm in Hunt-
ingdon township.
T. E. Elliott, License Inspector at
Stratford for five years, has been op -
1 pointed a. Provincial Inspector.
( Rundle M. Lewis of the Ontario Ag -
I ricultural College fourth year class,
has been appointed an agricultural Miss-
ionary in the West China University.
ec; a t
f sem;
i eek
liot Crirss guns
4_4'44.: •�•,; � —
.�,•+.,: _ _ _ 4444. .._'�«;.:.�
We also have a full
assortment of Ice Cream.
Bricks and Neilson's
'e..t�i.:'�'�'�'ie' ,w<'�N�.^"t;-r-+•••s•..+me 4-444 ,;nx,7.{r"n„iri'Z:Yd".z:a:�341tr�•'t 5's..:'?�
A. E. BETTS, Pro
cafe`,:':t..5tORIZis.`1lt'r^.:..wrF v' :` ."Mtk'a'" :