HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-3-24, Page 2• ?AGE TWO The Clinton Neu) Era t t+ .tl b. �1 . F(I�.SASS I A We Will Ran Two Specials This week 100 lbs. Chocolates regular 60c a Ib. for 49c r. Oranges regular 50c a doz. Special 38c doz. Meet your Friends at our Ice Cream. Parlor We handle `Neilson' the Cream that satis- fies. Take a ErickHome Peter H Bartliff's Old Stand PHONE 1 r� Home Rule for Ireland Jurisdiction of Proposed Parliaments—Special Clause With Regard to Freemasons—British Parliament Supreme. Ireland is to have two parliaments and a council. The north and south are each to 'rave their own government. 10ut Ireland will continue to elect mem- bers, though in reduced number, to the Commons of the QInited Kingdom, and its pariiametns will, to a certain extent, 'be subsidiary to the British parliament, The latter body retains the right to Tess acts which infringe upon the juris- diction of the Irish houses. In that fut- ure, event, any trick legislation upon the same subject "shall be read subject to the act of the parliament of the United Kingdom, and so far it is repugnant to shat act, shall be void." And when the parliaments of north and south are con- stituted they will have'no power to re- peal or alter any act which the British ' ;parliament may thereafter pass with re- gard to matters otherwise conning with- in Irish jurisdiction. There are, in additition, certain sub - Teets excluded expressly from the pow- ers of the two Irish parliaments. They sannot confer titles of honor or deal witfr coinage, treason or naturalization. do ma•ftere of Inmperial concern, they will not be allowed to interfere. Ex= ternal trade and commerce,/will be out of their control. The smoking of war ,err peace, the conduct of foreign relat- Ilons, the establishment of military or naval forces—these also will be beyond their jurisdiction, Wider Powers For Union Government if, however the two parliaments agree upon one parliament for the whole of Ireland, it will have wider powers than the separate governments. It will be given charge of the supreme courts of, Southern and Northern Ire- land. Also, the joint exchequer board is then to take into consideration the trtinsfer to the united parliament of the power'to impose customs and excise, and will report thereon to the British and Irish parliaments. In the meantime, certain other sub- jects are temporarily reserved to United Kingdom control; among therm, the postal service , postoffice and trustee savings bank, designs for stamps, the registration of deeds and the public re- cord office of Ireland, These, how- ever, can be transferred to the Council of Ireland on request of the two par- liaments. Land purchase is also reserv- ed to the British government, imperial credit being necessary for its comple- tion. • • s,! Outside of these limitations, the powers of the Irish parliaments will be very broad. They may respectively make laws for the peace, order and good government of the north and south. They !make new laws or alter existing laws with regard to agriculture, friendly societies, trade unities, child lobar, eounty courts and Magistrates, criminal law, death duties, education, r fa. titles,. health insurance, 1tosUikals, housing, reform:401ies, landlord and tenant, rate of interest, liquor control, urines and minerals, motor licensing, old age ,pensions, piers and harbors, prisons, .public health, public works, regulation of trades, unemploynteht boards—these are only a few of the items. in Canada, some of the ttrattet's would be within federal and some with- in provincial jurisditeion, Special Law as to Freennaaons ,A peculiar feature of the new Govern - ;pent of Ireland Actis the provision as to.Freemasons, The law says; "Itdis hereby declared that existing enactments relative to unlawful aalhs or unlawful assemblies le Ireland do not apply to the meetings or proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland, or of any lodge or society recognizedby that, Grand Lodge. "Neither parliament shall have power to abrogate or affect prejudicially any privilege or exemption of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Ireland, or any lodge or society recognized by that Grand Lodge, which Is enjoyed either by law or custom at the thee of the Passing of this act." ,.The casual reader may conclude that there are on the whole quite a number of matters with which the parliaments of Ireland. will not be allowed to deal• It is lo be borne in mind, however, that the country is not being given inde- pendence or even being made a separate dominion, "The supreme authority of the parliament of the United Kingdom shall remain unaffected and undiminish- ed over all persons, matters and things in Ireland and every„part thereof.” Children Cry FOR c LETCHE'R'S ta'A S T C) R t A 1t a, * HURON COUNTY NEWS IN BRIEF '" Seaforth:—A meeting was held in the 0, W, Y. A. klub rooms on Mon- day ,evening for the organization of a football club for the conning sea- son. It was decided to enter an '-intermediate team in the W, F. A., to play under the same name as the old Seafoth iIurons. Both Tucker - smith and Constance. are expected to enter teams, which will mean that the games for these three in this group will be played at the recre- ation grounds, Seaforth, Wingham:—Prompt action a..J splendid work of the Wingham Fire Department saved the Lloyd Sash and Door factory from becoming a total loss on Monday morning. The night man had just left the factory and Mr. Wm. Reid had just arrived 'and gone down into the engine room to see how the fire was and when 0 gh uts that melt rn your mouth die EASIFIR,S! way What is the secret? Well, the cook and the recipe both count, but the big factor is really the frying fat you use. You see, EASIrIRST will stand a high temperature—you can make it too de- grees hotter than lard and zoo degrees hotter than, butter before it smokes or burns. This means that when the doughnut is dropped into the hot ASIVIRST a protecting crust is in- stantly formed around it —no grease soaks in to make the doughnut heavy or soggy, A DOUGHNUT RECIPE that means Snocast 1 heaping teaspoonful r,ASIPIRSr 1 cuwhite sugar, teaspoonful salt, 1 cup sweet milk. 3 level teaspoons baking powder teaspoon nutmeg. 3 cups flour. Mix sugar and EASEFIRST to- gether. Add well beaten eggs, Milk and nutmeg. Sift flour, baking powder and salt twice. Mix with above iugredieuts. Roll out, cut with doughnut cutter and fry in hot EASIFIi2S1`. The Ii,ASITIRST that's left over may be used again without carry- ing any flavors. • Be stare you get EASIFIRSI1—your dealer will supply yot1. in cartons and tins. Costs less and goes fartherthan butter or lard. GUNNS LIMITED West Toronto Write to -day for Gunns Booklet of Proved Recipes Thursday, March 24th. 1921, he returned 'a ooupie of lninutes afterwards the place 'was in a blaze, and he gave the alarm. It is esti- mated that over 52,00'0 damages was done by fire and water. slay Ttownsllip—Mr. Webster Tur- ner of the Parr Line, last ttwee val- uable cattle 00 Monday and three more. Tuesday, Mt. Telmer noticed that the cattle were sick' on Sunday and did what he coil' for them. A Veterinary was called in to examine the cattle to find out the cause of theirdeath but up to the present the trouble has not beeir found. 'It is thought that the death of the eat - tie may have been ctmse4 from ,pais. ening, Hensall—;Mr. Peter Case' who has been farming for many years on his farm on the London Road, South of Hensel', recently' sold Inls farm to Mr Peter Moir Who lakes possession immediately. Mr. Case was a good farmer,. and took pride in. keeping his fain neat and Iris fluids well cul- tivated and as a result his farm is cowsideeed among the best and has brought over $100 an acre. Mr. Case intends bo fakea trip West this sum - nide. Exeter: --The Council was 'present., ed with a cheque from the Hydro - Electric Department for the sum of seven hundred and sixty-nine dollars and eleven cents ($7694t,) being the rebate due the village from the street lighting system for 1919. Stephen Township:—Murray, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, of Stephen, met with an un- fortunate accident last Friday. He was playing with the clog when the animal attacked him in the face, tearing it quite badly, necessitating several stitches to close the wounds. Usborne Township:-nlr, Frank Coates, of Usborne has purchased from Air. Charles Upshall the fifty acre grass farm north of Winchelsea, paying therefor '10,300. Exeter:—Tl.: Advocate wishes to state that in Exeter we have one who has been a Mason for 62 years, and is in his Bath year. We refer to Mr. Michael Eacrett. who was made ;a Mas- on in 1959, at Wytheville, Virginia, United States. He affiliated with Leb- anon . Forest Lodge, Exeter, !March both, 1861, and in 1865 he was Wor- shipful Master of the Lodge. From that time to the present he has been very active in Masonic work and what is most remarkable is that although fotally blind for thirteen years he is able to give all the work of all three degress, as well as the whole of the Installation ceremony work perfect. The latter ceremony he learned from dictation four years ago and retains it perfectly. Fle "posts" practically all the candidates of this lodge. Mr. Eacrett in all these years has seldom missed a meeting, and in the old days used to walk to Stratford to get work, some thirty miles, Blyth:—A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday evening last, at King Street, Toronto Methodist Church, when Annie May Willows, a former resident of Blyth, became the bride of Mr. Wesley Moore, of Teratto. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. W. E. Wilson. Zurich: -*-The Hydro Commission � rebated $371.47 back to Zurich on the street lighting. Zurich:—The sad news was receiv- ed last Friday of the death- of Mrs. W. E. Pilcher,' (nee Emelia Hess), daughter of the late F. Hess, Sr, She died in a hospital In Detroit, where she underwent a serious operation a few days before her death, Wroxeter.—One day last week the back of the fireplace of the steam boiler at the woollen gave way. It was soon repaired and the mill is again runn- ing nicely. Howlett Twp:—Mr. Fred Taylor has sold his farm on the 9th con, to Nor- man Wade, the price was 55,500, East Wawanosh.—Mr, Robt Mow- bray has sold his farm on the 12th con- cession of East Wawanosh to Mr, Will- iam Arbuckle, jr., of the sante line. We understand Mr. Mowbray has purchased the chopping mill at Whitechurch, Goderich.—Announcement has been received of the marriage of Miss Sophia Strachan, a former Godesich girl, dau'gh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Sura char, to Mr, Melvin J. Dundas, the ceres mony having taken place on Saturday March 12th, at St. Stephen's church. yiWinnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Dundas will re - ride at London, Ont. Walton:—Tile Horticultural Society has 146 members for 1921, Ethel:—Owing to Miss Patterson leaving Ethel school and 110 successor being at hand, Township Clerk A. H. Macdonald buckled' into the job last Monday morning'. He was a former suc- cessful teacher stole when there was an attendance 4 or 5 times what it is now, Brtisaeis:—A bronze tablet will be placed in Melville church to commemor- ate the soldier boys from the congrega- tion who give up their lives for the pire's cause and world Freedom, Morscrieff:—Curtis Ratltwell, former- ly of this place, has added a bakery to Ills grocery rt ;.tratlrroy and is doing a good business, Grey 1l'ownehip —5 of the iron brid- ges+iu the Township wiil be painted this year, Col. :11•w"" ^^' . ' lteritd and pay for v' I3rricr, .angirttp of RUPTURE , EXPERT • HERE SEELEY FAMOUS IN THIS SPECIALTY .VALLSD'TO STM t1Itu*Ip,,.•• F. 1•i, Seeley, of Chicago and Phila- delphia, the noted truss expert, will personally be at the Windsor hotel and will remain - in Strattard this Monday, only Margst2Sth, Mr. Seeley saysi. "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, but contracts the opening in to days on the average case. Being a vast ad- vancement d-va cement over all former methods— exemplifying instantaneous effects im- mediately appreciable and withstanding airy straw or poeition. This instru- ment received the only award in Eng - lane and' in Spain producing results• without surgery, injections, medical treatment or prescriptions. Mr. S9eley rias docunreats from the United States Governments, Washington D. C., for inspection. All charity cases without charge, or if any interested call, he will be glad to show same without charge or fit them if desired. Business demands prevent stopping at any other place in. this section, P. S.—Every statement in this notice has been verified before .the Federal and State Courts,—F. H. Seeley. Home Office, f 17 Nortii Dearborn St., Chicago, War. and kfrs. Hoist, of Atwood formmer- ly. of Brussels, Met with a very painful accident a few weeks ago, when on the balcony of her home le Toronto, and leaning over it lost her balance and fall- ing to the ground, a distance of about 15 feet. The 'unfortunate fads was taken to the hospital',. where it was found that her arm was broken in 3 places, many bruises and badly shaken uk>, Goderich:-The 33rd Regimental Band is again without a leader, Band- master A. T. Hintz having returned to Kitchener. He was making good pro- gress with the band and the boys liked hila. Dungannon:—A painful accident happened to Bert. Treleaven's youngest child. 1t seems it got it; finger in the d', -or near the hinge, and :he door going shut, almost cut one finger off. Dr. Case was called to reduce. the fracture. 1, MINISTER TO GG TO JAIL ERE PAYING TAX Lt.Col. Rev. John F'i'ingle Refuses to Pay Taxes to Cupport Separ- ate School.—Holds it Illegal. Sydney, N.' S, March a 8.—Malcolm Mackay, collector of taxes was last night instructed by the City Council to pro- ceed forthwith against any persons who may refuse to pay their taxes owing THE REV. JOHN PRINGLE. to the portion of the civic funds set aside for the support of the separate schools being illegally appropriated. In response to a reqdest for advice, 'City Solicitor Findlay Macdonald, K. C. has advised the city that such appropriat- ions are legal and the council declared that it will fight such cases through the highest courts, The resolution is aimed. particularly at Lieut -Col„ the Rev. John Pringle, famous as the missionary of the Yukon, who recently notified the epee- citthat he would go to jail before he Would pay another cent of taxes• to the kidneys Troubled Her. BACK ACHE SO BAD , COULD NOT SLEEP. i The epidemic of "Flu" has a great deal to be responsible for. In nearly every ease it has left soma bad after effects, and in a great many cases it rs the,. kidneys that have suffered. When the kidneys have been left in a weakened state, .very often some serious kidney trouble will follow if not attended to. Doen's Kidney Pills will prove to be just the remedy you require to strength- on them. Mies Itlarcnoe Tnrnshaw, Apsley, Ont., writes)—"Last winter, after I hurl the "Pin" I was troubled with my kidneys. My back nailed so I could not sleep and my ankles were so swelled I could not w,tlk, A neighbor told menbout Dotutn'ti Iiirlimy Pills. I got two bosses, rand before I ]tad the first one taken 1 felt a change, I eannot recommend your medicine enough," De sore and get Donn's Ititl.ney ]tills when yen ask for thcnn, All oblong gray ',"s:; n maple Ica( the trade mark; price Mc, a boat at all dealetrs, or mailed direct or( receipt of prier l,sy The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oftt support of schools wisiell Jte believed to be illegal under tJte laws df the province Col, Pringle Is at present in New ling.. land on a vacation and an effort will be made by friends to adjust matters be- foie his return, HON F. B. CARVELL K. C.— Chairman of the Canadian Board of Halfway Comniisston'ers asserted that the Mc- Adoo award to railwaymen was one of the most iniquitous pieces of legisi ation ever foisted on the United Stat- es and that the- ills Canadian Hall- ways are suffering are due to it. 4P• r GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. Cecil Connell!, son of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Connell, went West in the sante company with Gladstone Grigg. kir, Fred Middleton went West to look after his property out there, Mr. Wm, J. Finlay and sons have bought the Wnt. Pickard farm near Holmesville on the Cut line, Mr. Mowat McDougal, of the Stir con Inas sold his two farms, lots 39 and 40; 39 to Mr. Ben, Pearson and 40 to Mr. Peter Young, We have not heard what Mr. McDougall, is going to do yet. Mrs. G. O. Sturdy of Goderich Town ship, has returned from a visit of severa' months to her daughter, Mrs, Laing, in Sac City, 'Iowa. A sad discovery awaited Mr. J. Reid Torrance, Sth con„ on his return home on Monday after being in town, when he found his wife had died during his absence. She had not been iii and hail been doing her housework as usual. She had an electric washer and had been doing the washing. Her death was evidently due to heart failure. There are no children but she is survived by six brothers and three sisters, David A. Lindsay, of the Bayfield Line; William, of Leduc, Alta; Fred of Blue Mines, Alta; Walter of California; Ben, of Gude- rich township; George, Hespler; Miss Sophia at home; Mrs. Andrew Stirling, dolierich township and Miss May, of Peterboro. Her mother, who was a dab ghter of the late Mr. William Walters, of Goderich, also survives. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to Maitland cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. A. McFarlane, of 'Bayfield and the pallbearers were Messrs Ben., Bert and George Lindsay and John Torrance. Miss Waiters of London; Miss 'May Lindsay, Peterboro and Geo. Lindsay, of Hespeler were present for the funeral, The sympathy of many friends is with the sorrowing ones in their sudden bereavement, e ,t * d t ,t: :k * N, 8: :: w :a Local News :k * :l: '5 :g * 9: 5' :P * Oke—Hicks Wedding , A quiet marriage took place in Clin- ton on Friday, March 1 tth, when Mr. Robert Jas. Oke, of town, son of Mrs. John Oke, Park Street, took a life par- tner in the person of Miss Regina Hicks, daughter of tate late William Hicks, of Goderich Township The ceremony Was performed at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. Guy Hicks, of Clin- ton, at 5 o'clock p. m, by Rev. S. E. McKegney, Anglican rector at 'Clinton, The bride was given away by her bro- ther. Mr, and Mrs. Oke returned to Goderich the same evening, and are liv- ing on Park Street, Wise—Holland Wedding A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Hoil- and at high moon Wednesday, when their daughter, Florence was united in marriage to Herbert LeReau Wise, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. 1.1, Wise, of Goderich Township, The bride who was given away by her father, Was mar- ried in her travelling sult of navy blue serge; with hat to match. The bridal couple who were unattended, took their places before a bank of palms and ferns, while the wedding march was played by Miss Edna Wise, sister of the groom. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, DI N, McCanius. After the newly wedded pair had receiyed the congratulations of diose present all re- paired to the dining room, where the wedding breakfast was served, The col- or scheme in the dining room was pink and white. The bride and groom were the recipients of many iieautiful and useful gifts, including several cheques, The .gr'oom's ,gift to his bride was a handsome gold necklace, Mr, and Mrs, Wise left on the afternoon train for a hoti,eynioon trip to Toronto, 'Hamilton ,and London, On their return they will take up ,housekeeping on the grootn's farm west of Clinton, On the Holmeeviilo Grade A G, '1", R. relght train spent at whole Saturday on half-day . S t a a u y 1st trying to make the grade immediately behind Mr: Joint Pond's farm: The eitglne had to back the train of cars,. about eighty ii• w...:, ✓ bee ,into Clinton to emaiee,-04v'.1t31' tine 2,2.0 frons Gt5a4rivi, Tice. freight shade another attempt to. climb' the grade about 4 p, neand:succeededabout 6;30' P. m. Revising Officers The municipalities of Goderich, CJin•. ton, Seaforth, Wingham and Exeter are Vie urban municipalities in the County of Hwron, as designated for tate purposes of the coming Referen- dum, and in these places revision of tate voters' lists will take place.All other' municipalities are glassed as rural and in such a person not on the voters' list but entitled to vote on the Referendum has to take an oath on polling day, be- ing accompanied and vouched for by a voter at the polling booth, The Revising officers in the urban municipalities are as follows:Goderch, James Yates; Clinton:—Lt, Col, H. T. Rance; Sea - forth; John C. Greig, Wingham, Jame G. Stewart; Exeter,—Richard N, Creecifi FOR SALE 2 Hen Houses, a bargain for ?Alicia sale. H. A, HOVEY, Clinton MUSKRAT SKINS WANTED Will Pay 51„50 each for goodskins,; Damaged Skins at value. • H. A. HOVEY, Clinton Puncture Proof Inner Tubes 1 -lave your car fitted with tine Arees Cushion 'rubes. No punctures, no blow. outs. All sizes of tubes kept in stock. W. L. Peffars, Corner Albert and Prin- cess Street Clinton„ FOR SALE 3 ;,.:res of land on the London Road anile south of Clinton, known as the Swinbank place. Brick house, kitchen, woodshed, hen house driving shed, barn and stable. Large orchard. Apniy to J. B. REYNOLDS, Manager of House of Refuge, or to Inspector J. Torr:-tce, • Clinton, FOR SALE On Lot 22, Concession 3, East Wawanosh, sunk unlimited supply of cedar posts and anchor posts; also large frame house and small barn. Ap- ply to MRS. D. PATTERSON, Auburn or to T. R. PATTERSON, Goderic — h SPRING FESTIVAL A Spring Festival and Masquerade under the auspices of the Garden Class, of Willis Church will be held. in the School room, friday, April 1st,. at 8 o'clock. ADMISSION-25cents. Proceeds to go to the Mission Band.. Everybody Welcome, FOR SALE A 'Cottage on tturon . Street.ln fairly good condition inside; 7 rooms; Town Water; Nearly an Acre of Land. Apply to Miss E. WHITELY or W. BRYDONE Clintons For Sale - Two size roomed houses on Freder ick St. near the new Flax Mill, will be sold very cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale, FARM FOR SALE One Hundred Acres, Lot 19, Con- cession 5, Township of Huliett, 3 miles from Town of Clinton; 95 acres of Cleared Land, Remainder in H;frd Wood Bush, On the farm is a seven -roosted Frame Hoalso House, a•seed god r g s barn on Stone Foundation and 2 Good Wells, This Farm is in excellent shape for cultivation as it has been pastured for Several Years, For Further Particulars Apply to 1 JAMES E. REYNOLDS Seaforth, Ontario. TO RENT Suite of two rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, or dressmaking,. Use of Bathroom and aill city con- veniences, Also single rooms, with or without Board. Radiator in every roan. APPLY to MRS. DOWNS Opposite Ontario Street Church FARM FOR SALE 100 Acres, Lot 16, Concession 2, Hullett, 10 acres of hardwood bush; 50 Acres almost new land, balance has been grazed and top,'.dressed for 20 years, All Good Land, Welt Drained, Perfectly Clean. livery furrow arable, it first class state for cultivation, within half a mile of the macadamized roads, 3 miles from town, 800 rods of extra good fencing; 13arn 43x74, with steel roof and a steel siding, also rodded, Stable rooin for 40 head of stock, Cement Floors and Waterworks; Up -to -Date for conveniences, First Class Garage and a Buggy House. Gond Water and a good France House with up-to-date conven lances, Por Panther particulars Apply to CHARLES PEACOCK R. IL No, 4, Clinton Or Apply on Promises