HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-3-24, Page 1Ostablish.et1. 1865, Vol.'55, 1\10.39
• 41N•TI N, ON'YrAR10, THURSDAY MARCH, 244, 1961,
W. Kerr ,Sc Son, Editoc8 and publishers,.
A RHYME IN SEASON t ..0L.5.4-7;
When days are' chill and cold of Woe
And all looks blue and full Winds blow,
What clears the chest with a healthful glow,
Wampoles Cold Liver Extract '
When growing boys and girls look pale
' Wlat lest can make them strong and hale
The Remedy Never Known to fail
Wampoles Cod Liver Extract.
.CQ LMEs Pkim. B.
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 130 Branches
The cost of living is falling, also the price of food
stuff. This necessitates increased production.
Produce more and deposit your surplus in The
Molsons Bank where it will be ready for any
call and yet be earning interest.
H. R. Sharp, Mgr,, Clinton ranch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
If kept in your home, fire or thieves
may rob you of them.
Our Managers will be pleased to tell
you about the protection afforded by
1 CCanadians Who Have
' Made Good in The...
Old Country
"That man is one of the ablest, as
he certainly is the soundest, in the
j•louse of, Commons , He is a survival
of the old Tory gentleman of a past de-
cade, eloquent, courteous, and honest as
the day.:. If there' were only a few more
like hint the !louse would have a better
reputation to -day,"
The speaker was one of the most
advanced radicals of the day, a "Wee
Free" to his backbone, and the surpris-
ing object of leis admiration none other
than the bitterest of political opponents,
Andrew Sonar Law, official leader of
the unionist pntty:
The remark is typical of public
opinion in Britain to -day, Boner Law
is something more than a mere poli-
tician, he has developesd into one of the
rare beings, a national character, "Good
old Bonar, says the Iran in the street
as he rubs shoulders with a tall, distin- ill -health, was announced in that
Chamber Friday by Premier Lloyd
George. Born in New Bruswick
and educated id Canada and in Gins -
TS THE s..s®ale®���®�..; A BIG NIGHT
URcll�s, •
Ontario Street Church
The Epworth League will put on a
Mock Parliament on Monday evenifig..
Mr, Ernest Liversnore Is to be the Pre: -
inter and Nellis Anderson, Leader of the
Opposition white Mayor Mc Murray is
the Speaker of the House,
Willis Church
Next Sunday there will bl�' special Eas-
and, evening,
h the morning the Pastor will con-
tinue his services in the Great Doctrines
the Stibject being "The Resurrection"
In tire'Evening his subject will be:—
"From the Garden to the Throne". This
will be illustrated by a set of splendid
ftdliel lantern pictures. Resides the music by
. ,the choir Miss Mary McMurchle will
Andrew Bonar Law, Whose retirement sing the contralto solo:—"He Was Des -
from the British Cabinet and from pised" from "The Messiah" by Handel,
the leadership of the Government in St. Paul's Church'
Easter Day Order of Services.
8.30 a. nt, Holy 'Conimunin.
11 a. in. Morning Prayer,
Organ Prat' ude;—Handel
Processinal Hymn; 171
Full Choral Communin B, Agutter
Hymn; -1 58
Offertory Anthem;-- "Why Seek
Tha Living,"
Hymn ;-162
Glo'ria in Excelsis B, Agutter
ence in Paris in 1919. • Recessional Hymn163
F Evening Prayer .7, p.m.
Organ Prelude Lemare
OO 0 0 0 0 0 0 f5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Processional Hymn; -168
O OVER Kf TEACUPS O PropeChants Psalms : -113 and 1
O ��° 4y Chants r 17=1 and 85
Magnifica! in F. —Bu nnett
Nunc Dimities in 1', Bunnet
Hymn 166
Hymn 170
Offertory Anthem ;—"0 Death Where
lis Thy Sting."
Vesper Hymn "Father of Thy Holy
Recess Hymn 7.59 •
Organ Prelude Handel.
Easter Sunday Services For Wesley
Organ Prelude
Anthem; "Ball the
Scripture Lesson
the House of Commons, because of
guished-looking individual with the
kindly -eyes and the inevitable
shiny "topper" walking down to the
sten Sunday
e onE
will want to appear 7 No
Man pp
and dingy clothes he has worn through the Winter.
Don't Do It. The time is ripe to buy. In one of this
season's Newest Models of a Suit or Raincoat a Man will be
proud of his appearance.
Suits $15.00 to $50.00
Raincoats $7.50 to $30.00
Handsome Outfitting for Boy's of All Ages. Don't
overlook the Boy's Easter Outfit!
House of Commons—Bonar Law is saw High School, be was first elect-
s true democrat and prefers the use ed to the British Parliament in 1900.
of his feet top automobile. As a
From December, 1916, to Decem-
consistuent rd; larked at . his last her, 1918, he was Chan9ellor of the
election: t°E ain't a liberal nor a Exchequer, and was ane of the Brit -
tory, just a jolly good fellow." ish delegates to the Peace C..,nfer-
This very spirit it is that has so
endeared ditn to the hearts of the
people over here, this and the ro-
nmatie story which surrounds the
success of the penniless New Bruns-
wick lad who "set the Thames on
fire" with leis first political speech. 0
It is certain that hi this -unique 0000000000000021
records ,can be discovered the1 Mrs.! W. R. Counter and Master Nor-
springhead of the mazing Canadian than are visiting n Brantford.
invasion of British public life dur-
ing the past decade. 'The stories I Miss Monaghan of the C. C. I. staff
now finding their way across the is holidaying at her house in Kingston.
Atlantic beyond a doubt first fired
the unconscious ambitions of the
young Hamar Greenwood, then a
clerk in the Ontario • Agricultural
department, to similar feats, while
Max Aitken, fresh from his financial
triumphs in Montreal, was not stow
Ili follow suit, and Gilbert Parker
meanwhie was earning golden lau-
rels in London literary circles..
War A Triumph
The war was a triumph for 'Can- three weeks left for Toronto Monday
ada in England. home, while last where she will meet with her hus
across the narrow ch-'
annel her sol- band on their way home.
niers were claiming'greyimmortal tri- We are sorry to hear that Ex -Maya'
fielin the charnelhouseFlaer battle- J B Hoover, now of Guelph, Is not tin
fields, in a of the the best of health. His many friends in
wick' sons s, two but New Bruns- Clinton hope that the Spring weather
wick's sons silently surely were
marshalling their forces fttr an en- may restore hint to good health again.
Mrs. Brunsdon and children, of Blyth
were visitors with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, .W. L. Mair, Rattenbury st.
Mrs. J. K Wise and daughter Miss
Viola Wise spent Saturday in Stratford.
The friends of Mrs. Geo. Roberton
are glad to hear she is able to be up
after her illness with ]agrippe.
Mrs. A. M. Chalmers of Regina Sask.
who has been visiting with ber parents
Mr. and Mrs, J. 13, Lindsay for the past
iII gelement that will acclaim the greatest Mrs. Barry ,Twitchell and little d.iug-
RR i of the war, ' l• -. titer, of Windsor, are visiting at the
Coalition Reconistructi°n lwntel of her sister, Mrs, Murray Mc -
It was some time in the 1911 01 Ewan.
j 1916 that Lord Beaverbrook then Mr. E, Walton was in Stratford on
1 Sir Max Aitken, was commissioned Friday last attending an Insurance
1 by Lloyd George to undertake the
Mrs. McGiincliey and Miss Luella are
visiting relatives in Detroit, , ...,..,
Our Hats and Haberdashery Departments are also in the
bloom o£ Easter freshness.
New, Correct and Exclusive styles in Toggery at evey turn
The Morrish Clothing (
it Sgiia,er; Deal `tor EverygiUslir
Try The New Era
for Job Work in
reconstruction of the Coalition—
surely the most difficult task ever
undertaken by diplomat or politician, Mr, „Pat" Murphy, of Goderich, was
The situation was tense, Asquith, calling on friends in town on Saturday.
that greatest of peace -time parlia- „pat„ is now carrying drafts at lite
nentarians, could only meet the Bank of Montreal in the County town.
insistent problems of war with an
indecision and • blind optimism
which treatened every hour to
precipitate , the Empire in disaster.
A nasty undercurrent was abroad
of treachery in higher places. The.
fighting forces, lacking in shells
'and suitable ammunition, were fast
losing morale, . Immediate action
was imperative; a miracle was nece-
, ssary. Public opinion was fully ailve
to the nature of that niiracle,but its ac-
complishment baffled imagination. That
is until Max Aitken appeared on the
scene, and then in a very short time,
Mr, Asquith resigend with the best
t , grace that he could 'muster.
Only time will reveal the true
inner history of those dramatic days,
Side -Stepped For Lloyd George
But Canada's triumph was not
Yet at an end. The following day
King George summoned Bonar Law
to the Palace to offer him the pre-
miership. ,It was a test of charact-
er which only tine strongest could
a 3 survive; On the one hand, was ant-
bition relcifticssty urging the ac
ceptance of that unique honor
without precedent offered to a Do -
S mionion statesman; on the other be-
lief chided conscience that ire was
not: the best man for tine -job. The
Canadian spirit wqn through, Even
before he set aitt for the Palace on
that historic. December morning it
was an open secret that he would re-
fuse. For once rumor proved correct,
and Lloyd. George was appointed in his
Hamar Greenwood
While all this wars taking , place
yet another Canadian. ' was gradually
but surety fighting his way to the
front in public life, For over eight
years 'before the war Hamar Green-
*ood"had served the - liberal party
loyally aid well as .senior member
(Continued oa. Page 3)
Mr. G. M. Elliott, 'County Agent for
Children's Aid Society was in town on
License. Inspector Pellow was in town
on Saturday.
Miss Eleanor McTaggart who is at-
tending College in Toronto is home for
Eastertide. .
Mr. Malcolm McTaggart, who Is at-
tending college at St. Catharines is here
for the Easter Vacation.
Glorious Moro"
Eleven Jewels Presented to Meng.
hers—Qoderirh . Degree Team
Excellent Work.
ter sermons and music otli morning
"There is No Death" by Geoffroy Oliara
(Mrs, E. Shephard)
Organ Prelude
Anthem "Christ
sound Turner.
Scripture Lesson
Offering •
Quarbette:—"Jesus Lives" : Sung by
Mr. J. Doherty; Cliff. Lobb and
Clifford Andrews and Bert Potter.
Solo:—"Hosanna" by Julis Grapier,
Sung by Mrs. Ed. Shephard.
Miss Baxter, of Mitchell, is•assisting
witlf'•Mis"s F. M. Cameron, Milliner.
Mr. J, L, Kerr attended the Annual
meeting of the North Wellington, Huron
and Bruce BaseBall meeting at Palmer-
ston 011 Friday,
Mr, Frank McCaughey returned from
London last Thursday and is going to
assist his brother-in-law, Mr, J. 13..Rey-
nolds on the Emit this summer. Frank
will add strength to the baseball team.
Mr. Dave Cantelon, of Hensen, was
lo town on Tuesday,
Judge Dickson, of Goderich, was In
town on 'fitesday.
Mr. Blatchford, of London, was' in
town this week.
Mr, Jacob Taylor, of Toronto, is at-
tending to his business duties this week.
Rev. 3, E. Ford,.of Goderich was call-
ing on old friends in tom on Tuesday,
Miss McDougall; of the C, C. I. staff
is holidaying at her home.fti Cannington
Miss Edwards and niece are spending
•F.lster at their florae in Ganaoque.
Miss lieinikay or the C .0. 1 staff is
spending the Easier holidays at tree -
, ....
Tuesday evening was a big night for
Clinton'.Oddfellows and a large number
of members were present to witness the
interesting work presented during the
The degree team of Huron Lodge No.
62, Goderich was present and exempli-
fied the first degree, which was' well
presented and drew forth much praise
from the other members.
Andther interesting item was the
presentation of 11 jewels to members
who have passed the 25 year mark.
Bro. 1i. B. Chant took charge of this
event and the Jewels were presented to
J. 1, Kerr, Clinton, who joined Nov.
27th, 1894.
J, W. Moore, Goderich, who joined
January 15111, 1895.
F. B. Hall, Constance who joined Jan-
uary 15th, 1895.
Daniel Prior, • Clinton, who joined
iu Lucan in 1872 .and Clinton
Lodge in 1895.
John Wiseman, Clinton, who joined
April 2nd 1895.
Dr. Thompson who joined at Granton
in 1891,
Dr. Evans who joined at Tiverton.
Jewels will be sent to W. E. Rands
now of Vankleek Hill who joinedClinton
Lodge, April tad, 1895 and to W, G.
Potts at Niagara Falls who joined Feb-
ruary 10th, 1880. Bro. Potts had pro-
mised to be present, but was unable to
get Here.
When Bro, W. 'r. O'Neil returns
from his pleasure trip in Florida he will
get his jewel, as he joined April 24111,
The officers wilh also visit John Hal-
stead, of town, who owing to ill -health
is not able to be out. He has been a
member since May 15th, 1583.
A lunch was served • at the close of
the meeting. Visitors were present
from Hensel( and Brucefield.
Items of Interest, Picked 'Up.Heog.
and There About the Town.
Train Over An Hour Late
The L. 13. & 13, train on Alatubig
'evening was over an hour late,
Easter Hoaiday4
Schools close Thursday of thin walk
'for the Baster vacatign, which w311
ttnue up till Monday, April 4th ,
Give Us the News
Supply The New Era with the u•atsrecw
of your visitors. Suck items are al•wa, sa
welcome both to Editor and readers,
WindHelped Some
The wind on Saturday night 'blend
down part of the old rink Mild nmac>
being wrecked and 'gave the build'ixag as
great shaking up,
Week'y Press to Go to Vancouver
Canadian Weekly Newspapers. As-
sociation, will hold their annual Co iirmta-
tion ou June 9th and 10th at Hotel Tiro-
couver, Vancouver, B. C.
Mrs. Wm. Hartry Deceased
The people of this locality were slag.
surprised to learn of the sudden deceixse:
of Mrs. Wnt, Hartry, Seaforth, an Toes
day night. She had not been very rrcg,-
ged for some time but was able fa fro: ..
Asbestos. was mined in Canada in 15
78. The owner of the deposit has con-
• siderable difficulty in disposing of the
5o tons which represented the first seas
s output.
In 1919 the production of aebeatos in
Canada amounted to 135,199 tons, hav•
tit's a value of 510,658,946.
The first Canadian bank note was is
sued by the Canada Bank in 179:. it
was for "5 chilings," a corruption of
the word shilling. Bank note engravings
was first done in Canada in 1867; the
year of Confederation.
The average value of bank notes now
in circulation is bout 5225,000,000,
The deposits with the banks amount to
more than two billion dollars.
The first legislation concerning bank
ruptcy in Canada was an ordinance past
A Few Anxious Moments
Last Thursday evening the little girl
'of Mr. Perdue, of Sutter &Perdue was
,absent from home and had left her
grandmother's to go' home. A search
was made and the little maid was found
at the Auction sale at the Commercial
g —15
i7pper Silesia has vetted to loin the
German Republic,
The present GoVernni2ni of Bolivia
is deporting If its political enclitics.
* of .. a• . * 4t , * u. .r
S, •¢ k - a}
/at, * :. al 40
Drew A Big Crowd .
The auction stale of furniture, e2n,,
held at the Commercial dote last Tb'sr-
day afternoon drew a big crowd of s
tators and buyers. Good prices Nora
paid and Auctioneer George E tJait
worked hard for to get the bids.
Signs of Spring
Clucking hens.
New Millinery
Maple Syrup
People moving.
County Gets Refund
The County clerk has received a'F
ter from the Department notifyinrg
him of the approval of a refund 'ba tits,
Court of Huron of 585,441.37. iffet.
year's expenditure on Good Roads 'sits
the county .was approximately 528•5,.-
000, and the 585,441.37 for which ChM--
he-que is being forwarded, is the c (w-
centagc of such expenditure the Gov-
ernment bears.
Succeed Bott6r Law as Leader of tie
British Conservative Party.
Retires From Business
After 35 years of conducting bssnP
Hess in town Mr. Peter Cantelon reams
this week owing to continued ali:h;ealt.1.,
The grocery stock was purchnsnti'd}d'
some of the local grocers'and Mr. I3 s3d
'Cantelon, of Hensail, will look after t3ia.
butter and egg business. Mr. Pederr
Cantelon and Mr. Wm. Cantelon pur-
chased the business from their hrchicn',
Mr. David. Cantelon, but since Mr.'Wini.
Cantelon broke his hip a year or so egg:
the work has flatten on the shoulders:41
Mr. Peter Cantelon,.
Enters Bigger Field.
. Front the Auburn, N. Y., Advertiser•
Journal of March 16, we take the 1361 -
lowing which refers to Mr. Gregg, W.T.
Irwin, an old Clinton boy, and _satin oft
tine late Richard Irwin, who is in thele:
M, • C. A., work in the States -11 Aro
4'egular monthly meeting of thellf.Arlf
of Directors of the Aaiburn'Young•lite 'ss
Christian Association, the resiquala.ni
of 0, W. Irwin, as general secretary .1f;
the Association, was received, this xe •
signtiot• to take effect May 31. _'rfs-
Irwin gave as the cause of his retigm—
tion the opportunity offered to hint tie'
organize the, work of tine Y.
in Alliance, Ohio, This is a nee ri ii -
of great promise and lilt Irwin Msoex
there on the advice of the lnternaliantil
Committee of the Y, M, C. 'A. Jr O1h1r
light of the opportunity nffet'eii an6 1.5.1.'
Mr,'irwin's convictions .drat hr s`nrsAil
take up his new work, the 'Board -off
Directors with deep regret, uuarimn• '
ously accepted his resignation..,.
Irwin carte to Auburn eleven yew
ago. At that 'flute, the work of :ea
Association was at its lowest et*. Th%
his eleveft years of service he -.has grin
ed on March 9, 1765 by Governor Mur-
ray and 'Council at Quebec.
The beaver first appeared as an em-
lem of Canada on the Coat -of -Arms
granted by King Charles I. of England
to Sir William Alexander, whose title
Was "Alexander Viscount of Stirline,
Lord Alexander of Canada," He was as-
sociated with the earliest chapter of
tli0 history of Nova Scotia.
• in 1569—two years after Confedera-
tion—the Dominion Parlitt,ntent passed
a general bankruptcy law. There was
a new act in 1875 but 1t was repealed
in 1880, And there was no general
bankruptcy law until 1920.
The first bridge across the St, Law-
rence River was the Victoria Bridge at
Montreal opened by the Prince of Wales
tater King 111 ward VII in 18(10. The
brtclge cost 56,300,000; length, 9,184
The st, Lawrence River is now cross-
ed by five bridges—at V:ornw1II, nnt. at
Coteau, Que, at Lachine, Que., at Mon-
treal Que., and near Quebec City. The
bridges at the latter place is the latest
and the hirgest.
The first submarine cable laid in Can-
ada, anti in North America, was between
New Brunswick and Prisce Edward is-
land, ,11 ins la'td.in 1851, :old is ten
,titles to length,
Tine second calth; laid in North Am-
erica was also in liritisfl territory-4d-
tween Cape 'Breton and Nrwfoundi,utd
the Association'tin .afirtn finer,ciaf Inas .
has greatly •increns ed its neinbetdiijzl,
has enlarged its 'departmental • ssllt:tries,
and has identified the Association visihl1i
all the religious, sociai and educttti tont
work of the community. 'Mr. Wm
has played an'active•part in cotuntax i
affairs., He was ,one o( the lenders tan•
the various war activities anti in athanir••
in.g the tinaneial and social interesll, uN
Auburn institutions, He ha. a'tlaltt8t '
'on drives and ctsnpaign, ml isfstara
kinds toe the betteritten't oftthe a"
It was laid in 1856, having an length Mr, Irwin spent cOttsiclerable time Fera
of 85 Miles, This cable lvl}s im'iected ing in military otnps during tate Westin
ss orate.' , ..
P. T£. G b Y: M. C. A.. Secrefa .
by W,u as a tY