HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-3-17, Page 4PAGE $1, The Clinton News Era ,Uoil 11 1111111 UODUI III! II I1 111 HOW, IS THIS FOR A FLANNELETTE BARGAIN? COMMENCING SATURDAY MORNING, FEB. 26th 1921 WE WILL GIVE. ABSOLUTELY FREE ONE YARD OF FLANNELETTEWITH' EVERY ' 'TWO' YARDS OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED GOODS PURCHASED. �..° THAT IS TO SAY : r * You Pay for 2 Yards\and get 3 You Pay for 5 Yards and get 7112 ' You T'ay for`10Yar'ds'and get 15' You Pay for 20 Yards and get 30' SWILL • YOU BUY AT LESS THAN COST? .E i IF SO, . COME TO BROWN'S . MIDWINTER \TA...�i1� fir1 l c , r .P R r SALE dtlegg Hat, re ailrir ° The Question is sometimes asked, are Hardware Prices coming down? The fact is, no one at present knows just what the future holds in re- gards to prices but rest assured that should prices come down Our customers wilt at Once reap the benefit,, Conte and see our Stock. of Electric.Ap- pliances and Fixtures. Vetitter ectrical TRS • Up Goes the Cost Every live stock auctioneer resident in the province of Ontario will have to pay a license of 550 per annum, and those' who are not residents will have to Pay '5100 according to a' bill before the Legislature. 111111111EIIVl 111 ut 1111 111(1111M IIIIIII1111l1 Illi 1l l VWVIVIlIUV1�4""�uiVt�OWl�lf@@llIIVIVIVVI�II�i�IVllIIWVOIiD °cal New Thursday, Mttieli 1 1 92 t. 01110111MIREIvuuuut ulu l u> iuEIMIR luviouNlMlNIuuuuvu iluvMMuumuuMII taloa Spring lu On Tho Wing Cleaned Main Streets Chief hitzsihlhmts had men end teaurs on the tnacada,ai roads last week clean- •ing up for the coming of Spring. TI'e roads soon dried up, Some Snakes—ttnd';in,a Dry Territory Tod:'; The Gelindl Trunk eonstruetioii gang: awhile engaged in the work of building °a new bridge between Holniesville and `Goderich last` week 'uncovered a nest of shakes isamberiiig over eighty. The men silty 'there were 'sone' small and ,some 'large ones in the colony: ,A Former Resident Passes Away. Mrs. Ednfund. Mouncasti'e widow of the late edmutid. Mounteastie,_ former, fly .of Clinton, (Hod at .her hone in Dundalk, Ontario, on Saturday . Martlh 112th, Mrs, Mountcastle was, about SO years old, .and was, born; in Scotland. .tier ;maiden name was Margaret Thomp- son, daughter of George Thompson, fol :many years a farmer on the Huron 'Road near Holmesville. Her husband died Iast May and, was burled! in the Clinton Cemetery. The funeral was held on; Monday, -March 14 and Was attended by old friends of the family, including two relatives, Miss Lizzie Malcolm,, of Toronto, a niece, and James Malcolm, a nephew of 'Albany, N. Y. Rev, S. E. McKegney condlucted a short service at the grave The pall bearers were:—H. B. Chant, A. J. Holloway, J. E, Ford and H. T. Rance. Pay Higher License Insurance . agents who until re! cently paid a license fee of $3.00' to the Governmentfor the privilege`of' writing up insurance policies are now compelled to pay a separate license, of $3,00•for.the different kinds of in- surance . An agent handling fire, life, autmobnla and casualty insurance will now;pay 512 for the license where heretofore he paid only $3,00 for the ldt. Where the agency is .under a firth „name each member of the firm is required to take out a separate_lic- ense, while previous to this recent provincial enactment one license would r t 334 le. .30, BROODER STOVES suffice. FORT' PLUMBING l I`EATING' ' A ND ROOFING —0— ( .Repairing-Pron:gtlL Phone: 53' Hicla Ftitrnoices• Lead There ill" a` Redion 1. _.. Ash Us;"1,, LQWER PRICE$ Owing to an exceptional winter, we are now glad to announce the return of almost normal condition's in the mining industry, and the 'return of our old straight-line coal, the celebrated D. L. & W. SCRANTON This permits us ta- et{nounce else NORMAL QUOTATIONS, And another Reduction of $1;50 PER TON 1Vlaldng the Price of the Prepared Sizes $17.00' DELIVERED This price is rock bottom, and is based on present' wages, freight rates and American Exchange, which from all appearance will not probably be any less, Place your order with the only deal- er in town displaying a Government License, Would also ask all those with Out- standing accounts to kindly arrange for Settlement this month as it is the arose of our coal year. MO. IL MUSTARD Clinton & Brelcefield. Phone for Clinton No, 74. Phone fat 11eucefield 11 on 615, —0 -- We have 'a limited number of Brooder Stoves on hand which we are selling at a considerable reduction, the price beingV X25.00. These stoves will brood frons"300 to 400 Chickens. Just what you need to get early pullets and • he high suli'imer Chickens for market. GUNN LANGLOIS & COAT1) ' Clinton;' Ontario N. W: 'Trewarflia Local Manager The un -to -date Firm r T - I Don't forget ' to leave your Goderich:—A vote of 56,600 for 1 order 'for' Spring Delivery for Goderich dock improvement is included its the Ottawa estimates. 1— COAL and. WOOD — CLINTON pFLO 1 MILLS - Now is y'ooiti•tc;iiaiiice°to get in somesome cheap feed while it ,lasts: !tow Grade .$45:00 per ton :Short's' 38.00 per ton tr Bran 40.bo per ton :North Star 5.50 per.cwt '+Mple'Leaf' 5:25' per cwt 1i'astry- 5:00 per cwt1' 1I also {IIa e a small quantity' rJ of corn and'corn chop. Jdhn Sckdernhtals ;Phone 8. Clinton SCRANTON'- COAL --'O-- IIAT PERSISTENT I with E. WARD, if you want 11ACKSh�1ieza, riAd,�svv~;' @��G C o U Can Be Quicfily Relieved By IEr. Wood's Nor* Pins Syrup. The terrible, hacking, lung -racking cough that sticks to you in, elute of every- thing you have done to get rid of it, is a' great Clanger to your health, and the longer it sticks, the more aorious the menace becomes. The constant eoughing lcceps the lungs and bronchial tubes in such an Irritated and inflaned condition they get no chance t0 heal. Yost will find in Dr. Wood's Norway Pule Syrup a remedy that loosens the n soothes the lun s phlegm and foals and l g , thereby fortifying them against serious pulmonary disease; Mr. J. W. P, Whitely, Vermilion, Alta., writ est—:I wish to express my thtl ks for what Dr,- Wood's Norway' Pine yrim has done for me. For 11, number of Weeks I had been aufferr'ng from a, very ca.:: hacking rough and all the remedies 1 tried faikd 1: rehrvn me. At last I eeottrcd a bottle of•:"Dr. Wood's," and after .taking .it, I .6ccitred- great ..relief, Needless to say it is now my intention to alwhys keep a supply on -Baud" ' 'rl;)tr Wobtl'a' 1: 35e 'And•d0e d bottle at all fioalbre The gontiind is put talon a Yoltow . Wre.ppet, three pinetrc s, t to :ra<te'tnntlsl maui'd iietttted onlyIds?The I `T , I.Iilburn Co„ Litftttcd,' Toreeto, `Oat,, satisfaction. —We will look after you— Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. • RESIDENCE --HURON STREET The Corner Grocery Special Price Dinner Sets A White and Gold 'Complete Dinner Set at $28.50 and a beautiful Senti- Porcelin Set at 538,50 also half Dinner Setts consisting of six of each at 517,95, A special price on a 14andpainted:'t'ea Set. • Cheat} 'lea's and Coffee's are dear at fatty,'prioe but when you tray our , 600, 70p .. or 80c: a special Bland of 'tea ,or our bbct and -5 vToffee,. You Fare getting value. ,hard" to equal,'` Flee"d. W. Wig Phone 45. Ministerial Matters • The Rev.' Win. Rnithby, pastor of the Baptist Church, Dunville, whose native has figured _prominently in the investigation going on there concern- ing the administration of the Ontario Temperance Act, is a native of Hullett, b:eing raised near Auburn. He has been invited' to Petrolea, and it is expected he will commence his pastor al duties there ` by the beginning of April, The following item, from the last issue of the Christian Guardian, refers to a native of Stanley, and lye:; known as a former pastor In this county:— "We are sorry to report that the Rev. George McKinely, Pastor of Hyatt Avenue Church, London, has found it' necessary, through iII health, to seek 'relief from the strain of the pastorate. He expects to ask the next Conference to relieve him. He was absent from his pulpit three months 'last summer, hoping that the change might improve hisihealth, but the improvement has not been '_permanent. We are sure thtat his brethren will feel regret that such action is necessary„, ands we hope that in due time he may be able to re- turn to the active work. - c Residents of"Canton Take Notice • We are tearing down the Commer- cial Hotel and will have all the mater- . huts salvaged for sale at reasonable Prices. Apply on the Premises: ed also by a sister, Mrs. Cuyler, of The Mercantile Salvage Company. West WawanOsh, - The robins are here,' the frog chor- us can be Hearin. on Mild nights and the rhubarb is up. Now watch a bit snow storm come along and spoil It all. Census Commissioner& for Huron The Ottawa Government has tot "nounced the Census Commissioners for Huron County:—North Huron :— George G. 144tEwan; South Huron; --1. David field; 'Novelist Dead, Florence. D. Barclay; .the novelist'', "died Thursday, at Litppsfield Court; Surrey, ,E'ingland, after an operation'' Florence BarCidy, who Was born It 1862, was the author, among other \,works, of "Tile Rosary," "The' Wheel§ of Tihne," and t'Th:e Was Tree." W°mens' institute Meeting The Women's Institute;, will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday March 24th at 3 p; m, in the rooms bbove the Public Library, An ex= tenant paper will be, given, also an .exchange of patterns. A picnic tea will be served. All visitors made very welcofne, Minor Locals St; Patrick's Day. March is going. Millinery Openings are the next order of business. The Local merchants are not. dis- playing garden seeds. The present Ontario Legislature is remarkable for its Raney storms. 'Why not have rules for parking the street corner loafer as web as for automobiles; Lightning rod men are not to'be allowed to do their work in any old slipsliod method in the future. The agents ara to be licensed. Rev. J. 0, L. Sprackiin is to tour Ontario in . favor of prohibition. This time he will resort to other "per- suasive"'methods than are carried about in the hip ,pocket. It is astonishing how people who. would scorn totake anything, unpur-' chased from a Store will endeavor to secure free advertising in a newspaper., ,,,, .0-:u of n.-,•.••, ,.t• ..., Death Calls Mrs. Treleaven The Lucknow. Sentinel makes refer- ence to the death of a sister -In-law of Mr. J. W. Treleaven, of town Mrs. W. E, Treleaven, one. of the best known and esteemed women of the villiage, passed away about ten o'clock Sunday night. Mrs. Treleav ten had suffered from heart trouble for some time and .on Friday her con dition suddenly • became serious so that those in attendance. had from that time little hope that she would recover. The funeral was on Wednes- day afternoon, service being held in the Methodist Church, Mrs. Tre- leaven's maiden name was Margaret Miller; and her early. hone was a few miles from the village of White- church where she 'was born nearly 53 years ago. For over ten years she has been a resident of Lucknow, and an active worker in the Methodist 'Church where she will be greatly miss- ed, The bereaved husband, sop and slaughter have the symp,athyc of a very large circle of friends. She is surviv- , 1itf 7 i r' d. 'ALf-+htYXf''s Th High Post ->cof Dipping If you are worth $50,00 a weelf or pay it to an employee who dips his pen in the ink 50 times a day, the dipping costs your 71/2c"a day, thatis why WA,'1"tit MAN'S IDEAL. FOUNTAIN PEN is replacing the old style pen everywhere, ,in office, 'school and home. Oiten the' Cheapest LA'1ways''theBesi. Easy. to. Beat Eggs —but its bard to beat the Quality of our Bulk Teas. You can get it in Black. Mixed or Green, in 3 grades, that suits the taste also the purse. We offer you at pre-war prices, REGAL BRAND Black 35c per Ib 2 lbs for 65c KING BRAND Black or Mixed t Ib 55c 2 tb s for $1,00 QUALITY BRAND t ib for .. , ..75c 2 lbs for 55.45 V e PHONE .11L SPRING CLEANING TIME IS CLOSE AT HAND AND NOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE ANNUAL .. SPRING CLEAN-UP 'Pork and Beans . , .22c: w, ! Ivory, Lifebouy or Goblin Soap for 25c .3 Bars. 2 Packages Jelly Powder ....25c 1 Can Heinz OCT' THE HABiT 0 F DEALING AT 14 N S N • THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY' if ww. Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station `t • The Enforcement of the Headli gift Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approv ed Lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophane Legalite Staler Roadlighter Clamart Come in and have us, fib/. out your applications J. H.PAXMAN ' EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIV,IN Prinholite Macbeth Conopher Clear 'Conopher Noviol , Phone 80 •: ,Reisldence 140 CLINTON, ONT. 1 r 1 You 'cant' Aff or Jse ' Econ..my You can't expect the same wear and service from a twenty dollar suit than you get from one at forty. And the forty dollar uit will colt you less in the long run. ' It will give you etter and longer wear and service than the inferior grade. A uality lighting plant like the Dominion, built of the highest rade ]materials with careful workmanship, without thought of yiirg to skimp and save will save you money in the end." Low Nei consumption, freedom from repair and ability to deliver ontinuous power are what count, A Dominion Lighting Plant in your property means ample power every day with low main- tenance.F,ThiThEla ;...._...:. Write for descriptive booklet 'and name of' your local, dealer.) "If you want the bestir buy a Dominion." 4 111,(/1////// NEW ERA WANT 'ADS: The Most Interesting News in The Paper WHEN there is an emergency; to meet, when a need of business;,or the home presents itself, quick, decisive action is demanded.: There pre innumerable, occasions when there is imperative demand to accomplish .ar''desired object atonce and to do it in the most.,pfficient way .with maximus return and minimum ;expense. Tho se- curing of reliable household servants And help.efall kinds. Getting the right kind of capable experienc- ed employes for office, mill, store, shop or factory Setyecting;.high grade representatives to secure add- ed volume ot,„business. The renting or buying a home. Choosing investment chances, that are„pro- ,fiteble and sure. ' Finding a :job" that is pleasant, congenial and that holdspossibility of advancement and, increased return. Restoring lost articles of value. Ask for the Want Ad. Man. I ' 1 'Rio .° :,dole {, Chilcire Most mothers who buy Hurlbut once, buy then, always—but they never need to buy them as often as any other slake. This is because Hurlhiuts Shoes are BETTER SHOES, and have ex - elusive features not found in other makes. Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary shoes you have ever bought—anti you will see that Hurlbut Welted Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest price -per -day's wear of any shoe made for children. t, a Srl•. �oiV,. ,,.»±. >r1q !.dc -,+et lir _. -. '�.[••..lfi. ieoSr11.1 A FULL RANGE OF STYI;.ES AT tttsfX31 arnan•«:�7ru,,iyrvaxsu R l J2 _,isoftygg TI4AT first' 'k