HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-3-10, Page 2pAac TWO.
ConiRelicing of lt
itetrcit 12th
e Will Run ,e evo ,pedal`s
This -Week 100 lbs, Chocolates regular .�'ll olr�sces re ulcer F>,0c a
Ib, for 49c
Oranges regular 50c a doz, S : ecial,38c, doz.
your Friends, at our ice Cream Parlor
� x^d
We handle 'Neil'sons' the Cream•1that satis-
fies. Take a BrickHome
eter Hen erson
Bat'tliEf'e OM Stand PHONE 1
Home Rule for Ireland
Constitution of the Two Senates -Provision
for Joint Sessions with Commons in Case of
Toronto Star)
UJnder the Hoare Rule Act, which he-
roines effective within a year, North-
ern and Southern treland eaplt will
have a Senate as well as a House of
Commons. The government will con-
sist of;
Northern Ireland
Nouse of 'Commons 52
Senate 26
Southern Ireland
mous of Northern Ireland, Derry, which
is merged with the county, for election
puposes, thus has the distinction of
getting its mayor into the Upper
House. In the south, the Senate wilt
be a much more complicated affair, in-
volving "Lords Spiritual" as well as
"Lords Temporal,"
Disestablished Church Recognized.
i'he southern Senate will consist of:
(5) Ex officio the Lord Chancellor
The Clinton New Era
°payers and residents in Seethe/at
Ireland will choose ft'oiti those of
their own number of n0l less that
i .two years' standing in the Priv
'Council . . „ ;) S.
i County eoitliells of Stuthern lre-1
'land will choose ,,,,,,.,, ;,• 14
l In Leinsier,
Munster,astet, au.
l Cott -
nett -Ott the county ' councils of each
1 province will toil te in choosing• faun
;Members, The outer two of the four-
teen will be chosen by the three noun -
HO of Ulster whiela have been shifted
to Southern: Ireland for Home Rule
purposes, namely; Donegal, Monaghan,
and Cavan voting together.
It wife be noted though the Church,
of Iroltind (Episcopalian) Is disestalr-
fished, it is recognized In the above
schedule zts the representative of all
the Protestant bodies.
Twenty -Six Commoners, Fourteen
The Council of Ireland, the con-
necting link between the northern and
southern parliaments, is to be made'
up of forty members and -a president,
the latter appointed by His Majesty
through ttie lord lieutenant. North-
ern and Southern Ireland will alike send
to this central body thirteen members
of their Houses of Commons and seven
members of their Senates. -
In both Northern and Southern
Ireland bills Imposing taxation or ap-
propriating revenue trust originate in
the House of Commons, and cannot
be amended by the Se;tate, nor can it
amend any bill so as to increase any
proposed burdens upon the people.
If the Senate receives any public bib
1 from the House of Commons at least a
monith before the end of the session
t and fails to pass it, or adds amend-
ments to which the Commons wilt not
agree, the Commons may send It for-
, ward again at the next session. if
again rejected, there shall be a joint
i session of 'Commons and Senate, and
1 whatever the joint vote decides shall be
i deemed to have carried. If the Sen-
: ate rejects a etaxation or appropriation
I bill, however, the joint session shalt
take place during the sante session as
of Ireland, and the lord mayors of the rejection.
Members Dublin and Cork -3. Mr. McSiviney, There is no provision of that sort
ifouse 6f Commons , , . , . , , . 128 if he had lived and continued in office, in Canada.
Senate G4 would have been entitled•tn a senator-: s
ship. (2) Nominated senators -17.
(3) Elected senators -44.
All Ireland
The nominated senators will repre-
sent commerce (including banking),
labor, and the scientific and learned
profession;, these to be named by the
lord lieutenant, The elected senators
will be chosen as follows:
Roman Catholic archbishops
and bishops of Southern Ireland
will choose from their own number 4
Church of Ireland archbishops
and bishops of Southern Ireland
will choose front their own number 2
Peers who are ratepayers and
residents in Southern Ireland will
choose from their awn number,. 16
Members of His Majesty's Privy '
Council in Ireland who are rate-
Cbuncil , , , , , . 41
While. the method of electing the
Houses of Commons will be identical in
The. North and the South, the compost -
Mon. of. the Senates is to be entirely 1
different. In the north, the Senate
will consist of the lord mayor of Bel-
fast and Mayor of Derry and 24 neat-
hiers electesi by the House of Com-
You are not
r lrtm
tiniest -
rag when
'oattha use Ur.
L'nasn•s veto-
L meat fit 'eczema, anu Skin •Irrtta-
en». Ir re loves at once and gradu-
a 1yy heals tl o skin. Sample box Dr.
Ithase's Ointment free 11 you mention this
paper and send 2c. stamp for postage. 60c. a
nos; all dealers 'cr Ettuanson, Bates & Co.,
5.icoltotl- Toronto
"California Syrup of Figs" is
Child's Best Laxative
Beware! Say "California" or you
may not get the genuine "California
Syrup of Figs" which doctors recom-
mend for ltabte
s and children 't
en f all
Nothing else cleans the little bowels and
regulates the child's stomach and liver
so gently, so thoroughly. Directions
on each bottle. But you must say
"California." Don't be talked into an
imitation fig syrup which hasn't the
delicious, fruity taste or the perfect
"laxative physfs?" action.
o man cotr :id iMil-
tcolale Ca
B t s made
You'll be surprised with the
economy of EASIFIRST-
you'll be delighted with the
better results. Its parity is
the result of our own exclu-
sive process. Moreover
EASIFE IRtT is prepared
under the rigid supervision
� P
of Government inspec-
This is the Recipe
s cup granulated sugar X cup milk.
cup EASIFIRST 2 teaspoons baking 1/dr.
2 eggs x teaspoon salt
2 cups dour )S teaspoon vanilla
Cream EASIFIRST and sugar, then eggs
well beaten. Add milk alternately with
flour nixed and sifted withtlte salt and bak-
ing powder. Turn into two floured layer
cake tins and bake in moderately hot oven
20 minutes.
riot Matt Iarro;
'/ teaspoon EASIFIRST ria cup hot milk
1,,4 cups iciugsugar x square unsweetened
X teaspoon salt chocolate
fleet milk, chocolate and EASI-
FIRS'r until chocolate is dissolved.
Add sugar until thick enough to
spread on cake. Use this also for
filling, 6
Your grate tmlRbo glad to supjtly you with &ASlFIEST. Sold ! s cemans
and Oat. Worifd you like a eoyy of Ganes Proved beetle booklet P
Write for one today.
The Presbtery of Huroli held Its 11"1;1
regular meetinge't Ilensell oft Tuesday,
February 22nd, livery nil» ieterial
Member ryas present .attd the following
elders: Messrs. Richmond
izf Myth,
'l"urnbell, of Thames Road, Lbidsay of
Clinton, Gemmell, df i3t:ucefleld,
Fraser, o! Bayfield, Molr, of ltettsall,
Cuthill, of Wbnthop, Wallace of Bg-
nioudviHe, Cut't, Ot Goderieft, Cunning-
hain of Auburn and Jeekell, of Exeter.
Mr. McIntosh is to flit the modera-
tor's chair for the next six months.
Gravis to aid -receiving aur'gregations
were approved,
Dr. Fletcher presented a call from
Thames Road and Kfrkton in' favor 01
Rev, G. Murray Chidiey, sign'ed by 211
members and 47 adhtereuls, promising
an •annual stipend of $1,500, use of
manse, and four weeks, annual holiday,
'Tire call was :sustained and forwarded
to the Presbytery of London, wirers Dr,
Fletcher will appear on behalf of the
Presbytery of Huron, It case of his
acceptance of the call provisional ar•
rengements .were made for his induc-
tion, the anoderator of Presbytery to
preside, Mr. Lundy to preach. Dr,
Fletcher: to. address the pastor -elect,
and Mr. McConnell to address the' peo-
ple. -
After a long and free discussion the
ram(t front the Assembly re the settle,.
meat of ministers was approved. r
The following ministers were ap-•
pointed commissioners , to the next'
General Assembly: Messrs, Hamilton,
McDerMid'and Hogg, and. the following
ejders: Messrs. Cowan, of Seaforth,
Moir, of Hensel! and Cunningham of
Auburn. Mr. McDerntld Was nominated
for the Assembly's committee on bills
tied overtures and Mr, McIntosh for
the corresponding committee of Synod.
Mr.'Carriere was nominated for the
ntoderatorship of Synod and Dr.
Clarence McKinnon for the moderator -
ship of the General Assembly. Mr.
Hogg is to lead in the May conference,
The following were appointed to the
committees of the Presbytery for the -
ensuing year, the first. named being
the convener and the ministers ment-
ioned having their elders associated
with Brent in each case:
S. S. and Y. P. S. •
Messrs, McIntosh, McLean, McDer-
Messrs, McLean, McFarlane, Fergu-
Messrs. Abery, Ferguson, Lundy.
Messrs. Hamilton, McFarlane, Ross.
Home Missions
Messrs. McFarlane, McIntosh, Hogg;.
Foreign Missions
Messrs. Ross, Telford, McDerntid.
Drs, Larkin and Fletcher, Messrs..
'Artery and Foote,
Messrs, Foote, McConnell, Carriere,
Forward Movement
Messrs, Telford, Hogg, Ross.
A. &I. M. Fund:.
Messrs, Hogg, Lundy, and' Dr, Flet-
Messrs, McIntosh, Hogg, McFarlane,
The next regular meeting is appofnt-
edi to be held at Clinton on Tuesday,
May 10th, 1927,
Children. Cry
The Children's Aid Society have at;
present nine children in the hone
at Goderich, and are expecting an addi-
tion of a fancily of five during this
week. The age of all these run from
1 to 10 years, and of course good
foster homes are desired for then;.
Have you not place where one of
these could find the care and loving
sympathy which every child is entitled
to for the years in which it is pre-
paring to take its place in the -activi-
ties of life, The almost invariable
testimony of those tvilo Have taken
part In this work by adopting a Child
The compo parts of Milburn's
Heart and N' five Pills are indicated to
do away wit 1 palpitation and other
heart weaknesses and thus strengthen
both the heart, and nerves,
Aire. F. X. Gauthier, Tilbury, Ont,,
writes: -"During 25 years past 1 'was
greatly troubled with palpitation of the
heart, and sometimes so much so that
those around mo thought 1 would die
at any moment, being so mueli weakened
by the eharpness of the palpitation
which would lest sntnetimcs urs to three
hours, .1 had the ;doctor who kept me
taking his medicine to ' overeemo the
disease, but to 110 ellen. There was
no change at all.for the better.
Two rare ago n friend advised me 10
um 14filburtt's Heart, and Nerve Pille,
X began to use then; at once, mid at the
second box 1 began to feel some relief, So.
1 s'oniiinaed to use f,ltem according lo
:limetinr.a, arid. now 1 stn perfectly well,
Before a ting Hsi p Ila 1 hover weighed
100 pnntdr, now 1 weigh 117, and feel
alt if 1 werd young although 1 ;tin over
rid years s n e,,,
Milbur n's gifettrt and Nerve Pills are
1500. a box at all Healers, or'mailed direct
on,reeeipt of _priee by The.'r. Milburn
Oo.s Limited. Toronto. Ont, .
IllitSday, NIEr01 1tli; 1921.
Is th.tt',lhey lydve been .afitply repaid
for the .erre am! Anxiety inaiden.t •to
their br_ingbsg up, 'At present we
would like to hear of it home where
a brother and sister of i1 and years
respectively could be' phteecl, '••Thier
two brothers '
iptht.t of ,5 and 7 who should
go together, a sister crud brother of,
6 and 3 year's, Then there area, two
gli'Is of nine,years and a baby gill of
three months, In fact, almost any
prefere,tee can be suited, if you Will
let us know what you are willing to 40.
Why not make a trial for a time
sufficient to know just how it W0uld
work out? Write the County Seerc.-
tary and he will discuss it with you,,
rrlte following contributions since' the
last list printed in Mite County Papers
are gratefully acknowledged;' Get in
line tvil'lt these kind friends and Send
in your "trite," Mrs, Wtn. tiartry,
Seaforth $1,001 Methodist Sunday
School Class Seaforth $5,00; Town-
ship East Wawanosh $10,00; K. N.
Kernigltan $5,00; Miss Bali $1.00; Mrs.
W. f., Morton $5.00; Township Of Hay
$10,00; Mrs. Leach $1,00; Blyth W.
C. T. U.,. $5.00; John Beattie, Seaforth
$7.00; Mrs. D. Miller $2,001 Mrs. S.
Bentley $1,00; Henry, Snyder $2,00;
Brussels Village $20,00.; Wnt. J.
Thompson, Auburn $t,,00; 'Township
West Wawanoslt $15,00; W. Brydone,
Clinton $,00. Tlie following con-
tributed, Fruit, Vegetables, clothing,
Etc: -Mrs. Kenhn•e, Blyth; Mr. and
Mrs.Gordon Taylor, • Mrs. Middleton,
Mrs. Switzer, Mrs, Andrews, Bayfield
Road; Mrs, Daniels, Mrs. A. Halliday,
Mrs, Romp, Mrs. Gouithrust, R. J.
Greer, Mrs, Murney,
Good Advice ' From Cne Who
Had Suffered Much.
Nine -tenths of all forms of indiges-
tion' or so-called Stomach trouble are
not due to the condition of the stom-
ach at all, but are caused by outer in-
fluences. The great contributing
cause- of indigestion is thin blood.
Good blood and plertty of it is requir-
ed by the stomach to take care of the
food, if the blood fs thin tine stom-
ach functions sluggish, food lies undi-
gested, gas forms and causes pains in
various parts of the body. instead of
getting nourishment front the blood
the system gets poison.
Relief from this conditonn can be
obtained by the tonic treatment
which Mr. D, Shaw; Mt. Stewart,
P. E. L, tried and now warmly recom-
mends to others, Mr. Shaw says: "1
suffered from indigestion for over
four years, and tried many of
the well-known remedies for such
troubles, but never obtained more
than temporary relief. The trouble
was aggravated by constipation set-
ting in owing to the stomach failing
to do its work, and laxatives only
gave relief to the bowels and left the
stomach- in worse condition, The re-
sult wan my blood was growing more
and more anaemic, 1 did not Sleep
well at night and was growing des-
pondent. 1 was in this wretched con-
dition when a friend advised ne to
try Dr. Williams' Pjirk Pills. 1 got
three ;loxes and by' the tithe they
were finished there was some change
for the better. This greatly encour-
aged me and 1 continued taking the
pills for some three months, by
which time my stomach was all
right again, my blood good, nerves
strong and life was again worth liv-
ing. My advice to all who suffer
from stomach trouble is to give Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial,"
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills can be ob-
tained through any medicine dealer,
or by mail at 5o cents a box or six
boxes for $2,50 from.
The Dr, Wil-
liams' Medicine 'Co,, Brockville, Ont.
Georgian Diplomatic Mission
has been placed under arrest at Mos-
The revolts in Petrograd and Moscow
have been put lown by Soviet troops.
The first bread riot int Detriot, in a
decade,. took place Thursday, Tit
police suppressed it.
The Spanish 'Cabinett is seeking to
issue a loan to cover the deficit in
the Budget,
4'Spring Festival and Masquerade
tinder the auspices of the Garden
Class, of Willis Church will be held
in the School room, Friday, April 1st,
at 8 o'clock, ADMISSION -25 cents:
Proceeds fo go to the Mission Band,
Everybody Welcome.
A'Cottage on Huron "Street,ln fairly
good condition inside; 7 rooms; Town
Water; Neariy an Acre of Lands Apply to
Hotne•Made Cooking' Side.
'The Ladies Aid Society of Wesley
Kilturclt will hold a sale of,l-iome trade
cooking in theAgrieultdral Hall, cornerof Albert :'and Rattenbury streets on Sat
urday afternoon, Marcia 12th, beginning
at 2.30 o'atock,
SEALED '!'ENDERS, addressed 10 tb
Postmaster General, will be received atl
Ottawa until pova, on friday, 15th,
April, 1921, /fOr 1110 eonveyenee Ills
Majesty's Mails, on a proposed C'ontraet
for four years, six titres per week over
'Clinton No, 2, Rural Maid Route, froiti
the Postmaster Qencrel's Pleasure,
PRIN'T'ED NOT1'CES containing fur-
ther inforutatioo as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be seen and blank
for•nts Of Tender maybe obtained at tate
Poet Office! of Clinton, ftoimesville,
Brucefield, Seaforth and at the .office of
the Post Office Inspector.
Peat Office Inspector
Post Office Inspector's Office
London, Ontario, March 4, 1922.
Of farm stook and itnpletneuts.
Tire undersigned lugs received in-
struclions to sell by public aucttoa
at Lot 27, loth concession, (Cut Line)
Goderich Township., ort, Saturday, March
19tls, coins -fleecing at 1 o'clock- sharp,
the following; t•IG'R'SES-Bay Mare,
rising 5, Bay gelslitig rising 5; strong
driver rising 7, CATTLE: -Choice Hol-
steiti cow 7 years old, calf 111 foot,
one month old; • Choice: Holstein cow
.5 years old, calf at foot, 2 weeks old:
choice Durham cow 7 years old, to
freshen April 8th; Choice Durham
cow 8 years to freshen April 23rd;
choice Holstein cow 7 years old to
freshen 1n May; heifer rising 3 years;
4 heifers rising 2 yeae's1 3 steers rising
2 years; 5 last Spring's calves, 3 months
months old. PIGS: -Brood sow to far-
row about' time of sale, 3' pigs 5 months
old, Collie Dog, About 50 Legh;y.•n
and Rock hens. IMPLEMENTS-Mas-
sey-1•larris binder, 6 foot cut; McCor-
mick mower 6 foot cut, nearly new;
Massey -Harris seed drill, turnip outlier,
nearly new; 2 horse corn scuffler;
scuffler; Cockshutt riding plow; Walk-
ing plow; disc harrow, set iron harrows;
fanning mill, heavy wagon, set bob-.
sleighs, hay rack, spring. wagon, 2 top
buggies, robe and rug, steel roller,
Massey Harris 'Cultivator cutter, root
pulper, hand cutting box, set team
harness; 2 sets single harness, wheel
barrow, 3 steel pig troughs. About
25o bushels of good seed oats. about
50 bushels of fall wheat, quantity of
hay and fodder cont, Melotte cream
separator, Daisy churn, No. 2, some
cedar posts, quantity of wood, some
household furniture, 2 ladders, some
bunches of shingles, set scales. 500
IIs; 3 milk cans, iron kettle, forks,
chains, hoes and other- arfices ton
numerous to mention, TERMS: -All
sums of stoop and under, CASH; over
that amount eight months credit *111
be given on furnishing aprroved
joint notes, or a discount of 6% per
cent per annum for casii. Positively no
reserve as the Proprietor is giving up
farthing r,n accnwtt of 111 health•
Proprietor Auctioneer.
Of farm stock, implements and house
hold furniture, 41r, Alfred Tebbutt will
sell by public auction at his premises on
Huron Road, 3 miles from Goderich, on
THURSDAY, MARCH 24TH, 1921. Sale
to commence at 1 o'clock sharp...I.IOR-
SBS:-1 General Purpose Mare, 7 years
old; 5 General Purpose Gelding, Rising
4 years old; 1 Driving Mare to years
old, a good quiet driver; 1 Percheron
Fill'}', rising 2 years old; 1 Driving Filly
rising 3 years oi'd; sired by Ike Medium,
1 aged Driver, CATTLE: -1 cow 7
years old (newly. calved) 1 cow 7 years
old due 1st of May; 1 cow 5 years old
due 1st of June; 1 cow 5 years old
milking; 1 Heifer, rising 2 years old; 1
steer, rising 2 years old; 1 Heifer, rising
f eyar old; 1 steer calf, 9 months old;
1 Heifer calf, 5 Months old. HENS: -
150 Barred Rock Hens, 1 and 2 years
old. 1MPLEMENTS-I Deering Binder
6 foot cut; 5' McCormick mower 6 foot
cut, (new); 1 Pea Harvester, 1 10 foot
Massey Harris 1-Iay Rake, (nearly new) ;
Van Brunt 14 Double Disc drill, sold
by John Deere (nearly new); 1 Deering
Disc Harrow (nearly new); t Deering
10 foot land roller (nearly new) ; 1
Oliver team scuffler with bean harvester
(nearly new) ; i Deering Cultivator; 1
Massey Harris Hay tedder; 1 Fleury
scuffler; 1 Fleury twin Walking Plow;
2 Fleury No. 21 Plows, 1 nears new;
1 set 4 section Drag Harrows; 1 Massey
Harris Harrow Cart• 1 ,Massey -Harris
Root Pulper; 1 Massey -Harris Cutting
Box, Size No, 2, with tett feet of car.
riers;1 London 2?. 1-0 P. Gasoline En-
gine in good Running order; 1 Chatham
Waggon; 1 Flat Hay Rack; 1 Waggon
Box with Stock Rack; 1 Good Gravel
Box; 1 Clinton Fanning Mill;1 Set Aly.
ner 3 Wheel Truck scales (20oo lis);
Set of Household scales (240 lbs.); t
McLoughlin Rubber tired top buggy int
d shape; t open buggy; t Democrat;
Set Bob sleighs; 1 Gray Cutter; I
arge Stone Boat; 1 small Stone Boat; t
Wheelbarrow, 1 Beit; 2 Hardwood Wat-
rBarrels; 1 Water Trough; t large S:q,
Kettle; 1 Small Sap Kellie; 2 sets of
Double harness; 2 sett of Single Har-
ness; 2 logging chains; 2 Post Hole A(ta-
; 2 scythes; 1 Grain Cradle; 'Cross-
ut saws; t Bucksaw; 2 sets of &Made
rees; t Neckvoke; 2 Rolling Coulters;
Ladder; !Steel Team Scraper; 1 Grind
tone; t ensilage Fork; 1 Barley Fork;
Scoop Shovel; I braining Spade; t
ig Crate; 1 Chicken Fattening crate;
obs, 7 Horse blankets; t Collie 0515, a
oocl hieeler; 24 Grail bags; t bag
ruck; 5o Cedar Pence Posts; t Hay
ark, Cal•. Rope and slings; Forks;
hovels and other articles too-loo:erous
mention, FURNITURE: ---t 11app'
bought Kitchen Range; 1 Blass Cup
oard; 1 iron bedstead, mattresses and
prings and feather belt 1 Square Moo
sited and in first class order; 2 11ttan-
on Tables • 2 small Tables; 1 Itsiir sofa;
hair chairs; 3 Rocking Chairs; 1 0;15y
Hair: 5 kitchen chairs; 1 Ras no Lamp;
Parlor Lump; 2 Glass Siam; lamps; t
aisy Churn; 1 Buller tlowi= 1 lee
ream Freezers t Melotte Cr::m Sglor
Or, Everything must be sold uneserv-
as Proprietor is stab's'': t„ 5„..t.,1,
ERMS;--Ail stens SiO,00 and under,
ASH; Over that amournt o months Bre-
t will be given on furnishing' appusv-
d joint notes, A Discount of 4 per
etst straight allowed for cash on credit
inn the Estate of George lv$eRstiui to
Farquhar, Deceased
NOTICE is hereby given that all per-
sons ittvbtb claims against the estate
of George M9Kslclan Farquhar, late
of the 'i'utvltship of Hullett, It the
County of Ifuron, yeoman, deceased,
who died On or about the 243115 of
February 1920, are required to de-
liver to Margaret Ellen Farglltar, tate
Adntlnistratrix of the said estate or
her solicitor 0a or before tate 26th
day of Murch 1921, a full statement
of their claims together with partly -
tilers thereof, and the neture of lite
securities, if any, held • by them ail
dilly'verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE. that after the
said fast mentioned date the sold
Margaret Ellen Farquhar will proceed
to distribute the estate of the said
deceased amongst the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to such
claims as she shall have received due
notice and in accordance therewith,
DATED at Clinton, this 24111 day of
March A. D. 1921,
W, BRYpONE, Clinton, Ont,,
Solicitor for the said Administratrix.
500 Acres, Lot 16, Concession 2,
Hullett, 10 acres of hardwood bush; 5o
Acres almost new land, balance hes been
grazed and top -dressed for 20 years,
A11 Good Land, Well Drained, Perfectly
Clean, Every furrow arable, in first
class state for cultivation, within half a
mile of the macadamized roads, 3 miles
from town. 800 rods of extra good
fencing; Barn 43x74, with steel roof
and a steel siding, also rodded, Stable
room for 40 head of stock, Cement
Floors and Waterworks; Up -to -Date for
conveniences, First plass Garage and a
Buggy House. Good Water and a good
France !louse with up-to-date conven-
iences. For Further Particuldrs Apply
R. R. No. 4, Clinton
. Or Apply on Premises
For Sale.
Two size roomed houses alt Freder
ick St, near the new Flax Mill, will be
sold very cheap, and on easy terms.
Apply to Jacob Ta, for
or C. B, Hale,
One Hundred Acres, Lot t9, Con-
cession 5, Township of Hullett, 3 miles
from Town of Clinton; 95 acres of
Cleared Land, Remainder in Bard Woad
Bush. On the farm is a seven -roomed
Frame House, also a good sized barn
on Stone Foundation and 2 Good Wells.
This Farm is in excellent shape for
cultivation as It has been pastured for
Several Years. For Further Particulars
Apply to
Seaforth, Ontario.
Suite of two rooms, suitable for
light housekeeping, or dressmaking.
Use of Bathroom and alll city con-
veniences, Also single rooms, with
or without Board. Radiator in every
Opposite Ontario Street Church
0f Farm Stock and Implements, Etc.,
(at Farm, Known as Fair Farm,)adjoin-
ing town of Clinton. (If Day is Stormy
Sale will be held under cover) on Fri-
day March 11111, at 12 o'clock the foll-
owing will be sold:-HORSES:1 Span
of Percheron, 3000 lbs, well matched;
1 Span of Black, General Purpose, web
matched; 1 brown stare in foal to Per-
cheron, 1 black horse; 1 Black Per-
cheron mare, 2 years, show colt; 5
Grey Gelding, 2 years old, 1 Driving
stare, by Sphtks Medium, extra road
mare, CATTLE: --2 Holstein well Bred
Calving about time of sale; 4 Holsteins
freshened with calves at foot; 4 Dur -
hams, freshened, with calves et foot,
4 Durha
u Springers; 2
Holsteins, due
last of Marols;2 Durhants due in April; 4
Grass Cows; 4 milking strain heifers 2
years old; 2 steers
rising 2 y
ears old;
; 3
heifer calves; 4 steer calves. 1 Durham
Bull 3 YearsMilking Stran
• 2 Brood
sows, 40 hens, Barred Rock; IMPLE-
MENTS; -8 Foot Massey Harris Binder
with pole truck in good order; 1 7 foot
Massey llarris Binder with pole itt good
shape; t,'t.: Deering Stiff Tooth cults-,
vatur new, 1 7 r._ Foot McCormick
Spring Tooth Cultivator; 1 Bisset (16
Disk) Disk, four horse; 1 13 Disk Drill,
Good as New; 1 Steel Roller, 12 foot; 2
Walking Plows (stew), 1 Corn Culti-
vator; t Scuffler; 1 Deering 7 foot
Mower; 1 McCormick, 52 foot Hay
Rake; t liay Loader; 2 Hay Forks, car
and Ropes complete; 2 set Harrows;
1 Massey Harris Manure Spreader; 3
\Vaguns: 2 set of Bub Sleighs; 1 De-
liver} w•.Igon; 2 Hay Racks;, 1 Flat Sleigh
rack: 1 ;'utter; 1 Empire 2 double unit
Milking Machine; 1 3 horse Power
Massey Harris Gasoline Engine; 1 Gal-
vanized, lined water trough; 1 Steam
Feed Cooker; 2 Set of Team Harness,
with Breeching; t set of"reant Harness;
t Sot of Single Harness; 15 Ton of
1 O:wilts. Hay; 25 tons of alfalfa; 300
bushels of seed I1,t110y; 1200 Bttslteis Of
;tats; 15o t3tialo'ls of Mixed Grain; Peed
Folks :obi Manure 1'orks; Silage Man-
ors and /hay Fork; Hoes; also shovels,
Chains mrd other numerous articles.
115111$1111t1LD FURNI PURE ---t Imp,: riot
Oxford Cooking Range, 1 Box Stove, 1
Sideboard, 1 Refrisator, 1 bedroom
suite, 1 Wilton rug, A Parlor Suite;
IIR:MS--All sunt of $10 and under cash
over Than amount, 7.months credit on
Furnishing Approved Joint Notes or
1 Discount of 5'i allowed for CASH.
Everything must be sold as Proprietor
has leased his farm, (Cnws.11ave Been
So'sted From Herd of Fifty end are an
Extra GQod Lnt.)
t4atr Auctioneer