HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-3-3, Page 4••••• PAGE SIX HOW IS THIS FOR A FLANNELETTE BARGAIN? COMMENCING SATURDAY MORNING, FEB. 26th 1921 WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE ONE YARD OF LANNELETTE WITH EVERY TWO YARDS OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED GOODS PUR.CHASED. ' vv..A4rdan THAT IS TO SAY : You Pay for 2 Yards and get 3 You Pay for 5 Yards and get 71/2 • You Pay for 10 Yards and. get 15 Yu Pay for 20 Yards and get 30 WILL YOU BUY AT LESS .THAN COST? IF SO, COME TO N'S IDWINTE LE 144MMENSIMMIOWESCOMI9 1. A GOOD WIRING JOB DE- MANDS CARE, SKILL AND EXPERIENCE. .We have these very necess- ary qualifications and can sup- ply all the up-to-date equip- ment essential to a good job. Come in and ask to see our, Lighting Plant run. We sell and install THE SILENT ALAMO. CorlesS & Venner Hardware and Electrical TRY s •1014ASSAISECS,SI The. Clinton IV ew Era I 1111111111 MEI 1 1111 MBE 111111 111111111 II 11111111111 PM= III III III Il111 II II '111NIONINISIONIVIIMMIAVAINIONNIONINNIUMMINUMINIIIIHNOWii Going en Farm ' • Held en "M Home" Mr. Charlie Lockwood has p,urchtiseti a 'WO Acre farm near Westfield for '64,100 and will take possession right ft" 1 way, His old friends will wish htm $ue- Cess in his new venture, Won From Goderich The Clinton Public School played Goderich 'Central School last Saturday winning by a score of 467-4,. It was a fast game. They have won two games from the Central School, and we give them credit for R. A New 2 -Horse Power Some motorists from Wingham got stalled between here and Lonclesbcro on 'Saturday afternoon and a farmer with a team of horses hauled the car through the snow drifts to Clinton where they spent the night, Minor Locals Accepts A Call ' • A•AA•i...4: Rev. W. 11. Wrighton, a former Pastor of the Goderich Baptist Church, has ac- cepted a.call to a leadingl3aptistAChurch in Philadelphia. Contributions fiont Clinton. The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives desires grate fully to acknowledge the followingcon- tributions received in Clinton by the Meld Secretary of the National Sanitar- ium Association;— . W. R. Sharp Corless & Venner J. Scott J. W. Treleaven D. H. tielmskay 1. J. McDougall • 1M. F. Mangan R. Edwards Clinton Creamery Jenkins & Son J. E. Hovey Fred Wigg S. B. Stothers C. D. Bouck Thos, McKenzie W. R. Counter , Silver Collection E. Ford W. D. Fair Y. Asquith W. H. Hellyar POULTRY 'WANTED WEEKLY Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING —0— • Repairing Promptly Done P.11914e 53 Hecla Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us: •••...••••••••••••-•-•...,V••••••••••••••••••0,••••••••,..-2••••••••••••••••••••• te IsIONAPASSOPIt,,iir 3000 Chickens 2000 1'1 ens 7k), 500 p%Ias To rices will be paid by uS pp for, all kinds of Poultry taken: Schoenhais at 'Clinton every day and at JA. ESeer.l: ilolmesville every Wednesday Axgog 1-n morning. We Pay three cents P, Henderson more per lb. for properly fattened, milk fed Chickens, LOWER PRICES Owing to an exceptional winter, we are now glad to announce the return of almost normal conditions le the mining industry, and the return of our old straight-line coal, the celebrated D. L. & W. SCRANTON This Idermits us to announce ads° NORMAL QUOTATIONS, And another Reduction of $1.50 PER TON Making the Price of the Prepared Sizes $17.00 DELIVERED This price is rock bottom, and is based on present wages, freight rates and American Exchange, which from all appearance will not probably be any less. GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Clinton, Ontario ...... Pluzusteel Br0S. H. Fowler • A. J, Morrish March, Council will meet on Monday even- ing. AAS Clinton Spring Fair, Thursday April eotnes from the Diocese of 'Huron. 7th. Previous to his ordnation he was Gen - The Spring Garden Seeds are now in erai Secretary of the Young Men's display—but don't plant your onions Christian Association in London, On - yet. . tario, He graduated from litturon Coll- ege and his first appointmeht was as Will Hold n Sale at Winghare. Huron' County Breeders Association rector of All Salts Church, London, have issued Catalogues for their con- .sewhere he remained four years. Sub - Shed in Wingham on Thursday, March cluelltly he was rector at Milverton for three years and of Holy Trinity signment Sale to be held in Leppard's Church, Chatham, for eleven years. He 1 Oth, This is the last call for the Sale. has held the offce of rural dean of Kent, The Clinton School of 'Commence held their Annual "-At Home" on Thursday, February 24th, A very plea - ant evening was spent by the students and visitors, Will Hold a Telt on March 17th The Epworth League of Wesley Meth- odist Church are preparing for an ex- cellent Soca! evening on March t7th. They intend provtcliog a tett for mem bers and all others who wish to Attend. Well Known Here (Mall and Empire:)—Rev.. W. 3, Spence conducted the services at St. Jude's Anglican 'Church yesterday for the first time as vicar in charge of the parish. Mr, Spence has.been Assist ng at the service since last September. The ' rector, Reif, J. L. P. Roberts. retired front active duties of the charge on the first of the month, It is expected that Mr. Spence will be formally installed by the Bishop of Toronto next Sunday, Mr. Spence is 44 years of age, and $5.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 .2,00 .2:00 .1.00 .1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 2,00 2.00 1.00 1,00 1.35 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.0O 2.00 2.00 2.00 T. J. Snowden .. News Record , J. L. Kerr D. L. Macpherson ... ...... The attention of those desiring to pur- chase bulls and those wishing to pur- chase females of Aberdeen Angus, Here- for.51 or Shorthorn breeds is called to this sale. Catalogues may be secured on: application to the Secretary, Sale at 1. path S. 13. Stothers, Department 'of Agriculture, Clinton, Ont. $31.35 N. W. Trewartha Local Manager The un.to.clate Firm SCRANTON COAL 4 • Mace your order with the only deal- er in tosvn displaying a Government • License. Would alSo ask all those with osit- standing accounts to kindly arrange for settlement this month as 11 11 the close of our coal year. JNO. B. MUSTARD Clinton & Brucefield. Phone for Clinton' No, 74. Plione for Brucefield 11 on 618, • A ramysemsmern4en. ,••••11 — I Don't forget to leave your _ Des Moines — Baboons can tell by instinct when they are near order for Spring Delivery for wAater. But who wants to be a baboon? E .• — COAL and WOOD SLES with E. WARD, if you want LEFT C*UGH. The after effects of meanies may be fat reaching, as the irritation of the re. spiralory iniesti0e3 is one of the char- actaisties of this disease, and very i often those who have been robust, become delicate and liable to lung troubics, henna measles should never Le regarded with indifference. Itten.sles nee generally followed by an mute Walt on. the nmeoms membranes, The sneezing is neeetripanit•d with a watery diseltarge„ sometimes blooding from the nest:, a enugh of a etiort, fre- quent and noisy eliaratia, wlth little or no expeetaraion, huareeness of the value,' etc, Once tho email starts you should proeure a, bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, take a few doses a day and thus prevent bronchitis, pneumonia, or perhaps consumption getting,a foot-, hold on your ,stem. Mrs. Oliver Kelly, BeInsle Statioh, N33., writes:—"Two yeasago 1 had the ranges, and they WV me with a bad' cough, 1 kept, getting worse •ttatil a last 1 conld not sleep, -My neighbor told me of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, so I gent and got, o bottle, and before.' bad used it my cough wan ail better. find it A great family medicine for eel& and coughs, and I noW keep it in the house all the time." Dr. 11,70,5(Vg Norway Pine Syrup is 350,, a large bottleCOa., nt tsb druggiots and dealers. I'ut up only by 'PIA Milburu memo, nt. • satisfaction. —We will look after you— Teems—Strictly Cash --Phone 155. 4 0 • 0 1 RESIDENCE ---HURON STREET a.:61.41,1miuVritu.Y.1.11.1,111t IASAW.C•1.4.11.AMAI.11AMAWN.1.....i./AILNALVAT,..003.r.1.10.1, The Corner Grocery This is the Season for Hot Drinks. , We have prepared Chocolate, Cocoa, Coffee and Bovrilready to serve by pouring hot water on them, Try Cowan's and Baker's Cocoa also good Bulk Cocoa at a spec- ial price. Jam* and Marmalades. See our Special Saturday Bar- gain Counter. AAA•••••••••A.A-.. Fred. W. Wigg Pitdrie 45, AiSinecoOtee*S440,4eisienst,40444404AANA4s0.0 member of the the executive committee of the Diocuse of Huron, and president of the Clerical Association Of the Dio- cese. Mr. Spence `has been instru- mental in providing the Chautauqua during the past couple of years for the Girl's Auxilliary and also had charge of the "Gypsy Maid" played here recently. •!1 1(11=1 CT 1 1=-1 The Blue Bird Amusement Co. Present this Wonderful Production Coming TOWN HALE, MARCH 1OTH "The Street Called Straight', by Basil King Canadian who wrote the City Of Comrades The Picture every Man, Woman and Child should See. Charlie Chaplin in THE COUNT' A Side-splitting Comedy The Men of the Mountains' A Beautiful Scenic Picture • lo,000 ft. of Mans. Come Early Admission—Adults 50c; Children 25c • including War Tax Doors open 7.30; Pictures Start 4 o'clock rr Music Y Thursday, March 3rd, 1921 NiriMiLMMEMOYME2Zettemifl",4 The High Cost of 'I ipping • If you are worth $50,00 a week or pay it to an employeev:rho dips his pen in the ink 50 times a day, the APPillig costs you 71/5c a day, that -is why WATER" MAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN is replacing the old style pen everywhere, in office, school and home. The W. D. Fair e Often the Cheapest—always the Best aturesmanantema:m. •••••••••IWA,•••- sit YOUR ATTENTION h Drown to These Specials we Offer This Week. You Will Find Our Prices, Right With To -Days' Market in these Lines and others the same. Our MN Is to Satisfy our CUSTOMERS, 3 Bars Ivory Soap.. 25e 2 pkgs. Corn Flakes 2$e 3 Bars Lifebouy Soap EXTRA SPECIAL 1' • EDE:2_111 111:71 ,Z.4%,APLA.0.014,0•AN10.4..AU u t ford False Economy . - You can't expect the same wear and service from a twenty dollar suit-thair you get from one at forty. And the forty dollar uit will cast you less in the long run. It will give you etter and longer wear and service than the inferior grade. A ualitylighting plant like the Dominion, built of the highest rade materials with careful workmanship, without thought of rying to skimp and Save will save you money in the end. Loty fuel consumptiOn, freedom from repair and ability to deliver ontinuous power are w147count. A Dominion Lighting Plant in your property means hiple power every day with 1 w main- tenance, • ' ...t'JgINEMERS Write for descriptive booklet and.napie of your local dealer. "If you want the best, buy a Dominion."" 0,111/01/://7 T L Sutter & • • ... Ck:.14 ue 25c: 3 Bars Goblin Seap.25c 3 Bars of Palm Olive SomP With Another Purchase At OUR STORE 1 Can of Tomatoes 16c Supplies Limited to EACH CUSTOMER GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT OUR BIG BAR OF N. P. SOAP Equal in Weight of 3 Of Any Other Laundry Soap For 25 cents SEE OUR WINDOW SATURDAY FOR OTHER SPECIALS 1 Ib of Valencia Raisins l, , 2Sc lb of Mince Meat at 22e, 2 Large Cans Heinz Pork, and Beans at , , 22c. .1.11•11411.11,1••••••••••••••••••••.s.IMMIK, 2 Pkga Jelly Powder 25e 1 jOHNSON & Co. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station . The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners must equip 'their cars with approv ed Lenses. We have the following to choose front: Levelight Primolite Holophane Macbeth Legallte ',.lonopher Clear Sillier Roadlighter Conopher Noviol Clamert Come in and have us fill out your appliCations J. H. PAXMAN EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVING Phone 80 t Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. V. Aossosammorms 4•44 ..".'"'" MOM 1111110111ft MOIMISIUM MOM NEW ERA WANT ADS. The Most Interesting News in The Paper WHEN there is an emergency to meet, tvheri a need of business or the home presents itself, quick, decisive action is demanded. There are innumerable occasions when there is imperative demand to accomplish a desired object at once and to do it in the moat efficient way with maximum return and minimum expense. The se- eding of reliable household servants and help of all kinds. Getting the right kind of capable experienc- ed employes for office, nsttI, store, shop or factory Selecting high grade representatives to secure add- ed volume of business. The renting or buying e home. Choosing investment chances that are pro- fitable and sure. Finding a job that is pleasant, congenial and that holds possibility of advancement and increased return. Restoring lost articles of Ask for the Want Ad. Man. `Prtto.: lomi•,,smolar.artempteArr*ameeresesox* e"M*M*""'',,pAM*A,,AA....Ig.L10*"2'n""''":MrON.AZX[.Oa*Y.A.t.oatlrner:ApAmnaazc,atnapa=aineaGoslnso CUB o, 3 a 411P, n Sole ors for .re Most mothers who buy Hurlbuts once, buy them always—but theynever need to buy them as often as any other make. This is because Hurlbuts Shoes are BETTER SHOES, and have ex- clusive features not found in other makes. Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary shoes you have ever bought—and you will see that Hurlbut Welted Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest pri‘. c -per -it d,y.'s:1 \;;f4 any shoe made for children. A FULL RANGE OF STYLES AT 1 FRED. JACKSON -"SHOPS THAT' SATISFY"-