HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-2-24, Page 6• ?AGE DYER WORKED� EKES • Like any other part of the Hwnan WOO, requires' a stimulant when overtaxed. Ow Stimulant for Weak EEes is MOOS. if yott meed them call and see tis. . Small' -charge for glasses. Ekatnination' free. W. 11. 11HIVAR Jeweler. & Optometrist Issuer of Marriage Licensee' pitone No.174w; House 174 j i r1 TEA EXTRA VALUE -0- Splendid Value in BLACK TEA: 1 tbi for 35c 3 Its for .... $1.00 If you try it, once you will buy it all the time. W. T. 0.'1 1Ei'L THE HUB GROCER Phone..}&. 'fader 50e and 55e ESiF. 38 and 39; M�rgs ..•,r.:01411 IN /a! 3.s . $ fey wheat :.e..r . • r T�Ia $t9.00 to:• !t!' tHtea . • •, * . lk 1.11YAT b±! SrCM, r tiEND r n ;;;1.4.,r t, a r¢f r n. h; One of the-40MA that{ouj gt tQ ecome fixed hitt'tiltl lnnictr"e{y'{lduaec. held in Clinton Is that of ,sending Tate New Era the news stento that they may know of; tell its of your news 'an4 fly,h Igttibor i tojr}st�her, items that wit be o interest to yourself; your neighbors or your ,friends:' Every lodge, church body or social organization should have some trepresentativd who will pro fitly", .and carefully INF its . news. reprt .;tog. if you fiiitnk',Sotr`'orglniza{)oii: ''has better nl vs 011,0 '40;1404 'our` own, it is probably because that or - Ionization looks after such matters better, Write your hent$ acid lenerthetn in when possible. • Or telephone them to No. 30, but please don't ask thatlong lista' , of Haines be taken 'over telephone, ,as it not only re- quires much time, but iS fruitful in possibilitles of error. Above oii, be early. Neter watt: till late on Thursday to send an item that can be sent in days before. The New Era telephone number,is 30 and at nights 95. Fix them 'in your mind • worn Council met on Monday g. evening, The Agricultural Banquet tonight in the Town 1.1.11, AST NO Smoking -On Spraying -No Suitt Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAN h Guaranteed. •to restore normal breathing, stop mucus „gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give long nights of quiet slee • contains ass '.'.%tabu -f ... , 4 . p, , g. , ormih dug, $1•tl0,it y"onrdrug- ;gist's, Trial free oury Ida cities or ',Templetans, 142 ,*luggW, Teton* '. I.001tY AGi'PMJ, E. HOyEY • The Clinton New Era. Thursday 044.1 y 24111; t 9 3 mate mews of the[)jstrjct GODEl21CH A reorganization meeting of the local G, W. V: A., here was attended by a large gathering of veterans and prominrent citizens. It was decided to change the name to the'' "Goderich Military and Civil Club," and at the same time endeavor to retain the G, W. V. A„ standing with the Pre, vincial 0, W, V. A. The following officers were elected: ]Yon, President: -Judge Dickson; President: -Dr. Gal- 1ow; 1st Vice -President; -C. Wur-, tele; 2nd Vice President: ---G. L. Par- sons; Treasures; --Dr. Holmes; See- retary:-John Jones Bateman, Chap-' Iain: -Canon NMI The `executive ' • committee composed of four civilians and four veterans: Civilian Committee Wootacombe, W. Lance, Chas; C. Lee, Geo, Williams; Military Com- mittee -H. C. Dunlop, B. Shepherd, E. H. Hill, Archdeacon: -Jones -Bateman. A sequel to the Mysterious shooting affair at Kingsbridge last 'year, in which 1,quis Dalton was severely injured, is the issue, of five writs I•in the county courton account of alleged slanderous statements said to have been made re- garding residents of the community in connection with the shooting. The death occurred Tuesday night in London of Samuel J. Young, for years a well-known resident of Goderich, The deceased, who was in his 57th year, had been in poor health for the past year or sr; and had gone to London for treat- ment. Mr, Young for a number of years conducted'a general store in Dun- gannon prior to coming to Goderich, where he for a while owned the Maple Leaf grocery, but on account of ill - health was forced to retire. Besides his I widow, one son, Lorne,at home, sur- vives. • The funeral will be held on Fri- day and will be under the auspices of Morning Star Lodge, No, 309, A. F. &. A. M., Carlow, of which the deceased was an old member. . COLBORNE On Wednesday of last week Mr, and Mrs. Michael Schwanz, Newgate Street, Goderich, celebrated the fiftieth An- niversary of their wedding day in goo health and spirits. Mr: Schwanz, the a resident of Cayuga Township, Coun of Haldimand, and. Caroline Moser, Sebringville, were married at the lett place, and Immediately after carne t Colborne Township and settled on th Maitland Concession, where they con •tinued- to reside Atli coming to town about a year ago. The family gather- ing Wednesday in honor of the golde wed'din'g included two sons, John G Schwan?,.of, Goderich Township, an b, F. Schtwanz, of tire' 1somesteacd fan in Colborne, with their whet an families, and Mr.' and Mrs, Clfristia Heist, of Credltoni ,Mrs, Hoist bezrg aughter Two other• sons, Samkei, o CKod. aan lvYillwe; Sta; bwau: , and �til, o n t..0e•enf, TheAlit* ..... th afl e weddm g cake and thed ,. .bria and groom Qififty yeailtc;•received, a nrj � ' of 140. 44- able ilii in 1 ' g utCr a Friehds'in,town and; .country unite in washing Iver. and Mrs Schwann 'man 'moire year`s Ofl ealth'and'happiness to nether • • SF.APORTH. lyf3i J. A,• McLaren has returned from `Cron tarty. Miss Annie Baxter is attending the millinery openings in Toronto. The mai>,y frienc(s of Mr., 'Chas.. Bar - 1 •]Ser were glad'to see him out' again after his long illness, Mr., Pearson Chesney , and. Miss Jes- sie Chesney, of Stratford, were recent visitors in town. Mrs, Con. Eckert is on the sick -list atpresent but her many friends wish 'her a speedy recovery,, Rev. • Mr, Richardson, of Petrolea, who was unable to be present to con• duet missionary services in the Metho- dist Church last Sunday, will preach on the coining Sunday. Mrs, Rattenbury, Miss Rattenbury, Miss Swan and Miss Jessie Gemmel), 'of Brucefield, motored over and pent Wednesday with Miss Margaret Jackson, Egmondville. • Mr. John Reiukie was in Detroit this Week attending the ,funeral of his niece, the late Mrs. 'Parker. Mrs. Parker was the eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. D. Ross, of Brucefield, Her death was particularly . sad as she was only in her twenty-second year and been married about six months. Undergoing an operation, she never recovered. She was a for- mer student of Seaforth Collegiate. A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. James Church, recently, when Miss. Bridget McQuade, formerly of Egmondville, but lately of Stratford, was united in marriage to Mr. Joseph Murphy, of Stratford, Rev, Father, Goetz, officiating. • The bride wore ]ler travelling suit of navy broadcloth With hat to match, and was attended b her niece, Miss Mar rd y Mary Curtin. n. After a Wedding breakfast at the hone of the bride's slater, titer M r. . , and Mrs, Murphy loft fbr their home in Stratford y • INJURED WHEN BUGGY OVERTURNS. IN COLLISION Goderieh, February, 'j9-_Rod;Young, of .Colborne, metwith an accident on the Saltford hill' last night, , He .was driving home -with his two daughters, .who attend' school here, • and while on the Goderich side of Saltford biridge his horse took fright at. ,something and bolted, On making tltfi turn' oii the hill the buggy , coilided;lvith a gravel wagon coming' np, turningrthe buggy upside down and throwing the,occu- pxdts out. Mr. Young: landed :on his face and was knocked unconscious,. The girls suffered a few minor injuries about .the face and a bad shaking. up. Mr, Young wa taken to the hespital, but beyond abadly •bruised face acid head no serious injuries were ktund. WINGHAM J. A. Wilson has disposed ' of the Canadian Express Agency to Vance Sanderson and has taken a position as accountant with. the United Co -Oper- ative Company here., * STANLEY . .4 Mrs. John Innis left for Toronto on Monday where she will, visit relatives and friends for a week or•two, Mr. Andrew Gilmour left for his home in Disley on Tuesday, Mrs. Angus Gordon of Ashfield visit- ed for a few days at home of Mr, Thos. Baird. Mr. James Gilmour of Caron, visited at the hone of Mrs. J. Gilmour this week. The funeral of the infant daughter Margaret Jean, of Mr. and Mrs, T. B. Baird, took place privately on Wednes- day afternoon to Baird's cemetery. The baby was only 12 days old. To the parents, the sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to.thent, The U. F. W. 0. met on Tuesdlat y. the home of Mrs. 1i, Diehl. The at- tendance was lair and the new President Mrs, John McEwen, was in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were d • read and , also a letter. from the Co- n Operative Company of Toronto, re the ty Egg Grading Station at Wingbani. A of Paper "The West and the Woman," was er given by Mrs. Jackson, which was in - o structive, Miss Lizzie Taylor gave a e couple of good recitations. The meet- - ing closed with. the National Anthem, Brussels Post: -Last week, Wm, Tay- lor, of Clinton locality, was renewing. old friendships in Brussels and neigh- borhood. He has sold his 100 acre d farm 2nit Concession, Sfanfey Township n to Roy Cantelo,, of Goderich Town - d lisp, for $8,00o and gives ;,possession n next month. It is 19 years since lylr. a Taylor went to Stanley. He has bought f ,the Robert Ward 150 acres, 12th Con - f rcession,d:ailarton Townstiipi'•2f,4'miles from Fullerton village,:, Price paid ail sf. ;$,15,000. This.' is •g5.akit'1•' 6tk!'p?TI <'er f w't�, th d:. . t? o n c , Y . h p ou r .b. ba s n S.. tC. .f t 46x. : i. 38 feet, straw shed 34x56, hog pen 1,7x 60. Stone stabling under barns, with ceinetit floors, water, p,}pds, &c and room to.t5ed;,50 iniad of cattle, .There are 24' acres of hardK'+ood bush. Mr. Ward retires to St. Marys, We wish Mr, Taylor success isa his new location. * EXE'�Eit Rev. H. B. Parnby, of Eltnville, re- ceived a unanimous invitation from his board to return for another year as Pester of the Ettnvitte,cireeit. The work, of Mr. Pas aaby has been. much' appreciated and he has made• warns friends on .the circptt. Mr. Parnaby, .while thanking the board for their words of appreciation, stated that' he could not accept the invitation, Rev. M. J, Wilson, of James Street Church, has accepted an invitation 'to return, although he has been invited to two larger Churches. The Stephen and ,Osborne Junior Partners' Association held a banquet ha 'the town Hall , on Fiday evening. 'A number of toasts were given S. B. w Stothers, of Clinton,: Agricultural Rep- resentative for liuron, was present and 11 delivered an address, The Harmonic Male Quartet, of Lon- :d don, assisted' by Miss Jean 'Walker, elocutionist, gave an entertainment in k James Street Methodist Church that tv was much appreciated. ' There was a so large attendance, S. M, Sander's ]las purchased the James Pickard block owned by Mr, William Jackson, of Clinton, and now occupied on the north side by the Jack- son Manufacturing Company and -on tate south side by the Qommunity 1•iall. r• G W. ladmnn is recovering from his recent sarcous illness and is able to be around the 'house, .Mrs. James Mitchell, 3rd Concession of Stephen, who some time ago fell and art injured her leg, but was able to get Fri around with crutches, fell again Wed da nesday and broke the bone in her to for She is now in Dr, li ndntan's Hospital,g sl' , s y ice Case Howard, of the Barak of Com-. nterce staff; New York, visited with his Wh Parents errs y here r 1 hi bit a IBS s rerrmval to Rio CONSTANCE The pressel's Post; --James 'l knell will take charge of . the farm Of his sister, Mrs. Cololough near Klnbutn, Mullett Township, Mr, .Colclough is dead, • Jim is an old hand at the bust - tress. • . RRUCEFiELD. Dan Munro is getting, his ice at the Maitland river near Roxboro, 1t is a long way to haul it. Wm, Sinclair's sale of stock which was held On Monday, was a'good one Fair prices ivere obtained and' a good crowd was present. • Mrs, Hugh McDougal, of Tiverton, and children are yfsitiitg/ her parents, Mr. and Wars. John Walker of our vil- lage. D,an Ross and family^have returned from' Detroit where they attended the t' Parker, of that city. The first meeting of the Wornen's U. F, 0, was held on Wednesday last at the home ' of the president, Mrs. Haugh. A number of new members have been added; � nF Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S i'ASI" ORIA LONDESBORO. The regular Monthly Meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held in the Forrebter's ' Hall, on Thursday, March 3rd. A good attendance is, requested to complete arrangements for the Anneal "Pie Social" which will take place•taster Monday, March 28th, Fuller announcements later, Last Friday evening a play entitled, "Professor Pepp" 'was given by the young people of School Section No.. S. Owing to the inconvenience of stab- ing horses in the near vicinity of the school house it was decided to hold it in the township hall of our village. The play was a decided success In ev- ery respect and much • credit is due those who took part and also the promoters, the hall being packed overflowing and many, could nof ga access al All and had to go hoot After the play an elaborate lunch w served by the ladies of the section. The proceeds amounted to $115, Mr, Alex. Welts furnished the lighting TIME TABLE FOR SUMMER EXAMS Timetables for the sunitner exam- inatons have been received, coverng the following grades; and classes: The junior high school' entrance and junior public school graduation diploma examinations m Harlot t s ar e set e for June 24, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Candid- ates for these are required to notify the public school inspector directly or through the principal of the public school, which he or she attends be- fore ttie 15th day of April. Lower school examinations are set for June 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, • •t5, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24,27, 28, 29 and 30; These examinations Include those for entrance into the Normal School, model entrance and senior public school grad- uttion, senior high school entrance, and Engtislj-French model entrance. The timetable for the middle 'and upper schools, begin on JUne10, and continue 00 June 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27 and 28, The grades Include the middle school entrance into Normal, pass matriculation, Wiper school entrance into Normal, and honer and scholarship matriculation, upper school entrance into Normal, and honor and scholarship matriculation, Many were the perquisites which fell fermerly'to the lot of the Con- stable of the Tower of London. At one time it°was to his Interest to have as many prisoners as possible. A duke had* to pay him £20 as an entrance fee, an earl 213, a baron 210, and a knight 25, The constable had the right to stop all ships that passed up the Thames from the sea and to take toll from them, And another very valuable per- quisite was the exclusive fishing rights between London Bridge and the Tower. London Bridge was as crowded as ever, but in those days there was only a frail wooden paling, and frightened cattle often fell through Into the water. "All such cattle," says Maj. -Gen. Sir George Younghusband, "became the perquisite of the constable. "Scandalmongers of the day went so far as to -suggest that when the to co table was short f moat, and had tit r bang 6`t 'tri 'v%w, 4fie °ould send varlets to London Bridge at use bus- •• lent time, there to create the noses - as sary block" and confusion, which would cause a few fat kine to fall into the river." system for the occasion, which was much appreciated by alt present. We are looking forward to having o burg lighted with electricity in t near future. Mr, Dave Ewan, our blacksmit Oh.ird-0 n Cry FOi&,4 El ETCHER'S aa., he Ay S''4 "yO R i A h' &Illi €rlt •Babble '• );put• Babies, .- kg ,a r• - lie :Ki..*.'to,-;:t.iti[iiicre.":: 4a le.ar.e a;tf. univerb ,,,,, Sal ap• uai al„' The: lfI7by :,creatures h h thir, grirodprit%:bringbdntanitf..,We to ,•ali,,knOtlt how:.proud. parents,:.,"rave" lie about thee- pr..'ecoctous ' ,offspring.:...Do suchrioccasions, ale: 4444 :With' date t0 imeekness-gnd•:adimifed:degeee. of .pat- dI i fence.; Bnt; :When. these. "raise -feats"' 4 Pre considered from a Humorous: ,angle in the joke column. of newspapers they cultivate ',laughs. _How .popular, 3uph;'sayipgs•larc iwith: au,diences,:when shown on the itiottion' picture screen - in the Literary -•Digest. "Topics of the s, Day" is.. welt known by readers of The s Expositor:' "Don't yon ,.think. the baby favors g father?" "Bumf - Well, he, looks like hint, but' I wouldn't .. calf it a favor," -St; Peterb`iirg'Times, "Your new baby resetnbles her mother.".'q• cati'-t'• see' It Vt. "Well, Watch her a while and' see how she keeps her mouth going all the 'time." -Brooklyn Citizen, ,!iDoes the batty take after his father, Mrs. Jones?" ''Yes, indeed, We took •bis bottle. away from hint, and the little' darling tried to creep down the cellar steps."-Honte Sector, i' ;`:'Dat' baby oT yours mm the perfect image of.his • daddy." He such ant. "tie is a regular., carbon copy" -Dallas wris on the sick list,. but we ,are plea ed to see hien out again and able resume,his.duties. • Our- townlhip Council met in ..t village,os>, Friday. Afters the :,us it ,was spelttsad +.wj ,the gaestiou•' of hon"- • q ging • 'rpt: dgsig ate d o it o roast ' g from Coital aaee , ar ock d .taglli'. �i . n ly . wtf' •' , � Carried. by.; t majorttp of the irrquncii,. The motion adOp„te4,;Was, to. bring the good road. Logdesboro, solo• the future all pie roads will dMd .t_o„.linflesb,or0 , r • i HENSALI The-death...ot;Mrs. William Smilla Combe at midnight last Friday bight re tntaVed One of.the,13loueers of. the viii age. The late Mrs. Smaliacombe .. wa the widow of one of the,earlist settler In this viptnity„cher late;husbandhavin keen a tailor in:the pioneer days here. She is survivedby, two, sons, Fred ' and Garnet, the former for:,,sgn,e years Reeve of the •Irillage • ang,poW in the West. The , latter, resides,•inrGuelph. Two daughters also,; survive,,M•rs, McKay, of this,,village, ancl,Mrs. Geo. Walker, of Guelph. No• fulreraharrauge. merits have been made pending receipt of news from Fred in the West. * BELGRAVE Mrs, Long, of Milverton, spent a eek with her brother Rev, Peters. Mrs. liarltoia, of Park Hill, Is spend- rg a week with her friend, Mrs. Jule. Mr. Bride, of 1•larriston, spent a few ays with Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Daley, Mr. and Mrs, Kelse, of Melville, Sas- atchewan, are spending a few, weeks nth the latter's sister, Mrs. C. Robert - n, Stewart Proctor and Howard Wilkin- son, have, returned from Toronto hav- ing taken the two weeks course of lec- tures given by the U. F. 0. at the'Cnt- ario University, Rev; Snyder takes the service in the Methodist Church next Sunday and speaks on theWa d W rl ' s Brotherhood of Men, At the social evening' of the League last Tuesday night at tete hone of Mr, d Mrs. J. A. Brandon the young ends and neigihbors of Miss Margaret, tighter of Mr, and Mrs, W. C. Proc- presented her with a miscellaneous over. The number Of Westfield art - es presented showed ' the esteem in ick Miss Margaret is held by her ungfriends, tends . Thee" e Were about b ut 80 ran i • l pre and a very enjcyabie evening • - was spent, s . Her. Troubled e r. BACK ACHE SQ RAP COULD NOT SLEEP. 1 The epidemic of "iglu" has a great deal tQ be responsible for. In nearly every case it hes left some bad after effects, and in a great many cases it is the kidneys that have suffered. When the kidneys have been left in a weakened state, very often some serious kidney trouble will follow if not attended to, Doan's Kidney Pills will prove to be just the remedy you require to strength- en them, Mies Florence 79arnsitawl Apsley, Ont., writes, -"Last winter, after I had the "Flu" I was troubled with any kidneys. My back oohed so I could not sleep,and my ankles were so swelled 1 coulnot walk, A neighbor told me about Doan's Kidney Pills. I got two bona, end before I had` the first one taken1 felt a change, I 'Cannot recommend your medicine enough." • Be sure and get Doane Itidne: ills when you sok for 'them..'Ait e i n box' a Maple leaf tiro trade b o gp ice p mark; price 0 GOo st olt His adcaibrar or lt, tdasfl'ed dui A" 't4ll_itppt 'of'"rice 'by" The T. WHAM 00it• i3rnited,.Torontu, rS,•� JANUARY SALE OF DRY GOODS CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES - '"BIG REDUCTIONS DURING THE BALACNE Of THE MONTH Extra .specials h' or Saturday tarday Men's and Boy's Winter Caps -.•-Regular up to $2.00. Odd ljries and Sizes to Clear at. 75c. Bob Y, Odd:Vest's-69 cents About 100 Men's Heavy Ribbe at Y d Shirts ,and Drawers to clear' $1,39 each. Balance of Felt Boots and Slippers to clear at Wholesale Prices. GET OUR PRiCES,ON AI•LLINES BEFORE YOU BU'- WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY r 'Small Profits Phone 25 Plumsteel BMorose Busin®ess ' Morning News. "My • father weighed only four pounds whe he was born." "Good heavens) Did he live?" - Harvard Lampoon. "Tommy, come and rock the baby for bit." "All right, Ma, gimme a rockl"-Nebraska Awgwan, "A baby boric the other day had three well-developed teeth at birth; how gsickly flee country is respond- ing 'to the chucksteak carpalgn."- Philadelphia North American, "Why don't you go hone, Willie? -There's a new baby at your house," "I now, but I ain't going', because Pa blames me for everything." -Toledo Blade." Found in personal column: If John Jones, who deserted his wife and babe some 20 years ago, will return the said babe will knock the stuffing cut of hint.-Jerssy Journal, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ENFORCEMENT OF ADOLESCENT ACT Official Explanation of The New Legislation Advancing School Age. tl' s• � •i.•_ , The Adolescent > School Attendance •-Act, by' tbe:proclareetion o,f the Lieuten- ant;.,Gpvernor, rade on July, 13, 1920, yyill come into. force and take ;effect , as follows: ' Section 3•Qn September 1921 •Seetiou'7 • oii Septe41ber 4.1923, and The. ' i5gl• Y rl 11�Cf i5 6 onion tT'E ;{c} ink force by stages 1s 'id hake it possible''ta adjust gradually.school accommodations, courses of study, avid empkjymepts•. in ;itftfitsttires rd3the ooiidttotis set up bY' -the requirements of the Act.' S cti " e on .3"of the Act; •which comes into aperatlon; on September provides for the. attendance at school of adolescents:ibetdreetl 14 aid 16 years of age. The Minister announces that in conformity .with • this; • section•a'f :the sixteen years of age unless enrpiteyed on the authsirlty of a home permit or an • employment' certitieate as pro- vided for by the Act, but that it is not his intention to instruct atten- dance officers to make the act . re- Croactive: ;by endeavoring • to' •cont- pal young persons between 14 and 16 years of age who hove been engaged in regular entployrnent to re- furit'to school. School authorities, se, cordingly, will, In the beginning, be charged with providing only for the continued instruction of those who are at present at school :and .not for the numbers who might be forced to return to school by the strictest interpretation of the Act. At the same time, the Minister expects that the Act will be made fully effective to the extent that attendance officers be appointed according to late and their depart- ments organized to ensure, first, ,that all young persons between 14 and 16 years of age shall be either at school or at work; and, second, that all those who are at work either at home or fit gainful employments, shall hold the permits or certificates required by late. Section 9, which provides for the establishment and maintenance of part -tithe courses of instruction for young persons at work, comes into 0 { 1 1 ieration on September 1, 1922. The Minister expects that boards Will be itrepared to make this section effective on that date, Whenever it is desired, tete Min- ister, throwgla the offieet•s of the De - pertinent of Education wiil be ready to lend assistance to board�i s n drS anfrint S attend• .nae departments and In forming . nt in carrying out plans for paft-time STOMACH iN ORDER! NO INDIGETION, GAS, SOURNESS II "Pepe's Diapepsia" has proven itself the -surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, heartburn, Sourness, Fer- mentation or Stomach Distress caused by aoiddty. A few tablets give atmos", immediate :stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you can eat favorito foods without fear. Large case costs only few centre at drug store. Millions helped annually. CORN ,! 4 , There is a vast difference in the Grades of Corn. Our Corn is No. 2 Yellow which we believe is the Bess grade on the. market,.. It is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us know your require. menta, -Special Special prices on large quan- tities. BRAN, SHORTS Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. The Quality is ood and the prices reaa- enalilq ,.. SWIF'T'S 'D GESTER 'TANKAGE Figured on,,,,pprgtttnt value of live- stock and heate:trown feeds the nae O n f 'Sw tit,rtWD,gutar Tgplute will ra• tura motttv ofikztg it' ti,livt refiner than mitt before us' its, •Id to ry: \ SWIFT'S'•PFRTILiakRs 'wsit 3r 1, s1n!Ir%oAlr_, proc(yFed of CtaamEac. Company syn lahtiose all u.ed,ss�,u�Swift'. Hrtlt. Grade Fertiliser. ?"a? ` ;--t1a�Pt oTtt'lp you. �`r4pUR- Our Stock liiaeludein--Purity, Five Rosh, White Sa,A4' and Golden City. W. Jenkins) Ic�(�1t • • •FLOUR AND VEfdls. 'PHONE: --199-. •• RESIDENCE, --131 THE DOUBLE TRACK, ROUTE Between. hMONTREAL TQ*QNTO- y nw i r i iETRQIT ,u And CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining. Cer Servide Sleeping cars on Night bolos and Parlor Cars on Principal Day Trains - Ne Full Information from Any Grana Trunk Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger,Agent, Toronto, John Ranaford & Son, City Passer). ger and Ticket Agents, PHONE --5.- A..0. PATTISON, Station Agent, DO YOUR BOWELS llllove Regularly, or Do They BECOME CONSTIPATED? If the truth were only known it would be tound that half the ills of life are caused by Constipation, for when the bowels cease to work properly all the organs of the body become deranged.' A free motion of the bowels, every day, should be the rale of everyone who aspires toerfeot health Keep your bowels regular by. the use of Mitbura s Laza-Liver .fills, and you will havo no constipation, no bilious or side headaches, or any ether troubles arising from a wrong action of the liver or bowels. Mrs. 0, Brown, Lewisville N.B., writes: -"I have beet, troubled for years with constipation, and trying V0116118, so-called remedies, which did mo no good whatever, 1 Woe persuaded by a friend to try Milburn'. Laxa-Liver Pills. They have done tun worlds of good. They are indeed a splendid pill and 1 can heartily recommend them to all who suffer from eoneti .tion, Mil 'urn n b a Lott -Liver ' vial I'd1e are 2bc.a vial atl' dealers O • e t matte� direct OGt On eceipt otj rice by The T. LiAur31 Coq, iinaited, 7`ototito, Ont.