HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-2-24, Page 2(PAGE ,.-.,... ,,.,., i
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The Clinton Neu) Era
1, t.132'R,.;:te'
Having purchased the Confectionery. and Bakery of Mr.
Harry Bartliff, we will continue to give you the best of service.
Being a practical baker we cart'gtiiar hits alltclasses of bak.
ing done here.
1tVe IiSe new opened up new Wei of Confectionery for the
Christmas trade:
�tre i!iY9 -i;Henderson
Bartliff's Old Stand PHONY 1
PURELY IMIAAL-No poisonous molter.
ANTISEPTIC --Stops klaothpsiapo,
SPOTHINU-Eads pals and suaarIIAg. etc.
PURE -Best for haby's rashes'
HEALS all sores.
504 box -AU dealers.
Ireland, But it is to be borne in mind
that the South Includes the , great Agri-
cultural counties, The ridings as they
will exist for parliamentary purposes
will be as follows;
Northern Ireland-Autoini, Akniagli",
Down, Fermanagh; Londonderry and'
Tyrode counties, with Belfast as a sopa-
rate borough with four divisions, . ,
Southern Greland-Tile tentaiiiiiig'
counties, with Dublin city (three dirk --
ions) and Cork as, separate. boroughs,
Loiydonberry city will sot b'e a'separ-
ete boreugit but will be included in
Londenderry county. A curious feature
of'the situation'lles in the fact that
Derry is really the market town of Don
egal, which, however, will now be under'
? a separate Parliament..
A Senate In•Ench' Parliament`
Horne ' Rule for Ireland
The Government of Ireland Act and What it
Provides -Parliaments for North and South
(Toronto Star) For Home Rule purposes, the Pro-
vince of Ulster ceases to be a separate
unit, Instead, there is to be a Pal -ge-
ment for Northern Ireland; that is, for
Ulster minus its three strongly -Catholic
counties -Cavan, Monaghan and Done-
gal. These, with the remained of the
island, became Southern Ireland, which
also will have a parliament of its own.
1t is curious to find Donegal describ-
ed as "southern", for it lies, in fact,
upon the Northwestern coast. And it
narrowly escapes being cut off from the
other counties with which it is now
to be grouped. It is Inked up with
them, however, by, a five or six stile
strip along its south boundary at the
coast, where it meets Leitrim. Ths rea-
son for its inclusion in Southern ;rieland
is, of course, obvious. The division is
religious rather than geographical.
Donegal, Monaghan, and Cavan are
from 75 to 81 per cent. Roman Catholic
and the percentage is even larger in the
other counties of the. Southern group.
Northern Ireland Two -Thirds Protestant
in Northern Ireland about two-thirds
of the people will be Protestant. Its
population of a million and a quarter
compares -with well over three millions
in the Southern division. Its area of
three and a third million acres Is not im-
pressive wheif 2ompared-with the seven-
teen ands half million acres of Southern
Home Rule is due to be inaugurated
1i ireland on August 2nd of this year.
His Majesty in Council has the power
tofix an earlier day, or the time may
, be extended to a date not later than
March 2, 1922, The great experiment
ih therefore imminent at last. A Par-
liament in the north and a Parliament in
'the South are to be allowed to function
at will. Canadians will watch with in-
terest the progress of this self -govern -
Syrup of Figs" is
Child's Best Laxative
Beware! Say "California" or you
any _not get_ the. genuine "California
Syaaip' of rigs" which doctors recent -
mad for Mines and children of all ages.
Nothing else cleans the little bowels and
regulates' the child's' stomach andliver
so .gently, so thoroughly. Directions,
ori eight tattle, Bttt you must say.
California.' Don't be•.tg11ti3d`into: as
ifmitation: fig sj!rup which hasri'6 the
delieioue fruity; taste or tile'' perfect
""Iaicative physio" action.
..Northern and Southern Ireland will
each have a senate as. well as a House
of Commons, But while their form of
Government will somewhat resemble
Canada's in that particular, there will be
the substantial difference that a reland
will still elect representatives to the
British house. The number will be 46,.
instead of the present 105. Ireland will
thus continue to have a direct "say" in
British affairs. But she will also be re-
quired to make a direct contribution to-
wards the British Exchequer.
in addition to the two Parliaments
there will be a council of Ireland, which
will have sole jurisdiction over railways,
fisheries, contagious diseases of animals,
and any other matters which•both Par-
liaments agree to transfer to it. 1t will
also pass private bili legislation with
respect to matters affecting interests in
both Southern and Northern Ireland.
This council s to consist of twenty
representatives elected by each Parlia-
ment and a president nominated by the
lord lieutenant. Where united action
on the part of both parliaments is re-
quired, the Council will be the initiating
This is a brief outline of the general
plan of Home Rule, The jurisdiction
of the parliaments, their method of elec-
tion and appointment, the financial
aspect of the situation, and other as-
pects of the self-government soon to be
established will be'dealt with.in later
w o
Did you'ever live" in or near Grims-
by, Ontario? They are having an Old
Boys and Girl's Reunion -there de August
25th; 25th and''2.7tb, 1921. S'endyour
I nameland address' to The Old Horne
Committee,; Grimsby: They want. to
*rife to'you:
t, 104y a
„c -1f wiritstwatt,
Bvery'thi'sfg you cools or hake' will' be
more delicious"if you use I1aASI1♦IIYSt'i`.
It is the ideal shortening -always of the
same high quality. Economical to buy.
1?conomical to use -12 ounces go as far
as .16 of butter or lard -and, further, the
BASIRIRS'h left after frying anything.
can be used for something else without
carrying over food flavors.
These things` being so-Ta+`A.SII+IRS'i'
`Will " save you money every week of the
year. Easily proved -your first carton,
of 7c,`ASI lIRST will do it:
r r
3 cups' dour.
3'teaspoons baking powder.
2'lebel tablespoons EASII+IRST
1'teaspoon salt.
1 tablespoon sugar.
Sift flout, salt and baking
+•der' together. Add sugar, rub in
EASIPIRST, add sweet milk to
make soft dough. Moderately hot
oven, For a delightful variation,
press into top of each biscuit a
small piece of sugar loaf which has
been dipped into orange juice, or
drop, a small portion of raspberry
jam into a little hollow. Bake as
Your grocer will supply you. Sold ire cartons and tins.
A copy of Gunns Proved Recipe' • Booklet will be
gladly sent on request,
West Toronto
•Happenings Concerning the Small
and ,.Great From Far and
The Dominion
The Riverside Motel at Cowiehan
Lake, 13.C., was burned down.
The Senate, Divorce Committee starts
work* on some 150 eases.
Housing in Hamilton: last year
numbered 123, and amounted to $'487.-
.Spedker Bolduc of the Senate and
Rhodes of the Commons were sworn in
as members of the Privy 'Council of
C;ntada; ,
The St, Thomas Collegiate 1pstitute
teachers resigned,' but were asked to
withdraw their resignations chi promise
of: the .board to adjust salaries as soon
as possible.
Fire in Levis. County Railway car
sheds did ,y; 300,000 damage,
Strictly fresh'eggs retailed in Tilsou-
burg at 36 cents a dozen.
Robert Root, G. T. R. section man at
Palmerston, was instantly killed be-
tween two cars in the yard there.
Seven coaches of a C. N. R. train
from Vancouver to' Edmonton were de-
railed; two being oveinturned, near Bis-
sell, but only two persons were serious-
ly injured.
Use of the civic lungmotor brought
life in twleve minutes to a babe born in
Kitchener without signs of life" after
half an hour's unavailing effort by arti-
ficial respiration,.
The Grand Jury brought in a true bill
at Sandwich Assiaos charging Rev.tw
L, Spracklin with manslaughter in con-
nection with the death of Beverly
Trumble at the Chappell House last
November. -
Anglican Church at Woodbridge tot-
ally destroyed by fire.
Thomas Gibbard, returned soldier,
unable to find work, cuts his throat,
Crown takes new action against Harry
G. Barnes on charge of manslaughter.
Official closing of Grosvenor St, Pres
byterian Church, Toronto, was marked
by special services.
Brantford Lutherans dedicated a new
church costing $12,000,
The New Westminister teachers have
won their demands and are all reinstat-
Liberals Farmers and Labor nrsy com-
bine in South 'Wellington to beat the
' An attempt was made to wreck with
dynamite a co-operation bakery in St.
Catharines, the -second such attempt in
about a year._ -
, British srsd Foreign
A party of four men and three women
who were ciimbimg the Dochstein glac-
laceier have perished..
The Austriair Government has yielded
to the demaiidi of'MI' civil employees
and'lirbinfses'adltfmmediate bonus.
Sir'`Aitted' Mond, who has just re-
tuIvied1rons Palestine, says that country
possesses depogita of intterat oil, phos
pitate? rndosp it:
_premiers:, .tioyd',Geo'cge• ind,Bt1 nd
rave agnea-to,hofct a' conferice with
Coutiit'St ea;`ti1'e italfan IYilnisler,'Nlnn-
day morning of Downing Street.
• Retitoval.ofsnovv in New York left by
recent, stores is expected' to cost over
St. John's Newfoundland,' 3s In;the
grip of anotiike'llit zard;'ancfalf'raiiway
service lir the [Mika fiat been sutpend-
Count Bernstofff, former German Am
bassador to. the United. States has been
elected a member of the Reichstag from
TheCounci ft
C c i o he League of Nations
occupied most/ of Monday in discussing,
the question of publicity of the proceed
Ings of its ,sessions. , •
British steel makers 114ve cut prices
again froth' 30' to' 60 shillings a ton.
Railway signalmen" in Britain are de-
Itianding standardization of wages.
Chicago' tenants are conducting a'suc
cessfui' campaign to secure reasonable
Persian Cossacks have seized the pub
lac buildings in Teheran and turned the
Cabinet out of office,
The epidemic of "flu" left in its train
many weak hearts and serious nerve
Mrs. L. Wilson, (13 Ridout St., Ring -
sten,, Ont., writes: -"Over two years ago!
was taken very ill with Spanish.tnfluenza,
followed by neuritis of the head, high
blood'pressure and congestion of the brut,
and Z was left in a very weak state.
My heart and nerves were so terribly
bad I would have weak, fainting spells
eometimes twice a day. It really seemed
to me my heart would stop beating, I
doctored, and !hey seemed to do all they
could for mn, but I grew so bad, clay
after day they thought I could not get
better. 1? had given up all hopes of ever
getting well, as I was failing very fast,
It seemed to me it was a God -send when
I looked in the paper and' read about
Milburn's Heart and Nerve rills, I
thought that there was a little hone
where there was a sparse of life left.
1 commenced taking them right away
and I ant now on any fifth box, aril]
can safely say. I am a lot better, 1
truly think that•ti• it had. not' been for
your wonderful medicine
I would not
have been here new."
Price 800. a box at all deafer,., or
mailed direct by 7'h•i T. Milburn Co"
Limitrd, '+'• •
:1921, Council is .certainly, drawi'itg the.
Spectators to their meetings -as' fire-
works Gan be expected anytime,
$250.00 was. paid last year by ;fn-.
sur nave Companies for fire losses fire
Clinton, Pretty good record bait
then look at our fire .proteltion,
We firmly believe the fact that the
moving of fhe gun's was started.
by some people who failedttb'cross the
Channell, 'Correct 'go' up'head.
We heard. that word "persecution"
used once Before when our Chief was
prosecuting )
Pool room frequenters may well
cdmplain of the amusement tax being
put on such places. ' Anyone knows
that playing pool is not much amuse-
ment sometimes.
What do you think we"' are staying
home at nights for? We have discover-
ed -the 59 varieties of baby's pains; how
to bold a safety pin correctly, and how
to go to sleep immediately after ren-
dering first aid many times during the
wee'snra' hours.
There's not much difference between
a building condemned by the Fire Mar-
shall of Ontario and captured' German
guns -at least some people think there
is not.
-, -0-
Sonne people are judged by their
good deeds to others. The Clinton Fire
Co., have one souvenir of liberality,
hung up in the Fire. Hall..
If there was no "comment or excit-
plead•' caused by the removal of a land-
mark on Huron. street -Chief Fitz-
simons s and Councillor
Johnson, who is
Chairman of the Fire and Water Com-
mittee could enlighten any one on tate
official papers received' from t the Fire
Marshall of Ontario,
The reception handed out to "old
boys" would certainly. not Pre a draw-
ing card if Clinton. decided to go
ahead with an Old .Boys: Reunion.
The first thing Capt...ilrclEegney, M.
C., kitow's, he will hoe; to prove
that M. 'C.; doesn't msam'Merry'Ch'r st-
thas" to some people;' But then WE
know his military record and' the" sol-
dier boys too -So. sltioutd' worry.
Now if ',e'got coinC of those;'ofd ba•t
tering; rams' and. nalihy gdats, ?Nat
t}`ould wte'db with UI ii1 Thi Ii
mei{fs of war that 1 e'N�Vae: kee(fra lo£
of us busy wa•tcffiir`g tifdtiai` •
...It's- not tire; matter of "inS't halting'
an old 'rusty..gun"'.:butt there' is.•al::sp
sentiment attached'. 'bpsaute' .Te'ddd•
Roosevelt told Kaiser' BilT after he saw
a review of tle{G'erman aSren and navy
"that: Bill, could :lick' the world" -and
Bill believed'hims but the Canadian boys
were able a' good many times to lick
the flower -of the Kaiser."s army, and so
it may he are olld rusty gun -but it
means a iota Rust: the same.
,Exeten' is complaining about our
Magistrate, going down to their village
to try count cases -but there are many
around! here who have wished "he had
always been down there instead of try-
ing cases; here,
Why does the Crown Attorney have
to ' attend 'ninon liquor cases when
the fines are heavy enough without
extra coats being added Will some: -
body page Mr. Raney about this.
•The estimated available waterpower
in Canada is 19,554,000 horsepower.
The Province of Quebec leads with
6,000,000 horsepower; Ontario second,
with 5,800,000 horsepower; Manitoba
third\ with 3,218,000 horsepower, and
British Columbia fourth with 3,000,000
The waterpower developed through.
out Canada amounts to 2,305,310
horsepower. Ontario leads It de-
Velopntent, with 985,060 horsepower;
Quebec has 842,761 horse -power;
British Columbia, 312,423; Mani-
toba, 76,172; Alberta, 32,88'0; Nova
Scotia, 26,024; New Brunswick,
14,869; the Yukon, 13,392; and
Prince Edward island,. 1,729 horse.
An 'Old Boys and Girls Reunion is
on the lapis at Grimsby, Ontario, for
August 25th; 26111 and 27511, 1921, Did
yoti ever five In or neer there? The Old
Home 'Committee wants your noble and!
Thursday Itebtia
y 24t1s, 192'
Delegates /to, Electrification Meeting
Pl'ease'd Wlth'Plan,-Want Figures By;
Requests for full particulars o i the
proposition of the electrification of the
Loudon, Huron and Bruce branch of
the• Grand Trunk Railway, which is
shortly to be token over by the Do-
minion' Government, was made una ti.
urously in a resolution adopted by dele-
gates'frotn municipalities through'whicir
the line operates at a meeting held
Wednesday snorting at the Londop
City hall':
The•riesolution'i'moved•by Anus Tip-
pling, of Winghatn, and seconded by
.At.•'C. Hodgins, of London Township,
re ads,'at' follotv's
`{That the ''Hydro -Electric Power
Commission of Ontario be requested 'to'
approach tire' Dominion• Government
with is view, td acghdring, leasing or
seeunitrg running rights, over what is'
kno+chi as the London, Duren a;ad 33r'iice
line;. o"'n behalf of the municipalities
throngle which it operates.
"That the commission isalso request-
ed to supply the municipalities inter-
ested with a report showing tire' esti-
mated cost of the line equipped reedy
for satjsfactory service, together with
au estimate of the probable• future
earnings, operating costs, etc., as pro-
vided forrih the Radial Railway Act.
"That copies of the• resolution be
sent to the secretary of the commission
and to the: department of railways and.
canals at Ottawa, respectively; as well
as a request:to the Councils of. the -var-
ious municipalities interested; asking
them to take' similar action."
The meeting was largely attended and
all the delegates expressed themselves
in favor of obtaining all available in-
formation which would show whether
or not this branch line, which taps one
of the finest districts in the Dominion,
would prove apaying proposition. One
or two delegates appeared a• little
dubious as to the feasibility of the
scheme, but were unalterably fir favor
of obtaining the fullest information
possible on tlt'e:project•
The delegates were' welcomed'to and
given the freedom of the city by Mayor
Following the meeting the delegates
were tendered' a•luncheon and leer
taken on a trip-to•Pot Stanley: over the
electrified L. &. P. S. R.
Following are some of tire' out-of-
town delegates present': A. C:, Hodgins„
London Township; Robert Coultes, East
Wawanosh Township; G. W. Holman,
Goderich; A; H1 Dhpe; Usboruer Town-
ship; Amos Tippling, Wiughain; H. B.
Elliott, Winghaml•C. B. Snell, Exeter:
J. G. Stanbury, Exeter; Morton Ellott,
Stanley Townsh'firrR. Ji:Mill'er; Clintons
Atex. Smith;Ltfansalli GI. Bt Hanley,
Stanley Township; N. H. Penhate, Ex-
eter; C. F. O'Brien, Cenfrailta. A' E
•kr win, Bayfield,' attd }{run.3t. FUNer„ Iio17L•
tion Township), .
tri' 14.60 th t. field criijts 6f Cii'iyk
had 'a- valfte' ef94 953;410;' Ad: "we
};(her farm produce Had a; value cit
$'69,953,4419,, staking a total; of
rai64,906,8&8, being the value of the:
products oft' Agriculture:.
"Flax MiII; ScutchhersWanted at once."
Atilily;.Giadericli Flair Nlillti; P'esbnrfs6t„•
Suits; ofi two. rooms, syitable for
light housekeeping,, or dressmaking.
Use of, Bathroom: and alil city con-
venienges. Also single roosts, with
or without Board. Radiator in every
roots,. _ APPLY to MRS. DOWNS.
Opposite Ontario Street Church
Poi 'Sate.
Two size roofti'ed houses off Frede'r'
ick St near the new Flax Mill, will be
sold' very cheap, and on easy terms:
Apply to Jacob Taylor
or C. B. Bele.
In The Estate of Onslow Crich Deceased
i NOTICE is hereby given that all per-
sons having claims against the estate of
Onsipw Crich, late of the Town of Cita-
-Wit in the County of Huron, Laborer,
deceased, who died on or about the
26th day of November, 1920, are re-
quired to deliver to Oliver Gifford Crich
the•,Adntiiistrator of tate said estate or
his solicitor on or before the 26th day
of February, 1921, a full stateulent.of
their claims together with particulars
thereof, and the nature of the secnri.
ties, if any, held by them a111 duly veri-
fied by affidavit,
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date the said Admin-
istrator will proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased amongst the
persons entitled thereto having regard
only to such claims as he shall have re-
ceived due 'notice and In accordance
therewith, '
DATED AT CLINTON, tltis 10111 day
of February, A,D, 1921,
W, RYDONE, Clinton, Ontario
aofeita, for'the•Said Administrator
SEALED ITNDERS, 'add'ressed to me
Postmaster G'ene'ral, will be received at
Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 4'tl,,
of, February, 1921, for the conveyance
His Majesty's Malls, on a proposed Con-
tract for : four years, over six ti'mee
per week, over Clinton No, 5, Rural'
Mail Route from tb;e 1st of July, next,
Printed notices containing further inlor
mutton as to conditions,' of :proposed?
Contract may be seen and: blank forme'
4f Tender may be obtained at the Post"
Officels of Clinton, Seaforth, Bruce -
field, Londesborough, -and at the. office
4.the Post Office inspector•;
Post Office inspectors Office._
London, Ontario, februarlr 4t1, 1.92l
post Ofilcrrrlsapector
MAiL CQ f RAG,Tr 9 i
SEALED TEIJii1RS,aaddressed lb the
Postmaster General, will be received
at•Ottawa' until noon, on 'Friday, the
lath of March, 1921 for the.gouvey-
anee His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed
Contract for four years, Six times: per
week over Clinton No. 4, Rural, Mail
Route; -from the' ist of July, next
Printed notices containing further in-
formation as to conditions of proposed
'Contract may be seen and blank forms
of Tender may be obtained at the: Post
Offices of' Clinton, Seaforth, 'Bruce -
field, Londesborough, and at the office
of the Post Office Inspector:
Post Office Inspector's Office,
London, Ont, February 4th, 1921.
Post Office Inspector.
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the:
Postmaster General, will be received. at.
Ottawa untilnoon, on Friday, the 1st.
of April, 1921,.for the conveyance His
Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract:
for four years, six tines per week over
Clrton No. 3, Rural Mail Route from
the Postmaster General's Pleasure,
PRINTED NOTICES containing fur-
ther information as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be seen and blank
forms of Tender may be obtained at the
Post Offices of Clinton, Ilolmesville,
Brucefield, Seaforth aitd at the office of
the Post Office inspector,
Post Office Inspector
float Office Inspector's Office
.London, February 18th, 1921
A'Cottage on Huron Street.ln fairly
good condition inside; 7 roosts; Town
Waiter.; Nearly an, Acre of Land. Apply to
100•Acres, Lot 16, Concession, 24.
Untied, 16 acres of hardwood'bush;.50•
Acres almost new land, balance has bees
grazed. andtog-dressed for 20 years,
All Good. Land,. Well Drained, Perfectly.-
Clean, Eve'ty furrow ' a±abl a la: first
class, state: flan• aultivatjpn' wltlptrtihalf: a
'mile of the inacadaitiized'roads;-3' mites
,from town,. 800 rod -sof extra•good
fitacing;t Siam, 43X7,`4 witibi stoel,rdof
ndiid a stsel'stdtng, also, rodded: Stable
rabbi. fair' 44'tleaaiP.'' aE stock, Ceane tt
'fibers ands 'Nlaterwesksr Up-tr.Iiatia' fiat:•
ebnitentendes; First Class Garage arid, a<
Why' •Hori§+ei' Good Water, ands a, good
Jftranie`13diusa..witlt up-to-date: conven-
onveniences., Pon Fuath:et Partieslarg, Apply
R, 8:, Ne..4,,.Clititisa
13ar AppIF on, Ptsmieein
Of Parma Stock. Mrs. eeong,,e Elliott
etas :leen iirstr•gcted: to,soll,by Public
Auction on Monday„ February. 21st,
192t, at'Ltit 27, :Concession 2, Stanley
at O'clock, the following HORSES
•-One Brown Marey Rising 7 Years;
Oise Dark Grey Filly ' 1 years old,
!CATTLE; -11 Cowss. one: Just Freshen-
ed; 3 Due in March; 3 Cow's; Due In
April; 3 Cows Due in, June; are milking
yet;' 1 Freshenedt in October; 1 Fresh-
ened in September 1.0. Young Cattle
Rising' 2 eyars;'8 steers: anal heifers;
10'Yearlings; 7, steers and 3 heifers,
One calf 4 Months t), Ope _calf 3
weeks' old; ,i 'Pure• Bred Registered
Shorthorn Bull 3; years old, bred by A.
Broadfoot, Seaforth. PIGS; -3
Brood SOWS; 2 Due in March and 1 in
'April; 8 Pigs 4. Months' old. Also at
same time and place Mr, John Pepper
will offer a. team of General Fillies, 3
and 4 years old, Everything must be
sold without Reserve. TERMS: -All
suets of Sto,00: and under cash; 8
Months credit on 'approved Joint notes
or a discount of 4% straight for cash.
Auctioneer Proprietor
8 roasted, solid brick house, Town
Water and Electric Lights. Good Gar.,
den and chicken House. Apply on
Corner North & Spencer Streets
paid for raw 'furs.
PHONE 89 Clinton
Two Young Shorthorn Bulls for Sate.
Color Red; 14 Months old, Apply to
Clinton, Ontario
PHONE 9-641 R. R. NO. 1.
The Government inspector was here
several days ago, He says you can
tell the farmers they don't need a
License or Permit to trap on their
own lards Highest est MFrkat prices