HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-2-24, Page 1iistablishet; 065, Vol. 55, N0.35
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•CLINT() N! ONT4R1 09 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24TH W. Hi, Kerr 8e, Sou, Editore and Publishes*
When days are chill and cold of Woe
And all looks blue and full Winds blow, •
What clears the chest with a healthful glow,
. Wampples Cold Liver Extract•
When growing boys and girls look pale
What best can make them strong and hale ?
The 'Remedy Never Known to fail-
: VVampoles Cod Liver. Extract
W. S. 1RJ. 110 LA/1B1S Phrn. B.
INCORPORATED 1855 • 13.32"
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 130 arenchei
Buy Canadian Goods—and help, to keep Canadian
workmen busy, it wll help you.
Buy. . wisely . and save 'as much as possble and
• : deposit your savngs in The Wilsons Bank.
Courteous service to all.
II R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
Let us be Known as
Let us stop spending heedlessly
and needlessly, and begin to
Tbe Royal WO
R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch
Death of W. M. O'Bierne Occurs
% In Stratford After Long Illness.
Stratford, Ontario, Februtl'/V
W. M. O'Bierne, editor and proprietor
Of the Stratford Daily Bertpon, died at
his home here to:might' after a long
illness, which had •been regarded es
serious for the -last year
The late Mr. O''Bierne was a pro-
minent figure in Western' Ontario
journalism for about half a century,
.laking an active part in politcis as
editor of the local Liberal news-
paper. He was a vigorous and ef-
fective editorial writer, on civic as
well as political subjects.
DecTed is survived by his widow,
three sons and two daughters, one
of the latter married. His sons all
reside In this city, K. W. aping .as
business manager of the Beacon and
William being a member of the re-
portorial staff. The late Mr. O'Bierne
was amember of Tecumseh Lodge,
A. F. & A. M. '
Mr, O'Bierne was always a man whom
the Maar of the New Era could look
for any advice which was freely given.
To the family we extend our sympathy
in their loss.
50 Men's Suits in large range of patterns to selectfrom, in
.0,:. .17 •
Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds; Blue or Black Serges ranging ,
in Price from $30.00 to $37.50 to Clear at - $25.00
25 Mens Suits sizes 34 to 44. No broken . lines. Regular
$20.00 to clear at , . $15.00
Boys $12.50 to $15.00 Suits to clear at
Boy's $18,00 to $.20,00 Suits toClear at
Men's $20.00 Raincoats to clear at , , • .415.00
..1.4M*,41".. •••••••\*
,..2-4.3...normrsrttomrecrmszromatelsvosoceirmr.v..,ii. wroa41
he Pitorrish Clothing cy,9„.
Siove Deal tor Evdry ut
Fluron'Old Boys 1
Club at Vancouver
List of Officers Include Old Boys
and Girls From Fab' Huron—
The New Era Wishes the New
Organization Success.
The New Era received from Jean
Cantelon, Corresponding -Secretary of
the Huron Old Boys Association lit
Vancouver, the following letter which
speaks for itsself;
100•11110111111111186 11101110.31•••00
•• waifs s • • • so • so • ot**,•
St. James' Church, Middleton.
Holy Communion and sernion 11 a.
in. Preacher, Rev a S. E. McKegney.
St. John's Church, Holmesville
During the corning week Prayer
meetings will be held at. a number of
homes in .the Parish as below:
Tuesday, Marcia 5—Mr W. H. Johnston.
Wednesday, March 2—Mr. E. Williams
Thursday, March 3rd—Mr, 0. Churchill
Friday; March 4th, Mr. G. Holmes
Meetings will commence at 8 p.m. and
will be conducted by Rev. C. liallOwell.
Everybody is invited. ,
Ontario Street Church
' Rev. T. E. Sawyer, of Londesboro,
will preach morning and ,evening in
Ontario Street 'Church next Sunday and
will conduct a Missionary Anniversary
111 Turner's Church in the'afternoon.
Rev, S. Anderson will conduct the re-
Opening,services at Londesboro Church
next Sunday morning and evening.
The Sunday School Banquet is to be
heict an Friday night of this week.
Eery member of every family of the
Church and adherents are invited be
present and enjoy the free lunch, The
children's tea will be served at five
and adults after, Mr. S. B. Stothers
of the Ontario,Agriculturai Department
will put on a 'film of moving pictures
for. the children and repented for the
adults, A splendid Hine is expected by
Wesley Church'
The members of the Young fIen's
Bible Class of Wesley Church, 'Whose
efficient teacher Is Mr. 'Corless, enter -
Try The New £ra
for Job Work iri
.1257 Burrerd, St. Vane, B.P.
Feb. 15th, 1921.
Editor of Clinton .New Ertl,
Clinton, Ont.
Dear,•Sim—Although we are a long
way from Huron there are still many
loyal sons and daughters 'of the good
old County who do not Wish to lose
connection with all Huron's history,
traditions and old friends. So we, in
Vancouver have conned a "Huron Old
Boys'Association." We have had two
organization meetings and at the last
enthusiastic rally the following officers
were electe'd for the year: •
President—D..T. Kendall (Brussels)
ist Vice—Dr. Feare, (Seaforth)
2neVIce-0, R. Gordon, (Gottereh)
3rd Vice—T.G. Donaghy (Fordwich)
Rec,••Secy--F.J. Lawrence (Seaforth)
COr.-Secy—Jean 'Crintelon (Goderich
Treas. Mr. Edwads (Fordwich)
Directors -Mrs. Sbortreed (Seaforth)
Wm, McQueen (Brucefield), Mrs. Hum-
phreys (Fordwich), W. H. Corby,
(Herisall), T. .B. Hill (Brussels), Mrs,
Donaghy (Fordwich), Mr. Day (Wing -
ham), A. Bowles (Whitechurch), Mrs,
Greig (Fordwich), G. F, Gibson (Wro-
There are a great many former
Huronites in our fair city and we are
looking forward with great enthusiasm
to a splendid organization which will
be worthy of the banner County we are
representatives of.
As you see, I have been appointed
Cor. -Secy., and it will be my duty and
pleasure to write back to the County
papers from time to time such news of
our Society and its affairs as we think
the pe4le back "home". may like to
know about. We wish to keep in
closer contact with all Huron's activi-
ties and we would like to feet that the
people of Huron are interested In this
Association and in our activities. Will
You kindly insert this news of our new
Association in your paper?
We wish you continued success in
your publication and we of Vancouver
send greetings back to. the old, Home
County of Huron, 1 ani,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Chowen, Gen. Superintendent
and Mr. G. M. Stanley Deliver
Strong Appeals for Missions h*
Ontario St. Church. Last Friday evening the,Union Men's
Missionary Banquet of Wesley and011t-
aria Street Churches was held in the
latter church and alirrge nuniber of
the laymen of both congregations gath-
erect, to enjoy the excellent sUpPer pro-
vided by the Joint Missionary Societies
of both Churches.
Following the Banquet an adjourn-
ment *as made to auditorium when two
excellent addresses were delivered.
Rev. S. Anderson,, Pastor of Ontario
Streeet Church had charge of the meet-
' hag. A prayer was offered by Rev. D.
14. McCanaus. A union Choir sang the
web known anthem "Son of My Soul."
Dr. Chowen, General Superintendent
of the Methodist Church was the first
speaker and after a few . introductory
remarks took as his subject "Mission
Work in the Orient" and for nearly an
hour, told of his recent visit to Japan
and 'Chip and the wonderful work be-
ing performed by Hie few missionaries
During his address on Japan he made
the statement that 98% of children of
Jean Cantelon,
(Cor. -Secy.)
Council Will Hold a
Public Meeting for the
Question of Assessment
Commissioner Ludlow, of Brant-
ford, to.be Invited as well ailhe
Assessors from Towns and Vil-
lages of Huron County — The
Question of Parking Cars at
Open Evening at
the Clinton Club
A.. P. Gundry, of Galt, Former
C. C. I. Principe Gave a Spien-
did Address on lEducation and
Its Problems,
Last FrItts(y evening was en open
night at the Clinton Club, wben each
member had. the privilege of inviting •
a guest, There were o Koodly' number
present when the President, Col. Rance
Introduced The speaker for the even-
ing, Mr. A, P. Gendry, now of Galt,
but formerly a Clintonian. •
Mr. Gundry gave a most ritteresting
and Instructive ' address upor0,the large
subject of Education, dealini chiefly,
with Some of the problems ii this re-
gard; which confront us toditi,.
and complex, if not almost dssoluble.
He informed his hearers that these were
all receiving attention at the hands of
those in authority, and he entertained
hopes that before long some remedies
would be applied, .
He deplored somewhat the gradually
Increasing number of women teachers,
and the corresponding decreasing num-
ber of men. He spoke most highly of
women's ability in this profession, but
painted out the advisability of at least
50% of male teachers. A boy front is
to 16 years of age should not be,;•wholly
under women's guidance. They can-
not take part in his outdoor recreation,
and they are by nature handicapped in'
the work of transforming the boy into
the 171511. It would be as adverse .10
nature to place girls from ii to 56
years of age wholly under' the guid-
ance of a man, The speaker dwelt at
some length on technical teaching, a
word, like the word temperance, a good
deal misused today, for in this con-
nection it means "trade".
The , curriculum is thought to be
spread over too wide a field, •and, not
only so, but subjects are taught today
that should be replaced by those Of a
more practical nature. Agriculture as
the basic industry of Canada ought cer-
tainly to receive far more attention than
it does.
The speaker was well applauded, and
gracefully thanked in a motion, moved
by J. W. Treleaven and seconded by
Col. H. 13. Combe. The gallant Colonel
in a seemingly would-be humouraus
manner, took advantage of the oppor-
tunity to display his knowledge of
cattle breeding, which we might remark
is evidently not quite on a par with his
111111551y acquirements., -
Short "speeches from W. J. Andrews,
W. Brydone, Rev. S. E. McKegney com-
pleted the labour portion of the even-
ing and led to the serving of light re-
freshments: We understand there are
to be several such evenings held this
00.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O 0
The Jury left the Courtroom at,
2.20 p.m. and were expected to be
out for half an hem or so, but are
still out at 3.15.
Dr. Chowen
school age were attending school in
Japan—a. much better showing than
Ontario, can boast, - In Chinaone,in 90
are readers and in India One in 45. The
work is heavy for the Missionaries as
the Methodist Church has taken upon
themselves a work in which there are
six million people and only 10 Mission-
arlei at present to do the work.»,
The trouble at Korea is in a degree
like that of Germany. The Country is
under the rule of a Japanese Military
Rule 'and the -Military .Class have the
upper hand.
Mr. a M. Stanley, of Lucan, eve
an address from the view point ot a
layman and was listened to with gyat
The net Proceeds .of the Banquet
wee divided between 'the W. M, S. Of
Weiley and Ontario Street•Churches.,
Next Meeting. •
The adjourned meeting of the Coun-
cil' Was held on Monday evening with
Mayor McMurray in the chair and Reeve ,
Miller and Councillors Cooper, Langford
Johnson and Kemp present.
Minutes of last regular meeting and
special meeting were read said olopted.
' On motion of Councillors Johnson
and Langford, Council went into Com-
mittee of the whole to take up the
Auditor's reports. and Other business,
in connection with the AsseSsment,
The motion cai•ried.
Reeve Miller took the chair while
Wiled the.' members. of the . Bethany ,
tne t,,,onimitbee, was in session, • .
Class of youni ladies on'Tiresclay evep-
The matter of rebate on taxet Dr.
ing to a banquet at which g6 or 6,5
were present, The y0U115 men /set the
tables and wailed on the guests and
made quite a "hit" as each One had
matter of the tint flat and reviewed the
borrowed a dainty apron from mother
or sister and wore the same While per- taxes uncollected from 1908 to 1918,
Thi of y„ of taxes is unpaid during that
forming his duties, The banquet was
all that could he desired includini til Period. .
the 915110 cold meals, eacalloped Data- On motion of Councillors Cooper
toes, Creamed corn, baked bUltns, Pie, and Langford the abstract of •the Aud-
lee cream andcake. Miss 13. Ward, as itor's reports'be pa:Visited in both local
President and Mrs, A. '1', Cooper, its papers.
teacher of the "Bethany biris" tender- The Tax Collector was instructed to
ed the thanks of the class to their get after the arrears of taxes, •
hosts, The Male quartette of Wesley 1 'File Flhance ComMitte IS to arrange
choir sting 5 or 6 numbears. Several a meeting of the nrban AsSessors, Conn -
readings and solos were given and ty Judge, and Commissioners Ludlow,
games of different kinds brought a very 1 of Brantford to discuss the assessment
happy evening to a closb, question fli a itear date.
Council resumed business with Mayor
Sleighing ()nee Mere MCMInIfly In the ehair and above
The snowman decided on Tuesday were Carried,
night that Summer weather would be no The Mayor brought up the matter of
more and by Wednesday morning there Parking Cars and more silent pollee.
was enough snow to.mike good sleigh -1 men lo be 4185155554 It next
fug around idW1t, • Council than adjourned.
Thompson; no fiction was taken. The
Auditor's reports was discussed and re-
vieWed and the Treasurer- Went hit() the
Initalling Motor and Bread Mixer. 1,
Mr. Betts,'the Huron street baker, Is,
installing dii'•electric motor and power
bread mixer af his bake shop to. hdlp
out in the labor end of that department.
A nen' up-to-date delivery rig was put
on the road on Wednesday morning.
Grimsby Od ,Boys and Girls
A real family gathering is scheduled
for Grimsby, Ontario, on August 25th,
26th and' 27th, 1921, when an Old Boys
and Girls Reunion will be held. If any
of our readers are from that vicinity
send your name and address to The Old
Home Cominitee; Grimsby,
Mr. John Shaw Will Celebrate His
83rd Birthday on r aday.
on Monday next, February 25th, Mr..
John Shaw will celebrate his 83rd Birth-
danya.tiv8e1r, oSfScot-
a .
land, and speaks
the Gaelic as
fluently as Eng-
lish. Ile L.:11118
t with his parents to
-55 America at the age
of 9,; the family
settling in North Carolina. .At the
age of 16, Mr. Shaw presented himself
to a board of Exruniners to qualify as
teacher. For 20 years he was Principal
of the 'Brussels Public Sant, Mit for
several years past has been resting from
his labors.
O .. 0
Items of Interest Picked Up Hera
attti There About the Town.
Lost At Goderich
The Public School hockey team was
at Goderch on Wednesday and lost by
a score of 134. Goderich is expected
back on Saturday.
W. C. T. U, Meets Friday.
The W. t. 'r, U. will meet on Friday.
afternoon at 3 o'clock in Wesley church
lecture room. The subject for the 61
educational half-hour will be "The Can-
adianization of the Foreigners in our
Kiltie Skating Party
The Kiltie Band will hold a skating
Party at the Arena on Monday evening,
February 28th, There will be contin-
uous music and E. Wendorf will have u
cafeteria at the rink. See bills for fur-
ther particulars.
161st Officer Back to Wingham
• (Wingham . Advance:)—Many oliS
friends are welcoming Mr, and Mrs.
Herb 'Campbell back as ciiizenSof Wing -
ham. Mr. Campbell has been engaged
as Superinfendent of the electric light
and noisier department at, Wingham, a
job which he held until enlisting for)
overseas Service 'about' five Years' ago. •
Buys Hardware Susineas in Simcoe
Mr. • W. H. Davison, who rep/. :ly
sold his hardware 'business l< , to •
Carless & Venter has puchased the
lhardware business of Boyd and
take poiSession right away. The
family; mo'Ve as soon as a hoose
procured. The New Era wishes Mr,
Davison estery success in his new bus,i-
Mr. Wylie is visiting his 'ckaughter,
Mrs. J. E. Hogg at the Manse,
Mrs. Carl Olio'n, of Torodtp, was
in town during the past
'Police Magistrate Andrews was isa
eter 051 Monday attending. some liquor
Reeve Miller was in Londbwan Wed-
nesday attending the Hydro '..Radlal
, Mr, A. T. Cooper 0 So Toronto this
week attending the TeiVerance Con-
ven tion. ,
Rev, J. E. i'orsi, of Vt4e'rich, was
in town on Friday Itisl.4fendiaig the
Missionary Banquet.
SvVe regret to report that Dr. A.
Axbn has been, seriously ill during the
past,week. His many friends will hope
for speedy recovery.
Ntirse McTavish hhs gone to Toronto
15 41 to ntlrse Rev. Dr. Ste•wart, Who Is III
* 4 * 1 15 * * * with 4Pleurisy.and other complications.
The 6,1''S old friends hare will wish for
* * .* 3's15 * a chmie frir the better, • '
At qe-inid-winter Examination of 7473.17, and total , expenditure
Londont C,onservatory, we notice that ,,,,;(371.7.31.
Miss Baityy Combe passed her fourth
grade in pianoforte. In Theory of •Mii C. C. I. Wen, at Exeter
sic, Misses Kathleen and Dorothy Coll- Clinton Collegiate 1,11111 W51.1 diMli
yer, fonder Clintonfins took first-class to Exeter, Tuesday night, and won :1
honors in Grade 4, llistory,
Annual Hospital Meeting
The Clinton Hospital Association hell ,
its anousl infitting on Wednesday di • •
this week, Mrs: W. Allinning presiding.
The new names added to the Hospital •
Board arer—Alescliones, lirydone,, Mc.. •
Murray, Hunter, Farquhar and 1Iolloway
These ladies are elected for a term of
three years. A donationof 52,0,0 was
received from Mr, 5, G., Castle, The
various reports of Superintendent and.
Treasurer were presented and accepted.
Tha Treasurer's report showed a bal-
ance of -13550.21i. Total receipts were
N . k,:zift
John Stanfield, Ex41, P.Pdk 50 10,
years Chief Whip •of ?onSer-
vative party, who is IYOW M5111.
ben of Capades tipper House.—
. Births. , ,
two weeks ago. The game was speedy
tiElT2.-At Ilensall Hospital on Feb.
from beginning to end detplte the heavy
0,2nd lei Mr. and Mrs. William Dells, of
ice, The score, at Hie end of the
Bret -010d, a daughter.
• second period was 3-3 but Use Clinton
Marriages , Boys by superior stick 'handling and
combination -succezdtd in scoridg I '
more goals. finis Is the third victory
ilia t. C. 1,, boys have Won, and they
fire ready for all newcomers.• 1.-,,,Eow.
ire was lineup: ...1*
tseter . Clinton
Rivers -Goal Mt Taggart
Hem ,ss Defence N. Anderson.
',rown Defence C. Munn
'faraday, February sand, tom Mar- V' Is Centre .I. Emden
grriet Jean, infant daughter of Mr, •,ia Lawson R. Wing &Elliot(
Mrs, '1', b, NW; aged 12 days..
i IOW N L. Wing 0. Andeyso
hard fought victory over the irseter
boys. The lead was entireiy different
from the one., which they played here
on Wednesday, February 23'rd, by Rev.
8, 'Anderson, Mr, William, Merritt Medi -
gar, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. „I, Nedll:ar,
to Miss Mary Cleta, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. a 11. Holland, both of Clinton.
Stanley Township, on