HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-2-17, Page 51 124.4,4—* — The Clinton New Lara rown's Grea1Mid-Win1er Sale 5 uwwmv +oar s r- aa.M ' rt 7':=3 3 Sweeps into prominence once again 4' '. "���n•--�'h.b11 "'il�P'rr�".'-'P�' CeC:- , , m• .i'i'.x-�•n'F"� �S aturd Cz y ebruar y 5th,1921 No other sale during the whole year is so eminently prominent,°or so deservedly popular as BROWN'S famous half -yearly sales. No other sal so forcefully illustrates the two -fold purchasing power that enables this store to maintain to underselling supremacy for high-class goods. Every pieceE of merchandise exploited at these sales must qualify to the BROWN standard of perfection. Every valuation is accurately confirmed, and the thousands of dollars worth of reliable merchandise offered at fractional figures is backed by a reputation of many years for straightforward, honest business methods. There's a broad public spiritedness about this store that dominates its policies, its 'every action; so far as it is able, it looks at everything from the customer's side of the counter. It bends its tremendous resources and its world wide connections in securing the finest and best goods the market affords. It studies tobring prices down lower than they ever were before without a corresponding drop in quality. TRADE EPIGRAM — "As the blacksmith strikes while the iron is hot" so the wise buyer will anticipate her wants for a long time to come and make her selections early while the assortments are good." A GOOD COMBINATION Our Paints, and our Electrical Fixtures. Paint to beautify your home, and good lighting to show its beauty. Why not redecorate inside now, and be free for outside in the Spring, HARDWARE &ELECTRICAL Phone 53 Corless Veneer To De9troy Stomps According to a despatch from Wa- tertown, N. Y„ a new and successful method of destroying stumps and roots, obviating both the extensive excavations for danger of explosion which generally attend such an op- eration, is being practic' tl, by Jeff- erson County farmers and Gould, it is (' believed, be successfully applied in ridding the city of soft maple and willow roots which infest sewers in some sections. The plan which ha3 been successfully carried out by far- mers consumes a considerable period of time, but the ease with 'which it Is accomplished is worth waiting for, The first operation is to bore a hole into the principal roots leading from the stump, penetrating the central sap carrying veins. The bole is then TRY '" filled with saltpeter and plugged to elePOULTRY WANTED WEEKLY withent the the lcharge111ents This work generinterfen� FOR PLUMBING IDEATING AND ROOFING —0— Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 O • Hecla Furnaces Lead • There is a Reason Ask Us. MIDWINTER SALE -- .$1.50 PER TON OFF ALL OUR COAL AND COKE Coming at this, the .windy and coldest time of the year, this sate ought to be a real bonanza for Out citizens. $20,000. WORTH OF STOCK. MUST BE TURNED INTO CASH Owing to what might almost be called a panicky buying craze, we were last fall forced to go into the open coal market, and buy coal at whatever figure we could; to meet the wishes of our customers. The wonder has been an excep- tional one, and had we known it was to be, we might have gone on and gave our people enough coal from our straight-line shipments, kept the price down, and been up-. held as the "right kind of a coal man," as some. of our coalmen within the county have done. But on the other had, had the winter run its usual course, we would certainly have been up a- gainst it. However facts are stubborn things, told we find ourselves with a heavy stock of dear coal, which we are going to sacrifice at this special price regardless of cost. Let us have your order to -day, and do not forget to place your Summer Order with us NOW. Orders and settlements taken at WTI:1'818'S STORE. JNO B. MUSTARD 3000 Chickens 2000 Hens .500 Ducks --0— Top prices will be paid by us for all kinds of Poultry taken at Clinton ' every day and at Holmesville every Wednesday morning. We pay three cents more per Ib. for properly fattened, • milk fed Chickens' GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Clinton, Ontario N. W. Trewartha Local Manager The up-te.dste Firm Young Ladies who are afflicted with nerves' will find that one of the best tonics is N dishwater applied to the hands three times a day. TNAT PERSISTENT FIACKINC RACKING COUGH Can Be Quickly 'Uneven By Jr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The terrible, hacking, lung -racking cough that sticke to you in spite of every- thing you have done to get rad of it, is a great danger to your health and the longer it sticks, the more serious the menace becomes. The constant coughing keeps the lungs and bronchial tubes in such an irritated and inflamed condition they get no chance to heal. You will find in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup a remedy that loosens the phlegm and heals and soothes the lungs, thereby fortifying them against serious pulmonary disease. Mr. J, W. F. Whitely, Vermilion, Alta,, writes:—"I wish to express my thanks for what Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has done for me. For a number of I•weeks T. had been suffering from a very severe hacldna cough, and all the remedies I tried failrtt'to relieve ane. At last It secured a bottle of "Dr. Wood's," and after taking h ) secured great relief. ,• .' to say it is now my intention to always keep a supply on hand." "Di:Wood's." is bye. and GOc, it bottle at all dealers, The 'reunite is put tap in a yellow wrapper; t rcoine trees the Clinton & Brttttefield. trade mark)mantifaotair (only by The Phone for Clinton No, 1.1. 'l'. Milburn Co.,CLimited, 'Toronto, Ont, Phone for HrueeGold 1.1 en GO, 461 ally takes place in the fell and the roots and stumps are Left undisturb- ed through the winter while the salt- peter is dissolving and penetrating to the very remotest tendrils of the root branch. In Spring the large roots are ignited, the wood soaked with the saltpeter solution' burning slowly. The fire follow:: the roots to their very extremity completely destroying thein. The burning is very slow, taking several days to reach the end of the root,systean, but the fire follows through the entire system as far as the saltpeter pene- trates, and if properly treated and permitted to soak sufficiently along the solution will work through ail the roots. The burning process is quite like that of punk, There is no blaze andsno danger of setting fire to other objects attends the process, those who have tried it claim. SCRANTON COAL —0— Don't forget to leave your • order for Spring, Delivery for — COAL and. WOOD — with E. WARD,` if you want satisfaction. —We will look after you— Terms—Strictly'Cash—Phone 155. E. WARD RESIDENCE—HURON STREET The Corner Grocery This is the Season . for Hot Drinks. We have prepared 'Chocolate, Cocoa, Coffee and Bovril ready to serve by pouring hot water on thein. Try Cowan's and Baker's Cocoa also good Bulk Cocoa at a spec- ial price.' Jams and Marmalades. See our Special Saturday Bate• gain Counter. Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. 1 11 11 111111111 11111 1 1111111111111111111J111111111 111 111 111 1111 1 1 11111I l,' ,p 111111 =imam= Local News MIIIDI(DI 119VM" IUK'Ullftlg9W1100 V11I111VUIVlIIIQVUNitllE111II VIIf IVIV 11111Q1V11I111111 11 Safety First • Clinton's Gain Innumerable cases of lockjaw leave been occasioned by frantic efforts to pronounce the name of Greese's new premier—Knlegeropoulis. Take "Safe- ty First" advice and don't try it, The New Express Rates The next express rate increases as set forth in an outline of the judg- Bment of the railway commission, do not improve on acquaintance, and are considerably more drastic than would appear at first blush, The increases apply to small shipments as well as to those of 100 lbs. and over, and are effective on each "graduate" below 400 pounds. This was not so in the case of the last increase, Where there is no commodity tariff in effect; the second class increase df 25 per cent will likely apply. Perth's Idea Smiled At— The resolution of the Perth coun- ty council, - favoring legislation giv- ing county Councils the right to get rid of a district . representative, who, after two years' trial proves unsatis- factory, is not seriously regarded at the Department of Agricultu'le, To- ronto. It is pointed out .that al- though every other county in On- tario but Perth has had agircultural representatives for from four years up to ten not a single esolution of the kind referred to has ever been mussed. Perth county today has the distinction of being the only county without district representative ser- vice. The Guns Came Back During wartime, Soldier boys tells us, that guns were moved in and out of action in quick order,—but the ink, was hardly dry on the motion passed unanimously at the Council when' on Tuesday morning. about 9:30 the three' guns were paraded off to their new camping grounds and by noon things 1 started to move, By Thursday so many complains were being hurled at the Council that a Special meeting was called for Friday night, but dur- ing Friday afternoon the guns were re- turned and thus .a real "Irish Rebellion" was supposed. It was rumored that if the Council had not decided to rescind their motion a parade of war Veterans, War Workers and Citizens in general Beaded by the Kiltie Band mould have brought the guns back on Saturday afternoon—and fireworks might have been on the program, However Peace once more reigns in Clinton and we still have no love for the Kaiser or his tribe, :i71:': 111 111 I�Ill�lfl 1111161 bl 1 Up to the present Clinton Inas miss - ed that evergreen drama "Uncle 'Fool's Cabint"i, It 'has been shown around I most of the towns but what has been their Ions --is Clinton's gain. Special Meeting of Council The Town Fathers held a very short session on Friday night ---only taking about 5 minutes to rescind the notion passed on Monday re the removal of the guns to the P. U. Park—as the guns had been returned to their places during the afternoon. Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of the Clinton Hospital Association' will be held in Mr. Stothers' office on Wednesday, February 23rd, at 3 o'clock. The re- ports of the,year's work, will be given and the representatives lr the Hospital Board will be elected,' All Members of the Association, Kindly accept this intimation. Women's institute The regular Monthly Meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Govier, on Thursday, February 24th, at 3 p. in. The subject for this month "What the Woman's Institute Stands for in Ontario," will be taken by Mrs, Mon- roe. There will be ai Question Drawer. There will be a Picnic tea served. All the members are requested to be pres- ent as there is important business. Income Tax Forms for 1920 The income tax forms for 1920 are now being sent,out from the offices of inspectors of taxation. Upon the taxpayers will rest the onus of secur- ing such forms. This year forams T. 3, T.4 ;and T. 5, covering wages paid to employees and dividends paid' to shareholders, as well as forms T, 1, and T, 2, for returns of corporations and individuals are to be delivered to inspectors of taxation. Forms T. 3, T. 4 and T. 5, are to be filed before March 31st, forms T. t and T. 2, before April 30tH. A pamphlet containing in- structions for taxpayers is being print- ed for. distribution with forms T. 1 and T. 2. Taxpayers may send cheques for the amount of their taxes. They must send with their returns, cheques for at least twenty-five per cent . of their taxes. if they make initial pay- ments of twenty-five per cent, of their taxes they must pay the balance in bi- monthly installments with interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. 1 tulr' You Cant' Afford False Economy You can't expect the same wear and service from a twenty I dollar suit than you get from one at forty. And the forty dollar uit will cost you less in the long run. It will give you • etter and longer wear and service than the inferior grade. A uality lighting plant like the Dominion, built of the highest mode materials with careful workmanship, without thought of trying to skimp and save will save you money in the end. Low fuel consumption, freedom from repair and ability to deliver continuous power are what count. A Dominion Lighting Plant in your property means ample power every day with law main- tenance. •, ,as Write for descriptive booklet and name of your local -dealer. • "If you want the best, buy a Dominion." y. 4 0 Iii DV LGHT: Perdue e -.V 1 Thursday, Fetru:ary 57t11, 5921 The High Cost - of Dipping If you are worth $50,00 'a week or pay it to an employee who dips his pen in the ink 50 times a day, the dipping costs You 7%c a day, that is why WATER MAN'S IDEAL - FOUNTAIN PEN is replacing the old style pen everywhere, in office, school and home. The W. Do Fair e. t. Often the cheapest--Pltarays the Best YOUR ATTENTION Is Drawn to These Specials we Offer This Week. You Will Find Our Prices Right With To -Days' Market in these Lines and others the same. Our AIM. Is to Satisfy our CUSTOMERS, 3 Bars Ivory Soap ..25c 3 Bars Lifebouy Soap 25ci 3 Bars Goblin Soap.25c 3 Bars of Palm Olive Soap With Another Purchase At OUR STORE 1 Can' of Tomatoes 15c Supplies Limited to EACH CUSTOMER PHONE 91.1. 2 pkgs, Corn Flakes 25c EXTRA SPECIAL * +h OUR BIG BAR 'OF N. P. SOAP Equal in Weight of 3 Of Any Other Laundry Soap For 25 cents SEE OUR WINDOW SATURDAY FOR OTHER SPECIALS 2 Plcgs Jelly Powder 25c 1 ib of Valencia Raisin ,.28c: Ib of Mince Meat,at -22c- 2 Large Cans Heinz Pork. and Beans at , , 22c. GET THE FIABIT 01' DEALING AT THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station 13y', The Enforcement of the Headli gilt Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approv ed Lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophane Legalite Shaler Roacjlighter Clamert Come in Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear 'Conopher Noviol and have us fill out your applications J. H. PAXMAN EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVING Phone 80 . Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. 11 oweigNIN Ng.* 7 �4 NEW ERA WANT ADS..... The Most Interesting News in The Paper i11HEN there is en emergency to meet, when a need of business or the home presents itself, quick, decisive action is demanded. There are innumerable occasions when there is imperative demand to accomplish a desired object at once and to do it in the most efficient way, with maximus return and minimum expense. The se. curing of reliable household servants and help of all kinds. Getting the right kind of capable experienc- ed employes for office, mill, store, shop or factory Selecting high grade representatives to secure add- ed volume of business. The renting or•,buying a home. Choosing investment chances that ati pro - Stable and sure. Finding a job :that :'la:pleasant. congenial and that holds possibility of advancement and increased return. Restoring lost 'articles of value. Ask for the Went Ad. Matt. .0% 11 Hurlbut cushion Sole Shoes for '"Children Most mothers who buy Huributs once, buy them always—but they never need to buy them as often as any other make. This is because Hurlbuts Shoes are BETTER Si-IOES, and have ex- clusive features not found in other makes. • Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary shoes you have ever bought—and you will see that Hurlbut Welted Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest price -per -day's wear, of any shoe made' for children. t~ r} TVIr A FULL RANGE OF STYLES AT igggigenpagiVIEMPPRUNgregglgillitgagg , Fbe ra7�..r4tl *"SHOES THAT' SSATISFY"— ago. scisiniesontersemarmares . w �i • �. :tom . 16 NOTICE On Saturday, February, 26th, I am opening a Cus- tom Tailor Shop, with a few lines of Suitings, etc., in the store, first door north o f Rattenbury House. Will also carry a couple line of Gents Furnishings. All new stock. cr MURRAY McEWAN Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Promptly done at very Reasonable prices. LI L= MI J — 1 tulr' You Cant' Afford False Economy You can't expect the same wear and service from a twenty I dollar suit than you get from one at forty. And the forty dollar uit will cost you less in the long run. It will give you • etter and longer wear and service than the inferior grade. A uality lighting plant like the Dominion, built of the highest mode materials with careful workmanship, without thought of trying to skimp and save will save you money in the end. Low fuel consumption, freedom from repair and ability to deliver continuous power are what count. A Dominion Lighting Plant in your property means ample power every day with law main- tenance. •, ,as Write for descriptive booklet and name of your local -dealer. • "If you want the best, buy a Dominion." y. 4 0 Iii DV LGHT: Perdue e -.V 1 Thursday, Fetru:ary 57t11, 5921 The High Cost - of Dipping If you are worth $50,00 'a week or pay it to an employee who dips his pen in the ink 50 times a day, the dipping costs You 7%c a day, that is why WATER MAN'S IDEAL - FOUNTAIN PEN is replacing the old style pen everywhere, in office, school and home. The W. Do Fair e. t. Often the cheapest--Pltarays the Best YOUR ATTENTION Is Drawn to These Specials we Offer This Week. You Will Find Our Prices Right With To -Days' Market in these Lines and others the same. Our AIM. Is to Satisfy our CUSTOMERS, 3 Bars Ivory Soap ..25c 3 Bars Lifebouy Soap 25ci 3 Bars Goblin Soap.25c 3 Bars of Palm Olive Soap With Another Purchase At OUR STORE 1 Can' of Tomatoes 15c Supplies Limited to EACH CUSTOMER PHONE 91.1. 2 pkgs, Corn Flakes 25c EXTRA SPECIAL * +h OUR BIG BAR 'OF N. P. SOAP Equal in Weight of 3 Of Any Other Laundry Soap For 25 cents SEE OUR WINDOW SATURDAY FOR OTHER SPECIALS 2 Plcgs Jelly Powder 25c 1 ib of Valencia Raisin ,.28c: Ib of Mince Meat,at -22c- 2 Large Cans Heinz Pork. and Beans at , , 22c. GET THE FIABIT 01' DEALING AT THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station 13y', The Enforcement of the Headli gilt Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approv ed Lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophane Legalite Shaler Roacjlighter Clamert Come in Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear 'Conopher Noviol and have us fill out your applications J. H. PAXMAN EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVING Phone 80 . Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. 11 oweigNIN Ng.* 7 �4 NEW ERA WANT ADS..... The Most Interesting News in The Paper i11HEN there is en emergency to meet, when a need of business or the home presents itself, quick, decisive action is demanded. There are innumerable occasions when there is imperative demand to accomplish a desired object at once and to do it in the most efficient way, with maximus return and minimum expense. The se. curing of reliable household servants and help of all kinds. Getting the right kind of capable experienc- ed employes for office, mill, store, shop or factory Selecting high grade representatives to secure add- ed volume of business. The renting or•,buying a home. Choosing investment chances that ati pro - Stable and sure. Finding a job :that :'la:pleasant. congenial and that holds possibility of advancement and increased return. Restoring lost 'articles of value. Ask for the Went Ad. Matt. .0% 11 Hurlbut cushion Sole Shoes for '"Children Most mothers who buy Huributs once, buy them always—but they never need to buy them as often as any other make. This is because Hurlbuts Shoes are BETTER Si-IOES, and have ex- clusive features not found in other makes. • Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary shoes you have ever bought—and you will see that Hurlbut Welted Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest price -per -day's wear, of any shoe made' for children. t~ r} TVIr A FULL RANGE OF STYLES AT igggigenpagiVIEMPPRUNgregglgillitgagg , Fbe ra7�..r4tl *"SHOES THAT' SSATISFY"— ago. scisiniesontersemarmares . w �i • �. :tom . 16