HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-2-17, Page 2PAM vortliente Announcement Having purchased the Confectionery and Bakery of Mr, Marr Bartlifk we will continuetogive 'you re hest cc Y yo tl be._ of SerXl e, • Being a practical baker we can guarantee all classes of bak- ing done Mere. We have now opened up new lines of Confectionery for the Christmas trade. Peter Bartliff's Old Stand enderson MAIL '.CARRIERS HAVE NO EXTRA HIGHWAY:JIIGHTS Are Liable For Negligent Opera- tion of Vehicle On Road. • The question of the privileges and lights of mail carriers on the high- ways in Rural ' district has been much mooted by car owners. The following dommunichtion, !received by Mr. W. 0, Robertson, Secretary of the Ontario Motor League, from their solicitor, Mr. T. le. Phelan, will therefore be of Interest to motorists: At the request of your Board of Directors, you have submitted the following questions for my opinion: dt) Are carriers of his Majesty's fail.subject to the provisions of the Highways Travel Act? (2) Are such carriers liable for negligent operation of a vehicle, which negligence causes damage to other users of the highway. No special right or immunity is conferred by statute on mail carriers on the highway, except in so far as the Postoffice Act declares the obstruction or wilful delay of , the mail to be an indictable offense, • We have therefore to look to the Com- mon Law for a definition of'•the right and liabilities of such mail carriers, In considering . their rights and duties on the highway, the'e'distinc-.. lion between the carrier himself•" and the Crown, whole he represents must are kept clearly in mind The Cros,n Is neither subject fo the Highway , Travel Act nor liable .in damlges., ,for PHONE 1 - -r--fr the negligence of any of its servants. In my opinion, the servant himself Islay be subject to the statutory pro- visions and may be liable for any act of negligence causing damage, through acting in the capaeity of, a servant of the 'Crown. Recently Reviewed This subject was recently consid- ered by the Appellate Division in a case of Bigras vs Tasse. There the defendant was the foreman of a gang of ;workmen engaged in build- ing a road for the Crown. A fire was lighted by one of the gang of men under this foreman, and for whose act the foreman was respon- sible, and, the fire spreading, de- stroyed the property of the plain- tiff. The defendant foreman's con- tention was that the alleged wrcng- ful act or omissions were not his acts but the acts or omissions of the Crown, and therefore, in contempla- tion of law, not wrongful, Mr. Jus- tice • Lennox, who reviewed the authorities and delivered the judg- meat of the court, rejects this con-, tention of the defendant and con- cludes: "1 ata clearly of opinion that the defendant's claim of immunity by reason of being a servant of the Crown falls," 1 think the proper inference to be drawn from this judgment is: -`•(a) That carriers of his' Majesty's tna'fi are subject to the provisions of the Highways Travel Act. (b) That such carriers 'enjoy no Emmunity from consequences of the neglfgeist operation , of a yehicle on the highway when such negligence causes damage to other users of the The Criocon New gra DANDRUFF, 00ES±I HAIR STOPS FAL Me H+MM.*NitH+MH1.a.N.+FHM+tM}H}.MHHHfH Immediatelyq atter 'using "1)anderiue' you can not find any dandruff or fallingg flair, but what plenees you anoat is that your hair seems twice as abundant; so thick, glossy land just radiant with life and beauty. Geta 86 -vent bottle now, Have lots of long, heavy, beautiful hair, highway, It is perhaps . unnecessary to add that any atastnieipal by-law which' purports to confer upon mall car - tiers any special :rights upon the highway is, entirely invalid • if ,the provisions of sueh by-law 3011111 t with the express provisions of the Provincial statute regulating travel on the highway. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O' ;kneiN AND EVE.NTS o o 0 O O' O 0 0 0 O O Reginald McKenna, Former Financial . Secretary of the Treasury, who crit- icizessts "impracticabl'e" the Govern- ment's proposed deflation policy and restriction of credit. 1- * m e rc * * * to e, ,. * * a * * HON PETER SMITH *..,. TO IMPOSE • ' NEW TAXES :t • Toronto, Feb, 15 --When Hon. Peter Smith presents Isis Budget to the Ontario Legislature to- day, it is expected that he will announce three new forms of • taxation -a, tax on property * transfers, a tax on pool rooms • and billiard\parlors, and a tax ✓ on bank reserve funds, Two e mills on the dollar is the amount a suggested to be inmposed on s property transfers, both rural * and urban. .. I" I v. ,, * * •k * * •@ .. * * * * iF e '•• Council meets a Monday ev-ening,• Only 12 more days in February. at • � Loughnuts Mat melt in your mouth Ze EAS IFJMaw What is the secret? Well, the cook and the recipe both count, but the big factor is really the frying fat you use. You see, EASIFIRST will stand a high temperature -you can make it roe de- grees hotter than lard and zoo degrees hotter than butter before it smokes or burns.'' This means that when the doughnut is dropped into the hot ZASIFIRST a protecting crust' is in- stantly formed around it =-• no grease 'soaks in to make the doughnut heavy or soggy. A DOUGHNUT RECIPE that means Success 1 heaping teaspoonful F.,ASImast 2 eggs, 1 cup white sugar. teaspoonful salt. 1 cup sweet milk, 3 level teaspoons baking powder ',, teaspoon nutmeg. 3 cups flour. Mix sugar and >~ASIFIRST to: gather. Add well beaten eggs, milk and nutmeg. Sift flour, baking powder and salt twice. Mix with above ingredients, Roll out, eat with doughnut cutter and fry in hot I;ASIl5IRS7`. The HASITIRer that's left over say he •tweed again without carry- ing any flavors, 13e sure you get EASIPIRS'1`-your dealer will supply you. In. cartons and tins. Costs less and goes farther than butter or lard. GUNNS LIMITED West Tomtit() Write to -day for Gunns Booklet of Proved Recipes EASWIRST G.49 to the right of theme. Gone to .the left of them • A canvas made of the aliergltapts on both sides of the "gun", flailed to find. anyone who wished to have it re - Moved, It 1s reported that Superintendent Chant, of the P. U. Commission, never made appileation "for the gulls." He oriy'itsked for one of tine machine .guns before they were placed iia front of 'Powrt Hall, Even '"Dave" Oantelon. wanted the guns put at the "Walter Tower park but his "objections" were over ruled. It was thought his Irish might get ftp. -per Wouldn't it have been fun for some of us if all the "Informal" program had been carried outin bringing back the guns, -0-- It's one thing sure ex -Mayon' Cottle won't have todo penance at the cem- ent blockswhere the "old gun" stood -but the worthy ex -Mayor says he can salute tine gun once' more, 11 may be a safe -bet that the Coun- cillors will express an opinion out ioud -the next time. O' We heard that 'Bob" Draper had a punishment to be meted out to some people in town. Some took it as a joke -but those who had boys at the front -just could not see it that way and their way won out. -0- Public 0 Public sentiment was strong in this, case all right. 0 - This was one time that the "whiskey ring" was not at the bottom of the trouble. Rumors are hard to place --rumors said Col, Combe said so-and-so, and when the Col, •was interviewed, all the Col. wanted was that the guns should be varnished. Col, Rance was in favor of so -and -so -but Col. Rance denied the charges point-blank - and rumors still kept on, --o- The Girl's Auxiliary volunteered to nmrcir in the procession to aid in the "no surrender" but the girls will have to keep to their knitting, --0- Were some people hot under the cellar -well) 1 I We thought we smelt rubber burning. -O- A good many of tire Councillors never thought that they could be interview- ed by so many indignant ratepayers-.- and they 'were the real old mark-your- ballot-for-you-klnd-too-no non -voters. THE GUNS Wtis* guns. away? 1, saiqd'took Abe Cooper, With myleery wile, With my specious smile, 1 did:tite'rest beguile, • !Torok the guns away. Who helped take the guns away? 1, said Bert Langford, I seconded Cooper's motion 'Never having the slightest notion; We were raising a commotion, 1•helped take the gdns.away, 'Who else took the' guns away? We' alt did; said.the Mayor, Never one to say a word, Not a voice in protest heard, We sat as dumb, we never stirred, We helped take th'e guns away, Who brought beck the guns? The khaki boys, who won the guns, The men that faced the Gernssdn shell, The men on earth, who went through hell, The men who live to tell the tale, These men broughtrlack the guns, No need for them to raise a finger , For 'Cooper got the merest whimper, The guns were coining back, Council was called in special haste, PIMPLES and BLOTCHES ALL OVER CHER FACE, Pimplest blotches and all other un= sightly sksn troubles are caused by the blood being in an impure condition, Those little festering sores, appear oh the forehead, on the nose, on the chin, and other parts or the body, and althoagh they are not a datigerbue-trouble they are very unsightly. There is only one way to get rid of them, and that is by petrifying the blood of all its impurities, Burdock Blood Bitter is without; n doubt the best; remedy for this purpose. 'l'lais valuable medicine has been on the market for tlae pais; 42 years and its repti- Latien is snhh that you are not experiment - nap with sono nnwrrtud untried,remedy. Miss Marguerite Briery.; til Maine Ave., I1alifax, ;`T,S., writes; -"I !nave suffered verymuch, during the Ib two years, from pimples and'biotehes, having thein all over my face, I trier] different remedies without any telief, I was advised to try Ihirrinek Dined Bitters, Which f did, and after taking Just two bottles I have been, ne 1 believe, iserman- entlq relieved, as I httvett't had n pimple or blotch since: I can highly recona. mend Burdock Illaotl Bitters, ILEA is •psrf up only by The x, e .� :ed, Toronto, Ont, e • llur$day, February 17th, 1921 But long before Ili lr breath' they waste, 'f iiE GUNS WER'itwBACK, • MORAL Some men are akvays interfering", Never ltllppy eXeeet they're steering, In other 1nen's affairs. Such mewl bad better learn this lesson Crow food is hard on the digestion So ofits use BEWARE, -ANON.. . roma oton ttoQt cemporiati :+••x _.. 1l aq% evtf*lile 9•e(1r4 a4leq. �rec tiai,ie s:'ld' to tiros do, itroos of str„ gth---Vo, 1 $.4 N.,. 2, 83; No, 0, Sper aoa Paid by alt dr�e nslste, or dont prDPain o0 rocmpb of price Liss panipl,lep, w Adcrrossi risl coast ivr.olctadr co,, 2Q5'Nr0, 051. (Forardp Wlsdror.) AUBURN. A very enjoyable "Valentine Party" was given in the Forester's Hall, on Monday night, by the Y, P. 0. The' evening was spent in games after which refreshments were served. The "Mock Parliament" meets on Friday evening, when the debate on "Tine immigration of •Oriental British Subjects" will be resumed. It 5s ex- pected also that a private bill dealing with fire protection will be introduced under the new regulation there will be an admission fee of ten cents for ad- ults. The proceeds to'be applied to running expenses, and the surpllus to the China Famine Relief Fund, On Thursday last death claimed an- other of our highly esteemed citizens in the person of Ellen Robinson, belov- ed wife of Mr. William Dobie, aged 112 years and 7 months, The deceased was a lady of exemptary character and much esteemed in the community in which she lived, The funeral took place on Saturday from her late resi- dence, service being held at the house, St 2 p. in, followed by Interment in Bail's Cemetery. a. IL Do nos anter another day with Itching,131eed- ing, or. rotrud- fug Elias. No surgical oper- •-' anon required, Dr. Chase's Ointment wall relieve you at once and afford lasting bonen 602. a bas; all dealers, or Bdmtutson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample Box free i[-ou mention this paper and enclose 20. stamp to pay postage. * w LONDESBORO. Joseph Morris anJ Isis daughter, Stella, of Dundalk, have been visitors in the community during the past week, Rev, S. Anderson, of Clinton, Chair- man of Goderich District will have Lcharge of the special re -opening ser- vices in tlse Methodist .Church on Sunday, February 27th, On Tuesday night in the Presby- terian Church, Rev, J. Abrey gave an interesting series of views and a lecture on "Scenes in our Own Land and a Land not our Own." The Woman's Institute had a big quilting bee in the Hall on Tuesday. Miss Maud Shobbrook has gone to Windsor where • she has accepted a position, Mr, Joe Vodden was very i11 for a fess, day,s.last week and narrowly' escap- ed an attack of pneumonia. Mrs, Henry Adams, who underwent an operation last Thursday is making veryfavorable progress toward re- covery, Nurse Tomlinson, of Lead - bury, is in attendance. - .,Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Allen, of. London, who have been visiting Mrs. E.:Bell for a few days returned to Lon- don this week. The U.' F. 0., unloaded a car of corn 'at= Londesboro and Blyth the first of the week, On Saturday afternoon February 5th, the community was greatly surprised and shocked upon receiving the news of the sudden death of Joseph E. Manning. He was taken ill very sud- denly, on Friday night about half past nine o'clock with severe pain about the heart. After some time lie rallied and retired at one o'clock suffering from aitottser attack, when Dr, Milne was called. Other brief attacks follow- ed and he teas greatly weakened and suddenly gave way under the final attack On Friday he had attended a meeting 'of the Township Council, act- ing on Cominittee appointed to inves- tigate the undertaking of building a Community Hall and was in good health and fine spirits, The funeral which was largely attended was held ori Tuesday, February 8th, the service was conducted by Rev, A. E. Sawyer, Pastor of the Methodist 'Clurreli of which the deceased had been a faith- ful member fot a number of years, interment was made, in the Union Cetisetery, 'Besides his bereaved wife he left behind hint two daughters, Mrs, Frank Tansblyn and. Mrs, 13ert Flunking; and two sons at ]souse, Percy and William. The deceased was a very successful farmer and quite progressive in his methods. He was must highly respected by a wide cir- cle of friends and neighbors, Among the nminners present at the funeral were leis 'brother Charles, liis sisters, Mrs. William Gray and Mrs. Mason, of Myth and an aunt Mos, E. Bell, Be. sides these were his brothers-in-law, Robert and John Morris, of Toronto, James, of SU Thomas; and Joseph, of ,Dundalk, The pall Bearers were his neighbors. ---Charles Watson; It Snell, 5, Led. J, . Ilerveyi A. Rapson and 1', Wood. { llncreeee WW Be Fest -r The increased rates granted by the Rallavay Coninsls$iou to the express.' companies which came Into effect on Wednesday, promise to . be more sweeping in operation than the out. line of the judgment would Indleete, The proportionate increase on ail small sllipttrents is' very large. Con• trttry to what tool[lplaeo under the last increase iii the present- case the increase of 35 per cent, on first-class aisd 25 per cent, on .second-class com- modities applies also to each "gradu- ate" on shipments less than '200 lbs, A further new provision to wideh lit- tle attention has been called is that ell international express rates from the States to Canada go up 26 per, cent, The U, F. 0. Labor combination plaits to re -forest Ontario, 'Is. It a ease of preparing to take to the woods? FOR SALE Alsike and Timothy Seed, „Clean of foul seed, ED. JOHNSTON Phone: -8, on 636 -Route 4, Clinton AGENTS WANTED - In County of Huron fol• an entirely new proposition that /Appeals to both. County and Town ,..-,People because it makes money for thein. Liberal Com- mission, No 'Cash required. Agents ,c1Floose !their own terrritory, ,, State in first letter whether you have had any experience as a sales agetrt, and What territory you want to work in. FRANK LEWIS, 105 S. Victoria Street. Sarnia, Ontario. FOR SALE •A 'Cottage on HM uron Street.lu fairly good condition inside; 7 rooms; Town Water; Nearly an Acre of Land. Apply to Miss E. WHITELY or W, BRYDONE Clinton WOOD WANTED 30 cords of 18 Inch Hardwood Want- ed at Willis Presbyterian Church, Clin- ton. Tenders will be offered for a Lim- ited time „ „ , . „ . -W. GRANT AGENTS WANTED Man or woman to represent us 00 days; Earnings Guaranteeed; A Good Chance to !stake 5500. Spare time may be used. Experience unnecessary. Particulars on Application. Winston Company, Department A. Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of Onslow Crich Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate of Onsiow Crich, late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, Laborer, deceased,' who' died on or about the 26th day of November, 1920, are re- quired to deliver to Oliver Gifford Crich the Administrator of the said estate or his solicitor on or before the 26th day of February, 1922, 'a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securi- ties, if any, -held by them alit duly veri- fied by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date tine said Admin- istrator will proceed ,to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claints •as he shall have re- ceived due notice and'in accordance. therewith, DATED AT CLINTON, this loth day, of February, A.D. 1921. W. ,BRYDOyE, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Seid Adreinistgte* AUCTION• SALE • Of Farm Stock and implements, Mr, George Elliott has been instructed to sell by Public Auction on Lot 43, Con- cession 2, Tuckersmith, L. R.. S. on Wednesday, February 23rd at one o'clock sharp the following property:- HORSES:-One roperty.HORSES:-One Brown Mare 5 years old, 1 Bay Mare, 6 years old, 1 Bay Driving Horse, quiet 12 years old, CATTLE: -On Pure 'Bred Cow "Victor Alpha" -95377--, 1-' Cow ,12 years old due April tst, 1'Cow 3 years old due June 20th, 1 Cow, 4 years old, farrow; 1 Cow 6 Tears old due June 6th; 1 cow 8 years old due Juste 5th; 2 cow 3 years old farrow; 4 Young Cattle rising 2 years old, 3 Yearlings; 6 Spring calves, PIGS: -1 Birkshire sow due February 17th; Pure Bred Chester White' Hog Pig, 8 months old; 2 Birkslrire sow due March 9111. FOWL 75 Young Fowl, IMPLEMENTS: - Massey Harris Binder 6 foot cut near- ly new; Deering Mower 6 foot cut near- ly new; Deering Hay Rake 10 foot Wide; Disk Harrow; Massey Harris Spring tooth -Cultivator; Massey Harris Drill 11 Fioe nearly new; Set of scales 2000 lbs; i Wagon box and Stock Rack; 1 set of Harrows; i set of Bob Sleighs; 1 Top Buggy; 2 cutter; 1 Fann- ing mill; 1 Two Seated Democrat • 1 Road Wagon; 1 Fleury Plow; 1 Sod Plow; 1 Cockshet Gang Pinw11 Man- ure Spreader;' 2 Set of Single Harness; 1 Massey Harris Creast Separator; I Turnip Pulver; 2 Grind Stone; I Sugar Kettle; 1 Stutter; 1 Wood Radk; t incubator 240 egg; Other small articles too numerous to mention. No reserve as Propr' for has sold his Farris, All sutra of $5.00 and under cash over that amount Ten months credit. of approved •Joins Notes, a Discount of 4 Per Cent Per Annum off For cash, GCORGE ELLIOTT ELI. CRICH Auci1ohoar Proprietor MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed Is the Postmaster General, will be received at 0ttawa r ll aoo , on Friday, 111e 4th of February, 2921, for tete conveyance 1'Ils Majesty's Mails, on 11 proposed Con- tract for four . years, over six tines per week, over Clinton No. 5, Rural Mall Route (rains the 1st of July, next, Printed notices containing further infor- mation' -as to conditioes of. proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender laity be obtained at the Post Offices of.Clieton, Seuforth, Brute- field, 'Londesborough; and at the office of the Post Office,inspeelor; • Post Office Inspectors Office, London, Ontario, February 4t1i, 1921 CHAS. E. H. FLSHER Post Office lespeator, MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will he received at Ottawa awa until neon on Friday, the 18th of March, 1921 for the Convey- ance y- ance Flls Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, Six times per week over Clinton No. 4, Rural Mail Route, from the 1st of July, next. Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Clinton, Seaforth, Bruce - Londesborough, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector: Post Office Inspector's Office, London, Ont, February 4th, 1921 CHAS E. H. FISHER Post Office Inspector FARM FOR SALE 100 Acres, Lot 16, Concession 2, Hullett, 10 acres of hardwood bush; 50 Acres almost new land, balance has been grazed and top -dressed for 20 years, All Good Land, Well Drained, Perfectly Clean. Every furt'ow arable, in first 'class state for cultivation, within half a mile of the macadamized roads, 3 miles from town. 800 rods of extra good fencing; Barn 43x74, with steel roof and a steel siding, also rodded, Stable room for 40 head of stock, Cement Floors and Waterworks; Up -to -Date for conveniences, First Class Garage and a Buggy House. Good Water and a good Frame House with up-to-date conven- iences, For Further Particulars Apply to CHARLES PEACOCK R. R. No. 4, Clinton Or Apply on Premises AUCTION SALE Of Farris Stock. Mr, George Elliott has been instructed to sell by Public Auction on Monday, February 21st, 1921, at Lot 27, Concession 2, Stanley at f O'clock, the following: -HORSES -One Brown Mare Rising 7 Years; One Dark Grey Filly 3 years old. CATTLE: -t 1 Cows, one Just Freshen- ed; 3 Due in March; 3 Cows Due its April; 3 Cows Due in June, are milking yet; 1 Freshened in October; 1 Fresh- ened in September; 10 Young Cattle Rising 2 eyars; 3 steers and 2 heifers; 10 Yearlings; 7 steers and 3 heifers, One calf 4 Months old; One calf 3 weeks old;. 3 Pure Bred Registered Shorthorn Bull 3 years old, bred by A. & J. Broadfoot, Seaforth, PIGS: -3 Brood sows; 2 Due in Marcit and 1 in April; 8,Pigs 4 Months old, Also at sane'time and place Mr. John Pepper ' will offer a tears of General Fillies, 3 and 4 years old. Everything must be . sold without Reserve, TERMS: -A11,„ stubs of $10,08 and under cash; ;,3 Months credit on 'approved Joint notes` or ;a discount. of 4% straight for cash. GEO. ELLIOTT SINCLAIR Auctioneer Proprietor TO RENT Suite of two rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, or dressmaking. Use of Bathroom and alil citx, con- veniences. Also single roomS,• with or without Board, Radiator Mip every room, ' APPLY to MRS; DOWNS Opposite Ontario Street Church For Sale. Two size roomed houses on i ceder ick St. near the new Flax Mill, svfll bd .; sold very cheap, and on easy. terms Apply to 'Jacob Taylor or C. B, Hale. Farm For:. Sale Thomas ,Archer offers for sale. his farm of 125 acres' in the Townsliip'-of, Hullett, located about 21 miles from Clinton. The farm is well built. on,.. fenced, And watered (wells and fowling spring); the soilis good and in a good state of cultivation. Apply to J. W. Elliott, W. Brydotte. Clinton, Clinton, HOUSE FOR SALE 8 roomed, solid brick !rouse, Town Water and Electric Lights, Good Gar. den and chicken House. Apply on premises. A, G, CLARKSON Corner North ,..4c Spencer Streets BULLS FOR SALE Two Young Shorthorn Bulls for Sale. Color Red; 14 Months old, Apply to . JAMES SNELL 8c SON Clinton, Ontario PHONE 9-641 R. R. NO. 1. NOTICE TO TRAPERS The Government inspector was here several days ago, He says you can tell. the farmers they don't need a License or Permit to trap on their own lands, Highest Market prices paid for raw furs, • i�i it A, HOVE ^� PHONE til Clinton