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The Clinton New Era, 1921-2-10, Page 6
PAGE 0 �4. SIZE ISNOT ALWAYS VALUE We will suppose you are fur. nishing a room and require a picture for a certain position on the wall Would you think of asking your dealer, "How Tfibi will it cost for a picture 18x24 in- ches? Certainly not, He would think you demented, be- cause such a picture might be the work of a master or a mere "Pot Boiler." Quality determine value not size. Just so with diamonds, a stone of a certain size might be cheap at $200.00 or dear at $125.00. Color, Freedom From Flaws, perfection of cutting, are determining factors, even more than size.i ...w7 411 We aim to give our Customers good Diamonds, Quality First . With us. Call and purchase Your Diamonds here. W. 11. IILLLYAR JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses phone No.174w; House 174 j BITTER ORANGES for . F"air MoMpuAOE and - S ELT ORANGES —0—, ALL PRICES Oranges are Best quality and Sugar is Cheap. Do not miss making Marmalade this Year. W. T. ('NEIL THE HUB GROCEk Phone 48 MARKET REPORTS ..Eggs „ .xo, :d3utter 70c 50 to 53 Hogs $14.00 Wheat ........e...oe $1.95 to $1,98 Oats s 85e to 87e 8attey 40e to 45c tfuekwheat ........ $t,t5' to $1.20 Hay $t9.00 to $20.00 Bran $45 ton Shorts $55, to $56 MBlfeed p30. Potatoes $9.00 bag Grand Rapids Press: It may be that Uncle Henry Ford has paid no more attention bo sacred history than the other kind, as we see that he is now trying to borrow $80,000,000 in Wail Street totally unmindful of the ,good men who went down to Jericho that time, Child ex wary ''`FOR LFLET.CHER'S (�'AlS 4r-0 R 1 A CULTIVATE HABIT OF SENDING iN MEWS One of the things that ou'ght become fixed habits in every house- hold in Clinton is that of sending The New Era the news items that they may know of; tell us of your news and any neighborhood or other items that will be of interest to yourself, your neighbors or your friends. Every lodge, church body oj' social organization should have' some representative who will promptly and carefully after its news report- ing. If you think some organization has better news service than your own, it Is probably because that or- ganization looks after such matters better. • Write your items and send them to when possible. Or telephone A them to No. 30, but please don't ask that long lists (If names be taken over telephone, as It not only re- quires much time, but is fruitful in possibilities of error. Above all, be early. Never wait till late ort Thursday to send an Item that coli be sent in days before, The Newra telephone number 1sg l 1 hts 95.Pix Thom In � The Clinton ,New Era Thursday, February 10th, 1921 News► ,e t of the I strict CONSTANCE Quarterly meeting was held on Sun- day and the 13oard meeting was held on Monday it Londesboro. Mrs, Frank Hall is spending a week or so with her son tt Toronto, ' Miss Hazel Bennett, of Goderich, spent a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs, Nickelson, Mrs, Jos. Taylor, of Harriston, is visiting her brothers, Andrew and Beit, Snell, Children Cry FOR FLETCHHER'S CASTOFZIA HULLETT Card of Thanks.—Mr. Rundle Hunk- ing and fancily desire to thank their many kind friends for their kindness in their recent sad bereavement. 'Council met on Friday, Feb, 4th at Londesboro, all members present Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Communication from lnkerman asking Council to co-operate in petit- ioning the 'Ontario Legislature for the purpose of securing a store uniform price and a more equitable distribution of Hydro -Electric Power. Reeve and Clerk instructed to sign a resolution, and that same be forwarded to the Legislature, "Carried. From the Ont- ario Good Roads Association asking for the appointing of ,delegates to at- tend Convention in Toronto. No action taken. Clerk instructed to pro-, cure 400 dog tays from E, C. Vence dz Co., Toronto, A petition signed by a number of ratepayers asking thetethe County Road as designated. from Con- stance to Blyth be changed so as to conte along side road 5 and 6 until concession 10 and 11, thence along said concession to side road 20 and 21, thence north to Blyth. Laid over until next 'meeting. Moved by John Barr seconded bd Alex, McEwing ,that Clerk advertise for tenders for the erection of a 'Community Hall in Lt,n- desboro according to pians land speci- fications, said tenders to be opened at tate Township Hall, Londesboro on Friday 18th, Inst, at 2.30 p.m. The following accounts were passed and payment ordered' on motion of Alex. McEwing seconded by C. A. Howson. County of Huron for use of tractor, grader and crusher $255. less $110.36 paid by this municipality for repairs to Summerhill bridge. S. McVittie, ser- vices as Collector for 1920, $100, Council adjourned to ,meet on Friday 18th of February at 2 pm. * * CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children In Use For,Over3OYears Always bears me �;Sig nature - of MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE I INSURANCE IEETING : The ;Annual Meeting of the McKi- op Mutual Fire Insurance 'Company was held in the Town Hall, Seafarth, of Friday afternoon, The Auditor's report showed that the Company is In a healthy condition, The following directors *ere re- appointed:: M. MCBwen, for Stanley;' George McCartney, for Tuckersmith; D. F. McGregor, Tuckersmith; Messrs, James Kerr and John Govenlock were appointed auditors for 1921. At a meeting of the directors held afterwards IMr. Thomas Hays was re-appoiited Secretary -Treasurer. Mr. Hays.was also appointed•the delegate to the Under- writers' Association in Toronto on the 22nd and 23rd Inst. # r• GODERICH The official board of , North Street Methodist Church met Monday evening and by the reports, as given by the diff- erent officers, the work of the past year was exceedingly satisfactory. The re-' port of the treasurer of the Forward Movement showed that the. returns were up-to-date, The debt on the chuch had been provided for, payable in three years. By a unanimous standing vote Rev, H, D. Moyer, Present Pastor, was invited to remain for a third year. The congregation Is looking forward to fur- ther Church success., SFAFORTH. Mrs. L. T, DeLacey attended the fun; erai of the late Mrs. James Smith to Clinton on Monday. Mr .Smith, who has been visiting her niece, Miss Margaret Jackson, for several weeks returned to her home in Chatliam cm Saturday. ' • The challenge Euchre given {n the G. W. V, A. rooms' -on Mod* even- ing when ' the ladies challenged the gentlemen, resulted in a yfctory for the ladies of forty points. About one hundred and fifty were present and ail enjoyed the evening and no doubt the gentlemen will challenge the win- ners later. A Piano dance. ended a pleasant evening „ • Mrs. Charlton returned to her horse in niderton on Saturday.• Miss Jessie Gillespie spent a few days in Stratford recently. Mr. Beni •Williams was in town on Monday for a'few hours. • We are pleased to hear that Mr. G. Barber is improving after his long ill- ness and hope to see hint on the streets again soon. The many friends' of Mr. W. Broad - foot are glad to hear that he is re- covering from his illness, Mr, L, 0. Vaq Egniond is able to be out a while each day after a feW weeks' seige of neuritis, * * Border Cities Star: —Perhaps it will be Peteroutboro' for the government. Buffalo Cornlnercial:-a-l':n not so• much interested in the first robin -story as I hope to be in the last robin': tale, if it's ever printed," comments the plain "nut". * STANLEY Alex, McBeth, who has been confined to his hone by sickness is now able to out. Messrs. Earl Collins and Walter Mc - Beth took a trip to Sarnia last week. BRUCEFIELD. Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of Thames Road, will preach at the Anniversary services on Friday afternoon. Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed on Sun- day. • Mrs. Cummins, of the West and 2 sons are the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Grainger. John Colwell played checkers on Sat- urday with 'William Grant, of Clinton, resulting in a score of 2 for Mr. Grant, and i for Mr. Cowell and t draw. He lately played Mr. Cook of Clinton in our village, resuting in a draw, 27 games were played. 2 'Car loads of salt have lately carne to our station. The neighborhood should be well supplied. On Sunday evening, Rev. N, D. Mc- Intosh spoke on the great hymn and its author, "Rock 'of Ages", the hymn was afterwards sung by Mrs. Cummins, of the West and Mrs. Grainger. All pres- ent enjoyed the beautiful service. Miss Mary Simpson' is visiting, rela- tives at Toronto. A number of our sports attended the Hockey Match at Seaforth on Tuesday night. Geo. Hili shipped 2 car loads of hogs to Toronto this week. # x HOl.MESVILLE. . * * ti •S •n * * * '1 1' * •K• %• * A *• *• 6 MEN AND EVENTS •1F ;I, # * ' * .h. * *• 6 * * FIFTY CASES DISAPPEAR ' AND BARRELS ROLL AWAY 6' GEN. SIR SAM HUGHES:—Who will move resolution in house of Cbm- mons calling for re-establishment of patronage as a necessary concomitant of Responsible Government. DONALD M'KENZIE DIES SUDDENLY IN GODII*ICH. Former Ashfield Farmer Was Brother of "Rory" McKenzie, World's Biggest Man o . Goderich, February S.-1 he death occured suddenly to -day • at noon of Donald Neil McKenzie, a highly respect- ed citizen, The deceased,.. who had been in the employment of 'Charles C. Lee for the past 10 years, was taking a load of coal to his • house for delivery after dinner, and was seen to fall back on his rig on South Street, near the Hospital. Two men, who were near, saw him fall and summoned Dr, Harold Taylor, who was coating out of the hospital, ,They carried him into the hospital, but all efforts at resuscitation were useless, death having taken place instantly from heart failure. Mr, McKenzie, who was in his 74th year, was the on of Neil McKenzie, and was born in Ashfield, near Lochalsh, where he was a prosperous farmer until some 12 years ago when he re- f moved to Goderich, In his younger 1 days he was one of the big men of that 1 County, both on account of his size and ability. Besides his father who is in his 100th year and still very active, his widow and two daughters, Annie, and Maud, of Detroit, and two sons, Donald, of Spo- kane, 'Ind Neli, of Ashfield, survive, Rorary McKenzie, known as "Donald 'MacGregor", and the biggest man in the World, is a brother. Interment will take place at Lochalsh. # # Mrs. Wesley Vanderburg and children of Kincardine,. spent Sunday with her uncle Mr. Joseph Proctor. Mr, Fred Mulholland is busy for the last couple of days getting in his ice supply for'the summer months. Mr. Percy Johnston, of Woodstock, who looks after' the McLaren Cheese Company visited this factory on Men - day. The Municipal Telephone Committee, of,Goderich.Township met on,Monday to appdint a line man but it was not decided and the appointment was held over for another week, Mr. Stock had two pigs dressed last week that tipped the beam at almost 900 pounds, Mr; Swantz doing the I butchering. The Gleaniers Mission Circle intend holding a Valentine Concert in the base- ment of the Methodist Church on the evening of February 14th inst. Mrs. George Levis, of Clinton, visited Holmesville friends on Monday. - Mrs, Stock and two.daughters and Mrs. Alcock spent a few days visiting Mr. and`Ms. Ratz, of Milverton, return- ed home on Monday, Mr. and Mrs, N. W. Trevarth'l left on Monday for Montreal, Quarterly Services were need attend- ed on Sunday, ,February 6th, it being very fine weather for this time of year, Miss Acheson returned on Saturday After visiting for a week with her sister, Mrs. D, Calbick,. of Hamilton, R Y. 140 Smoking ---14o Spraying—So, Sufi Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH h Gt aranteed to restore normal breathing, stop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, o{ve long ntgltte of quiet sleep; contains Ks; habit-forming drug, 81.00 at your drug. fist's, Trial free at our agencies or write gilt's, 142 King W., Toronto, LOCAL AGENT c --r J, E, jlovEy USE RAZ -MAH Will Meet in L°n(1otl. Ali municipalities and organizations innterested in the electrification of the London, Huron and Bruce line of the G. T,,R. will be tailed to a conference le London 00 Feb. 23rd, A representa- tive cothiulttee will be formed at this gathering With the obitdt of securing information. ' # # # * 7F * * !F * * * • * MAY BE PROMOTION * FOR W. S. DINGMAN * * * " Toronto, Feb. 7. It was stat= .6 A. S. Brisson, of St. Joseph, Pays First $1,000 Fine in Huron Under 0. T. A. Exeter, February 8, -heron County's: first $1,000 fine for violating the O. T. A, was 'registered to -day by Police• Magistrate Andrews against A. Serytlt Brisson, of St, Joseph, The charge was keeping for sale, and the evidence showed that 50 cases of liquor and two half barrels of liquor were brought—in from Montreal last fall and gradually disappeared, Brisson claiming that the cases were taken away without his knowedge, and later the barrels rolled away one at a time. •inspector Fellow called at the house after his appointment in January and. tate last barrel was oa hand then, but! soon disappeared, Brisson claiming it was stolen. Crown 'Attorney Seager prosecuted for the Inspector and Eddie Brisson, a son, gave a marked check for the amount of the fine. W. Moir, of Dashwood, was charged with violating the 0, T. A„ as Inspector Fellow discovered $125 worth of liquor stored in his barn, but as Moir did not appear the case was adjourned. Law- rence Clebbin's, of Grand Bend, was fined $50 and costs for giving liquor to a minor. • ed today that Attorney -General * * Raney has decided •to appoint , * * - Vice -Chairman W. S.'Dingman * * to the chairmanship of the Os- * * tario License Board upon the * resignation of J, D,•Flavelle. at • Mr, Dingman comes from Strat- * * ford. * e * # * * * * VOTE 7 TO 2 AGAINST GOVERNMENT „ e Huron and Perth Royal Black Knights Elect Peterboro, Feb. 8—At 10 o'clock Monday night the vote of the West Peterboro Jaye -election stood as fol- lows:— G. N. Gordon, Liberal, 3984. R, Denine, Government, 2,697. J. C. Campbell, U,F,O, 2,428 J. 1.1, Burnham, Independent Conser- vative, 2, 416. Thomas McMurray, Labor, 975, There were still five polls to hear from in the country. The final figures dill make no material change in the standing of the candidates. Gordon lends the field by a majority of .1,287. The vote against the Government was over 9,000 or about 3j/ votes to'one, Some days ago Mr, Burnham predicted that the vote against the Government would be four to one. ` McMurray is e. the only candidate Who loses gra d en posit, WtOD'a; PHOSPHorariE' the Creat English Preparnl q Tones and invigorates the Whole nervous system. makes now Blood ITS old Veins, used /or Nervous IYebiltty, Mental and graloWoriy, Aesponde6 4 Less of Crier , PalpilatIon of e,. Vi�tt!! ccyy, Mentor* Price -Steer er for . Said bi a Mem ry �, d di for i5, Said bit a0 drdgasts, or mailed In pjaYd f kiTHlb'ini receipt of oriee, a Wf9P PILI l►f6TGRQt$T9 010114, ANNUAL MEETING HELD IN LUCAN SATURDAY—CLINTON KNIGHT AMONG OFFICERS. Huron and Perth Counties Mack Chapter of the Royal Black Knights of Ireland, held the annual meeting in the village of Lucan. There was a large number of delegates from the local perceptorie§ from eaeh county. Some very important )tuuiness was transacted, After the business the election of officers took place as foi- lows—V.W.P.C.P„ Sir K, Wm; Couraey of Lucas took the chair. . ' ' Officers elected — V. W. P. C. P. E. Mole; V,W.C•P•, J. B. Armitage, 613 Lucan; V, W. D, P., S. L. Ireland, 832 Stratford; F. W. Chaplain, H, Cook, 912, Granton; V, W. Register, W, Gra- ham, 832 Stratford; V. W. Treasurer, J. Dodds, 126, Wingham; C, Lecturer, 1., R. McMurray, 1025, Varna; 2, J. Rutherford, 832, Stratford; C. Censors, 1, D. Wilton, 832 Stratford; 2, 'C. Dunsmore, 832, Stratford; C. Standard Bearers, 832,; Stratffprd; Ci. Ptirsur- vents, J, L. Carruthers, 832 Stratford; M. Carter, 613, Lucan; C. Comtnittee, Wm, Almelo{rt 904 Wootm; C sop 1033 Greenway; Wm. Guest, 126 Wingham; D. L. Stephenson, 161, Clinton; Wm. Mew, 5034 Goderich; J. W, McLeod, 1025 Varna ;R. J. Park- ensou, 912 Granton; Grand C. Marshall J. Dunbar 327 St. Marys. The .officers were duly installed. A hearty vote of thanks was tended to the Sir Knights of Lucan for the hospital- ity shown to the visiting Sir Knights. Lodge! then closed by singing , "God Save the King." Births. FREMLIN--In Clinton on Saturday Feb. 5th, to Mr, and Mrs. Theo. Fren- lin, a daughter. Marriages JORDAN—WINBR-- In Clinton at the Willis church Manse, on Wednesday February 9th, by Rev. J. E. Hogg, Mr. Samuel Jordan, of Belgrave and Bella Winer, of Fullerton Twp. Deaths issussingsnoinssmiiiissonnap JANUARY SALE OF ERY u CLOTIN, .bTS S -s lm BIG RRtEDU7�►CTIONS6��DgU lRy�INGS gT�HE i .A,LACNE OF THE MONTH 9 H. Extra Specials For Saturday Men's and Boy's Winter Caps—Regular up to r. lines and Sizes to Clear at.. • , Boy's Odd Vests -09 cents 2.00, Odd 75c. 1 About 400 Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers to clear '•, at , . $1.39 each. 13a1ance of Felt Boots and Slippers to clear at Wholesale Prices. GET OUR PRICES ON ALL LINES BEFORE YOU BUY -- WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Plumsteel Small Profits Phone 25 ro td More Business •110111111sss► fanaszor SMITII,—In Clinton, on Friday, Feb, dth, Susan Clark, relict of the late Jas. Smith, aged 30 year's, JUNIOR AGR1GULTUJIE Boys' and. Girls' Live Stock Club Work.' Some Specialize In Calves, Sheri) or Pigs, Others Generalize — Bankes Accept Notes of Juniors 1n Ream,. lar Business Way. (Coutrlbnt*d by Ontario f)ennrt,,n*nt c•' Agrlcultu re, Toronto.) 1-1111 Boys' and Girls' novo moat bids fair to riv':' school fair work as ihr mos, popflar feature of arl i 0' tural extension work. ,Perham i1'' Is dire to the fact that boys and girl. literally love animal pets -- that are alive and respond lo and kind treatment. Moreover, !„ cause they earl calf the calf, r ", r Sheep' their very. own, and bu'•t:a,:i some day Y the hope tri all the' • mai tet a profit and sl• as then wISh. It alstalr. . heir interest. Wherever the e live stock clubs have been organ sed the representa- tives have the ac ive support and co- operation of the live stock men in the community. '.'his augurs well for the future of On ario's junior farm- ers. The boys ar, commencing early in life to get into the pure-bred live stock business a: d it is confidently hoped that they will receive every encouragement trent their parents and others. The first live stock club for boys and girls came into being in the early months of 1919. Counting those which were formed previous to the period covered by this report and those that were organized in 1919, there are 6 calf clubs, 10 pig clubs, 2 sheep clubs and 2.•live stock clubs or a total of 20 boys' and girls' live stock clubs with a membership of 450. This is a small beginnit,g. but A. number are now In the N.:oc'an of formation and the work will soon spread to every county in the pro- vince. In the purchasing of animals, arrangements are usually made with the local banks to advance toe necessary funds on the security of a note from the buy or girl for a ,lrfi- nite period at a fixed rate of interest. These notes must be endorsed to Ilse satisfaction of the hank by their par- ents or guardians. As a rule nothing but pure-bred animals are purchased and these are :registered in the name of the boy or girl owner. As a pro- tection, the animals are insured until such time as the notes are paid at the bank. Both Beef and Dairy .Calf Clubs have been organized. The Dufferin County Shorthorn Calf Club has regulations similar to those\of other calf clubs formed in the province but there was no special day set apart for distribution of the stock. In other Shorthorn Calf Clubs organized, heifers from 8-15 months have been distributed to the mem- bers. The initial cost in this case was,* not so great, yet a greater length of time will elapse before any returns are secured. In some of the Shorthorn. and Hoist: n calf clubs, auction 'sales r member .. a nil terr rioted. The members had the: Privilege of bidding is their own animals if they wished. An auction sale for elub work' bas Its advan- tagas and disadvatnages. If the ani - mato turn out satisfactorily, they should be kept in the members' hands, It defeats the very object for which it wars organized, tire hence, these now being formed are not con- sidering the question of auction sales at a11. There is a point in favor of auction sales, and that is that it gives the club a great deal of publicity. In the Balton County Calf Club, the 21 hailers distributed in Feb. ruary were sold at auction on Aug- ust 20. A fair was held previous to the sale at which special prizes were awarded. The Peel County Calf Club held a show and sale just one year after the dairy heifers were distributed to the members, when $85 was offered in prisSons• e money by public-spirited per - All members in the Peel Dairy Calf Club had to submit records of feed and milk together with a financial statement showing the profit on their enterprise, There has been only one sheep club formed during the past year and that was the Albion Sheep Club inithe County of Peel. In the previous sheep club formed in Peel a year ago, two Oxford Down ewes in lamb were distributed to each member. Unfortunately some of the ewes proved not to be in lamb and others lambed unexpectedly in the middle of winter. This proved a hardship to some of the club mem- bers -though the breeders from whom the ewes had been bought' very kind- ly exchanged those without lambs for two shearl{ng ewes each with a ewe ' lamb. The 14 members each with 2 sheep had 25 lambs and atter the transfers had been made the average was juat over 1 lamb per ewe. In an endeavor to avoid the early lamb misfortune of last season, the representative from Peel organ- ized a breeding flock in connection with the Albion Club. The shearlings were shipped in and flocked with a good pure -brad ram on Nov. 12 which resultedin lambs being born at a time when the weather was more favorable. There are two live . stock (stabs e province, one in ^' In ill , termedp Waterloo Monty and the Other in Brant County. They.. are confined to pure-bred animals, but they differ from the calf, pigs, or sheep clubs already mentioned In that all classes of animals are included, -11. S. Dun- can, Director' A.kricultnral Repreaea- tatives, STOMACH IN ORDER! NO INDIGESTIOJ1, GAS, SOURNESS "Pape's Diapepsln" has proven itself the surest relief for Indigestion, Gases: Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer- mentatiof or Stomach Distress caused by ,acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you can eat favorite foods without fear. Large case costa only few cents at drug store. Millions helped annually. CORN • There is a vast difference in the Grades of .Corn. Our Corn is No, 2 Yellow which we believe is the bess grade on the market. , , It is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give us a call end let us know your require. ments, , , Spebial prices on large quan. cities. Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. BRAN, SHORTS The Quality is good and the 'prices yeas. enable, SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured on present value of live. stock and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will re. 'turn more profit to the hog raiser than ever before in its history. S.WWT'a FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones produced by the immense slaughtering business of Canadian Company are almost all used' is Swift's fhb Grade Fertilizer; RESULT:—laF11.rge0i9R profitto you. C1ur Stock Includes:—Purity, Five Roses, White Seal and Golden City. W.Jenkins&Son FLOUR AND FEED 1IHONE:-199 RESIDENCE: 131 RAND TRUNK Y L AV THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between. MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT And CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on Principal Day Trains, ..t 4 Full Information from Any Gran Trunk Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, John Ransford & Son, City Passes• ger and Ticket Agents, PHONES -5... A, 0. PATTISON, Station Agent. ConstI Ian in ©hese' When your liver gets sluggish and inactive your whole health suffers. Your bowels become constipated, head aches, tongue coated, breath bad, specks float before your eyes, you are bilious, have heartburn, water brash, jaundice, eco. the Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills to make the liver resume its proper funotione by removing tho bile that is circulating In the blood and poisoning the system. Mr. Lo Bey Alien,' $pringiidld, N.S., writes;• --"I desire to express my thanks for the relief Milburn's Lasa -Liver Pills have given mo, Ir d beensuffering from emulation for three years, and also had ba It adachte. I tried all sorts of remedies,' but got no relief, until my grandfather told mo about your pills. I tried them and soon got relief, and now 1 would not bo without them in my home. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Fills are small ' and easy to take, do not gripe,' Weaken or or- -t that o eryear f ado. St is ostiivated ha v y giotota hke rho drastio'purgattvo Oat ores in America destroy more than Pe 25o. a vial at all deaters tnr $200,000,000 worth qt stau4iPe Mailed direct on receipt of ptiee by `'into ttiztbcr; �;�,, .... .,,J;,,l..f*_Lr.l , .:„ T. Milbtun Co., Lottod,'lotvltto. 0044i