HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-2-10, Page 1stablished 065, ,Vol. $5, No,33 'OLINzI CLINTON, ONTARiiO, THURSDAY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY '! QTH W,',E , Kerr & Son, Motto land PubYishaes,, i ope all our Sul;s76rIbers Will Renew We ,, ok4i f', •491. W bY,�T'.`•w� w.- f$�iL '••n : ,tel^2i t�', i w wwoivvvvywwwwwwvvo.4.vvvvvvwwwwwvvvvy A RHYME IN SEASON When days are chill and cold of Woe And all looks blue and full Winds blow, What clears the chest with a healthful glow, Wampoles Cold Liver Extract A�. When growing boys and girls look pale What best can snake them strong and hale ? ; The Remedy Never Known to fail Wampoles Cod Liver Extract ri r• A ' GE.tT T T " ', Z�►,, I30 k-IN+0J; Phm. B, REM11 ` ' S1 ORE rn •. INCORPORATED 1855 s•oso ' THE M.OLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130' Branches The Molsons Bink Assists Farmers Almost every farmer finds his money tied up in stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should consult our local Manager. Savings Departments at all Branches. 1.1. R. Sharp Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. Let us be Known as A THRIFTY PEOPLE Let us stop spending heedlessly and needlessly, and begin to SAVE NOW AND SAVE REGULARLY. THERE IS A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT - AT EVERY BRANCH OF Ile Royal Balqk OF CANADA R E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Brandi \\ #11...611.6=111001410.14.111215011C= RUSSMISIM OcK. IL he, h,.,s;. 5.0 Mens: Suits in large range of patterns to select frown, in Tweeds, Fancyy, Worsteds, Blue, or B4ac,k.. Serges ranging in Price from $30.00 to $37:50 to Clear at . . , , .. , $25.0U 25 Men's Surt,s sues 34 to 44. No broken lines. Regular $20.00 to -clear at .$15.06 • Boys $12.50 to $15.Q0 Suits -to clear at Boys $18,00, to,S2Q,00,Suits to clear at Men's $20.00 Raincoats to clear at . The M1orr'ish Clothing. 'atptlarc Deal for 1 vcry Rah w9m.99R-•eexaan;":wc¢w.o.aia>m, TThe New Era. 1041ry jp,t job Work in,, * fl k * * % 1P 7t rr % - •A A 9F_ : COUNTY COUNCIL * 1 * REPORT 0F CLINTON # * COLLEGIATE FOR SECOND TERM * Y * Jude Pic, son Advises 000000a00000000" * Council to Employ ala. 0 I.AR TIM TEACUPS 0 The January session of the County Council was concluded tnoon on. Fri- day, when an adjournment was ' made to. the first Tuesiiay in June. A motion by Messrs, Tipliug and Beavers for u grant of $15,000 to the town of Wingham for a concrete pave- ment on Josephine street as a part of the County road system was sent to the good roads 'Commission. On a motion by Messrs. Davis and Erwin; a committee was appointed,. composed of Messrs: Beavers,] Tre, wartlia and Milne, to determine what action is necessary to prevent pupils from going outside the County to at- tend Other Collegiate institutes and High Schools, and to report at the June meeting, On motion of Messrs. Neeb and Spotton the motion 'appointing a com- mittee to wait on the Provincial Gov- ernment with regard to consolidation of Jails was rescinded, and instead the Warden and Clerk were requested to draft a Memorial to the Government on the subject, A motion was adopted that all muni- cipalities not paying their county rates before the 31st of December of 'the year in' which they ere due be charged interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annum until paid. The members of the good roads corn- niission were appointed to represent. the County at the Provincial good roads Convention, On Thursday evening most of the members attended the lecture by the Hon. C. N, Poole of New Zealand, and afterwards a short session was held for the purpose of hearing an address by Mr, J,P, Marshall, an engineer of - the Provincial Department of High- ways, on the subject of road construc- tion. Mr. Marshall also replied to many questions addressed to him by members regarding the county road work. At the final session on Friday morn- ing Mayor R. S. ]lays, of Seaforth, on the invitation of the Warden, spoke briefly on the workof ()se Mothers' Allowance Board. On considering the report of the ex- ecutive committee regarding hospital grants, the council adopted an amend- ment providing that conmitee be appointed to act in conjunction e'ith the hospital boards of the county and bring in a report at the June Session. Messrs. Young, Currie and McNabb were named as this committee. Ex -Warden Govenlock, M, P, P,, was present and on inviisation of the War- den addressed the council brkrfiy re- garding matters of special interest to County Councils which are to come be- fore the Legislative. A motion was :;passed...expressing sympathy with Mr.. S. B. Stothers, County Agricultural :Representative, in his Illness, and expressiotiga (tope for his speedy recovery. Bylaws No, i, appointing auditors; No 2 .siring salaries of county officers, and. No 3, makieg.a grant of $15,0oo to Whighatn for road .improvement, were Tait through all ;their readings hod passed. Executive ;Committee The Evecuttve 'Comininitee recant, mended. -grants as 'follows: $1,000 to each of- the hospitals at Goderich, Clinton and: Wingham; $25to each Sehoce'Fair in the oaanty; $25 tei cacti I'd lic`ithrary in the 'County; $2l. to each of t11e ' Spring :Stock and Seed Shova''nit Clinton, Seaforth• and Heine sail, 0,500 to the •Oltdldren's A c. '"Sia- ciety; 14,00 to the High. 'Schools and Collegiate institutesaif the Cou'dt3r to e divided according go the attenitance of pupils'!from the county; $25 to'each AgriculburalSociety in the. County' heilritng.a;Fail Fair., Several. requests for -grants were de- clined,'in•cbuding those proposed for the Horticultural .Societies of the County, the Women's institutes, .the -iuron Poultry and Pet stock Associa- tion, tate Hospital for Sick Children, the Western Ontario United Boards of Trade (tor immigration' Work.) The'Connnitiee made the following reconunendatioas regarding salaries: Warden, .$100; Treasurer, $5,650, clerk 5t,500Superintendent of 'Roads, $2,- 600 2;600 for the good roads systefll and 8200 for County waiicancl a raise of $200 for 1922, Crown Attorney,$1,- 100; Jailer, $00, matron of jail, $225;,, turnkey, .$,70O; )ail physician, $120; Manager of County I•tonie, $1,000; Matron, $500; Assistant Matron, $360; bispeettor, ,$300; physician, ' $400; chaplain, $150; Public School teepee-, tors can $1,200 salary and $525 for , $ per Councillors expenses; ; 5 dayand ten cents per mile one way; auditor of criminal justice accounts, $5 per day and fen cents per mile era,: wag: Auditors of County accOumts, Co$each; caretaker of Court House and Registry office,' $700 n-.• (Confirmed on ileut Page) * * •a * * * •-: * •1 * k 0 • Second Term Examination * Below are given the names of all pupils that obtained fifty per cent. or over of the aggregate marks In the January Examination, A detalled,re- port will be given to the pupils at the end of the week. Parents are request- ed to give the report careful attention. * Form 1 HONOURS:—M, Lyon 82.5; M. Co`urtice 79; 1, Fraser 76,3; B. Salter 75.8; S. Eaerett 75,6, PASSa—C, Evans 73.5; E, Marquis 71:3; K. Taylor 71.2; W. Hovey 69,1; 13, hunter 68.1„L 0: Jervis 67.5; R. Carter 67.1; W;" Simpson 64.7; E. Plunisteel 64.3; J. Yesbec 63,8; E. Trewartha 63.7; W, Nelson 63.7; 0. Lawrence 63,4; F. Hovey 63; V. Mill - ler 62,9, M. Aikenhead 62.7; N, Mc- Neil 62.6; G, Churchill 62.3; M. Mey- ers 62.1; M. Wright 62.; E. Paisley 61.8; H. Cochrane 61.8; Al. Stewart 61.6; C. Glazier 60,7; Errol Walter 60.1; J. McGregor 60; M. MacDougall 58.3; J. Nediger 57,7; L. Turner 57.7; E. Reid 57,4; 1i, Richards 57.4; 1.1. Snell 57,3; K. Roberton 56,5; D. Coch- rane 56.5; D. Ball 55.9; C. Pepper 55; J, Ford 54.5; 13'Carter 53.7; E. Johns 50.6; P. Anderson 50.1. - Form If HONORS:—N, Treleaven !2; R. Hale 80,3; F. Johnston 79.9; R, Higgins 78,7. PASS:—F, Cantelon 74.1; R. Hun- ter 73,8; A, Mustard 72,8; M. Potter 72. 5; P. Sterling 72.5; In Nediger 72.1; K, Beaton 71; C. Tebbut 70,9; G. Ferguson 69.7; W. Giant 68.9; L. Taylor 68; Al. McIntosh 67.5; C. Munn 66.5; Mair 66.1; J. Woods 66; G, Snyder 64.5; J. Aikenhead 64.2; J. Farquhar 63.8; M. Armstrong 63.7; R. G, Thompson 62,6; J. Bawden 62.3•; M, R, Stewart 62.2; C. Hovey 62.1; ht. McTaggart 62.1 ; A. McIntyre 58.6; F, Elliott 58.3; H. Grigg 57.4; A,Conibe 56.1; F. McTaggart 55; A. McFarlane 54.7; K. Rorke 54,2; J. Wigginton 53.8; M. McConnell 53.6; C, Shipley 50.8; G. Stung 50,3, Form III HONOURS:—J, Hehner 81,9; D. Nediger 76; A, Hamilton 75.3, PASS A, Mustard 70,9; E. Jow- ett 710; V, Pepper 69.8; M. Flynn 68.5; I1. Cowan 66.2; A. Dewar 65.6; H. Ball 62,8; E. Dewar 62; G. Venner 60.7; 0, Matheson 60,3; M. Finleon 59.7; W. McMeth 59.4; A, Reynolds 57; A. Glen 56,5; K. Carter 55,2; A, Reid 53.7; F. 'Gibbings 53; A. Mc- °Cartny, 61.3; M. McEwen 51.2. • ?",slam tV Part•t2L. result), Entrance PASS: N, Anderson ao,2\G. Pow - ler 55.4. Part Ali—'Faculty Entrakice PASS:—C. Tyndall 66.6; M. Bone 62.5; N .rindprson 57.1. Honour Matriculation E. Livertimiet 187:8; F.' Witte 60. It To the IDditor'•df• the New Era: Sirr—N6 longer' will (an Object 'ef of- fence tnotible Mitids;of the 'Glinted people: 'Dut`ilig`the'war they develdped "8 super-setfsffi•ae 'fseiinig; d• heard of 'ole person v3110 in those days; rv'iiaid• :not read the ,papers because'they' made loin nerwdus: '11 would" certainty' lie mtt'olerahle ,'that having Successfully cotne through the war they Shouldhave !a symbol of the sufferings - of their aneighbo•res'befoore then;: But there are<ohers in Clinton. They know what the war meant, They were disappointed When the IVleniorial was voted down, 'But they were not sur- prised, A Memorial would have cost money. And we know that some Hien would sell their best friends for a dol- lar, But can they ;not let us have our Field Gun, 'Itis not costing anything. And it,means a lot to u5, \ • in the Anglican Church yesterday, (Ash Wednesday) was read from Deut. 27—"Cursed be 'he that .removeth his neighbour's Laud -mark, Titis is the Word of God. Do not go too far in outraging the feelings of the returned mein who risked his all in order that, you nmight'enJoy your present pros. perity, Yours Sincerely, ' S. E. McKEGNLY St. Paul's Rectory, Clinton, "efOth, February, 1921, The Wee o tlA I1lIR ''FIELD" 'Oast. 0 0 Qutsi4er (o Assess 000000000000000 Goderich, Ont,,. San, 19, 21 D. L. Macpherson, Esq„ Mynicipal Clerk, Clinton, Ont, Dear Sir—Re Assessment Appeals. You ,are hereby directed to pay the costs of several appeals as follows: TO A,T. Cooper, peer witness fees paid, G, D. McTaggart, M. D. McTaggart, 11. Dempsey, C. F, Lfbby, and W. J. Paisley Q 75c.$3,75 For witness Bennett of Wingham, 2.65 And costs of subpoena 1.00 Total payable to appellant ....$7.40 To myself -1 day and railway and bus fares also postage and tele phone $8,35 To D. McDonald—for Stenogra- 'pher's services $24,00 You will_ observe. that 1 have only provided for $6.25 witness fees in the Judgments. I cannot tat more than allowed in Division Courts in the hsses tried by me. The balance of $1,1S will be paid by the Municipality, • Kindly ,send cheques to Mr. McDonald and to 'myself for our a- mounts at your early conveience. Your own fees are payable by the Municipal- ity and the Council has power to fix what they shall be, i would suggest that your Council employ an outside and a thoroughly expert alien to essi,j your assessor In the work of the. next assessment, so that you may put your assessment as to values of real estate and as to all the assessable income upon a proper and fair basis. Once done there will be little or no trouble afterwards and if tate Assessments are properly adjusted, even though some or all are raised, each ratepayer will be paying his fair and equitable share, while if your assess- ments are increased your general rate of taxattion will be lowered. YOU can employ a man outside and who would have no other interest than to do his duty and who would put your income taxpayers 011 a proper paying basis. I an; satisfied that you must lose con- siderable through the omission'of your Assessors to assess for income in many cases where he should assess, Yours very truly, Lewis H. Dickson. * at SCRUB, BULL TO GO Meeting at Clinton Friday Evening To Organize South Huron A G. Farrow, of Oakville, County Di- rector of the U, F. 'O. in Halton, at- tended a meeting in the office of the Department of Agriculture here last Fri- day•for thepurposeof organizing South Huron in ,t Campaign against the scrub ,aaadgrade.i5ulL Cemniittees were ap- ;pointed:in each of the 'five Townships .and meetings ane being arranged for in 'tate near .future: R. C. Proctor, of Bel- graive;'W, D, Black, of Seaforth, and C. F. McKenzie,, B. S, A., of; Oakville, were present: and .are 40 take an active part in the Campaign. Messrs. 'Black and Procter iire'•klounty Directors' of the U. F.-0., in this County, "It is hoped to .have •the• Soneh Riding. "clean'•trp" on srLnub ibulis so,on, when a, stgrt will be •made oeJhp;951er,lj4inge.rn 111,5 Cokn- tyr ThelolloastAttg committees were ap- Ininied: ' God'erldh Township:—Mr, Edwards, Mr,•H,arry „Salkeld, Mr, Wise, Meeting t Hdimhsville,'''oli Monday; February '14th at:2;p, m, t : Stanleys—Mtrre, MCBwen, Jos. Keyes, 'Sari. Thompson, Murray Gibson., Mr, 'Westlake, Meeting; at Varna, Monday, iFe7aruary 14th, et 7:30 p nt. racy Mr, Klapp John LaPorte Mr, Turnbull, of Gret'd Bend, Meeting et Zurich, Tuesday, .15th inst., at 7:30, 'Stepheii'._ Won Robinson, Mr.' Me- Keezie. To meet at Crediton on 15th 2 p. m. Tucicerslnith:—Wm, Charters, An- drew Bell, Joe Crich, 1'. G. Shilling - law, Wm, Pepper, John Hay and Thos, Coleman. They ate to meet at the Red Schoolhouse on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 16th, at 2 p. m. PRpVINCE OF ONTARIO BONDS A new issue twenty year bonds is announced this morning, to 6 g Rtper Cent; Price 9829 yielding 615 per. cent, Everthing indicates a rapid ab- sorption of this issue, Intereskgd par- sons should order at once. Victory Bonds may be advantageously est- .„:: f,et1 to pay:Petit, f— le A.pi y , to W. eRIrDONE, Mr, W, Pinner was up frp;ii Lon- don over the week end. Mr, John Torrance was palling on Exeter friends last Thyrsday. Mr. harry 13artltff is making a busi- ness trip to London this week, Mr, Wm, J. Bell returned to his duties in Toronto en Monday. License Inspector Pellow, of Gode- rich, was in town on Friday last, 'Crown .Attorney Seager, of Gode- rich, was in town on Friday last, Mr, Jas, Cutt, of Lucknow, was In town for a few hours on Saturday. , Mrs, J, A, Constantine, of Teeswater is visiting with old friends in town. Mrs, . T. Jackson returned on Mon- day evening frons her visit at Toronto. Mrs, Crerar, of Toronto, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M, D. Mc- Taggart. Mrs. Thomas, of Blyth, attended the Lady Bowlers Dance on Friday evening last here. Mr, Thomas Hawkins will attend the Dickson's letter be read, which the Hardware Men's Convention at Hamilton 'Clerk did. The matter was laid over next week. for two weeks. Miss P, M. Cameron left for Mitchel( Councillor Cooper and Reeve Miller this week for a brief vacation before the brought in the notion—That we ac - Spring openings. cept the revision of the Assesstnent Reeve J. McNabb, of Grey Township, Roll as per Julge Dickson's report and was in Clinton on Tuesday on some also that his suggested lniprovetnent in the method of assessing for 1921, be acted upon as far as possible. Motion carried, The Finance Committee will deal with the rebate of dog tax to Gordon Hall, on motion of Councillors John- son and Langford, The Auditor's Report fur 1920 was read by the Clerk and also the report of the Hydro and Waterworks Depart- ment. The reports will be referred to the Finance Committee, By -Laws Nos, 3, 4, and 5 for 1921 were read three times and passed, , 13y -Law No. 3—Firemen of Clinton, Chief—II. Glazier Capt.—Ii, B, Kerr. Lieut.—N. Kennedy. Firemen—H, Fremlin, W, Kennedy, A. T. Cudmore, le. B, Fitzsimmons, F. Dixon, 'C. Draper, T. H. Cook, J. E: Cook, L. Cree, R. Tasker and hl, Mc- Ewen, By -Law No. 4—Appointing Town 0dicers :— Cierk :and Treasurer—D, L. Macpher- son, Chief Constable—R.13. Fitzsimons Sergt.—R. Welsh, Cemetery Supt.—R. Flunter, Medical flealth Officer—Dr, Shaw Town Engineer—W. A. Grant '8 Stock Scales—Jos, Wheatley By -Law No, 5—Meat By -Law. The sum and substance of this by- law is No person shall sell at amp place in the town of Clinton other thali a store or shop any fresh meats intend- ed for' food for man in• quantities than the quarter carcass until he shall first have procured a IicenSe under the next preceding paragraph heregf tqx fire then curreat, year, I�lr'r1" The hinanee report was presented and adopted on motion of. Councillors Cooper and Johnson. The Finance Co iinittee recommend- ed. that, no, action, be taken.' in regards 16 taxes on Sinai! estate brought up xliy inspector Torrenep" ihst; month., {Councillors Langford, and Paisley lnade- a report on the'wood supplynnd ,ree0tuntended qo action he taken• on `the matter, The motion carried.' 'Councillor Goofier stetted ttlat their was dissatisfaction in regrardts to the Jplaciing of the deli; gun, and. had' pre - ,pared a,motion to: Bottle the matter, ' 'Moved by Councillors Cooper and Langfo,r4—that• the request, of the Superintendent of the Waterworks 'be granted to allow the removal of !lie German Field gun and two machine guns to the Pudic Utilities Park—Carried, COuncillor, Cooper brought up the .question of. a. pool room. in -a. Hotel in town and had a motion seconded by Reeve Miller as follows—That bylaw ' No, 5, for 1387 be amended by Strik- ing nut all the words afitsr the word' hotel in the second line and adding the words "or place of public entertain- 'tnent," The clause as amended to read as follows—That no license sha11 be granted• for any billiard table or tables in connection with any hotel or place of public entertainment, The "yeas" and "nays" were called and the motion was lost by a vote of 5 to 3, Mayor McMurray, Reeve Miller land 'Councillor Cooper voting for the InotiO*, Councillor 'Cooper and Nediger had the following i h 10 g nation.:—.That we ex- press our approval of the Memorial Tablet which. Is planned to be placed in the Clinton host office and request that the Council be allowed a. share In the expense of • having such a tablet erected Carried, Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, Feb. 21st, Council Had a Busy Night Council met on Monday evening with ",all the members present, The Pastime Club asked for a re- bate on hall rent for their 'New Year's dance, owing to the lights being off, Gordon L. Hall asked for a rebate ,on dog tax,as he has disposed of the deg, .0r. C. W. Thompson asked for are- bate on taxes as increase of $300'had been lidded to his taxes, The City Clerk of London asked that delegates be sent to the Electric Meet- ing to be held in London on 23rd. The Valley Camp Coal Co., of Ham- ilton, in regards to letter sent about the car of municipal coal, that they could do nothing, Reeve Miller brought up the motion that two delegates be appointed to at- tend the Electric railway meeting at London, and the motion carried and the delegates will be Reeve Miller and Councillor Cooper, or' a subsititute. A rebate or $5,00 was granted to the Pastime Club on motion of Councillors Nediger and Langford. In regards to Dr. Thompson's letter Councillor Cooper asked that Judge County business, _ Mrs. Bennett, of Blyth, wasa visitor during the past week with her sister, Mrs, Walter King, Mr, G. M. Elliott, Huron Co. agent for tine Children's Aid Society was in town on Friday last. Mrs, R. J. Cluff returned Monday evening from Hamilton where site has been visiting her daughter, Police ,Magistrate Andrews was in Exeter on Tuesday and also last Thurs- day 00 some liquor cases, Mrs, DsLaeey, of Seaforth, was in town on Monday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. James Smith, We are pleased to learn that tittle Grace Fitzsimmons is improving after her "bout" with a Ford truck. Mr, James Snell and son Mr, Ephraim Snell are taking in the Stock Breeders Conventions in Toronto this week. Mr. Fred Owen, of New York, was in town over the week end in connection with business with the 'Clinton Knitting Company. Mr. T, R. Sheppard, of the Super- visor's Department of the Royal Bank at Winnipeg spent the week end at the hone of his another , 11,1r, and Mrs. Fred Price, of Popular Biutf, Missouri, were here attending the funeral of the late Mrs. James Smith. Mrs, Price Is a grand -daughter of the deceased. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Beattie and young daughter, of Wartime, Sask., were call- ing on old friends inand arotd Clin- ton, Mr, Beattie is Station at Wart1;ai and along with tris father, Mr. JFames be4ttie, a'fornier resident of 'Clinton, naso rups a fares. Mrs. Beattie was formerly a Miss Erwin of Bayfield. Their marry friends were glad to see them, • MT. C. Help, formerly. Privste Secre- taryto the Hon. Mr: Ferguson, Toronto; anti:whose,nagte 1Eas;figuredptominelnt ly In. conpettipm with the, Provincial Timber investigation, beoau$e of hie re-' fusel) to prodjece certein: letters said to private, is a grand son of.,the late;J4trs, !Mgtlgy, a formeriuel1know•,s s'esidep,tof, 'Clinton, apcbone time proprietor of. the 1Norniiaiidie Hotel: ieA .LroltBALOIS. S ililtrYdtm.. It fe �r'emarkatrfe to find new'many battles ha,ye been fought on Sundays. For lnstknce, Salamanca was 'fought 'on Sunday, July 2, 1812; Vimiero, Fuentes d'Onoro, Ciudad Rodrigo, Othez, Toulo,uee-and; VJ.ttoria• Gere, also contehte4 'on,, Khat Was known. as, "W.'e111ngtonts Red Sundays,".' Waterloo was also, of course, con- tested and won on a Sunday. Then the battle of Paarrieberg was fought on a Sunday, February 13, 1900, and the fiercest op the, Aisne, it will be remembered; was on Sunday,'Sep- terher 20. 1914. Like Any Other Leg. The bluntness of Oen, Sir William Robertson is admirably illustrated by a couple of storles told by Col, Rep- ington in his reminiscences, "The First World War,” After an exhibition of classical dancing by Lady Constance Stewart- Richardson with bare feet and a Maud Allap C0.0.11 11V, 110 WAS asked 11•1ie did` not think 'she had a very dne leg. "It's just like any other Leg," was tti0 ropi, On another occosion he paid a visit, to a email type of submarine, to 'which he could Hardly Stand or move. "De roti ltko the iife7" he asked th4 Cts r• ,m1nA,rt er, "Vett"- wits the re- ply, Sh R+4lllam gave a grunt, and sad, "UMW Yon're easily pleased."