The Clinton New Era, 1921-1-27, Page 1LIN1.!ON
stabllsheLl .865; Vol. 55, No.31
'Wr. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers.
We Hopeai1ourSubscribers Will enew Pr
wiwwwvwrW VWdWrwwso
When days are chill and' cold of Woe
And all looks blue and full Wilds blow,
What clears the chest With a healthful glow,
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When growing boys and girls look pale
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The RemedyNever Known to fail
Walnpoles Cod Liver Extract
S. Pail E REPC'QXALL7VI 1LL3,-Phm• 13.
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Over 130 Branches
Encourage Thrift in Your Children
The opening of Savings Account for a child in
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THE MOLSONS BANK encourages hire to save.
It is.a. step towards that traditional first thousand
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H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
Let us be Known as
Let us stop spending heedlessly'
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R, E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch
50 Men's Suits in large range of patterns to select from, in
Tweeds, Fancy, Worsteds, Blue. or Black 'Serges ranging
in Price from $30.00 to $37.50 to Clear at .... .$25.00
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$20.00 to clear at
Boys $42,50 to $15.00 Suits to .clear. at , ... • $10.00
Boy's $'h 8.00 to $20.00 Suits to clear at $15.00
Men's $20.00 Raincoats to clear at
The l orr sh Clothing .CZ,
;lt; tiuDeal at for Every Jilin
mptly Now
The Right Rev, M. 1'. Fallon, ilishop
of London, announces a number of
Oranges among the clergy of the Dio-
cese, These are as follows:
Rev. J. A. Hanlon,• at present pastor
of St, Michael's parish, London, be-
cUnies pastor of St. Joseph's parish,
Stratford, and Dean of ,Stratford, in
succession to the late Monsignor Mc-
Rev, E. L. Tierney, Mount Carmel,
goes to' St. Michael' s,'Londmc.
Rev. W. 1?. Corcoran, Chaplain of
the Hotel Dieu, Windsor, is appointed
to Mount 'Carmel.
Rev. Wilfrid Roy, Loisbelle, to be
pastor of Staples,
Rev. D. A. Brisson at present in
charge of Staples, to be chaplain of the coming year. A brass tablet, in
the Hotel Dieu, Windsor, honor of the late Donald Patterson,
Try New The
)or Job Work in
Reeve Miller is attending 1Jo, Coun•
chi at Goderich this week!,
Crown AttorueyeSeager, df Goderich,
was in town on Wednesday, •
Miss F, M. Cameron was calling on
Seaforth friends on Wednesday,
Mr, S. S, Cooper was a visitor in
Toronto for a few days last week,
Mrs, R. R. Lounbury, of North Day,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Hogb.
Mr. and Mrs, W. PInner, of Vancou-
ver, 13. C., Ire here visiting the latter's
mother, Mrs, Chas. Bartliff,
Mr. Win. White, of, Winnipeg, was
the guest of his brother, Mr. Thos.
White during the past week,
Mr. Alex McIntyre and Miss. P, Mc-
Lean, of Winghanc, spent the week end
with the foriner's mother, Mrs. Mary
Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Holloway return-
ed last week after spending a month at
Peterboro ,with their
Mrs. I.
R. Rattenbury.
Mrs. Carl Mair, of Allendale, and. Mr,
William Bell, of Toronto, were called
hone owing to the death of their
father, the late Robert Bell,
Mr. Fred Ruisdael' is visiting his
mother here. ile has been moved to
the Royal Bank at Stratford from Cargill
and will commence his duties next
Leach Gordon Young by One Vote-
Armstrong, Beavers and Spotton
Good Roads Commissioners
Goderich, •January 250, -At the
opening meeting of the County Conn-
ell this afternoon the Liberals who
control the wardeiiship this year sel-
ected Reeve Peter Doig, of Howlett,
as Warden for 1923. There were four
candidates in the running, - Including
Gordon Young, of Colborne, 'Matt Arm-
strong, of :I'lullett, and Dr, Grieves, of
Seaforth. The fight was a close, cue
returning Doig with a majority of
one over 'Young, A sprinkling of
U. F. 0,, has made its appearance in
the Council for the first time, but
not enough to control, One well-known
Councillor from the North, a strong
U. F. 0.,, man is reported to have
stated that he would go with the
Liberals in their caucas this year, with
the understanding that he would go
with the Conservatives next year.
The new Warden in. taking his chair
briefly outlined some of the work for
These appointments will become ef-
fective not later that Saturday, Feb-
ruary 5.
The many friends In town of Rev.
Fr. Hanlon are delighted at his new
appointment. Fr. Hanlon wa sa popular
Priest here with all classes, prior to be-
ing proved to Londyn.
Diamonds of the World.
Sixty million dollars is the value of
au:average .B'ear's crop of diamonds,
and they are being mined faster
than ever nowadays, says the Scien-
tific American. The value of all that
have been taken out of the earth
since men began to keep count is
only about two billions, which would
have been reached in about thirty-five
years of present production.
Loud. Than Thunder. .
An autbori y an the subject states
that the sound of cannonading canot
be heard mutt farther than That
thunder. The limit. of the carrying
power of thunder Is about fifteen
miles, while twice that number of
miles is not considered any great dis-
tance for the sounds of. battle to
lad last .year, and who wits f
some 14 years the County Engineer,
was unveiled, Bx=Warden Petty, of Hen -
sail, perforating the ceremony. -
The important business of the Coun-
cil to -day was the appointing of Reeves
Armstrong, Beavers and Spotton, as
the ,good road commission, for the
The Cuncillors were entertained at
a smoker by the clerk, treasurer and
engineer to -night. -
A new issue twenty year bonds is
announced this morning. Rate 6 per
Cent; Price 9829 yielding 6.15 per
cent. Everthing indicates a rapid ab-
sorption of this issue. Interested per-
sons should order at once. Victory
Bonds may be advantageously ex-
changed in payment.
Apply to
Ontario Legislotieri 192o
Notes on Legislation Considered and Enacted
during the Session of 1920
Continued from Last Week)
ASSESSMENT: -Exemption of income derived from personal -earn-
ings in cases of householders or heads-offamilies was increased front
$1,71)0 to $2,000 in cities and towns, and from $4,400 to $4,70C
in other municipalities. In the case of non -householders the exemp-
tion was increased from $700 to $1,000 in cities and towns, and
from. $500 to $800 in other municipalities. A further exemption of
$200 for each dependent child under eighteen years of age was grant-
ed, but this exemption only applies to income derived from personal
earnings. - .
Pensions granted to soldiers whoserved during the late war. or to
any dependent relative of such -soldier is entirely -exempt from taxa-
Dividends derived from shares in companies tarrying .on a mer-
cantile Or manufacturing business were made subject to assessment
and taxation.
Counties were given power to pass a by-law conferring on any
tow{iship or village the right to conduct and Manage sales of land for
arrears of taxes.
-Municipalities in Muskoka were granted the right to conduct and
manage their ow, sales. Formerly the Sheriff of the District had
this power.
By -laws -exempting improvements, income and business from taxa-
tion on a graduated scale may be passed with the assent of the rate-
payers. The percentage ,of exemption in any year is not to be less
than 10 and not more than 25 per. cent. until the whole assessed val-
ue, or such part thereof as is fixed by the by-law, is exempted.
In unorganized townships a Bbard of School Trustees of a school
section is given the same power -to exempt from taxations for school
purposes, and the Lieutenant -Governor in Council may order that the.
vote should be limited to the resident ratepayers.
STATUTE LABOR :-The provision grantingexempfion to islands
in lakes not exceeding ten acres in extent and used as -summer rr;sorts
was 'abolished. •
CULTIVATION OF VACANT LAND:-'1'he power. gran'tr,'i to
councils to issue permits to cultivate yacant land was continued but
a new provision was inserted by which, if the permit is revoked by
the council where the owner requires it for building. purposes, the
holder of the permit is to receive compensation not exceeding $50.
MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE: ---Highway access " bridges are now to
be constructed and maintained as part of the drainage scheme. Prior
to this the owner of the land was given money in lieu of a bridge and
.he was to construct and maintain his own bridge. 1t was found that
this did not give general satisfaction and the law was changed as a-
bove stated.
PUBLIC VEHICLES: -Every person who desires to conduct upon
the public highway the business of a public carrier of passengers or
freight trust obtain from the Department of Public Highways a lic-
ense and pay such fee therefor as. may b' fired by Regulation. Tho 1
license issued by the Department is to fix the number of passengers ;
or the tonnage at freight which may be carried, and the taYiff of tolls
to he charged must be approved of by the Department. An identifi-
cation plate issued by the Department, must also be attached to
The -fees to be charged are in addition to thoseimposed under The
Motor Vehicles Act,
(Continued on Page 2)
Ottawa, Jan. 21; - Hon, A. L. Sif-
ton, Secretary of State of Canada, died
at 8:30 this morning at' his apartment
at the 'Chateau Laurier. A short time
beore Mr, Sifton had lapsed into un-
consciousness. With hint when he died
were his /son, and Senator W. J. Har-
mer, who, was a close friend,
'. On TGesday, after a consultation of
specialists, hope was expressed for the
recoery of Mr. Sifton, who suffered.
froni arterio sclerosis, (hardening of
the arteries), but another relapse early
this morning ended fatally.
i n'
The deceased Cabinet Minister had
been ill for some weeeks and had been
under the care of Dr.. Campbell -.Laid-
law, of, Ottawa. On January 19 he suf-
fered a relapse and specialists from
Toronto were called in. Then it was.
announced that hope for his recovery
was entertained.
as *• ..
Native of Ontario
Right lion. Arthur Lewis Sifton
ocee4lortesese egose spec K, C., M. A., L.L.B,, D, C. L. (Medicine
ra ,s Hat), was' born at St, John's Middle -
Lt WITH Tani CHURCIII1S 0 sex County, six miles from the city
O ' ' of London, Ontario, on October 26,
ev,e•9ests�esc costaseeses cr esc7 11859 Ile was a son of John Wright
as ,a cr ao at as 1a * 1a * as
tog; * 1i �t �f aH as 0,•
- Willis Church 1 Sifton; for some years a member and
Next- Sunday the Pastor's subjects. for one teruc.Spea er re eg s u e
will be: -Morning -"The Forgiveness of Manitoba, and of his wife, Kate
of Sins". This is the nineth in the i Watkins, bot r o ris s erten
series on the great doctrines of the 1 In -1865 he removed with his par -
Christian Religion% i ents to Manitoba, where his father
Evening -"The Glories of Jesus." executed a number of large contracts)
In the evening a men's choir will lead in various parts of the Province, and
the service of praise. The special also conducted successfully a large
music will be: wheat farm near Brandon, Manitoba,
Anthem "Lift up your Heads." I He was educated in Wesley Col -
Quartet: "There is a Green hill Far lege, Winnipeg, and Victoria Univer-
Away." Messrs. A. Mitchell, Wm, ! sity, Cobourg, Ontario., obtaining the
Mutch, Dr. Gandier, Geo, Roberton. 1 degree of 13. A. in 1850, and Hon. De.
Wesley Church
The Union Evangelistic meetings
)rave been well attended. Rev. Mr.
Moyer, of Goderich, spoke to tice the Manitoba bar in 1883. Ile first
Young people on Tuesday evening practised in Brandon, where he was a
and Rev, (Capt.) Edwards, of Seaforth, member of the first City Council
on Wednesday evening. Special music there in 1882. Shortly afterwards he
has been provided by the choir each 'removed to Prince Albert, ' S:tskat-
eveniug. chewan, and after practising'"there for
a short time took up residence in
Rev. (Capt.) EdReviva isvice on night, when they carried off the strong
to preach in the Revival services on 'Calgary.
In Old N. W. T., Legislature box of the Canadian Express Company,
Mr. Sifton was.. elected member of while they covered the express car
crew, several railwaymen and a nuniber
the old Northwest Assembly and to o
1891 became Commissioner of Pub- other people with revolvers. The' box contained from f,800 to $2,000„w
ho chooses to come will be welcome. lic Works in the Haul am Ministry, Railway Rinds,
Meetings for prayer at 7:30. The sane year he was created K. C. mostly Grand Trunk ted an the London, .Huron s,
* * in January', 1903, he resigned from collBrected ecChief Justice
Ministry, becoming
04,0,46.66,0660••••••••••••••I `
grees of M. A. and L, L, B. in 1888.
In May, 1880, he started the study of
law in Winnipeg, and was admitted to
J. D..FLAVELLE, Chairman of the
Ontario.License Board, who has . an-
nounced that he will retire before
items of Interest Picked Up Here
wedwedThere About the Town. ,
A "Shady" Business.
The W. D. FairCo. last week finished
their contract of putting up 72 shades
at the public school.
Won at Checkers.
On Wednesday Messrs. W, Grant and
Jas. 'Cook, our expert checker players
went down to Brucefield. and hada few
friendly games with Mr, J, Snider and a
Mr. Kaplan. The local players eack-
won 9 games and had 10 draws.
Case Dismissed •
The Court Case of Rex vs. McLelland.
and Miller charged with racing alt
Bayfield on Sunday last was dismissed.
as Mr. McLelland had offered to make
good alil damages done to the Banker
at Bayfield, whose rig he ran into, was
dismissed on Wednesday afternoon by
Magistrate .Andrews.
Express Safe Stolen
Automobile bandits staged a dramatic
coup at the Grand Trunk Railway
station, at London, At 7,10 Saturday
Wd*esday and Friday of this week,
Union Revival Services will be con-
tinued in Wesley Church next week.
'She attendance is good. Everyone
•Distr ict Mews'
Reeve Armstrong is attending the
Co. Council at Goderich this week. He
was a candidate for the Wardenship but
lost out,
Last Saturday morning Margaret
Ruinball, beloved wife of Rundle Hunk-„`
ing passed away at the age of 61 years
and 3 months, 'after an illness of one
week from pneumonia. The deceased
hal been in Woodstock nursing her
sister, Mrs. Elliott, who died two weeks
previous from pneumonia also. De-
ceased was born in Goderich, and 36
years ago married her now bereft part-
ner iii life. 'Besides her husband she
leaves a family of four sons, Oliver in
Alberta and William, Albert and Harvey
in l-lullett. One sister also survives,
Pelts,, Robt. Duff,. of Goderich. The
funeral Was held' on Tuesday afternoon
the services at the house and graveside
being conducted by Rev. 'Mr, `Sawyer,
Pastor of the deceased. interment was
made at the Taylor's cemetery. •
Miss Edna l-lilborn,, Myth, is visiting
friends in the vicinity of Guelph.
Mr, R. M, McKay who has been con=
finedto lois home here for several weeks
is able to`,5walk down town, which
news is gratifying to his friends.
Dr.. Irina Kennedy, who visits rlyth
professionally each Week has recently
been appointed Medical Health Officer
of town.
Mr, Robert Newcomb, has purchased
Mr. S. Creighton's farm, Just east of
tire village, We understand Mr. New-
comb intends going into the ponliry
A voluntary ool,ec ion in aid of th,
Chinese Famine was taken up lit the
Methodist Sabbath School 011Sunday
and 885.00 was the a%nount fOntribuied
of the Northwest Territories and
after the establishment of the Prov-
ince of Alberta in September, 1905, he.
became Chief Justice of that Prov -
Ince. He resigned on May, 26, 5910,
and 00. the same day accepted the
task of forming new Provincial
Ministry. He announced his Min-
istry on June 1, and assumed, in addi-
tion to the Premiership, the portfolio,
of President of the Executive Corn-
ell, Minister of Public Works, and
Provincial Treasurer. lin December
1911, he was appointed in addition
Minister of Telephones and Railways.
On May 4, 1913, he relinquished his
portfolios of Treasurer and Public
Joined Union Government
He was elected to the Alberta
Legislature, representing Vermillion,
on June 39, 1910, and re-elected in
1913. On October 12, 1917, ire was
Sworn into the Federal Privy Council
and becaitfe Minister of 'Custoncs in
Sir Robert Borden's Unionist Govern-
In June, 1918, he became ,Minister
of Customs and Inland Revenue, and
was selected as a delegate to the
Peace Conference in 1919,.at Paris.
On Septencber 13,• 1919, he was 59-
pointel Minister of Public Works, and
on December 3, 1919, apcointed to the
position of Secretary of State which
lie held at. the time of his death,
Had Title of Rt, Honorable,
lin January, 1920, he was appointed\
a member of his Majsty's Privy
Council, carrying with it the title of
Right Honorable. in religion he was
a Methodist, in politics a Libeal-
Passed Away
After an illness that has extended
over the past six months, Mr. Robert
A Bell passed away , on Wednesday at di
the age of 60 years and 2 months.
For many years he followed his trade
as stone either at the Monument Works
of Ball dt Atkinson. Ile was a former
residjfint of Goderich., He leaves*,
wife, formerly Florence ,Cantefon, who '
he married 23 years ago and one
daughter, Mrs. Carl Mair, of Allendale;
and one son; William, 'of 'pororftd,.
The deceased has been an iinftustrioas
worker. There was four children in
the fancily, two dying .ip i:agaircy:
The funeral will be held on Friday
and the body will be interred in the
Goderich 'Cemetery', , ; i p,
Goderich:-Mr, Geo. Wilson, of
Kingston, lately connected with the
famous Lasky Film Corporation And
manager of their Strand Theatre there,
has taken the management of the Model
Theatre in Goderich and has entered
upon, his duties. ,
tie leaves to survive . his loss, a ,,..
widow and one son and o:ae daughter. '
Holt Sir Clifford Sifton is a brother, i ..
. I
l'he late Mr, Sif un wa;;
'Canadian Premie to extend the f, a:n- i
chile to Women, HTS Province Al- .' :
berta) wag also among the first to 1
11*Ye profubitien,... „f,i„o,1.„. .