The Clinton News Record, 1921-12-29, Page 54214p# , a lfl3il'11E13It
x neat I•Q o t.
A Happy NOW Year to you,
.Sunday Ushers h the New Your,
4 w M
Mr, Crerar ' not ening .,
1'C;iiib, cabinet,
Every. good eitiaen will come ant
an c hie tefr
rl a c o. t ,a,
nate councillors on 1vloudey, Dent
underestimate your franchise, . .
Neither Mr. Omar nor any ,other
o1' the Progressives are going to en-
,ter the King cabinet, The Progres—
sives will retain their independence
M the House.
Women limy be Admitted to eh,,rch
,sessions, astttons to the Legislature
ani the
'Reuse of Commons but thele is gine
pl lee dtr Canada whew they will not
he admitted, it appears, ; hat is into
• Masom•y, • Now isn't that a chane?.
If the • Agrarian Gratin . allowed
themselves to be absorbed by the
Liberals there would be a large mea-,
esure.of truth irt,the statement that
the whole movement is nothing. but
"a Grit dodge,"—The Farmier's Sun
Tt'would certainly have that ap-
pearance' to the many former Con-
servatives who suppertecd it.
. * r4 n
One ' of the most picturesque ,jour-
nalistic figures this Continent has
ever: known passecl out when Col'.
Henry Watterson, or "Mersa Henry"
.as he was familiarly known, flied at
.a Jacksonville, (Fla.) hotel on
Thursday last. For oyer fifty yeage
'Col. Watterson was editor of the
'Louisville, (ICy,), Courier -Journal
and his fame was almost world-wide,
The folioiving list is probably the
Dominion cabinet as formed by Mae.
--..Icenzie King. There are a few other
names which may be added to, com-
plete the list: As it now stands, you
wi•11 notice first and last it is King:
Premier and Minister of External
A.tffaivs,-W. L. Mackenzie King.
Minister of Finance—W, S. Field -
lYlinister of Justice—Sir Looter
i5linister of Marine—Ernest La
Minister of Customs—James Robb.
Minister of Militia—Dr, H. S. Be -
Minister of Public Works.—
Jacques Bureau,
Minister of Railways— W. C. Aen- 50
'nedy. 58
Postmaster General—Hon, Charles 57
Murphy. S.
T1iT1 '1,'1111tM-RF.,9)QR'1.'
this report the mlanas aro
students tltait obtained r
et fifty pereont on the
c!ovrred by ybeii route oxo
`I'lle 4c;;'Ula'tI'GnH of the 1)
1!f Irlduca�tiozr reiluil•a tiff
on each subject but it has
]mpraaticablo to thaw
of oath student in
Parente t iai this repast, Ituents
ted to examine carefully
reports which will b
on the realtening of lobo
;Y 4th, and tonota the
the pupil in every
1•GRM 1
Doz.'s: Catltarhre D'I,y'1'ii,
Jean Plunsteal, ?8i Lc
78;.Ethel Hogg, 78;
76 r'
Bessie Cole,
73; I nth
Robot ton, 73; A, Ttu•iner,
Ford, 72; 0, Addison, 71
70; 0, Dew, 70; Joan I'
J'. 1ifcEwLlu, 70; E, ICylo
G0; C. Peecitttt. 09,
07; NC, Hawkins, 6?
Thompson, 67;"0: Watkins, Si7
ore, 66; A. Flynt, 06
66; P. Latter, 66; B, L
4; James Fraser, 64; J. N
M,'"Ball, G3; B. Mars
61; N, Counter,
vers, 60; S. Anderson,
McFarlane, 60; W. Argent, 60;
on, 69; fI, Johnston, 59;
J, McDougall,' 57;
56 T. Caldwell, 56,
TT, Ct•ich, 53; FT, Reynolds,
Nl`ag'uire; 61 E. 4Val�tePs
FORM Honours: M. Lyon, 88; J. Frase
86; 13: Salter, 84; E. 'Marquis, 82
S. Eaerett, 80; D. Jervis,' 77;, L
Levy, 77; V. Miller, '76; M. E
Stewart, 75.
Pass: E. Trewartha, 73; J. Wig
ginton, 73; R, Caster, 72; E. Atkin
son, 72; D. Cochrane, 71; M. Al
cock, 71; E. McT{inlay, 71; R. Evans
70; E. Paisley, 69; E. 1•Iui ter, 69;
B. Hovey, 69; E. Pluinsteol, 68; 0.
Pepper, 67; M. Aikenhead, 67; F.
Carter, 06; F.. Hovey, 66; J. Mc-
Ge; 0, Lawrence, 05; Fl.
Cochrane, 64; N. McNeil, 63; 3T,
Richards, 63; B. Anderson, 62; W.
Simpson, 61; D. Ball, 60; E. Walter„.,
'58; IC. Taylor, 6,8; L. Turner, 57; J.
Yesbec, 56; M. Wright, 55; E. Reid,
51: W. Nelson, 51.
Honours: NI, Gibbings, 86; G.
Ferguson, 78.
Pass: A, 'Stewart, '72; M. Beaton,
68; IT. Fisher, 67; J. Ball, 66; M.
MacGregor, 66; J. Bowden, 66; G.
Snyder, 64; F, Sterling•. 61; L. Aik-
enheacl, 60; F. Elliott, 59; A. Hein,
M. Armstrong, 59; A. McIntyre,
J. Aikenhead, 58; 13. Lindsay,
; B. Stewart, 50; J'. Farquhar, 55;
Middleton, 54; M. Mair', 53; E.
McCowan, 52.
(Teachers' and Matriculd'tion)
Honours: N. Treleaven, 85; R.
hinter, 79.
Pass: R. Hale, 74; E. Rutledge;
74; E. Jewett, 73; 116. Pdtter, 70;
IC, Beaton, 68; R, Higgins, 68'; 0.
Schoenhals, 06; F. Johnston, 65; L.
Nediger, 65; F. Cantelon, 64: W.
Grant, 64; int. McIntosh, 64; A. Mus-
tard, 62; H. Cowan, 61; E. Hunger,
61; M. Rutledge, 60; Mary McTag-
gart, 59; H. Neuschwanger, 59; J.
Woods 58; E. Geiger, 57; C. Jack-
son, 56; S, McBrien, 55; H. Ander-
son, 54: P. Weber, 52: 13. Combe,
50; G. Smith,
Faculty Ent. and Hon. Matriculation
Honours: A.. 'Dewar, 90; A. Ram-
ilton, 84; C. Gardiner, 79; 0, Mathe-
r .
as P H
, E. artery, 75,
Pass: I. Merner, 60; 0, Venner,
60; A. Reid, 60; M. McDwan, 50; K.
Hamilton, 59; W. MeMath, 58; J.
Hogg, 54; NI. Stothers, 50,
Faculty Entrance Part 2
Honours: E. Ferguson, 86; G.
Fowler, 85, A . .Hedlyar, 84.
of allto ay..
erogo. sub-
jests mina-
trona epert-
meat y per
found the
a'ectoes as e
individualY the
o is.
shied of on
ing ofsubject,
i3on kart,
85; J anard
F 9
73; K. 73;
jean; D'
er, 70;, 70;
L. Snell,0.
Trick, I M.
7.homp-; J,
Livorm; TI,
Snell; ntyr,;.
once, G Nadi -
ger 64;hall,
63;,T. 61;
1) , Ste60; M,
Thompson, H•.
Goole, 59;R.
Peckiit, ; D.
Glen, 54';olds,-
51; E. , 51
i 2
Minister of Labor—Jas. Murdock.'
Secretary of State—A, B. Copt,.
Minister. cif " Agriculture,—'til, R.
Minister of the Interior—E. J.
Minister of Trade and Com terse
—Dr. J. H. King.
Misses Mabel and Eva Stinson of
'Toronto spent the Christmas holidays
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J , Stinson,
Mr Garfield Johnston of Toronto
is spending his holidays ' with his
:grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Mrs. W. Blandon is spending the
Christmas week with her son, Wil-
liam Brandon, at London.
Mrs. A, Brandon is spending tine
-vacation period at her house in Wing..
ham. `
Miss Elva Dewar of Stratford is
spending her holidays at her hone
in -the viiIo e.
:Misses Louisa Parker of St. Thom-
as and Beulah Parker of London are
holidaying with their patents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Parker,
'Mr John 'Houston of the West
and Miss Ruth Houston of London
.are spending the holiday season with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel
•"'••• J.ousbrm,
-Mese Bessie Elliott of Toronto is
spending Ohristmas hoildays at her
home in the village,
Messrs. Wilber -and Fernk Erwin
spent Christmas week with their
meronts; Mr. and ars, H. W. E>;-
' .Mr, Sir. Castle of Stratford wag
iihe gliiest of Me paretns, Mr, and
• Mrs. George Castle, over the festive
;Miss Shirley Ring of London is
upending the vacation with her' par-.
'ants, Ms, e Id Nlrs, Themes Ring.
inti 's Izhttly Merril, of Clinton is
.spending Iree v;5;atioii tls the gtaest of
her aunts, the Misses Reid.
,Kiss Nine Proctor of Toronto wad
abbe guest of 'tier eit;Ot Mrs. George
Ring,overt holiday,
he iarray,
Mr. ,)im Ferguson el Detroit is
:holidaying with his another, Mre.
•James Ferguson.
Miss Dorothy Fowlie of Dash-
-Wood is spending the holidays under
the parental roof,
Messrs, Harold Pollock of Toronto
and Clarence Pollock of London spent
+Christmas with their mother, Mrs. I7..
Mrs. Burt of London and sister,
Miss Greta Baker, and Miss May
Howard of Toronto spent the Christ-
',mas holidays under the parental roof,
'Forel Ring awl silvers, Mins Muriet
Ding of Toronto and Miss Lula Ring
of F,lwvale, spent Christmas with
.t;heir paretes, Mr. and George King.
'.It6r, and Mrs, Lord of London
iefiont the holiday with the latter's
parents, Mr,' and Mrs, John Davi-
The following members of council
$lad school a-Lief:ers have been elec-
tor for 1022 by acclamation:
Reeve; A E, Erwin,
Coun.ciltei ei Samuel Moore, Mur.
dock_ Ross, Willdam Higgins, George
Trustees: '9hemas Elliott, (Fred
Gominhardt, Mrs. Margaret Fergu-
Goderich Township
The ratepayers of the township of
Gdderich m;et in Holmes' Hell,
Helmeevllle, for their annual nomin-
ation meeting, the following were
nominated for Reeve and Councillo]es;
For Reeve, N. W. Treartha,' elec-
ted by acclamation, Thomas Church -
i11 withdrew, •
For Councillors: D. A. Lindsay,
Gee. Vanderbtir h.:Herber't L, Cox,
Harry L. Salkeld, John Sowerby,
Henry Coley, Geo, Laithewaite,
Messrs. ,?elm Sowerby, Henry Corey
and Gep..La.ithew&fie withdrew their
names and 'blte old council .vas elec-
ted by acclamation, This council has
represented this township for the
last three years, and, as will be in-
terred from the above result, they
have given general satisfaction,
The old council was returned by.
acclamation on Monday telt rate-
payer's being en the who]e, very well
• d with them',
Sympathy is expressed for Mr.
and Mrs, .T )3. Miller in the loss
of their in -Atilt son, the little fellow
having passed away on Tuesday, 1:Ie
was only twenty-four clays old.
Mr, Geo, Ludlow and his daugh-
ter, Miss Susama, and son, Master
Robert of Proton Station, are apend-
ing the Christmas holidays at the.
home of Mr. and Mrs, '1V. J. Row-
den and with other fr'ieniis in the vi
Mcssral, A. S, Townliee lid and
Jelin Townshend of Queen's Tlnlvore.
ity are spending the vacat:on period
at their hone, that of Mr, and Mrs,
A. Townshend,
Wm. Alfred Townshend, son of
Mr, and Mrs. A, Townshend and
Trllla: Kathleen%diiatt, daughter of
Me, and Mrs, 'Thos, H. Elliott, were
married in St. Barnahas' church, 'To --
tanto, on Wednesday of last week,.
the officiating clergyman being, the
Rev, F. E. Powell, P•i,.t B.D,
The br:cle was attended by iter sister,
Mss Betty •Illliott, and the groom by
his brother, Mr. A. S. Townshend or
(Queen's University. The bride, was
daintily gowned in navy liltte tail'atn
with silver tr'iinatlitndO Woarh g nn
appropriate hat and veil ii.nd aarrivd
a beautiful shower'bot:q(tet Of Gebel
72l roses,
Atter the ceremony the bridal pair
ty drove to the ]tome of the ba'icdo's
.sister, where .12 eon1»tuons tvoddhtg
repeat was served,
The young couple are now holidayr
ing in the vicinity of Clinton and
134yfeld•. After) the hoildays they will
take up housekeeping' at •Nxtinilla,
Ont,' whore Mr. Towniasond has ac-
cepted the prinolpalship of the Pun.
lie ec hoa)1,
Botta ere ]thinner young people and
their friends extend, good wishes'for
a 'nippy „mar'r'ied life, •
The following is the report of the
Christmas examinations of S. S. No,
Sr. '41('—Metol 11IeOaelland, (i9 4;
Eraser Sterling, 53,
Jr, 4th—Ethel Stirling, 77; (hon,)
Margaret Stirling, '75; (hon.) Fred
Da itnc.w
ll 73.
Jr 3r1
r, r Charlie Wallis, 71, (Pro-
Meted. to senior third), Scott Young,
67;: Lindsay Stirling„ 54.
n5r, 2nd Mary. Stirling, 85, (pro -
mated tai Jr. 3rd); Frank Young, 70.
Jr. 2nd—Jack Stirling, 73; bred
Wallis, 71.
First Class—Florence Stirling, 74;
;Kenneth `.Young, '72,
—E T6athlotrn Elliott, Teacher
Porter's Hill
Mr. C. 'Harrison of Kirkton spent
a' clay recently with Ernest Vander -
Mr. and Mrs. Sterilng McPhail
and daughter', Mary, spent Christ-
mas with friends at ICippen.
Miss Freida Sterling and Miss
Marion McDougallare visiting rela-
tives at Bort Stanley,
Mr, and Mrs Murray McDougall
spent Christmas at Godetich with re-
latives. '
Mr. Albert Harrison, accompanied
by Mr. Cecil Harrison of Kirkton,
are spencing a few clays at Winghan].
Me. and Mrs, Wilson arc spending
their Christmas vacation at Detroit
with the former''s parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Wilson. .
Mr Irvin of Goclerich is -spending
a few days at Mr, Peter Glazier's.
Royal Black Preeeptory No, 1026,
met last week and elected the fol-
lowing list of officers for 1922:
W. P., R. McMurray,
Deputy, Ben Rathwell.
Chaplain, Geo. Beatty,
Registrar, D. C. Gil:braith
Treasurer; J. W. Reid.
Lecturers, G. Castle, H. Stinson.
Censors, J. W. Johnston, A. Mb-
' ertson„
Marshall, T, 3. Stinson. •
Purauivants, J, W. McLeod, L. J.
McConnell .
Committee, P, Weekes, Geo. Clark,
J, Rathwell, W. J. Elliott, Roy
Keys, Fred Rathwell and ' S.
11e regret to record the death of
Mr, Walter Stewart of this village,
who died on DSc. 24th, at the age
of seventy-two years and eleven
months. The funeral took place to
the Bayfield cemetery, OR Tuesday,
Det, 27th. He leaves" Vo mourn his
loss a wife and two daughters, Mrs.
Nelson Reid and Mrs. H. Turner, both
of Stanley, He was in religion a
- Marriages
CURTIS—BROWN—At the Metho-
dist parsonage, on
ge, Lon
Dec, 17th, by the Rev, Mr, Osb,orne,
Flossie Isabelle, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, Ephriam Brown, to Gor-
don M. Curtis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Cutris of Forest.
Barnabas church, Toronto, on Dec:
21st, by the Rev. F. F. Powell, E.
Kathleen, daughter of. Mr,. and
Mrs. Thos, H. Elliott, to William
A. Townshend, son of bit and
Mrs, Albert Townshend, both of
Godarich township,
PERDUE—In Clinton, on Dee. 22nd,
to Mr. and Mrs, W, Perdue, a
son, •
ARMSTRONG—At Rosetown, Seek.,
on •... Dec. lith, to Mrs. Mar.
garet Armtrong, widow of
the late Raney Armstrong, a
STEWART—At Varna, on Dec. 24th,
Welter Stewart, aged 72 year atncl
11 months, •
STOGDILL—In Goclerich township,
en Dec 20th, William Stogdill,
aged 71' years and 5 months.
MILLER—Int Godarich township, on.
Dec. 27111, Jacob Willis, son of Mr•,
and Mrs.3: 13. Miller, aged 24
days'. •-
FRASER-At North Battlefard, Sask.
on Dec: 22nd, Isabel. R. Parker,
wife of Mr, 1vI. C. Fraser, former_
ly of Brucefield,
Cockerels For Sale
A. ntuuher of pure.brocl Barred
Rock cockerels, : from bred -to -lay
strain. D. C. Galbraith', Bayfield.
Phone 11 on 609, 20 2 p
• Horticultural 6leetin g
The a]pnma1 niectulg, of The Cli e
Yvon Ilorticultur 1l Society will -be
lri:kd in the oince of Mr. S. 13. Sloth -
era on b riday, January lath, at 8
p.m. ---C, 13. Boeck, President, -30-;3
Commencing Sunday, January 1st,
1922, there w2l be no delivery of
'Milk en Senday for the months of,
January, February and March. 1411114
111117 be obtained at the dairies from
0 to 12 11,111.
Clinton ws-Rgooril
Lied 11 reavingg
Wo wisl1•oily Patl'oins .and Friends
tti 1.3.appy and Prosperous New Year...
`illallki(rg you for past favours and soliciting
your Patronage for 1922
JO NSA: glc co's OROC y Phone Alf
1"II.I STORE FOR EVERYBODY,a•ag yy+eeet,ye, xemcrieete eseetsege giax.e-r+-. wY armee wn.PKKnaweei
tle3'" fr'H1 T'3+ate•.`1" ''+yr•!' rr „1,.3, Ptitate rule
Jacob acob Taylor's -Rlce, on Thurs-
day, F ric'tay and Saturday, the bal.
twee of my rrin -r
stock, also) i.
�' 0 l a
a e , weer sewing machine, Rue -
bee haater:table, piet;ures, etc, terms;
00511, T, Akan:. --29-1
•r4• lr I to .1 1- k 3.1 Y 44-4.' 1'i4lr B
Re-elect A. J.
e MU ''RAY
for Mayor
To the eleetors of. Clinton. I solicit
your support for mayor for 1922. My
platform is non-political;; My munici-
pal experience andknowledge of Clin-
ton's financial situation at'e a guar-
antee of earnest, efficient service for
1922. Have always taken -an active
part in all things which I believed
would be for the good of the town,
such as Huron Central Agricultural
Society, Clinton Athletic Association,
Annual Celebrations, etc.
Will make an honest endeavor to
economize as far as possible and beep
Clinton at the torr; Will be linable to
make a personal canvass. Trusting
you 'will see fit to re-elect me for the
year 1922. Wishing all a Happy and
Prosperous New Year,
To the Electors :
Ladies and Gentlemen: Having
been solicited by numerous ratepay-
ers to becomea candidate for mayor
for 1922 I ant allowing my name to
go before the electors. I have had
considerable experience in municipal
work, as you knew, having been reeve
for eleven years, and .should you el-
ect nae as your mayor I shall endea-
vor, as in the past, to serve the best
interests of the town.
To the Electors :
Ladies and Gentlemen: Your- vote
and influence solicited for
For Reeve for 1922
• The man with the time, and the
interests of the town at heart,
To The Electors :
Ladies and Gentlenmen: Ilaving de-
cided to stand for reeve for 1922 I
respectfully solicit your votes. I have
served on the council for four years
and believe I could serve you well as
reeve. If you agree with are vote for
me on Jan. 221d. Wishing you all
the eomplinients of the season.
J, Nediger
>Il° or Cotmeiilloi° Ilett'
for Councillor for 1922
If elected .I will endeavor to serve
the town's interests and will worlc for
the betterment of eyery section
of the town,
Vote for
For Councillor
for 1922
Wishing all a
Happy and Pros-
perous New Year
Ni 'trespassing Allowed
11S OW! found hunting, shooting
or' trawling on the permises of Bert
Nott, Li, 28, con, 8, W, R, Vodden,
lots 20, 30, eon. 8 and A. McCool,
lots 29, 20, con. 9, Mullett, will be
prosecuted, • — 20-•2-p
For Sale
A Composite Range, used less
than 2 year's, and practically as good
as new; also a New Perfection coal
ell stove with oven and warming
shelf. ---Apply at News -Record Office.
Breeders Ass'n Sale
The -Huron County Breeders' Asso-
ciation intend holding their annual
sale about March 1st, 1922, Any
parties desirous of contributing cat-
tle to this sale will please notify the
Secretary previous to January 14th,
—S, B, Stothers, Sec. H. C. B. As-
sociation, Clinton, Ont.
After Dec, 22nd I will not he re-
sponsible for. any 'debts contracted in
my name, without my written con.
sent by any person or persons. John
P, .Finlay.—29-3-1)
Anyone hunting,, shooting or trap,
ping on the prenti3es of the under-
signed, lots 42, 44, 45, 46, 72, 74 and
75 Maitland Con., Godarich township,
will be prosecuted, C.W. Williams
and Sons.—S4-8-p
Farm For Sate
Lot29, Con. 2, H. R. S„ Tucker.
smith, containing 100 acres. There
are on the premises a good brick
house with large wooed shed, also
new garage, bank barn, pig pen and
hen house. 11rs acres orchard, 5
acres maple Well, 3 acres fall wheat.
There is a running stream across
one corner of the fast. Hard and
soft water in house and piped to
barn. There is a running spring
about 10 rocas from barn with large
cement trough. This farm is well sit-
uated, being 5 miles from Seaforth,
41h from Clinton and Brucefield.
Across road from church and 1 mile
from school. Reasonable if sold at
once. Will also sell stock and imple-
ments if desired. Apply to Francis
J. ._Coleman, Seaforth R. R. No, 3.
Poh110 19 on 614, Clinton Central.
For Sale
1 rubber -tired top buggy, nearly
new, cost .$225.00, for $100,00, cash.
1 set single driving harness, 1 robe
Apply at O'Neill's Bakery, —27-tf
For Sale or to Rent
A comfortable 7 -roomed frame
house on the corner of Mary and.
North streets, Town water and soft
water. Good cellar and wooed shed.
Apply to J. P. Sheppard. —2646
For Sale
Medium sized second-hand coal
heater in good condition, Apply at
Canadian National Express office. ..
Raw Furs Wanted
I will sell most of racy furs direct
to the manufacturers and I ant pay-
ing high prices, and in some furs
more than dealers elsewhere Do not
take a chance on shipping your furs
until you get my prices, which are
often more than you will get by
so 'song t :
e trtl 1e t a lvh
bI lsMy o
gp]1 to Ute. I get reliable market re-
ports twic0 a week, Furs are clown
from 10% to 25,l in the United
States and are expected to be lower
in Canada. Now is the time to sell,
while prices are high. So do not
hold Your furs but bring then in as
soon as you get them. Clean green
furs taken at full value.—II, A.
We are now in a position to give
unexcelled service on batteries left
with us for the winter. Our motto ns
and always has 'been, "Satisfactory
work or no charge," Let us keep
your battery this winter, it will save
you a lot of trouble and by giving
it to us you can rest assured that it
will be in first class shape in the
spring. We solicit your trade, E. II.
Epps & Son, Varna. Phone Clinton,
626 r 14. —24-8
Cottage •
For or5•t•
>; Sale
The .cottage formerly occupied by
the late Mrs, MacRae, on Rattcnbury
St. Apply to Mrs. Geo, McLennan.
Snirelhr Corsets
Spirella Cursets for lhealtitfulness,
style, etenfort and durability. Ev-
ery corset made to measure. Mrs,
Elizabeth Kennedy, .Ontario street,
Clinton. —12-1021.
/louse for Salo
8-rooni, solid brick house, town
tater and electric lights, good gar•„
den and chicken liauso. Appty on
promises, Corner of North and
Spencer Sts.—A. C, Clarkson,-8o•tf
81101+ It9PAJR.Ef
Genuine 114, & fir 1,
Yes wo have it in all sizes. Don'i
put off buying as the price is grad-
ually stiffening. Delay will only
cause 4 panicky buying craze similar
to that experienced last fall when
t ] o r
Mikes war • tcrazy,
Lot me
It answers the burning question,.
We also sleek for your convenience
±Hardwood, in different qualities.
Slabs, the ideal summer fuel
Cedar rails, fine for kindling.
Canada Cement, the standard tut -
Threshing Coal, convenient and safe
Hemlock Lumber, at new prices.
2x, 3x, Sr 5x Shingles, at your own
93.300, .
Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement,
Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal.
Phone for Clinton 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618.
F. ,r , m WI G `moi
PJ-1ONE 45
-'. *
We repair any make of
Leave yours with us for
the winter,
Rubbers repaired and half.
J. 11, Paxnan
Agent for Overland Cars.
Examiner for licensed drivers
Phone 80 Res. Phone 140
'(tri 1 he nigh in quality an 1 sea-
sonal le in Wee if ordered from us
now, We have a full stook of the
following lines:
Feeding Molasses
Have you any Wheat, Marley or
Buckwheat to sell? We are paying
special !t'il'es ,fust note,
Jenkins & Son.
Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Hoard's barber shop.
W. J. Jago. --824f
Boars for Service
Champion bred, big type 'Yorkshire
and Cheshter White boars for service.
At home every forenoon, =-A, C.
Levey, Phone 5 en 029. Clinton r-28