The Clinton News Record, 1921-12-29, Page 3. _ _
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' O '�[ LI % ' iNestrninster ,
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.--.._I-••._.....,....--.-�-„ �' -..m, .,... -,.: ...,._..- X)rCif:int�.Rd YRL'v :ilingji a place `where .�kt p. 1.�'+�I�+ � - , .. - _
A.- - __ 4r
r>,. t 9 pi x� REUi,
� ., ,- .. ._.,._.. , -. �,..�..,---•'-.._.- . ! iM i)" E ` l ' 1 1 t1zeY. cnuld gena gR�a Rap oWY fain e y �r r A�1le�; ' .
^--�-~~ -- �' f i • i'Rxasoflabla price and slag talk frsalYna ikwa �(R (��i (� u Q
,_--~�,.•_^ r r ' t r tr 1 ��'1i gg �tt(�+{{1 lin ", li tl GO Not all the stately marbles SUlA�I��tJLa �V llElt+
1 , {Q ) ��1 16�i� 1i:1J1Ulii fxi their own laitgna:g_e `l^hero is net w�.j. •.: L tltntgraco IhoNlirildttr'a Wall
`. Hgall EDUCA��I� ' �1 r t' iuuell doing ill thtt daytline, but Coins
-- ^ baelt fa ilia RveitlnG, tlioy' )say, and sec a ":111Y ffaar natnoe of IOngla$ ti l ioxy,
BY Old. J. J, MIDI)"'TON I 1' Idat hinge' and, ragas, ail,
board of liealthi 9ntarlo, )[S AlvFLe 11E6111 P Yilfe and tie Other I31'Itai1+ MONTREAL GXRY. SAYS
provinclal So bash again In do s ve'alli we go, i. Ots
Hard by tbo l'oaf's Clorator. 'd'ANLA►C IS SIMPLY
to answer quostignit on.:I'ablla klealth that• ](slier r *-•lt'=tAAarps ,Pare ��afldc t4tid ilrl(I shout a dozen people sd'ttla I � Icttttr wvida X found, alu!t1 smtied,
Dr. bliddoton will be glad 6Y .. a,
t u. Address hist at Snadiaa ItOnes, Sp Mass, e5 aitd having t^oftcslimetuts at bite ell Ir t daathi'oss ntosaaGe musing, '�I%®iYgi1 RF'U�.,
leg through tills ooltm. and Blobdl , s, „
Crescent, Toronto, *, - baUl°. In duo aqursR we have sgtnllc The 0lovsitih Annum lYleethr 0f fife , fhlJ'ane laister-l)08ro ghlldC
r ..
Safina teen seam to have all the luclt, with some of ficin, x `d Rare temp employ- Spoutsfel�gArmo'ation willal be hold ll ns To
--- � -'" there are any g,o-od things going lows, engineers b} t al , ° a4. ot'xi0olt of Tlxursday, Falx' ,lead, her NatnPler, �as>�yt t< `Rises .o Former
Li iro IT4altill nesters if et horn. IY they elf by an Eliglish nd'm which is, Unylutg ionto oft the G
needed con4rantzltgf ai•1 Pt al- Fe nary 2nd. At tht3 meeting re• Two hundred Years eGOs
vi[lonce titan theme inert seem to t , t :ode aalct coytvetting It . bx 1 Trouble Left ariae18I(.i{IC®
If ever. direct e. at the resent time, The qusatzon is a
alth amid p are business ratan they aro sugce.mful, up ai[l wet ix at t ports Co the Sat^avincfai Council on filo So svreot-dans, g'aattia•,daug r-
t0 ,i,,,Ye that the gieireral lie- trelizetudous'IY big arae, and- li'as many if tiro •are "w'pt'lttnatz•.tluoy Get the love- to various used. r It New Persoi1.
7' sect as ,i 11 care of y er Rf tit• The Italy Is not equal to `I'1'ade Union year's work will b9 submitted by tine To fila hearts that laved cher aRI
It sipal develepnbent Oif th'a 1 aspects. In the first place t. man's job. They have the POty . I
P y su tuail before rates at bene, they toil us, but titers Pret'lnciad Commissioner, the Board of ""It wins gertutnty a happy surprise
m the fate 'war .lied the child must begun o Y financing people.
Are pelow Pur an m. Is qpd ta9Pagt of steady work fora Iiouas, Finnuco Gomarrlttee, IOxeontivR SO oat ulet in her Sleeprinb to me' When l sate Tanlao was' rector-
a Oan:ada and .bI bil, On first thouglht tilts seems The same Is true of Wonlon, Some .. g. n
ce. In ri4ngland, o came which is more t'haz, Soer.' aO and Fbold Department, aud S thL her fnagrvint memory, ing zny 'hea'1th," eaI i4ltss Xtonne
that ovidell i iatetl. iiia osspbil¢ty but wzth the establish 1 ave tits chasm drat makes maxi seek iot4g jjma t
f ,.. bates it ~Maps estm - P. r _ t. „• they could haYe•.at home at the pro afrloera ,and ere;trove committeemen No ts�toriod marbles keep, Roy, 3 1•fotel de Videx St,t�l'Iaatreal,
the of tttd S m'on't,of w network of ante•mtta) clmtes P
the hundreds of thousands 'oF i,, s filen ant; others era ntigleyted, ,%3ut h , - Por a year and• a half before I got
tlhiat of tt .. ve com'xtrY, the founda.lou not luck, It is due to Iter- sent ]moment, The bull: of their tel- Ibr the year 1922 will he ming A al
1v were
volunteered or, all over tl , this is m l ees aro Pren�h, the Tranoli special mature of this coming annual TBttlaa my health wao-simply awful, T
young mart who service, 11
aria of sweh a'isdttent'e would be laid. These s'onal g1fC vitality, 1YIen and women lqu o p R} filo Immortals, ,
for active se Itetl in- authari'tles limiting the proportion at inesting will be the attendance of kis She it>Milton• and the rest, slept; so fitfully I gained ua real rest
neva drafted, • arms against elhgco trust be so widdly establts Iof this sort. are never Weak, puny
veno utvitt to )seat of rho 1+7ug'iislhznen to twenty.flYe per sent, of laxoellency Lord BY09 of Vimyv Chief I,te s,human cxy.s•ttil sotind'og and I •woke tip marafnge' feeling all.
third t either to be reject-, that they will touch every class
n v and a of va:ltds. They may not be big, but y Scout far Canada, who will address tired out. My nervous system just
the ene.1. , tvorlt eo is in the Cetnznunity, but, first are full of life and energy, The whole the total,
r else u,titizad. fol less' urgent IP P al n good Teaching Frenchmen Football; the GRLLIIsi! on Boy Scout work, In Above her quiet breast. t•,allaDaed and I would jump, at any lit -
ad o all there will have to be a camp G tiling is a matter of geed Ulogd, g
b fila ]facie. u a way Everyone some TWR others. of file oampany have sgnjuaction with ,tile annual meeting tie noise, I frequent)}• turned sC dizzy
-anymeans ads of education s9onducted in s y nerves and good health, l the War Graves a two-day ConYere'nce aY Scout of- "Right worthy to lie near thew,' and sick I oaald hardiv' stand the
This article is not by* 4nonsbrate the great Usefulness 1 wish to be lute tilts and the clerical jobs wit
ronin, mtistar} training, as to de would ln[sslon while yet another is a floes is also being arranged, the Can- I softly spoke, afar smiled, smell. of food cooking, My condition
angunient fat . g, the these anile -natal ClzntOs in child ualities• that make for vitality and Com "Perhaps they it and Loved you,
am wlsory. service SUC'at as was . of q. 04 health, football Professional Playing with A ferente to aper on the, morning of seemed to get worse constantly aud)
oro p +ore tits was, It is welfare work. energy arca Purely a matter Jane Lister -Deere chflde."
Case in Gerxunty lief t of bbe ros ee• rho Iaoal azul nerves•, pronolr team, Tie is not the only Mau Thursday, Pbruar 2nd, and adjourn- _-Bartlett 13- I - I twarried'all the time,
out the dztarrbatbc fact The goneral hoaptl P P By budding wp - }t who
Stas a,tayea behind In this ting at noon until Friday, February 3rd; �� "Well, the Brat thing Tanlae did
solei} to pointlvinati0n of five mother, m'ar freedom from disease, sleeplessness;, want a4 energy, weals W
tevenled by tne'dlaal exar the alnounk head tiled' and the oapaeity, ihe,Paid One club alone in when sessions"wilt be held both in the wuYeJ Yor, me :was to Give me a splendid an•
lar a rcentage of the kinds of food she eats, rasa of the back, a n4"""'" ' "" "' ` " petito. ?then all my troubles gradual-
rescrtits, that a g pe „ ease of t sortck headac ssli1real- the l'as de Calais has no less than zp°rntng and the afternoon. His IIx-
u t17en u*ho should be phy5ieally of exstcise alta takes the little iilrimss ily disappeared, my nerves got better
young he and iridis ositfon•s which shat may 1 somas, from vrealuness earl ba, got fowr British professionals. The pay is saliency, the Chief Ss out tam CPasticl-anada,
and menta:liy fit, are far from it, t as li Y THIN FLAT HAIR and I could enjoy a goad night's Sieeb.
unfitness be- be subject to--�bhese inus't all be thor- rid of, Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pd11s have 200 ranee; (.about their Own trade, a Pate 1n the di ruse onetof the Witter' , `My whale system is now in excellent
rogr:etballle part of this unfitn g made many weals, bir'ed nett, vlgarous,. guaranteed Job at t
i is Uax Iv clave to de3ects roughly nnva-'ti •aced; Sometimes a `How about the' standard of b'reneil once and to Personally lead in the dis• @ ; condition and I'm enjoying. Che boat
ing, that t ge. and many pale, dejectedgiria and. wo-
that cau•'.rd. have been avoided or Put s'Llght headache or scaliting of the feet, Itis rev- football? Not very ltiglt. as yet, was oussion o4 ,,The Patrol System" as GROWS LONG, THICK ' of jlealtlt, Tarlac is gert2ifinl}' to won,-
tchldh'ood gild early youth . seeutingly insignificant, may be the men, _nosy and attractive by P derful modlclae"
rl'g:lit during;, ,. ct its- direct forerunner of serious trouble ing .tiiel,T bided and tclaing UP their the reply, . The Association code lies applied to Troop work. Every member
ProinIpbad by thane• ala amrna a I a r rave fatal either to the AND ABUNDANT Tanlsc is sold by. lending druggists
reela as
e and officer of
ties and impressed' with fife great that zri y p naives•, If you are weak,'1ttw,spiriteda luuaganteein which Franca a°tool. TrooPazizi PackoComnitteas�ioas well. everywhere, Adv'-
1 ne unhealthy, tryWilliams'Ptak Rugby „ ,.+,.,n ^,,'•
rnaresstty of hatnno soma orgaarizoi i mother or infant at the tint of thrid» Dr, uefietnl ef4ect, IY boat Scotland on her own ground as Commissdanors, District SCoutrnar;- ti+�+ + + ��
Ear hal ting live prt§sent gen- .birth. Thane is a tettideilCy for the Pills• aavd note their be n last winter. tars, Scoutmasters, and "Dailderxne Ce515 Mere Som Ai' and Fury.
sch fine t row u health- average Young woman wh'o has never y.ou can getthese Pills: th through a Y o ever they are coming on. 7ih.ey ;Assistants are to be considered as onl • 86 cents a bottle
or of clu.�d'den to, T I ld of rho Possible sersatlsness } iication ends all ;A-:; A lack, dieeonawlate-loolctng :person
aud intra free (rant defeots than i been to p medicine dealer or by mail at 50 c Tl a nselt sir Ill, but they have not the• "officers" for the Purpose of fibs con• pre app
ler g a box or six boxes- for $2.50 from
n -v :, of to -day, the of seemiargly 'trifl'ing ailments du -di same control of the ball as British ference, and it is hoped that they will dandruff, .stops itelilng staid on the ,steps ,of the town bait
Pro r Elle grow p
e IV- tilts critbcal period of Isar life to dis'- pr, Williams' Medicine Co„ Brocltvilla' I4 Only they had more nil come and make this gathering one 'nod falling bail,
and,during a polttic[ul meeting. :';Do you
Provrtrci,al llo;nrd of. Iiealtit_hav t Ont. players have. 5
t • eornmenceid 'making ss archdrug regard tineas danger warnings and not opportunity of sao]'ug really first-class .of the biggest events ,in the history in a few ri linen who's, talking In tiler° now?" de-
cent.} ;.- .you have doubled the n'tan[it:tl a stranger briskly, pAustUg
examinabititis ince fire physical alul l consult a doctor at all. ro toss would be quiciter. oP Scouting in Ontario, beauty of our hair. ' "a t '
a11'd1t10'tl OF c'hibdren of Pre -I It ie to ovel+romePohis lack of itno'Ivl- • qt, �7 ��pq Play, P g" „ w w + y R,' t 14or n moment beside him. "Or are You,
Menial c r _i ., mon'+ , res active mothers that �a Vt gY��' It is not °lily fife vault aud fila of It 'will appear a mass s just going in?"
heel ,sail school age throughout On edge a , p p TK7 y Mr. Carla H. Davison, Provincial so soft lustrous, azid ' .
se -fatal clinics sire being estab- the Army that is represented among easy to do wp.I3utwhat [ V I. 'd "No sir: I've just cane ont," :to.i.,l
tario, and the 'reailts so far aUtaitned i the anter a the mea who have stayed Uelriud•. Field Secretary, reports the following:
n an * of the sahoals lrshad, There is every hope tiler tilq "One o4 the 2nd Welland will Jesse . most I the pian decidedly; W. F. Bramvru, fJi.I'„
are tP.stressing.In u S -I , begin to realize how STAYED BEHIND D Quite a few ex•otflo0rs have settled. willpppb ,`
i ru;.a1 districts tv'here no medical et public will boot g dawn more or less ,permanently in, Troop was responsible nt nee ing. Ila wee use, when you see n ` s.. ,is ghat about? r asked the ,atri near;
amiiiat cit of cJltilall+e'n 'hard Previously) great a benefit to themselves and, to fire alamn after arace - "Well," t•outinued the man, pasePu1.
trance at Belgiluu, new hair -fine and r
- Ueen trade, defects were found in a •their offslpring it will ba to Have spa- il��E All alosig the battle•line one may was on ills way irons when hie sharp downy at first yes- his hand across htr> forehsad in a pua-
large r: ao'rtx1 t, of the Children who cia7ly trained doctors' and rinrs'os at LAST ®F T�1; B.E.F. find them running services of motor- eyes detested a short Circuitaand a but verily new hair
n p � I lett zn d acro 'She didn't -Sly."
eters he'.. v°d 'by their :parents and'these, ,clinics where prospective moth- LEFT FRANC'S. cars tor visitors who have come to great deal oP smoke ih one oY the local glowul alt over Che scalip. Dander-
lt5r> to be wolf and physisadly fit. ars may go for advic0, lcno)ving that, tae is o the hair what fresh shonvers I rflinard'0 Liniment for Uistem-
t� view the historic ground, or to Rea, the electrical stores, and he promptly re-
ur •r: •c' OF lievilig thdae 'children l sash individual case will, be gone into grave of a son, husband;` or sweet Ported it to the fire esti tion, n Wot it- It goes right sof 7ainunshine
the roots irrvlgsrates ----
The e l and a la tate trentme t -
re,celve proper medical and nursing apt -1, that+oughly; pP' pr'- But. Fere e �fg�gn� O heart. Tho leading luotel fiat Ypres is away. le very probably 5 Ciassith-K. AdvertjSeMenU,
Uon is eni vhasiM't by the fact that reConultewd'ed, owaied UY a syndicate of ex d#Hcers, laud front a very finis in the very ltaaat still ulating tonictthelps thin, l fieless,
ter . i
most of the defects could be .rectified{ Ablishe i clinics have already besot Hatwe Taken French �IIveS and to judge by the prices charged it was a frame build faded heir t° grow long, thick, heavy BELTING FOR SALE
if site:bdetl t0 early, before they have established in Toronto, FIauiilton and .ght to be a of the business' section of the town � ALL 1C114DS u1' NEW ANL u:ss:u
hada •eluants to
b•°coan2 chronic and London. By degrees they will be and ,Settled There ouOne o4 the hotelsant Cherbourg, too, and only a few doors from a Very large and luxuriant, betting, uuitey s, saws, caple,huse,uaculksi ,
with the tdhibd% health and I apsnod nt every centre of Population P�1lraanentl The 'first mode's dairy farm in En - elle snip Pod Saccate t0 uutIf.
MPU at,O CO..
int2tfa2e w 1 't the roittre Pial (rant y is run by an-ox-7ietttenaut of the Motor Notal. Other members of the 2nd g .prices in C.nmUbJ t tO M lIOI,Kt c l 'e.1.
noTn,,al growth, This is a serious'sta a i tlirowghou p , Troop, together with their SCwd ba s-
Land was establishzd by Ciueoru 9lex- zi. VnRTr.. STREET. TORON
of affairs, and scene means must be them good results will undoubtedly Tile British tit a few f those wbo daughters ably ossls�t him Iunits man• to,basahe arred 104 the firemen ing the avid Uack aurora cut Sandringham. HELP eataat o.
detit,si to Heil with it comprehensive- idb9ow, whan'the public •beg[rr to real- France, but Ut o
',n"� solution seam:ingly would .ize how much they can deo to 'ianprove Served in it are still there and, what agement, w w w w * - pI an dli tit se: Ing at
nc, . t tto 0,
ly_ The U y Minard'aLiniment Used by Veterinarles 9I and right sewtnc at home, a•aoto ne.
Y the entire childhood of the the health •anti happiness of the moth- is more, many of these have n YI t a-eir seatrippersiPron Southamptous and . During the past couple o4 weeks . mare time: good pay; trove sent any
be to bxtz b ! L en. of tin s eneratian, tion o4 returuiug to the Land o
U, under median) supexviston. B•ow era and chi dr g _ Say wall and do well eavl with one distance: charges nate• Sona sta_mo !'or
the Isle of Wight all tullha h the stun• tide Provincial Scout Headquarters, parttculaa a. 2vatlonal Diad s actar,ne
to bring thin als0u�t is the pAblem" and o£ the geit'erations to come. birth, Saye a Landon paper. Biaox and SherUourme Streets, Toren letter; say well is good, 'but do well oo., Montreal. v-
____ _ _ .--- Usually it is the old, . aid story, mer months, s to, has issued charters. for the conduct is better.
- ' ` - I - Tommy has found favor in the eyes �i of new Scout Troops and Wolf Cub �`
�� tonvaty to n'Fry. A young man then of a fair maid of Prance, and has set- S7O Y I I!� �� ���� (Junior Scout) Packs in Mountain, pmortoa"a �tonaI wog a onod,
NATIVE� i?St� anmouaLces t i his father finis de ire to gy ��f T(he heaviest atr'ttu�nd rainfall in 'the raoolc on -,..
tied down in his wife's country Flo Blenheim, Bobcdygeon, Part Gerling, ' DOG DISEASES
wed a certain ycstrag �vaman. Th has Uaoome Manaieur Thomas Atkins, world occurs in Assent, India, where a
�3K-i ttt�° �'' q father cammusiicates With the Lather >SB�I °� 1 Mi14e Roches, Timmins, PnesopItt, Mor- e� ita�tiou of 800 inches is on reHOW
i;'rFGi 1yr@Ja 19 TRIBES and his children are growing up to BABY'S IV it j� l,,t� rieburg, Brantford, Russell•, Itosyeau, Iu P I and Free to Food
@ V 3 !3_ _.a° l .SS11 of the choven bride arid-:,enslz Itis• bro qi aar,d, Ri rest Free a any +r,
speak French perfectly and E1191151l Tavistock, and FIamllte"L When wilt dress by the Author.
thsra to zc•mifice o. sheesp in fro11, of With a Slight foreign accent. your community uecome a Boy Scent v dx, cloy est 31s tSt Lao,
r• his tent, at the same time appealing In the beginning, Tommy is seldom Airs, Alfred Naud, Natagan Rtvsr, fits tVest 81st Street
)! (y�'y 9 �iaOFriOCCO PEOPLES to the father to give his daughter in town? ROUPNew Yorx, U.S.A.
marriage to bhor nsprhew. welcomed as a sarin -law. French I Que., writes: -"I do not think there lam'
1E,•Ca�I''U>fBED .11r'Y SI=AII�j. falnity life is very exclusive, and mar' is an}' other medicine to equal Baby's �- `
Bride Has Nothing to. Say: riages are genetally arranged within Owa Tblete Por little ones. I have You're Constipated! " ;M"�N9; . .- -- �'� �p
If filo £atlber consents, the price cf, a yery ]hnitad circle of acquaintances. °sed then 'Or my baby and would, Taiga; "Cascarets" COARSE SALE'
Also, there are often diinculdes on re- For Liver, Bowels I It Can be cured, Dont Y � ped
a,efa'Lrin�+ 'Cereri'10n'$r O I'10- the young woanam- and the downy she Use nothtrtg else" What Mrs. Nand - iL A'aI
is 'to bring with tiler is agreed upon• ligious grounds, for the wife ie as ter- snys thousands of mtbor mothers say, r r lose your valuable
x eerie 23 iLTnialul-F�olnen The day of the earemoluy is settled', twin to be a Catholic as the husband They have found by trial that the Sick headache, hilLouanoss, coated r birds. Act quickly l3Ull< CnrlDtS
Lead It�Iiseg Ie Lives. the bride L•nowing nothing about it. {s likely to be Protestant Tablets always do just wlta't is claimed tongue, or sour, gassy -stomach-at- with sick birds and TORONTO SALT WORKS
When the wedding day arrives, 01ta But once the marriage is an accost- Oar them. The TaU'lets ate a mild ways tratse this to torpid liver and de- prevent spread of C, J. CLiFF TORONTO
The ensto'ma aP til° tyro Berber persists of tha,bridegro'om go in gra- pushed Eact, Tommy is loyalty accept but thorcatgh laxative 'which regulate layetl, fermenting food in the bowe]a, disease by this prov-
ki;113C.a wdiose territory ]vas just been cession to the tent of the bride's ed as a member of the family. the bowels and sweeten the stomach Cas -carets work while you sleep. They "' an remedy.
rsoccUpied by Spanitia troops as a re- fathat, to tt^ham they bring the hnlif Sometimes Marle or Louise has not and thus. banish indigestloai, consti• immediately cleanse the atareach, ro' PItATTS.k®iiP REMEDY
suit of their ret€iv: vi0tor}es, are very of 'bbe price to be paid for the bride, come emPtyh°•nzlod to her husband. patiolt, colic, calsis, etc. They are sold itt,ovo the siaur, undigested f0o•d and
intere�tina, re
ill 1,etura therefore the half She nilly have a subxtantial sunt of by medicine dealers or by malt at 26 foul gases, trice the excess bile from ADVICE FREE. Our poultry ex -
Those tribes -are kr•JWn as the Beni- of the, bride's do• -wry. 'The men fire money, or a little cafe of ihsr own, or -Cents a box freed The Dr, Williams' the liver and parry out all the cons•ti- perts will help you. Write
Buy+aihi and Beni-Bu-IfrT,.in,chtdI1lg three rifle shots and the wamon shout a shop or a small farm, and so the one Aiedicino Co., Brockville,, Out, 1>ated waste metier and PoCsonia' in the
the settlemeres of Segangan and Zea- • with joy. time soldier finds it the natural and 0- bowels, Get a 10 -cent box now am let Pratt Food CO.OE Cattails, I,ttl. I
Ian, extending to Monts A5°rvit, Tie- The cowple, aItill"'g1h the ceremony easy thing to become a cafe proprietor, Cunning Rather Than Speed. "Casearots" straighten You out by Toronto - - •
tiattzl,.11ptel and Crarct. is Yet ineamipete, go to their future or a farmer' -
According to the hast• Information tent together. The real wadding en l ericanfo Who had ante seen morning. RHEUMATIC ACHES
fetter Than the Dole. au Anioriean fox rutuniug before a &•• Ail.
they number about 10,000, of whom sues kilt frod'1'o I day when the lsride virliatever his precise oacupntiOn hound wrote that the American fox is Fom health try these: Fresh air, t -�
about 5,000 erne maleci cd fighting age- is taken in procession an the 'back of may be, Itis Wits is a znos,t valuable much slower than ti's English cousin, ,pleasant surranzn'din'gs, goal' food .arid i 1
In the last fi£teen.years theiv rsumbeY a dames, covered' with silks and fol- 1%elpmate and Partnsr, for it 'is. the As ,a matter of fact, the Englisihman's a ,rslear conscienroe. QUICKLY RELIEVED
Ina beet; reduced from about 40,000 Lowed 'by her 45ody •slave if she is Custom for French women to halls assertion; which by the way appeared 'k'
a£ both sexes. by mtertrilual fighting wealthy enowgh to pazsess one, to tate their hueliands in busirttess to a muc`.i in an etic}^clapaldia, is really a tribute MONEY ORDERS. TII); racking, agonizing rheumatic ex
and nii ration •be„a"s .ef2bajd harvests. tent; of. the bridegroom, where she is renter extent than in England. to the superior cvuniwg of the Ameri• gond a Dominion F3xpress Money ze is of Sloan'stL n ed rent 0.� o€r `
$plication,'' �' / `
The tribes are ii%vded into nine tae- weboomel by hi's pare-ts ani the re- g It is, Ili the sea coast towns that the can fox, Reynard, sayEL Mr. Charles Order. They are payable everywbel•e. 1
man w^ho has Stayed is'meat in D. Stewart ill the
Atlantic Moatthiy, � For forty years, folks all over the ,�� ;_ t•.�
tiers, all of which quarrel frequently nlaind:er of -rho price and dowry world have. sound Sloan's to be the
amoag themselves, a,praafice Common. change hands. The wedding is cont- evidence- in such Places as Calais, coultdhave run a goad deal faster bad Goodwill survives tebtenee,• if the natural enemy of pains and aches.
of the Bei{ber stock from which' they piebeii to the acoom;pananent of much Boulogne; Dieppe, Havre, and Cher- - he thamght it wise to do it, last recollections ere kindly. I6 pealetraks wilhout rubbing. Cuticura Shan'POOS .
desceru3. They became mixed with fSeating. , bourg, but he is also to ba'.found in, I A fox surprised by a bound is a You can just tell by itshealthy,o d [�
the Arab Invade in the seveavth canes A to who proves ur.FaithBud may land to Rouen, Arras, Amlena, St• sina•ll patdh• of wood's will ran across If you lot's' your temper, dant look stimulating odor that it is going t° do Mean
'Healthy �la9r
Vary; be sent bank 'bo . her father's - bent Outer, and other towns, the names of the Open at as speed, Then for it, unless you meran'to 1^e,ep it. you good.
They are r,!ouiad�t who settleteanpor- diessad in sacleClsrbh. keep SXonti's 1aa,ldy for neuralgia, Especially if Pzscad by touCties
which will naves be forgo by the lie not only will slow up but may even --- Eleatica, lame back, stitF joints, sore of Cuticura Ointment to spate oY
" : « al+ily in places where the pasture is - British Army. sit down on some convenient clava- c muscies, strains and sprains:
1_J R li Crime. 17 -IIs For �01'e T.l1 �®ail At all dr gists -356, 70c, $1.40. dandruff, smug and irritation:
i 1 ar- •I He keeps Wits d. Th's treatment does much to keep
Plentiful. for the) po'cess large num- Ian Salva .. i He secrns, to have. e, Part cos at 1, tion and look bat. r, i
bers of camels, sheep staid Cattlre. They l[ing4csitn. ttality for the cafe bunluess• and as •a about him; Ile Wsnts t0 Red What is O- ale in Canndn,
Cols) in the Chest, Etc. � the scalp clean and healthy are to
five under large tents, v Mich they A i;ale of •a ltingdonl iebiquislled for ratio he melees a success of it. ` ing on. When til° hound has struck promote hair growth.
ch ib bircles'•thus forma g an,aduar, t; L Landon Let us pay a visit to one o4'thes'e Itis stride the fox will soon gauge it - -- I scan?sc. Riutm.azt5aadsoC. TatCam2sC. Sold :'
pdt r 'eirad'e of a irtt.e. boy is to,d by The o a a
sebtleuient', 'Tile tents a e r, lid cafes in -Boulogne a,' Calais. Some- and lead hill a chase. Anyogle wll0 b4Y l�ayf>d throu6hont theDonl,."irw St.. adinnpepot:
0r Daily E_,press earre.rondent -tit 1 a �x �i�, g 9 Y e
i L ee, id�[ted, 341 Sl. Paul St., V1., lKoofcodi,
slneep•'s •wool )nixed with camel or timet it be tits obviously British secs the chase and" knows that Lha nal
,. - itaS TP.II& itj ' > "Cabcure soap ebA�ma without moa- .
g&+s' Kati foi' •)lie more wealthy hound is slow becomes su admirer of �gta.. �_ _ _ -
whine flee :nor- Thrs is the extraordinary Sect name of the pno•Prietor, or it may U8 the tvtCty,Reyuard and wall Ue likely to ea a ' _ _ .__ .
arnongthe tribesmen,• P made lty an Iivdialt 9lrinc�e, the Rajah called the Prih'Ce of Wales Bax, or �� OF IN _____�-- 0
et"xiveavbers of fixe lubes invest coil- of Pudukota, atl' behind kite slariIi some such un•French appellation. Ad- say that the to* 19,tunniug slowly just +
tela themselves.wlth grass fibre. li3Oa a tensely liana,, doaan:a, vertl,sements of well-known English to tease the ting, Indeed, many en -
The urea nee o£ •chunigeftil moa d, at In 1316 twe rajah £e11 in love with ..boars• and stouts stili 4urtlier Proclaim tertaiuing writers have said so; but .
Unites seeking adventure to rapnve.and a lletuut fnl Australtian vronran, Mists the natioatality of 'Inline .hoet , and s vsterau hunter would not •so Inter- p li
at others indulging to prolonged pet- molly I, sle. Fire lvoeeil Iter with old perhaps there ill• an invitatien to "Stop prat the action of the 'fox, 1 -Te wall s`' IA..... VT11, rv, S.
iod� •of lasineis. the ardor o£ -an Eastern lOver,'Iregged bore for a good cup o4 tea;' linens that when a fes gets half a
Woman Do All Yt'ork. her t0 Pshare his tluowc with hi'ttl, to ion will get a warm welcome from �tllle or s -a ahead of him and skiillcs Lions a.nd tigers kept in ca'pticidd
0olyga* prevails anlang them in his ranee 5h6 ,ncceptad snd Choy NIomstour Atktna, Fie will talk freely along at a set distance out Of sight require one day a week wit+llout 'facd
aiiatrt-his new life, ley, lie ].s very it is not doing it to tease hila, The to keep thein in good wealth,IM
p'roportont to their means of provid-i were married. fee s t `� '-~
lag:susteitali�ce filar fila wetter, Thews They returned to th,e rajah's spun- .eamfortahla, he -will tett you, gad ho i1 , - lot so human as th"t, The/ Is&
sure ho has ctono a good thing for hit, r..iain fact is that the fox will not re -I
peon ereaturds iri every Plitt ,o.f Mo- sty, Wkdch Ys sitwited in tit's 1V1a• self. Better here thr,n at lrgma, where treat before s dog nny Easter than rho i
Facto- lead -the most inlser.-ahle lives, Presldoaey,. and in 1916 a son ryas ho might be wanting the treats slid o N �I
They .loafs anter .the Cattle,, grind the barn.. The fathst stud Jr.other, are 0 dog drives 8iim. '.l"hut is because it iii Vaseloin . IA ;
grain, make the bread, chutm,the but- d,evotad to tills boy. drawiltg a dole as one of'the Intention
000 naturally cunuin,G• � i ti.
ter; 'hew elle' wood, draw the water I With the coming of the son the
nnemptoyed, No,, ha has no intention - •a 1
Old of going back, lidless crone day far a 1 Tvadb Mark
which often''11, to l e aarriGd; long first shadow ,fell acf6ss rte happy Mother! )avlove
P,ss sheat tit's sheep and goat4,' comp.C•s path. T1ie govetawnent of 'bolidNr and to see Iris people, % dowels Wit1I
Ch11d y
card aiitl weave the wool and hair }is� India vie
the rajoh that' t.h°y The lure 07 the tea Cup, California Fig rc''�3rup r `
well ,as: ilhe'groes-fibre• do all ih�e
tould ns.-t;allow any ane who was not flow does he get on with the hang• I , . _7 - '1� . P .
1'°wingand sow:ang,,and generallya•re• Ctf.rure Indron bleed -to S.uonc,3 him uatgei you lit, ask. There is nadidi- Blurry ntotbea,1 Ilven a sick child . W'I , N
i'rTettitod liy their lordly husbands even iii
y vwhen he died,
citify there, hC will tell yaU. Ile can loves trio 'i4rulty" taste at "California PETI'si9d. IJ1M JELLY`' -
tivorse than the attimlads to whorl they IV.Lotl:ar .and is- or -Ogre hoart- talk enough now to get an, and I un FigSyrup" and it never fails to oji•eat
An.application of "vas- _
are yoked'. fes• fibid work. iroken. -Appeals stere made to the rlerstands practically everything that the bowels. A Ceaspaonful today may •. e, " itc oll brings S
'Ishetr only con,sod'ation is in ea'tir�g. atitharities by' his people, who leave is said, revent a sidle child toanornow. , if Chile Wh 7 Y S Never -Say °'Aspirin" Without sayillg "Bayer"
Y, y v ilabel, Uil'ions, feverish, fretful, grateful lcllaF, when
I conenzmbe fotur meals dell nu l berm ruled -by his fanaii far hundreds Preach is ail eas- language to get. 1
the d'eilrllt rout gaanti'ties of C'f ,ear;• bttL its vete; I a,alnatt,ringof, but avery difficult one has cold, colic, or iC stoluach is .sotn', applisd to cribs, burns, 'WARNING+ Unless you see Tlai7le °'Bayer" 011 ta�3letSp
. whr,ch y g Y
' . We,glt, tea and ibefore they retire for The, •rajNh, henfores, decided to give if you. want to ltno•w it really well, tongue coated, breath bad, remember chafed skin; etc. o'e{ cillo' AS )lrin a'I 'a11, wily fake chances?i
are 1
tha'night devour targe gnalvtltlP$ of lip ;his Iaiilgd0-111, with .iii this:dLgnity Presently Madams Atkins will join ry good ClSo",. ng of the little Uotvels cunssnraucrl y0tl ' a . a
of Z balls Com: os'ed of fiaalr, and aaition dant want .with it, altd )tai, Site Is a typical French woman, , 4 afters all thin is necessary. 1NANi)('nCTLf$611 N oaNlrnt;Y t only 1n "tilibroken p,lck IQL`"' of "Ba
Tablets Of
alsu7e r d orae , P five u in i ta3l,and' Australia and with her nicely drossetl bah, scene• .e ict A xpaa
water.., an, h Y 1 quietly , risk your druggist fair genuine "'Cali, 1369 Chabne Ave. l:taniraal.
with the cat- Continent. a u(line fsatutes, and eatraor is Syrup's whdcir ltas directions- ASpi1'ill,f0 Which contains directions ;laid dose worked out )3i'
They are very aasreful w the Cont a t What n " forma P e
r et to Put rthetn to Within tile fete weeks an amts- dinar neatness of attic,,, especially babies and ehllllreu of all a.oes gy11,.:',I-w1I r'
tie and nevem fog P W a Y ., for Iu tr.L..r ,•'u pi)vslCiniis florin ° p' y ons for
�,..I vests ilnd toyed stile b ttulli
• asrture facing away from 11he sum so tion leas 'been S.F,, oat foot by his still stent the feet, She.spenits a leetle
T ou must
P printed cu butte, Mothor. .. , d 'nrs,rx ' Headache 1�Iletxl]lailSlxi
that they Will never lose -their sight loyal 'subjects to induoe hen to return, 30Aglizh; Denhalia better than bar title- say California" or You may get nit J .- - ." �OYC{S ' i E
thrau'ghs the isxi-ghtnass: and a 1:etition has been prepal•ed and bund 'deers Y lTUClt, it is plensing to intltatioll fig s,ytulj, dl dr. • Neuralgia Neuritis 'dips, I " rootimcllt
Amoarg the ehieP. festivities are nuns to have been iettt to the Viceroy observe that s^lie is Obviously very - r ---- a ": , i
connected with •births and the f Paul, Rilltl
those of I d'ia, prcutl of her bib satfilardlusbtin[i• The biggea.t lie -art cannot !told bath . l nxx,w�Fi 1, �' . o , UaI'.LClle l,l1t111Ja 0
, ,'h ocCura ei •Jut' i .t:.d 1„is tvifa : ave, sobtti-dl Dnsiness is Patty good, they say s"• o cities of 2;1 and 100- kll Drug;ieta:
giving, o;F. namtos+ wilts E The t• td h i oodtvill an[i pride, yr4 I yr , I'+
° • r,' r, .; n their vista 1s quite a g --. !`Y 4'%F6h vet I' t C],,..rlr t.n Josie of l_ tatlolr 13
after asln,sh w'heu. fife fathat -ac the uc• .inn tL•an1- ltx s lsy adlrarut8 1n the evazti g t .s, a
day's , - q h, in n,r.�,•n,lrn n, 1`-tlrgletrrra in Cnnadn) or LanYor htinnufnrture et Md"
have stn -ed Ise• a be brOslc the T''near' r : ha%''' tri, tvhnc tc in even t:nmm� Ibat Aeplrt,auoaea a3asm
a .lie2t' sill Sprinkling the 'ta filteir deCerul[nation uot`ta rrtixrt) resort Yor.ethers vrhC } lie runt the 11r t rmd . aro l<;rrrticatet „1 .nnr;nrar .
l,ifices p i
... r tiale, of CUtl tr; er , 1d it
.•- the - - bC last t0 tni)i : i ..,._,r.--`•. ,+,,,a,p,,•. - ,n film pubilr nhnii aitot�mn' itc,iil,o 1, iiayort G6'ono," L'0111.Vn.
SsloOtiy hit Oata[tneac✓ i,he niames to belt„ the throne nnuens t.,ttr boy is tae .11ltttl, lit ilia alnlinlet t.11lE, xtnr the ,nn nu•n, turn, I„n�31
...::d iven to tlie. a'hi�ld ill the frame of o -dually :is the heir, tltt^y did very well; there were so _- __ iaSUS f•4b,'Ss - I "� ,+i:i i r .tam;sea s+•:r1 [1100 nra.r t r
gl'lall, •" - I
ntnily lirit(sh v Vtors about 'who, alp• Minard's LiniMont tot 4iarfi t'lrt CswS, I
46 tWerity yert'rs of age ]t:is crs•I rat:narl'a ttnrriacnt^tor :cid , e�
. i -