The Clinton News Record, 1921-12-22, Page 4oop
's 1
IllistW S
?V 1
Special values in all
Departments for last
minute buyer
Telegraph r 121I;Ao.�.agen} t
Mr Editor:'
Dear Sir: -Remitter has it, that on
the fright. of .:the recent electipn, a
company, we •should say, rather, •`ai
most select company of the politi-
cians known as 'Die Hard" Gr:ts,"
assembled ;in a , restaurant • in ,this
1;oevn, arid' indulged- •it .a 1psciqus''i:e-
past of: oystors, etet celebrate,.,;the
great and: 'glor'ious vtctory''b•f the
Liberal candidate, for ,Spiith Huron!
Shall we tell our readers. who these
gentl'emei were? A thousand'times
No! The broad mantle of otic 71oving
charity 'shall descend, • an obscure
them from the pu'blic's vulgar gaze.
Some grief is too sacred to expose
to the profanityof pelt/Wiry. Suffice
it to say .that these gentlemen have
learned a most salutaret lesson,
a Some of the were certainly old en-
ougii to have' known'it'without our
but youn • and 'old, you
• tellingthem, g
will n'evey again. induce any of thein
to eat a 'premature oyster supper,
fele A is ever dangerous , to count
your chickens before they are
Yours truly,
• —One whp wasn't there..
Editor News -Record. '
Dear Sir: -Under $he heading of
IPorter's • Hill news last week there
*as' an item semi -vulgar, .semi -child-
ish, regorcling the political defeat
of Me. Arthur Mongnhen. • I do not
Itnow who the author might be but if
it were not for his familiarity with
the names . of people in Goderich
township I"would say that, •he be'
longetl to the. F;renich seittlentent or
tome .cominun ty of snnilar patriotic
Sentiments He ,gloret in', the de-
feat of the ' Meighen Govei9?ment,
which piloted this nation through the
most critical and perilous ora ''of its
history with honor 'to "the 'do -entry
and credit.lto itself. ' •
Whed we eonsider the eomposition
of the parte which:leas :jllst'risen to
'`power- rind'remeinber thae more than
half of it.were unreliebb'lb and untrue
to the country tl at g'ivee'thein lib-'
-erty and protection .e -think that
't LiberalLiberalhas 'aneethi g.tobe jubi
- iaiit abod , - -" • •
It 'it a pity that anyone 'with such
a giant brain and bf such intellectual
attainment should waste his talent
writing for a merely local paper.
'1'•Ie should try 'to get on. the editor-
ial gaff of the Toronto Globe or
the Farmers' Sun or else he might
retire to the United States and, aseoc-
jate himself with some of the Hearst
yellow. journals.
If in the future anything should
occur which world so satisfy your
petty prejudices and narrow concep-
tions �o�ff itizenship that yon would
have' ether violent outbreak of
cheap wit and humour you might ap-
pear more intelligent in Abe., public
eye if you would refrain from as
eociating your mirth with/ anything
so sacred arid solemn as a burial'
service •
' Yours -truly,
..mother View.
(We think the writer 'of the item
referred to was nob thinking so
much of the Liberal victory as the
U. F 0. 'victory in South Huron,,'as
the earners were distinctly men-
tioned as wearing the 'broad seniles."
while a great admirer off 7,l!i.
Meighen and a friend of the Govern-
ment which 110.1011, 100 did not take
Offence at the .item in questi00.
While Wren remain, on the earth there -
will probably be differences of 'opin-
ion and we must learn to respect
talose of the •other fellow, while hold-
ing firmly to our mvil, As for the
newly -elected Liberal Govcrmeient, it
will have troubles of its own and may
needour sympathy, rather than our
condemnation, before it goes far.
Steps are under way'ar tate setting
aside .of a forest reserve area in Pa-
konhbm and Darling townships of
Lanark county, Ontario, under the
Ontario Government plan of assist
%ng lnuriictpalities to set aside areas
115 forest $e40tv'es.
!re be can ter011ee 011 questiol'Y of
loan to ''Germany,
'est eat ... ' ._.. '7Lar,g!",:Ai't
THIS 01 T1111r,I2ESJt.J1,'1' AT
The results by townabipl ii,t''the
rec'fit fed neat eleetion in. tit; riding
of South U'uron,' •Mr, Black, the
regressiva candidate, line a Major-
• ity of 58, but; Mir, McMillan, the
Liberalceandidate, tuis cicxmanderl a re
etenen, which veal take plate: bei'or 1
the iudgo inGodiiriele tamtosrow, Tet,.
Black Mc1 111ar>' ,Berner
No.i . 44 212 183
No. 2 19. 111 92
Nn:, li 11 51. 49
No 4 •- so 72
No, 5 ,,. G 10f .125
87 , '. 499 5'21
r l9uilett.•;
No. 1 , 90 93 '22
No, 2 , 102 59 37
elo, 3 11 . 02 38
No. 4 .,57 • ,,83 39
Re, 5 33 - • 20; 32
No, 6 30 77 2t
o, 7 53 62 40
No, 1
No. 2
No, 3
No. 4
No. 5
No, 6
No. 1
4 1oS
5 63'
N o:
Inspector's Report for the year end-
ing November' 30th, ' 1021'.
Reportof inspector`
To the Warden and Members 'of
Huron Count Council:
Gentlemen: ' '
T no Inspector of the ,Heron County
genie _re lectfully presents the 'fol-
, ,sl
;lowing;, as: his..: report fog ,the y.e{lr'
ending Neve 30th; lD21:
.fate) number_ ofinmetee„admitted
;since.. opening . of the ,house, 502; No. .11:. 4f 48
number of inmates on_,lst' December;. No 2... ”'
1920, 78; number admitted for the, No. 3
first time, during the year, . 21, nuns- No, 4 . , . •19 3 2
ber re-adm:.tted after absence, 0;
376 456 229
Goclerichi Twp,
37 42 93
38' 30 ' 71
61 46 71
57 1.0 44
ti'7 1S 69
29 23 '45
Qiintor» N.levvar'Record
/1/1120N OLD 'I3O ,'S' .,ASK
The annual meeting of, the Huron
.Old Hoye' Assoehetion, of Toronto,
was:hold in 10)70 of the zooms `of the
Y, 141, 0, A. an Satitrday evenaegl
and,' notwithstaprinig the fast than
the night was a most effpleneent one,
there was a good representative at
tendanee, Air, Iiodgspn pt"eeitlont,
was in the elude. The report of Idee
rotary Bloody gave a general sum-
mary o the year's 'activities; show-
ing' a rekistratioft'of over 1200; while
in the report of Captain • Pr'oudfoot,
-Treasurer, Sheaved a• small balance on
hand after all liabilities had been
mot. The e1estion of officers reenlited.
as follows: Hon Plealdante; Sii' Mtn
•Willisen, Senator Prouitfoot and F.
0. Hodgson; President, J. A. Melia)"-
en; Vice President, Mrs. L. S. Scott,.
Chaplain, Rev, J. A. slob e3 'r; Sec.
retaiyr E. Floody; Ass stent, Miss
Flynn; 'Financial Secretary, Miss
Glace Newton; Treasurer, Captart
Proudfosit; Auditore: R. S. Sheppard
and John Robinson; Executive Com-
nrltte.e, Mesdames Martin, Beck, Fere
gaeson, Floody, .Morrish, Cobbledick,
IS.'.ng .and Miss D. Campbell; Dr.
Stanbury, Major 13001c, R, Holmes,.
H, 1 Morrish, ZI.. Martin, N•, B.
Cobbledick, R C :''King, H, J.
Honil)ly, J. R, Lyon, l3 Crocker, S.
L. Scott, J,^1. T imniins and'George
Newton. . •
The new 'president,' Mr McLaren,
hails from Goderich, but has been in
Toronto for u._numher of years He
is 0 'well-known and successful whole-
sale .
hole -sale'• shoe manufacturer. ilrhen ':it
was mentioned that the brand on his
shoes was not en Amer:eats" eagle,
but a• genuine Canadian beaver, sal -
rounded by a wreath of maple leaves,
he was given a hear:ty,roun d of ap-
*Me. Floody, the untiring en over-
zealous secretary, has herr;, office ev-
er since the Association was formed
twenty years ago. He is an officer in
the excise department of the Dontin-
iofn.Governtnent,° and his name ,has
appeared in, the press quite freenent-
ly`, of,'lete• in connection .with the:
sii'iiaur a 'of _ illicit :1ign;or•- stills. Ile,
has a colleation .of these. both 'elab-
orate; and dvr'tido; su11icrt ret• to supply
the tie hole I)bnlinion with .1:duos. It
may •be riontloned incidently that
Mr._ Floody and Mr.. Holmes were at
one time publishers of rival. uapers
in Clinton while new they work har-
moniousliunder the same roof.
Mr. King is a brother of the suc-
•cessiui .Progressive candidate .in
North Ilercm.'
In view of the -fact that General
longest re-
cordOtter, Toronto, lolrtos the m
of any military officer •in the
Dominion, the secretary was instruc-
ted to send him a letter of congrat-
ulation. Mr. Otter was born just
about where the House of Refuge
stands, near Clinton.
The new vice-president was for
some time a resident of Clinton, be-
ing a daughter of the late Stewart
Sir John Willison; though not ac-
tually in newspaper work now, 'is
'said to be the Canadian correspond-
ent 'of the London Times, with a five -
figure salary, He hasalways.. been
recognized, 'as an able journalist.
239 1619 393,,
-.. 74 26 .. .. 63
60j b • 27
72 • • '-56
70 33
45 17
66 60
75 18
112 38
. 17
682 39,7
40 i97
.Bey field
• 68. , .:715
number born . in House during year,
.0;. number or deaths• during year,
ll; ntmtber• 'absconded. . during the
year, 0; number discharged dur-
nig the year, 0; number of instates
in Iiouse on 1st
December, 1921,.
number'at males, !; number of fe-
males, 4S. Admitted during the year
from several :municipalities is fol-
lows: Townships—Hay, 1; McKihop,
1; •Usbarne, 1; l4owick, 1; Morris, 1;
Colborne, 2; Grey, 1; Towns and
villages—Goderich, , 5; Seaforth; 1;
Exeter, 1; Wingham, 3: Clinton, 1;
Hensafl,1; Bayfield., 1; number of
days' board instates, 29541; number
of days' board of keeper's family
and help, 1200;, average ,number of
instates during the. year; 81; average
number with keeper's family and
help, 84; Total expenditure on house
and farm, '$12,742. 74; add value of
Provisions and fuel on hand ist De,
cenlber, 1920, $3,279,70. Total ex-
penditure, $16,022.44, deduct produce
sold during 1921 and other ..soprces,
$2,192.50; provisions, produce, 110.0
clothing and fuel on hand 1st Decen-
ber,1921 as per `inventory, 73134.60;
received ': front. • .paying' inmates,
72303.01 , `Petal' $'7,721,01. Amount
expended • for' support of inmates,
$8,301.43; average ''expense per ;in-
mate per day, 28 1-7; average•week
ly expenditure Per inmate, .$1.97.
The expenditure of house and farm
account is as follows: 'Hired help,
farm and house, $171,50; stock ane
implements, $1100,8OE;_ salaries, In-
spector; Keeper, Matron, Asst. Mai -
ton and Chaplain, $2,445.00 Phsi-
caan's'salary and appliances, $542,17
repairs to building and furniture,
$604.98; provisions and clothing,
$4,619.98; fuel and light, $2,283.41;
books, postage and stationery,
725.00;. incidental expenses, $226.51;
sundry expenses for hum, $611:3.39.
Total, 412,742.74.
During the year the sum of
74,863.55 has been collected for
nufintenance of inmates of which no
account has been taken in the above.
John Torrance, Inspector.
Report of the Keeper
To the Wardens and Members of
Huron County Council.
Gentlemen: •
i beg' to submit the following re -
poet of crops grown. and work clone
on the'r110ustrial Farm during the
year 1921: Hay, 25 tons; potatoes,
500 bushels; oats, 300 bushels; turn-
ips, 10,0 bushel; Barley, 200 bushels;
raspberries, 600 boxes, onions, 15533
lbs,, cabbage, 500 head; garden car-
rots, 30 'bushels; live hogs sold,
$1,097.80 mangolcls, 1,000 hushes;
ettives 'sold, 81.80.00.
3. B. Reynolds, )(wiper,
Report of Medical Officer. •
Clinton, Doc, 1, 1:921
To the Warden and Members of
Huron County Council,
Gentlemen: • •
I ani pleased to, report that there
has been- no severs'attaeks of sick-
ness, no epidemics during ,the past
,year, although them have been an
unusual number of deaths, many Only
being inmates at -;short time and aged
on arrival, The - average ago 01
those who died was 80 years.
There wore 3 from Conder; Anopa
logy, 3; Gangrene, 1; Nephritis, 1;
Enlarged Liver, 2; [Tenet Disease, 2;
Senile Dementia, 2,
There is :r general :feeling of con-
tentment and ilapp.ncst prevailinl;,
thvolrghout the ,Iiouse. The sanita-
tion and food is first class, the heat-
ing is satief.tctoi'y....
• Very Respectfully Yours,
J. W. Shaw
, T'laei air
eeelL art
Japan and Chintz at issue on S nan-
ng Railway,
No, t
No, 2
No. .3
No. 4
83 23.1
27 118
21 145
2.1 114
28 70
1-6 8
100 ▪ '
1.1 ay
No.1 51
No. 2 65
No. 3 65
No. 4 114
No. 5 107
No, 6 109
No. 7 42
No. 8 75
447 535
-628 427•
No. i 51
9,...No. 66
No. e3 ' S6
No. 4 ' 73
No. 5 76
S4 33
53 " 19
20 136
•I0' 31)
69 • '31
322 • • ' 236
No. 1 . 43 . 147 •
No. 2 1-18 1061 -
No, 3 136 79
No. 4 ` 137, . 35 ,
- 18
• 47
• 3.7
414: 367
No, 1 161 24
No. 2 133 '46
Nor4 95 24
No. 4 123 •. 60
512 154
No. t 53 82
No, 2 53 89
No. 3 • 99 44.
No, 4 73 St
No. 5 75 63
No. G 73 73
426 •
Total Votes
Seafortlr , , , 87
Nulleit , , , .376
Goderich '1' .289
Stephen ..,682
Hensall .... 40
+Bayfield ..,, 38
Exeter. ..:..1'83
Clinton . . , 100
Flay- ......628
Stanley :;.322
!llClCillnp ..414
Usborne .,.Ste
Tucke'rsmith . 426
o 535
Trusts ...4097 4059 3963
In certain sections of the eastern
United States the notorious Puro-
poen Corn Borer has become estab-
lished and in view of the grave dan-
ger of this serious foreign pest be-
ing brought into Canada, the :Ento-
mological Branch of the Dominion
Department of Agriculture, have es -
sled a 5pociel circular dealing with
this 5115001 and others which horn in
corn and which may be mistaken :for
it, This has been Prepared by Mr.
A.rthiu Gibson, Chief or the Division
of Field Crop and Garden Insects.
78 comprises 1.4 pages and has seven
illustrations, A limited edition only
08 this 959etdsr has -bean printed.
r i
Ahl.leullirral workers and otliLrsspn0-
inliy interested may .obtain copies
free of charge' en application ':q the
Publications I+r'atach, Depal.'l:nient 01'
Agriculture, Ottawa.
News of i pitenhigs
F err'
the a iotopttj and.
Miss Eunice M. Lent of aouor.-
1111 Avon the Carter. Scholarship foe
7luron last tent, •
'1'he Hospital A5s8,ciation 1t t' Gocl-
erlcll 1a very•mucl) divided as to the
best site for n aloes hospital building,
the n:rl site being favored by many;
the' majority, rind an altogether new'
iso being wonted by ethers„
The. coronals'jury 1011;1°1'0cl a ver-
dict absolving Born blame Wilmer Mr -
Menus, the driver of the ear whieh
killed his bother;' Leonard, on t11e'
evening of Nov.261:11 on the stluare
Goderich, The ;jury also recommend-
ed that the town • adopt traffic lima
and strictly adhere to thorn, as 111!30
accident might not have happened
had the young ratan fatally injured,
said his communed not been crossing
between Meeks.
Mies 'Alice Ethel .0raialm daugh-
ter of IVIe, and Mrs, Nelson Graham
of Sheppardton, was married on Dec,
7th to Mr, Andrew Bogie, 'Flee
young couple took a short wedding
trip and will 'reside , on the Lake
Messrs. Ernie Swarts and W. J:
Drew of Goderich hlive returned from
Las Angeles, Cal. They i ade;the trip
from Detroit to Los.Angeles, 3,209.
11311es by auto.
Farmers up 'Lueknow way complain
that_huntees on failing to find legi-
timato' genie do not mind, taking • a
shot at their tante barnyard fowl if
they come agrees them, A' lesson or
two taught by a. nlag•isi'ate in the
shape of;a stiff fine. ]night teach such
characters,. to rehper✓t the property of
other •ptiifple.
farmer near Kinloss, whe was
finishing :up some fall plowing this
Month, came across two garter
snakes in the furrow and tihe two
were busy trying to swallow a large
frog. 1Jach deice had a hind leg of
the frog :n its Mouth and were evi-
dently going fifty-fifty on the deal.
Itlooked like the end of .the frog liut'
thefarmer doesn't finish the ,story..
%tin.t-'ts;that' it rtee late ,in the.
season to be 31 owixhl; 9991 "'vary late in
tle season tor u9•.'aurese. `snakes and
fio„s.rennnig wild''.'That particular
frog would be seri, it didn't go into
winter' quarters' 019110e :
HldspitaI for Sick Children
Through Support of Public, Ontario
6latntains 'Greatest Children's Hos.
pita! 'on This Continent.
Dear Mr. Editor;— -
Nowadays people took ahead more '
than they used co:' They realize, for .
• instance, that the 'child of, to -day 'is .:
the citizen of the 'Otero. 'the p'n1
vilege of this Hospital Is to provide
a service whereby. any Ontario child,
who is weakly, May be made' strong,
or If he is crippled, may , be' sot
straight. •
r fart of this. service codsista of
personal, antedieal'and surgical care
of the children, Part is in the school-
ing of doctors and nurses • to carry the
1iglt of medical science into the
uttermost C0l'nert of the province. •
The whole is a contribution to
f:ITIi,,T) eVELFAR.E work which Must
commend the Hospital to the sym-
pathy and'support o1 your readers,
You probably' saw a Quebec de-
spatch deploring the ,great Infant
mortality in , that province. One
great tactor which gives the Ontario-
born 0111111 so much better a chauon
in life is Lho maintenance of public:
philanthropy of the leading Hospital
for children on this continent. And
that child, whether it be pallid of
cheek or crooked of limbs, Is helped
over the rough spots of Infancy amt
adolescence by this same lioepital.
Here aro the average day's figures
of 1923 attendance: --
Cot patlonts 268
°cher ,pg'ttents .: 158
Total , 426
Daring the year the Hospital
actually saves the lives or scorns
upon scores of 6hlldr•en. It restores
health or I3Lraigirtalis limbs for hum
deeds more. ]Every contributor to the
Hospital funds Is 11 shareholder lir
an enterprise which Wins back
health and happiness tar thousands
of chaldron, and thereby gives Joy to
thousands of anxious home's.
Remember, however, that every
Mild to wham the ilospiLal's floors
aro opened, --and none are ratified --
adds something to the flua.nelal bur•
den which the GREAT MO'171t81t
0IIARP.PY. has,to carry. 1,3311 i3. has
never defaulted` on its ctrvldnutts,
which are pa'itt not 111 3110n03',, bol, in
' The contained service of the Hos-
pital depends on the continued Stili•
port of the public, A nautili of
mercy aceta fifty emits, and rho Meek
in the treaseror's ohms is nix menthe
slow. So there are a tet fit minutes
to catob up,
The Hospital is accomplishing
flay per cent. more work than before
the war, Owing to higher.1301005 it
^requires almost Lwlee rho money.May. I Niece that simple but serious
fuel before your matters in connec-
tion with the 46111 Christmas 6139011
of the Hos911al for Sick Children for
funde to carry onanother year et
Palthftllly yours,
C1latrman of Appaltl 0oit111tttte0,
, •1OUR .CLU131'ING LIST FOR 1021.
The News -Record atui Globe ..6.75
" • Mail and Empire ....6.75
Toronto .Stier 6 '75
London Free Press ...6.75
London Advertiser tiser ..6.75
Youth's •Con:anion -. -4.50
Farmer's Advoc'e 4 00
Family Herald • • 3 80
Weekly Witness 3.50
Farmer's Sun 3 50
Canadian Countryman. 3.50
Above prices are foi addresses in
Canada or Great Britain and are good
only as long an' the, papers indicated
remain at their present price. If pub-
lication you, walit ,is not 1n above list,
let us know.
We can get. you any Canadian, pifb-
lication as cheaply, sometimes a lit-
tle cheaper, than you can send for
A. yourself. And sye,}yill take all the
trouble off your 11pnile.'-
If you. wish. more,than.. one. paper.
to get at the cost. simply deduct, -$2.00
foi sub to The . N.ews-lt,eeord .from
any -price. above and- you have the
pnice•'of the periedteal•''vou want.
"For instance;•1jreprice of`1'119. 1 ews-
Record, ,..The Mail and''Empire and
the •Farnnor1s Advocate is •$8.75„.
Your subserintion to The News -Re-
cord 11iay'Be 'paid for 1921. but, that
makes• difference .df your wish • a
clubbing,- rate on any other paper.
We'll sena yofir"sub in ariy,time dur-
ing the year that suits you.
If remitting bj''majl kindly send
Postal Note or Ekpress Order. If a
Bank Cheque on any other than- a
Clinton bank please add exchange.
• The. Four -power Treaty is signed
at Washington..
When.The Sun' Sets»
Rise To Take Its Place
No need to stumble round in
a poorly lighted factory, office
or home when we can supply .
you with all styles and sizes
'of Westinghouse Lamps.
Come in nnd•seo them
The Doi,hJi.Track Route
--BE'L'WEEN. -i
and Ch ICAGO
wlemexcel'led Dining Car Service.
Sleeping cars On Night Trains and
Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains.
I'r ! n
Pull information from 1 y Grand
'Drunk Ticket Agent me 0. It. horning,
District Passenger. Agt., Toronto.
t. Rainsford ,G, Son, Uptown Agents,
Phone 57,
T11.U1;SJTh Y, UP,r,CEl1'II'IIEIL 32nd 11121.
' hristm08 192)
The i'residol,t, :Direeetore and c 11114rs o'f
dt'sire to ofrer 'tel flee Orletnn)$l'S
a11d'I'1rilrnds oftlae 1934i110 their liebt
Wisl)t•e for - to Happy • l)1,1 iOLrnas
and a J'rohperoUs Lew y'eiu'.
=1,6=X MUMAL•War.====.1..M .144=x1 acCc z. m ,,:,,c,a1=== ca
Tn these clays of lowered 91iecs for
iaim•products anything which gives
a farmer another crop is of
importance, Ali tire, request of the
British Forestry Commission, 7
bears the expense, the Forestwhirchy I Scol TitCI9eI s
thus secures the seed required at a
reasonable mite the innovation is
considered Most. satisfactory to all
Branch of the Department of the
interior: is collecting. the seeds of
Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and some
other .trees . of the Pacific coast•to
be shipped to Great be used
in reforesting denuded areas there
The Forestry Branch has erected
t seed -extracting plant in New
\V'esteninister, Brutish Columbia,• and
the collection ection of the seed is done
largely by farmers, in the newer
settled districts near' the city, who
bring in the cones. in sacks io,New
Westininister market. It seemed
rather' Ortel, to some to see farmers
conning to market with,sacks of cones
3ns8ead of apples.and potatoes but as
the farmers- receive 72 pen sack for
tau. cones,. end as .the. Forestly Tlralich
.Life Is Saved
"School teacher - parents dead.
:Brought here on a stretcher. Goad
progress; hope for full roeovery.'
Such was.the meagrerecord of a
patient at the Muskoka Hospital for
Consumptives! - 12Ieagre, but how full
of deep significance!
"2 was so Lriglytcned," ieesed
the.girl, her blue eyes reaecticonng the
sky overhead, as she lay•boneath the
Pines up there In Muskoka. "I didn't
know what to do. I had no mono,:
and, oh. I was so horribly alone."
Think 07 It" and she shivered, "0
would be dead—now—if it weren't.
for this hospital. But I'm not" and
them was a. ring of virtory In her
voice. "I'm getting well. Oh! r, can
hardly believe lt.'
Just a ••lonely, motherless girl, but
how sweet that life given back to
Contributions may be sent to Hon.
W. A. Chartto.n 223 College latreot,
Crowded •Houses have. Greeted
.. .. 4 ..
1i3� I">t ,at Clinton he'a ixcep' o n
Princess Theatre, Dec. 231'x, 24th and 26th
Admission 33c
FREE SHOW -Friday 'afternoon, from 2 to 5 p.m., for the
()Linton Public School children only.
A Christmas gift from Mr. Bouek
Wish them MerryChrist• mas
b L®n Distance, ,-- ,
Y . � •
• « p you're not going home for Ghristmas2".
' "Afraid I -can't afford it this year...Its going to be
•very lonely here too! I'll get letters,- of Course, but
how I do want•to talk to them, be one of 'em!"
' "Why that's simple. 1 can't go home either, but I'nt•going to
call my Christmas greeting to every one of my. folks,personally
—talk to them by Long Distance.. I'll wager 111 almost be able
to smell, the good old turkey cooking."
"What a splendid ideal _I'm so glad you matte me think of Christmas won't be strep a lonely clay after all, Long
Distance will give mother the -feeling that Pru not so far away!"
That's just what Long' Distance is going to do for distant
relatives, sons, daughters, sweethearts, this Christmas day. It's
going to make the "Merry Christmas ,real—bring the missing
One so close that. the loneliness and pain of separation wilt be
forgotten in tate fey of hearing the dear voice again.
Station -to -Station service with low
Evening and Night Rates has _r��.,
brought Long Distance within the
reach of everyone.
Every Bol!
is e Lone
umsrxoc>ZiWAsa:.S=AtIZIVsax, mom,. a
Vkristmag .. .,,4ards
What about sending out some
Cards this sea -
personal C1��� Christmas
We have a very nice stock,to
from, and will your
choose �. �� print
personal nessa,ge on them for a
small sum.
Call and see our samples and
ft he Xe
i,F _ ear
irhti arozmi ate .... _.."'X9u13Y'3'4Ykt'!',rp°$4oarsna,vsSt;C,tl.