HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-12-15, Page 8• rihe CLINTON'S LL .DING JEWLr'[,ERY STQu A full stock of Christ as Presents to choose from. My stock is more Complete and better assorted than ever before. TELE FOLLOWING STUCK ON Id:ANJJ Pins Lockets Necklets Chains Levellers Class Pins Cuff Links Lodge Pins Tie Pins Rings. Watches Clooks Cut Glass Silverware Brooches Fountain Pens and Pencils Safety Flagon and Blades Umbrelles and Cane Phonolas and Records APEX 10 -inch double -sided records, as good as the best. and only 65e -Why pay more. R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Opticiax Next Hovey's Drug Store '1st Duty Com%it IN THE CANADIAN HOME IS SI.,IBJECT WIIICU IS RECEIV- ING MORE ATTENTION, THE AR- TISTIC STANDARD OF THE AV - IMAGE HOME IS NOW HIGHER TITAN IT IIAS EVER BEEN.'PEQ- PEE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR- ROUNDINGS. WALL HANGINGS HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH BRING-. WING ,ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT OUR SPLENDID STOOK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best EVE SPECIALIST A, L. Cole, Eye Sight; Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmia College., of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.nt. to 6 p.m. Practice Iinnvted to the eye. Pratical and Pleasing It ie many seasons since we have been able to offer such a varied assortment of useful Christmas Gifts at such moderate prices as are now on our shelves. Look oirer this dist it May Help you decide Slippers—Men's, Women's and Children's Men's and Boy's Ties, 50c to $1,50 i.vIen's and Boy's Boxed Braces Arm Bands and Garters in Christmas Boxes Mufflers, Spats, Sweaters, Handkercheifs. etc. Coi a in and look our stock over it will be time well spent. Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE a$ CLOTHING NEW IDE PATTERNS. 111111111111, awnemerseeir Style, Fit and Woiokmanship a At the lowest possible prices are the most 'important points for a man to consider when ordering clothes. OUR STYLES ARE OF THE VERY LATEST. OUR FIT IS AS- SURED BECAUSE WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND CUT A SPECIAL PATTERN TO YOUR FIGURE. WE DO NOT USE THE SAME PATTERN FOR EVERY CUSTOMER AND TAKE CHAN- CES. FOR WE HAVE LEARNED THE SCIENCE AND ART OF DESIGNING IN THE BEST CUTTING ACADEMIES IN AMER- ICA. OUR WORKMANSHIP CAN BE RELIED UPON. WE ARE PRACTICAL TAILORS OF MANY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST LEAVE YOUR ORDER AND LET US PROVE OUR STATEMENTS Davis ti Herman THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Hail Brown's Men's Furnishings Store The Fines 411,08nQAGM Gift 0 11 No gift is appreciated quite so much as an electric wash- er. It brings happiness on Christmas Day and every wash day the year a round, -and once a week for many a year serves as a reiliinder of the thoughtfulness of the giver. The White Cap Electric Washer does the average family wash., ing in one hour, washes and wrings the clothes more per., :redly than they can be done by , hand. Low in price and payments casy.•,Call and see it or have us give you a demonstration in your ,own home. Sutter .Sc Perdue HARDWARE ELIECTRICA.ti». )11.1YMB'iNG Mr, C. Donaldson of Wingham was in town on Monday. Miss L. Thornton of Preston is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. C. BartlifI. Miss Zetta Bawden was the guest of Hensall friends over the week -end. Mrs. Symons of Goderich has been visiting Mrs. John Torrance this week, Miss Stone leaves on Friday for her home at Essex for the Christmas vacation. Mrs. H. Pennehaker is visiting her' daughter, Mrs. T. H. Watts of .Oshawa. Mrs, ;I. B. Whittingham and son Fred are visiting with friends in Lucknow. Mr, and Mrs. dames Dunforcl. and Master Ross of Toronto are here this week. Reeve Miller attended the meeting of the County Council at Goderich last week. Mr, J, M. Graham of the Royel Bank staff was in Toronto for a few days last week. Mr. R. I. Coiquhoun of Winnipeg has been visiting his mother, Mrs, Margaret Colquhoun, and his sis- ters in town Miss Ruth Mckath was home from her school in Hullett for a couple of days the end of last week on account of iIlness.. Mr. J. E. Doherty is assisting in the Choral Society's rendering of the "Messiah" in Exeter tonight and tomorrow night. Mr. Charlie Cantelon was up from Toronto this week attending the funeral of his sister -kin -law, the late Mrs. D. W. L.. Cantelon, Mr. Andrew, assistant district re- presentative, is at Wingham these days in commotion with the short course in agriculture which is be- ing given there; Mrs. Harold Cantelon of Crown. Hill who has been the guest of Mrs, Peter. Cantelon for the past few weeks, leaves today for Toronto, where she will visit`her own fam- ily for a time. - Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Cantelon and little son were Isere from Lucknow for the funeral of Mrs, D. W. L. Canntelon yesterday, Mrs. Centel- .on and Master Billie are remain- ing for a while. .Miss Marion Glbbings was up from London for over the week -end and • sang at both services in the Onitar-- hi street church. At the evening service she chose "How Lovely are Thy Dwellings" rendering the solo with particular sweetness. Mr. J. It, Scott of Clifford parsed through town last Friday on his way from Goderich, where he had been representing Wellington .County interests at the meeting of Huron County Council He took the opportnuity of visiting at the home of Mrs. Seott's sister, Mrs. . S. Downs, Mr, 8, B. Stothers, district repro- • sentative, is in Toronto this week, having taken a class of young men from Huron 'comity down to com- pete in the judging contest. The class consists of the following: Messrs, W. Campbell, T. Padford, S. Sanderson, E, Downey and A. Spotton, Fo•dwich; W. Penman Clifford; E. Rowclife, Hensel, A. Pyn, Centralia; and R. Strong, Gerrie, Mr. Frank Match,' teller in the lo- cal branch of the Royal Bank, has been transferred to the Ripley branch end left Monday for his new post. Frank will., be much. missed among the ,young people of Clinton and he will no doubt miss his ninny friends here, but he is sure to slake new ones wherever he goes. Mr, Graham who recently canoe here from Toronto, has taker. his place in the. teller's cage it tiro Royal, CAN YO1J I EA'r THIS? Toay .Illjak hauled 110 bushels of wheat in Mid load with one team -of horses to the MnaEztrliorn Milling Co /,td.. this Week, This chnslrrtlites n virrerd for one team, and we wor'lrl like to hear of' any farmer frosting it,-414tetaskri.Winr (Alts.) Tunes, Raton Newo-ii (Tr a ord '1'I7>; K$PAT, DECEMBER 1O1: !IX i l� s 4 . fats- a s (11 FRI gcs ALL RINDS OF CANDY FOR TITE CHILDREN Royal Mixed, per lb Choice Creams, per lb. ' Choice Chocolates, per lb. ...... Large Daisy Mixed, per lb. Huyler's Bon Bons and Assorted Choco- lates, from , , , —500 to $4.50 per ,20. .30 ,30 .25 box We feel positive no others can touch them Call and see our display 4. Special Baskets of Fruit made to order, includ- ing Grapes and Bananas Roqueford Cheese , Logenberry Jam, per tin ,70 J Oranges, best Navels, at all prices from 300 up Big Special hi Nuts and Layer: Raisins Good Mixed Nuts, per lb. Best Mixed Nuts,' per lb. New Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. New Dates, per Ib. .25 ,27 , .25 .19 Christmas Cakes at ..... , , 600, Almond Paste- Icing Plum 'Puddings 75¢ & $1,25 .30 150, 250 & 500. Christmas Stockings for the kiddies Christmas Crackers 91M Two Delivery Wagons at. your Sera ice If you wish your goods before nine o'clock, kindly order the. afternoon before. tonliglIZIMMine Auburn Miss Edna Raithby, who has grad- uated from the Clinton Business Col- lege, has secured a position with the McLean Publishing Co., Toronto. The Young people's Society held their first meeting for the winter, in the Baptist church last Sunday ev- ening, Rev. Mr. Ross gave a•.very in- teresting address. There was a very good attendance.. Mr. Roy Munro' of Sudbury is hone visiting his ' inothen' here and friends in Goderieh. Mr. R. Shaw, C P, R. Station agent, has returned from Kitchener, where he has been attending his father's funeral. Mr, Eliwin Munro and family, are visiting the fornner's mother here. The Methodist Sunday school chil- dren are preparing for a concert in the Forester's Hall of Dee. 20th the Baptist on Dec. 21st and the Pres- byerian on the 22nd. A wedding of interest to a large circle of friends took place 'quietly at Knox church manse, Auburn on Thursady afternoon, Dec. • 1st, Fit 2 o'clock, when Lillian Georgina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle, Hullett -Township, became the bride of Ivir. Ernest Patterson, elder son of Mr. and Mrs, William Patter- son, Hullett township. The bride looked very youthful and winsome in her travelling suit of navy tricotine and a becoming black hat of pan vel- vet with trimmings of chipped os- trich feathers ,and toitches of burnt orange. She wore the groom's gift, a sapphire and pearl pendant. The ceremony was performed by Rev, R. J. Ross and witnessed by the groom's sister, Miss Mary Patterson and the bride's cousin, Mr, Leonard Yung- blut. After the ceremony the happy couple were motored to L oniesboro where they took the train for Detroit to spend their honeymoon. The pre- ivous evening, a kitchen shower was given the bride by neighbors and girl friends. St. Helens. Miss Lizzie Sturdy of Wingham Is spending a :few weeks at the home of Mr. Wm. Webster. Miss Kathleen Hill spent the week- end with her friend, Miss Ethel An- derson. Mr. and MrsJohn Reid and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Reid of Auburn spent Sunday at the home of 'Mr, R. J. Woods. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Win, Webster and Mr, and Mrs. G. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR }� i��/��r,,O'NEILL'S CR A ALM AC RAD IF HE i3ON'T KEEP IT PHONE US AND WE WILL HAVE THE DELIVERY CALL WE NOW SOLICIT YOUR ORDERS FOR Christmas Cake R. S. O'N JLL i'iiontl: 204 ; . The �3altot rnatogretplier Phone 63 Phillipps on' the arrival of little boys at their Monies last week. Sorry to hear that Mr. Thos. Tay- lor is not keeping very well of late. Hope.to soon see the old gentleman around again. Mrs. 1VIcVittie:.of Blyth is visiting her daughter, Mrs Win. Taylor. ,. Quite a number from around here attended the Fat Stock Show at Guelph, " Say it with Flowers" FOR CIIRISTMAS You are cordially invited to see our Holiday Plants BASKETS OF ASSORTED PLANTS AZALEAS FROM BELGIUM CYCLAMEN BEGONIAS CHRISTMAS CHERRIES PRI.MULA GIGANTEA FERNS, Etc. FOR DECORATION MISTLETOE CHOICE HOLLY RED RUSCUS And HOLLY WREATHS We will also have ROSES CARNATIONS NARCISSIS And other cut bloom "The FLOWER Shop on the Midway" J. Cllninghallle, Florist say `/Merry Christmas" with a Photograph PHOTOS TAKEN UP TO THURS- DAY, DEC. 22nd, WILL BE FINISHED IN TIh1E FOR CIIRISTMAS You can complete your Christ - nibs list quickly with phbto- graphs anci you will .he sure of giving just the right thing. Photographs are gifts you eat( easily afford anci family and friends will always treasure them, R Y BALL '11°StEINIS We nbw have a varied line of suggestive Christmas Gifts. Also Skates and Hockey Sticks, Pucks, Straps and Ankle Supports, Etc. We invite you to call on us. M. T. GENERAL HARDWARE orless PHONE 51 •. X011'', WEEKLY- L? i''!ERIC K 151 1l in making your choice: of wise Christmas . presents We suggest that you fa- vor us with your presence, Cmn P. here to OUR. STORE, Where you'll find them galore A ItPEW !esti Ranges Quebec Beaters Carves in Sets and Cases Table Cutlery Pocket Knives Safety Razors. Automobile Skates Carpet Sweepers Wagons and Sleighs A.ltunvinunrn ware 0 -Cedar and Liquid Veneer Mope L Rogers' Silverware Tea, Desert and Table Spoens Pie Servers and Berry Spouts Cold Meat Forks and Butter Rnivers Nickel Plated ware --Teapots and Coffee Percolators- Casseroles and Crumb Trays Rayo Table and Banging Lamps Electric Irons and, Electric Limpet. Ge'aniteware and Japanned ware SPECIAL OFFER Johnson's $3.50 seven pound Floor Polishing Brush, (for a limited tinlf, only ---A $1:00 tin of Johnson's Floor Wax 'gratis with each brush FIARLAND ROS. The Store �yfEti l B liarilwate, Stoves and Novelties'-