HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-12-15, Page 6:#.. .... .. .- .. ....... - s......, ... ' R P -o-�--®ani the worst Is yet tai„ C,O mQ ,mss ,, ovl�llJlPuv�s You PIE11 S `� t, . { "°'"Iii 'a:": } y 1, , _, t t a „� .-� - a :.... 0:1-:1 =/� lir ptut :i qAtvuct,any t>unfA�ve y 7 t`; <iL _ ..'. fiN Nr ntutaridd,7orr,,.ixeiny taaturh. mt al Nl +• _,�O,• 107 ., ' =ilrNlAM100il.lfa4rery `rkl A'1` ivizsrp. FrueuuvlFR auJ Ittvr�t=IrniddQ •-- Ti !r $ 31 44, iPFt'77414A I0 r, . w' I f F 1P it NLI G,N�� _11 �� T / . 1761 1 - Y Spasoitable Kitchen Kirdm on the houge6old atnd to sharp its •••"- `� -Y' `----Syrup made o£ broyvn sugar iii ltat-lltleasture'a, 11tpL'iGa th:�t their Prirnds-� ---K, _ .. ... ,. , "-� Or = - - = T lex than any you earl bay,: To ane have ns ive14 rgaol ndsa 1 u pl!a o in it r r^ n _ __ -- . _.._ —„- r— _ S�lf.FS 11 �T - - = 1 iVo uaY wgalcly, arirl oJ9'er stria -fly ('111, �,. __.�.�..,,.,v.m -..�-. �0 \� 1 =�, pautl -of sugar add a cm'Eui of ~rater as Y'ox4r friends-, that, although our •-__ --�..,,r � A g p,r,>ymen.t >~e'Wilg c,tr cciopletn clod el:, y e r' v -�; I 1 � = ! and hail ixwtil thlelc eaonglu, Maple pools are stnup'rp, howp'1talxtY is not elusive lines aY ttbolq•rat•. PCealydu . �° ?� �" l j -< + stzgaa' makes tkfe bask syrup, 1tt:xtI17 with you, bu't one 01' 'the mtnt-i to -order trees abrl liar:',, ]'est stnel; it H E Y y O r � • . „ Applos stuffed with sausage aro ap l'tgr•ai'-Qourse ,things of life, If yutt and eeryfee, 'lye roach a44 t'lulu ynt {��� El' /� - t r v . stipples dud Core fresh sausage in ntbhs iart n this age P 4tp trntentts-t I kn'Gvl' Lok A Ihers' Nurser r :pr rtnn[ty; `� Fl 11 rd a` L --` :� , } Ila Brothers' _N 09ortrc�r,1'. f u Nurseries, j -�' x , I opening - Put in a pan with water Ellon's eyes were ehinlatg row, but I-'-••------^ # t�i '�' �y William Le 6 eaeux '%41"4,V �. ~(�� and bake -until the apples are soft and not with fear*, "Oh you miake me so I Some 1? vil$ Gil r;>,iin,,s, �. I + w U A9 the sauna e' is cooked• ashamed!" she cried. "So ashamed .�.,_�,.�-�,a .._.. ...�r, ��. id,, 8,..x„6 ,r G Oil oast upon troubled rind un• '�^ °®' "" / Craciclin cornbread is a sautharn artd s�o ,Oil an^d $10 rich!" 1t may Possibly have been ixuorn, t �+ �:� g frontial lusters is puking a lot at CHAPTER III, (Cairt'd,) Y l di h polo at butehei}wg thio. Sift "Just above the Dead Man's Pool aril', kwaty that as I was, piarinl, xny r � .•, l utisolilef. It has become a nultat}oq r . • _, ♦, d rind mix"tw•o c•uwpfud's of coraniml with (Cars and Specialists, ht many ways,so much (it it beim thus �� • 0 0 a you get a Ueauttful view of Iliidec= way over some bott]dei to 4,urulu int; g i Myra dot'.ared its lQ oast more-acanraboly for a Ui;,; one. °pox ', , one cupfiu] oP vvhea^t flour, a toasp:aoTa No ono eine t the ear spesialistofln p mans hideous l wt, My f , ;• • p ells bled of that a pt'opasal has bOeu . we walked alair '. I lois explain here I had risen, I heard -Myra, give a sharp, •'- _ s:` tf t, � --• d J fud of salti two teivspoonfmis of bak- know much about the complicated and made to shin it off same harbors and g Y b short cry, I turm.i rLidu'usly and 'I (NN"try, itug-povwdem, and, two teaspoonfuls oP that "Dead Aran's Pool" is an English y= delicate mechanism of tl a human ear, by treatment render it Utilizable, translation of the Gaelic naris, tivitieh' rolled to her. ti r "� sugar, Add one aril! ane,half cupfuls Before the day of spe'cia;ists it fall to It is doatll to flsitns. It sgffOAates, 1 dare IYDt infiiet an the reader. ( I could not ti ,tiilLu;sh fur ,it ltxsti i ' of ,sweet milk, ,and two tablegpoordula the lot of the devoted general prat- them and poisons thell"'blaod, On. "See?" she cried, as we climbed the among the gray lu he to the alvei, - Of, fine crackdiru s rock lookingdown ort the gorgeous Surely she could not have ToIa'n unr g , preferably from titioner to lase with ibl's of the oar,, that finds its way into rivers presents•. k;ken lh:ud she dean• so, I hardly think leaf lard, • Bake ,in a hot oven, That the results were no worse than many nary species from running tip the s'allu'on pool, with its aqui,-fnvitini , " ="—�� Make plain plum pudding thus: In they were proves his courage and shrnms to spawn. Along the seashore depths and its ..attic promise of spurt, t'1ne would have caller, coil. Sha tun's , "Oh, Raninte, isn't it wonderful?" she extraordinarily sure on bar 'feet, and, + / _ a large, baking dish place alte'rna'te especially his common sense, It drives away the mlgratlag Schools „ in army case, she was an expert swine- } layers of �butteved 'brood' ^and ra}sins. III those da s the d-ocbot s first idea when they approach the coast, depriv- cried. Almost every day of my life y I have admired this view, and I luve ulOr: What* coulee it be? Immediately* Beat Six egge. add brei a teaspoomf'ul in most oases was to use the syrinl;e, lug' the fisherman of his ploy. It it more and more every time I see it. following' her cry came Slvolta x deep . _ \ of salt, -Ono and one-lualf 'cupfuls' 'of Sometimes it was a good idea,; for sickens or kiliy oysters, and destroys r sometimes think. PQ rather give up may, .arid then I saw her, She. was sugar, •ha1:E a natimeog grated ,vwd two 'careful syringing will remove impact- the Routing eg'&s and swimming larvae nt life than tta simple ower to gaze standing on a tall, t••-h[te, lozenge- �� • y p p • r " quarts oP milk, Pour over the bread-, ed wax, ewd that is -always a. help. of shellfish, Fit the mountains and the sea." shaped rock, that looked almost as if . „ i„ "' it had been carefully shaped in con- • , set in a cool place and let stand over But syringing will not do much more A small quantity of oti 'wilt form a Why, Poole, I exclaimed. is that l p n'i'ght. The next day bake ill a 'slow than that in any case, and in many film over A wide surface, .1t prevents the es," w you plied, -" crate. She was kneeling, and her arra oven until the uddlu is set and Oases it will do serious harm. Anxious the normal aeration of the water, and "Yes," Myra replied, with inn ala' of w�ii's across ,her face. With a- cry •I F g . annoyallea, "that's it. You can see leashed into the river and floundered' browned', or officious relatives should never fishes die for Iack of oxygen. The mis- 6hat light when the sun shines on it, across, sometimes almost up to my Tried oysters cooked in the oven wndertalce it, chief is particularly serious In har- whi•ch is nearly 1111 clay. and it keeps neck, and ran stumbling to her. in a h are more digestible and palatable•than The first 'thing the specialist does bars, where, because of gas plants, all. blind R'- 'y of fear. Even as I ihtn . . (f'W wht*,, o--,I-c burmin ships and automobiles, the 0 I reminding us that we have a neigh -when at in fat. ,TDnain and dry is to find out by mean. of his a.pPAr- g (sort although the loch is 'between us. her rod was carried past me, and _ — -- -- - the oysters, roll them in flour, dip in 'atus for seeing inside the ear what discharge of waste oil is greatest, ddsappeared. over th'e fal•1 below: "°'' rRrill you pat me down Bee?s egg, pat These harbors aro the gateways Besides, for scone extraordinary regi- „ „ please r beaten a then roll in brand crumbs rt is affected -the external. ear, the son it gets oil father's nerves, Poor Myra, my diarling, I -cried as I now?" she asked. "If -daddy saw you well seasoned wdth salt and •a ipinch middle ear, or the internal ear. Has through which shad and other flahes Old dad'd'y!" "what her and too? her in my arms, carrying me to the house he'd have• a If you watch a bee at work aniangst of cayenne ,pepper, and dip in vege he got to deal with a boil -an exqui- must pass to reach their breeding It may seem. strange to the reader what is it, dearest. For God's sake ifit, and the servants wopld• Into the flowers; you will see that he is an - that anyone should lake notice of the tell me -what is 9t?"rr „ (hysterics" Sb I put her tenderly on gaged in collecting two quite different table roil. Bake in a trot oven until sitely painful matter -or with an grounds. Oh, Ronnie dear, she :sand, I p light brown. Serve with tomato cat- senile mastoiditis -a very dangerous Vast oil patches are often seen at srn's reflection on •a window two and , her feet, and she took my arm, and substances from the blossoms. v g sea, suggesting an obvious danger to a quarter miles away; but it must be d'an't lrnow, dutrlitng. I dont under- we walked slowly to the house. She His long pointed tongue is really a sup, cabbage salad or role -slaw and matter? Only lie oan determine, If tend: . Her voice ,broke as s'he'lifted marine fish life. The eggs of the cod h-riJ ben ac that all her life Myra could see nothing, not even in the tube, through which he sneers up the mashed potatoes. the trouble is }n the internal ear, Ile her beautiful fa'c'e l yes ' I -lathed and other ocean fishes float on the h•ad been accustomed t0 the undjsgu't- halo', confusion of the nearly blind, sweet juices lust as we suck lemonade Chocolate lain#3es are sure to please, many use the X-rays to help his diag- ei •passeWsion of an n;itiUroken view. •into those wonderful eyes, and they yet she walked to the house with as The recipe calls for: One-half cupful noses. waves until hatched. After hatching, , e az back at me with a dull through a straw. Whilst he moves p p the young "fry float likewise, Pish Anyhow] she added, as she turned I sd mean' firm a step and as natural an,air as if about inside a flower, the stiff hairs on of dates or raisins, oneahalrf cupful of When swppura'tion is taking place away, "we came here to fish. One of mgless stare. She stretched out her she had! nothin whatever the matter eggs cannot hutch or the young de- Us a us poet cross the atretum Here and fish arm"ta grasp my hand, and ,her own g his back collect the yellow pollen -dust, _figs, one-half cupful of nut meats, inside the' enr,•the farther in it is the wibli her. ve'lop In oil. hand clutched' aimlessly on m collar, with which n is soon covered. Then the square unsweetened chocolate, tae greater the danger. The tendency of that side. Wit can't crass higher up, y Y You had better leave dad to me, „ Sea. birds have racenCly been found there's too niiuch water, and there's In Rash I realized the 'hideous n ,< he sits down an a leaf and proceeds tablespoonful of ar:tn'ge juice and us 'to burrow 'back if it ca'nal'o.t Rion, she suggested. We understand p p' dead and dying by hundreds off the no point in getting tvet. I'll go, and troth, each other; and I can' explain to him. to scrape it of by means of the little grated peel of one orange. Put the escape in any other way menaces roa- you fish this side; and when the reach Myra was blind! combs with which 'bds le fruit axed nuts throe' British coast, their feathers saturated You would find it difgficult, and it legs are Pro- through a meat oh'ap- son and life itself. When the trouble ,., itU oil, lino ]reit we'll get ir�b the haat. See,would 'be painful for you both, Just videce, By means of these he rolls it per. Add orange juice, grated peel, is a bail of the external ear the treat- .,i-hol.o's across already." CHAPTER IV. tell hien that I'm not feeling very well, into balls, and stows it away in his and melbed' chocolate. Themixture monk is to excise and. get rid of the The worst offenders are gas plants And she tripped lightly from bowl'- Teta Black Blow. and he'll come straight to me. Don't trouser -pockets --little cups provided inay them be molded into balls and pus as soon as poadble. I:.ad petraleunt Wsti[ierias, which find dor to boulder across the tole of the , tell him I want to see him. Give me for the purpose at the Joints of the tolled' in chopped it convenient to drain their waste into fall which st 'alas into the Dead Man's Oh, Ronnie,- darling," Myra asked pri nuts or granu•lsted Children sometimes poke objects your arm to my den, dear." legs, sugar, or it may be the nearest stream or cthnr body of Peal wh:''.e I stood and admired her in a pitiful voice that went to my „ „ g Y packed in an oiled ,into one o�£ their ears; when that hap - I led her to her den a little room water. a ilr sureness of foot as one admires heart. "What can it mean? I -I -I ' The bee has also a set of waistcoat• tin, put wader a weight, and then cut pans ^a specialist should be collect at the graceful movements of a beautiful can't see -anything at all opening' am to the veran'd4a. There into s Occasionally Study is being directed to means of g was a 'writing -table in the window pockets, whish are used far a different squares, cone. Occasional. an insect finds its to poun:g rce. Sho.lto was pawing about "It's the sow, darling; it will be covered with' orrespond•ence in moat purpose. These are little pouches with Parisian sweets can easily be made way inside the ear and generally) thovdumpingoeofeoil fremlly nsbiesaintUar all right in a minute or two. There, sdit-like openings. p s l tiny l cock li and trying to lie in my arm's, deux and close our little piles, for Myra tsas on all the g When a bee is en- by the -children. They require: One- cause's great agony by its efforts to • bars in the neighborhood of spawning swallow the bubbPa:, lee made, until he + y charity committees in the county, and 6naged in making the cells o8 t,lte comb, half pound of nut meats (locailly escape. The best course is to drown g S SR t his b'elovgd mistress was intent poor eyes. It will be all right scan', the rest of this roam was given u to tiny flakes of wax are secreted in grown), onle-lralf pound of dates or the intruder at oauce with a few dropsjgrounds, or sear fishing banks at sea. an files bee business of fishing, dearest" , a Also, it is hoped to eneonrage an in• profusion of fishing tackle, shooting these pockets, from which they aro raisins and ane -half pound of figs, of water or of alcohol and then get }t thoa ire climbed lazily to the top of I tried to comfort her, to assure gear, and books. Sholto followed us, taken with the jaws as they are re- Put all ingredients through the meat out afterwards. creased use of wastes for by-products a rock, where he could keep a thatch- her that it was jut the.glare on the every now and then rubbing his great derivable from them. All eye on her, and spratvled bknuself water, that she would be able to sae head against her skirt. I left her there, gnfred. chopper. ,board tl •aroug'hiy, roll out on .� _____ in bite -tin. I have fished better water again in a moment 'butt I felt the }tf- How these waxen bricks are made maldfng board to deredu'arga inch „ % '` , P and turned, into the half, where I 'not What Gooses .®isnpl..S. o � than the Malloch river, certainly, and fill inadequacy of my empty words, l the General. He haat ,heard us return, in the Uee's body is a mystery. In thickness, using powdered sugar to Cheating by Wireless. The pecuilar mark which we call n killed bigger fish in other lacers than and it seemed that the l'igh't had gone "you're track early, my boy," fie some wonderful way the bee is able keep flee connection from stinking to An Italian schoaiboy who was file beautiful mauutain tarn above out of my life. I pray that .I may remarked. to turn the juice of flowers into honey the board, Cut into squares or dia- dimples is really nothing more than a B caught clteatjng In school has won b" g "Yes," I said, taking out my cigar- 9' dernt or depression to a part of tUe fame. Two small wireless inataUa• Invernralluch Lodge; but 2 have never never again witness such a harrowin ar wax in a vet short time. The In- m�onds' body where the flesh is quite soft. h. -.d a,more enjoyable day's sport than sight as that of Myra, leaning her otte as se to give myself an air of as- sect is really a shocking example of ,.To make marshmallow fudge, cook tions were set up by him. One wait the least satisfying of my many days 'beautiful head on my shoulder, sud- surance which was. utterly unknown what all work and no play call do -he to ether two cupfuls of When we speak of dimples, we think deal stricken blind, loin her best to g' p granulated usually of those In the cheek, the In- controlled by the boy in the school; there. Y g to ilia. "Myra is not feeling very well. works himself to deatlu in about a sugar, one and one-half square-. of the other was presented to a well- There was a delightful informality pacify her dog- who was heart -broken She's resting for a 'bit" month! g q dentations which appear when a per- ^bcut the sport at the Lodge. One in the Instinctive knowledge of a now, "Not well?" he exclaimed, in syr- chocolate, one hiadf cupful of milk `known professor who. was prepared to p milk, spices. But it should be remem- fished in all 'weathers bemuse one I swift grief which he could' not under - prise, "Very unusual, very Unusual We should really have spoken of lite one-fourth of u cupful of butter. Boil bered that dimples are also to be give suggestions during examinations, ,wanted to fish, and varied one's meth- stand'. „ Inge as usher' for the worker is a Ya- until the mixture will form a soft ball Whenever any difficulty arose the indeed. And he .turned straii;ht into found in other Parts of the body. ods aloe eestf?%*tion accordln,g'to tTte I must ask bite reader to spare, me Maryfs room without waiting for an finale; but it seemed rather queer to in water. Add one teaspoonful of professor's advice was sought. It wits day. There was ao efgn of that hid- from describing in debail the terrible answer to his quiet tap on the door. write about her trouser -pocket! vanilla. When - slightly cool,_ add Babies, for example, have dimpled el- omlmunicated In various ways to each ecus custom of doing the thing prop- agony of the next few days, when the With a heavy ,heart I warm u stairs to --0- bows and knees, while infants who aro erly" that the members of a stock- hideous tragedy of Myra's blindness g gradually a cupful of marshmallows plump often have several on their scholar in the colas -room. The boys' the old schrml-room, now given over prince of Wales Saes Weird cut in pieces, and ^beat tharov hl general improvement was noticed by brolter's houee-ratty seem to enjoy- overcame urs all in its linked freshness. to Mary McNiven,,. Myra's old nurse. F y; b,aeks and shoulders, g no drawinglots for reaches or pools I cannot bring myself to speak of it Entertainment. when the maiehuiallows leave Partly These are due to the fact that the, the teachers, and soon the secret wits F (To be continued.) melted, our the inuixture into but- discovered. overnight, no roping -in a gililie to add even yet. I would at any time give A weird entertainment was given at p fibres which lie beneath the outside lo the chance of sending a basket my life to -Save Myra's sight; her most Bikaner, India, in honor of the Prince tered pans to cool, then cut into sklut, and help to hold it firmly in Recently, Senator Marconi, the fa. "-oath." When there was a super- priceless possession.. I make this as a The Bones of the Airplane. squares. mous wireless inventor, called to see of Wales, following a State banquet at place, are of varying lengths and run fluty of fish the crofters and tenants simple statement of fact, said in no It has been truly said that.tough Make molasses candy for a eandy- in aTl directions. Occasionally these the troy, and discoveiied that the were supplied first, and then anything spdrit- of romant[•c arrogance, and I the palace, The entertainment began ix7 J g g , flus fibres are the feathers o�f the air- pull, by this recipe: Ali"' together over fibres are too short in one spot, and youth's device contained some great that was Ieft over was event to friends think I would rather die than. live with a rgligious fire dance in the p pull the skin, thus forming the• dimple. plane, and with equal truth it may be the fire 'three cu fills of malassrs sold system. vemente on the present wireless in London and elsewhere, At the end again the gnawing agony of those courtyard of the fort. The big bonfire p ,a r; that the bars of Sitlta sfruce, one cupful of brawn sugar, add half a The fa -rat that dimples occur fre• system. cif tite day's sport we went home hag days. which had been lit in the centre of p �„t, I took M woad are its banes. TUtnit what air.' cupful of vinegar and cook slrowly, gnently in the cheek is due to the cam• py and pleased with ourselves. not in yrs in my arms, and c.•ir- the great quadrangle was then allowed tl•a loost dept•essod if we had_d¢+awn a rled her back to the house. Poor child • plane designers and flying men de• stirring occasionally. After it has to die down to a mass of glowing amt- partitive irregiLariiy of the length of Spain Has Most Blind. b:anla, to jolly and delightful meals, she realized almost immediately that mond of the bones of their planes! bars, 'through which bare -legged ria- cooked for twenty minutes begin test- the skin -fibres of this part of the body. There are more blind people, it Is without any formality at all. And if I was as dumbfounded as she was her- They must be light, strong, stiff, and lives, singing wildly, danced, ting ing by dropping a little of the syrup ---n estimated, among the Span Spaniards thach we were wet, there was n great dry- self at the terrible 'blow which 'Lad tough-, and above all every stick must tip a cascade of sparks and snatching in cold uvaker. When it seems brittle, Fag has been classified into eight any other European race. in, -room ..:off i:ha kitchen premises befallen her, and that I had no faith be dependable. After hryin'g many portions of the fieryadd a tablespoonful of butter and a varieties, ranging from "ver —^ — where cure -clothes ,were dried by a in my empty •a'ssurances that it would things, airplane designers settled on mass, which they tea aonful Of baking sada dissolved ei g Y dense" lit -aid who really understood the soon be all rtglnt again, and slid would placed in their mouths, although the ' g to ,,slight nus ' by the Air Ministry, The wealth of Norway lies almost business. As far our taekl•e, we dried be, able to see as wall as ever in, an SltkA spruce (Picea sitchensis) as the heat of the fire could be felt 10 yards in a little hot water. Do not cook the In China all hand belongs to the entirely in her forests and fi.0ieries, our own lines and a ed'them u,iuder hour or two, at most. So she at once ideal material. This wood is found away candy after the soda has been added, F gg State and a trifling Sum per acre, The badlest trees in- the would are the verandah, arulrewound them again began to comfort Inc! I marvelled at chiefly in British Columbia, from Thp weird phantasy lasted SO niIn- mit pour iannrediebely into battered scarcely altered through long center- found in the State £orest.of Victoria, in the morning, made up' our own her bravery, but she made me more which a large supply was drawn dur• palls and pull as soon as it }s suffi- g, Utes, presenting a perfectly demonic• ies, is paid as rent, Au:=tDa^lea. casks, and generally did everytUfivg' niisea•able than ever. I felt that she Ing the war. The war was, in fact, the cal effect through the clouds of dull, eientiy cooled. _ __ _ for ourselves. without a reb'inue of might have a sort of premonition that cause of the introduction of Sitka red smoke. The dancers subsequently �� T ° • at. 3nnts. And thereby we enjoyed she would' never see again. As we spruce to the public, and since that aa���pi u 6A rm3i ot't eves hugely. '.. crossed the Stream above the fall I time this wood has had an ettplided plrouettocl in front of the t Prince, clam- Necessities. sa iia ps�P�w s�� Ar, res and. Sand =, the two land,',- saw again the reflected light from oring for him to inspect their feat, Alar Ellen's wide e ' 6 3 g use in other lines of industry for which Y Yes looked I cf the lace. would carr flue Hildermans. window, and a sag shat which were found to be un,searred by p' Y p' experience has shown it to be suited, anxiously at her mother. "Mother, do If the contents of a six -pound sack trig the effects of dt:sl explosions in lu•,.it-!•u:ket or ell the boats on tine through me as I aem'embored' her the fire, and actually were moist and p The Forest Products Laboratories of you thiole we could �afferd to have a of wheat flour be thoroughly distri- mills, factorises and elevators is to loch or stand by with the gait or net-• words on that very spot -that she Canada have prepared and the Porast- cool, as though the dancers had been party? Ethel Macy's cousin is cram- buted through ilia air of a good-sized utake the wells very thin -mere our. e r:.l what experts they are, -but the would -rather -die than be unable to see C Branch of beta repand the o the paddling in the water, in-, to see her, and almost everyone room, the fighting of a im.tcli will � talus, in fact; dependence being •hare r^'•t we did for ourselves. By the time her beloved' mountains. Several members of the Prince's I h:A got a pipe on and wetted my I clutched her in my arms:, and held Interior has issued a bulletin embody- staff attempted to is going E give her t party," blow rip the hoose. upon the skeletal structure of tllo f pick rip pieces of Agar Ellen's mother kissed the Tu ice that gnant(ty cT icor, mixed building for its support, If the walla 11re, D.vr:t ryas some fifty ',Ards or her closer to uric in dumb despair. Ing rile record of thousands of tests the hot embers, but every attempt y , as up the stream making for a spial "Am I very heavy, Ron, dear?" site of this wood. It is entitled Biillefin prided of embers, with a hurried snatch- small face, `How would it do for us with 4,000 cubic feet of air in a closed (readily yield to gas expansion, offer• tr-cre she sus,eated something. She asked presently; "If you give me your No. 71, "Sitka Spruce; Its Mechanical to have her to lunch instead a t0 a force, will, if ignited, ons t to enough Ing little resistance, ha the explosion does Ing Uaa1t of the fingers and shat ex- the unerring ir,atin•at of the trivet- hand, dear, I cold walk. I think I and Physical Properties." Copies have p party, dear? We can make litre force to throw 2,G00 tang to a bright relatively little harm.- ]t is the non• elamat[ans, amid the derisive lauglt- ex;ito l:aacher! .I cast idly once or aattltl even manage without it; but, Of been sent to those most directly in- carol', dolls dressed like roses-" of 100 Peet. _ I flusmout of the gas that moires the tv1c•e, content to rove] in the d'elight�course, I should prefer to have your terosted'and any person arra desires ter of the onlookers. - "Oil,,.vest" Maty E11en cried joyous- Thus, you see, flue material out of mischief. i_�rg� window arca is atx- . of holdic,;; a rod in my hand once hand, at any time, Slne gave .a ria- Thereafter it great company of 1 "Do let's, mortar. I'm a copy, but has not yet received one, y 6soin'g right which cur bread is made is, under other idea suggested, with the same stere, ftttoxicated with the air and Lural little l:au6'ill, which almost de- p pp Nautch girls, wearing heavily gold• over to tell Ethel," g suitable ctrcunistances, as dangerous object In view. • tl, r:en•ary and the sunshine ('What calved ilia, alvei again I marvelled at will be supplied free upon a licatfou. brocaded robes, transparent head a gaud thing the fish in tate wart "like! her pluck, I hind known Myra since to the Director of Forestry, Ottawa, shawls and massive gold armlets to But when the small feet had danced an explosive as gtntpowder. lire have Metals, if finely llowdored, tulle burn it lidglntl"), and after a few minutes she was four, and'I might have ex- •-+:+_ the elbows; danced aiid sang a wild re- away' Mary Ellen's mother buried her read a good deal lately about the dao• rapidly, In one recent explosion of :t sudden jerk on my line brought me peeled that Blue would meet her tra ie I face in the pillows ,o£ the old lounge gale of coal dust, but recout tests stave aluminum dust six girls lost their g Rainbows in a Flame. Train, welcoming the Prince to bar- l+a.c;c to earth, I missed him, but h, nulsfortune with a smile, and cried.' "I lance it was bautud to proved that flour or any lrfud of grain lives and many more aero injured. thrillers ilia to the serious busines'a of "You're as, light as a feather, clear- The color of a heated object depends ba.r f d strains, A native juggler camp eo•metimo" she sobbed, "I dust is more inflammable than coal An exploaiom of lord -rubber dust, not the thing and I fished on., }item an est, I protested, "a.nd, as far as that largely upon the temperature to which d on sharp swords, spikes and haven't broken clown a all these four dust and ore inflammab Intra liable lane app, resulted in the deaths of six every cast, goes, I'd rather carry saws• you at any It is subjected. Wluen, for example, hard Sears, but to have Mary Ellen to explode. workmen. Within the last few years 1 suppose I must have fished for time," a ole r Is placed in a fire, it will first The entertainment concluded with alsr.ut twenty minutes, but of that I "I'm lad r asking if we cpm afford dihingsl And Another experiment proved that, there have been many such es, spice Y g' you were hare -when it tarn a dull Heal, then a bright red, and the Nautch chorus discordantly but en• g I had tried so hard not to let the e-hil_ when two ounces of grain dust were in sugar mills, candy factories, spice hive never been able to say definitely, happened, dear;' she whispered. finally A glaring white, thusi:¢stically singing God Save 'the ignited iu a box containing two cubic mills, cork factories, drug works, i='- - •--•t- Teld me, darling, how did it lisp- Icing" in the Manvar tongue. dren thktilc 'about usury,' t ��--^-�'�____�-„ pan?" I asked.. "I mean, what did it The same. principle applies to a The 'obhcr person in the roo•nl waa feet of air, a farce was developed that paper mills, etc. Any kin'd of dust seem tike? D}d thins flame, the outside of which is far hat- I lifted two mea standing do the cover, that is combustible will explode If ilia. �. g gradually a nlassn:•ate of Mary Ellen's mathei • - gt'rdw dullor and duller, or what?" ter than file inside, and, in oonse• and her clearest friend. She leaned It is -all a matter of rapid burning, tributed plentifully through the air of Nn" slue answered• "that was the fluence, gives off a bre titer li ,ht. This Homer Trees Grow ]Knots. r I I g' p down and kissed her. "I'm going to Tice, for instance the flour dtstributed a closed place and Ignited. "l� 9� Trees are formed of three parts- �r9`1•�$'8'��'� �.8�s&tl'�' 1 estraord;nary past of It. Quite sud- difference in temperature is due to the , through the air aT a roam. >Jvor ► leatve you to cry it out, Ellen," a.l:e g y par. During the last two and a half years ' e delily I'saw everything green for a fact that only the outer Poitou of the the roots, the parent stem or tnink, tide of It is in immediate contact with dust exp'losi'ons in the United States second, and than everything went out flame comes In contact with the Oxy and the braroln as. When the tree are said, 111 be beak in timhalle ail hoar,' the oxygen of lite air, and this brakes and Canada have cost the lives at ;. in 'a green flash. It w,as a wooderful cut ill) 7 into ]amber, the first of these At the end of that time she return. Its burning instantaneous in case at nearly X00 Persons and have destroyed gen Of the Sir, w'itdlo the inner part i ed with a cup of ]lot ch'aao�late. A9'tvey . liquid green; like the sea over a send. has to be content with the a'mail parts is useless, and generally ie lett Ellen's mother looked her 1 - igui'ticn. A great quantity of gas is more than $10,000,000 wot�tli of pro• "' 8 bank. It was, just a long flash, very amount of this Inflammable gas which g salvaged later for „ ill a apo o ruddenly generated, and, seekln it) tarty, One such catastrophe, h7 a Ill the ground to be salvo tt r q, quick and sharpand then I found I getically, I'tin so ashamed," ehc olid, g l p ' reaches It still ttuconsutned; other purposes, „ 11 errand in a closed place, it exerts a starch factory trilled forty-th, ee per• is ,black see nothile ¢t all. Everything t, sp'oi1 your vrsnt this way. is Ir1a'ck now, file �hlack of an intense Tho heat {s greatest where combos- The branches of the tree are A15o "Spoil nakhhu as our son sand heir force that rends the wail asunder, sons and did 88,000,000 worth of (1,1111 - green, I thought I'd been Struck by tion is fastest ewd moat complete, and ratively useless, but the trunk tvoudd sn o I'm lad oil let �o. A method now proposed for lnfuimiz• age. R compo y $ yg Ilglvtatang. STir�as'n't it silly of me?" It is for this reason that the attar produces a number of valuable planks^- - ^ - __ -•--y-- --..-.-.._ } , i "Aly pour, breve little' woman, I murrruured, "Tell me,, where were you part of a tianie is a bright Yellow: while the Interior is a dull blue. in Proportion to its diameter, In spite of the fact that the branches You 1'1 feel 111M another person. And now, while you 'take this chocolate, Iii 6 then?" ;. have been ioppod off, they leave their will take ,the lectume p'la'tform, In t'he' , Chemo t'� Rock, I found G me, ail the Appetites larger in Winter, mark upon rte parent stem in the shape of bald- round or oval spots; first ^place, 'to keep uhcmrey out 01 YOur ehildron''s thoughts may be an' ideal, I ® 11 Rock because it's Shaped like a cough -lozenge. 1 was casting from The reason we need ,more food in winter than, Ito suinnter is because the which we call "pants," .Usah of lineae knots shows where tite Ifmb the 'be but like most other f'dealts, it can ,only approximabrid in this age. Mores there, it makes a beautiful, flailing` , table I lobkeul Up, •arid' the'tur-Wall, greater amount of oxygen in the air of tree was growing', because tete IimU over, I am not sure that it is the finest' bileat it happened," sharpens appetite and alds digestiol. I had its beginning ill the heart of the ideal. I III perhaps the wisest way "We're Just wino to the house" g"We're - *. trunk, drawing its sustenance directly is to acknowledige the n'e'cessity of said � ing Myara,Sudden ty, just go- to Gunpowder, from the central source of supply ,dea'ling pp • with anvoney and teach the turn, oii to he aba}ale-paten;' Gunpowder knowii The hardiness of kn'ots, is duo to the children t directly, as Y; you pare r•oiisbant- ' leer " I, Dnrlttlgl I cited; n+early dropping in nu'y excitement; 1fyoi 'cam Sea was to the Chin, ese 2,000 Ii, C, Its lduropetnn Invention tact that mo re strongth is required at ly the baso of rho 1[rnti than farther tiesehing them indirectly, that money is only vs[1uailalul for vrtuat it alroady?'i is IV$, credited to itdga r Bdtcon aUout 128i. out • pan raliaee, amd that thereforre the ��� :" peavitantly, Rommde, I'm so sorry" She said, "I only knew UY the Smell .- _ __�.? , greatest , It wis4m is to 7elarn how to use for .' . of the ^payor• stacks, I oanlil ttatt re Y, Canada s birth trate for 1020 :was St. Paul s ..Cath^ed.pi WAO,begun'and two the _greatest ,things, Itt the I've strain a .gri6an tv� disia"QuAtaent, And 27,47, asi against a death Tato of 13.$1 finished within forty years, under Ono weeks been ,here I've noticed h. -.-'--- Maur. No 64 2L Myra sbrokxxi, my face, a� iwurintttre,d Per 1,000, The Matrriage rate during Bishop of I,ornCom, oma architect, and several thugs, Ons is that the Ohil- y yf 4-,. a n..,. -..a ­. wain, "1'rn sorry, tlearekE." the some period was 8,94 per 1,000, one mastet' Mason, iln`of have been` tau'ot to help carry <1� . .. . . „ ._,... . .,-,-...._,...,_..,.._._._. I - �. _, - V "I