HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-12-15, Page 5,SPAY, YECOMI1 ' 1; 1514, 1921 lnauerest to you al d Atte If Mr. Greyer .ethers Mackenzie Itittg''s government, as it is )rumored be may cio, what will beware of the in epettdenee of tiff Pro);�reselve per- ate' er- oe' a I. . It.is Bald a Grand Trunk fireman living at Allendale, has perfected a lanaolco-eonstuning device.,nnd the Or - '111:i4 Packet suggests that that town procure one' for use .et banquets, "Well", em vket! a Gocleirclr township farmer ;the other day, ".yon • ' May seoif es yoeiplease about the liberals bringing prosperity to the country but our bens started to lay the verb' next day after the election." The Liberal papers are terribly ex- eroised over the number of Tory sen- atiirs. But they do not need to wo''raY• Some of them'are sure to clie off and we give the in coming Liberal G o v - •en nent full per isstR1 to appoint only Liberals during their trim of o fice, The Toronto Globe has given the Liberal Party and Mackenzie King e more support since -the day of':the el - motion than .it did, during all the 'weeks of the campaign. -.,As The Sin remarks, "It occupied . a somewhat :neutral -position during the care- s paigT ." It_warted to be ready' to flop over to Whichever side happened •to 'win, the Liberals or the Progressives. Tho Goderich Signal came out last week with e cut of a very 'cocky" looking rootser crowing•ler all he was worth `over, at least go .we in- ferred, the Liberal v etory at the .Palls on Tuesday. This was headed, '"After Thirteen Years' Rest." As a matter of fact 4t is only a little over.. 'ten years since the - Liberals were •driven froth' power at' Ottawa. But then, we admit there .was little to -crow alma during the last- two ' or -three years of their regnne. • Why should it be considered "class propaganda" 'forthe'grain-growers of the west . to advocate whatever policy they consider best for the in- •dustry in which they are engaged, when it is conidered • only right and 'reasonable that the manufacturers of Galt (and of Toronto and other: ten- .tres) should issue signed manifestos' -edvocdting the policy which they con_ sider best for the industries in which the are engaged? -Toronto Star. It is not the advocating of the poi - , icy nor the voting for the policy to •which exception is taker but the, go- ing into politics as a class and en- . • deavoring to sdize the reins of pow- er and govern as a class. 'Would The Star, or the farmers, consider it quite proper and right if the manufactur- -ers of Galt and. Toronto and other centres should band together and go ._histo polties, as a class„ barring all others? The .parliaments of Canada must continue to be made up of mem_ berg of: all classes, Farmers should forst a large pact of such represen .-_tatiga, aut. ,why have they not in the past, It was' not because •therewas,any descrimination against. • :farmers. It was simply that farmers allowed themselves to be' represented by doctors, lawyers or others. The h i handsand 'metier was in their own :•they allowed things to go as they It.was not necessary for farmers to fdrn'a clues party in order to get proper representation ,in parliament and those with the best interests of the farmingindustry at Heart do not laverthe diovefnent.. We have had. each'• farmers' movements in the past - and they hati'e left the mural contnufi- .-hies in worse plight than they found `them. It 'is not the advocating of. policies whicthp.please them, that is • the' privilege of any and every class, 'but the determination of one class to rule that will not be tolerated in. this young, democratic country, 'Hullett Township Death claimed another of_ the ;pioneers of Hullett township yester- •flay morning in the person of Mrs: Addison, widow of the late Geo. Ad- dison, who died at the home of her :son, William, on the 10th concession. • The deceased, who had reached thed' `" ripe age of eighty-four years, zeas born in Scotland but .came with her young husband to Canada sixty-five .years ago and settled • in Mullett, where she had ever since melded, Her husband died twelve years ago. Mrs, .Addison saw much, hardship during the early days, bravely bearing her " -share, and she lived to see the for•• ^este and rough clearings turned in- zto well -tilled farms. Qn Christmas Day four years ago 'Mrs, Addison suffered a stroke and -Qts that until her death she was never able .to .walk, She recovered :pa.rtially and was able to sit pp in. :a wheeled chair but required almost :constant care, which she received at the hands of her children, one daagh- •ter spending her time caring for her. She was a Presbyterian; a member. -of Knox church, Londebsoro. She is survived by three daughters and three sons: Mrs, John Johnson of Sumnnnarhill, Mrs, Andrew Itog.. gnrth and Miss Dora and Mr, Wil- liam Addison of Mullett, Mr, Joseph Addison of Brucefield and Mr. John Addison of ()vitae, The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon froze the • ;home of Mr, W. Addison to Hope C11 Apel eenetery, Saralee at two •o'clock, The following is the November re- port. for 'U, S. 8, No. 2, Hallett. The names are in order of merits 4th class•• -Bill CIoev, Lillian Glow, :Annie Hunter, Stanley Shobbrook.-. 3rd Class -Ruth Shobbrook, Frank Dale, Anna Batchelor, Charity Snell, 2nd Class --Archie Dale, . Franle Smith, • Primer -Markin Bayley, Hazel Vast ;dgmord, Darold Tyndall, . 14lurrny -•J. 0, Lindsay, Teacher, • !mole%) froitvuship We Ore-sot•ry to report the serions illness of Mr, harry Taylor' but Ina many friends hope for his speedy re- covol'y•. Mr, Roy Seotehntero spent Sunday evening with 'friends in SeaTorth, Mr. Fred Watson lute bought Mr, Robert GTeee's hum. Fred intends going into beetle extensively. M'. Lloyd Seotehmore b.taptered five coons out of one tree one day last week, Mr, Will Seotehmete intends re- modelling his barn next bummer, Mr; VU',illian Rohner intends mov- ing into, Mr. William Armstrong's house on the Bronson line, Mt', Robert • Greer is looking around to buy a farm and Bob says he would rather •Pay the price and get a good one Messrs. J, W, Relcl and and Wni. Taylor have returned from Toro3to, inhere they 'were taking in the Fat Steele Show, Mr, Reid shipped a carload of land's and and 'Mr. 'Tay for two carload of cattle He showed one carload and took 2nd prize for it, Ile also showed seine calves. Some. of the United Farmers are rather hard on our genial "Bill" but whon_it comes to getting cattle rea- 'dy for .exhibition, he pan show the most of them- a thing or two. Mr, Russel Taylor and Mr. Lee McConnel took in the Fat Stock Shut' in Toronto last week. Misses • Charlotte and Margaret Peck spent Friday and Saturday in London. Practising for Christmas tree en- tertainments is ,the order of the day and night now. The Presbyterian and Anglican churches, Varna intend holding their Christmas tree on Tuesday night Dec. 20th, aitd the Methodist Sunday School theirs on Thursday night, Dee, 22nd. ,,,There will be a Christmas tree and entertainment at School seation No. 3, Stanley, on Wednesday even- ing, Dec, 21st, A good programme will be provided. The following is the report of S, S. No. 13 for November. Names are in order of merit: , Jr. 4th -Myrtle McClinchey, 6S"Y. Sr, 3rd -Olive Erratt, 279 mails, Willie Clark, 241, Bernard Keys, 222, Harold Dowson, 214, Stua1t Keys, 209, Sr, 2nd -Cecil Dawson Albert Me- Clinehey, Claire Smith. Sr. 1st -Willie McClinchey, Pt, tat -Glen Dowson, Sr. Pr -Mervyn Keys, Jr, Pr.-Vyrne Smith. . -Eunice Reid, Teacher, u,K5pper A marriage 01 interest to tetany tool: place at the Kippen manse on Nov. 30th, when Mr. Gordon Lyve, son of Mr, Andrew Love, and Miss Maud Stelek, daughter of Mr. Frederick Etelck, _ were quietly married, the Rev. Mr, Lundy officiating. The happy couple will reside on the Parr Line. We understand Mr. and Mrs: Love, Sr. intend to retire from farming in the near future The bazaar.; held by the •ladies of the Methodist church last Friday a was evening great g success, despite the fact that there were several oth- er attractions the same evening, most everything was sold, and a good sum of money realized. The ladies of the church were most untiring in their efforts to stake 'ft a success. We had_ quite a•charivare in our nil_ lege jest Thursday, evening but the boys ntade.a mistake and had all their batting for nothing as there had not teen any marriage, • JIr, Fulton arrived on :,Tuesday to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Lundy, The mission band of St. Andrew's church intend to hold their minuet - entertainment on Friday evening :of this week. Mr. Win. Doig, who practises liiw in Port Huron, was returning home to visit his family and he got his foot in a rut just as he arrived at the village and gave his ankle a wrench Meakin Doig bone. Mr. D ' g g has been confined ed to his bed for the last three weeks, Colborne Township The people of Bethel Sunday school, Beuniller circuit, are preparing for a' Christmas entertainment, which will be held on -the evening of Thula- day, Dec, 22nd, The program will consist of songs, readings, dialogues, drills, etc„ and the church will -be decorated in fitting fashion :for the Christmas season, This school has always had successful entertainments and an effort is' being made to keep up to 01' =mass former. oceaaione. Wingham A quiet wedding was perforated at the home of Mr, a`id. Mrs Thomas Robertson, of Si, Thomas, on Satur- day afternoon at 5 o'clock, when Miss Catherine Taylor, a forme' nurse of Wing'ham, an'r"•formerly of London, became the bride of Mr, George Spot- ton, ox -mayor of Winghnn. Rev, Mr, McGillivray, of the Presbyterian Church, conducted the ceremony, Mr. Spotton was the candidate of the Na- tional Liberal and Conservative party ih North ITuron in the recent redeem] election. 'd'1tUTTH.FUi, AT LEAST A man WAS foetid by a policeman erne evening- investigating a building some What closely, "What are you doing?" asked the policeman. "Noel% ing," reviled the mann; "I am think- ing• of. opening a jewellery store here, aid I thought i would look it ever," and so he was allowed to remain. The next Morning whoa it was re- ported that the jewellery store had been robbed, the policeman snatched his head, end !malty said "Well, that matt May be a Chafe, bet lie's no Marl" MArria,ges PICItAiItD-GORI3UTT"--In Clinton, on Dec. 13th, by the Rev, S. An. clerson, Mary, daughter of Mr. "Frederick Gorbutt, to Albert Pick - awl, son of M.p Ezra Pickard 01 Clinton, formerly of Holmesvillo. RTLLY--•COO,K.••::in Goderieli town- ship, on Dec, 14th, by the Rev. C. M. Hallowell, Margaret Jean, daughter of Mr, and Riley,t�e. George Cook, to Thos, J. lson of Apr. and Mrs. George Riley of Constance. LOVE--STELCI -At Kippen, on Nov: 30th,' by the Rev. R. L. Lundy, Maud, daughter of Mr. F. Stelek, to Gordon Love, son of Mr, Andrew Love of the Parr Line. DOLMADGE-ROSS-In McITillol�, on November 23rd, by the Rev, J. A. Ferguson, Margaret L. Ross, Adopted daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Ross, to Joseph W, Dol- madge, of McKillop, SPOTTON-TAYLOR-At St. Thom- as, on Dec. 10th. by the Rev. Mr. McGillivray, Catharine Taylor to George Spotton of Winghan. RILEY-STRONG-At Moose Jaw, on December and, by the Rev, Dr. Bayne, Mize] M. Strong, of Moose min, Sasl:., to Charles H. Riley, of Mooeam n, both formerly o1 Sea - forth, Ont, • ,,Births CAMPBELL -In Clinton, on Dec, 13th, to Mr, and Mr. George Campbell, a Son. LEE -In Hullett, on December 7th; to Mr, and Mrs,- Ernest Lee, a daughter. VENNOII-In Tuckersntith, on De- • ember 1st to Mr, and Mrs. Wes- • ley Vennor, a;claughter. LAWRENCE -In McKillop, on De- cember 7th, to Mr, and Mrs, Her- ald Lawrence, a daughter. Deaths CAN.TELON-In Clinton, on Decem- ber 12th, Mary Warci, wife of D. Wa Leonard Cantelon, in her 30th year. Walkerton and Paisley pa- pers please copy, GRAI-IAM-At Cleveland, Ohio, en *December 4th, Anna McManus, wi- dow of the late Edward Graham. CARTER-aAt Belgrave, on Decem- ber 5th, Stinson Carter, in his 76th year, IN MEMORIAM GREALIS-Int: ever loving memory of dear wee Ina Grealis, slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grealis, who died Dec, 13th, 1907. "Dear is the grave where Ina is laid, Sweet is, her memory that will nev- er fade. Flowers may wither, leaves hill and die, Some may forget her, hut never will I." : -Mother. RATIIWELL-In loving memory of Williaun Rothwell, who died Dec, 7th, 1919. "This day brings back to memory n A dear o eg one to rest, And those who think of him today • Are those who loved him best." Fondly remembered by his wife, son and daughters. Christmas' Entertainment. Christmas tree 'and entertaiuinent consisting of a cantata "entitled "Down the chimney with. Santa Claus," dialogues and" other miscel- laneous items, to be held at S. S. No. 4, l6th con, Goderich Township, on the naming of Dee. 214. Cone and enjoy a good programme.. Admis- sion: children 15t adults, 25c3.? -2$-1 Dance at Varna A dance Will be given in the town hall on Friday evening, Dec. lath, Forsythe Orchestra, 8 o'clock, sharp. Admission 75e, Luncit served: -28-1 Cantata A cantataand ri it n 1 Ch stn a tree, hin- der the auspices oi' Willis Sunday school will be held in the lecture room of the church on Tuesday ev- ening Dec, 20th. Admission 251'-28-1 Concert • St. James' Sunday School, Middle- ton, will hold their annual concert in the Sunday School on Wednesday, Dec. 21st, at 8 pant. Program in- cludes two short plays: "From Down East" and "Josieh's Proposal."' Ad- mission, adults, 25(' -28-1 Purse Lost In Clinton, on Saturday night, Dec, 1011,, along Albert or high street, a lady's brown leather handbag con- taining a chain and string of pearl beads and two small coin purses, each with a sutra of money. Finder kindly leave at Cluff's shoe store: or communicate with The News -Re- cord, „ Por Sale Ten good thrifty York pigs, 2% months old. Pd, Johnston, Clinton, Ont. R, R. No, 4, Phone 8 on 630. -28-1-p Dance There will bo n dance in Walker's Ila]] Brucefield, Tuesday, Dec, 27th. 1N:nsic by Forsythe Orchestra. Floor manager, W. Heyter. Admission 75e. Everybody welcome This dance, will not be postponed. r -28-2 For tale. 1 rubber -tired tap bue'sry, newly new, cost $226.00, for 8100,00, cash. 1 set single driving harness, 1 robe. Apply at O'Neill's Bakery, --27-tf Por Sale A quantity of Flea seed suitable tea feeding purposes. Apply 't1 Clin- ton Flax Mill, -•27.3-p Cj'iolo>n Newo,-130aord i a TOzrL t; { 1 P• � A4.e 0825 The rich yet delineate flavour of the per- fectly prepared `green' leaf will always be found in the sealed Salada packet. See Santa in ourWindow Js. choice assortment of your needs for Christmas dis- played at prices will save you money by buying at our store, 1 • 1 Ib. Creams, mixed 1 Ib. Christtnas mixed , , . • , , '1. lb. mixed nuts 1 lb. Fancy Cakes 28 1 lb. Salticla 'Tea . , , , .. , .22 3 lbs. Special Bile Tea 25 1 pkg. Seeded Raisins 20 1 ]b. Currants (best). 1 lb. Ginger Snaps 15 Essences 1 lb, Sodas , , ... .18 3 pkgs. McLaren Tellies 3 Ib. box Sodas 50 2 boxes Matches ,26 1 lb. Prunes 15 10 bars P & G 4r Gold Soap „ .69 1 lb. Mince Meat '22 0 lbs. Rolled Oats .. , , . .. , , , , 25 4 lb. Pail Jain 65 90 lbs. Rolled Oats 3 30 2 lbs. Lard 35 1 Broom „ ", ,,,, ,,,,.,, ,38 Get your name on our Li sts for a 1922 Callender We deliver to all Darts of town. Get your order in early GET TISE HABIT OF DEALING AT , .52 96 23, 19 ,09 32 JOHNSC N & CO'S GROCERY Phone 111 ' TIIE STORE FOR; EVERYBODY THE CORNER STORE PHONE 45 FRESH i1stEEas Gaa cell l.8 Shelled Walnuts per lb .65 Special Currants, per lb. ,15 Best Currants ,18 Lemon Peel, per lb. ...., . Orange Peel, per lb. .39 Mixed Peel, per Ib. .44 Best Quality Seeded Raisins, per lb.- a .25 Best.Quality Seedless Raisins, per lb .25 Finest Spanish Valencias, per ]b. , , , .25 SPICES OF ALL KINDS New Figs, Dates, Candied and Marscheno Cherries, in fact everything with which to do your Christmas baking, Our aim has. been to give the best quality procurable, and not - to buy cheap, sale price goods. :JUST ARRIVED. Several very fine, semi -porcelain Dinner and China Tea sets, which make very acceptable Christmas Gifts. Fred W. Wigg PHONE 44. LIVE AND LET LIVE REVISION OF -VOTERS' LIST. TOWN OF; CLINTON. NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held, 'pursuant to' -The Ontario Voters' List Act. by His Honour the Judge of the County Count of the County of Huron, at the Council Chamber' Clinton, on the 22nd day o1 December, 1921, at 3.30 o'clock pini„ to hear and determine complaints - of errors and omissions in the vters' list -of the Municipality of Clinton for 1921. Dated at Clinton, this and day of Decetiber,• 1921. D: •L, MACPHERSON, Clerk 27-2 'S. A. Bazaar A bazaar of Fancy and useful ar- ticles, also sale of Homemade Candy and Cooking will be held in Mr. Stothers' office, ori Saturday, Dec. 17th, at 2 p,tn. a -27-2 Notice Anyone hunting, shooting or trap- ping on the premises of the under- signed, lots 42, 44, 45, 46, 72,74 and 75 Maitland Con., Goderich township, will be prosecuted. C.W. Williams and Sons. -27-8-p For Sale or to Rent A comfortable 7 -roomed frame bons° on the .corner of Mary and North streets, Town water and soft water, Good cellar and wood shed. Apply to J, P. Sheppard. -26-tf Faris For Sale Lot29, Con. 2, II. R. S., Tucker- smith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good brick house with large wood shed, also new garage, bank barn, pig pen. and hen house. 1,s acres orchard,,5 acres maple bush, 3 acres fall wheat. There is a running stream across one corner of the farm, Hard and soft water in Boise and piped to barn, Thee is a running spring about 10 rolls from barn with Iarge cement trough. This farm is well sit - mad, being 5 miles :from Seaforth, 4l/ from Clinton and Brucefield. Across road from church and 1 mile from school. Reasonable if sold at once. Will also sell stock and iniple- ments if desired. Apply to Francis J. Colman, Seaforth. R. R. No, 3. Pohne 19 on 614, Clinton Central, -26-t1 Boarders Wanted Limited number of boarders can be accommodated, near Collegiate. Inquire at =News -Record office. -25-4 For Sale Medium sized second-hand, coal heater in good condition, Apply at Canadian National Express office... •'24.11 VICTORY BONDS New Issue of Hydro -Electric bonds, Guaranteed by Ontario Government. $3,300.000 at 6%. And all Municipal and Government" Bonds supplied at market, prices and delivered at your" bank without charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton Raw Furs Wanted I will sell most of my furs direct to the manufacturers and I aur pay- ing high prices, atul in some furs more than dealers elsewhere Do not take a chance on shipping' your furs until -You get my prices, which are often more than you will get by shipping, so sone trappers say who sell to me. I get reliable market re- ports twice •a week. Furs are down from 10% to25% inthe oUntf ei c States and are expected to be lower in Canada. Now is the time to sell, while prices are high. So do not hold your furs but bring them in as soot as you get them. Clean green furs taken at full value. -H. A. Hovey. • -28-tf Notice We are now in a position to give • unexcelled service on batteries left with us for the winter. Our motto is and always has been, "Satisfactory work or no charge," Let us keep your battery this winter, it will save you a lot of trouble and byagiving it to us you can rest assured that it will be in first class shape in the spring. We solicit your. trade. E. II. Epps & Son, Varna. Phone Clinton, 626 r 14. -24-8 Cottage For Sale Comfortable cottage on Ratten- bury street, west, property of Miss L. Smith, in good state of repair, new furnace, electric lights, town water, garden. For further particu- lars apply' to Nelson Ball, Clinton. -22-t1 Cottage For Sale The cottage formerly occupied by thio late Mrs. MacRae, on Rattenbury St. Apply to Mrs, Geo. McLennan. -1941 Snirella Corsets Spirella Corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton. -12-1921 • House for Salo 8 -roam, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, goad gar, den and chicken house. Apply on premises, Coigne of North and Spencer Sts. --A. C. Clarkson.-36-tf Eventually You SII Have your Suits made by uis. Why hot come hi how 1 and -get a =deg() 111s'tsg'i'e suit for the price of a hand-rhe•dot6'n, WORKiK NSU•IP AND FIT GUARANTEED. Murray McEwail, Merchant Tailor Will<en Block T' Y H. STARLING SHOE REPAIRER FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES AND RUBIBERS AT VERY CLOSE P1iiCES Ge nuine I . )1.... & Coal Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't put off buying as the price is grad uaily stiffening. Delay , will only cause a panicky buying craze similar to that experienced last fall when prices went crazy. Let me' advise you so fill up with MUSTARD'S COAL It answers the burning question. We also stock for your convenience AT CLINTON Hardwood, in different qualities. Slabs, the ideal summer fuel Cedar renis, fine for kindling. Canada Cement, the standard art- icle. Threshing Coal, convenient and safe AT BRUCEFIELD . , Hemlock Lumber, at new prices. 2x, 8x, & 5x Shingles, at your own price. Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement, Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal, • J. B. MUSTA ¢1J CLINTON and BRTJCEFIELD.` Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 61a', COAL ®oo Having several cars of coal com- ing I' will receive and fill all orders for nut, stove and egg coal and de- liver same at mice. Orders received at Residence King Street, or phone 119 1 a•l. R. J. IVIiIILaLER PAM Carago ' We repair any make of battery. Leave yours with us for the winter, Rubbers repaired and half. soled. J. H. Paxman Agent for Overland Cars. Examiner for licensed drivers Phoxe 80 Res. Phone 140 YOUR FEE SUPPLY Will be high in quality and rea- sonable in price if ordered front us now. We have a full stock of the following lines: KILN DRIED CQRN BRAN SHORTS OYSTER SHELL LIMESTONE GRIT PURITY FLOUR FIVE ROSES FLOUR WIIITI7 SEAL FLOUR GOLD SEAL (Pastry) FLOUR. ROLLED OATS 011, CAKE Feeding Molasses have you any Wheat, Barley or Buckwheat to sell? We aro paying special prices lust now. W. Jenkins Sou. • FLOUR AND FEED Phones: Elevator 199. Residence 141 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. J. Jago. -8344. Boars for Service Champion bred, big type 'Yorkshire and Chesltter White boars for service. At home every forenoon. -A, C Levey, Phone 0 on 689, Clinton :•••••28 ea, Scranton Coal We have on hand for immediate delivery: CANNEL COAL IIARD AND SOFT COAL Mao some good Hardwood. Leave orders at my Residence, Huron street, or Phone 155. TERMS CASH ' B. WARD South diad Grocery A full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Levi Stong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY MEM! CONTENTMENT DWELLS in hones where Port IIope Porcelain Enameled Ware is installed. We can advise you on any plumbing necessity THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for 1-iecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 53 Shop ever Corless & Venner's r. Farmer 1What do You Require? Wheat Middlings (shorts), Oat Middlings (fattener for pigs and chickens). Oat Feed (Special for cattle) Bran Tankage Manitoba Oats (C. W. .No. 2) Calf Meal Purina Chicken Chowder Pratts Royal Purple Stock t fdi1Is. Wodehouso & International Stock Foods. Zenoleum Herbage= Salt • Five Roses, Hunts, Horton Flours. Silver Crown & North Star Flours We are expecting a car of corn daily We know our prices and quality will interest you. Special 'prices on large quantities for cash and we be- lieve now while prices arelow is a good time to lay in your winter sup- ply. J. A. FORD Cc. SON Phone 123. Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers • Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers licenses Live Fouitr ANTED We handle all kinds of live and dressed poultry. Special prices paid for properly milk fed chickens. It will pay you to finish your poultry, as otir extra price will more than cover cost of feed used. Inquire for prices when ready to sell. Otir prices are unsurpassed for all high grade poultry. GUNN, LANGLGIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager, Phone No. 190 Iiolmesville 001 r 11 CREAM WANTED! The demand for our butter is in. creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. We request you to ship us your cream. We guarantee you the Ffighesi Market Prices, accurate testa and prompt service. Our firm is known to yon and needs no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn- ish cream cans and pay twice each month. Write for cans or further informs. tion to the THE SLIAFORTH CREAMERY CO, IL A. BAR11]5,R, MANAGER, ,