HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-12-15, Page 3Not Every Woman Knows
Enough Abctt Her Nose
Only a very small portion of powder
should be neceasory if the toilet of
the nose is regularly taken care of.
NE most prominent and Matln-
guishing feature.,of the face to
undoubtedly the nose, and yet.
it is one that Is apt to be most neglected.
There Is really no good reason why the
skin of the nose should not be kept
as fine and olear as the rest oP the
Ifaee, but In many cases an otherwise
pretty and attractive face Is utterly
,spoiled by unsightly nostrils, enlarged
,ponos, superfluous roar or a nose that
.ls excessively red, shiny, oily or other-
.wlso disfigured. In most cases it can
the overcome by a little daily care.
In Infancy a poorly shaped nose can
be moulded into perfect proportions
while the bony part is still soft, and even
in maturity a great Improvement can be
made by a practical regular massage,
provided there 1s no deformity, In which
ease a reputable surgeon should beacon-
��� Among" m
the most common afflictions is
`` MAST-__.- t'o`f an 00001.1-11y red nose. In many
r 7 do faulty di-
this can be trace to a t
gestlon, tither over or under eating.
When the stomach isempty the nose Is
apt to become very red; therefore It Is
well to Immediately take some nourish-
ment when this condition is noticed. A
glass athot water or hotmilk will be
found most beneficial. Alsostrict atten-
tion should be given to the diet. Plenty of
beef, mutton and fresh vegetables should
be eaten, but only a small supply of
sugar Is advised,
Upon the condition of the nasal pass-
age depends to a great degree the qual-
ity of the speakingvoice. the nose being
a very Important factor in tone produc-
tion. If the nasal passage Is not kept
free and open the result Is an unpleasant
tone known us "nasal,'
An excellent dally nasal douche is half
Upper—Frequently press the,nostrila together with the finger tips if they,
have is tendency to become broadened. - Lower—Use e good astringent
before applying the vanishing cream, which will refine the pores.
a teaspoonful of table salt added to a
tumbler of warm water,
The thorough cleansing of the nose,
particularly Inmorning, rally
u It the norm is e
more Important than the face. The
neglect Is often the cause sf catarrhal
troubles, while the daily washing with
salt and water strengthens the mucous
lining and clears the head. If one is
afflicted with catarrh, water should
never be sniffed up -the nostrils, the gen-
tle use of an atomizer being bettor.
Exercises for nose breathing are of
great value. The following Is very sim-
ple and should be practised at least four
times a day, In the open air if possible.
Put one finger over one nostril and In-
hale slowly through the other: then
place the finger over the other nostril,
exhaling through the nostril that was
first closed.
Broadened ndstrils are also most un-
sightly and with daily care may easily
be remedied. Clog, the nostrils at the,
base with the finger tips and breathe
gently through rho upper part, exhaling
in the same manner, When there la a
tendency for the corners of the moILY
to settle at the base in the little ereasen
the face should be gently and regularly
massaged at the baso of the nose to
eliminate the hard lines that are apt to
forst from the nose to the corners of the
mouth. If the nostrils are thick or too
open gently but firmly press thorn to-
gether with the finger tips.
Enlarged pores may be overcome first
by using a good cold cream at night and.
washing the surface with warm water
In the morning. Before applying any
powder use first an astringent, followed
by n small quantity of vanishing cream.
This will make a so that pnly a
small -quantity of powder Is required and
at the same time the skin !s being. nous,
[Shed and refined,
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Dr, Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat•
ters through this column. Address him at Spadina Flduse, SpattIna
Crescent, Toronto.
These remarks are pointedly direct-
ed to you—you, the person who re: ♦:
these lines at the .present moment. X
want to talk to you, and you only, and
I want you to feel that wheat I alts
writing will apply to you as an indi-
vidual. Let us get to the point then.:
What are you doing to help Public
Health work?
Perhaps I should ask -you fillet of
all if you believe in Public Ilealth
work, and if not why not, Do you not
think Public Health activity is useful,
and if not why is it not useful? Will
you ask yourself that question before
we go any further? The reason I
want you to ask yourself that ques-
tion and get it settled once for all, is
because I believe every matt, woman
and •child in the province eltould be a
Public Health worker, and I further
believe, indeed I am confident that
every man, woman and child in the
province would be a Public FIealth
worker if' he or she only knew what
is being done along health lines and
what still xemains to be •done. One
thing is certain—you cannot throw
What Kind of a Day
Do You Wish Yourself?
Suppose you could make a wish at the
breakfast table and finally have the wish come
Wife. Would you say,
"I want this to be a good day,." or—"I am
willing for this day to drag along?"
If you keep do wishing your days with the
food you eat, finally the wish is likely to come
Grape -Nuts helps your wish fora good day.
Nothing miraculous; just the natural result from
right food with theiright taste.
There is a charm of flavor and crispness
in Grape -Nuts that is like the smile of a good
friend at the breakfast table—
And Grape -Nuts, with cream or milk (fresh
or tinned), is fully nourishing—feeding the tissues
and glands, the bone and blood, with just those
elements which Nature require+ — building
strength without any "heaviness."
Grape -Nuts is the perfected goodness of
wheat and malted barley, scientifically developed
—ready" to eat from the package. A Grape -Nuts
breakfast or lunch is a practical wish for good luck.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by all grocers
out your chest and feel confident if
there is diiease in your house or
neighborhood, especially communicable
disease. If there are such diseases
about, you may be the next victim--
ictim—you are probably just as liable to
"catch" something as your neighbor.
It is therefore in your interest to see
that your neighbor and family, as well
as yourself and family, are not ex-
posed to any form of outbreak if
possible, and that everybody is in good
health to resist or throw off such an
outbreak once it does occur. Listen to
this: Do you know that 60,000 babies
died in Ontario last year before reach-
ing one-year of age, and that a large
number of these deaths could have
been prevented if 'these infants and
their mothers had been given proper
care and attention? Do you know that
thousands of lives are lost yearly in
this province because communicable
diseases are not reported to the Nodi-
cal Officers'of Health in time to have
quarantine and preventive measures
taken to stamp' out the outbreaks.
Do you know that although breast
feeding is by far the best method of
bringing up a baby, less than fifty
per cent: of babies throughout the
province are fed for the first nine
months at their mothers' breast.
Do you know that there are thou-
sands of young children growing Up
with physical defects of various kinds
not being corrected—in fact without
any-' medicine or nursing supervision
whatever? '
Do you know that thousands of peo-
ple are suffering from venereal d^is
eases' with the hospital for incurables
or the insane asylum their only goal
if effective treatment is not started
in tine?
Do you know that large numbers of
men and women engaged in industry
are being ruined in health and- receive
bodily injuries through Melt of fresh
air, sanitation and protection from ac-
cidents. What I want you bo do is to
say that whatever anybody else
.around you is doing or not doing in
regard to Puerto Health, as for you
and your house, you will follow out
the principles of hygiene, sanitation
and right living, and moreover, will
try to interest others around you eb
that they will do the sante.
You must realize that in doing so
you are only acting the part, of a
good citizen, and to do lose would bo
to neglect your ditties to your family
and friends, to yourself and to the
oemmunity itn which you live.
I want to help you by suggesting
seine of the general things yea can do
to promote Public Health:
Protect all food Stuffs Froin flies.
Report itnmediatety to the lVfedicitl
Officer of ;Xealtlt any suspicious ease
Minard's Liniment for Colds, etch
of &emiatina, mltasles, typhoid or
other oominunieable dieeeee that yen
may lslnow of,
Dive AS' Much as Possible out of
Sloop in Well -ventilated bedepome,
Drink plenty>of fresh water daily,
Brat plain, Substantial foods 'and
avoid excesses *fiat lints' .
Ifeep your ^bew$ls tegelar. `Peke
daily exeroh e
Flave yourteeth exar sued by a.den-
'tist .nt loaet twice a Year.
To expectant Mothetl;=,Xreep your-
self under the constant supervision of
a physician before your baby is born.
Breast feed the baby up 'till. nine
Have it examined for physical'•and
mental defects, by a physician or at
the btuby olinio.
Remember that.you cannot e7tpect-a
child to grow up without supervision
by 10 qualified examiner any m:ome than
you could expect a piece of machinery
to run along indefinitely without be-
ing examined for necessary repairs,
Can you arrange to have these Pub-
lic Health teachings put into effeot in
your own home? If not, why not.
Please ask yourself this question,
If there is any furtlr'er information
I can give you on.these subjects, kind-
ly send me a line, I shall be glad to
help you.
The well eb,ild is .always a happy
child—it is a baby's nature to be hap-
py and contented. Mothers, 1f your
little ones are eroas and peevish and
cry a great deal they are not well—
,they are in. need of medicine some-
thing that will set their bowels• and
stomach in order, for nine -tenths of
old 0iiiIdliood ailments arise from a
disordered state of the bowels and
stomach. Such a medicine is Baby's
Own Tablets., They area mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels, sweeten the stomach, and thus
drive out constipation, colic, Indiges-
tion; break up colds and simple fevers
and make the baby healthy and happy.
Concerning them, Mrs'. Albert Hamel,
Pierreville, Que., writes; -- "Baby's
Own Tablets are the best medicine I
know of tor little ones. They relieved
my little girl from constipation when
nothing else would and I can strongly
recommend thein to other mothers,"
The Tablets: are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams.' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
It is the intention of the local coun-
oll of Windsor, Ont,,;'to start, an of-
ffcer's training course this month.
This will comprise a series of lectures
and demonstrations. Mr. Frank O. Ir-
win, Assistant Provincial Oonnmissione
er, will give a lecture at the opening
of the course and several other mem-
bers of the executive will attend the
classes from weak to week. Each les-
son will take two hours, and It is ex-
pected that several interesting fea-
tures will be introduced.
* * $ * *
Thirteen tenderfoot Scouts were
initiated into • the 1st Ancaster Troop
recently, before a large attendance of
boys and their parents, Assistant
Commissioner Chas. W. Hemin,g and
Frank C. Anders, of Hamilton, were
present, the former being the chief
speaker of the evenlug, the latter act-
ing as initiating officer. Mr. FIeming,
in his remarks, dwelt on the import.
ance of the boys: living up to their
Scout promise and laws, and em-
phasized the fact that boys who ful-
filled their Scout obligations would be
the men that Canada of to -morrow
would be proud of. The patrol lead -
of the 1st Hamilton Troop staged
very interesting and instructive dis-
play, tho chief feature of which was an
excellent exhibition of chub swinging.
The oihlc'ers from Hamilton were all
Impressed by the calibre of the boys
present and by the enthusiasm dis-
d, d: * a: *
Field Secretary Earle Davison was
a visitor at the Hamilton heedquariers
recently and gave to the secretary
glowing accounts of ;the spread of
Scouting in the outlying places in On-
tario. At the satire time he °engratie
lated the local association on the ex•
cellent recruiting work 'they had done
during the past year.
* * * * *
Full information regarding Scouting
and the formation of •local. Scout
Troops may be had Upon application
to the Field Department, Boy Scouts
Association, Bloor and Sherbourne
Streets, Toronto, Ont..
Mother! Clean -
Child's Bowels With
California Fig Syrup
Even a sick child loves the "fruity"
taste of "California Pig Syrup." If the
little tongue is coated oi' it yott.r eltild
is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold,
or has colic, give 0 teaspoonful to
cleanse the livor and 'bowels. In a
few houtis you Can. see for yotu'eelf
how thoroughly it works alit the con-
stfpatio.n poison, sour bile and waste
out of the bowels, and yea have a well,
playful child again.
Millions .of mothers keep "California
rig Syrup" handy. They know a tea-
speonful to -day saves a sick child to-
morrow, Ask your druggist for geutt-
hto "California Fig Syrup" which has
directions for babies and children of
all ages printed on bottle, Mother.!
You must say "California" or you luny
get an imitaltion lig syrup.
Stockings can be darned .it'll a new
sewing machine attachment,
Milord's Ltnlnment fol' Gert$et in Gown,
The Point of It,
Lurie Tessio was busy with pencil
rumd paper, lunch ,,raemit her will site
NEARER pxiHAUSTiON no0ut1)si01' bwerne p11eaSdklneby/d,nrt
Amelia forr the nice box of pocket
handkerchiefs the aloin had, sant her
for a birthday presentt.
She had hoped for ti toy, OT a box
of ohocclatee, nt least, but that Is bat'
the way, •end at any rate she haled
writiug lettoo's•
Bat mother insleted o's a letter of
As rho sat t'h'ere trying to write with
a dull load pencil her mother had
given her, she met with little success,
and at last in daspair exclaimed,
"011, nluntnlie the wood has slipped
down overthe lead and,the marks
won't conte out!"
A Tonle Should be Tidien to Ear-
rich the Blood.
`Alen y011 beepme so exltanntetl af-
ter a clay's work that you cannot sleep,
or sleep fails to refresh you, it le time
to look alter your health. .Failure to
act at eon means a steady drain on
your health reserve, which can result
In but one thiug—a nervous break -
Do net wait for a bnealoslown, The
treatment is ;simple enough if you do
not fetyour-condition become too far
adtvanoocl. Tho treatment its one of
ngj',ritlnl o•! the nerve calls, t'egltirtng
aitoli'ective tonic. As the servos have
to 110 nourished by the blood, the vital
Mild must bo built up. Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills act directly on the blood,
and with proper regulation of the diet
have proved of the greatest benefit in
ner'vous troiubles,
Mrs, Mary McAdam, Sydney Mines,
N.S„ is one 01 the nntny who has
proved this tonic treVrtertt. She
says: "Last winter iY' health com-
pletely gave out,. X :was all run down
and my nervous system in a condition
that greatly alarmed Inc.. I often had
nervous headaches; and, at times
severe pains 1n the region of my heart.
I felt as though 1 would never be well
again. My husband got ma a supply of
Dr. Williams'' Pink Piiis• and before
the seoond box was entsiled I began
to improve and under a ft rther use of
the pills I felt as well as• ever. i
would advise all weals and nervous
women to give this medicine a trial."
You can get Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills: through any dealer in medicine,
:or by mail, post paid, et 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2,50 from The
Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
"I don't think your father feels very
kindly towards me," said Mr. Stay -
late, '
"You misjudge him, The morning
atter you called on me last week he
seemed quite worried for fear I bed
not treated you with proper courtesy."
"Indeed{ What did he say?"
"He asked me how I could be so
rude as to let you go away without
your breakfast," '
"Cascarets" To -night
For Liver, Bowels
You're bilious! You are headachy,
constipated, your eyes burn, skin is
yellow; your stomach, is sour, gassy,
upset. No wonder you feel miserable.
You need a thorough physdo with
"Cascarete" to -night to cleanse the
stomach of sour, fermenting food and
foul gases; take the excess bile from
the liver and carry out of the system
all the oon • i a ed poison in the
st t
bowels. Get a 10 -cont box now and
let "Cascarats" straighten you out by
Not Hie Fault.
The Sunday -school superintendent
was reviewing the lesson. "Who led
the children of Israel out of. Egypt?"
he asked. There was no answer.
Pointing to a little boy at the end of
the seat, he demanded, a little crossly,
"Little boy, who led the children of
Israel out of Egypt?"
The little boy was ready to cry as
ho piped out with a quavering voice,
"Please, sir, it wasn't me. We just
moved here last week, We're from
Lift Off with Fingers
"Danderine" costs
only 35 cents a bottle.
One application ends all
dandruff, stops itching
and falling hair, and,
in a few moments,
you have doubled the
beauty of your dhair.
It wills appear a mass,
so soffit, lustrous, and -
easy to do utp. But what
Will please you most
will be after a few
weeksuso, when you see
hew hair—fine and
downy at first—yeses `01
but really new hair
growing all over the scalp. "Dander
ire" is to the hair what fresh showers
of rain and sunshine are to vegetation.
It goes right to the roots, invigorates
and strengthens. them. This debi,ghtful,
stimulating tonic helps thin. lifeless,
faded hair to grow 1o1 b, thick, heavy
and luxuriant.
A few minutes each day is suffi-
cient to keep, an aeOtn'ate record of
farm business.
Minard's Liniment Used by Veterinaries
Bulk Carlots
Anterloa'e Pioneer nog reemedies
13ook on
and How to reed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
drene by the Author.
R. Clay Glover Go., roc.
115 West Slat Street
New York, 'MS.A,
Can be cured. Don't
lose your valuable
birds. Act quickly
with sick birds and
prevent spread of
disease by this prov-
en remedy.
ADVICE FREE, Our poultry ex-
perts will help you. Write
Pratt Food Co. of Canada, Ltd.
Trade !Mark
Pittsburg, Pa.
"No matter what I should say about
Tarlac, it, wouldn't ho half good
enough:," said Mrs. Mary Wilhelm, 716
Mint Way, South Side, Pittsburg, Pa.
"1 never dreamed•it possible for a
medicine to restope me to tho splendid
health I now enjoy. . In fact, I had
almost resigned myself to being an
invalid, • as I could see I was losing
weight and strength every day, and
no relief was hi sight. For three years
stomach trouble, heasdiaehes and nerv-
ousness made my life miserable,
"The tinct bottle of Tanlac acted al-
most like magic and it wasn't long un-
til I was so well and strong that 1
could hardly realize I ,tad ever known
a sick day. I am like a different per-
son in every way now, eating, sleep-
ing, feeling and looking better than in
Taniac is said by leading druggists
everywhere. Adv.
Classified Advertisements.
IU condition, with a large number of
music rolls, for sale at a bargain.
L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street.
belting, pulleys, saws, cable,hose.pactdng,
etc„ shipped subject to approval at low'ese
prices in Canada. YORK f114LTIN0 00..
� >� GETS Eli a,
AVOID the misery of racking pain.
Have a bottle of Sloan's Lini-
ment handy and apply where
you first feel the ache or.pam.
It.quickly eases tlte.pein and sends
a feeling of warmth through the
aching part. S''loan's dinitlleilt penetrates
without rubbing.
Fine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sciatica, sprains and strains, stiff joints. 1
lame back and sore muscles.0 i
For forty years Pain's enemy. Ash:
your neighbor.
At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40.
Made in Canada. A
An application of "Vas-
eline" Wh Re:Icily brings
grateful relief when
applied to cuts, burns,
chafed skin, etc.
I886Chabot Ave., Montreal,
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a tittle
"Freezone" on an (tolling corn, in•
stantly that corn stops' hurting, then
shortly you lift it right off with fingers.
• Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezouo" for a few cents, sumcient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or cora between the toes, and the oat.
;ilea, without - soreness or Irritations
Dells were made in Nuremberg as
long ago as 1400.
Minard's Liniment for Distemper.
The weight of en ordinary human
heart is 0 1-8 gas. The record weight
is 40 ozs. 12 dl's,
Pay your ottt-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order. Five
Dollars costs three cents.
The River Orinoco has more tribu-
taries .than any other river. The total
number tie put at 2,500, including 493
Marge 'streams, rt
P 11I -it U al7A ()NIA
and other Lung Diseases
Claim many victims in Canada and
Should be guarded against.
Xe et great preventative, being ono of
the old'es remedies 'used, Minard's
1,iniment *Meet
as relieved, thousands of
oases of 'Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore
Throat, Astloma and kindred diseases.
It is an enemy to Germs, Thousands of
battles being Used every day, For sale
by all, druggists and general 151110 5,
Minards Liniment do,, Ltd.
Yarmouth, N.fi,
ISSUE Ne. 91•'-•'91.
CuticBra Will 'Help
You Look Your Best
Make the Cuticura Trio your every-
day toilet preparations and watch
your skin, hair and hands improve.
The Soap to cleanse and purify, the
Ointment to soothe and heal, and the
Talcum to powder and perfume.
$nsp25,. Oietmeat25aed50e, Tolcaw25e, Sold
throughout theDnmtnion. Canadian Depot:
II maw. Limit"t 344 5t, Peel Bt„ W.. Montrcat,
$its Cuticura Soap shores Without mug.
Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer,"
WARNING!, Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets;
you are not gettilig Aspirin at att. Why take chances
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 24 years and proved safe by millions fpr.
Pail,, Pain
handy tin boxes of 10 tablets—Bottles or 24 and 100 ---Ali Druggists,
Aeplrlu Is the truck merit (reglntered h1 Canada) of Bayer eranllfneturs of afono-
aoetlrneldbster of Faltey110001d, while it 1S well known that Aspirin meant( Bayer
manure:gm•e, to wrist the 551110 agalllat thillotlens, the Tablets of Beyer Ccmpauy
Will be stvnlped with their 4080181 nada Mara, the ''`,sayer crew"