HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-12-15, Page 1No, 2128, --42nd year
P6ace and Good Will will prevail in Ireland when
the the new Treaty is Signed
Green Isle becomes the "Irish Free State."
Beautiful Ylolddaii Sods
and get it to suit. Come and see ouir well-chosen line of Pleasing, Serviceable
and Appropriate Christmas Gifts that meet the requirements of everybody
No difficulties in the way if you make your selections from our
Bright, Fresh Stock of Beautiful Holiday Attractions
Diamond Rings. Signet and Stone Set Rings; Necklets, Lavalliere,
Brooches, Wrist and Pocket Watches, Silver Plated Ware, Cut Glass,
Chains, Charms, Bedroom and Parlor Clocks, Fountain Pens, and all other .
lines usually kept in an up-to-date jeweleay store
On a small deposit any article may be laid aside to be called for later
A good stock on hand for you to select from '
Open evenings for the accommodation of those working during the'day
W. ,/. Yiellilar, Jeweler and `Optician
Phone 174w Residence 1743
Hidden in your home it is a temptation
to thieves,
Deposit your money in the bank and rent
valuable papers„.Victory Bonds, etc.
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 -
Over 130 Branches
There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding
your surplus money than placing it in a savings
account with The Molsons Bank,
Why -not begin today?
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent
2 he Morrish
Clothing Co.
Nude .111•111.M.IMIW
irst Aid
to the Puzzled Christmas Shopper
Our store is in readiness for the great holidayseason
with an extensive stook of reliable and trst-
worthy merchandise.
Let us assist you in your selection of Bath Robes,
House Coats, Hats, Caps, Canes, etc.
50c to 2,50
1,50 to ,0.00
50c to 1.,50
1.50 to 5.00
50c to 2.00
3.00 to 5,00
Men's Overcoats, worth $35 to $40, for 25.00
Men's Suits, worth $35 to $40, for 25.00
Motto "A Square ua Deal torr Every Mau,
Wheat, $1.00.
Oats, 454,
Barley, 600 r -
Buckwheat, 064.
Eggs, (new laid) 064.,
Butter. 304 tc 364,
Live Hogs, $0.75.
The Toronto Huron Old Boys' As-
sociation will hold its annual meeting
in room seven of the Y. M. C. A.
building, College etreet, on Saturday
evening of this week. Officers will
,be elegted for the foltowing,year and
other business will be transacted Re-
freshments will be served at the con_
elusion of the business of the even-
The regular meeting of the Huron
Presbytery was held in Willis church
on Tuesday, a good representation
being. present, especially of the min-
isters. • The routine business
of the Presbytery was gone
through. The 'budget was accepted
which amounts for next year to ap-
proximately $22,0000. This is ten per
cent. higher than last year. A large
part of the time of the sedrunt was
taken up with the discussion of a re-
mit sent down by the General Assent-
-lily. The Presbytery will meet again
in Clinton the third week in Febru-
The News -Record has been already
chosen by several as a Christmas
gift for a friend, here or elsewhere.
We suggest it to others who may
be undecided as to what to -give. It
would be appreciated by your neigh-
bor who does not now receive it or by
e friend or member of the family
who is now away from the olcl home
community but who is still interested
in the doings of those who remain.
3f you wish to give something which
will be really Appreciated consider
1 this suggestion. To any address in
Canada from now until the end of
1922 for one year's subscription,
St. James' Church, Middleton.
Sunday School, 10 a.m.
Holy Communion, 11 a.m.
- St. 'John's Church. Holmesvillo
Holy Communion, 3 p,m,
Sunday School, 4 p.m, • •
Wesley Church
The Sunday school Christmas en-
tertainment and Christmas, tree will
be held on. Thursday evening .next,
instead of Wednesday, as announced
lash week.
Willis Church
The W. M. S. will hold its an-
nual n ieeting for the election of of-
ficers on Friday afternoon at three
o'clock in the lecture room. A large
attendance ief members is hoped for.
Ontario Street Church
Rev. Dr. Densmore of Oregon
will preach at both atoning and. ev-
ening service on Sunday. -
Turner's church Sunday school will.
have its Christmas tree and cantata
on the evening of Thursday, Dec.
Baptist Church.
The Sunday school Christmas tree
and entertainment will be held in
the church on Wednesday night, De-
cember 21st. Programme will begin
at 7.30.
The pastor will preach at both ser-
vices on Senday.
Christmas services will be held lif
the church, on Christmils Sundhy, •-
The town council meets this even-
ing to receive the financial report.
An outdoor rink is to be formed
on the Collegiate grounds this win-
The C. C. I commencement will
be held in the town hall on Friday
evening, Dec, 16th.
Miss L. Snni;,th has solei her cottage
on Rattenbury street to Mr. Win.
Currie of Goderich township.
Five students recently graduated
from the Clinton School of Commerce
have taken positions in Toronto.
The municipal nominations will
take place on the evening of Dee.
26th and, from rumors now going,
some surprises may be sprung.
Mr, M. T Corless was off duty
yesterday owing to .illness. It is with-
er tough for a business man to be
laid off during the busy season,
The young people have been tek-
ieg advantage of the little bit of
frost we have hail and have been
skating en the ponds in town and vi-
Work at the new well has been sus-
pended for the time being, The con-
tractor went home to vote and, fal-
ling i11, has not been able to resume
work since. Another couple of weeks'
work would finish the boring.
A rather remarkable resemblance
s • Parkin
ween Beed between 1V[t
o s
n e e m an-
Gihnoro the leader • �of the 0
, de p
giving the concert in the town hail
ort Monday everting, end Mffe l4larioin
GIbbingo, the resenbinnee being all
the note noted its enol hits e. soprano
vdice of ffno range and sweetness:+
A. Toronto patron, for ' whom we
printed en order of personal Christ-
mas greeting earths, writes to sity
how satisfactory they were in every
respect, Have. you thotight of thin
form of Christmas remembrinoe for
your friends? If not there is still
time to ha'vo some printed. Call and
see samples.
Mrs. Beaton and. -Mrs. Egan• re«
ceived word the other day of the sud-t
den -death of their sister, Mrs, Mar-
tin of Three Hills, Alberta, formerly
Miss Gussio Taylor. Mrs. Martin
was in her usual health and only
complained slightly for a couple of
days before the end carte, op Dee.
2nd. Mrs. Martin was the youngest
of a family .of ten and this is the
first .break- in the family.
Word has been received from Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil, tvino are 01
Florida, that they have not been
very Well since going down. Mrs.
O'Neil was in rather poor health for
a time after her arrival, the change
in climate probably accounting for
it, but is better again. The temper-
ature took a sudden drop from
around 35 to GO, which is considered
very cold and this has had a bad a1 -
'feet on Mr. O'Neil but he was rally-
ing again and as the weather is now
warmer it is hoped he will continue
to improve.
The Model school board has ac-
cepted the application of Mr. A. F,
Johns as principal for the coming
temp and the secretary of the
board yesterday received word
that he will come. Mr, Johns is no
stranger in Clinton, being a member
of a well-known Tuckersmith 'town-
ship family, and is a graduate of the
Clinton Collegiate. He has had a
dozen or more years' experience as
a teacher and for some time has been
teaching in the vicinity of Toronto
and living in the city. Mr, Johns is
married and has two children. Clin-
ton will welcome then as citizens,
Early on Saturdity scorning at
Seaforth fire broke out in a barn be-
longing to Mr. A. P. Joynt but leased
by Messrs, Memel. .and Fee and
stocked with flax, tow, hay, oats and
some valuable stock, five work horses
and one very valuable colt, all of
which was totally destroyed, There
was some insurance on the building
and contents but is is estimated that
the loss over and above the insur-
ance :willamount to several thous-
ands of dollars. The cause of the fire
is unknown as there was no fire
about the buildings. It will be re-
membered that Mr, J. J. Merrier
lost a valuable set of farm buildings
some few years ago. His friends
syinpathize very much with him in
this latest loss,
Mr. H. Wiltse, the officer appoin-
ted under the neve. Adolescent Act;
to look after children and youths un-
der sixteen and See that they are in
attendance at school, says that he
has had on trouble in Clinton in en-
forcing the Act. No complaint has
ae. yet 'been received from either
Public or High school principal and
although a half dozen or more chil-
dren who are under sixteen are, not
going to school' they are all at work”)
and have not been ' disturbed, In
places of larger population these
would be .obliged to attend night
school, and probably should be doing
so but as there is no night school
here and it is not compulsory to pro-
vide such they are not receiving any
benefit from the Act,
Clinton citizens were shocked to
learn on Monday evening of the death
of Mrs, D. W. L. Cantelon, which
sad event took place at the home of
Mrs. Peter Cantelon about six -thirty
that evening.
The late Mrs. Cantelon, whose
maiden' sante was Mary Ward, was
born at Eden Grove, where she spent
her childhood. Later she resided to
Toronto, and there it was that she
and her now sorrowing husband met.
Three little ones also renatin, Ray-
mond, Isabel and Ross. Another
child died a couple of years ago.
Mrs, Cantelon had been in poor
health for the past year -or more but
her sudden taking off was a shock
to all her friends, A half brother re-
sides in Edmonton and a half sister
at Tofiold, Alberta. Three aunts are
resident in Toronto, Mrs, Hall, Mrs.
Caruthers and Mrs. Sandford, What
makes this death the more sad is the
fact that ,iuid' exactly two weeks be-
fore, to the day and almost to the
hour, her father-in-law, the late Pet_
or Cantelon, passed away in the saute
house. Surely the :family is having
its share of sorrow,.
The funeral, which was private,
took place yesterday aftelreemi, the
services being conducted by the .ltev.
D. N. McCanius, niesieted by the
Rev. T, J. Snowden, The pallbear-
ers ,were Members of the yettng
het ' 5 Bible Class Of
ay Sunda
school: Meest's, N. Holland, J. A,
Sutter, D. Dither, G. Doherty, It.
Nie7rlo and W, ,7, Vein en inter-
ment was macre in Meek, :>etnetety,
Mitek sympathe 1.. expresst< - "or thu
Latest reports from Miss Ward
give news of a slight improvement in
her mother's phyiscal condition, Miss
Ward's return will be governed by
her mother's recovery but she will
ant return until- after the Christmas
vacation in any case,
Mr, and Mrs, Thos, 1.1, Elliott of
the Lake Sho4 Road, Bayfield, an-
nounce the engagement of their se -
cone daug'hter, . Ella Kathleen, to
William A. Townshend, seeded son
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Townshend
of . the 16th concession, Goclerich
township. • The marriage to take
place quietly this month in 'St.
Mark's church, Toronto.
Capt. the Rev. C. E. Jeakins has
resigned from the Brantford G W.
V. A. IIe is a member of both the
Provincial and Dominion comhtands,
was president of both the Brantford
and the Provincial command. and
has long been active, being one of
the founders of the Brantford Assoc-
iation. No reason was given foe his
The Clinton U. F. 0. Club held.
its annual reetiag for the election of
ntli.cets on Thursday evening last,
when the following list was elected:
Hon. President, Win. McEwan.
President, E. II Wise.
Vice, T. J. Lindsay.
Sec. -Treasurer, G. W. Layton.
Directors, Oliver Jervis; R. Jenkins,
J. Innes, J. Jervis,. J. G. Crich, H.
Snell, W. Potter and S. B. Stothers,
Christmas and New Year's Day
falling on .Sunday this year it is
probable that the following. Monday
in each case will be obesrved as the
holiday. In a number of cases, as in
Clinton, nominations for municipal
candidate's have been fixed for Dec.
-26th and election day Inc Jan. 2nd,
In such cases the nominations are
likely to be slimly attended as Christ_
rias is the 'one great holiday of the
Year and few wish to be separated'
from their families on that clay in
order to attend public meetings.
The third entertainment in the Ly-
ceum course was given in the town
hall on Monday .evening, The Patric-
ia Trio of .Chicago being the enter-
tainers. The company put on a good
program -of solos, duets, trios, read-
ings, etc, Miss Patriots Gilmore, the
leader of the company, has a fine so-
prano voice which delighted the au-
dience and she was well supported .by
the baritone. Miss Mongolis, the
reader and harpist, was pleasing and
entertaining but she did}got give en-
ough harn music to suit most tastes.
In the latter part of the. program
the performers were dressed in old-
fashioned costumes, fife 'ladies in
hoop -skirts and flounces, the gentle-
man -in knee breeches, and flounces,
also,. at his wrists. It was altogeth-
er in very pleasing concert The next
,one in the series is on Jan, 27th.
The Huron County Council meet-
ing, held in Goderich last week,
proved to be a very quiet session.
The request of the Trustees' and
Ratepayers' Association for a grant
was turned down by the executive
committee. An up-to-date report of
the financial standing of the county
and the Good Roads System is to be
mailed to each reeve before nomina-
tion dry,
By all accounts there will be quite
a scramble for the 1922 wnrdenship,
there being noticeable indications of
it already. If re-elected there will
be four candidates for the office: Dr,
Clerk of Goderich; A. E. Erwin of
Bayfield; N. W. Trewartha of God-
erich township and Jos. Hackett of
Ashfield. Tho older members of the
council semi to think the final vote
will be between Reeves Erwin and
Tiowa.rtha. The 1022 council will be
sure\ to have a number of new faces
at the board as Colborne, West Wa-
wanosh, Ilowick and Brussels reeves,
it is understood, intend retiring.
The result of the elections in
South Huron has been more or less
of a pu' eio ever since the day of the
voting and • will not be altogether
settled until thereturining officer for
this riding' makes known his official
figures today.
On thenight of the election Mr.
McMillan wits declared elected by a
majority of forty-three but later in
the evening Mr. Black was found to
be the bead man, his majority being
eighty-five, according to totals ar-
rived at by those having the matter
in band. The News•Reeord coiihl't
arrive At these totals with the fig-
ures supplied us but we published
them for what they were worth and
as subject to revision, Not to leave
Mr. Metter out altogether, a runcourr.
Was started on Friday to the effect
m is ahead sonic
that he had co e ott arl soc
t t war ...rob
tweet =two votes l t t ctrl s n
y , ,a 1
ably east e joke to start the bell
rolling Benin. Ae far as We can inn
certain at efreserst Mr, lhlaek';s ma-
jot'ity is thirty-eight, But by the
tbne this teaelii s our readers the
sorely hereaved tinnily, 1 oftolal liyuros riiay lie available.'
Miss Lucile Grant will have, inn
exhibition of her o'vn and her pupils'
work in Mr. Stothers' otface on the
afternoon and evening of Monday
and Tuesday, Dec. 10th and 20th,
next, The, peblie is cordially invited.
The marriage took place at the
Ontario street parsonage athigh
noon - on Menday - of Miss Mary
daughter of Mr. Frederick Garbutt
o1 town, and Mr. Albert Pickard,
only son of Mr. Ezra Pickard, now
also of Clinton but formerly of the
Cat Line, Goderich township.
The ceremony was perfermed by
the Rev, S. Anderson, The young
couple were unattended and after the
ceremony returned to the bride's
home, where the bridal feast was
spread, Mr. and Mrs. Pickard left
the same afternoon on a short hon-
eymoon trip east and have since tak-
en up their residence at the Pickard
hometsead on the Cut line, where
they will Ue at home to their friends
after. New Years'. Congratulations
'and good wishes are extended.
Tho Anglican and Presbyterian
Sunday schools are having a union
Christmas, entertainment and tree on
Tuesday evening next. A good pro-
gram is being prepared.
The Methodist Sunday School is
practising for the Christmas tree
entertainment which they expect to
hold on Friday evening, Dec. 23rd,
Mr, Albert Pickard was married
on Monday in Clinton to Miss Gor-
bett. The young couple took a short
honeymoon trip and will take up
their residence on the old farm on
the Cu'l Line.
Miss Ann Abery returned Tuesday
evening from Toronto, where she has
spent the past two weeks visiting
Miss Mabel Harvey is on the sick
Miss M. Young spent The week-
end with Walton friends,
Rev. Jas. Abery and .Mr. Fing-
land spent Monday at London.
Mr, John Scott spent Thursday in
Mrs. (Dr.) Young has retuned
home after visiting friends in Brant-
ford and Toronto.
Mrs, Sampson has returned home
after a visit with friends in Guelph.
There is to a union service held
in the new Community Hall next
Sunday evening.
Knox church intends holding its
Christmas tree mid entertainment in
the new Coiinnunity hall on Dec,
22nd, and the Methodist church will
hold their's in the hail on Dec. church,
The--many friends of Mr. Harvey
Little are very sorry to hear that he
is very low
The new community hall will be
opened • on Friday, tomorrow, even-
ing, a supper being served from half
past five to eight, followed by the
program. Those from outside taking
part in the program are: F. C. Hart
of the Department of Agriculture,
Alex. McLaren of the Social Service
Connell and the Rev. W, Fingland of
Mintico. The Hodge brothers, H. Mc•
Gee and Mrs, Irvin will take part in
the musical part of the program, The
new hall is quite a handsome strvc-
.ture and is worth not less than
$10,000 as it stands. A fine new pi-
ano has been placed in it by the• Wnnt-
ens' Institute, who also gave $1,000
towards the building fund.
l3a field
St. Andrew's church Sunday school
scholars are now busy preparing roc
their Christmas entertainment, which
will be held in the town hall on Fri-
day, Dec, 23rd. There will be a var-
ied program of dialogues, recitations,
songs, etc,, followed by the bright,
humorous cantata entitled, "A Joke'
on Santa Claus."
Mr William J. .Elliott, who sold
his residence and moved to Clinton
a ,year ago, moved back .into the vil-
lage this week.
The bazaar and tea under the au-
spices of Trinity Guild, held in the
town hall on Tuesday evening of
this week was a 51110585.
The Bayfield Community Club's
executive committee has been busy
with organization woi•ln and will
shortly issue its schedule for the
first half of 1922, Meanwhile,, two
interesting programmes are beim;;
arranged by the two sub committees
annul/tied. On December 30th (Fri-
day) there is tc be n New Years'
Eve Dance mut on jemmy 12th, a
clobnte and orchestral programme,
The entertainment to be given by
Trinity S. S. in the town hall on
Dee, 28th will be of excellent qual-
ity. The two plays "The Red Lamp"
in two acts), and "The Magician
and the Ring," a eliildernt's play.
Will both
ovide much
plenum and there Here several' otli-
er -good numbers melee' preperetion.
The •services on 01mi:dame;rvi)ay in
Trinity &lntir h wilt be 8 o'clock arm,
Ilely Cotnittullion. '/ o'clock
Carel service,
3rucefield. .
The Kelly Clyde held the last meet-
ing for the year on Tuesday. The,
meeting was taken by Mrs. 5.. A.
McEwen and Miss Gilmore, The fol-
lowing are the officers for the - New
Honorary President, 11Mrs, W. D.
McIntosh; President, Miss Kate Mc-
Gregor; 1st Vice, Mrs 5, A. Me -
Ewen, 2nd Vice, Miss Aggie Beattie;
Secretary, Mrs. M. R. Aikenhestd;
Treasurer, Mrs. Jas. Thompson; Mee,-.
sengei• See't, Mies Alice Rattenbury;
Press See't, Mrs, A. McQueen.
The bazaar under the auspices u£
the Circle was a decided success,
most of the articles ered for sale
being sold. The pros ells amounted to
nearly $125, and the Mission Bann
Booth realized $16.00.
London Road
Mrs. Mc,Jfnight, Sr., spent last
week with Clinton Erie nus.
Miss E, Stevens is visiting friends
on the London Road,
The U. F, W; 0. Club will meet
at the home of Mrs. J. H, Quigley
on Tuesday, Dec. 20th. The following
meeting has been cancelled and the
Club will meet for the first time•in
the new year on Jan. 10th, when is
report of the annual convention will
be given by the delegate.
Miss Waldron, we are pleased to
report, is now convalescent and ie
hone after a six weeks' stay in the
Clinton hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. -G, W. Layton are
in Toronto this week.
Goderich Township
Mrs, R. 1-1. Elliott has received
word of the safe arrival, after a plea-
sant voyage, in Engalnd, on Nov.
23rd, of Mr. Chas, A. Walker, who
left Goderich on Nov lith, after hay-
ing spent seven months with 'elm.
Elliott. Mr, Walker, who vas with
the air force during the wan was in
rather poor health but his e`ay 01
Canada did much to restore him. Ile
expressed his high appreciation of
all the kindnesses shown hien while
On Friday evening last a number
of the young friends of Miss Jean
Cook gathered at her 'home and, is,
view of her approaching marriage,
persented her with a miscellaneous
shower of things useful and beauti-
ful for her new home. The young;
people spent a very jolly evening toe
The young people of St. Jameu'
Church, Middleton, are preparing a -
splendid and varied entertainment
for their Chritsntas concert, which
will be held on Wednesday evening,
Dec. 21st, in the Sunday School. Be-
sides several choruess, songs and eth-
er numbers in which the Sunday
school children are taking part, the
young people will present two buia-
orous, short sketches, entitled "Frons
Down East" and. "Josiah's Proposal".
The concert will conclude with a
Christmas Tree . for the Sunday-
undayschool children.
Mrs • Hatt Hicks underwent a
rather serious operation in Clinton
Public hospital on Saturday -but her
friends will be pleased to learn that
she is doing very nicely and it is
hoped will soon, be about again.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb and
Miss Joy left on Tuesday on their -
trip west and south. They expect to
be absent all winter,
A quiet and pretty wedding took
place at six o'clock yesterday even-
ing at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, George Cook of
the 11th concession, when their se-
cond ciaughfer, Margaret Jean, be-
came the bride of Mr. Thomas .1.
Riley, son of Mr, and lir. Georgee.
Riley of Constance.
The bride was given away by her
father and she looked very chanting
in her wedding gown of cream sills
ntinuette with pearl trimmings and
wearing the conventional bridal veil.
Her bouquet was of white roses and
ferns. Tho young' couple were unat-
tended and as the bride entered the
roost with her father, Lohengrin's
Wedding Chorus was played by Miss
Mary Cook, sister of the bride.. The
ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Carew M. Hallowell, incumbent
of St, ,James' Church, Middleton. Af-
ter the -eorenumy the wedding feast
was partaken of and the evening turas
pleasantly .spent with mesio, etc. 111,'..
anti Mrs, Riley, who have the best
wishes of a large circle of friends«
will reside in Clinton.
The folllownng appeared in pester.
day's Free Press:
"Senfort.h, Dec. in.—(Special to
The Free Press.)—Unless the c ni'reiail
count of ballots on Thursday mater-
ially alters the standing of the nen-
dictates in the recent elcrrtir,,s in
South,IJuron there will be a recmelt
Just now it is understood that stride
official figures give. William Block,
Progressive, n lead ' of 38, but' tie
first estimate of the total gave a
lead of 43 for T. C. McMillen, 1.ib
• 14I i ' itis understood,
Mt . c'V[nllan
will l." ! eo i• the
ns fur at ne ant even f
otliciel came shows Mr- Berle leedanig
by ns many as 38, The geriemi oliln-•
Me, hewever, is that the e1flcial rnuc0
on Thursday will stake a decided fliee
forme in the stendhcg,"