HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-12-8, Page 8Mittait1141. I be C1N nIon News -Record THURSDAY, DECEMBER. fish 194 CLINTON'S LT.AJ)INCi JLW +GER' STOB k. ate. A aitAler No One Can Afford To Be Without Music Conte in and get a Phonala and help to make the long evenings more pleasant. it is as good as any arld superior to most mach- ines in tone and .finish and will play any make of records without any extra attachament, APEX Double Disk iecardlsi Are a.s Odd as the best records on the market and only 65c' R. ;aJ Jeweller and Optician MNSON Next Hovey'a Drug Store Clothing Priees Greatly Reduced The prices of clothing for this season show a marked decrease on last year's prices, Let us quote you a new price on a suit or overcoat -We can interest you. Special bargains in boy's school suits --About two dozen suits to clear at real bargain prices Men'sjdd pants from RD) up Full range of Shoes and Bubbers at right price. Piumsteel gyrus. CLOTHING THE STORE T1I Ai- SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE Re NEW IDES PATTERNS, Reduced Prices on Stoves $115.00 Ranges at $95.00 75.00 Ranges at ' 70.00 60.00 Ranges at 57.00 35.00 Ranges at 80.00 • 42.00 Ranges at 38.00 30.00 Heaters at 25.00 23.00 Heaters at 21,00 We are advised by the Stove Man- ufacturers that there is not likely to be any further reductions -We etre keeping in close touch with the markets in all lines of Hardware and make reductions . accordingly. 11Vo have a supply of a good cheap roof- ing suitable for Chicken pens and --Sheds. We have the extra polished Stove Pipes at the same price as common pipes, only 250. Don't forget that we will be in the market with a good supply of useful and suitable Christmas goods.. - H"4 LAN Hardware. Stoves and Novelties =• 1 B S. • The Store With' a Stock The Finest Gift Of All No gift is appreciated quite so much as an electric wash- er. It brings happiness on Christmas Day and every wash day the year a round, and once a week for many a year serves as a reminder of the thoughtfulness of the giver, The White Cap Electric Washer does the average family wash. ing in ono hour, washes and wrings the clothes stere per - :goody than they pan be dose by Shand. Low in price and payments easy. Call and see it or have us givc'you a demonstration in your own home, cuter & Perdue TTA1 DWA.R1i ELECTRICAL PLUMBING. 0� IN VIE CAN PIAN R`QME IS A SUBJECT WITICIH IS 1:t'E010IV TNG MORE ATTENTION, TRE AR- TISTIC STANDARD OF TRE AV- 3Ii,AGIl HQME IS NOW I:TIGIIEIi THAN IT RAS EVER BEEN, PEO- PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR, ROUNDINGS, WALL IIANGXNGS' HAVE MUCIC: TO DO WITIX BRING- ING ABOUT TIIE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND cornrow, IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO VIS IT QUR SPLENDID STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES, Trio W.11 Fair Co. Often the Cheapeelt--Always the Beat EYE SPECIALIST Ai, L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderieh, Ont, Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. ---tea~ - snow eloentene Mrs. Sheeley has returned from a visit with Picton friends. Mr Ernie Dunford of Toronto vis- ited Clinton friends over the week- end.. Mrs. Jas. Coibnlley of Goderich was the guest last week of Mrs, A. J. Morrish. Mrs. A. T. Cooper returned last week after a visit of several weeks with her mother and other mem- bers of her family at Evanston, 111. Mr, 'ithur Cook r tuvned from Hamilton to attend the funeral of the late Peter Centelon last week and ecnisined over for the election on Tuesday. Mr. Wm, Forrester of Mitchell, Lib- eral candidate in South Perth, was elected in Tuesday's election. Mr, Forrester is a brother of the late D, A. Forrester of Clinton. Dr. Annabel McEwen Left London on the 30th for New York and sailed from there on Saturday, Dec. 3rd, for Niansi, India, She is going to the Ackerman -Hoyt Memorial Hos_ pital. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nediger end Mrs. C. H. Holland were 1p from Seaforth on Monday. They are making quite a success of the chicken industry down .there, get- ting about nine or ten dozen of eggs daily. At anything around a dollar a dozen one would think that ought to pay fairly well. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb of the Bayfield road and their daughter, Miss Joy, leave next week on a trip which will probably keep them away until next spring. They go to Winnipeg first, then will visit at several points in the province and will spend Christmas with their two daughters, Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Henderson of Radisson, Sask., and will later vis- it relatives in Vancouver, B, C., and at Los Angeles and Redlands, Califonria. It will be a most en- joyable trip and their friends trust that they will not find it so enjoyable that they will nob be in- clined to return. Bao ieid Capt. Thomas Pollock of Selkirk, Man., is visiting friends in the vil- lage and vicinity. - Statement of the poll in Hayfield: William Black 38 Thomas McMillan 44 Jonathan Merner .... ..,, ,168 Spoiled Ballots 1 Total Votes Polled 251 Mr, John Sturgeon stet with a serious loss on Wednesday afternoon of last week when his residence was totally destroyed by fire. The fire started in the kitchen and there be- ing none of ehe fancily at home, Mrs. Sturgebn having just shortly gone out that befara the fire was noticed it had got such a headway that it was impossible to extinguish it. ,Most of tine furniture was got out in the front part of the house as it was a little time before it caught fire. Partly covered by insurance A tea and bazaar under 'the au- spices of Trinity church Guild will he held in the Mown hall on Tuesctay evening, Dec, 130, Tea served :from 5to8p.111. Mr, Joseph Ruddy of Winghain was the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Brandon, a few days the past week, Mr. John 'Cloward, who bas open the past few months in the west, re- turned to the village on 'Saturday last. TOWN COUNCIL (Continued From Page 1) St. Gem -gee ward will vote in Cameron's -shop, S. 3, Anrh.'eevs be- ing deputy returning officer and John Cuningh:tine poll cleric, The renulnseention given: the D. R. 0.'s will be $4; poll clerks $3; and tlno owners of the booths, $3. Clerk itfiaepherson read the an- nual report of the medical health officer, as follor's "To the Miteer a111I lttent ors of the Town Council, Olitttoit Gefitloitieli:---l1 submitting ;this, ' TII :1hrjt i 5 New Vat, Raisins, per lb ,25 Best Val. Raisins, par 11, .30 Best Sultana Bleached Raisins, per lb .33 Lenon and Orange Peels, per lb, „ .. , .85 Mixed Peels, per Ib .40 New Dates, per ib .19 New Currants, per )b „ ,,, ,... .19 New Currants, Best, per lb. .22 New Seeded Raisins, per lb. .23 New Seeded Raisins, per pkg. .25 New Seedless Raisins, per lb .,.. ., , ,25 Almond Paste Icing, all ready for your Christmas Cake, per tin We are also stocking a nice assortment of Christmas Cakes, all iced, decorated and ready to eat at 60¢.; 90¢, $1.25 Short Bread, per cake .25 Plum Pudding, just the thing for small families, per tits .50 Four string Brooms, each _ .38 10 lbs. Gran. Sugar .78 .50 4 Ib, Tin Pure Jam .70 Tall Pink Salmon , ., , , , ...... .10 Good Pink Saluron, per tin .09 Breakfast Bacon per lb. ..80 6 lbs. Rolled Oats .... , . .... , , . , 24 1 90-1b, Seek Rolled Oats ., 3,30.. 3 lb, Pail of „Shortening , ... ..... . , . ..45 3 ib Pail Lard • .53 3 lb Pail Syrup :45 Corn Meal per lb. . . . . .. . . ...... e.. , , .04 Roiled Wheat, per Ib. .09 Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. .25 8 lbs. O'Neil's tea, regular 60¢ lb. 1.00 O'Neil's Coffee, per lb.... , , ... , , ..38 Blue Ribbon Tea, per lb • .50 5 bars of Lennox soap ...... 25 21 bars Lennox Soap X7..00 Polar White, 15 bars for 1.00 Dutch Cleanser, per tin ,11 ® a • Two Delivery Wagons at your., Service If you wish your goods before nine o'clock, kindly order the afternoon before. VAAPPARAe the annual report of the Board of Ilealth, it is gratifying to say that the citizens have been exceptionally clear. of epidemics and contagious diseases. During early winter there were three families contracted ty- phoid fever, the first in years. One case was imported from l;Tte city; in one well water was used. There ere still a few householders who persist in using well water al- though all wells have been con- demned for years. A slight epi- demic of whopping cough is at pre- sent attacking the children with one death so fa'r. The septic tank construction has been a source of worry and trouble. The contractors, plumbers and house- holders appear to be indifferent to the feet that a permit must be ob- tained after submitting. a plan for approval. In the costing year the Board purposes enforcing the regulations in all cases. Several of the tanks are far from satisfactory especially the one at the Public •school owing to faulty construction and not in aecordanee with specifications sub- mitted. I have inspected the Public school and Collegiate Institute and given instruction in sanitation. The' milk .tests show the quality has improved since last year. The.births were fifty-six and the deaths twenty-eight. - Respectfully yours 3. W. Shaw, M.O.H." None of the committees seemed to have much of a report except the finance committee, which seldom fails, On 'Chairman Cooper reacting this Clerk Macpherson pointed out that the salary of the Medical Offi- cer was not provided for in it, Mr. Cooper said he was but following the. instructions of the council in only including in bis report such ac- counts as had been presented before the committee meeting and0.K'd by the committee in charge, Clerk Mac- pherson pointed out that Dr. Shaw's was not an account, but a salary, fixed by bylaw, that his annual re- port had been- presented and it should be included in this month's report. On motion of Councillors Paisley and Langford this salary ac- count was included. Clerk 1Wacpherson presented the report of the Public Library. He said .that the apportionment for the Library at the beginning of the year was $600 but that the board would be about $153 short of paying the expenses Actually incurred and asked for an extra grant of $200. He explained that tine board could ask for about 51,000, according to the population, but !then it needed at Least $800. Councillor Cooper said the Public Library was ane of the most useful institutions in the town and he was sure the people wanted it dealt with generously, He Moved that en additional grant of 5200 be given and Couneiilor,renip seconded the motion, which was carried, Firieneial eepol'i: for the month:. Street Account Pay sheet for 1 ovembee . , 461.75 T, Mckenzie, heniilock plank , . '4.00 S. Andrews, tile, 5.78 Property. Account E. Word, coal .. , ..;. 53,20 W, ci, Cai.ter, work on flower beds 2.00 W. T. Ilttwiatns, Aimee i'spairs, ate., , . , 18.55 Lighting town hull . , 6,19 P. U. Coin., for lamps ; .. , �^ 3.90 Electric Light Account Street lighting for Nov. ....139.58 Grants Account Hospital for lighting 12.09 Clinton Fire Dept., re concert15.00 Salaries Account R. B. Fitzsimons, fox Nov. . , , 54.17 R...p. Fitzsimons, col. war tax. 4.00 Cemetery Account R. Htutter, salary .... 60.00 D. E. Closet Account J. Carrick for Nov. , , 54.17 Incidental Account Bell Tel. Co., rentals ... 4.52 RECEIPTS R.B. Fitzsimons, market scales 10.60 H. Hunter, work at cemetery -142,25 Sale of lots 24.00 Received in perpetuity ..,90.00 Hall Rent . , . 45.00 On Motor Car Co., mortgage 1200.00 Sale of Debentures .... .. 3000.00 Your committee also reports that your instructions re collecting arrears of taxes are proceeding. The council then adjourned to • meet again on the 15th. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR O'NEILL'S CBEAIVIALT BREAD IF HE DON'T ILEA' IT PHONE US AND WE WILL HAVE THE DELIVERY CALL WE NOW SOLICIT YOUR ORDERS FOR Christmas Cake R. S. Phone 204 O'NEII L The Baker Say "Merry Christmas" with'a Phiotograph You can complete your Christ- mas list quickly with photo- graphs and you will be sure of giving just the right thing, photographs are ens ,you can easily afford and :fancily and Mende will always treasure them. e4 ROY BALL Photographer Pti;onie 6'x Quaxa s $ Christis Sioppr F We now have a varied line of suggestive Christmas Gifts. Also Skates and Hockey Sticks, Pucks, Straps and Ankle Supports, Etc. We invite you to call on us. M. T. Cori s40, s GENERAL HARDWARE PHONE 53 1 Style, Fit and orkmanship At the lowest possible prices are the most important points for a man to consider when ordering clothes. OUR STYLES ARE OF THE VERY LATEST. OUR FIT IS AS- SURED BECAUSE WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND CUT A SPECIAL PATTERN TO YOUR FIGURE. WE DO NOT USE THE SAME PATTERN FOR EVERY CUSTOMER AND TAKE CHAN- CES. P011 WE HAVE LEARNED TIIE SCIENCE AND ART OF DESIGNING IN THE BEST CUTTING ACADEMIES IN AMPiR- ICA. OUR WORKMANSHIP CAN 138 RELIED UPON. WE ARE PRACTICAL TAILORS OF MANY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, OUR PRICES ARE TIIE LOWEST LEAVE YOUR ORDER AND LET US PROVE OUR STATEMENTS 65s+s4a.'2==Frmsstt6=Zir.garsi . ta�ni ^.tcm.'a 'a'cc..atac-hhuvm avis crmaa THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Hall Brown's Men's Furnishings Store TWO .FARMERS' COURSES IN FEBRUARY Two separate courses of study are being offered by the University of Toronto in the short winter course for farmers, which is to be held from February 6 to February 17, 1022, This has been made possible by the fact that many of those who cause to the course last winter have signi- fied their intention of returning next 11 ehruary, while molly will he attend- ing the course for the first time. Tina first of these courses contains I,nit9ish 1itcraturr,, e001;01)11es, Cana - Than history, commercial geography, architecture, engineering and public speaking, The sweet' course consists of English literature, economics, public health and hygiene, lnsycllol- ee,'y, household science, biology eand public speaking, Unfortunately lack of accommodation does not permit of allowing options. Lectures will he held In the MOM.. ings, while the afternoons will he • provided for by special lectures, . visits to the Legislature, if it is in session, and trips to various Wanes of interest. Thr course will he crooned in Con. vocation Ilall on Monday, February, Oth, by Sir Robert Falconer, SIIELTElt•1t1;U1'9 AND SOIL FERTILITY A blanket of four or five ire of snow over a prairie farsu dunce the winter rihd until early spring moans a large amount of moll i:,,la for the soil. The problem is to kesp it there and not: have it Monis awry by high winds, This i s where si.,1. ter -bolts 011, tate .farts prove their value by preventing drifting and, thus retaining moisture and fertilitee