HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-12-8, Page 5THURSDAY, 1?EC ;riV1lll It filth ill i Of interest to you oral Me Qnebeo win "ctauet12 tune,. • It is a good thing that Ikon. lilae- "lcenzie King' has at leapt rt "chert„ to guide hint, 1.1e wilYuoed it, South Huron turned down one far - mor to elect another, It remains to be seen whether, it was wisdom on the part of the electors, Wonder how long the Canadian National Railways will remain the, property of .the people, with the 'Qnebee Liberals " dominating the Government? 1Ih, well, we had et good govern- ` ment during the war time and during the worst pact of the re -construe-. tion nailed since,For that we shoula. be thankful.' • • • • The Dominion Parliament will When Kaye one tvomam member. wl en the house meets, South East Grey hav- ing elected Miss Agnes 0, McPhail s • a Progressive. A Minneapolis bishop declares that motoring has done much for the 'Church but the Milverton Sun sug- gests that it has done even more for the churchyard. Now that those pore -minded, par- agons - of virtue, the Liberals, are "leading and are backed up by the honest farmers surely Canada should be almost heavenly as a place of t'ceh1enee, "" + a r'i - There are people who effect to be- lieve that the defeat of the Meighen Government -is not a calamity. Well, :anyway, the town clock stopped yes- terday 'and es-terday;'and refuses to go any longer. • "The most ruthless tyrant under the sun," was the subject in a Wing - ham church last Sunday`and a num- ber of Grits may be surprised to "learn that the preacher never once referred to Premier Meighen, Now that the dominion election is sever, what about municipal elections in town' and surrounding municipal - 'Mies? Are we going to have con- tests in all municipalities . iit this .year of grace ? • 'r• • * The defeat of the Hon, Arthur 'Meighen is to be regretted. He con- ducted a clean, honest campaign, making' the same national appeal from coast to coast. He served the .00untry well during his thirteen •years in' public life and he deserved ' 'better at the hands of Canada than "he received on Tuesday, Had Mr, Meighen been as thrifty as the late Sir Wilfred Laurier used 'to bele would have provided himself with two seats so that in case he lost one the other alight have been saved for him. Already several •Ontario supporters are offering him a seat? It might be a personal gain but it would be a national loss to have Mr. Meighen out of parlia- ment. Canada still needs him there. Mr, A. Hicks, M. P. P. for 'South Huron, told his hearers at the Progressive meeting in Clinton on Friday evening that he was told by eine of the foremost Liberals in charge of the campaign in Quebec that in ease the Liberal Party was 'returned to power that ,King wpuld be dethroned and Sir Lonier Gou- .in would be premier. We shall see if there is, anything in that, Que- • bee's solid group will certainly dom- inate . • i•• Can it be that at Last the Irish question is to be settled? It looks like it. If the agreement arrived at in the small hours of the morning -on Tuesday between the British Gov_ ernment and the representatives of '-the Sinn Fein is accepted by both 'houses in England and by the Dail Eireann a new era will open for Ire- land, which will in future be known as the "Irish Free State" and will have the same status as Canada, Australia or New Zealand, remain- ing inthe Empire.iten Ulster is not in - eluded unless she soelects. herself. That this may prove a satisfactory arrangement the whole world hopes. Mrs. Layton at the Progressive . meeting in Clinton on. Friday even- ing last told the story of the man who had . three sons, ono' much, "younger than the. others and one would suppose, somewhat "spoiled," and who, because he had nothing to give the little shaver on his birth- day, gave the two older boys a -threshing just to ploaSe him. "We" aaid Mrs, Layton, m = eaning the Pro gressive Party, "expect to celebrate a birthday on Tuesday. You can • straw your own inference." South :Huron, as the over -indulgent parent of a younger son, seems to have 'taken the hint seriously. • •ss:. There is muchdiscussion just now about the bringing home of the body of an unknown soldier to he interred with fit'ting ceremonies in Ottawa, the centre of the Dominion. There is some difference of opinion "as to the advisability of it and om' opinion is that it is not a well- advised scheme. • Canada, with the rest of the British Empire, had its part in the burial of the unknown' :soldier iu Westminster Abbey, the centre of the Empire, and whoknows but .that he w1.s a Canadian ? If Canada brings home a soldier to Canade, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and all the ovesene dominions would feel that they should , do the same., and the soldier in Wastniinster will repi'utent only •the British Isles. But when the soldier lad was laid. in. Westminster the whole Empire took part, attd in that unknown dust, rniitglirg with .that .e the Empire's greeted sons; the soldier dead of all parts o1 •the Empire 'has a representative. Vex' one brief, golden , hour en Tuesday night Mr Me1\lillan wee ritotnber-elect for Smith Heron, But those Progressives defeated him with their little soups of lead pencils, . A :Amber of Clinton Liberals Cele- brated the triumph of their party in the country, and their supposed r'iumpli in the riding, by eating out two restaurants, It is plain hungry those'Cleits are. Just wait till they get their hands into the public cof- fers. • * F M Aeeot'ding to Hon, 'W. A. Charl- ton, Mr, Meighen is the real auth- or of the Washington Conference. It seems that Secretary Hughes basking in the reflected light of the Canadian Premier.—Globe. The Toronto Star, which doesn't as a rule, give Mr, Meighen any more -credit than it can help, freely, na cords hini the credit of first suggest- ing the, conference. •v•• Hon, Mackenzie King, at a tneet- ing held in .his Town riding, on Friday night last tried to intimidate his Progressive 'friends" to vote for him by a threat that the .Liberals would retaliate in the House in case he was defeated and the Liberal Party. returned. This is the way the London Advertiser reported Itis speech t— Declaring bluntly that "the whole future of the farming in- terests in Canada depends very much who is the leader o.' the Liberal party in this country,the speaker, Hon. Mackenzie King, said : ' ' "That is why I want our Pro- gressive friends to think very carefully over the effect of their vote next Tuesday, not gnly an North York, but oil relations of Liberals and Progressives dur- ing the next five years. "Remember this : Human na- ture is human nature, and you Cannot expect the followers of the; Liberal party in Parliament to support mcasuxes•that are in the_ interest of the Progressives if the whole idea of the Pro- gressives is to .prevent the election of their 1ead6: M this constitueiley. Your decision will help to decide the fate of the rural elements of Granada, from the Atlantic to the Pacific." The Progressives did not prevent his election, so, fortunately, the far- mers' interests "froni the Atlantic to the Pacific"'may be considered, a little. . • Goderich Township r - Mr, Frank Lebb has been atten- ding the Winter Stock Show in Guelph this week. StanleB Township Mr John Jervis always plans to have a day's fishing, :'curing Indian summer .so he took Thursday last, December lst, and in a little ever an hour he landed thirty-two fine fish. How's that for December in On- tario? Miss Zetta Jackson left Saturday for Windsor, where she will visit re- latives for a few weeks The death' }occurred 'at her late home- on the Lake Shore road, on Friday, the 25th day of November, of Mohd Nicholson, wife of Mr, Al- fred Westlake, aged thiit-seven years. Mrs. Westlake was a daughter of the late - Thomas Nicholson and of Mrs. °Nicholson of the Lake Shore Road. She is survivied by her ]ms_ band and one son, Chester, and . me daughter, Cora. Her last ilhtass was only of a week's duration Ind her death was a sad blow to 1 er family and friends, • The funeral took place on Sunday, Nov. 27th, to :Bayfield cemetery. The services were conducted ,by Mr. Alex. Stewart of Guelph and Mr, Sykes of. Toronto. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Thos. Snowdon, A. Dewar, C. Campbell, E. Talbot, M. Kerr, and William Sparks. Much sympathy is felt for the sorely bereaved family and relatives. • Pester'& Hill Mr, and Mrs. Sterling McPhail spent a day recently at Kippen, Mr. Eddie Lindsay and two .sis- ters of the Bayfield line spent Sun- day at Mr, Ben Linclsny's, Miss Isabell Glazier spent a few days -in Clinton. A11 members of L. 0. L. No. 189 are requested to be present Monday evening, Dec. 12th, as it is election of officers. All visiting members are welcome. Mrs.' Walter Weston is spending a few weeks in Stanley with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Frank Picot. y, Hohnesvilie Miss Mary Howell of Goderich has been visiting her uncle and aunt; Mr, J. R. and Miss Holmes, The Holmesvi'ile beef ring, as 'seems to be the custom with. beef rings,• decided to bring its year to a close with a social gathering, which took place on the evening of Friday weds, when over one'hun- dred met at the home of Mr, T. R, Jenkins, Huron Rorcl. for a fowl supper. The 'feast was all that could be desired, the ladies of the com- pany having surpassed themselves in providing good things for the table. After supper a program of speeches, readings, solos, etc, .was given, winding up with a debate, the subject being:, "resolved: That it young man should not marry until lee has money enough to support a wife," A number took part in this debate, the negative side whining, The parlay broke up 10 good thio a" - tor exproasing their .. hearty appr'ee- iatioli of the hospitality of Mi'. and MISS Jenkins. Clif»tai News -Record Varna The funeral took plaice at Varna on Monday week ofthe late James lislewho died' in Toronto followhag ing' no operation, 1VTr; Esler was a li!olotg resstG t of Stariley township, residing' on the Mimeo. Line until a few years ago,•wlten he proved' into Varna. Mr. IDsler ,was seventy-eight years of age and is aurvived by two sons, John and - Aaron in the west; and throe daughters, •Mrs, Alex, Mc- Connell and Misses Lizzie sand •ZilIti Ester, all of Varna, Mrs, Esier died two 'yearn ago: Mr, Eder was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Constance Mr. William Britton 'ryas in Forest for as week helping to care for his father-in-law, Mrs, Bvittoir was called there on Saturday owing to the serious illness of her father, The Sunday School scholars are bnay, preparingarin� for the Christmas en- tertainment -tertainent and Christmas tree to be held on Friday, Dec. 23rd. Quite°a ninnbe'r around here have very bad colds. The Excelsior Mission Circle have packed a box to be send"to the Vic- tor Mission, Teronto. - Mr. J. W. King, who was elected U, F, 0. member by a Large tna- jority in North Buren on Tuesday, was formerly a teacher at Constance and is very well known in this lo- cality, 6.ondesboro. Miss J. Grainger' spent the week- end et the none of Mr, M. Ross. Rev. As, Abety, who spent the past week visiting friends in Toron- to, has returned home. Knox" -church Guild had to post- pone their meeting at Mr. Jas. Car•t- wight's. on Friday evening on account of the wet weather. The new Coniinunity Hall is to be' opened on the 16th of this month with a dinner and concert. Mr; and Mrs. T, Herman spent the week-eiid .at thhome of Mr,, Will Caldwell. Miss Anne Abery left Friday to spend a couple of weeks' visiting friends in .Toronto. Mr. Melvin Kelis, wino spent 'trio past six months with Mr. Robt. Scott, left for his home in Thorold. The Ladies' Aid of Knox church met at Mrs: Fred Johntson's Tues- day afternoon, Mira. Quinn, V110 has been visit- ing her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Helen Quinn, has returned home to Blyth. Mrs, Norman Hunkins spent Tues- day at the •home of Mrs. C. Ruddell. Marriages QUIRIE—MINER—In Clinton, on Dec. 2ncl, by the Rev. S. •Ander- son, Alberta Melissa Miner to Al- exander Beaddie •Quirie of London. Births 1iiLL'1;'li—In Goderieh township, on Dec. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Miller a son. MCINNIS—In Goderich, on Novem- ber 25th,Morris to Mr. and Mrs. McTnni son. s, a WILFORD—In Chengtu, West China, on Nov. 16th, to Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Wilford, formerly of Blyth, a eon. HARRISON—In Goderich, on Nov. nrcl to Mr. and Mrs. John Har- rison, Britannia -road, a son, KING—In Stephen, on Nov. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank • King, a daughter. • WALTERIn Exeter, on Nov. 25th, to Mr, and Mrs. Herbert S. Wal- ter, a sou. Deaths WESTLAKE—In Stanley township, on Nov. 25th, Maud Nicholson, wife of Alfred Westlake, aged 37 years, COLLETT—In Goderich, on. Novem- ber 27th. Charles Collett. ESLER—At Toronto, on Nov. 26ith, Janes Eslor of Varna, in his 79th year. MILLER—In Morris townhip, on Nov. 28th, Agnes Palmer, daugh- ter of Richard T. and Mrs. Miller, aged 26 years, 5 months and 4 days. iN MEMORIAM' . HALL—In loving memory of Jack Hall, who died Dee. 1st, 1919. Ev- er remembered by his niece, Edie, and the folks at home. For Sale 1 rubber -tired top buggy, nearly new, cost $225.00, for 8100.00, cash. 1 set single driving harness, 1 robe, Apply at O'Neill's Bakery. —27-tf For Sale A quantity of Flax seed suitable for feeding purposes. Apply at Clin- ton Flax Mill—27-3-p Pigs For Sale A number of little pigs, about 6 weeks old. -Apply to A. C. Levy. Phone 5 on 639. —27-1-p ' REVISION OF VOTERS' LIST. TOWN OF CLINTON. NOTICE is hereby given that at Court will be held, pursuant to, The Ontario Voters' List Act. by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Council Chamber, Clinton, on the 22nd day of. December, 1021, at 3,30 o'clock pm., to Bear and determine complaints of errors and 0011581008 in tho vters' list of the Municipality of Clinton for 1021. Dated et Clinton, this 2nd day of December, 1921. 11 L, MACPXf1tRSON, Clerk 27-2 ZIJR --the char,.o is in its unique flavour of rich delicacy. And It never varies. 111 grocers sell "Salado" in sealed metal packets only. 0836 m,.....,..�...�,....... .e..... __ a ,,..,,� ...,..,., Christmas Groceries. 1 Ib. Lemon & Orange. peel , 1 lb. Mixed Peel 1 ]b. Currants (best) 19 1 1ir,Seedless Raisins , , , . • , , ... 27 1 ib. Val. Raisins 27 1 lb. Seeded Raisins ,23 11b. Sh, Almonds 70 1 Ib. Sh. Walnuts 65 1 bottle Extract , . , , . , 10 2 lbs.' Lard 35 1 lb. Prunes 15 1 lb. Mince Meat 22 .35 3 lbs. Special Biie Tea 95 .43 6 lbs. Rolled Oats ... , ... . 25, 3 lhs.C7or'n Meal 25 • 4 1b l ui Jain 65 2 lbs. Bea Rice . ,... ,25 1, tin Salmon 09 10 lbs. Sugar, Gran. 85 .10 dears I' & G or Gold Soap ., 69 3 pkgs. •Ammonia • 23 2 boxes Matches „ .,..,,.,, 25 1 can Baking Powder . , , . .... 22 1 lb. Salada Tea .... 3'2 Get your name on aur Li sts for a 1922 Callender - Highest Prices for Butter, Eggs and Pried Apples. We deliver to all parts of tont. • Get your order in early GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT JOHNSC 1V & CO'S GROCERY Phone IH TILE STORE FOR EVERYBOD1•' 1 THE CORNER STORE PHONE 45 FRESH 1sLmas G Shelled Waliilits,•per lb Special Currilhts, per lb. Best Currants Lemon Peel, per lb. Orange Pt+el, per lb. Mixed Peel, per lb. Best Quality Seeded Raisins, per lb. Bost Quality Seedless Raisins, per lb Finest Spanish.Valencias, per lb. SPICES OF ALL KINDS., 'New Figs, Dates, Candied and Marscheno Cherries, in faet everything with which to do your Christmas baking. Our aim has been to give the best quality procurable, and not to buy cheap, sale price goods. JUST.' ARRIVED. Several very fine, septi -porcelain Dinner and China Tea sets, which make very acceptable Christmas Gifts. eferi .15 .18 .39 .39 .44 .25 .25 .25 Fred W. Wigg PHONE 45. LIVE AND LET LIVE S. A. Bazaar A bazaar of Fancy and useful ar- ticles, also sale of Homemade Candy and Cooking will 'be held in Mr. Stothers' office, on Saturday, Dec, 17th, at 2 p.nt. —27-2 Notice Anyone hunting, shooting or trap- ping on the premises of the under- signed, lots 42, 44, 45, 46, 72, 74 and 75 Maitland Con., Goderich township, will be prosecuted. C.W. Williams and Sons,—27-8-p For Sale or to Rent A comfortable 7 -roomed frame house on the corner of Mary and North streets. Town water and soft water. Good cellar and wood shed. Apply to J. P. Sheppard. —26-tf Farm For Sale Lot29, Con. 2, H, R. S., Tucker - smith, containing 100 acres. There are on thea a remises good brick A horse with large wood shed, also new garage, bank barn, pig pen and hen house, 141 acres orchard, 5 acres staple bush, 3 acres fall wheat. There is a running stream across one corner of the farm. Ilarcl and soft water in house and piped • to barn. There is a running spring about 10 rods from barn with large cement trough. This faun is well sit- uated being 5 miles from Seaforth, 4% from Clinton and Brucefield. Across road from church and 1 utile from school. Reasonable if sold at once. 'Will also sell stock and imple- ments if -desired. Apply to Francis J. Coleman, Seaforth R. R. No, 3. Pohne 19 on 614. Clinton Central. —26. f Supper And Sale The Ladies Aid of the Baptist ohureh are serving a warm supper in the vestry of the church on Thurs- day evening, Dec, Sth. Supper will be served from 5.30 until 8 o'clock. Everybody welcome. There will also be a sale of home-made cantly. —26-2 Hall For Sale There will be offered for sale, at the promises, in the Village of Londesboro, by Public Motion,' on Thursday, December 1.5t1h, at 2.30 p.m., the property lntownt as the Township Hall. Terms Cash, John Fingland, Clerk. —26-2 Boarders Wanted Limited number of hoarders can he accommodated, near Collegiate. Inrii ire at"News-Record office. —25.4 For ;Sale Medium sized second-hand coal heater in good condition. Apply at Canadian National Express office. ti•-24-tf VICTORY BONDS New Issue of hydro -Electric bonds, Guaranteed by Ontario Government. 53,300,000 at 6%. And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without 'charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton Raw Furs Wanted highest Market Prices Last season I paid more for raw furs than was offered by dealers in Toronto, Montreal, New York and St. Louis. There is no need to ship your furs, when you can get more money for them• at home. I am pay- ing for mink skins, daric, $5.09 to $10.00, ordinary color, $3.00 to 57.50. Phone ,No.89 for prices on e 1 other furs, Am alwaiys home after 6 p.m: No license is needed by far- mers trapping on their own land. Persons trapping off their own land need a license, which can be pur- chased from James Ford, Clinton. -- H. A, Hovey, Clinton. —244f Notice We are now in a position to give unexcelled service on batteries left with us for the winter. Our motto is and always has been, "Satisfactory work or no charge," Let us keep your battery -this winter, it will save you a lot_ o1 trouble and by giving it to us you can rest assured that it will be in first class shape in the spring. We solicit your trade. E. H. Epps & Son, Varna. Phone Clinton, 626 r 14, —24-8 Cottage For Sale Comfortable cottage on Rotten- bury street, west, property of Miss L. Smith, in good state of repair, now furnace, electric lights, town • water, garden. For further particu- lars apply to Nelsen Ball, Clinton. —2241. Cottage For Sate The cottage formerly. occupied by the late Mrs. MacRae, on Rattenbury St. Apply to Mrs. Geo. McLennan. —19-tf Spirolla Corsets Spirolla Corsets 'for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability, Ev- ery corset *Made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth 'Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton. —12.1921 House for Salo 8 -room, solid brick house, , town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken house. Apply on premises. 'Corner of North and Spencer Sts,—A. 0, Clarkson. -•,504 4 ;treeseer..eore xeiae'.etar .A{evetive ve tL llg You WW Have your Suits made by us.' Why not come hi now and get a made -to measure suit for the • price of bun. =me•d pia a d owI1, WORKMANS1-111? AN1) FIT itJARANT1VJ±a1). Murray McEwan, Merchant Tailor Wilkes Block T s" Y H. STARLING SHOE, REPAIRER F015 MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES AND RUBBERS • AT VERY CLOSE PRICES Genuine D. L. & SFalltoll Coal Yes we have it in all sizes: Don't put off buying as the price is grad- ually stiffening. Delay will only cause a panicky buying craze similar to that experienced last fall when' prices went crazy. Let :Pe advise ydu DO fill up with MUSTARD'S COAL - It answers the burning question. We also stock for your convenience AT CLINTON Hardwood, in different qualities. Slabs, the ideal sununer fuel Cedar rails, fine for kindling. Canada Cement, the standard art- icle. Threshing Coal, convenient and safe AT„BRUCEFIELD • .. Hemlock Lumber, at new prices. 2x, 3x, & 5x Shingles, at your own pricer 1-lardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement, Chestnut, Stove and. Soft Coal, Scranton Coal We have on hand for immediate delivery: CANNEL COAL HARD .AND SOFT COAL Also some good Ilardwoocl. Leave orders at my Residence, Huron street, or Phone 155. TERMS CASH E. WARD South End Grocery A full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Levi Stong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD,;' Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. CZ AL Halving several cars of coal com- ing I will receive and fill all orders for nut, stove and egg coal and de- liver same at once. Orders received at Residence King Street, or phone 119 e.o R. J. IDli(I.L.ER Paxffiau's Garage We repair any make of battery. Leave yours with us for the winter, Rubbers repaired and half soled, J. H. Paxman Agent for Overland Cars. Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 80 • Res. Phone 140 FEEOEH!S SPECIAL WESTERN OATS KILN DRIED CORN FEED FLOUR BRAN SHORTS • OIL CAKIS We have all these lines in stock, as well as numerous others and they are being sold at Pre war prices. Our stock of High Grade Flour in- cludes: PURITY FIVE ROSES WHITE SEAL RAINBOW GOLDEN CITY GOLD SEAL (Pastry) Highest market prices paid for all kinds of Grain If you Want to buy or sell it will pay you to give us a call. . W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothe$ cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. J. Sago. Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire aid Cheshter White boars for service, At home every forenoon, --A. C. Levey, Phone 5 on 030, Clinton 1-20 5, CONTE+I'rI1fIN4 WAILS' in homes where Port hope Porcelain Enameled Ware is installed. We 1 can advise you on any plumbing necessity • THOS. HAW'KINS. Agent for i-iecla Furnaces Plumbing and Beating Phone 53 Shop over Corless & Venner'e Mr. Farmer What do You Require? Wheat Middlings (shorts). • Oat Middlings (fattener for pigs and chickens). Oat Feed (Special for cattle) Bran - Tankage Manitoba Oats. (C. W.' No. a) Calf Meal Purina Chicken Chowder Pratts Royal Purple Stock foods. Wodehouso & International Stock Foods. Zenoleunt Herbage= Salt live Roses, Hunts, Horton Flours. Silver Crown & North Star Flours We are expecting Fa car of corn daily We know our prices and quality will interest you. Special prices on large quantities for cash and we be- lieve now while prices aro low is a good time to Iay in your winter sup- ply. - J. A. FORD Sr. SON Phone 123. Flour and Feed Merchapts and Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers licenses Live ,ti e Po+�. hhrg 'at113! A E i [' We handle all kinds of live and dressed poultry. Special prices paid for properly milk fed chickens It will pay you to finish your poultry, as our extra price will more than cover cost of feed used. Inquire for prices when ready to sell. Our prices are unsurpassed for all high grade poultry, GUNN, L ANGLO S CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager. Phone No. 190 IIolmesville 601 r 11 CREAM WANTED)! The demand for our butter la he. creasing. To supply., this demand 'we requiril more cream. We request yon to ship tie you cream. We guarantee you the Higbece Market -Prices, accurate teeta and prompt service, Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn- ish cream ears and pay twice eac16 month. Write for cans or further Informs- tion to the THE SIIAFORTII CREAMERY 00.0 13, A. 13A1ZB81R, MANAGER, ,