HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-12-8, Page 4Clinton Nowa-Record
Now is the Time toet. theB - s
g est
Come and see our well-chosen) line of
Pleasing, Serviceable and Appropriates'
Desirable selections for all whatever your requirements.
may be .. °
Toy. Department
on Second Floor
Binger Selections and
. Better Values,
has beep our "aim . Come
and see how we have
Why Not Books
for Christmas
We have the new books
also a splendid assortment
of reprints at,
50e and $1.00 •
Bibles and
Hymn Books
Fancy Chinaware, Cut Glass
and Dinnerware
This stock is more complete than for several years and the
prices are considerably lower
trouble' to select a gift from this _Department
A. T. Cooper, Clinton
Do You Like Pork Sausage
We won't be under sold by
any peddler
We`have it'bere, fresh from the
farm. Makes a dandy breakfast or
supper. Our fresh hams, roast
pork, pork chops, etc., are also de-
licious tasting. This; its the quality
neat shop of Clinton, Give us a
trial today.
Sirloin and Porterhouse steak 2081
Roasts 140 to 1130
Boils , ,40 to 120
Homemade sausage all pork . 250
Bologna ... 200
Pork Chops
Bacon, in piece .... , , ... , 300
utter Eros.
Phone 17®
rat#. .rocs`aa714E4vaax:04,451:431 rus-z.-. .nn
° st n j Vards
What -about sending out sone
personal Christmas Cards this sea-
son ? t.
We have a very nice stock to
choose from, and will print your
personal message on them for a
small sum.
Call seeour samples and
i alta a� ��. � a
get prices,
ghe niews .4)
Mei&'hen Government is 'Defeat.•
ed at the Polis,
;Liberal Party Will 'Nave iilajol'itj'
Over CiOnsevratives turd Piogrea-
sires--,L'rovineo o1 (Ouebee With
fSulitl liloek of 60 Seals l)aIrintl
New Prince Moister Will Omni -
nate Dominion of Cnnedn,
• OTTAWA, Dec, 7, — Votin g•.
throughout Oanada bas remitted' in
the defeat of the Government headed
by Rt, Tion, Arthur lUeighen and hi
the pt'en Cy of the Liberal party
led by iron. W. 1 Maclteezie Kang.
In the provinces east 0J the St Law-
rence river, the Liberate Jiiivo prac;i-
Cally swept the constituencies. In
the Prairie Provinces the Progroe.
elves have secured the majority of
the seats, but in the rest of Canada
their eirfesees has been 00n111ara:ive-
ly email, Incomplete returns slrow
the Liberals claiming 122 seats, or
a, majority of one in the whole of
the house of Commons and tbo
Wood-Crorar party 64, of wheel only
14 were in Ontaijo,
1St, Hon. Arthur Meighen himself
has been defeated by Harry Leader,
a follower of Mr. Crerar, in its own
constituency of Portage la Prairie.
Seven other Minister were defeated,
McCurdy, Ballantyne; four Quebee'
Ministers, T•Ion. L. I'C, - Spinney, of
Yarmouth, N.S„ and Sion. James
Wilson, of Saskatoon, Ministers with•
out portfolio,
Liberal,candidates have carried
the four seat in Prince Edward
_Island, two of which •were formerly
held by supporters of the Govern.
meat. They have taken alt of the
sixteen seats in Nova Scotia, where
the Government at dissolution held
ten seats. In New Brunswick the
Government and the Liberals :nave
each carried five seats and the Pro-
gressives one. In Quebec, according
to latest repojts, the Liberals have
succeeded in ntalntaining the Solid
bloc, which had its origin In opposi-
tion to the war policy of the Union
Government. In Ontario the Liberals
and Progressives together claimed 43
seats. Lt Manitoba the, Progres-
sires carried all the rural seats,
in number, Au Independent I,1
eral, Hon, ,A. 13, Hudson, former
Attorney -General of Manitoba, won
South Winnipeg, where he had the
support of the Meighen Govern-
utent's advocacy of the •establish-
nient o2 a Grain Board which would
marketthe grain of any farmers who
wished to avail themselves of its
services, ,
Another Liberal carried North
Winnipeg and an independent of
radical tendencies, J. S. Wadsworth
won in Centre Winnipeg. In Sask-
atchewan and Alberta the Progres-
sives were in the ascendant, In
the former province, lion. Jas, Wil-
son, Minister without portfolio. was
defeated and one Liberal was elect-
ed. Iu Alberta, Iron. 1i. B. Bennett,
the Minister of Justice, was elected
In West Calgary. William Irvin, a
'radical Labor man, won East Cal-
gary, and the remaining seats appar-
ently went to the Farmer group.
Both Hon, W. L. 1tlaekenzle King
and Hon. T. A. Crerar, the Progr
sive leader, were elected in their r
speetive constituencies of Nort
York, Ont,, and Marquette, Man,3'
X,nmbtoir, '*est -'-D. V'. 7seeella2,
]nil. 000.
Leninism, xaast-�J, C. 121 )52rou5,
Maj. 200.
Latnatk lc 33on. J. 4, Stewart, nlad,
Leeds •11, A, Stewart, maj, 500.
•LoSltoX•�Addiat5(on--•4, - 12. Ora
enilen, MAJ. DD.
▪ Idaaaolrt«�•J, D, Chaplin,. , ntaj.
Lofton• -•-.J•, 22. White, mai, 1;802,
Norfolk—W, Sutton, 31304, 100;,
Nort11u1nb5t'laald•.-1'41. aa:, Maybes,
maj. 1,600.
Ontario, South—W, 5:1112:, ]tlu3430-
111' 250,
Oa'old, South -D. Sutherland,
mad, 800.
pese1ai.e—D, Spence, plurality
▪ Parry SQ1k'nd—'-I, I.1, Tbonipson,
mai. 1,500.
Peel --Sant Chatters, maj. 1,400,
Pott Arthur-I(enora--•-'r, 3I, Keel -
e1', maj, 000,
Prince TOdtvill'd—J'. Hobbs, plural-.
lty 500, e
Simone, Souter—W, A, lloyer, Riad,
Toronto, 1;iast—l3. -13, ityekman,
plut'allly 1,380,
Toronto, North—T, L. Church,
ane'. 4,006,
Toronto, South ---Dr, Sheard, maj,
'Toronto, West—H. C. Hocken,
plurality 2,102. •
Toronto, Centre--- ldinund Bristol,
maj, 921.
Vletoria-Ilaliburton---T. H. -Stin-
son, mai, 800,
Wellington, South'—lion, Hugh
Gutltite, inaj. 900,
Wentworth—Gordon Wilson, maj.
Telt, hast --Jos. Harris, plu'ralitY
York, Soiil:h—W,,'. Maclean, Nur-
ality 1,590,
York, West—Sir Henry Deayton,
plurality 060,
Pregresstves Elected.
Brant—W, T. Good maj, 200.
Dufferin R..3. Woods, maj. 290.
Dundas P, 10111ott, inaj. 61,
Glengarry-Stormont—J, W. .Ken
nedy, maj. 200.
Grey—Miss A C. McPhail, maj.
2,500. .
Huron, North—T, W. King, plural-
ity 900,
Middlesex, East—A. Hodgins, mai.12 600.
b Middlesex. West—J. D. Druni-
ty mond, inaj..240, ::mni
Muskoka—W, .1. Htl.
Ontario, North—R. H. halbert,
maj: 140,
Peterboro', East—G. A. Brethen,
plurality 200.
Prescott—J. Dinette, plurality 800
Ti,niskatning—A, McDonald, maj.
Waterloo, South—Wni. Elliott,
maj. 100.
Liberals Elected.
Argenteuil—F. 13. McGibbon, mai.
Bagot—J. E. March, maj. 750,
Beauce—Dr. I3eland, maj. 6,000.
Beauharnois—L. J. Papineau, Maj.
Bellechasse—C, A. Fournier, maj.
Berthier—T, Gervais, mai. 2,500.
Bonaventure—Hon, C. Marc!!,
maj. 3,000:
es- Broine—A, R. McMaster, maj,
h 2,200,
Chambly-Vermheres—J. Archam-
bault, maj. 2,'200.
Champlain—A, Desaulniers, maj.
750. -
Charlevoix-Mont—P. F. Calpain,
maj. 400,
maj. 5,000.
Ohatoauguay-Hunt—J, A, Robb,
Chicoutimi-Saguenay—W. Savaird,
mad. 10,000.
Compton—.A.. B. Bunt, m0.'2,009,
Dorchester—L. ;.Cannon, maj.
4,200. '-
Drummo0d-Artbab.—N, K. La-
flamme, maj, 790,
6,000.Gaspe—Hou, It. Lemnfeux, mai,
George Etienne Cartier—S, W.
Jacobs, maj. 1,400.
Hochelaga—E, C. St. Claire, maj.
Hull—J, E. Fontaine,' mai, 2,600.
Jacques Cartier—B, A. Lafortune,
plurality 7,000.
Jolliette--J, J. Dennis, ma). 2,500.
2,Ka500.ouraska—A. Stein, maj.
Labelle—H, A. Fortier, maj. 1,800.
Laprairte-Napier—R. Laneto,. maj,
L'Assomption-Mont,—P, A. Se-
quin, mill 500.
Laurier-Outremott—Sir .Lower
'Cohen, maj, 500.
Laval -Two Mountains—T, A. Eth-
ler, maj. 1,700.
Leyte -51 B. Bourassa, maj, 3,000.
L'Islet—J. Petard, maj. 4,700.
Lotbiniere—T, Vien, mat. 2,966.
5,M'000.aissoneuvc—C, Robelard, maj.
Matane—F, J. Pelletier, maj.
2,500.iOiaskinonge---L. Derocb.es, inaj,
Megontle--L. T. Facaud, maj,
Missisgnoi—=-W, F. Kay, maj. 500.
Montmagny—A, 34..Dechehe, maj.
Nicolet—M, Trahan, maj, 2,000.
Pontiac•—F, S. Cahill, maj. 5,200,
Pertnetti'—M, 5. de Lisle, mai.
Quebec County—fl, le, Lavigtieut,
maj. 1,000.
Quebec, East—Lapointe, Paid. 400.
1,Que500.bec, South—C. G, Pones, maj.
Quebec, West—Geo. Parent, mad,
Richelieu—P. J. Cardin, maj.
3,000. •
Richmond Wolf—E, W. Tobin,
maj. 6,000.
R1mottski—J, E. D'Anjon, inaj,
St. Ann's—J. C. Walsh, inaj, 3,000,
St. Antoine --Hon. W. G. Mitchell,
inc). 2,600.
St, Denis—.Dr. A, Dennis, maj.
et. Hyacinthe-Reeve--B. Marin,
Mai, 8,800,
St. James—F, Rinfret, maj.. 1,000,
St. John-Ibervllle—M, J. Deniers,
Libefals Elected.
Algoma East—Dr. Carruthers,
ntaj. 160.
Brantford ---W, G. Raymond, maj,
Bruce, North—J. Malcolm, mai.
Druce, South—R, Truax, orad. 800.
Essex, South—Hon, G. P. Graham,
plurality 460.
Essex, North—W. C. Kennedy,
maj, 6,000. •
Huroas,,South--T, McMillan, plus
ality 43.
Kent—A, B. McCaig, inaj, 3,000.
Nlplssing-15, A. Lapierre,- maj
Ottawa ,(two Members)--H,'Me_
G3,iver800,n, niaj. 3,000; E. R. Cheerier,
Oxford, South—M. D. 3, Sinclair,
plurality 170.
Parry Sound= ---Dr. Mason, mai. 170
Perth, North ---Dr, J. P, Rankin,.
maj. 200.
Perth, South—Wm. Forrester,
Maj. 129.
Peterboro', West—G. H. Gordon,
maj. 300.
Renfrew, North—Dr. N. 12cliay,
maj. 1,200. '
Renfrew, South -T, A. Low, maj.
Russell—Hon, C• Murphy, 2,099.
1,700.Sinncoe, East—Manley Chew, maj,
Simcoe, Nortb—T, E. Ross, maj,
3,000.o, North—W, D. Euler,
'Welland—German, maj. 300.
Wellington, North—John Pritch-
ard, maj. 600,
Government Candidates Elected,
Algoma, West—T, D. Simpson,
Plurality 710,
Carleton—W, F. Garland, maj.
Durham—F, W. Bowen, ma). 600.
Elgin, East -3. L. Mansell, maj.
Elgin, West—h, T. McKillop, ntai,
Fort William -Rainy River—Hon,
It, J. Manion, araC, 1,600.
Frontenac—Dr, 3: W. Edwards,
maj. 10 D.
Grenville—A, 13. Castleman, maj,
Grey, North --M.. R. Duancan, maj,
Ilaldimaud—Maria Leen, maj.
maj, -
Haito760,n—Dr. Anderson, inaj. 150..
Hamilton, hast --S, C, 'Mewburit,
Hamilton, West:—T. J, Stewart,
los). 400.
Hastings, West• -10, Gus Potter,
ntaj. 400.
Kingston=Gen, A. 32. 11oss, maj.
St, 1nwrenee---1fi, 12. 117tlrIer,• nl
52. I51nrys—H. Pesltlilet'o, ittkli.
8,000 1
Shohocd---q, lowlis, ron4. 2,000
Sherbrooke—P. M. Moline, an
Stanstead --W, 1D, i3ald'nln,• rue
2,500. •
.•1I'Q111latteyittkt—(i, A, Giworealt,
inaj, 750,'
Tot'rebonne--J, 13, Prevost,. maj,
5,000, 4
Three Rivers -Sl. M,—Hon, 3, 13u -
teem matt. 1,100.
Vtttidreuil-Soti.--G. Boye nmtt,
Westmount-St. I'1.—P. Mercier,
mai, 10,000.
WNgltt—it. N, Genda'on, mai.
Yam ask a -,•A, Bmien 'er, maj, 1,100,
Idbei'ale Elected.
Antigonlsh-Guysboro-C, 2', Me-
Cape Breton, N. Victoria --D, 1?.
Cape Breton 5, Richmond (two
members) --W, 1'. Carroll and G, W.
Qolebester—H. Putnam, mod. 250,
Cumberland—H, J, Logan,•
Dight-Anuapolls-.—Ii. J. 1,ovett.
3lalifax (two 'member's)—I-lon. A,
E. McLean and Dr, Blackadder,
Hants—L. H. Martell, maj 100,
Inverness — Dr. A.W. Chisholm,
maj, 700,
Kings --'W, "Robinson,
Lunenbiu'g—Win. Duff.
Piotou—G, M. McDonald, plural-
ity 2,500.
Shelburne-Queens—lion, W. S.
Fielding, ani. 170. •
Yarmouth-Clare—T'. L. Hatfield.
Liberals Elected. -
Gloucester—D, Turgeon, mai, 300.
Kent—A, T. Legere, mal. 300.
Northumberland—S. Morrissey,
O.latat'Jn ,
j• P. V, Island
fi.0W i'X'. STANDS '.l'O 1).4TE
Restlgouelie-Mad,—P. Michaud,
maj. 2,000.
Westmoreland=A, B. Copp, nla4.
Government Candidates Elected.
Charlotte—R. W. Gunner, maj.
Royal—George Jones.
York -Sunbury -R, B. Hanson,
mai, 800,
St. John City and Counties of St.
John and Albert (two members)—
J. A. 14. Baxter, mai. 600; Dr. M.
McLaren, maj. 700.
Progressive Elected.
Royal—T. W. Caldwell, maj. 300.
Liberals Elected. '
Winnipeg, North—E, J. Murray.
Winnipeg, South—A.'Ii. Redeem
Progressives Elected.
Brandon—R. `Farke, maj, 500.
Daupi111t—T, Ward, maj. 140.
Lisgar-J, L. Drown, mad, 900:
Macdonald—W. Lavoie, inaj. 300.
-Marquette—Hon. T. A. Crerar,
inaj. 2,800.
Neepawa—R. Milley, mai. 250.
Nelson—Rev, T. W, Bird, mai.
Portage la Prairie ---I3. Leader,
mai. 65.
Provencher—A. I,, 73eaubien, maj.
Selkirk—L. P. Bancroft,
Souris—T. H. Steedsman,
Springfield—R. A. Howie, maj.
Winnipeg, Centre—J, R, Woods -
worth (Labor).
Liberals Elected.
.King's—J, J. Hughes,
Prince—A, E. McLean.
Queen's (two members)—J.
Sinclair and D. A. McKenzie.
.Liberals Elected.
Moose Jaw—W. R. Knowles, mai.
Regina -W, Motherwell
Progressives Elected.
AssiniboIa—O, N. Gould.
Battleford—T McConica, maj, 400.
Humboldt—J, Stewart.
Kindersley—•A, it. Carmichael.
Last Mountain—J, S. Johnson.
Mackenzie—N, Al, Campbell.
Maple Creek—N. McTaggart,
North Battleford—C, C. Davies,
Prince Albert—Andrew Knott.
Qu'Appelle—J, D. Miller.
Saltcoats—T, Sales, maj. 500.
Saskatoon—John Evans,, maj, 300.
Swift Current—Rev, A. J. Lewis.
Weyburn—Tole Morrison.
G, 37overnx.ment Candidates Elected.
Calgary, West—Hon. R, 13. Ben-
Progressives Elected.
Battle River—Ii. E. Spencer.
Boit/ lover—E. H. Garland, maj,
Calgary, East -411m, Irvine (La-
bor), 3,000.
Edmonton, East—T. Keener, mai.
Edmonton, West --D, M. Kennedy,
Lethbrklgc—L, H, 3eliff, maj. 874.
Macleod—Geo, Coote, maj. 303..
Medicine Hat—R. Gardner, maj,
1,000.l;ed Deer—A, Speakway, maj,
Strathcona—D. W. Weraen,
Victoria,—Lucas, 300.
Liberals Elected.
'Westminster District—E. Munro.
East Kootenay—I3, E. Beattie.
Skeona—A. Stark.
'Government Candidates Elected.
,Burrard--Gen, T, A. Claret.
Nanaimo•—.P, H, Dickie.
New Westminster City—W. G.
1,Victor800.ia—Hon, 5, F. Tolmie, ma),
Vancouver, Centre—Hon, H. FI,
Vancouver, South—•L, Lardner.
Yale—J, A. Melietvin,
Progressives Elected,
West I4Ooteney--L, Humphrey,
Comox-Alberni•--A, W. Mattel.
Oariboo---T, G. 191oBricl o,
C o tr ria t o News
Mr. • Fred ' Watson of Hensall has
rchased the farm of Mt. Robt,
er of the Saublo Line, Stanley.
, Greer bought this farm from
Samuel Sterling some years ago.
O. Christ 51301011, Port Albert, on
day last, a beautiful :tont was
veiled and dedicated. The font is
1g r pre85ntefl to the church in
of the.
y late Mail, Allison, sot, bete,
Ce o.0 a former teeter. ,
ugh Robb, a former Saal'crtit
Oh, died at C111.11iw.ick, B,, 0.
•ncssgkAiaMiuxtvtwl71R'rMat, Cltlz
The South Huron 0110301 Society,
11n organization comprising one hun-
dred and seventy persons from the
different churches throughout the
district, will present fiandel's "Mes-
siah" in .Tames street Methodist
church, Exeter, on the evenings of
Dec. 16 an 10, They have been prae-
using for some months the vacs
Uses taking place at Txeter and
II al.
efts t
Mr. James )Sewer of near lg-
lnnnelvitlo has field his farm to Mr,
(,ouitcr of. Wheatley,
The Far'luer'e Club of Currie's
Corners Melee its annual sleeting re-
cently and officers Vero elected for
tine ensuing year. Tt carie out at
the meeting that during the „Near
$25,000 worth of business veils clone
timing the year, The following of-
facers were elected: President, debt.
Ccultos; Vico, J. J. T{err; See.-Treas-
itrer, Bert Currie; Directors, Wm,
Wellings, Vat; Arbuck19., Alex.
Sitiehls. Mr. ,T. 3. inert was ap-
pointed delegate to the convelltion hi
Toronto, .
U J1
. 88 28 21. 0
0 4 0 0
Noyy Scotto 0 30 0 0
New Brunswick 5 fl 4 I)
%whoa•,,, ,. 0 60 0 ti
Manitoba , . 0 2 12 1
Saskiitchowaln . , .. 0 2 14 0
Alberta. ,.' : , 1 1 9 1
British CoJuinb:41 , , 'T 3 3 0
Totals . 51. 12]. 60 z
Yukon, not received yet,
♦ .
bit', unci Mrs, Bert Matey have
become residents, having leased the
houso on the farm of the late Geo.
Me, xPeter: Mc]iwan of Goderich
was a recent visitor• with his stunt,
Miss Marion McKay.
The W, M. S. of St. Andrew's
dumb held a very successful births
day party on ' Wednesday evening,
Small bags were distributed to each
Woman in the church, who were sup-
posed to put in a cent for every
year oJ! their age, Some forgot their
age and gave more than _that. Re-
freshntotts were served nnc] a good
stun was realized. '
Blaster Winston Workman, the
young son of Mr. Wm. Workman of.
tate tenth con. of Tuelcersmi•th, un-
derwent an operation for appenclici,-.
tis on Wednesday of ]est week. This
is the third operation he has had this
year. Latest reports say be is re-
covering nicely,
Mt. Jas, Green of the second con.
of Ray is in London hospital, hav-
ing undergone an operation for blad-
der trouble, Re is, doing nicely and
is expected hone" shortly.
The Young People's Club of St.
Andrew's church, recently organ-
ized, held their first meeting at the
home of Mr. T. Mettle, when "Can-
adian Authors and Poets" was the
subject of discussion, led by Mr. T.
N. Forsyth, a number taking part.
These meetings will be held fort-
nightly during the winter months. It
'15 expected that an increasing in-
terest will be shown.
The stores 'of the village have each
gotten in their Christmas novelties
and expect large sales from now un-
til Christmas and have on exhibition
a number of useful articles.
Mr. John Butts, son of iSr. Wm.
Butts, has arrived home from the
West and we believe expects4lo work
his father's farm the summer, when
the tenant's term expires.
Mr, J. C. Clausen was in Hensall
spending a few clays with friends. He
was on the committee to help with
tate bazaar held in the town hall tin-
der the auspices of the Anglican
Count News
Miss Minnie Fessant and Mr, Ed-
mund Bradwin, both formerly of
Winghatn, were married at St.
Janes Cathedral, Montreal, last
week. Mr, and Mrs. Bradwin in-
tend residing in Toronto.
The inquest into the death of
Leonard McManus of Colborne town-
ship, who clied from injuries
received when he was run down by
an automobile driven by his brother,'
on the street ]n Goderich, is being
held today.
W. A, Archer, who cliecl at Fort
William after a brief illness, was
brought to Goderich for burial last
week. Re was the son-in-law of Mr,
and Mrs A. Chrystal, His wife
and two Mrs.
Milton Roy Robinson, B. A., son
of Mr. C. W. Robinson of Exeter,
cried very suddenly in Toronto on
Saturday week. Re had been com-
plaining of a .cold but he had arisen
and was sitting by the grate in his
sister's home when he suddenly col-
lapsed and died without struggle. The
young man had served in the Iate war
and on returning from overseas had
resumed his nrnteise, of law in To-
ronto. He was only twenty-six year's
of age.
The Christmas issue of Red and
Gun in Canada is particularly at-
tractive and is replete with many
stories which will appeal to the heart
of the true sportsman. Allen H.
Kerr's `Trout Hunting on the Keno-
gantl -and Keniogamesis" as the op-
ening article will prove a 350115tic
tale, while the ever popular F. V.
Williams's and Bonnyeastle Dale's
narratives are of the usual high stan-
clard, The article by A. F, Wallace
entitled "Clam and Pearl Fish" will
undoubtedly be of vivid interest as
well as instructive. Guns & Ammti-
411110n, Along the Trap -line, and Fish_
ing Notes, contain several articles
valuable to the various readers. Rod
and Gun in Canada is published
monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited,
Woodstock, Ont.
The Humble Home
In the Rear',
A man, gaunt, hollow-eyed, lay 01)
the bed int a little shank "in the
roar." The closed window was a
53153:1 reproach t5 an, tntwholesoino
garbage heap within twenty feel of
the front door. There, the man, his
wife and two chlldyon existed, miser-
Hew noted a victim of tubcreulosts
possibly recover under such condi.
Ah! the pitiful lark el money to
provide for his :needs! 'The dumb
agony hh 11th wifo',) eyes!
The National 'Sanitarium 501110 to
the rescue, lao was sent to the Slue-
kolut lluspit.al for Uon3um0111(e5, and
ups 153,1113' provided for to healthy
surrou adin
That was , year ago. It has taken
Linin, but pure 11r, perfect rent, pro-
per—and suh.t dnnL--food, have done
their lei' 135311
that , f
11 is e•epe5icd t L t ow months
will complut0 3135 recoVery, and 1st
lilm for light work,
Contributions may be sent to Hem
W. n Chardon 123 College Street,
Termite, .
.',l'ItVltull)AY, DgC4 ,4th 1921.
wF a "04aaerv*,so 41
County News
Vivo oars of stool,: we1;c shipped
from 'Sirroxoter station 025 Monday
The little Iiftecn-l0004hs' old
daughter of Mr, Payne of 'Exeter
was badly scalded the other day by
pulling' a kettle of boiling water ov-
er on herself.
The sleeping, eat used.. by s hence
gang en the 0 P, 13 at Wroxeter
was .burned art a siding one day last
week while the anon wore at work, 64
is supposed it caught 110113 the stows.
All the. men lost whatever elothbig
tete3' had i11 the car tied one man had
left 41 considerable sura of money in
his. .•
The big' new pipe organ is being
installed in James street Methodist
church, Exeter, It will be ried1ea153
at the anniversary service.,
A. Union Jack and a Canadian flog,
presented by the Chancel Guild were
dedicated Sand hung in St, Thomas
church, Seaforth, on Sunday week.
• Death canine with stari;lhtg sudden-
ness to Mr. Harry. Jones, London
Road south of Tf,xeter .on .Sunday
night. Re was seized during the
night with a violent fit of coughing
and expired before medical aid could
be sutmnoned. Previously he had
been in his usual good -health, ire is
stu•vived by his widow and brother,
James G. Jones, of the firm of
Jones & May, general n1rchants, Ex-.
eter, - 1
Mr, and Mrs. William MaGavin,
Sr., of Walton celebrated their dia-
mond wedding at ,heir home, "Clo-
verdale," on the 12th Met, Their
four sons, two daughters, nine
grandchildren and six greatgrand-
children, 411 of whom live within a
half hour's drive of them, were
Miss Bessie ,Urquhart, slaughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Urquhart of
Hensall, was married on November
3.Oth in New York City to Dr. Wil=
liam (1. Sheehan 9f Philadelphia,
J. E. Swans of Goclei'ieh and W.
D, Swan of Brucefield are two Hur-
on boys who . have been successful
in the College of Physicians and
Surgeons final -examination.
Dr: 3, E, Blackall and his daugh-
ter, Miss Kathleen, have gone to
London to reside, Dr. Blacken has
been a resident of Elyth for some
Can you remember that Christmas
when you first received the. The
Youth's Companion among your
Christmas presents? You can perhaps
recall the t:tlos of some o)! the serial
stories in those early numbers, and
you can well remember how everyone
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To -day 'The Companion makes thjri,..
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The 52 issues of 1022 will be
crowded with serial stories, short
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