HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-12-8, Page 3andira ; Off Aliments to Which Our Teeth Are Heir Upper—By means of a hand• mirror frequently examine the bnak Cif "the teeth for tartar. Lower left—Use a teeth brush soft enough not to irritate the gums a nd be sure that the tenth are kept clean. Brush up and down, not only across. Lower right—A nice set of teeth does much to make a pretty woman beautiful and a plain one more attractive. The Owen Sound Council of the 130y (Scouts was reorganized reoeutly and :new plans and new life were injected Into this work among the boys. The local Rotary Club is behind Owen Sound Scouting strong, aid recently devoted one of its weekly meetings to n Bey Scout dinner at which Erecutive S ecretary Frank 0. Irwin of Toronto was the chief speaker. It wee an- nounced that there are now five Boy Scout Troops in the city and that three more will probably be formed before the.end of the year. There wile `:'eg general reorganization of the Scout ' ovement in the city and all Scout (Adies will be brought under one cen- tral governing council. 'In addition •)ew troops will be organized end the work carried on in districts not now covered. . A meeting was held in Hamilton recently of the special committee in whose hands are the arrangements for the mammoth Scout display to be held some time in the early part of the coming year. It w'es decided that in addition to the actual display, booths will be erected which will ie lustrate the different subjects boys are WOULD NOT BN! WITHOUT taught to enable them to pass tate 'V Y/t11L Scout proficiency badge tests. The BABY'S 6(1,qS O N d1��j TABLETS planning of the enBA 1 entertainment was left in the hands of a sub -committee and all the local Scoutmasters have been asked to inform this committee of all talent possessed as soon as pos- sible. * I' * a' William Aitchison was elected (veal - dent of the Border Cities' Boy Scout Connell at a meeting of the council held recently in Windsor. Mr. Aitchi- son was vice-president last year and has been actively identified with Scout work in the Border Cities for four Years. He was president of the Fourth Troop when it was organized four years ego. It was arranged at the meeting that an officers' training course be opened in the Border Cities for the benefit of young mea who have been Scouts or are interested in Scout work. A Practical Man. A professor of mineralogy tells of the father of one of his pupile coming to him and saying, "I don't want my boy. to learn about strata or dips or faults or upheavals or denudation, and I. don't want him to 511 lits mind with fossils or stuff about crystals. What. I want him to learn is how to find gold and silver and copper In paying quan- tities, sir•—in paying quantities." In Italy wheeled traffic keeps to the left its the large towns, but to the right in the country. Real Rest Depends Largely Upon the Depth of Your Sleep A warning to "light" or "poor" sleepers The deeper and sounder you sleep the better you feel. Five hours sound refreshing sleep does you 'more actual good than ten hours restless, disturbed sleep. This is because the final conversion of food into vital tissue and nerve cells goes on more rapidly when the physical and mental forces are at rest. You can't get sound, refreshing sleep if your nerves are agitated with tea or coffee, Both these drinks contain caffeine, which is sometimes very irritating to the brain and nervous system. If you want to know the joy, vigor and stamina that comes to the person who gets sound, healthful sleep, why not stop taking tea or coffee for a while, and drink delicious, invigorating Postum instead. Thousands of people everywhere have found that this was the only thing they needed in order to bring about these very happy results. Order Postum -from your grocer today. Drink this delightful cereal beverage of satisfying flavor, for a wee e ir. Pp, ria s like th ons n a ds of others, you'll never be willing to go back to tea or coffee. Postum comes in two forms; Instant Postntn (in tins) outdo instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (le packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal ie being pteparod) [rade by boiling for 20 esthetes. Postum , 'or i.ealth "There's a Reason" Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she would not be without them. The Tablets are a perfect home remedy. They regu- late the bowels and stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break tip colds and simple fever and stake baby healthy and happy. Con- cerning them. Mrs. Noble A. Pye, Eeum Seoum, N.S„ writes:—"I have found Baby's Own Tablets of great benefit for my children and I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Oht, Some Fish Never Sleep. Salmon, pike and goldfish are said to be the onlyfish that never sleep, Still hope! It is foolish to be sorry you came until you reach the end of the road. A grasshopper's ears are just below its knees. M [nerd's Liniment Used by Veterinaries The nettle, which has eighteen com- mon v`ar'ieties, is the most widely spread of any wild plant. TI1 •CAUSE OE BA( (•tCJ1i'i Only in Rare Cases Does ack- aehe•'Mean Kidney Trouble, Every ittt;itale in the body needs eonstantly a supply. 01 rich, red blood in proportion to the work 1t does, The muscles of the hack are under a heavy Strain and have but little rest, When the blend is titin they lade nourish. stoat, and the result is a seesatlon of pain in these muscles. Some people think pain in the back incase leldeoy troubles bet the beet medical authori- ties ties agree that backache seldom or never has anything to do wlth'the lid. neys• Organic kidney- disease nay have progressed to a critical/ point without developing a pain in the back. This being the case,. pain in the back should always lead the sufferer to loop to the condition of his blood. It will he found in most cases that the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to build up the blood will etop the sensation of pain in the ill -nourished muscles of the back. How nnteh bettor it is to try Dr. Williams' PInk Pills for the blood than to give way to unreason- able alarm about your kidneys. If you suspect your kidneys, any doctor can make tests -in ten minutes that wiLl sot your fears at rose, or tell you the worst, But in any event to be per - featly healthy you trust keep the blood in good condition, and for this pun pose no other medicine can equal Dr. 'Williams.' Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from 'Sthe Dr. Willlame' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Origin of Steeplechase. • The etymology of steeplechase is too obvious to need set explanation. Founders of the sport merely fixed up- on a distant steeple and rode straight to it, crossing gallantly hedge, ditch, paling, turf or •timber, pasture,•crops, moorland or ridge and furrow—whoso riding straightest, came in first and was winner. • - But there are few, indeed, to whom a wild goose eluate bears any implica- tion of sport, yet the phrase derives from a sport hazardous, indeed. It Is said to have begun in Ireland, where a chosen leader took mounted men cross country, but chose always• the roughest, wildest going to be found. If mischance befell the leader some other tools up the office—occasionally there was .a change of leaders if the first proved timorous. For danger real and thrilling was bhe spice of the wild goose Chase. The winner was not he who came home first, but he who had flunked nothing in the route, evert possibly leave gone 'further averted to negotiate an extra hazard. Knowing this I have wond•esed a little if the Wild Geese—the Irish legions who, fighting for alien kings, have shown themselves prodigies of valor—did not take their name from the spelt nearest the heart of their homeland, - "Cascarets" if Sick, Bilious, Headachy from the Bowels Get a 10 -cent box now. You men and women who can't get feeling. right—who have" headache, coated tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bili- ous, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have a bad cold. Are you keeping your bowels clean With Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Casoarets work while you sleep; cleanse the stomach of sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from liver and carry out of the system all tate constipated poison in the bowels, A Cascafet physic to -night will straighten you out by morning. The leech is the only animal that possesses three separate jaws. The actual weight of the human brain or the size of the bead ie. no sign of special intelligence. Minard's Liniment for Garget In Cows, HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. 1 MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat• kers through this column. Address him et Spadinn House, Spadlna Crescent, Toronto, There appears to be a doubt in the mind of many of my correspondents as to what Pubiic health actually means. At the head of the column in which I write articles on Public Health, questions on Public Health subjects are invited. and I shall be glad to renewer such questions. But in many cases letters are receved from people asking me for suggestions re- garding treatment fer eome ailment they have and which they would like to get rid of. Now I desire to make it pain that Leaning •answer questions of this sort. It would be useless for Inc to do sec if I wanted to, for I leave not seen the patient and could not diagnose their trouble frolo state- ments in a letter, Besides, treatment of disease is the particular and special work of the family or locel physician. He is the man on the spot and the right man to consult in oases where medical advice is desire& For instance, oma woman writes that she enjoys m Y articles ort Public Health and wands to know if I could tell her what to do for a "floating kid- ney." In another case a mother writes to say that her baby had a heat rash and wishes to know what she should do for it, while just this morning I received a letter from en old gentle,, man to say that he had fits and want- ed me to tell him Whattreatment he should adopt. here, hurt in every case I have to refer such cases to the physician. The work of a Public health offi- cial deals 'largely with hygiene and preventive medicine, and by these term's I mean ways and means of pre- serving health and keeping the body out ntittd in full strength and vigor, and giving warnings of danger ,to health that will undoubtedly follow neglect of hygienic .principles either in personal or community life. As regards the care and treatment of the sick, that is a phase el Medical work by itself, and the local .physician is the man to deal with sickness :in any community. The Public IIe•alth official is really a teacher and sanitarian. His work is preventive, rather than curative• in fact about the 'only instance where Public Health ofucians undertake treatment is in the prevention or con- trol of convnuadoahle er infectious diseases when stodh dipeares are a menstee to the health of other people. My advice to all those who write to me tolling of their personal ailmentsits is to sec their doctor, because these athnects aro not in the line of Pulpinc Health work, My purpose is especi-. ably to keep people well, and to this end I shall he glad to answer any questions that nifty hellp anyone to remain in good health and preserve their full vigor and activity, and i shall 'try to give lull publicity to those pt'htctples of hygiene that tend to New, there are maty similar letters maintain health and happiness tmd reaching me which '[ need not relate raise the general etatvdar'cl of living, A Christmas Carol. it le easy, 0 my musters, ee find 140 bent of ways To pelaso the Lord in using the holiest of days, "'Pe!" says the rich roan, "I ani, ruled with care, Sables for my wile-T.dleP00nds 'lino " and rare? Pearls for nay daughters, swift cans Or Pty sons? -- I 811n1! be iniad from worrying before tile great Eve rune!" says his brother, "I know the gift l'I0 gave; I know that Tie redeemed me—I was once a slave. I wish I had a ahallto set wilt rubies rod 4.8 the blood of pigeons, or sapphires "for His heat/," But—oh—seek out the _sacs man to ' whom all inns are closed, Who knocked in vain at every door where honest folk reposed Oh, cheer the widowed woman and dry the children's tears, And drive away for one whole year 1110 wolf the orphan fears! � It is easy, 0 my mestere, to find the best of weys, To please the Lord ie. usieg the holiest of days! —Maurice Francis Egan. ff Mother! Clean Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Flg Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and -bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the eon stipation: poison, sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again- Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy, They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ash your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "Califotnia" or you may get an Imitation ing syrup. Scientific Proof. One day a teacher was having a first -grade class in physiology. She asked them if they knew that there was a burning fire in the body all of the time. One little girl spoke up and said: - "Yes'in; when it is a cold day, I can see the smoke." His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear ea- tlrely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York City. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed natur- al drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, will be given a prompt reply. - advt. --Q Cook Growing Belgian Sport. Cock -crowing competitions are very popular among the working classes in Belgium. The roosters are ranged In cases, and 'official markers note the number of crows. The cock that has tittered its shrill cry the most times in an hour carries off the prize. , DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 36 -cents buys a bottle of "Danderitto" at any drug store. After one applica- tion you can not fled a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. A Gas from Wood, • Sulphite turpentine gas given off when wood is boiled in paper -making is used its malting TNT. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Hxprese Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. In a certain 'public park there ate seats around the bandstand with this notice posted on then: "The seats in the vicinity of the bandstand are ;for the use of ladies. Gentlemen should matte use of them only after the former arc seated." LUMBERMAN'S FRIEND The Original and Only Genuine 1110 OF PAM 3'Alt {iOT.TT EI, ti 0,' ISSUE Ne, 00—'21, Predicts Armageddon Within the Decide. An astrolcges Who sighs himself' "Septat'ial," writing in the British Journal of Astrology, Says that the year 11)16 be destined to shako the world to its foundation, both 1)11Y01 - 00117 end politically. After general trying misfortunes, he ,says, there will be a battle 01 Arma, geddon, with the entry six years later of 'the Mighty One of Isr.ael,' The great final conflict, he says, will be waged against Mo1anianedanlem allied with the Bolshevik!, which will push in the direction of the Hely Land, where, north of Jerusaieni, the fight will be caa'ried to its predestined end. Four great Powers will bo allied against the AngloeSaxons, which. will bo gatherel again from''' all Paris of the earth. There will be a Br'itish-Iei'ael victory in the end and universal peace. —n CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn' hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, in- stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with lingers, Truly! Your druggist eel's a tiny bottle of "Freezono" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, sad the cal• lases, without soreness or lrrltation. The Persians have a different name for each day in the month. Minard's Liniment for Colds, etc. The Waterloo med'a'l was the first given to all ranks alike. 1 PAGE'S PAY Cici NOW MUCH JIGGER CAN WORK EVERY DAY, SX111'CE TAKING TANLAC. Troubles Gone, He Eats Any. t)ring and Feels Fine All the Time Now. "I am putting in fun time at work since Taulao has got me in such fine shape," said William Page, 29 Hama - ten St., Toronto, Ont •''My troubles, hed been pulling mo down for six. years• and during all that time I hardly knelt" what, it wee to ever feel good. 1VIy stomach was all out of order and as regular as I ate anything I had 10 pay for it in suffer- ing. There was a burning like fire la my stomach, I would bloat all up with gars that nearly cut off lay breath and fie `times I bad such ski otb•ering spells that I thought each breath would bo lay last, I had frequent attacks of rheumatism in both knees and ankles and sometimes these spells nearly laid me out altogetber. My nerves - were all unstrung, I was restless all night long and could sleep but little, and when morning carne I never felt fit for work. • "But Tarlac straightened ave out and to -day I am feeling fine and in ab. soluteby sound health. I have a cork- ing, good appetite and can est any- thing set before me and digest it as geed as I ever could. Mynerves aro strong as steel and the rheumatism has just about completely gone. 1 sleep like a top and get up mornings ready for a big day's work." Tarlac is sold by loading druggists everywhere, , Adv. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Classified Advertisement:. HELP WANTED. :11U Al/LES WANTED --TO DO PLAIDS andlight sewing at home, whole or sora'* time; good pay; 'work sent any. distance; charges paid,. Send stamp for particulars. National 11:IauuLOefuring Co.,_ Montreal. PLAYER NANO FOR SALE. ) kill PLAYER PIANO 1N 00011 condition, with a large number of music rolls, for sale at a bargain. L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. BELTING FOR SALE ALL, KINDS 014' NEW AND USED belting. pulleys, saws. cable,hose•pacldng, etc., shipped subject to approval at lowest prices in Canada. YOttIC BELTING 00., 7,15 YORK, STREET, TORONTO. America's :Pioneer Doi' ltemostea Book on DOG DISEASES and HIow to Feed Mailed Pres to any Ad- dress by the Author. A. Clay Glover Co., Ina 118 West slat Street New York, U.S.A. 011 will be astonished ht there' milts we get by ou"r, modern system of dyeing and c�eaniiig. Itebrlte hat areshabb� y-, dirtel tit e tted are ado like lie*. We eau resloie•the est delicate articles. Send one article: ora parcel of goodie b post or express. We Ivi11 a' ear, age one way, and our clads e3 are est reasonable. When you think of clean- ing and dyeing, think oil PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. 93 Toronto iewilinkwioVEMINXIMMININS aseline trade Mark IT PETROLEUM JELLY" An application of "Vas- eline" White Jelly brings grateful relief• when applied to cuts, burns, chafed skin, etc. CHESEHnoUCH MANUPALCUn:oti 050MPAN4 Ia81 Chabot Ave., Montreal" 1,.• tubes andjarsat all drug- gists. COARSE SALT ILAND1SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS O. J. CLIFF - TORONTO "tiiymvialiiervie •ronwormirarivirmitNg When your head is dull and heavy your tongue furred, your bowels O costive; when you have no appe- r, : tits for food, no strength for work .} e and no interest in life; your stomach is at fault. You need 2 Mother Seip el's'. Syrup, which con- % ' tains than ten medicinal extracts of more different roots,barks 6..' and leaves,which aro wonerfully berieficiel upon the digestive or- gans. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 ie bottles et drug stores. ,.oc, VAMMIVINU 41MRMMNUVINANIMM UWVit USE SLOAN'S TO ' EASE LAME BACKS �jOU can't do "your best when a your back and every muscle aches with fatigue. 1 Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, with- out rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort. Good for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and strains, aches and pains sciatica, sore muscles, stili joints and the after effects of weather exposure. 1 For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. .Keep Skau's handy. At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40. Made m Canada. ,..s • 8 s r.. si:�.l� men ID Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, 'you are not getting Aspirin at all, Why take chance?. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians 'during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Toothache Earache Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pails ITandy tin boxes of 12 tablets—Bottles of 24 Ana 100—Alt Drtiggiets. Aeplrla is she leads nark trrt;istered In Canada) of Oeyor mmittfeolsro of Mono- nreueanldestar of Salieyticood• 1,711315 It 15 104.31 ltneW11 that AsPirlrt mean* taYor ntaslltaalure, to assist the public 5(551501 hnitatlons, tito'railote e! Dorov Coliipan 10111 to stamped with their troaerai trade tuark, tits "535751 atom"