HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-11-17, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEW1 LERY STORE o One Can Afford To Be Without Music Come in and get a Phonela and help to make the long evenings more pleasant. It is as good as any paid superior to most mach- ines in tone and finish and will play any make of records without any extra attachament, APEX Double Disk Records Are as good as the best records on the market and only 65e R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey'a Drug Ston i Clothing Pries Greatly Reduoei The prices of clothing for this season show marked decrease on last year's prices. Let us quote you a new price on a suit or overcoat -We can interest you. Special bargains in boy's school suits -About two dozen suits to clear at real bargain prices= Men's odd pants from $2.00 up a 1 -Full range of Shoes and Rubbers at right price. Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE TN AT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE Ra NEW IDEA/ PATTERNS. on -all the Following ynes have been Stoves and Ranges Quebec Heaters Stove pipes, elbows and stove -boards `Ware Ever Aluminum Utensils Nickel plated ware Granite ware Galvanized ware Perfection Oil Heater Electric roils and electric lamps Roofing and Beaver Board Agents for the celebrated PILO!' SUPERIOR PIPELESS FURNACE Watch our big window next week for a Big Graniteware Sale HARLA3. 1 ROS Hardware, Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock ponsmsenebsockrost CiSaY ATTENTION 3 burner $26.00 coal oil Shif 4 burner $30.60 • �1 We have just received a shipment of Quebec Heaters call and see them. Sutter 45,c Perdue HARDWARE,. ELECTRICAL PLUM ;3IN G rhe Olinton New;; -Record. p41�•Iia Boallty Comfort IN THIO CANADIAN HOME IS A. SUI3JECT WIIICII IS REGEIV- ING MORE ATTENTION, THE AR- TISTIC STANDARD 'OF 'THE Ay- ERAGE nOME IS NOW HIGHER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. PEO- PLE ARE DEMANDING SETTER AND MORE , CONGENIAL SUR. RO'U'NDINGS, WALL HANGINGS IIAVE MUCH TO DO WITH BRING- ING ABOUT TIIll DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT, Il' YOU ARE INTER- ESTIID WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT OUR SPLENDID STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Tia . D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -.Always the Best •--_ * EVE SPECIALIST A, L. Cola, Tye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Caned- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto, Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. linluneWiUcalUe Mrs W. J. Miner is visiting Lon- don friends. Mrs. 4. G. Medd visited Exetex • friends last week. Mr. 0.' Johnson "of Godeiiclt was in town - on Saturday. Mr. H. S. Chapman of Toronto WAS • a• visitor in town last week. Mrs. Wills of London has been vis- iting her cousin, Mrs. E. W. Mor- rison. Mrs. p. G. Courtice has returned from a visit with her son in Chat- ham. Mrs E. Dells of BearnsviIle is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ladd of Toron- to were home for a few days dur- ing the holiday period. Miss Mabel .Rothwell visited over the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rathwell. Mrs. A. J. Holloway has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. I. Rattenbury of Peterboro. Rev. T W. and Mrs. Blatchford of Listowel were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Hawke, Miss Irene Brooks of Mitchell spent the week -end as the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon. Mr. A. J. Morrish is in 'Toronto this week, going down to meet his mother, who has just returned from the west. Mrs. Lutton, who has been visiting friends at Chicago, Ill., Flint, Mich., and at 'Kitchener, has re- turned to town. Mrs. J. 13, Whittingham and son, Fred, have returned home after spending last week with friends in Londesboro and Blyth. Miss Kathleen East and her friend, Miss McKellar, of Toronto, are guests at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. W. G. Cuninghamc. Mrs. F. W. Johnston visited at her old home in Georgetown over the week -end and attended the McCaig McPherson wedding on Nov. '7th. Mr. Creswell Anderson of Fruitland -- is spending a short vacation at the home of his parents, Rev S. and Mrs. Anderson, Ontario street parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. J. W". R. Lee and two children of Port Colborne have been the guests during the past week of the former's aunt, •Mrs. Fronk Gibbs. Dr. Blackall of Blyth was in town on Monday and met many of his old friends. Dr. Blackall is going to London where he will remain for the winter at least and may permanently locate. Rev. D. N, McCamus Rev. S 'An. Berson and Messrs./ R, J. Miller and J. A. Irwin were in Hensall on Tuesday attending a spiritual conference in connection with the Exeter and Goderich Methodist districts. Rev. E, L, and Mrs. Anderson -of Weliburn have been visiting the former's parents, Rev. S. and Mrs. Anderson, at Ontario street Parsonage. Mr. Anderson has been assisting his father with special services at Turner's. Mrs. James Finch •was called to Fairbank last week owing to the illness of her sister, Mrs, Ira Fisher, who passed away on Thursday; Nov. 10th. 'Mrs. Fisher was a slaughter of the late George Wheatley of Hullett township. Mr. D. S. Conk of Toronto came up and joined his wife, who had been here for a week, and spent a few day's over the holiday with friends in town and vicinity. Mr. Cook has fully recovered from it serious illness which he had last &piing and is feeling and looking very well, indeed. Mi'. and Mrs. W. i', O'Neil left Tuesday morning for Orlando, Fia., where they, •will spend the winter. Mr. O'Neil did not in- tend to go so soon but the change. able weather We have been having the past few weeks has been hard on him and ,lie thought lie hats bet- ter go to a warmer clime, They have gone to the seine plate wilere they spent the winter' to pl'asently last year, w 1 RAMA TiIIJI>`,SDAy, NOY, 17t1h, 'lain. Fog CH ?'9.Terphatfrom MTN 'h S AND Mg tin C Seeded Raisins per lb Seedless Raisins per lb Bleached Raisins ,.New Currants • .23 .27. ,30 .19 Best Vos, Currants - ,22 Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel per lb ,50 Prunes per lb 6 lbs Rolled Oats . Brooms :10 Bars Electric Soap 10 Bars Sunlight Soap 5 bars Lennox Soap 3 lbs O'Neil's Tea 1 lb Cocoa 1 lb Coffee -. Lard 2 lbs for 1 Pail - 5 lbs Corn Meal 5 lbs Cream of Wheat .25 Pot Barley per lb ' .07 12 lbs Granulated Sugar - .99 Pure Jam 4 lb tin _. .70 Corn Syrup 5 lb pail .45 Puffed Wheat .15 Puffed Rice .18 ,14 .24 ,40 .00 .68 .25 $1.00 14 .38 .35 .53 .25 2 lbs Broken Sodas Essences -Vanilla, Lemon etc. Matches 2 for 3 pkgs Pearline 3 pkgs Ammonia 3 pkgs Rinso 2 lbs Green Peas Buckwheat Flour per lb Corn Flakes per package Sardines per tin .25 .10 ,25 ,23 .23 .23 .25 .08 .09 .15 Special for Friday and Saturday Finnan Haddie Filletts Salmon Snacks Fresh Oysters THE HUB ROCERY Two Delivery Wagons at your Service If you wish your goods before nine o'clock, kindly order the afternoon before. Saturday's Specials A few 4 lb tins of jam and marm- alade, best quality, 750. Also ]t few jars at 30f per jar, Mixed fancy biscuits at 300 lb. As I am not going to handle these lines I wish to clean them out, We will also have a full line of our own Pastry & Cakes, Candies & Fudges. Don't forget to take home a loaf or two of CREAMALT BREAD R. S. O'NEHdL Phone 204 The Baker London Road Miss Waldron, who has been very ill, is thought to be improving a little. Special services have been conduc- ted in Turner's church cloning the past couple of weeks, coming to a close on Tuesday evening. The pas- tor, the Rev. S. Anderson, was as- sisted last week by his son, the Rev. E. L. Anderson of Wellbiirn. The Rev. Mr. Edwards of Seaforth preached on Tuesday ,evening. l-liailett Township Mr. W. H. Stevens wahes to ex- tend his thanks to the friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy, during the illness of his wife and since her death. ,Tuckersmith Township Mr. Vernon Terryborry had the misfortune while cutting rails with a circular saw to get his fore finger and knuckle badly cut with the sew. He went to town and had the doctor dress it and it is hoped the bones aro not injured. The many friends of. Mrs, 'C. 1. Coleman are pleased to hear she is able to be up and about the house again and is improving, though slowly. Mr. Cecil Oak and family have re- turned home after spending the sum- mer in Saskatehcwan. Cecil says there is no place like Huron. • Mr. Stephen Troyer of Hensall spent a few days last week with his nephew, Mr. Frank Coleman of the west -end. Quite a number of the pupils alb No. 0 school are at home with the eblehenpox the last week or so.Therc were only three or four in attendance last week, Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Johnston of Varna took in the Egmondville an- niversary on Sunday last and also visited with the Tatters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman of the 2nd line. A quiet wedding was solemnized in St, Joseph's church, Kilian), Al- berta, of Monday, when the Rev. Father Cadieux joined in the holy bonds of matrimony Mn Mabel tr t Stadler, only daughter*ts of Mr, and Mrs. S H. Stadler and Mi. Harry 1. O'Brien, The newly -wedded parr loft immediately after the ceremony on a honeymoon trip and will on their return take up their residence on the groom's farm adjoining the town of ICi11am. - The groom is an old Tuckersmith township boy, a brother of Mr. Chris. O'Brien, and his old friends will waft good wishes on this happy occasion. Say "Merry Christmas" with a Photograph - You can complete your Christ - list --quickly with photo- graphs and you will he sure of giving just the right thing. Photographs are gifts you can easily afford anti family and friends will always treasure them, Rl lY BALL Photographer Phone e 6 av Mr. J. ME l i R Government Candidate in S iUTH [HURON has arranged to hold meetings at the following places, on the following dates, and will have supporting him at Bayfield, Nov. 22nd. \ AT8P.M. Mr. A. R. Hassard Porter's, Hill Nov. 23rd AT 2 P.M. Hon. Mr. Q`;tendars Varna, Nov. 23rd AT 8 P.M. Hon. Mr. Fenders ]Londesboro, Nov. 28th AT 2 P.M. Mr. A. Thompson • E:C-.M.P., YUKON Clinton, Nov. 29th AT 8 11,1% Rion. Edmund Bristol 1' OUR CUTLERY IS CUHIERY 'THAT CATS Butcher knives Sticking knives Bread knives Jack-knives Scissors -the very best Community Plate and Old Colony' in Rogers 1847 Don't forget our Men's Working and Driving mitts --They're A. R. Clark's Neponset Combination Wall Board just in line for dividing those large rooms for winter rt © Corless GENERAL HARDWARE „ram testi: Cr.11,21zir PHONE 53 'Style, Fit and Workmanship At the lowest possible prices are the most important points for a man to consider when ordering clothes. OUR STYLES ARE OF THE VERY LATEST, OUR FIT IS AS- SURED BECAUSE WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND CUT A SPECIAL PATTERN TO YOUR FIGURE. WE DO NOT USE THE SAME PATTERN FOR EVERY CUSTOMER AND TAKE CHAN- CES, FOR WE HAVE LEARNED THE SCIENCE AND ART OF DESIGNING IN THE BEST CUTTING ACADEMIES IN AMER- ICA. OUR WORKMANSHIP CAN BE RELIED UPON. WE ARE PRACTICAL TAILORS OF MANY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST LEAVE YOUR ORDER AND LET US PROVE OUR STATEMENTS .•sin aurrs^.saaazgams�nmsm.n. sacoatsry�v xussra m,,,or Herman THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Ilnll Brown's Men's Furnishings Store The Municipal Council of the :Town of Clinton,offers for said to local purchasers, deben- tures to the amount of $8,000.00. These are in sums of $500.00 each and are issued for Water- works purposes. „Interest at six per cent, pay- able annually on ,duly 1st, For further pa,r'tioulars apply to A. 11.4 Macpherson, Treasurer, .