HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-11-17, Page 1No.2124—,42nd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1921 Canada will choose the men who shall manage her public affairs .for the next five years. Think the matter over carefully before Ti -IE H. 1,4E .;PM° rR 150./34 ,his. Raster's Voice 'Victor , eeerdd dYGrr dell - er $'�' ets r� r - z0. jeweler and Optician Phone 174w These are double sided 1Q inch records Not reduced In quality But in price only Ye11qar Issuer of marriage licenses Residence 174J IS YOUR MONEY SAFE? ,Iliddesx in . your home it is :. -temptation to thieves. Deposit your money inthe bank' and rent a SAB`DTY DEPOSIT BOX for your - valuable papers, Victory Bonds, etc. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1858 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches 91.121 THE MOLSONS BANK There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding- your afeguardingyour surplus money than placing it in a savings account with The Molsons Biank. Why not begin to -day? H. R. SHARP, Manager ' CLINTON BRANCH Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent READX-TO-'WEAR 2 Fie tMorrish II CLorxnG c Clothing Co. Ot imi.ED Or--o•rmno Spacial For Sathrda: 100 Men's Suits and Overcoats, regular $35 to $40. Your pick of the en- tire lot on Saturday for Sixes 34 to 46. fflakeyoEr selection o ny' THE CLIYTHINc CO. motto "A Square Deal for Ever.. Mair" CLIN'20N MARKETS, Wheat, 950, Oats, 45t1. Barley, 500 Buckwheat, 65th, • Eggs, 600. Butter, 350. Live Hogs, $8.50,. "JOE" SEEMS HAPPY'. The many friends of Mr, Joseph Rider will be pleased to learn he has arrived safely in his native land. Mr. Ransford, on selling Mr. Rider his 'transportation, macre roe promise that when he reached Eng- land ho would write and tell how he fared. 1VIr, Ransford last week re- ceived a card from_ Joe on which was written simply, "Fifth line Na- tional Anthem", When our readers remember that ' this line reads, "Happy and Glorious", they will bet- ter understand Mr. Rider's ready win and the enviable condition he was in at the time of writing; McCAIG—McPHERSON, A quiet wedding took place at Duff's church, Puslinch, Nov. 7th, in the presence of relatives only, when Jessie Margaret, eldest daughter of Mrs. Katherine McPherson, was united in marriage to Russell Alex- ander McCaig, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCaig, of Pus- linch, the Rev. S. Woods officiating. 'The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. John Cockburn, 'and wore a navy tricotine suit with hat to match and corsage bouquet of Sunset roses. She was attended by her lit- tle cousin, Miss Jean McPherson, who wore pink organdie and carried a basket of Sunset roses, After the wedding breakfast, at the bride's home, the happy couple left for Toronto. Mr.. and Mrs. McCaig have taken up their residence in Clinton, where Mr. McCaig has been employed in F. W. Johnston's bakery and res- taurant. We extend congratulations. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Sunday next will be missionary field day in the Methodist churches of Clinton. In the morning, the Rev. A, T. Wilkinson, home en furlough from Japan will preach in Wesley church and in the evening Mr. W. G. Medal, a layman from Exeter. In Ontario street church Mr Medd will speak in the morning and the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson in the evening. On Monday evening the annual union mens' banquet will be served in Wesley ball, followed by a program in the auditorium, when the Rev. J. H. Arnep, missionary secretary, will speak and it is hoped also that Mr. Wilkinson will remain for this meet- ing. The annual union banquet has always been most 'successful and it is hoped this year it will be even snore se than usual. 11 1i 11 11 St. James Church, Middleton 10.00 a.m., Sunday School. 11.00 a.m., Holy Communion and sermon. Subject: Missions. St. John's Church, Hohnesville 0 x.30n. .r Holy of . onmr C onion and P Y sermon. Subject: Missions. . 8.30 pan., Sunday School. Baptist Church -- The Sunday School will hold its Christmas tree and entertainment on Wednesday, Dec. 21st, Willis Church The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. will be held in the lecture room on Friday, Nov. 18th at 'three o'clock. Mrs. Lundy of I{ippon, the Presbyterial visitor, will address the meeting. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to 'all the ladies, Willis Church The Girls' Club will hold their annual thank offering meeting on Nov. 21st at 8 o'clock in the lecture roots, The Club is fortunate in se- curing Miss Warren, a returned tris, sionary from India, to address the meeting. A good progian will be provided A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all ladies of the town"and vicinity, -, Ontario Street Church 'Cho members. and friends of the W. M. S. spent a very enjoyable ev- ening at their last regular meeting he17 in the school room on Wednes- day evening of lapst week, it being the occasion of the in -gathering of the mite boxes, and the Rest Fund collection. .It -being Mite Box night the programme was emitable to 'tb'e oehasfors, A special feature Was "A. Mite Box Song" giver by seven of the youngest members. The subject of "India" from the new Study Book "Canada's Share in World Tasks" asks was very ably pre- sented c1 b y Mrs. (:Tar.) Tholiipson, as- sisted by Miss Pickett and Miss Wi;.ltse, • I The incense from mite boxes and the centeibutio is to Rest Fund showed a decided increase over last year's givings. The evening ing exer- Cises were agiCCably concluded by a social half hour• over a cup of tea anal light refreshments, The6IAA gue meeting next week will be :held on Tuesday night, en= der the direellon of the Social coin - /tilted, JCvei•.ybdily welcome, &Jot IIONOUPEI) BY FRIEDS, Miss Bessie Porter, who .has been for many years a resident of Clinton and a montber of Wesley chords, re, cently sold her house and hes gone to reside in Londesboro. On her sever- ing her connection with the VV. M. S. of Wesley church, of which she had been an active member always and for snore years president, -she was presented by the members with a Iife membership pin. DON'T BE ENVIOUS. Word has been received from Mrs, Was, Cooper, who left a few weeks ago for Ontario, California, that she is enjoying figs, pears, peaches, or- anges .and grapes, fresh from the trees, as well as plenty of sunshine. Weil for those of "us, who have to live in the sante .place winter and summer, if we have stored up lots of the sunshine we had last July, to ]seep us sweet in the fees of such reports. ^ THE SCHOOL CONCERT, The Model. School concert on Fri: day evening last. was a fine success, a good house greeting the Hender- son Pipe Band of London, which put on a varied, -interesting and amusing program' The piping, dancing and 'singing of the company, in varied costumes, was Mich enjoyed and the numbers of Miss .Dunbar, comedienne, were greeted with Uproarious applause. Her acting was funny hut her ap- pearance was so funny that her act- ing,,.didn't matter much. Sam Mum. ro and his clever little sister, Doro- thy, appeared in, several parts and were great favorites with the au- dience, Mrs. 'Munro acted as accom- panist during the evening. Principal Houck of the Model School introduced the company and explained that the school was en- deavoring to raise some funds to buy decorations for the schen' and also to purchase a grafonola for use in the school. About fifty-six dollars was cleared on Friday after paying the expenses of the evening. e The Henderson Company had of- fered a prise of $5.00 to the pupil selling the largest number of tickets for this entertainment and this prize was won by Miss Olive Schoenhals. Miss Olive was called to the stage on Friday evening and Miss Dorothy Munro presented the prize. LITTLE LOCALS. ' - Mr, Samuel Glidden of Harlock moved to town this week and is get- ting settled in his new house on Bond .street, Air. F. W. Johnston, who pur- chased Mr. Wheatley's residence on Rattenbury street is moving into - it this week. The choir of Wesley church intend having a social evening on Friday after the usual practise hour. All members are expected to be present. Mrs. Henry Garrett, Craig street, entertained at the tea hour Thurs- day in honor of her mother, Mrs. H. W. Cook, of Clinton, Ont,—Winni- peg Free Press. The attention of tocal investors is called to an advertisement on an- other page of this issue of the sale of town debentures. The interest, paid ennead, eallcl, is six per, cent. Sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston in the loss of their child, a little boy of two months, who died on Monday. The funeral took place yesterday af- ternoon.- The old "power house" on Mary street is being torn down and the bricks will be used 'for building a new pump house. The building has not been used for some time except for storing. A pubiic meeting will be held In the town, hall tomorrow evening at which Mr. lenses Murdock, Liberal candidate in South Toronto, anti Mr, Thos. McMillan, Liberal candidate .in South Buten, will speak. A large• number of Clinton people wont out to Rolnnesville Monday ev- ening to the -fowl sapper, and got a good one. More would 'probably have gone but for the fact that the roads are not of the best. The Womens' ,Institute will hold their regular meeting at three o'clock, sharp, on. Thursday afternoon next in the usual place of meeting, over the Public Library. Mrs. I1, Fowler will give a repent of the con- vention at London, Mr. A. Wilkes has sold his shoe anti repairing business to Mr, Barry of Walkerton, who is already in pos- session. We shall welcome Mr. Bar- ry to Clinton but trust that this change will not mean the rembvai of Mr. Wilkes from town. Prom . ort bite 14th the 10thof to this month is being observed as visitors' week throughout the whole system of the Bell Telephone Company. Any - ono wishing to look over the local exchange will be courteously re- ceived. A timber of the girl friends s of Mhs Mary M 'Cn a s to y c g1, tt gathorecl at het home en Monday evening, and, lir honour et.. her birthday, presented her with a handsome ivory reading lamp, A Jolly evening Wasyspent by the young People d. ASSESSMENT LOWERED, in the case of the Doherty Pianos, Ltd., the Court of Revision at their adjourned meeting set the assess- ment on land at $1,000, buildings at $12,000, business assessment at $7,800, total assessment at $20,800, This is practically what it was be- fore the increase was made. WOMEN HAVE ORGANIZED. Mrs. Edwards of London was in Own on Monday and organised the women of town, who are supporters of the present. government, for the campaign, An organization meeting was held in the' afternoon, when workers were appointed for each Ward, and in the evening a larger meeting was held in the council cham- ber, which was open to all women. SATURDAY LAST DAY. Nov. 10th is the last Clay for ap- pealing to have names entered on the town voters' list for the muni- cipal elections in January. Any per- son who became an owner or tenant of property since the assessment 'for this year was made is entitled to be on the list, but must be added by appeal to the judge, Court will be held in the Council Ohanfber sonic time in December. Hand your name to the Town Clerk. • WILL NOT. SIT SUNDAY, Clerk Macpherson.calls• our att'en- -tion .to the fact that the registrars apliointed to make the lifts fm the Dominion election to be held on Dee. 6th have posted up notices stating that they will certify to- said lists on Nov. 27th., which is Sunday. He presumes the certifying will not be a strenuous job, .,es otherwise the Lord's Day Alliance might be called upon to intervene. The registrars are instructed to sit for five days after nomination' day, which is on Nov. 22nd, This' would stake the fifth clay fall on Sunday, but no doubt the work will be done in. four clays, most of the registrars being good churchmen. OPENING MEDICAL SCHOOL. The News -Record received .an in- vitation to tihe official opening of the new Western Medical School build- ing at London on Thursday and Fri- day of this week. Hon. R. H. Grant, Minister of Education, will address the faculty, students and alumni on Thursday and a portrait of the late Dr, H, A. McCallum will be un- veiled On Friday afternoon Prof. A. B, MacCallum of McGill Uni- evrsity, will give an address and -on the evening of that day 'a reception by the Board of Governors end Fa- culty of Medicine will be held. If we are not present at these functions it is not because we are not interested. We wish the Western every success. WHERE THE MONEY WENT. At the council meeting last week, chairman 'Cooper of the Finance committee, gave a little summary of the estimated for the • different de- partments and` -the amounts spent so far, as follows :— Property Committee, estimate $700, spL ent $457. Fire and Water c Lcl Colurnitt e e estimate atP- $500, spent $427. Insurance estimate $85, spent $47. Grants, estimate $700, spent $529. Streets, .estimate $1200, spent $2826 ($850 of this has been returned from the county and several hun- dred will still be returned). Charity estimate, $50, spent $32 Parks estimate, $50, span) $107, Incidental estimate,. $700, spent $400 It was estimated that $50 would be taken in in fines and $213 lies been taken„ The property committee estimated that $450 would be taken in during the year, $378 having been received up to date. It is hoped the year will end with ar small balance in the treasury. MIDDLETON--McBRIDE , The following account of a wed- ding, interesting to many News -Re- cord readers is copied from The Waterloo Chronicle -Telegraph, of Nov, 10th, The groom is one of God- erich township's :best known and most prominent young farmers. •l'hey will reside on the homestead "Mount Pleasant," Goderich township: "A marriage of much interest to Twits -City residents was solemnized at the Church of the holy Saviour at 1..45 o'clock Tuesday, when Miss, Kathleen Isabel, damghtee Of Mr. amts Mrs. A. B. McBride, George street, becs:me the bride of William Harvey Middleton, son of the,- late •George tied Mrs, Middlton, Clin- ton, Ont. The church was very prettily de- corated for the occasion, Rev. C. W. Foreman, the pastor, officiated, Mr, arid. Mrs. Arthur Smith, sister and btothoi in law ofIt bridegroom brut. roost e g were the attendants,' Thebride wore as beeonnng suit of navy broadcloth with seal .Curs and coteage of orchids and a clainty'Cusebia hat with French flower tr'irnusing, The bridegrooms s'lrift to the bride was a bar pin set in diamonds, Num- erous costly aid beautiful gr ft5 were received r, c by the 1 < young people attest- ing to the high esteem itt Which they are held in the Twits -City, After the ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Middleton left on a wadding trill to pelmas meet, On the r return they Will take tip their residepee in Clinton," ORANGE SOCIAL. Murphy Lodgq and -the ladles' lodge' and a number of their friends enjoyed a social evening in the lodge rooms on Tuesday etening. A pro- gram was given first, My, Geo. B. Henley presiding, Amongst those taking part in the program were: Miss Gertrude Fowler, the Misses Taylor. and Miss Helen Cook, Mr. Chas. Cook, Miss Daisy Necliger, Mrs. F, Holloway and little Miss Mildred Holloway and Rev. D. N. McCansus and Rev, 0, M, Hallowell, The Phalen Orchestra 'furnished the music for the evening. After the pro- gram refreshments were served and as pleasant social time was spent, PROTEST AGAINST INCREASE. The Clinton council last week at its monthly meeting instructed Clerk Macpherson to write ' the Municipal Association protesting against the. proposed increase in the Telephone rates. The proposed change would mean, as fSr as Clinton is concerned: Independent business telephone which is now $2.05 per month would be $2,50 per month, an increase of 450. Business two-party telephone which is now $1,85 per month would be -$2.00, an increase of 150. Busi- ness four -party telephone' which is now $1.54 per month would be $2.00, an increase of 46th. Private. branch exchange which is now. $2.05, would be $2.50, an increase of 450. People You Know hirs. J. G. Steepe is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Jack Neil of Stratford visited with Mrs. Wallace Wheatley on Wednesday. Mrs. Sidney Johns of Seaforth vis- ited last week with her sister-rn- law, Miss Johns of town. Misses Beth and Ruth Cartwright spent the week -end with Mrs. IIaawke, and other friends at Bruce - field, Bayfield Mr, Charles Ferguson, who has been sailing on the lakes the past season, returned home the past week. Mr. Robert Penhale, who went west with a car of apples this fall, returned home this week after dis- posing of them. Mr. Harry Baker, who went west with the harvesters excursion, re- turned home last week, Mrs. A. E. Erwin spent the week -end at Seaforth. The young ,people purpose holding a masquerade ball in the town hall on Friday evening, Nov. 25th, in the interests of furnishings for the hall. A tea will be served at the home of Mrs. F. A. Edwards this after- noon from four to six, the proceeds to be used to procure lights for Trin- ity church. 14r. Wan. Parker, who has been In the west for a year or more, has returned. Messrs, s rs John Pollock and Wm. Williamson is tso n havealso return. 'r - od 1 onf a trip west. Last Sunday the ansival thankof- for•ing service of the W. -IVI. S. was held in St. Andrew's church, The service was concluded by the Rev. R. A. Lundy and Mrs. Lundy of I(ippen. Mrs. Lundy gave an admir- able address taking as her subject the words, "What shall I render un- to the Lord?" There was a good at- tendance and the offering amounted to over forty dollars. Lion d esboro. Me, and Mrs. Thos Herniae of Clintbsi spent Sunday at Mr. W. Caldnrell's, Rev, Me. Tiffin of Blyth preached in the Methodist church on Sunday evening.. Rev. IV. R. Osborne spent a few' days of last week in Toronto. Miss Fanny Lee, who has been its Toronto for the past few months, re- turned home Saturday. Mrs. Fred Johnston and family, who spent Thanksgiving with rela- tives in London, returned house last week, Misses Gertie Roberton and Edith Sampson, who have completed their Commercial Course at the School of Commerce, Clinton, left on Wednes- day of last week for Toronto to take positions. Mrs Geo, Thompson and Miss Ethel returned home last week at - ter a visit with the lady's brother, Mr. Chas, Hutton 'of Toronto, ,The Guild of Minx Presbyterran church held their regular meeting 'in the church on Sunday evening. Porter's Hill 1VIr. and Mrs. Wilson have re- turned route after spending a week at Detroit, Alf. Me'Gregor and his moth- er, Mrs. McGregor', were down to London to see Mr, McGregor, who is not welveryl. V l t . hit', and Mrs. Geo. Monk spent a clay recently with Mr. Reg Fuller and family. We are sorry to hear that Mrs, Jaimes Flanigan bas's sore eye. Mr. Ai-bert Harrison is back from the West. , 1' Ho111'9e$Vife • Last Friday evening the congrega, tion of Stn John's church, Holmes.. villa,, gathered at the hone of Mr. C, E. Sturdy for their annual fowl sup- per. From 'six-tihrty to eight the lmcies were kept busy attending to the needs of the inner man. After- wards a hearty vote of thanks to Mr„ and Mrs. Sturdy for their kindness in giving their home was proposed by Rev. Hallowell, and unanimously pas•wed, followed by another vote of thanks to the ladies, who were re- sponsible for the preparing of the supper. Ganes and other amuse- ments followed, Mrs, F. Ford at the organ and Mr. Willie Marshall with his violin kindly provided the musical parts of the evening's pro, grain. • On Sunday last the annual mans' day services were held in the Methodist church, excellent sermons being preached by the Rev. H. D,1 Moyer of Goderich. The choir wad made up of men, who very ably led the service of song. The services were. inspiring and good congrega, tions were present both morning and evening, On Monday evening the, annual fowl .supper was served in the base- ment, an abundance of good things having been prepared by the Iadies and the people cane from far and nigh to enjoy them.••After• the sup- per a line program was• given uli- stairs, the pastor, the Rev. J. W.• Johnston, presiding. Messrs. Henry, and Kenyon and Mrs. Doty and Miss Belcher of Goderich assisted in the•musical part of the 'program, their contributions being very ninth enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Reycraft of God- erich gave an address and Rev, C. M. Hallowell and Miss Grant of Clinton contributed readings, the latter giving two, Altogether it was a very successful entertainment. The proceeds amounted to over $500. Stanley Township Mr. Jas, McGee spent Wednesday evening with friends on the Goshen line. Sorry to report that Mr. Roy Scotchnter has been under the weath- er lately. Mr, Mann Stecicle has purchased the farm on the Bronson line form- erly owned by Mr. • Melvin Talbot- Meno now having the cage, no doubt the bird will be forthcoming: Mr. Harold Penhale reports the Delco a fine thing•, He thinks the Hydro through this vicinity ,voiuid be. a fine success. Glad to hear that Mr. Lorne Epps has recovered front itis serious illness. soon be home again. Mr. Wm, Helmer had a very sue.' cessful auction sale last Thursday. Mr. Rohner intends moving to God- erich, Mr. John Scotchnter, who has been in Goderich Hospital for the past three weeks; is recovering and will soon by hrosa again.. L. Talbot and H. Penhale spent; Sunday nc n ernoo Y aQfit n with h tri ands us Bayfield. Y d. Mr. William Boyce spent a few days last week with Goderich friends. Mr. John Greer left for Elrose, Sask., on Friday last, • Miss Margery Armstrong of God- erich spent Sunday with her parents on the Goshen line. my, Albert Boyce has beets busy plowing' garde" plots in Goderich the past week. U. F. 0. AFFAIRS IN SOUTH HURON The annual meeting of the South Huron United Farmers' Riding Association was held in 'Ilensall re- cently when the following oflfces% were elected: Director, W. D. San- ders, Exeter; assistant director, Samuel Pynun, Usborne; secretary - treasurer, G. W. Layton, Bt•uccfschf. Good delegations from the the dif- ferent clubs were present and mat • - ters of interest were discussed, The U. F. W. 0, presented a resolution requesting that the sane privileges be granted in organization with tho 'Ti. F. 0., which was granted with- out discussion. Tile ladies elected Mrs. Taylor director and Mrs, hfc- I.,ean, Flippen, assistant, Mrs. Flynn of Usber•lne, who has given meets time to the work for the past year, expressed a desire to be relieved, .. The directors of the U. F, 0. poe litical organization, consisting of one lady and one gentleman from ea.id ' municipality, held the first executive meeting of the year on Thursday last at the home of Mr. Black, can- didnte fors. theHouse T Ol Cof Commons, On ntOr 9 , altslected h a t l n following r officers: President, W. D., Sanders, Exeter; Vice, ,T. II. Scott, Iiullett; Satire- tory; C. W, Layton, Brueefieid. The municipal directors are: W. Jan- ioson, R, Dorrance, .1', T'inlaysen, W. Hawkins, Thes, McWhinney, 0.. T{lopp, J. Murdock, 'C, H, Wise, S. Moore,ox A Mune, Cl.GTurnbull, 1 ., i i J. G. Medd, A. I. MWMrn`ray, Mrs., Ilesk, Mrs. Eckan•L, • Mrs. Smillie, ]Firs. Cants, Mrs. eLeen, M s. T. J Turnbull, Mrs,0, Turnbull, Mrs, John JervisMrs; Elder, Mrs. W. C. Medd, Mrs. Dewar, Mrs, C. W, Layton, Wit„