The Clinton News Record, 1921-11-10, Page 8rhe Clint*n Nows-Record CLINTON'S .,.E.A.DINGI, • .aN/VgLIT4liS .STORV o One Can Afford To Be Without Music 111 001110 in and get a Phonala and fielp to make the long evenings more pleasant. It is as 'good as any and superior to most mach. ines in tone and finish and will play any make of records without any extra attacharoent. APEX P9441P Risk Records Are as good as the best re7ords on the market and -only 65c Jeweller and Optician 11. SON Next Hovey'a Drug Store Beauty -Comfort IN THE CANADIAN HOME IS A SUBjEOT WHICH IS RECIOIV- ING MORD ATTENTION. THE AR.. vsne STANDARD OF THE AV- ERAGE HOME IS NOW HIGHER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN, PEO- PLE', ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR- B4ODNDINGS. WALL HANGINGS HAVE MITCH TO 1)0 WITH BRING - 'NG Al3OU'I' THE DESIRED 13RIGHTNESS„ BEAUTY AND COMFORT, IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO VIS. IT OUR SPLENDID STOOK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Ma W. 11 Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -Always the lBest EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 Lin, to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. Raincoats at Ralf Price Friday and Saturday One dozen only, Tweed Raincoats, telk gaR nice assortment of patterns,*choice for . A full line of Rubber Footwear, also tmbrellas and Parasols for the rainy weather, at right prices, • 1/.303144.4.170.1901.21.11434.1.44 Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 50 CLOTHINGNEW IDEA PATTERNS, • WX'....s2=X22:=142====ttina",.=.421=UMSW4Mile2====STZTEMISAM22 on all the Following Lines have been Ink VI d Stoves and Ranges Quebec Heaters Stove pipes, elbows and stove -boards Ware Ever Aluminum Utensils Nickel plated ware Granite ware Galvanized ware Perfection Oil Heaters Electric rens and electric lamps Roofing and Beaver Board Agents for the celebrated PILO F SUPERIOR PIPELESS FURNACE Watch our big window•next week for a Big Graniteware Sale ARLAND BROS-. iliardware. Stoves and Novelties The Store With w Stock 4=1=214332:6D maszczazzas=wayssimenzazzcao ATTENTION ! ! NMSa1oI ea 3 burner $20.00 4 burner $30.60 We have just received shipment of Quebec Heaters call and see them. Sutter ek HARDWARE nttarincA 14 erchte 11,0,213IN0 Miss Rudd was in Toronto over the week -end. Miss Winnie E. Thompson of To- ronto was home for the vacation. Miss Susie .Sleman spent a few clays in Toronto during the past week. Misses Jean and Mary McMurchie of Toronto were home for Thanksgiv.. Ong, Mr. Stewart Scott was up from To- ronto for the week -end and holt- day. Mr. Harold Kilty of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving holidays in town. Miss Cela Beacom o1 Toronto was in town over the week -end and holiday. Mr. Willis Cooper was up from To- ronto for over the holiday and week -end, Mrs. H. E. Paull of Alvinston was the guest of Mrs, H. T. Ranee for Thanksgiving. Misses Mamie Mabel. and Eva Cluff spent Thadtsgiving, Day as the guests of Mrs. Morrison, Hensel]. Mr. Alvin Leonard of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving holidays atjtis home in Goderieh township and m Clinton. Mr Ernest Livermore of the Uni- versity was home for.the holiday. He returned to Toronto, Tuesday morning. Mrs. Edward Hawkins and ehildren of Whigham were the guests 05 Mr. and .Mrs. T. Leppington ov- er Thankgiving. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell and children of Fingal] visited the for- mer's sister, Miss Mabel Harland, on' Thanksgiving. Mr. Earl O'Neil of Toronto and Miss Jessie O'Neil of Aylmer were vis- itors at the home of their parents for the Thanksgiving vacation. .. Mrs. P Dempsey and son Frank of Brantford were the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. E, Her- man, over the holiday season. Mrs. Win. Glen, who has been in town for the past fortnight see- ing to the storing of some of her effects, returned Iast week to To - 3'013t0 Mrs. ;Forbes leaves this week to spend the winter with her datigh- -ter, Mrs. C. Twitehell of -Wind- sor. She will visit her daughter in Hamilton before going to Wind - SOV. Mrs, A. V. Quigley and children have gone to Stratford where they will visit the lady's mother for a time before- going to Toronto, where they intend making their home in future. Mr. and Mrs. Inrig and Mr. and Mrs. P, F Gillies and Miss Mar- ion of Kitchener were week -end and holiday visitors at the home. of Mrs. Gillies' parents, Magis- trate and Mrs. Andrews. Me. W R, McCamee of Brantford, MeL , .- and Miss Bessie MeCtrems of London and Miss Marion Me,. Carus of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving hoildays at the home of their parents, Wesley parson- age. Mr. W. 15. Robinson, formerly ed- itor of the Goderieh Signal, was in town en Friday. He was on his way to London and gave Tho News-Reeord it friendly call while waiting between trains. Mr. Rob- ertson is getting rested lie since being relieved from his editorial duties and, as those who knew him would expect, is not an entirely nil- , interested spectator in the elec., tion eamertign j1181; now Miss Olive Harland came up from Toronto and spent the \Weelt-eed as the gueet of Mr, W. S. and Miss Mabel ITarlarld". Miss Olive sails this week front Montreal for her home in Etgleed, her mother's health reeking it necessary that she should go home and care far het*. She has been M Canada since 1907, going, home on a Visit two years•nmo, mul has been with the Same law ;Rini in Toronto for it imbiber of years. 'On her leaving the riln,, besides: presenting her With 41 Imiulsonve \ gat, sneered her naM-Ite for her 'and nffered to hold her position open. The sin' Mee gave her a, handsome parting ert. #041V4Atts4VM11$18WWVIUZMMI • URSDAY, NOV. 10th, 1921 laseareavameatonennemeastateinFanisi Vilt,gilkiRt4)41,~61:4M.4inleeno vie-nee-Iry fieuesm •.` 3 lbs O'Neil's Tea 100 lbs Granulated Sugar 10 lbs Granulated Sugar Breakfast Bacon per lb. Corn Syrup 5 lb. pail Lard per lb. Lard 2 lbs for Lard 3 lb pails Shortening 3 lb pail 6 lbs Rolled Oats 5 lbs,Corn Meal 5 lbs Cream of Wheat 2 lbs Dates Seeded Raisins per lh 5 bars -Lennox Soap ,1 lb Coffee Puffed Wheat Grape Nuts Pulled Rice Shredded Wheat Biscuits 3 lbs Flaked ‘A heat ,I1ttiqr Eta jkb $1.00 Pot Barley per lb 8,25 Bultwheat Flour per lb .85 4 lbs White Beans .35 4 lbs Cooking Onions .45 2 lbs Broken Sodas ,20 Essences -Vanilla, Lemon etc. .35 Canned Pineapple per tin .t5 Matches 2 for .50 Laundry Soaps -Gold, P. & G,, Sun - .24 light and Surprise 10 bars for 1 lb Sodas .25 2 pkgs Macaroni .95 3 pkgs Pearline .23 3 pkgs Ammonia ,25 3 pkgs Rinso .35 2 lbs Green Peas .15 Pure Maple byrup per qt. .17 Choice Cleaned Currents per lb .18 Corn Flakes per package .14 Seedless R•tisins per.lb ,25 Seedless Raisins per package 5 .07 , 08 .25 .25 .26 .10 .33 .25 .69 .18 .25 .23 .23 .23 .25 .90 .19 .09 .27 .25 e 1 ,.. .,,,::. THE 11 UlEt GROCERY Two Delivery Wagons at your Service If you wish your goods before Dille o'clock,. kindly order the afternoon before. •V% UiVe•41.-AIMMARWARP %At-44We tWeatattait -Wat-dolWileSeieOrgattgWig Yr or, of rN - -7-4,, l RES The Municipal Council of the Town of Dlinton offers fbr sale to local purchasers,•deben- tures to the amount of $8,0000.00. Thee are in sums of $500 00 each and are issued for Water- works purposes, Interest at six per cent. pay- able annually ou Ray 1st, • For further particulars apply to D. L. Macpherson, Treasurer. •cAlt di:44 iNSert.WIPPWSIgM.GIVZIRIAMMaNA:Pric Constance Quite a number from around here attended the memorial service in Clinton on Sunday afternoon. Miss Vera Adams of London spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Adams. Mr, and Mrs. Mansfield, of Trost spent 'Thanksgiving with their sister, Mrs. W. Britton. Messrs. Frank Hall and Bernard ancl Miss Mamie Hall spent Monday with their brother in St. Marys. Mrs. F. Hall returned with them. Quite a number around here at- tended the Londesboro anniversary on Sunday evening, also on Monday evening. Mrs, W. Clarke is improving nice- ly, agfileld Mrs, It, J. Larson, Mrs. E, A. Featherston and little daughter, Dor- is, of Naicarn, Sask., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker. Miss Louise Parker of Amass. Wood Hospital, St. Thomas, who has been visiting et her home, returned to her duties this week. Miss Ruby Fisher of Kitchener was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards over the week -end. Messrs, Wilber and Frank Er- win of Kitchener spent the week- end with their pare»ts, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Erwin. Miss Ethel Drehmann of Wing - ham spent the past week at her home in the village. Wilber Mellride, who has been carrying on the blapkamith business in the shop :formerly occupied by Janice Powlie, for the past year 01' more, sold out his interests to Mr. Mos, Brandon of Wingham, Who has ,110V taken charge of the bus - Mess. Mr. T. H. McCurdy, who has spent the summer at his farm ed - joining the villaw, loft this week for his home at Stratford, UM brother, 15, 'W. McCurdy, and els- ier, Miss Anne MSC 1'(1y, who have been stopping With him for to timre, eceompemied iiim, The ftld shyer on Thanksgiving evening' in the toWn hall nnder the auspices of the 'Methodist church was a success. A. large crowd turned out and a good program con- sisting of recitations, solos and In- strumental music was rendered. Mr. J. E. Doherty, Miss Gladys Cante- • lon and Miss Daisy Nediger of Clin- ton, taking part. The supper was all that could be desired and altogeth- er the affair was a success. Mr. H. Erehmann spent the past week itt New Ontario visiting. his sister. Mr. and. Mrs. Abe Brander: and child spent the week -end with friends at Wingham. Stanleu Townshlp The following is the report of S. S No, 7 for October. The names are in order of merit: Sr, 4th -Anna Love, Walker Car- lile, Eileen Turner, Finima Love, Tett Welch, Mae Stelek, Vera Smith, Jr. 4th-Wil1iam Anderson, Edna Cochrane, Greet: 'Coleman, Lawrence Reickert, Russell Consitt. Sr. 2rd---Dorothy Welch, Muriel C,arlile, Clarence Stephenson, Gladys Stephenson, Earl Love. jr. 3rd ---Wilma Love, Ebner Tur- ner, Viola Stelek. Jr. 2nd -Martha Cathie, Ralph Turner, Grace Love. Pt, 2nd --Clarence Reickert, Pt. ist--Gladys Colemat, Alvin Reickert. -Ruby Taylor, Teacher. COOKING SALE The Covennnt Bible Clime of Wil- lis clutch will hold a sale of home- made baking and candy, in Mr. Stothers' rooms, on Saturday after- noon, November 12411, commenchig at 2'.50 p.m. 15' tea will be served from 5 to 5. -20-1 Seasonable Reas,c3naf* Prices Glass, all sizes -single and double diamond Stall .fixturss, Barn door hangers and track Stable brooms, forks, shovels;lanterns, etc. Nsponsit combination wall board (quarter cak on,one side, cream white on revese) A. good line of Coal and Wood Heaters (with and withoutovene) M. T49 GENERAL HARDWARE oriess PHONE 53 1.,7.,)=PAII7e.M.,71t...aremnra=r4=s7zorrtc.,==raz-, ..ei,,cesli.s.em......mrsivirafaxeexamssotocuseeercumeacazotavra..m.eammisratunragearmeaversesstericeimuorzataran Style, Fit and Workmanship At the lowest possible prices are the -most important points for a man to consider when ordering clothes. OUR STYLES ARE THE VERY LATEST. OUR FIT IS AS- SURED BECAUSE WE TARE YOUR MEASURE AND CUT A SPECIAL PATTERN TO YOUR FIGURE. WE 1)0 NOT USE THE SAME PATTPN FOR EVERY CUSTOMER AND TAKE CHAN- FOR WE HAVE LEARNED 'THE SCIENCE ANI) ART OF DESIGNING IN I'm; BEST CUTTING ACADEMIES IN AMER- ICA. OUR WORKATA.NSIIIP CAN BE RELIED UPON. WE ARE PRACTICAL TAILORS MANY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. OUR DRIClliS ARE 'UHF, 1.0WFST LEAVE YOUR ORDER AND LET US PROVE 01JR, STATEMENTS- ILIEGMMIQGWAGLIIISIVVIROSMIZSM735,901:HMS4q0=403UMMIliAgAtiq Davis & Herman THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Ball Brown's Men's Furnishings Store r.2:=4=13INXISZMITENSPIRIMING4i maneersagewacccuemaicnorarrenset,sgecoatenceramuss,,e...noi.ms.t.-zummtnesse. Saturday's Specials A r OW 4 ib tins or Rim find marm- alade, best quality, 150. Also a few jars at 501, per jar. Mixed faney„biscults at llOt! lb: As ani not going to handle these linee I wish to clean them out. We will also have a full line of our own Pastry Sc Cakes, Candies Fudges, Don't :forget to 50110 home a loaf 01' tWO af • CREAVIALT ElitEAD mown/ Vara. Ir [1!,1 174 II VI TT ,just received a fine stock 01 Narcilssus, filuacinths Etc. Plant now for early bloom, Giant Paper -white Narcissus sporial at 5c each. Transplant your plants now We sell prepared soil at 1' per pail, The Baker C ngbtrne FROASt