The Clinton News Record, 1921-11-10, Page 3HEALTH EDUCATION. STERN E NDE S OF ,RHEUMATISM BY DR. J, J. MIDDLETON Previnpial Seerd of lierlth, Ontario Dr. eliddletoe will be glad to answer (Wes.tlons on Public h ealth fait• tors tlareugb this column. Addlose hint' at Spadilta House, Spadini Crescent, Toronto. In every effort directed to improve - meet of the public heaaith and we'll- )leing, the quer :on of out -door oxer - else must be taken into aneoit:nt, • No anatter whet preventive manures are tla8cen against disease, the phynicel condition of the in,diuitisa.i, whether adult orr-thbi1 is not kept in perfect condition if healthy exercise out -of - doers is not indulged in. The qr, .tient of what constitutes :healthy eaerciae is important, There are a large number of people who seem to think that touring around in a meter cat provides sufficient exer- cise fox the average pnreen. This is a mistake, but motoring has certain advantages. It detracts the nti'ncl from domestic cares and worries, and takes jeople out of doors in the fresh air. Real phys'ioM exercise—the kind t hat promotes sleep at nights and tvtimndates the appetite, 'is l ;eking in the pleasure that a motor ear offers, except in the ease of the driver who MO get enough exercise if something aneekeeical goes wrong. Walking is one of the most benefi- eiatl exercise that can be had and yet transportation and too little abet t walking.This necessary and it pet - taut measure towards the he:elb'h o the people should be fostered 'and ye- connnendeti daily in the public press. The papers that continually offered such important advice would gain favor with -nil progressive people. The great advantage of walking as 'an ex - excise to that it 'can 'he done at any time of the year and in practically all kinds of weather. There are, of court's, many other forms of otvt,docr exercise tacit as gardening, golf, tennis, bowls, rowing, canoeing, 'hunting and swimming, •On- tario has special facilities for iredulg- hMg in all these pastimes. Even Mrrcun- tainoering can be done --a most ex- hiliaratiug form of oport, But what- ever the form of exercise taken, the meet thing is to get out of doers in the Sunshine, on the lake shore or where the fresh breezes blow. In sick - neon or in health there is no 'batter tonic than fresh, sir and sunshine. Among the trees or by some quiet lake the tired body and mind get a chance to reel; and•recuperate. Let ell who react ibis article make tap their minds too little of it is psractice•d. We hear to epend as much time in body and in far too much in the deity papers about spirit in the great out-of-doors. Progress in Canada. An increase of 30,000,000 bushels of wheat in the three prairie provinces over last year's crap, is the estimate of the -Northwest Grain Dealers' As- soeiatloar. A wheat yield this year of .around 260,000,000 bushels is probably a reasonable calculation. Other esti- mates of the Associatiop are: oats, 333,655,000; barley, 44,760;000,: rye, 9,058,000•; flax, 5,576,000. - Cattle shipments to Greet Britain from the Port of Montreal show a steady increase since the opening of navigation, and particularly since the •ooming into effect of the Fcrdney Tariff 13i11. The total number of ves- sels which has left the port this sea- son with cattle Is 62,and these carried a total of 21,817 head. There were also five vessels which carried 1.880 sheep. A scow load of lake trout reached the, town of McMurray, Alberta, se - neatly, front the Mackenzie Basin Fisheries plant at Black Bay on Lake Athabasca, and further seipmonts. it :is expected, will lee made before the ekes of navigation on the big river. This is the first shipment of northern lake trout that has reachc'l McMurray for shipment to the markets of Canada and the United State:;. end demon- strates rue of the tft:bounded re- sources of the untapped regions- which lir; beyond the Athabasca. More than two million pouuii of wool were clipped from Alberta sheep this year, and 1,927,000 pounds have been shipped east for sale. Members of the Southern Alberta Wool Growers produced 1,500,000 pounds, the remain- der coming from Edmonton, Lacombe, Vermillion mei other points. Special attention is being paid by British Columbia number exporters to the markets of Australia New Zealand, South Africa, China, British -India and Egypt. Already several large orders have been secured from these coun- tries, notably Egypt, which hes made very extensive purchases of railway ties. Not a month goes by but that three or four British Columbia export lumber men leave for foreign markets en -selling and investigation tours, and already this activity is producing re- sults. Box manufacturers• are also feeling the benefitsof foreign mar - lige, India having placed good orders, and Singapore now entering titre list with an order for 1,0'330,000 boxes, A silver leadtri et s ke tee s hese made at Noble Five, in the Trout.Lake coun- try, British Columbia, A sample eigh- teen inches in thickness and averag- ing $200 to the ton was brought into Ilevelstolte recently. The teed runs entirely across the fifteen hundred font claim, Twenty new horticultural societies were organised In different sections of the province of Ontario during the year 1930, making a total of 120, with flet-• a paid membership of 29,000, an in- crease of 9,000 over the previous year, according to the annual report of the Horticultural Societies of Ontario. In 1919 the Association expended $70,- 000 an horticulture. A large freight warehouse on the banks of the Iieministtquitt River lits been leased. by It. C. Harvey, of Leth- bridge, Alberta, to be used for feed- ing 10,000 sheep, which he will bring to Fort William to fatten on the screenings from tate elevators. The sheep will be sent to Port William by the trainload early in November, and Mr. Harvey is contracting for hun- dreds of tons of Iocal grown toy, Fraser, Brace and Company, con- traetieg engineers of Montreal, have been awarded contracts for the con- struction works of the $10,000,000 power , development scheme at Great Falls, on the Winnipeg River, by the Manitoba Power Company, Limited. Develcpment work is already under way, with about 400 men employed and the probability of from 1,000 to 2,500 finding employment within a short while. A Fine View for a Chemist. Tho famous mphalt lake et Trini- dad Gas a rival. Situated at Basque in British Columbia, is a lake that con- tains, not asphalt, but Epsom salts! The salts extend to a depth of forty-- cne teat, and perhaps go much deeper; the miners who first ,stumbled upon the lalto drilled to that depth and then had to stop for lack of drilling facili- ties. The lake covers seven acres and bane a hard; crystal surface. When the snow melts front the mountain sides the surface is covered six inches deep tvittr water, which quickly becomes brine. Then the sun evaporates it, and all that is neces- sary is to score and lift off the thick crust that has formed. Spring fresh- ets prepare another seven -acre pan, and the miners harvest a crop that they may dispose of for seventy-five dollars a ton. A few years ago the same product sold for nine dollars. Sad Mistake. • In a conies of a railway carriage was a young• man studying a set of official -looking papers. Suddenly he put his hands to his bead and cried aloud in his anguish, To sympathetic inquiries he explained that he had sat the previous day for a Civil Service examination. "Par the essay test," lie said, "we were asked to explain the advantages of keeping a diary.. I have lust realized that I have handed in four beautifuliy written pages on the advantages of keeping.a dairy." - • ---0---_-_— Peruhen,s paid to the cli or blind n'atiobrr 1.000,920 in Great :Britain., east cc.t 4160,750,000 sian•.ta?y, Are you stepping on the brake or the . accelerator The food you cwt does make a difference. Heavy, starchy foods often de slow down body and mind -often steal the energy that be- longs to the day's work. Grape -Nuts is a go- ahead food. It contains the perfected nourishment of Nature's best grains. It includes all those elements needed to nourish body and brain. It is easy to digest. It gives energy without taking energy. How about your breakfast or lunch ----does it give, or toe? Grape -Nuts is oweet, crisp, delightful to the taste, and is an ideal source of pessVot for a busy and dnctilt clay, 11)&4 a Reason" for GRAPE -NUTS The Trouble Must he Treated Through the Blood. Every rlieum'atlo • sufferer stool realise that rheumatism is rooted in the bleed and that to get rid of it it mast be treated through the blood. The .cid belief that rli'euratistn wets, caused by cold, dump weather, is now exploded. Stich Weather condition's may start the pains, but It isnotthe castes,. Liniments and outward appll- eatione may give temporary relief, but that is all tit;,,ey can do because they do not reach Ito- sources- la the blood, The sui'8orer from r'henntatism who experi- ments with outward applications is only westing time and money in de- pending upon such ere -atm -ant; the trouble still xenattns, anal it is all the time beebmin'g more firmly rooted, Treat tills. disease -through the blood and you will soon find relief, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills 'act directly on im- pure weak blo•oil; they purify and strengthen it, and so act en the cause of the rheumatism. Mr. P. J. Mac- Pherson, R,R. No. 5, Caa'tl'lg'an, say's: "About three years ago I was attacked with rheumatism. I began taking 'Dr, lt'!lllalaus' Pink Pills and aeon the trouble disappeared and I am in better health than before. I also know of an old lady acquaintance who was badly crippled with rlteu- mat'am in her arms and legs and who suffered very much. She, too, took Dr. 'Williams' Pink Plea and is new able to do her housework. I tell you this In the hope it may be of benefit ito seine other sufferer," You can procure Dr. Will1ams' Pink Pills, through any dealer in medicine or they will be sent you by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes- for $2.50 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Does London Lead the World? Whether New York or London leads the world in the number of population i is a question which is agitating Ameri- cans as a result of the publication of the British census returns, giving Lon - den a population of .7,476,168. New York's inhabitants -total, according to the latest census, 5,629,048,. The National Geographic Society questions •llhe right of the British met- ropolis to claim such a large popula- ticn. It points out that legally, as a muniehpal malt, "London" refers only to the urea within the County of Lon- don. "Greater London," which the cen- sus figures cover, extends over 603 square miles, an area six times that of municipal London, and more than twice that of ritintictpal New York, It is pointed out that a greater New York modelled on Greater London lines, taking in all suburban cities within a radius of fifteen miles from the city, centre, as the English capital does, would pass London's population within a similar area, While London has no State lines to prevent its expansion for administra- tive purposes, New York halts at the Hudson River, and must continue self- contained and increase only front its internal growth. Mother! Clean Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Even a side child loves' the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue Is coated,•or if yout'child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or lies colic, give a teasp000llul to cleanse the liver andi.In bones. a few hours you can see for yourself how thorough- lyit works all the con ti n C s patio pets -on, sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy, They know a tea- epc'rufel to -day saves a sick child to - marrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has dir:.ctions for babies anal children of ail ages printed on bottle. Mother! Yoe mast say "California"•cr you may get an imitation fig syrup. Not Popular. Little Georgie Goode was• standing apart from all the other happy boys, who were playing as only happy boys ca li, "4t'ltat's the matter, sonny?" asked, a passer-by. "Why don't you play with the re,e't of the boys?" "They don't want me to play with 'ens," replied the lonely boy bitterly. "What's the trouble, that 'the outer boys don't want you to play with them?" the stranger persisted. • "They've found out s'emethiaug about me," the lad answered, trying hard to keep back his tears. "Was it some -thing bad?" "They think so,, But I can't help it!" the boy defended himself. "Cense on, tell use all about it," he wits urged. "Maybe I can help you," "No, you can't help rne." "Well, tell me, anyway." The boy hesitated for emontont, but rlecicie<d to confide. • "Well, sir, the other boys say that I am a softy because I'tn"—and ho gulped hard—' I'm twins with a girl!" Accommodation. "1 wee a Itaeaaueger on a train out of Ed di buurgh," says- are American, and became Much interested in an Eng- lishman and a Scot I saw conte in. • 'the Scot was in his I-lighhaud garb and the fact that he took snare freely from a large box first attracted my at- tention, He offered it to others to help themnselves and generally made himself very friomdly. The English. man, whom natere had gifted with an extremely large nose, joined tile other traveller's. 1 -he seated liints•oif opp0- eile the Sept, who beamed upon him and at once proffered his snuffbox. When the Ileglisirnair• declined it, the estonieltetl Stet said: "Ye diuhlt stuff?' " 'No,' answered the Englishman. " Mian,' said the Seat, 'it's a calami- ty, ter yd lute Wonderful aecohtmoda- lion fef"t.' " Miiihrd'tLiiiimeniUeedii,y Voteeittae hd With The OY While driving with his father in an automobile along the Detroit River, Scout Gerald Crdmc, of the 'ltit Wind- ser 'Preop, accidently noticed a little boy who bad been ,playing with some dtiters 'fall off Ling's dock into the river, which 1s quite swift at this 'Point. Without waiting for the ear to stop, he sprang out, ran down the hill and jumped off the dock, swimming down stream toward the little fellow who was fast drifting away. He was successful in getting hold of him and soon had hint 'ashore. With some difficulty ho managed to revive the 'child, who was afterwards driven to his home. Scout Robert H. GmbH!' of the 1st Exeter Troop, and two other boys, do - aided to go to their usual swimming they should have the strength of the a heavy flood, and not realizing as they -should have he strength of the current which was running, mitered the water•. Ono of, the boys, who was not able to swhn, held Isla hands high above the water and followed the other two wading. For a moment the two boys who -Could swim lest sight of the other boy and then caught sight of him for a moment after he had fall- en into a hole, which at the time was easily seven feet deep. Gambrill swans to hila, caught him by his bathing suit at the shoulder and tugged him to the farther bank, The drowning' boy en- deavored to grip hint, but Gambrill kept him under his• power and finally managed to get hint to safety. While swimming with two other Scouts in the- large Current River swimming pool at Part Arthur, Scout Sterling Morrison, of the 1st Port Arthur Troop, noticed that Scout Jam -es Shires was in difficulty. He plunged Into the water and managed to reach Shires just after he had gone under fcr the second time. He grasp- ed Shires and started for the side of the pool with him, but Shires-, becom- ing hyste'r'ical, grappled with Morrison and succeeded in dragging hint under. At this point Scout Fred Thynne, a member of the same troop, p!unged'in and swam to Morrison's assistance, the two boys • then managing to get Shires to shore In safety. . 1TOULD N0'1? BE 1Y1TllOUT BAH'S OWN TABLETS Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she would - not be without them. The Tablets are a perfect home remedy. They regulate the bowels and stonuch; drive cut constipation and iudigrst!on; break up colds and simple fever and make baby healthy and happy. Con- cerning them, Mrs. Noble A Pye, Ecum Secum, N.S., writes:—"I have found Baby's Own Tablets' of great benefit for my children and I would not be without them," The Tablets etre sold by medicine dealers- or by mail at 25 cents as box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. A Clever Clerk, 'rite proprietor of a shoe store in New .England is very proud of one of his young sons who not very long ago entered the employ of his father, and this pride was much enhanced by the boy's cleverness in tete matter of a pair of shoes sold to a stranger. The lad had shown this mane satis- factory. pair, bat the customer said that he had not enough money with hint, asking if he could let "fifty cents go over until the net day." The boy consented, for which, after the stranger had lett the shop, the father severely reprimanded rimanded thee lad, p "You'll never see the man again," he said in conclusion, "Oh, yes, I will," said -the youngster, "I wrapped up two shoes for the left "Cascarets" To -Night For Liver, Bowels You're bilious:! You are headoohy, constipated, your eyes burn, skin- is yellow; your stomach is sour, gassy, upset. No Wonder you feel miserable. You need a thorough physic with "Cascarets" to -night to cleanse the stomach of sniff, fermenting food and feel wave; take the excess bile from the liver and carry cut of the system all the constipated poison in the bowels. Get a 10 -Dent box now and let "Casearets" straighten you out ,by morning. The Flin, 'the Ointment. "Ali, old fellow," seed Jeints,on to a friend, "so you are married a't last. Allow me to congratulate you, for I hear you have au excellent and an eompttehed wife," "I have indeed,' wee the reply; ".site is highly accomplished. Why, sly, she is perfectly at ]route in literature; at home in art: at home in science --in short, at home eveywhere—oxoept---" "Except where?" "Except at hone" His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by A,'0. Leonard,' which is a miniature inegapbone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring the bearing of hundreds of people In New York .City. A'Il'. Leonard invented this Ilium to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so suocessfaliy that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when tleatimes is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed natal, al drums. A r'oquest for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Avetluo, New York City, will be given n prdurtpt reply, advt. •- Wirt -deer Castle is 'l-iko a small town in ftsold, °aW-mining 'hundreds of in- ltaibitants. Mintrd's Llli!tnent fol' Oar])ot In Cows, There are 25,000,0001ttavSian•a starv- ing til Eva dela 'st eegt4cu•1'ttes'a'1 Lliisbi'Iet Vidor hle'she'vi'st notstt'il. Lived 100 Years. -On last Menet 514 Olurl'lee 'fitlly of %laesoclke, Sussex seamy,• England, celebt'itteti his inii,flredth birthday by waking a full day in his ga''rtion pre• paring the ground and planting port' torp. • Bo hiss no difficulty Iii setting a -garden lino, for ,his eyesight is excel-' lent, In telling about Itis long tifo ire said that lie was first a pork butcher and afterward' a farmer, At th'o time of his retirement from waive farming he controlled 2,000 su'oe, 'l'ltie oc- curred when he was 80 years old. This is Otis recipe her long life; Bard work in the open air, good food and enough of it, but not much et night; a nighteap of whiskey and milli, be bed not later than 10 and up by' 7 in the mea-eeing if not earlier, These are still his habits. Like the Old Folks. A bachelor who is forever putting him foot in it, recently visited the proud parents of a new boy. The meteor held tip the bundle for the !inspection of the bachelor and asked gayly: "Tell us, now, frankly, which of us do you think he Is like?" After a careful examination of the ratite the bachelor anewered; "Well, Mario of course, intelligence has- not yet dawned In his face, but he's won- derfully like boot of you." CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Mrs. Rose m Brown Gained 20 Pounds in Four Weeks Time Declares It's Simply Astonish- ing To See The Wonderful Benefits She Has Derived From Tarlac Says Ter- rible Headaches Have Dis- appeared. "It sounds unreasonable, but I havo actually gained 20 pounds in less than a month's time by taking Tanlae, and the wonderful benefit I have derived from the use of tltie medicine is simp- ly astonishing," said Airs. Rose 114, Brown, 111 Third Street, Manchester, "Why, I am so happy to be relieved 01 my trouble's I can really never praise this ntedleino enough. lip to the time 1 begen taking Tanhte, I suf- fered for something over two years with a very bad form of stomach trou- ble, "My appetite was so poor I could scarcely eat a thong. My staenitcit would be so badly bloated with gas sometimes I was detest afraid to go to bed for fear I would actually smoth- er. I felt tired and worn out most of the time and became terribly ditesour- aged over my condition. I often had such violent headaches I was unable to be out of bed for two or three d:Lys at a att'etch, - "Four bottles of Tsnlac completely restored my health 1tnd anyone can see at a glance the wonderful change that has taken place In my condition. I have a splendid appetite now and the stomach trouble has entirely disap- Peered. I can eat just anything I want without ever feeling a sign of Docsn t 1 tut a bit! Drop a little "Freezoue" on an aching corn, in- stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! ' Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezono" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation. —e Briar roots for the manufacture of pipes; weighing 6,000 tone, are ex- ported annually .from Carsiee, Minnrd's Liniment for Colds, etc. A baby alligator at the Landon Zoo is seven years old, and barely 12 -in. long; he grows about 1 -int. each year. The trouble with family trees is that many of •them aa'e shady. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Iitrowl'odge without jusitice eecg.hit to be ca leri cunsomir.lg rather than wis- dom. Plato. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Cherries were known in Asia .as far back as the seventeenth century. Free' —TO— >e GIRLS Lovely Doll With Real Hair This lovely little doll boa t':al heir and eyes that open and shut. She wears a lovely dross and hat, shoes and stockings. She is' just 12 incises tall and has joln'ted logs and arms, Just senci us your name and address and 'we will send you Three Dollars worth of our lovely ontboseod :Maas Po5,teards to sell at ten cents a pack - ago. When they aro sold-, ;send its our money and we will send you the lovely Doll, with, all charges prepaid. It you prefer it we will sena you a School Set, or Flashlight, or Fountain Pen, cr Pets Knife, or Mouth Organ; instead of the Doll. Address HOMER • WARREN COMPANY Toronto Dept. 268 •,-1 1 Oji, !,1, 4 ENVERMENSS4 •t attttrm fc�b 3 UU will be nstotisbed ht the re- sults we get byes r modern systent of dyeing and cleaning, Valdes "fiat arc ehabley, dirty or spotted ate made like now. We can restore the nest delicate articles. Send nue article or a parcel of goods by post or express. We will pay car-, tinge one way, and our charges aro most reasonable. When you think of cican- lu . stud dyeing, plink of PARKER'S. in Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Tongs St. 92 7f`orodto ISSUE No, 46-'21. Try tS ' Bottle To -day DR. MINARD, Inventor of the Cele !mated MINARD'S LINIMENT • Of the 1,600,000 :houses alctta'oyed in Poland -during the World War, nearly 500,000 have been reheat, "Garage," 11'etir need exclusively as a panne for the housing. for a motor - vehicle, was -originally used in France to denote 'a place Yet: keeping bouts, rel'ling-stock, Toronto Fat Stock Show Will Be Held Again at Union Stock Yards. By reason of the inability of the Royal Agricnituu'el Win- ter Fair to put on n, show this year the r'egu'lar show of commove/hi live stock will be held at UNION STOCK YARDS TORONTO DECEMBER 8TH AND 9TH Premium lists ready for dis- tribution October 31st- Write Seoretamy, u Stock o Union toe k YsJrds. NEN LUMPPA% MR Beats Electric of Gas A new oil lamp that gives an autaz• ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or electricity, has been tested by the U. S. Government and 31 leading nuiversdties and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. it burns without odor, smoke or noise -- no pumping up, is simple, clean, safe, Burns 94%, air and 6% common kero- sene (Coal -ell). The inventor, F. T. Johnson, lid Craig. St, IV., Montreal, is offering to send a lamp cu 10 days' FREE trial, or even to give one FREE to the tint user its each locality' who will help him introduce it. Write hien to -day for full particulars. Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and without experience or money make $250 to $500 per month. i.aturloa's rIcatasa Dog Remedies iSeelc on DOG DISEASES nail new to. Feed Mailed 'Oren to any Ad- eirat-s by the Author. Clay Glover Co., Eat, 110 West Stat Street New York, U.S.A. MRS. ROSE: M. BROWN incligcr•lon. The best of all, I am never bettered any more with head- aches and this was the greatest relief of all. I want to tell everybody what this medicine has done ror me." 'Panlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Ada _Classified Adv eriiscments, LAl.r;mtie \PAN'reon—Tu Do PLAIN an;; light Cm lu;; at home, whole or spare tu,,e; good pay; work sent ally rlmstan^.e; charges 1',aid. Send stamp los particular: , National Manufacturing Co., Al/ ve: 1. PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. 7lp:t;LL PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD 0,-.9 condition, with a largo number of music rolls, for sale at a bargain. L. Castello, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. C2GLTiNti FOR SALE—. 1,l NU9 UN' N';ty AND UmI:i' belling, pulleys, saws, eable,hose,pacidna, etc., shipped,:ubJecm to approval at lowest prices 1n Canada.' YORK BELTING CCs., 11 s YORK, STREET, TORONTO, 'DARE SALT LAND.'SAL,T Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. a, CLIFF - TORONTO Christmas Cheer PRETTY PRESEN'T'S IN PROFUSION SEE OUR SAMPLES Torcan Fancy Goods Co., Ltd; 7 Wellington St. East 1iI6700 TORONTO WHOLESALE ONLY +o4c=•col oost=>000 000,c:›dJ 0 Fulness After Eating if you have fulness after rneais, a bad taste in your mouth in the a, morning„Ltrr on the tongue, flat- ulence after meals and no appe- tite, take blether Seigel's Syrup. It �„ will clean your tongue, renew „ C” your appetite, give you relish far food and the power to digest ii thoroughly and easily. Sold in n E0e, and ,l,00 bottles at drug stores. 4.921 00G000,-- •000C4uOC.--•.. lir; USE SLOAN'S TO WARD OFF PMN ITTLE aches grow into big palma y unless warded off by an opplica- tioti of Sheen's. Pehcttmntisnt, neuralgia, stiffjoints, lame hack won't fight long against Sloan's Liniment. I For more than forty years Sloan'a ,Liniment has helped thousands, the i world over. You won't be an excep• Lion. It certainly does produce results, Itpenetrateswithout rubbing. Keep this old family friend always handy for instant use. Ask your neighbor-. At all druggists-3Sc, 70c, ,1.40. bads in Canada, spa u Nothing Else is Aspirin—say "Bayer" warning! Unless you see statue Aslritin in handy tits boxes of 11 tab - "Bayer" on tablets, you are not gel- lets, and in bottles of 114 anti 100. Wig Aspirin at -all. Why take chances? Aspirin is the trade nark (registered Accept only an unbroken ".Bayer" in Canada) of Bayer Mnnufaeturo of package, which contains directions' Mbcoaaetleacidester of SalicYlioaCtd. worked out by physicians during 21. While it is woil,kuown that Aspirin years and proved safe by millions for means Bayer manufacture, to eaglet Collis, ileadaohe, Earache, Toothache, Ilse public against Imitations, the Tab' Neuralgia, Rheatnntisht,Ncl,ritis,Lural- lets of Sayer' Company will be stamp huge, and Pain, Made In Canada, ad with their geueival trade nlMrltt tab' All druggists sell Bayer Tablets of "Sayer crass"