HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-11-3, Page 8.CLINTON'S.LEADING JIaWEGERY STTOR. ' "1keCililnton Newa-,R'ieorc o One Can Afford To Be Without Music Come in and get a Phonala and help to make the long evenings more pleasant. It is ' as good as any, aid superior to most mach- ines in tone and finish and will play any make of records without any extra attachament, ekr APEX DQubie Disk Records Are as good as the best re:ords on the market and only 65c Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Steri Raincoats at Half Fria Friday and Saturday One dozen only, Tweed Raincoats, nice assortment of patterns, choice for 10. 98 A full line of Rubber Footwear, also Umbrellas and Parasols for the rainy weather, at right prices. Plumsteel Bros. CLOTHING THE STORE THAT SELLS FOB LESS. .PHONE 0 NEW IDEA PATTERNS. Prices on ail the Following Lines have been Reduced Stoves and Ranges Quebec Heaters Stove pipes, elbows and stove -boards Ware Ever Aluminum Utensils • Nickel plated ware Granite ware Galvanized ware Perfection Oil Heaters Electric rons and electrio lamps Rooting and Beaver Board Agents for the celebrated PILO SUPERIOR PIPELBSS FURNACE Watch our big window next week for a Big Graniteware Sale Ira HARLAND BROS. rOardware, Stoves and Novelties Tho Store With a Stock ATTENTION ! ! C1eariu Salo of Will Stoves 3 burner $20400 4 burner $30,6O We have just received a shipment of Quebec Heaters call and see them. Sutter ta Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING IN THE CANAD2411. (TOME IS A SUBJECT WHICH IS RECEIV- ING MORE ATTENTION, THE AR- TISTIC STANDARD OF THE AV- ERAGE Ii01VIE IS NOW IIIGIIER TIIAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. PEO- PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER, AND MORE CONQENIAL SUR- ROUNDINGS. WALL HANGINGS HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH BR Cry. ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMPORT, IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED, WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT OUR SPLENDID STOCK A'P REASONABLE PRICES. The W. D. Fair co. Often the Cheapest—l►lwaye the Bent EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Oplithalrnie College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 aan. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. 4. 1 , 111144unauu1na11aq,iv _..=:re mai11I1,. Miss Sadie MahafYy spent the week - sr erid with Lonesboro friends. • Mrs. C. J. Wallis and family called on Auburn friends on Sunday after- noon. Miss Jackson of Calgary visited Miss Elston for a couple of days last week. Miss Etta McBrien of Toronto is holidaying at her home on the Base Line. Mrs. Levy of Toronto has been vis- iting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance, Mr. 3. A. Irwin was in London on Thursday last attending the. fun- eral of an old friend. Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and Miss Edna McCaughey went to London today to hear Galli Curci sing. Mr. Ernest Warning of Winnipeg is visiting his sister, Mrs, G. A. Cnooks of the Base Line. Mrs. Coulter and children of Port Arthur have been visiting the lady's aunt, Miss Jennie Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Colquhoun and family spent Saturday in Clinton visiting the former's mother and sisters. Mr. Elwin Moore of Mitchell is at present visiting Mrs. Margaret Colquhoun and other members of ,the family in Clinton. Mrs, Attridge, who has been visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. Wm.. Cantelon, for the past few months, has re- turned to her home at Brown City, Mich. Mrs. D. S. Cook of Toronto has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Cook during the pas, week, She had been visiting relatives .as Dungannon. Mrs. Leppington, Sr., left for Sarnia on Tuesday, being called hither by a wire informing her that her little grandson, the child of Mrs. Law- rence, was very ill. At latest re- ports the child has shown no im- porvement•. Mrs. Couch has gone to Kitchener to visit her son, Mr. Percy Couch, and will later go on to Toronto, where she will spend the winter with Mrs. Ross, who this summer erected a very comfortable bungalow on Lau- der street that city, Mr. Will Clucas, who accompanied the retnains of the late Miss Logan to Goderich, • stopped off at Cline ton and spent a few clays as the guest of his brother -lin -law, Mr. W. D. Pair. He is visiting his mother in Toronto also. Mr. Fred Rutnball, who has been on the staff of the Stratford branch of the Royal Bank for some little time, has been transferred to the accountants department at Toronto. Fred will not be able to spent' so many week -enols at home in future, Dr. Fowler has gone up north on his usual deer -hunting trip. This is Dr, Fowler's one holiday of the year. I•ie thoroughly enjqys the fortnight in the open and while he usually brings home a deer he would enjoy the outing even if luck went against him. Clerk H. W. Erwin of Bayfield was in town on Monday, Mr. Er- win has been clerk of the Munici- pality of Bayfield for thirty years, probably the oldest municipal clerk in the county, and he's quite cap- able of handling the job for sever- al years longer:. Mr, Robert Logan of Saginaw, Mich.; who carne to Goderich to attend the funeral of his sister, Miss Eliza- beth Logan, who was killed in an automobile accident at St. Louis on Friday, visited his wife, who is the guest of her sister, Miss .Gil- Christ of Clinton, the beginning of the week. Mr, Harvey Jackson, son of .Mr, Is- aac Jeekson, Clinton, who has been Collector. of Customs at RaineyRiv- er for about nineteen years has recently been promoted to the la- spectoral staff of Mr. Busby, and will hereafter make his home at Ottawa, though his duties will take him from one end of the Do- minion to tine other, Mr, Busby's staff is regarded as one of the most ireportnnt in connection with the Customs Department of Can- aria, and it is no small honour' to he connected therewith, ItSDAY, NOV. 3r41, 192 Y!Yf"v Tw r`+y O'NeiFs Speciais This Week 11 lbs Granul4ted Sugar Pure Lard 31b pails Seeded Raisins per ib 5 bars Soap 21 bars Soap 3 lbs Black Tea 2 lbs Cocoa 1 lb Coffee Pure Jain 4 lb tin Puffed Wheat Puffed Rice Shredded Wheat Biscuits Corn Meal 6 lbs Rolled Oats 2 lbs Dates 24 lbs Pastry Flour 4 lbs White Beans ti ,98 .53 ,23 .25 .97 1.00 28 ,38 .70 .15 .18 .14 .05 .25 .25 .90 .25 4 lbs Cooking Onions 2 lbs Broken Sodas 1 lb Sodas Essences—Vanilla, Lemon etc. Good Pink Salmon per tin Good Pink Salmon ib tin Pilchards per tin .25 .25 .18 . .10 ,09 .20 .19 EXTRA SPECIAL For Thanksgiving Try our Golden Sweet Bantam Corn. Try our Sweet Wrinkled Peas Cranberries Sweet Potatces Celery Fresh Lettuce Finnan Hacldie Grapes THE HUB GROCERY Cash and Carry or Two Deliveries at your service Goods delivered to all parts of the town and sometimes out of town, REGISTRARS IN S. HURON. The appointment of registrars for the riding of South Huron has been completed by the Returning -Officer, Mr. Thos, Hunkin, and are append- ed. The 1921 lists will be used as a basis in cases where a revision has been made, in' other eases the 1920 lists will be used. Those whose names are not on the voters' list should see that they are properly re- gistered: CLINTON St. Andrew's Ward—W, S. R. Holmes, St. James' Ward—Albert J. Grigg St, John's Ward—Fred Ford. St George's Ward—Ernest 0, An- drew's TUCKERSMITH No. 1—Robert Govenloek, No, 2—James Hayes, No. 3—Gordon McKay. .No.4—Edwin C, Case. N. 5—George Fairbairn. No. 8—Wm. J. Pybus. GODERICH TP. No, 1—H. Kieth Ross, No. 2—Oswald Ginn. No. 3—Mrs. Mary Stewart. No. 4—Robt. Cluff, No, 5—Jas. B. Miller. No. 8—Aclam Cantelon. SVIcKILLOP TP, No. 1—Leo Holland. No. 2—Geo. Eaton. No. 3—Calvin A. Hiller'. No, 4 --Alonzo Sperling. RTJLLETT TP. No. 1—Almcr S. McBrien. No. 2 --Wesley Beacon. No. 3—James Johnston No. 4—Joseph 11. Brown. No. 5—Thos. E. Mason. No, C,—Fred Prost. No. 7—Wm. Patterson. SEAFORTH No. 1—Ray Holmes. No. 2—Harold M. Ward. No.3 —Charles Neely, . No. 4—Wallace Parke. No. 5—Dalton Reich, USBORNE TP, No. 1—Sherwood Hunter. No, 2—Wm. Frayne, No. 3—Hugh Berry. No, 4 --Edgar Huukin. EXETER No. 1—Alvin Brintnell. No. 2—Chas. W. Robinson. No, —Richard Hunter. No. 4—James Sanders. STTEPHEN TP. No. 1—Wm. Anderson, No. 2—Wesley Dearing•. No. 3—Thos. Trevithicic,, No, 4—Wm, 11. Wenzel, No. 5—'Harry Yeitley. No, 6—Mark Brokenshire, No. 7—Mervin Pickering. No. 8—Wm, J, Brown, No. 0—Robt. E. Webb, HENSALL. No. 1—Root, Higgins. HAY TP. No. 1—Milton M. Russell. No. 2—Whin, J, Petty. No. 3—Milton G. Dietz. Ne. 4—Clayton Iloffntan. No. 5—Not appointed. No. (i Wm. E. Wilbert. Nn, 7—ftobt, Caldwell. No. 8—Wm. Jennisou. BA.'MELD No, 1 ---Malcolm Toms. STANLEY No. 1—Marjorie Graham. No, 2•—Jahn W, French. No. 3 --Mary E, Seeley. No, 4—Lydia 'McKinley. No, 5—Mary Talbot. 1921 TAX RATES Clinton 34 mills Durham 45 mills Port Elgin 45 mills Walkerton .... , , .. , , 55 mills Goderich , • . , , , , , .... 441 mills Fergus 1; .... .... 40 mills Acton ..... 43 mills Oakville . .... .. , . , .42.7 mills Owen Sound 40 mills St. Marys , ... , , , 391/2 mills Petrolia .... , ... 50 mills Carleton Place .. . . 41 mills Kincardine , , .. 51 mills Listowel .... .... 37 mills Renfrew , , , . . , , . 44 mills Mitchell 37 mills Mintico ........ . . .. . .', , 51 mills Weston . , . „ 57 mills Sundridge .... .... 621• mills Exeter , .. , ... , . „ . , 411/ mills Brussels .. . . • .. . , 39 mills Last year .... 35 mills Parkhill 45 mills Chatsworth .... , ... .. , 33 mills Arthur ... .... .. . . . . 37 milia Georgetown .. , , .. , . , . , 39.8 ntilis Orangeville .... . , .. . , , . 40 mills Grand Valley ... , ... 40 mills Mount Forest .... 40 mills Port Credit .... , , , . 40 ntilis Shelburne . , . • 41 mills Streetsville ,,.. „ . 50 mills Tara ... , . , . , 44 mills Belleville 37.6 mills Millbrook . , ... 45 mills Cobalt .... .... ... . . . . 59% ntilis Mullett Township Messrs. George Carbert and Dom- inic Flynn went to Stratford on Tues - clay to hear Hon. Mackenzie Icing. Hollnnesvllle Mrs. C. L. Fieher., who has been visiting relatives hereabouts for some little time, has gone to London. She was accompanied by Mrs. W.. Pickard, who will visit friends there for a few weeks. The Brotherhood of the Methodist church is preparing for the annual men's day on Sunday week, Nov. 13th, when the Rev, H. D. Moyer of Gtoderioh will be the special preacher. The annual fowl supper will be given on the Monday evening following. Mr Makins, brother-in-law of Mr, T. Putter, is in the vicinity looking up a farm to buy. --We hone lie suc- ceeds in getting one near Holnesville. Some of our people attended the concert' at Ebenezer an Tuesday ev- ening and report a good time Mrs. Lawrence of Ottawa called on friends in Hoimesville on Tuesday and Wednesday last. Her husband, the lata Mr. Lawrence, was rt for- mer much beloved teacher in the vit. Inge school More. The steam shovel, having eoutpleteed grading on Holmes' Hill, the road in now ready for the gravel, whir,'i is being put on from Taylor's cor- ner, It is now gravelled as far as Wm, Glenn's, through the centre of the road, the sides to be gravelled later. Mr, MacMatht has been completing the 'threshing for those farriers who were shut in on account of the road grading, stopping the moving of his engine and thresher. Excellent weather fer the, fall plowing and farnt.ers are getting well on with it, , i Seasonable Lines at Reasonable Prices Glass, all sizes—single and double diamond Stall fixtures, Barn door hangers and track Stable brooms, forks, shovels, lanterns, etc. Neponsit combination wall board (quarter cak on one side, cream white on revese) A good line of Coal and Wood Heaters ' (with and without ovens) M. T. Corless GENERAL HARDWARE PHONE 53 Style, Fit and Workmanship At the lowest possible prices are the -most important points for a man to consider when -ordering clothes. OUR STYLES ARE OF THE VERY LATEST. OUR FIT 18 AS- SURED BECAUSE WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND CUT A SPECIAL PATTERN TO YOUR FIGURE. WS DO NOT USE THE SAME PATTERN FOR EVERY CUSTOMER AND TA,ICE CHAN- CES, FOR WE HAVE LEARNED THE SCIENCE AND ART OF DESIGNING IN THE BEST CUTTING ACADEMIES IN Ah4IER- ICA. OUR WORRMANSHIP CAN BE RELIED UPON. WE ARE PRACTICAL TAILORS OF MANY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST LEAVE YOUR ORDER AND LET US PROVE ' OUR, STATEMENTS Davis & Herman THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town .Hall ealeseseasealeresamemee Brown's Men's Furnishings Store Don't Forget to go to O'Neiili's for all lines of FANCY CAKES and good CF E d:NIALT BREA So Phone 204 NEILL " The Baker just received a fine stook of Narcissus, Hnjacinths• ate. Plant now for early bloom Giant Paper•white Narcissus special at 5c each. Transpiant your plants now We sell prepared soil at 15c per pail, k> ninghnie'ao - Ploria;t: