The Clinton News Record, 1921-10-27, Page 3AN INTERESTI OM RECOVERY EXPERIMENT IN NEW BRUNSV6 L K The Wallace Oil Shale Test Plant of the 'Anglo -Persian Oil Company. It is located at. Rosevale, New Brunswick, not far from the city of Moncton. Ten thousand gallons of oil were to be extracted from the shales of New Brunswick and a large plant erected if the results are judged as satisfactory, Photos courlcsy Canadian National Railways. r HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr, Middleton will be gled to answer questions on Pubil; health : 1r`• tors through ibis column.' Address blue at the Parliament isles. Tor onto. Diet is a matter of great impar- For •a dhiltt o'f from two to i'._ree tuneo at any time of life, but at wenn- years of age, a suitable diet is as ing time it is especially so. When the follows: baby i6 about -twelve months old it Breakfast -7.30 a.m., the juice of Login to demand something- mere one sweet orange, cr the pulp of four than a milk diet for its ordinary- sus- or five stewed prunes, or apple sauce. ten•anee; it has passed from the infant Either a well -cooked •cereal—core.- stage and begins to train its etomaeh ineal, oatmeal, cracked wheat, wheat - for the mixed diet of childhood. What ena—all well salted and with not more to give the child at this crucial time than one-half teaspoonful of sugar of life is of very 'great concern.. The and milk added; or, soft boiled or best r'ubetitele far a whale diet of poaehed eggs with stale bread •or crisp mine is cereal, mph as oatmeal, •corn- toast. Glass of.warmed milk. 10.30 meal or cracked' wheat, which should a.m, Glass of warmed milk. be welt cooked and fed to the baby lliid-day.Iuneh-1,30 to 2 p.m. One- tvt'ice`a day' for two er three months half cup of broth or soup, which may the cereals e'houi•d be strained. In ad.- be chicken, beef or mutton, thickened dition to the cereal he should have with barley or rice. Chop, rare roast :four cupfuls ef milk daily, and a beef, rare steak, chicken or broiled little fresh fruit juice. fish, boiled or 'baked potato. As,par- W.hen fifteen months old be may ague tips-, carrots, string beans, peas, have at first a teaspoonful, liter one spinach. All' vegetables should, be tablespoonful of rare scraped beef, very tthoroteg}riy cooked and mashed. mutton, or chicken; when eighteen The vegetables should be cooked months old„ he may have one-half of quickly, and not allowed to sbay long a anealy, ;baked potato, daily, in the water -and lose any vibamines During the second year, the child they may contain. should have four meals a day, at 6 am:; 10 a,ns., 2 pm., and (i p.m. No- thing- but water should be allowed between meals. When twee years old he may have most of the fresh green vegetables when they are thoroughly cooked and finely niaehed. Tea, coffee, cider, wine, beer, soda. water and candy should NEVgR be given a young 'ahild, nor should pies be given it. It would be a good plan indeed to tell the child when it grows older not to touch pies, as they are The strawberry conies from a cross Trot good for little children. This can between the native stratdiserry of Via usually be done 'before the chilli ac- ginia and that of Chile. The rasp: quires a taste for pies or pastry, and burry is native In temperate Europe I remember a few months ago meet- and Asia. The apricot originated in ing a child: :of five who did not know China. The peach was originally a the taste of pie and did not want to Chinese fruit. The cherry originated know, because the parents had taught around the Caspian Sen. Tho plum her to avoid it. comes from the Caucasus and Turkey. Although the juice of fruits is the The pear is native in temperate Eur - best, ,cooked fruits such as baked' ap- ope and Western Asia. The quince pie or apple sauce, ane appetizing and comas from South-eastern Europe, the belpfuil. They should be given once Caucasus and the Caspian region. The a day after a child is eighteen months apple, one of tlse oldest fruits, oringin- ated in Persia, it is generally be- lieved, The almond comes from Per- sia. The fig originated In Syria. Tho grape .is native Su southern Europe. Baked apple, plain bread or rice pudding, corn starch, custard, junket, or stewed prunes with skins removed. ISuppor-5.30 pen. Well -cooked cer- eal, bread and matte, bread and butter and cocoa, stewed fruit, apple 'sauce. •Glass of .warmed milk. No food between meal's. Water severe'l times a day. Origin of Fruits. old, • but the fruit should first be strained. Stale raw fruits are clans: gerous; especially in the city in sum- mertime., The foolish man (who built his house on the sand -- He gave an example in folly which anybody can understand, It isn't se easy, however, to sense the mistake of trying to build the body on foods which lack essential nourishment. Here, again, is a foundation of sand which gives 'way when the test comes. Many a food that tastes goad lacks honesty of nourishment to equal its taste. Thus it tempts the appetite into mistakes that Often are costly, Grape -Nuts is a food which helps build bodily endurance for life's stress and stort'n. The full nourishment of wheat and malted barley, together with the vital mineral salts so necessary to bone structures "and red blood corpuscles, with phos- phates for the brain, is retained in Grape -tuts. The long baking process by which Grape -Nuts is made gives the food a nattiral sweetness and an unusual ease of digestibility and assimilation. Served with cream or milk, 'Grape -Nuts is fully nourishing, and whether eaten as a cereal at breakfast or lunch, or made into a padding for dinner. Grape -Nuts has a particular delight for the appetite. Sold by grocers. Grape -Nuts --the Body Builder "There's a Cteason" Windsor Loses President. The Boy Scouts of use Border Ci'Qes are in mourning as the result of 1110 death of their president, Mr. W, P. II. Hackney, of Windsor, Mr. Hackney hs,$ talion a keen interest in Scouting in Windsor and the surrounding dis- trict for ninny years, and within two er three days of his death was work- ing hard in connection with a special piece of work which one of the local Association committees had on hand. His sudden death came as a complete shock to all his associates, and lettpoint whore the results run into large a vacancy in local Scouting which will not be an e•.sy one to fill. Two hun- dred and seventy-five Scouts of the Windsor, Walkorville, Sandwich and Fordtroops attended the funeral, tornting special guards of honor at the deceased pr'esident's home and at the cemetery. A "minute of silence," or- dered immediately after .the burial service had been read, was one, of the most impressive features at the cere- meny'. Good Scouting Prospects in Cornwall Quite recently nearly one hundred and fifty boys of the town of Cornwall assembled at . the local High School in response to an invitation to attend a meeting for the purpose of consider- ing the advisability of organizing an association of Boy Scouts in Corn- wall. Several prominent gentlemen of the town were also present. The chairman, after delivering a,short ad- dress of welcome to the boys, called upon Mr. H. Lister, of Ottawa, Field Secretary, who, 'in a clear and force- ful manner, explained the aims and objects of the Boy Scout Movement. Mr, Lister's address was listened to with deep interest and at its conclu- sion a hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered the speaker. The majority of the boys present registered their n•aanes with the local gentlemen who halve interested themselves in the movement and the prospects for a Cornwall Association of Bey Scoots are very bright. "The Best All -Round Scout." The Voices. I Heard the voice of the city Calling again and again, And into her arms there hastened Millions' and ntillione of men. And I heard the voice of old gardens, Of quiet woodland ways; Dui few there were who would heed them In the rush of the busy days. The cities grow old and vanish, And their people taint and elle; But the gardens are green forever, Forever blue is the sky. Selling War's Surplus. War materials ou hand at the time of the armistice have beau an asset of Governments to be liquidated. This operation has now proceeded to a At a recent meeting of the Brock- elite rockel)1e troop voting took place for the purpose of deciding the winner of tho Rev. Mr. Whailey's cup, presented for the best all-round Scout in the troop. The Meeting unanimously decided that Patrol Leader Stanley Milson was their model of efficiency and he was accordingly presented with the cup. The Brockville enthusiasts aro also anxiously waiting the formation of a new patrol owing to the fact that quite recently a large number of recruits have been incorporated into the Bret hierhood. Scouting Grows. During the past few' weeks Me On- tario Doy Scout Headquarters, Bloor and Sherhourne Streets; Toronto, bas issued charters for new troops in the following centres: Rodney, Fodeyet, Piattsville, Gault, Stevensville, Paken- ham, liemptville, Westmount, Luck - now, Port Arthur, Renfrew, Thames. villa, Galetta, Vara', 'Boachburg, Mirth Gower, Navan, Ridgetown, Lucan and Burlingtolt. Twenty more centres have decided to try the worth of Scout- ing. This speaks well Inc the recent progress of Scouting in Ontario. Scouting grows in proportion to the impressions of worth and efficiency it creates in a community. Lot your winter's work be governed by this In- exorable law. The patrons of Scout- ing aend oven these who are not di. rectly interested in boy welfare are watching you. Show them why and how, The longest journey taken by arty known •creature is the. annual migra- tion of the golden plover, The plovers ate'St along the Arctic coast of North America, They fly to the Labrador coast as soon as their young can care for themselves, and then stub on thole extraordinary flight to the shores of South America. From there they fly to their winter home in Argentina. They stay there six months and then return to Northern Canada, having made their annual round trip of more than 22,000 miles. Keep Mtnard's LInhaent In the house, figures. To the end of June England had made sales of 88 per cont. of its war materials, realizing :5562,000,000, at par of exchange, $2,670,000,000. The depression in the market for such ma- terials as copper can be understood when it is noticed that England had stooks of non-ferrous ntetats whte it sold for something like $200,000,000. Textiles, leather and _equipment real- ized $150,000,000. hood supplies brought in only $35,000,000. THE FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Canadian fall weather is extremely, hard an little ones. One day it 15 warm and bright and the next wet and old. These sudden changes bring on colds, cramps and colic, and unless baby's little stemma is kept right the result may be serious. There is noth- ing to equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping the little ones well. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds and make baby thrive.' The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cetuts a box frpm The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Little Wisdom. The cost of civility is—nothing. Creditors have better memories than debtors. He who courts needless danger is more fool than hero. It is a good habit new and again to examine your habits. Better an ass that carries than a horse wciich throws. If yott give 110 0000510n for sus- picion 00 suspicion will arise. The best advice Is not the most pleasant but the most useful. It you want good friends all the year round, get some good books. He who makes it his law to do what he lilies Will not always like what he has done. Tact is as much not saying the right thing at the wrong time as in saying the right thing tot the right time. Cascarets To -Night for Liver, Bowels, if Bilious, Headachy. Get a 1.0 -teat box now. You're headachy! You have a bad tante in your mouth, yosu• eyes burn, your skin Is yellow, your lips parched. No wander you feel mean. Your am tent is full of bile not properly passed off, and what you need Is a cleaning up Inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you, and don't resort to harsh physics that irritate and injure. Re. member that most disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels are gone by morning with gentle,, thorough Cascar- ets—,they work while you sleep, A 10 -cent box will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet, and your head clear for montha Children lova to take Casearets toe because they never gripe or sicken. A novel periscope enables en auto- mobile driver from his seat to ex- amine all, the tires on a car, Mlnsrd's Liiiintent used by Physicians, lonirngythwisilwl doiyntohicraglethndast, Cnaen cio- cunattunes, ne opportnhitles will hake a. two•teggeti aniniei a 101111 without ti..---Goeiho. WHAT TO, DO FOR STOMACH TROUBLE Good Advice J'rom One Who Hard Suffered Much, Nine tenths of ail forma of indiges. tion or eo-eell•asl Sic/Ulna trouble are not due to tho condition of the stem- act at all, but are caused by ether in. 11uen1oes. Tito great contributing cruise of indigestion is thin blood. Good blood and plenty of It ie requited by the stomach to take care of the. food. If the blood in thin the stoin- acit funcuone sluggish, food lits unIIt- ges•ted, gas fortes ,and causes pains in various pelts, at the. body. Instead of getting 'nourishment, from the blood the. sy;ste111'gets po'leoa. Relief from this condition can he obtained by the tonic treatment which IVIr. IS, Shaw, Mt. Stewart, P.E.1,, tried and -now warmly recommends to others. ' Mr, Shaw says: "I suffered from indigestion for over four years,. and have tried many of the well- known remedies• for such' troubles,. but never obtained more titan tem- porary relief. Tho trouble was, ag- gravated by constipation setting in. owing to the stomach failing to do its work, and laxatives only gave relief to the bowels .alta left the stomach in worse condition:. The result was my blood was growing more and more anaemic,'I did not sleep well at night and was growing despondent. 1 was in this wretched condition when a friend' advised me• to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I got three boxes and by the time they were finished there was some change for the better. This greatly encouraged me And I codtinued taking the pills for some three months, by which time my stomach was alt right again, my blood good, nerves strong and life was again worth ing. My advice to all who suffer from stomach trouble is to give Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a fair trial." Dr, Wlllfama' Pink Pills can bo ob- tained through any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,60 from The Dr. I,ViUfams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Do Automobiles Start Forest Fires? Olficen5 of tho Massachusetts forest service declare that the number of fires in the forests in the state bears a direct relation to the uuinber of auto- mobile licence issued, As the auto- mobiles increase so do the forestfires. They claim that city people, touring through the woods by automobile, leave their noonday camp -fires burn- ing and so start fires The statement is possibly justified, but analyzed it simply means, "mote tourists, more fires." The remedy is not fewer auto- mobiles but more widespread educa- tion as to the dangers of careless handling of fires in the forests. The more city people here aro who go for their recreation to the forest, the bet- ter will the value of the -forest be ap- preciated and the easier it will be to have conservation :measures carried out. It tate subject is approaphed in this way the automobile will become not a menace to the forest, but a great aid to forest conservation, Life is like the old farm—we turn ono furrow at a time, and; only the man who keeps plowing is ready for the sunset, Ask for Minard'a and take no other. COARSE SALT LAN DYS•A L T Both Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO For Sale ELECTRIC WATER PUMPING OUTFIT Complete Water Pumping Outfit to good condition, Inc sale at a bargain. 1% lop. Wagner electric motor, single phase, 25 cycle, 100 -115 volts, With Luitweiler deep well pump. Real Estates Corporation, '73 West Adelaide EASE LAME ME BACKS Street, Toronto. d@g �a cheating Hungry Lions, At lonely eapots ou the Medrao Rall- 'rats, la India, n't111 be seen spt-oil niano•built huts• with iron gates, They al'ie re'terred to by 0aitWaymen 08 „dger boxes' The oiljeot of these little oab1ss la to afford protectionfor po1nhsmen and ot1'lar workers against the tiger* that frequent t8e,junglos lei the vicinity, T'hesm ferocious animate have in the pant manifested• a peculiar tante for i'ailwaymell, alud it was found meeaa. sary to place rotreate at the mere ie,olsted• parts' of the track. In each but tel placed half a gallon of water and a rough bunk. In East Africa railway workers use mou'keye' to warns them of •tlle press once at2 lions' and other wild beaete. The monkeys' are placed lin cages on lriglt posts or other prominent posi- tions. They ac'ream when they scent the approach of lions. On the 'Uganda line, a telegraph operator, on returning to his station, found: the station -master and staff bar- ricaded' in a hut, while two big Pions patrolled the platform! ale calmed, the informatiost down the lisle, And a to- eontottvo carrying a crack shot was sent to drive the anneals: away. Mother! Move Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup. Hurry mother! Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the bowels. A teespoentui to -day may prevent a sick child to -morrow. If tons stippled, bilious, feverish, fretful, has cold, collo, or if stomach its sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of the little bowels is otters all that is necessary, . Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali- fernla Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. - -r Silence Pays.. Silenceis the most satisfactory substitute for wisdom. Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend During the last forty years over eight •thousand wrecks have occurred on the .coasts of Great Britain. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Arabs Like Hyena Stew, Some Arabs aro extremely fond of hyena stew, and this despite the fact that even a dog turns from hyena meat in disgust. A heath Saving' REMINDER: Don't wait until you get slck—USE NEW LAPP BURNS 9'% AIB Beats Electric or Lias 8, new oil lamp that gives an amaz- ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or electricity, has been tested by the U. S. Government and 3s leading universities and fouud to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor. smoke or noise— no pumping up, is simple, clean, safe. Burns 04% air and G% common kero- seuo (coal -oil). The inventor. F. '1'. Johnson, 246 Craig St. W., Montreal, is offering to send a lamp on 10 days' FREE trial, at' even to give one FRED to the first user in each locality who will holm him introduce it, Write hint to -day for full particulars. Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and without experience or money make $250 to $500 per month, USE SLOAN'S TO 8 Ep 4im if: -;3 ate"" PAYS This guaranteed. health- tonic costs you nothing, the hens pay for it in eggs. It supplies Nature's egg -leaking elements. Pratts Poultry Regulator ADVICE FREE, Let us help you Pratt Food Co. of Canada, Ltd. Toronto OU can't do your best when your back and every muscle aches with fatigue. Apply Sloah's Liniment freely, with- out rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort. Good for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and strains, aches and paths sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints and the after effects of weather exposure. I For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. Keep Sloasa's handy. - ilt ail.druggists-35c, 10c, $1.40. 'I Mute In Cunedn, TORONTO WOMAN GAINS 35 POUNDS ONLY WEIGHED NINETY' POUNDS, SHE SAYS. Now Peels, Fine and Strong and Gs-atitude lo Tanta is Unbounded. "Taniac has unlit me up from a here frame weighing -oily - ninety Pounds to a sarong woman weighing one hundred and twenty-five Voainds aitd nay gratitude is u•riboundgd," calls Mrs. Lydia Pickup, 12 Rummy Lane, Toronto, Ont, "My stonaoh troubled me 00 much during the past throe years that my life was a perfect burden, My eppu- the was gone entirely; gas would form n.nd nearly set me wild with pain in t110 pit of my stomach. The gas near- ly smothered me and my heart acted so queerly that It alarmed me. I could get scarcely any sleep and was tired and dell and all warn out. T often turned no dizzy I could hardly stand 'p, and at tunes my heaii hurt like it would bur+at open. I lost weight until nay clothes were entirely too largo and 1 was so weak I could hardly clove. ' "One day I saw a statement about Tauten: and 1 determined to try it. I • have now taken ten bottles in all and my appetite los const back, I eat any- thing I want and as'mtuch as 1 want at every meal without pain or any un- comfortable feeling afterwards, Ido,. -- not have headaches or dizzy spelle any more, I sleep soundly every night and get up feeding Rue and strung la the 1nnr11ing." Tanbac is sold by leading .druggists everywhere. Adv. The English language is now tentzht at London Universities exactly as it is spoken. ' Classified Advertisements, PLAYER PiANO FOR SALE. n ELT, PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD 'condition, with a hinge number of music rolls, for Sale at a bargain. L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street, i'oronto, n.,,eriea's Pioneer Dog Riomadicn Book on DOG DISEASES and Now to Feed Mailed Pico to any Atl- i -Irene by the Author. IT. Clay Glover Co„ Ina. 111 Nest 81st Street ��,e�TOr., New Yorlc, USA, Have it always in the house "WISE mothers keep a jar or a tube of "Vaseline" White Petroleum Jelly in the house for many childish ills, such as bumps, bruises, chafed skin, cradle cap. It is soothing, healing and grate- ful to the most irritated skin. Be prepared for winter colds, too. • "Vaseline" Capsicum Jelly rubbed on the chest, and "Vase- line" Eucalyptol Jelly snuffed into the nostrils will check them quickly- CHESEBROTIGII MFG. C06RARY (Coaeoltdated) 1880 Chabot Aaseve., Montreal, i'.Q. • hue: Trade Mari: l ite PETROLEUM JELLY CUTICURA HEALS SKIN TROUBLE In Pimples On Face. Itched So Had To Rub Them, Burned and Hurt, "My face was a mass of pimples and I had an unusual amount on my forehead and chin. They were hard and red and later they came to white heads. They itched so I would rub them, and then they started to burn and hurt. "I saw an advertisement for Cpti- cure Soap and Ointment and tried them and found they helped me, I purchased more and when I had used three cakes of Cuticura Soap and one and a half boxes of Cutirura Ointment I was completely healed," (Signed) 6, 1)Missoa yalka,Carrolls, Wash., Give Cuticula Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your skin. Sosp2Sc, 0i tment2Snsd50c Adcum2Sc. Sold throughout therlom,nion CanadianDeuat: Lrmnm, Llmltad, 344 St. rst SI W., Nostra]. g3& "Cut urn Soap shaves without mug,. Ou will be astonished at the 10- suils we get by our modem system of dyeing aedl cleaning, habriee that aro sliabby, dirty or spotted are inado like new. We cnn restore Use most delicate articles, Send one article or a parcel of goods by post or express. We will pay car- riage ono way, and our chargee are most reasonable. Wben you plink of clean- ing and dyeing, think of PARKER'S, Parker's Dye Works . L rtl.lceti Cleansrs and Dyers 791 Yotldo 2 Toronto l', tWiatne ISSUE No, 44—'21. ,' 2t:.00a ee Nothing Else is Aspirin -----say "Bayer" • Witt -e ing1 Unless you Fee 11a111e "Boyar" en tablets, you aro not get.! slug Asplral tit ell, `;Vily take olidneee? Accept only an llnbreliin "la'lyrr" pneke go which vontnine dilate ions aell«al cut by pltyeicieis during 21I ('(sa04 and proved safe by leillio'l5 for Ceichs, Ileatlatbs, T']tiia ce,c, Too Nollralgin, Rhemen am:, NomiLis, idem- bago. null Pain. inside I1 1'tnada, Mi diugglel.t :,all I3ayer , rbitts of I Aspirin in handy fin boxes of 12 telt. lute, and in battles of 24 nisi 100. A,piriu is the trade msrk (registered In tamale) of Ttayer binnatfactnlvs at Meneacetleacidester of Sai1eylloacid. \1 hr e 11 i5 well known that \f,ntin 110115 111)'' nlannfaahme, 1, ,(50111t thelaiblie k. 1 i.• r imitation.... Ihe'Nth. !!cis of 11:1)( (.,ninny' will he stamp. e1 1- t11 thele l •Per rt Ua;;, mirk, the "Bayer' Cresi.."