The Clinton News Record, 1921-10-20, Page 5'1'IOTOSPA , OCTQ'I3Di; 2900 192% Of Interest to You and Me (Tow many Iia* the; partial eclipse •of the moon en Sunday evoning? 'v**v Dominion election on Tuesday, De. . c n be • 6th, 'Plan we'll 1 a, t h a11 t i w i aye . the s ° clutter cleared away 'before .CE>2'ist- mas, n!1, *,g Zurieh plays good baseball) doesn't it? It walked off with the eliatpion- :ship of the 'district without much. trouble. The postmaster at Brantford has a .lot of faith or else he has the spirit of a martyr'. He has just resigned :from his position to become a Liber- al candidate in the federal elation, Although they do not all subscribe to his, (Premier M:eighen's)' political views, the people recognize in him a mean of fine abilities, of upright char- zicter, andof undoubted patriotism. Goderich Signal * * *.* A man remanded for ten days es - caped from Goderich jail on Friday. , What has gone wrong with the jails, When even Huron County's place of detention, "Castle Griffin," has sprung a leak? * * * r The Farmer's Sun sings the praises of Mr. Crerar and especially lauds his courage. True, he may have developed some courap since he re- fused to even meet the delegation. of farmers in 1918. * Me * » • "Tho Globe" said Mr.. Meighen at :the big meeting in the skating arena yesterday afternoon, "is more or less vigorously supporting the Liberal Party, with the exception of its pol- icy and its leader," The Farmer's Sun does not need to be consistent, of coarse. In the sauce issue it describes Premier Meighen as having no heart, as be- ing guided entirely by his .intellect,, .and as haling "slobbered" over Eng- land. * ,µ * Es -kaiser William has dismissed his head gardener and is taking over the work himself. There are a num- ber of us who wouldn't mind holding a position as head. gardener, at a good salary, from now until abort Almil it. * * * * The hockey stick factory at Pres- ton was burned last week, just as --the hockey season is in sight. $5,000 worth of sticks, nearly finished, were •destroyed. Time was when a boy could whittle out a hockey or "shin- ny" stick himself. It might still be possible. * *** • A scientist perdicts that man•.wi11 in time become a stationery being and will have to be conveyed wherev- •er he wants to go by mechanical means. That may be true of the •people who have motor cars but the • rest of us will •be kept nibble enough dodging out of their way. Should this meet the eye of. the • person who took about twenty White 'Wyandotte pullets from H. Austin's hen roost he would be much obliged if the said person would return them as he would like to have them in his sale on Wednesday next, -Pick- - ering News. Now, what self-respecting chicken -thief could resist an appeal like that? * * * * "Owing to the lack of space this week several births and deaths will 'be pastponed until next week." —Bridgeport Herald, We trust our readers appreciate.tlte constraint with • which The News -Record exercises the mysterious and sometimes embaras- sing, power of the press. We have always stopped short of interfering in such vital matters. * * ,µ, * "The average num" says an ex- •chatge, does as many queer things -when he isn't in love as when he is but they are less conspicuous." That may be so but the average man, not in love, who does a queer thing may sometimes be brought to see how queer it is and even laugh at him- self, but the man in love never sees :anything queer about his queerest ac- tion. Miss McGill, the lady sent to Can- .ada by the British Government to rstudy and report on the conditions -under which settlers live in the Can- adian west, was run down and killed in);dmonton. The byan automobile news of this"regrettable accident will ;at leastprove to the "old folks at home" that there are other dangers in the Canadian west than dying of loneliness. ,, • * 5 * Miss McPhail, 'IJ. F. 0. candidate in South,East Grey, says she will not .contribute to sports, churches or any- thing she doesn't want to nor will ;she smile at the men nor kiss the babies, any more than she would as a private citizen, if she's elected, Well, :the man may be disappointed; but froth' what we"l now of babies we don't believe they will care the .shake of it rattle. * ***, The Toronto Transportation Corn- mission onmission says there is no, chance of a h •.'op in the price of street ca: fares. The Commission should have endeav- •orod to make some improvements la the service before raising the fares, It is rather -galling, after havipgread the tirades of tile Toronto papers for years about the poor service giv- en by the street ear company, to have to pay two ants 1001'0 for no better service. The city, which antic- ipated taking over the street railway for years, should have been prepared to inaugurate immediate irtthr'ove, inents, * 11 * 5 Dr, Chambers, the Toronto physic} :+ ion who Was lost; in rho woods north of Port Arthur for two weeks, watt Mound by Indian l nines last Wednos •day and brought to Fort Francis, where he is being nursed back to health, It is ratites surprisincc that an iii peaier eed pilin should wander •into a iraclelos0 forest without tti compass. Dad he had one and tray - 'Piled in the proper direction he crania have Wily 0ChCs a)0rnt 0f el i. . ization, Seine tow miles cdistant. Too many people are getting foolish= ly lost in Ontario Woods and wilds lately, The country la getting e bad ;name simply because people are fool- ish and reporter'shave lt'een noses for li sensation, L,ondesboro. I(nox church anniversary services have been potponed from Sunday, Oct, 28rd, until Sunday, Oct. 30th. The Rev, Mr. Thompson of Monc- ton will be the preacher of the clay. Porter's Ohl Mr. and Mrs. Whiteman of Detroit spent; a clay recently with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhail and also the latter's mother, Mrs, Holdswertlr of Holmesville. Mrs. Prod A. :Hudgins has returned hone to Holyrood alter spending a couple of weeks with relatives around Porter's Hill and Stanley. She also spent a few days with her daughter, Miss Clara Hodgins of Goderich town, 14Ir. Williams, our energetic mer- chant, is busily engaged gathering poultry these days. Mr. W. Monk of Dungannon is spending a few days with his brother, Mr. George Monk, We • are sorry to hear that Mr. IIarold Bell got his arm broken. Mr. and Mr. John Morgan of God- erich spent Sunday with Mrs. Stew- art McDougall, Mr. and Mrs, Sterling McPhail en- tertained the congregation dissi Beth- any church at their home on Monday evening, a very enjoyable evening be- ing spent. Over sixty sat down to a bountifully spread supper table, sup- plied by the ladies of the congrega- tion, and afterwards music, speeches and happy, social chat macre the hours pass quickly, The choir of Willis church, Clinton, which has as- sisted on 'Several special occasions, were invited to this special gather- ing and their' presence added not a little to the pleasure of the evening. Countij News Mr, John Wright of, the 12th con- cession of Howick had his barn burned with all its contents the oth- er night. The lantern which he was trying to hang up in the barn upset and in a moment the whole place was a mass 'of flames. ,Mrs. John Dane, an old resident of Howick township, died on Oct. 7th in her seventy-sixth year. Mr. John W. Salkeld and Miss Elizabeth Salkeld of • Goderich town- ship returned recently from an exten- ded trip through the prairie prov- inces. Dungannon Fair was held last Fri_ day, having been postponed from the week before owing to the wet weath- er. Marriages APPLEBY—McGILL—•In Turnberry, ',on Oct. 11th, by Rev. C. Tate, Ada Luella McGill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McGill, to Rueben T. Appleby, of 10th, Con. Turnberry. GILLIES—MARTIN—In Exeter, on October 12th, by Rev. M. J° Wilson, Anna Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, S. Martin to Robert G. Gil- lies, of Hamilton, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Gillies, of Exeter. Births BRANDON—In Bayfield, on Oct: 17th, to Mr, and Mrs, Harold Brandon, a son. HIBBERT—Int Auburn, on Oct. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. F, Ribbon, a son. MATTHEWS—In Seaforth, on Octo- ber Oth, to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Matthews, a daughter.. MEIKLE—In Goderich, on October 4th, to Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Meikle, a daughter. Deaths EVANS—In Brantford, on Oct. 16th, Frank W. Evans, formerly of Clin- ton aged 51i years. LEAROYD—In .Windsor, one Oct. 17th Eta Rutledge, t 1 e dge, widow of the late Walter Learoyd. of Regine RYAN—In McKillop township, on ' -October Sth, Richard Ryan, aged 84 Year's,• Kindlting For Sale A . quantity of good kindling for sale at $8,00 per cord. Apply Cont. menial Garage, Bert Langford.,, -=•-20-1^p Notice of Fit'st Posting Of: Voters' List, Town of 1921. Notice is hereby given that Clinton, have transmitted or delivered to the parties mentioned in Section 6 of The Ontario Voters' List Act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made'pureliant to the said. Atnt, 0f all pe0s2ns appearing by the last re- vised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections (fin members of. the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections; and that the said list War first posted up at my office in the Town Hall, Clinton, oh the 20th flay of October, 1921, and remains there for intpection. And T hereby call upon all Voters. to take immediate proceedings to I4ve any errors or onii0510115 arra- ted according to law, Dated at Clinton this 20th clay of October, 1921,-•-.D, L. Macpherson, 'Cowl! Clerk, —20-3 Clinton News -Record itolnitnesviille 'Cite apple crop is being gathered art, although not, in great abundare nor of the very best quality, yet are of good size and fair price, Some f ' .o '1 II rte 0111 • ' A 1 rc v)le yeople attended the anniversary services in the Ontario Street church, Clinton, on Sunday last, Mr, and Mrs, Wood, who have been visiting at the Methodist par- sonage during the past week, return- eci to their home oii•Tuosday, accom- partied by Rev, J, W. Johnson and family; who intond visiting with them. a few days, They motored to London, Miss Emma Conrtiee returned on Saturday from Ottawa, where she. had been visiting her sister, Mrs. F, C. Elford. Stopping on the way at Pickering and Toronto for a few days • Owing to the wet weather the steam shovel at Ilolrnos' Hill has not been able to put ;in full time, thus Prolonging the completion of the work. It certainly scoops up the clay and can keep four to six teams travelling when at work. Finders are picking potatoes and some are reporting good crops, but are disposed to keep them in their cellars until spring for better prices. We were very sorry.•to hear of the .death on Monday last of. Mrs. Lea- royd, in the hospital at Windsor. Mrs, Learoyd was a daughter of Mrs. 'Rutledge of the Huron Road, Goderich Tp., and for some time had not been in the best of health and lately went from .Winnipeg to Wind- sor for treatment. Mrs. Rutledge and family have the sincere sym - pathy -o£ the whole community. The funeral took place at Goderich to the Maitland cemetery on Wednesday last; Some of our villagers attended the Meighen political meeting in Clinton on Wednesday, although the rain no doubt prevented a good unary more froth seeing and hearing the Premier on the occasion of his first visit in that capacity, Northern SpYs For Sale Some Northern Spy windfalls for sale. Apply to Norman Ball, R. R. No, 1, phone 13 on 640 —20-1 Farm For Sale 100 acres in the township of Hul- lett, Int 28, con. 4. 11/ miles north of Clinton on the Base Linc; well fenced, well watered, good bank barn 40x60, frame house. Terms to suit purchaser. This is one of the best farms in Mullett. Will rent if not sold. Wktlter Mali, Clinton. —20-tf highest Price For Poultry It will pay you to get any price list. Phone 603 ring 3. W. D. Wil- liams, Porter's Hill.—20--6--p Apples For Sale Cider and cooking apples for sale. Apply to 0. C. Galbraith, Bayfield. Phone 11 on 609, Clinton. —20-2 Sable Rut' Lost Between Clinton and Seaforth, on Sul}clay, a sable neck ruff. Finder kindly leave at News -Record office or with Mrs. W. H. Hill, R. R. No. 4, Clinton,—20-1-p Bain Wagon For Sale - Bain wagon, nearly new, newly - painted. Also cutting box, can be driven with 3 h.p, gas engine. These articles will .be sold cheap, McEwan Bros., Varna. —20-2 Horses Wanted Two good work horses wanted by .farmer for .one month's plowing. Leave name and amount wanted at News -Record office. 1-20-tf Auction Sale 01: Farm stock, implements and household effects at lot 6, con. 12, Hullett township, on Thursday, Oct. 27th, at 1 o'clock. Horses: Draft mare, 12 years old, draft gelding, 3 years old, draft filly, 2 years old; carriage mare, 10 years old; driving mare, 4 years old, sup- posed to be in foal, Cows: cow 5 years old to freshen November 27th; cow 6 years old, supposed to freshen March 25th.; cow 6 years old,' sup- posed to freshen April 7; cow 5 years old, supposed to freshen April 7th; cow 8 years old, supposed to freshen April 18th; cow 7 years old, supposed to freshen May 15th; cow 1 years old, supposed to freshen May 8th; milking cow, 6 .years old, steer 2 years old; 2 heifers 2 years old; 4 heifers 1 -year old;2 steers year r old;' 5 spring calves; Poul- try: 25 hens, 25 pul- lets; 2 geese, gander. Implements: Massey -Harris binder, 6 -ft, cut; Mas- sey -Harris mower, 51/2 foot cut; steel rake, 10 foot; Massey -Harris culti- vator; 10 -hoe drill; broadcast sower; Cockshutt doable plough; Perrin rid- ing plough; Sylvester walking plough; set -iron harrows; muffler; Massey -Harris disc; 14 -ft. ,hay -rack; car, stay fork, •pulleys, rope and slings; fanning• -mill,., root pulper., heavy wagon, 2 single buggies, road cart, 2 cutters, set Manitoba sleighs; set of team harness set double driv- ing harness, 2 sets single hainess; buggy pole; cutter pole, whiffle tree and neckyoke, store -boat; about 8 tons of hay; about 20'londs of straw, to be fed on the place; about 5 loads of green :Wed; sugar kettle, Daisy churn, No, 2; Happy Thought range; wood heating stove; wood stove; Standard cream separator, nearly new; glass clipboard; side board, Terms: All sums of $10 and under, also household effects, and fowl, cash; 01-1 other articles twelve months credit will be allowed on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of (i% off for ensh on credit amounts. Samuel. Glidden, proprietor. . G. H. T lliott, Auctioneer. 20-1-p Cottage For Sale ' The eottage formerly occupied by the late Mrs, MacRae,on Rattenbury St, Apply to Mrs, Geo, Mel,ettmu, .>. 1 -10wt:f Whichever ... e i,oc se Y it will be the BEST you ever tasted. BLACK TEA !Rich, Satisfying Flavour, • From the finest gardens. MIXED T)A ,fust enough green tea to make the blend delicious, 013 GREEN TEA A Revelation in, Gkiten Tea. Pure, translucent anti so Flavory. Are You Ready for winter. Its corning Sooner than ' we wish it, No* is the time' to get ready for it mid do your usual Fall cleaning. • Our, one Hour cash specials :from 3,30 to 4,30 p.m, on Wednesday and Saturday of this and next week will interest you. ONE HOUR SPECIALS ARE STRICTLY CASH PRICES COFFEE Our coffee sales • in last year have trebled, Why? We have the coffee. They all come back for the .next pound. 0111 price to you ., ....550 per lb. 3 2 3 FEW HOUR •SPI DIALS FOR CASA In. Hour Mentioned bars soap ...... 23c pkgs. Lux , ... , . 230 pkgs. Ammonia .. . 230 JUST A FEW A BIGGER LIST AT OUR STORE! • We have, tea at all prices that have the quality and flavor. ae- eording to price. 1 ]b. for. 350 3 lbs, for 950 Grade 2 1 lb. for 550 3 lbs. for $1.50 GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT Tho store for everybody JOHNS( N & CO'S GROCERY Phone 111 For Sale ,41/2 h.p. Massey -Harris gasoline engine, mounted on trucks, nearly new, also aged grey mare, bred to Bron's Pereheron. Apply to R. A. Roberton, phone 19. --19-t± Wanted To purchase, Green Flax straw. Apply at Flax Mill office, South of Rattenbury House, Clinton.—19-3-p For Sale Shropshire Down ram and ewe lambs, also a few good ewes and one .Shorthorn bull, 0 months old,• sired by Imported Gallant Sceptre, and a number of young cattle. W. 0. _Ross, Londesboro. Phone 26-15, Blyth Cen- tral. Wanted Potatoes and Apples, of good quality At fruit store, Clinton. Mrs. Carers Phone 17. —19-2-p For Sale A new Maple Leaf Composite kit- chen range with high oven and burns either coal or wood. Price reasonable. Mrs. E. B, Hill, Huron Street. west. —10-tf Auction Sale of Household Effects An auction sale of household ef- fects will be held at the residence of the . undersigned, Rattenbury street, east, on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, at 2 o'clock as follows: parlor furniture, bedroom suites, couch, rug, chairs, dishes, tables; power washing ma- chine, new, wringer, new, 4 -burner coal oil stove, Happy Thought range and other articles, Terms: Cash. IVIrs. F. 51. Holmes, propiretress, G. H. Elliott, auctioneer, —19-2 • Court of Revision Town of Clinton Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Mnuicipality of the Town of Clinton will be held in the Council Chamber, Clinton, on Thursday, Oct. 27th, 1021, at eight o'clock in the evening, for the pur- pose of hearing and determining com plaints against the Assessment Roll of the said municipailty for 1021.. Persons having business with the said Court will please attend at the said time and place. D. L. !Macpherson, clerk. Clinton, Oct. 13th, 1021.-10-2 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Court will be hrld, pursuant to elle Ontaito Voters' List Act, by -his Honor the judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Township Hall, Varna, on Friday, the 28th day of October, 1921, at 9 o'clock, a.m. to hear and determine complaints 'of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the 1Vhuricipality of the town- ship of Stanley for 1921. Dated this 11th day 'of October. —J. E. Haim - well, Clerk of Stanley. —19-3 Will Hold Bazaar • The Mission Band of Willis church will hold a bazaar in Mr. Stothers' office onOct. 2211d at 2 rim There will be booths for the sale of fancy- work and dolls, candy, homemade baking, also a fishpond. Afternoon tea will be served. All donations from the congregation thankfully re- ceived. —18 For Sale House and lot. Story and half frame (rouse, electric lights, town water, furnace, 1/2 -acre lot, with fruit 'trees, apples, pears, plants, and cher- ries. Large stable on. premises. Apply to A. Seeley. -—1.7-tf For Sale A number of storm windows, 7 ,ft 6 in. by 2 ft 8 hp, and 7 ft. G in. by 4 ft,. Il in. Apply to Geo. McLennan. —17-tf Mortorcycie For Sale A twin cylinder, 3 -speed, kick starter, Indian reotorcycio Tor sale. XII the best of mechanical condition: Apply to Wilfred Seeley, Clinton. • —15 Notice We now announce to the public that we are now, in a position to take on fall tractor' work at the fol. lowing reduced prices. Plowing, $8.50 per acre. Silo Filling, Tractor and box, $2.75 per hour, your own Feeder, $1.65 per hour. ' Circular Sawing, $1,60 per,hour. ,. Grinding, $1.,75 per hour. Phone, Clinton, 020 it 14. b L II, Epps 8' ,Mon, Varma.' ---Midi VICTORY BONDS New Issue of Hydro -Electric bonds, Guaranteed by Ontario Government. $3,300,000 at 6%. And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without charge, W. BRYDONE, Clinton „ Dr. John Ward Chiropractic and Electrical treat- ments for Chronic and Nervous dis- eases. Eyes tested, and glasses sciotifically fitted. Mondays Wed- nesdays, and Fridays. Hours, 10.00 to 4.00 and by appointment. Office, corner .of Ontario and William Sts: Clinton, Ont. —1G-tf Pian Tamer Our professional tuner will be here from Bell Piano Fac- tory soon. All those having tuning to do. Phone 6.610 or address. J. E. i-IUGILL. Pox 229. Seaforth COAL,- Having OAL - Having several cars of coal com- ing I will receive and fill all orders for nut, stove and egg coal and de- liver 'same at once. Orders received at Residence King Street, or phone 119 .eo R. J. MILIEF Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away They make new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 41 CANADA RUG COMPANY LONDON, ONT. Farm For Sale Lot 15, eon. 4, Stanley, 09 acres, about 65 wader cultivation, balance, broken pasture land. Abundant water supply, good bank barn and frame dwelling. Price reasonable. A. T. Scott, Brucefield. —14-8 Snirella Corsets Spirella Corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton. —12-1921 House for Sale S -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken house. Apply on premises. Corner of North and Spencer Sts.—A. C. Clarkson. -80-t± Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. J. Jago. - —88-tf CLINTON GARAGE —AND— BATTERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the Headlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved lenses. We have the following to choose from: • Levelight Holophone Legalite Sharer Roadlighter Clamed Prfmolite 'Macbeth Conopher Clear Conopher Noviol Come in and let us fill out Sour ap- plications and show our lenses. +I.e+. J. H, Paxniah ",gent for OVerlan( Cas. Iib aminer for licensed drivers Phone 80 Res, Phone 140 i Big Bargains for Our Fail Sale Frond Oct. 20th to 'Nov, 20th :3 lbs, O'Nell's Black Tea ,., , , e $1.00 Regular 000 per, lb, a)his tea is well knawn all the country and sells itself, , 5 lbs. Newly Seeded Raisins (Per pound 250) 5 IUs, Seedless Raisins 2 'lbs, Dates for (Per Pound 280) 5 lbs. Currants for 5 lbs, Rolled oats 22 lbs. Rolled' Oats 5 lbs, Corn Meal" 5 lbs, Loose Cocoa (Per Pound 180) 5 bars Lennox Soap 21 bars Lennox Soap 12 bars Gold and P. Sc G, Soap Good Pink Saluron, per tin Good Red Salmon, large size Pilchards Cooking. Onions Mixed Peels, per lb. 2 lbs. Broken Sodas for Sardines, regular 250 for SUGAR AT LOWEST 1VMAIt1(ET PRICE Do not fail to buy oar. GOOD COFFEE; always 'the best HIGHEST PRICES FOIL BUTTER AND ECGGS 1,15 51.30 2501 970 2511 $1;00 250 80(3 25(3 970 970 9(3 460 194 4 lbs, for 250 500 250 150 W. T. O'NEIL THE HUE GROCERY Genuine i[, L. & W. Srallton 'oal Yes we have it in all sizes. 'Don't put off buying as the price is grad- ually stiffening. Delay will only cause a panicky buying craze similar to that experienced last fall when prices Wert crazy. Let me advise you no fill up with ' MUSTARD'S COAL It answers the burning question. We also stock for your convenience AT CLINTON Hardwood, in different qualities. Slabs, the ideal summer fuel Cedar rails, fine for kindling. Canada Cement, the standard art- icle. Threshing Coal, convenient and safe AT BRUCEFIE{,D Hemlock Lum rer, at new prices. 2x, 3x, & 5x Shingles, at your own price. Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement, '"Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD,1 Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE CODIER STORE Phone 4 5 We're Headquarters fo° the finest blends of tea obtainable GRADED UP TO A STANDARD NOT DOWN TO A PRICE Our Blends at 50c, 60c, and 80c are teas the most particular tea drinkers will enjoy, C+m3 FOR THE PICNIC BASKET; Lemonade. Orangeade, Grape Fruit. Olives,- and Cooked Meats. Fred W5Wigg LIVE AND LET LOVE FEEOER'S SPECIAL WESTERN OATS .KILN DRIED CORN FEIOD ?LOUR BRAN SHORTS OIL CAKE We have all these lines in stock, as well as numerous others and they are being sold at Pre war prices. Our stock of High Grade Flour in- cludes: PURITY FIVE ROSES WHITE SEAL RATNBOW GOLDEN CITY • GOLD SEAL (Pastry) Highest market prices paid for all kinds of Grain If you want to bray or sell it will pay you to give us a call, W. Jenkins & Son. PLOUR "AND FEED Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141 Bears for Service Champion bred, big typo Yorkshire and Cheshter White boars for service. M home every forenoon, -•-A, C. Levey, Phone 6 on 8a9, Clinton Scranton Coal We have on hand for immediate delivery HARD. AND SOFT COAL Also some good hardwood, • ' Leave • orders at my Residence, Huron street, or Phone 155. • TERMS CASH T. WARD South End Grocery rotpd A. full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE. SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGil ,1 4. Levi Stang PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY CONTENTMENT DWELLS in (tomes where Port IIope Porcelain Enameled Ware is installed. We can advise you on any' plumbing necessity • THOS. HAWKINS,. Agent for i-Iecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 5$ Shop over Carless &i Venner'a A Car of Shorts JUST RECEIVED Those in need of anything in our lino will do well to call or phone us. Prompt and courteous attention to your wants assured. Flour and Feed Always on Hand J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. Live Poultr jj WANTED We handle all kinds of live and dressed poultry. Special prices paid for properly milk fed chickens It will pay you to finish your poultry, as our extra price will more than cover cost of feed used. Ipquire for prices when ready to sell. Our prices are unsurpassed for all high•,gr'ade poultry. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TRB1WARTIIA, Manager; Phone 190; Holmorville 4 on 141 CREAM WANTED! The demand for, our butter is In. creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. We request you to Ship up your cream's We guarantee you the Highesa Market Prices, accurate testas and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay all maxima charges, furn- ish cream' cans and pay twice each month. Write for cans 'or further informs. tion to the Trim SEAPORT/1 CREAMERY R MERY CO', 43. A, TAIII3ER, MANA( i' tt«