HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-10-13, Page 8rhe Ctiataa Newo-.Record THURSDAY, 0 roam Lith, 1:1)21 OLINTON'O LEADING JEWELL13Y ,STOR Are You. Proud of Your Watch When you look at your wat(,h are you proud of its 'appearance and .confident of its aecuraoy ? Watches par- chased here possess 'both of these qualities. All makes of watches repaired H. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store Eventually You Will Have your Suits made by us. Why not come in now and get a made -to measure suit for the price of a hand -roe -down. WORKMANSHIP AND FIT GUARANTEED. Murray McEwan, Mercihagt Tailor Wilken Block TARLOREt SUITS At the Pr c f Ready : m:ades We have just received our new suiting and are more than pleased, with both quality and price. They consist of beautiful English Worsted and Tweeds. and Blue, Black and . Grey Serges and the prices are rock bottom.. 'Every 'suit tailored to your measure and a fit guaranteed Prices range from $25 to $50 Special, for Friday, Sept. 9th We will have with us Mr, Legg to assist us with measurements, etc., also to show the season's newest models and we would be glad to have you come in on Friday and inspect these models and look over our Lange of suiting. .a® Plu steel F'• Pus. CLOTHING THE STORE THAT SELLS FOIB LESS. PHONE 211 NEW IDES PATTERNS, Oar I rex Spcdils AIMLESS FORNACES BRANTFORD ROOFING BEAVER BOARD The Pilot Superior Pipeless Warm Air Furnace Nature's way of heat- ing your house, ONLY ONE REGISTER BRANTFORD ROOFING .Asphalt Slate Shingles. Asphalt Slate Slabs Also Roll Roofing $3.00 per square and up. BEAVER BOARD It is equally applicable in old buildings as in new. We have all sizes, 32 and 45 inches, in width and from G to 10 feet in length, A FEW REFERENCES Mr. Jacob Becker, ?t4r. ,Robert Smith Mr. Frank Lobb Mr. Thomas Lindsay Mr. n'rank Gibbs Mr. Thomas Glazier Mr. D. Munroe, Brucefieltl HA LAN Hardware. Stoves andiNavelties ROS. The Store With a Stock , ATTENTION ri Clearing SEIc of coaloV Sioves 3 burner $20.00 4 burner $3O.69 We have just received a shipment of Quebac Heaters call and see them. Satter SC ]Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ICRUty w Comfort IN TEE CANADIAN 1 Q1\ IS A SUEJI3CT WHICH IS REOEIV. ING MORE ,ATTENTION. THE AR. TISTIC STANDARD OP THE AV.' ERAGL HOME IS NOW HIGHER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. PEQ. PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR- ROUNDINGS, WALL HANGINGS HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH BRING- ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGIHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. I1' YOU ARP 1NTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TQ VISA IT OUR SPLENDID STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Tie 1i, D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—AIways the Best EYE SPECIALIST ;A. L. "Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Godericli, Ont Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. Mrs, Kel1s is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Morrison. Mrs. W. Pickard of Ilobnesville stayed with Clinton friencds' over the week -end. Mrs: R. E. Manning 'and Miss Helen were with London friends over the week -end Mrs,• J. C. Quinnell of Termite' is. spending a couple of months with her mother, Mrs. Argent of town. Mr. Ilerebrt Bean and little son of Toledo, Ohio, visited last week with the former's mother, Mrs. Bean of town. Miss IIeletn Forrester left Tuesday for Hamilton, where she expects to remain for some time with re- latives. Mrs G. W. Pinner left on Sunday for her home in Toronto. after a visit with her mother, Mrs. C. H. Bart - lift of town. Mrs. Wm. East returned last week frons Brantford, where she had spent a few weeks as the guest of her brother, Mr. A. E. Betts was in Toronto for a couple of days last week atten- ding the convention of Bread and Cake bakers. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Mort0son and Miss Morrison of Hensel] were the'gutsts of Mr, and Mrs. E. W. 'Morrison on Sunday. . 'Mrs. J. 13. Whittingham and son, Fred of Her';che11, Sask., are visit- ing at the home of the ladys mother, Mrs, Win. Argent, Mrs, S. Murch of Sarnia is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, E.G. Cour- tice this week. Mrs. Murch's old friends were pleased to see her again. Mrs, Boles of Crookstown, Minn., who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Mewling of Clinton for souse time, left last week to visit London friends. Mr. J. J. Merrier, M. P. was in town on Monday making arrangements for the reception of Premier Meighen on his proposed visit to Clinton next week. i4Irs G. M. Elliott and children left Tuesday for Toronto, where Mr. Elliott has been for the past few weeks and where they intend mak- ing their home. Clinton friends wish thea, success. :Mr. and Mrs. 'A. T. Cooper, Miss Ruby Irwin, Tiss Harriet Cantel - on and Miss Eva Carter went to Blyth on Monday evening to at- tend a W. C. T. U. Siler Medal contest, the ladies acting as judges in the contest. Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Pollard mo- tored over from Benton Harbor, Mich., last week and are visiting the formers sister, Mrs. J. F. Was - man. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard and Mr. and Mrs, Wasman spent the week -end with Kincardine friends. Mt•. 3, Sterling, who has not been feeling just like himself–since sus- taining a fall some little time ago, .which was followed by -a siege of illness, left on Tuesday .for Jackson, Mich., where he intends spending a few months with his daughters, three of whom and a 'Son reside there, Mrs. (Dr.) Hodgson and little son, Ddwin arrived v d from Riverhurs t Sask., last week a and, having taken Mr. J. Stephenson's furnished house for the winter, will make their home here for the time being. Mrs. Hodgson is a daughter of our esteemed townspeople, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahatly. Mrs, J. Ross and Miss Ross, who have been visiting relatives here for several weeks, leave on Sat-' urday for their home in Los An- geles, Cal. Miss Amelia .Harland Will accompany them and will spend the winter in Sunny Cali- fornia, They intend going trough the Canadian west. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Rans:forcl Mr, M. G. Ransford, Mr: W. Jackson and Mrs. J. W, Shaw are in Ottawa and Montreal this week attending the annual convention of the Canadian Ticket Agents' Association. The convention is being held in Ottawa, after which the party will proceed to Montreal, whore they will bo enterte:ined oti''thb steamer Nieto geiila, •,.. ..1 .. ..... ..,.."-.......,. ,. fdolAittArbs � H's Our fuso n s. t vertise The merchant who advertises per- sistently, who is not afraid of his goods and prices being compared to others, is the one in whom the public repose confidence. The best medium for the purpose is through The Clinton News -Record, which goes into the homes of the people and is read by every member of the family. The Clint n News ec Clinton, j Mario y�Y i Staniej Township Mr. S. H. Pollock and his daughter, Miss Pollock, who came east a :few weeks ago and have been visiting in Toronto and at Seaforth are now vis- iting friends in Stanley township, Mr. Pollock's old township, Mr. Pol- lock went west about twenty-three years ago and farmed in the vicinity of Canora,_ Sask„ for several years. He sold his farm some little time ago and is now living in the town, which he describes as an important railway centre and consequently a distribut- ing point. It is his intention to go to California for the winter, visiting his brother in the State of Nevada, en router Old friends are pleased to see Mr, Pollock looking hearty and prosperous. The following 'is the report of S. S. No. 13 for the month of Septem- ber: Jr, 4th: Myrtle MCCtinchey, 76^,•0. Sr. 3rd: Olive Erratt 161 marks, Stuart Keys, 152; Bernard Keys, 130; Willie Clarke, 137; Harold Dowson, 119. Sr. 2nd: Albert McClinchey, 150; Cecil Dawson, 136; Claire Smith, 111. • Sr 1st: Willie McClinchey, 155. Pt. 1st: ' Glen Dowson. Sr. Primer: Mervyn Keys, Jr. Primer: Vyrne Smith, Marie McClinchey. .• 19 No. on the roll 14, average attend- ance, 12. ••-Eunic'i Reid, Teacher. Varna Epwotrh League Rally of Varna Methodist church was held Monday evening, when a good attendance was present. The president, Mr, Alymer Web- ster, being absent the chair was tak- en by -"the first vice, Mi. Fred Mc- Clymont, The topics selected were presented in a very interesting and instructive manner. The first "The Glean Springs of Life," was Presented by Mr, Geo, Coleman, the second, "Symbolizing of Colors," by htr. J. E, Barnwell, and the third, "White il,eeds day by day," by Miss Webster of Lucknow. The chairman, after making some complimentary remarks, closed the meeting. An- other meeting of the League will be held on Friday night of this week, whit lantern slide views will be given of a trip throughh Southh Amer- ica by a returned inissionary, As this will be the first exhibition of the kind front South Ancerica here a good attendance is expected. Stanley council met Sept. 00th, when` Mr. Thomas Wiley was . ap- pointed collector. He will not re- ceive any tax money on his mounds but the Sterling Bank in Varna and in 13aYe6ld also the Molsons Bank in Brucefield and Zurich have kindly consented to receive these and en- dorse the fax receipt. This notice is also printed on the back of the tax notices, Reeve M, Elliott and County En- gineer T. R. Patterson made MO .rounds during the past week and a very complimentary report was giv- en by him stating "that this township had the best roads in five counties end many of our worst roads wore as good as some of tine hest roads i}i other muiciiliilities. Thi,,q is Slu•o- ly a groat credit to our Munioil>al Council when inbor is so ekpiernsive anal Bard to promo, ' ,• The next. meeting of the council will be ehld-ora Monday, Nov. 7th, at 1.30, The very wet weather is holding back silo filling, Miss L. Foster, who attended the Epworth League convention at Chat- ham, reports a splendid time. The anniversary services of Varna Methodist church will be held Sun- day, Oct. 16th. Rev. J. Fulton Ir- win of Lucknow will occupy the pul- pit morning and evening. Suitable nmsio by the choir will be rendered. On the following Monday evening Mr. Irwin will deliver his interest- ing lecture, "Ireland and the Irish." Musical selections will be rendered by the Misses Stephenson of Goshen and the Misses Ivison of Kippen, be- sides local talent. ONE OF HULLETT TOWNSHIP'S ESTEEMED RESIDENTS PASSES On Wednesday of last week there Passed away at her home on the ninth concession of Hullett, Ellen Stewart, beloved wife of Theodore Dexter. The deceased had been ail- ing for over a year and although it was known that she would never ful- ly regain her health it was hoped that with care she would be spared a few years longer with her family, but notwithstanding all that skilled medical attendance and nursing could do her spirit crossed the bar en Wednesday afternoon last. Mrs. Dexter was born in the County of Dundas and carne with her par- ents while still a babe to the 'farm on the sante concession now owned by her nephew, Mr. Chas. Stewart, and which has always been the fanc- ily home, From here she was mar- ried some forty-two years ago, in the old Methodist church in Londes- bore, to her now sorrowing partner, setting up housekeeping on the farm which has continued to be her home. She was a women of very energet- ic temperament and a great lover of hence, a kind neighbor and true friend but most of all a loving and devoted wife incl mother. She was a Me -long member of the Methodist church which she con- tinued to attend until her strength failed her, She leaves to moun'd a husband and two sons, Austin at home and Charles on the adjoining farm, also two sisters, Mrs. E. Littlefair of Blyth and Mrs. J. C. Iilughes of 11- cierton, also one brother, Mr, Win. Stewart of Clinton. . The :funeral service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr, Osborne of Londesboro, interment being made 'm the Maitland centetcty, near Sea - forth, to which she was followed by a large number of sorrowing :friends. The pallbearers, chosen from among her old friends and neighbors, were: Messrs. A. Trewhi, T. Rogerson, Wm. Jamieson,Sr,, II,, Dunlop, M. Arm- strong, and IL Taylor. Among the floral tributes wag a beautiful wreath from the Ladies' Aid Society of Constance, of which she bad been a member for a great many years. The sincere sympathy of the whole comnnuinty goes out to the family do their great loss, •s . s 3 IINOMSLIAPAILI Is right now, and -'avoid easy leaks and other roof troubles. "Birds" Roofing is fire resisting and weather proof. Then we have Black Water -proof building paper, wall -board, etc. We have the' "Rockland a:ehec" an "Tortoise" heaters with- oven, also a good.line of other coal and wood heaters. T0 . ..iess GENERAL HARDWARE taZZICIELS6IIMMV.221., PHONE 53 PAIME MHISTWS MEL RT, t i N. ARTHUR MtEICHEN Prince Minister of Canada will Address Meetings un Wednesday, ectober tent Clinton 2 P.M. , Coderich p.m. These will be the only opportunities for she Elector; of Huron County to hear (›nada's Gift"d Premier.. Ample accommodation will be prvoided iu cotvforlable buildings Special attention given to the Comfort of Ladies assasamearasesssasansene WHAT ADVERTISING VV'iLL DO FOR YOU Nothing pays the average mer- chant so well as thoughtful news- paper advertising. • When the Dominion government had to sell its Victory bonds, itL used the columns of Canada's newspapers and sold the bonds; when Canada needed food conservation, site adver- tised in the newspapers; when she needed armies she advertised in the newspapers—and achieved success. When Fry wanted Cocoa business, he advertised in the •nowspapets; when Pears wanted soap business, they ad- vertised in the newspapers; when Gil- lette wanted to make a clean shave of the man -power of the world, be advertised in the newspapers; when Wrigley wanted gum husiness, he advertises in the newspapers ---and achieved auecess•—Grand Forks Sun. Bakers displayed secrets of their art at a big convention exhibition in Toronto. Prisoners ore building and furnish— ing now ,Provincial jail et Mimics). ,just received a fine stopk of Narcissus, HOacin1hs, Etc. Plant now for early bloom Giant Paper -white Narcissus' - special at 5c each. Transplant your plants now We sell prepared soil at 15c per pail. Cuninghame -Florist oi 3'tl-1.3r3.^3.3- 3••1:'3-1.1 Announcement The Pavilion Orchestra, Goderich„ is open for engagements public or private, For information and terms write or phone W. .1. BUCHANAN, Manager Phone 47 Box 18 Godet•ich, Ont.;