HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-10-13, Page 5QCTO)iER 1 h, 192' . of Interest to Y.oN and IVIe w Must boa rather tough g'a118' up <MIlia way, One eanilidnte • in the Dominion, election is MInled Raikes and another Swindle. Abraham f,inclorl snide "Q de slot know Much shout teriff$ butt ): do know that if I buy $$0 ,worth of goods in a foreign country, the for, •eigner will have any money and 1 will have the goods; but if I buy $20 ••wori:lr of ,goods in my own country I will have the goods and the money will remain in my own country." ' * u n, This is fire-pervention: week azul we ere urged to bring before the at - 'Lenten of all that care should be taketn to prevent loss, human anti nla- te'riai, by fire. The fire loss in Ontar- io and in all of Canada is appalling and most of it is preventable. The Ontario Fire Preventibn League, of which Hon, E.. C. Drury is hon. - president, will hold its annual meeting ` in Toronto on Oat. 18th, the morning :session eommeneing at ten o'clock in the reception room of the„Parliament 0 building and. the afternoon S 6' si n . e , commencing at two o'clock, in Room 22, Mining building, the University, College street. It is urged that re- presentatives be present from every municipality in the Province. 'It is ,certainly time that the people were aroused to the necessity of guarding against fire, which yearly takes such a heavy toll in life and property. Kippen A number of our citizens wore .shocked to hear of the sudden death Sof Mr, Dan. Ross of 33rucefield on *Monday. Mr. and Mrs, A. McKenzie Am- sted the Keyes -McKenzie nuptials on Monday. �. Don't forget the anniversary at St. .Andrews church next Sabbath, when the Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Winthrop will be the. Speaker. A pretty wedding took place at 0.30 •o ,dock Monday evening, Oct. 10th at "Beechwood Farm;" Goderieh Town- ship, the home of Mrs. Donald Mc- Kenzie, when her . eldest daughter, :Jessie; became the bride of Mr. Sher- lock .Keyes, son of Mr. Nelson I{eyes of the Babylon line, Stanley. Guests to the number of forty were present. The ceremony was performed by Rev, A. Macfarlane, the bride's pas - 'tor assisted by the Rev. Mr. Foster, Methodist minister of Varna, The bride was attired in a wedding gown of gold brocaded • . voile and the customery veil and 'orange blossoms. She was attended by her sister, Jean, Mr, Ruskin Keyes, the .groom s`brother, performed the duties of groomsman. After the signing of the register and congratulations ex- tended the happy party, led 'by the bride, repaired to the :lining room, where a most sumptuous wecicling. din- ner was served, after which Mr. Mac- farlane, in a neat speech, congratu- lated the groom and spoke in the 'highest terms of the bride, to which the groom in an able and pleasant manner responded. The evening was spent in pleasant converse and with music, During the evening Mrs, W. Wallis delighted the company with .a humorous reading. About eleven o'clock the bride and groom left in their car for their new home near 'Verna, being plentifully showered with the usual confetti, rice and olcl boots, On Tuesdaymorning the happy couple took the train at Seas forth for a wedding trip to Toronto and Niagara, On their return they will reside on the old historical Me - Ash farm, near Varna. The pres- •ents were a splendid collection, among them being several pieees of •expensive furniture and several cheques fron, friends. A pleasant fea- ture was the presence of the bride's --and groom's gr•andmathers, Mrs. Wn'. Sterling of Bayfield and Mrs. Keyes of Stanley, who each does a "large share in developing the social life in 'their communities, their hearts and hands always responding -and their hones always• open in lov- ing ministration to many. We ne- glected to mention that the Rev. Mr, Foster made some humorous remarks ,coupled with some good advice to the bride and groom, in his usual af- fable manner, Wingham The uncertainty of life was once more manifested in, o a ste i the sudden pass ,sing of William J. Blatchford. While et his work in the United Faaaners -Co-operative Produce lJouse on Tees - •day morning he was seized -with vie- lent pains in the bowels, On Satin - slay morning medical aid was sum- moned and the sufferer found to be in a critical condition, 'Shortly af- ter =noon he was taken to Wingham Geral Hospital in the ambulance, "hut he was too far gone and died in a few hours, ' Because .that the doctors were •un- .able to determine the cause of death 'Coroner Dr. Redmond ordered an in. •quest to be held and the following jury were empanelled viz; Foreman, L. Kennedy, Reeve 'Firmly, W. B. Gurney, W. S. Mitchell, E. J, Mitoh- ell, W. J. Boyce, Donald Rae and W. •G. Patterson. After viewing the`bre- mains they adjourned until Thursday morning, when the inquest will bo held, • and the report of Drs. Taylor and.: Emmerson of Goderiohr who performed the post-mortern Will be: given. • The late Mr, Blatchford was in hie :50rd year. Ile was ]mown as n quiet MAO Who attended to nobody's bus- iness but his own and was bights' ,esteemed by his neighbors and his -work mates, Besides his wits who is a daughter of Mrs. E. Aitcieson, s two little boVs:..itid one Iittld girl tiro Left to mourn rine loss of is kind and loving: father, fie had lived ftl'Wiag Ilam all his life and WAN. amember of Maitland Longe, 8, 0;0, . w1to attended the .funeral on Ttiesdey ars• torpoou ?ti .a' body, Interment took plate In the Wingham cemetery. Roy, Dr Porio, paster of St's- todrew's )?resbyterann Church, tondueted the services. The pallbenrets were: Messrs, Alex, Porter, Geo, lrwip, J, Crouclell, J, Uirst, Jr,, A. Wilson, and oltvel; Thompson,-'Wl;;g'ha;n Advance While playing . With matches on f%hursday the clothing of the three- year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Whitfield,' 12th eon, of Gray town - shin, caught fire and the little fel- low was burned to death,—Wingham The first game of the North Wel, lhagton League finals waif played •in Wingltain on Monday, between Zurich and Winghann and resulted in a most keenly contested and exciting game, The final score was 4 toll in favor of Zurich, the deciding run coming in the ninth •inning. The game was a pitchers' 'battle between Olbert, of Zurich, and Morden of Wingham; and both put up splendid exhibitions. Wingham led 8 to 1 until the eighh -inning; when a couple of costly errors gave Zurich two runs, and in the ninth the boys from the South lidded another, which gave them the game. The ret rr game in Zurich next Saturday .should be n real battle, as Winghtim's team is by no means beaten. The weather was very bad and the crowd was not so large as was expected. Batteries: Zurich, Olbert and Henning; Wing - ham, Morden and Anderson; umpires, Wilson and Ramsay, of Owen Sound. 0- Tuekersmith Township Report of S. S. No. 8 for Sept. Entrance class: Ina Scott, 525. Hazel Haugh, 519, Mae Simpson, 493; Kathleen Elliott, 443; eLyla Chapman, 488"'; Wilson McCartney, 401; George Munroe, 274*; Bessie Broadfoot, 98*. Jr. 4th class: Leonard McKnight, 343; Clifford Broacifoot, 302; Lillian Richardson, 295. Jr, 3rd 'class: Erma Broadfoot, 164; Wilson Broadfoot, 158; Harold Armstrong, 158; Helen Davidson, 157; Johh Fotheringham, 152; Ella Papple; 148; Clarence Armstrong, 146; 'Willie Scott, 139; Alice Munroe, 139 • Sr. 2nd: Flora pouter, 86; Gordon Papple, 85; Jr. 2nd: Mary Papple, 120; Doro- thy Broadfoot; 102; Mildred Taylor, 91; !Wayne Chapman, 90. Those narked (5) missed several exams. The pupils of S. • S. No, 3 were successful in securing 30 prizes at the Seaforth Fair. Following is a list of the prize .winners: Vegetables, 10 prizes won. Murray Walters 1st for collection of vegetables, 2nd for citrons, 2nd for parsnips, 2nd for Potatoes. William Fotheringham,' 1st for citrons, 2nd for collection of veget- ables. • Hazel Haugh: 2nd for cucumbers, 2nd for' mangolds, 2nd for watermel- ons. Flowers, 5 prizes. Ellen Mae Scott: let nasturtiums, Erma Broadfoot, 2nd for nastur- tiums, lot f())!'sunflowers. Hazel Haugh, 2nd for variety hoe- guet. Willie Fotheringham: 2nd for as- ters. Writing, 2 prizes. Harold Armstrong, (3rd class) 2nd for writing. - Flora Souter: 2ncl for 2ncl class writing. Drawing, 4 prizes. ,Marion Chapman, 1st for reap of Tuckersmith , Harold Armstrong, lst for illustra- tion of "Red Riding Hood." Hazel Haugh, 2nd'for railway scene Flora Souter, 2nd for apple. Baking, 3 prizes. Erma Broadfoot, 1st for muffins, Ella Papple, 2nd for muffins . Lillian Riehardsbn 2nd for pie. Sewing, 6 prizes. Mae Simpson, 1st for hemnned handkerchief, 2nd for stitched hand- kerchief. • Hazel. Haugh, Slid for dressed doll, Erma Broadfoot, 2nd for hemmed handkerchief. 2nd :cor hemmed ap- ron, Specials; Carmen Haugh, 1st )er collection of stamps. 5, 5. No. 3 Tuckersniith also: took sweepstakes for securing largest number of prizes, and 2nd for mak- ing most entries ---M. Meths, teacher. York Township Council debates city boycott of ty phunbers, • Marriages KEYS—Mcl£ENZIE.--At "Beechwood Farm" Goderieh. township, on Oct. 10th, by the Rev. A, Macfarlane, assisted by the Rev. Mr, Foster, Jessie, doughtier ' of Mrs; Donald MclCenzie, of• "Beechwood Farm," to Sherlock Keys, soh of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys of Stanley township. ,e,rMszj Births STOTHERS—In Clinton, on October 3rcl, to Mr. and Mr's, S, B, Steth- • en's, a deughter. • Detiths DS 1.Zi6i8._-Fn ±tuileti township, on Oct. 5th, Ellen Stewart, wife of Mr. Theodote Dexter. CUNNINGHAM—At Port Albert, on Sept. 20th, Nathaniel Cunning- ham, 111 his 68th year, IN MEMORIAM HALL --le loving memory of Mrs, Hall, who died at Mansfield, Eng- land, October 13th, 1920,„aged 64 ya e tss. " gy sent rejoiees to pttt ital, '' Th steps of him l The lyn I rave; Tfll glory Steaks' uli±l1 My" vievl', in 'brighter worlds above." .---1ier loving daughter, hrora. (Mrs. W. Tideswoll,) I'I11AR '•1`1131 WAY WESTERN 3110^ 7'011$ TALK N'J,'0 1AC1i OTHER '.1'11.6 old fellow o' the story books who spent his life hunting for an hos.. est ren, should hike down towards pilot Mound, ,and there !inti not only an holiest man but also .an honest ed itor. Referring to our remarks in a recent issue mein; the "exaggerated 'this" appearing in his sheet about the monstrous punkins, mammoth'melons, 'spoalderoua spuds and 'Item noritlons eggs, the editor of the Senti- nel takes us to task as follows: "Now the Minto Packet rises to re- mark (in a sort of sour grapes man- ner) 'Wonder what the Sentinel edi- tor gets for publishing these highly exaggerated items?' "As for our item being exag'gerat- ed—we refute the allegation. Furth- er, we defy the alligator, The meas- urements of record growths were made under our personal supervision —and everyone knows our word can be relied on, Sometimes, anyway, "In answer to the Packet's query as to `what we got' for publishing these facts—well, we gotta punkin, a squash, a eueumber, WM' corn, spuds and a neg'g—anti we 'aye 'ones.—Whitewater (Minto, Man.,) Packet. Cottage For Sale The cottage formerly occupied by the late Mrs. MacRae, on, Rattenbury St, Apply to Mrs, Geo. McLennan, —19-tt For Sale hip. Massey-ll'arris gasoline engine, mounted on trucks, nearly new, 'also aged grey mare, bred to Bron's Pereheron. Apply to R. A, Roberton, phone 19. . —19-tf Wanted To purchase, Green Flax straw, Apply at Flax Mill office, South of Rattenbury House, Clinton.—19-3-p - • For Sale .. Shropshire Down ram and ewe lambs, also a fete good ewes and one Shorthorn bull, 9 months old, sired by Imported Gallant Sceptre, and a number of young cattle. W. G. Ross, Londesboro, Phone 26-15, Blyth Cen- tral.—19-6_p Wanted m • Potatoes and Apples, of good quality At fruit store, Clinton. Mrs. Carere Phone 17. —19-2-p For Sale A new Maple Leaf Composite kit- chen range with high oven and burns either coal or wood. Also a new Que- bee Beater. Prices reasonable. Mrs. E. B. 11111, Ilulron Street, west.-19-tf Auction. Sale Of household effects, the property of the undersigned, will be held at her residence, Rattenbury . street, west, on Tuesday, Oct. 1Sthk'at two o'clock, as follows: Single bed, springs, mattress, 2 washstands, bath tub, 4 small tables, diningroom table, dining room and kitchen chairs; rock- ing chairs, couch, bookcase, walnut butffet, sewing machine, washing ma- chine, (ball beau;ng), organ (walnut case), coal heater, laundry stove, gasoline stove with oven, flat irons, charcoal iron, hanging lamp, dress form, pictures, wringer, etc. Terms: Cash, Bessie Porter, proprietress, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. —19-1 Auction Sale of Household Effects Alf auction sale of household ef- fects will be held at the residence of the undersigned, Rattenbury street, east, on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, at 2 o'clock as follow,ts: parlor furniture, bedroom, suites, couch, rug, chairs, dishes, tables, power washing ma- chine, new, wringer, new, 4 -burner coal oil stove, Happy Thought range, and other articles, Terns: Cash, Mrs, F. 314. Holmes, .propiretres"d; G. II. Elliott, auctioneer, —19-2 Court of Revision Town of Clinton ' Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Mnuicipality of. the Town of Clinton will be held in the Council Chamber, Clinton,. on Thursday, Oct. 27th, 1921, at eight o'clock in the evening, :for the pur- pose of hearing and determining com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the said nunicipailty for '1921. Persons having business with the said Court will please attend at the said time and place. D. L. Macpherson, clerk. Clinton, Oct, 13th, 1921.-19.2 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by his Honor the judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Township Hall, 'Varna, on Friday, the 28th day of October, 1921, at 9 o'clock, aim to hear aind determine complaints of errors and omissions in tite Voters' List of the itfunicipality of•the town- ship of Stanley for 1921..Dated thin. llth day of October. 'J. E. Hain well, Clerk of Stanley, —19-3 For Sale 35 Barred Rock Pullets, bred -to -lay' strain. Enquire at Hiram Hiils' or Mrs. Robert Watkins, Phone 0-640. ---18-1 i or Sale • Ar Quebec itdbldr, : 1n geed con - di -thin. Apply fes Mrs. 0. M. Elliott: •---18-1 • For Sale 2 registered Clyedsdale fillies, 2 years old. Plenty of 9110 end good quality, Real show stuff, Robt, R. Watt, R, R. No: 1, Blyth, -13-2-p For Sale 25 purebred Oxford Down tenths, both sexes:' These lambs are bred Irvin Arekell and -Tilts imported 'steels 'acid tiro priced io sell. Could dl'sq spare p. few 2 and. 3 shears came, H. J. ,. `'eewarthai.- It,'11. No, 2, Clinton, phone 00.1 ring' 21. —18.2 Clistop News -Record Value Suprethe is in every packet of I! Every little leaf will yield its full quota of generous 'goodness'. sold in sealed packets only. Are You . Ready for winter. Its coming sootier than we wish it, Now is the time to get ready for 11; and do ,your usual Fall cleaning, Our' one Hour cash specials from ;1.30 is 4,30 p.m, on Wednesday and Saturday 0f this mild next week 1\4,11 interest you. ONE 1I011R SPECIALS ARE S7'RIC9'I;Y CASA, PRICES COFFEE Our coffee sales in last year havetrebled, Why?, We have the coffee. They all come back for • the next pound. Our price to you ., .,,.550 per lb. A. FEW HOUR SPECIALS FOR CASH In Hour Mentioned 8 bars soap ...... , . 2 pkgs. Lux ,.,, .... 3 pkgs. Ammonia JUST A FEW • A BIGGER LIST AT OUR STORE 230 230 230 GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT The We have tea et all prices' that have the duality and flavor ac- cording to price. 1 lb. for 35d 3 lbs. for 950 Grade 2 1 lb, for 5501 3 lbs. for $1.50 store for everybody JOHNS( N & CO'S GROCERY Phone HI Auction Sale There will be sold by public auction at the Flax Mill farm, Clinton, on Saturday, Oct, 15th, at 1.30, sharp, the following: Spring tooth cultivator; 2 discs; 2 mowers, walking plow; 2 sett har- rows; land roller; 1 horse rake, set sleighs; 4 lumber waggons, 2 nearly new; 2 waggon racks; gravel box; 2 setts team harness, fanning mill, root yelper; frame of barn 40x00, al - stilt number of small articles; geld- ing rising 7 years; cow , in calf, yearling heifer. At the same .time and place will be offered for sale a 6 -roomed house and '4 acre lot on Victoria street. Terms: On Chattels: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be allowed on furnishing ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 4;i straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. On real estate, easy terms, made known on day of sale Moaner Bros. Porprictors. 0. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. —18-2 Will Bold Bazaar - The Mission Band of Willis church will hold a bazaar in Mr, Stother`s' office on Oct. 22nd at 2 p.m, There will be booths for the sale of fancy- work and dolls, candy, homemade baking, also a fishpond. Afternoon tea will be served. All donations from the congregation thankfully re- ceived. —18 For Sale House and lot. Story and half frame house, electric lights, town water, furnace, 1 -acre lot, with fruit trees, apples, pears, plums, and cher- ries. Large stable on premises. Apply to A. Seeley.-..17-tf Property For Sale Containing 4 acres of land, most- ly seeded to alfalfa and clover, well tile underdrained, with a comfortable 7 -roomed house and stable, nearly all kinds of large and small fruits, el- ectric lights, waterworks and soft water in house and waterworks in stable. This is a very desirable prop, arty and is well located on the Pro- vincial highway in the Town. of Clinton. Apply to Mrs. A. V. Quigley, Ontario St. For Sale , A number of storm windows, '7 ft 6 in. by 2 ft 3 in., and 7 ft. 6 in. by ft. 6 in. Apply to Geo, McLennan. —17-tf Notice of Registration of By-law Notice is hereby given that a by- law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Clinton on the sixth day of September, 1921, providing for the is- sue of debentures to. the amount of $6,000.00 for the purpose of supple- menting the water supply of the wat- terworks system of the Town of CIin- ton, and that such by-law was regis- tered in the Regists'y ' Office of the' County of I•Iuron oil the Fourteenth day of September, 1921. Anyymotion t u' 1 o a,h air, set aside q . ti the same or any part thereof .must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, Mid cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 29th, day of September, 1921. D. L. iMaepherson, Town Clerks —1,7-8 , Furnished House to Rent or Sell Furnished cottage on Rattenbury street, west, to rent or sell. Apply on premises to Mrs. S. Agnew.-17-tf Feathers The Dominion. Feather and Mat- tress Co, are in Clinton and making yotur old feather bed into the ten roll Sanitary Mattress or down .com- forter. They also buy oid or new: feathers. Drop a card' anti our agent will call, —16-4 " Mortorcycic Fla Sale A. • twin cylinder, 3 -speed, kick Starter, Indian motorcycle fo.. aale. ,In the best. of . mecha eical condition. Apply to Wilfred Seeley, Clinton: —15 Notice We now announce to the public that we are now 111 a positioin to take on fall tractor work at the fol- lowing reduced prices. PCowfng, $3.50 per acre. Silo Filling, Tractor and bort, $2.75 tier hent'. your own feeder, $1,65 per hour, Clrcuhie Sawing, $1.50 pet hour. Grinding, $1.75 per hour. Phone, Clinton, OP R 14. E. I.I. Epps & Son, Varna. VICTORY BONDS New Issue of Hydro -Electric bonds, Guaranteed by Ontario Government. $3,300.000 at 61/n. And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered .at your bank without charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton Dr. Jbhn Ward Chiropractic and Electrical treat- ments for `Chronic and Nervous dis- eases. Eyes tested, and glasses scietifically fitted. Mondays Wed- nesdays, and Fridays. Hours, 10,00 to 4.00 and by appointment. Office, corner of Ontario and William Sts: Clinton, Ont.--16-tf. Piano Tuner Our professional tuner will be here from 13e11 Piano Fac- tory, soon. All Chose having tuning to do. Phone 6.616 or address, J. E. I-IUGILL. Box 220, Seaforth COAL Having several cars of coal conn- ing I will receive and fill all orders for nut, stove and egg coal and de- liver same at once. Orders received at Residence King Street, or phone 119 o.sd R. J. 1VIILLER Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Awa j They make new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 41 CANADA RUG COMPANY LONDON, ONT. Farm For Sale Lot 15, eon. 4, Stanley, 09 acres, about 65 under cultivation, balance, broken pasture land. Abundant water supply, good 'bank barn ani frame dwelling. Price reasonable. A. T. Scott, Brucefield. —14-8 • Spirefla Corsets Spirella Corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton, --12-1921 House for Sale 8 -roam, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken house. Apply on premises. Corner of North and Spencer Sts.—A. C. Clarkson.--80-tf Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. J. Jago. .830E CLINTON GARAGE ---AND-- BATTERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the headlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their ears with aplroved lenses. We have the following to choose from: Leveiight laolopiione Legalite Sharer Roadlighter Clamert Prinlolite Macbeth Conopher Clear Camphor Noviol Come in and let us fill out your ap- plications and show our lenses. e•a J.P�.. axtiaatl 'mem for Overland Gars, Examiner for licensed, iirfveta Plicate 80 Res, Phoma 1 dean, Groceries are assured by our new Sanitarti Counter ' you are invited to inspect lb It is not enough that provisions are pure and unadulterated, dirt, flies, insects, animals, or prorni- sm sous handling, may easily contaminate. the purest food and make it unfit for eating, For this reason we have installed; a Sanitary Display Counter. Call and See it W. T. O'NEJL THE HUB GROCERY v Cenaaiale D. L. ( W. Scranton oil Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't put off buying as She price is grad- ually stiffening. Delay will only cause a panicky buying craze similar to that experienced last fall when prices went crazy., Let ane advise you so fill up with MUSTARD'S COAL It answers the burning question. We also stuck for your convenience AT CLINTON hardwood, In different qualities. Slabs, the ideal summer fuel Cedar, rails, fine for kindling. Canada Cement, the standard art- icle, Threshing Coal, convenient and safe AT BRUCEFIELD Hemlock Lumber, at new prices. 2x, 3x, & 5x Shingles, at your own price. Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement, Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal, J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD4' Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11. on 618. THE GRRNER RTOBE Phone 4 5 We're Headquarters for the finest blends of tea obtainable GRADED UP TO A ,STANDARD NOT DOWN TO A PRICE Our Blends at 50c, 600, and 800 are teas the most particular tea drinkers will enjoy. e•� FOR THE PICNIC BASKET: Lemonade, Orangeade, Grape Fruit, Olives, and Cooked Meats. 4 Fred W.Wigg LIVE AND LET LIVE FEEDERS SPECIIL WESTERN OATS KILN DRIED CORN FEED FLOUR BRAN bEORTS OIL CAKi 'We have all these lines in stock, es well as numerous other's and they are being sold at Pre want prices. 0.41.444. • Our stock cif. High Grade Flour in- cludes; PURITY FIVE ROSES WHITS -SEAL RAINBOW GOLDEN CITY GOLD SEAL (Pastry) Highest market prices. paid for all kinds 0f Grain 1i', you want to buy o• sell it wit1 lay' you ±0 glv0 us a call. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND PEED Phones: Elevator 199, Residents 141 Boars for Service Champieon bred, big tape 'Yorkshire and Cheshter Whits boars for service, At home over foranooll,."-•A. C. 0, Levey, Phone 3- on 639, Clinton r'»28 Scranton Coal We have on hand for immediate delivery HARD AND SOFT COAL Also some good Hardwood. f Leave orders at my Residence, Huron street, or Phone 155. TERMS CASH E. WARD South End Grocery A. full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE r+m.. Levi Stong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY Mita ' CONTENTMENT DWELLS in hones where Port Hope Porcelain Enameled Ware is installed, We can advise you on any plumbing necessity , THOS. UA WINS. Agent for Reda Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 56 Shop over Corless dr.Vennor's A Car of Shorts JUST RECEIVED-. Those in need of anything in our line will do well to call or phone us, Prompt and courteous attention to your wants assured. Flour and Feed Always on Hand J. A. FORD Sc. SON Phone 123. Live Poultrg Our advice to you would be to• market your: poultry early this year, while prices are high, Our prices for poultry are expect- ed to be much lower than last year. A SELL NOW ,Enquire of us for prices, .P. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager, Phone 190; Rolmesville 4 on 141 CREAM WANTED! The demand for our butter' is la. creiteing. To supply this demand.we require snore cream. '_ We request you to chip aM gens enfant, We guarantee you the Hlghese Market Pricey accurate testi and prompt service, Our JIM is known to you and needs no further recommend. Wo pay all express charges, flan' ish cream can and Pay t*Ica each month, • Write for cant or further inform*• tion to the pIIE" SnAFOlatt ChZA141:it(ty CO';. at, A. 1143Z13 31, 14IANAGglt,