The Clinton News Record, 1921-10-6, Page 8rhe MinnNewts-Record. 'I I i?SDAY, OCT El 6th, S021I :. CLINTON'S• LItaADINQ JLi'WIJLI RY STORE Are You Proud of Your Watch ? . 4y4. r'1{YiItlAvLemk'�N� When you look at your watch are you proud, of its appearance and confident of its accuracy ? Watches pur- chased here possess both of !tl these qualities. All makes of watches repaired H. H. JOHNSON b ' jeweller and Optician Next Hoyey's,Drug Store i Apeelalleer VpntLallj You fl Have your Suits made by us. Why not come in now and get a made -to measure suit for the price of a hand-me-down. WORKMANSHIP AND FIT GUARANTEED. Murray McEwan, Merchant Tailor Wilken Block 42117444.449.444.444.0. 'nr TAIL fi QED SUITS At the Price of Readui ...Hades We have just received our new suiting and are more than pleased with both quality and price. They consist of beautiful English Worsted and Tweeds and Blue, BIack and Grey Serges and the prices are rock bottom. Every suit tailored to your measure and a fit guaranteed %^'rices range from $25 to $50 S eciai for Fridau, Sept. 9th We will have with us Mr. Legg to assist us with measurements, etc„ also to show the season's newest models and we would be glad to have you come in on Friday and inspect these models and look over our range of suiting. Plumseel Bros. THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE Se CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS, Our ec Specials PIPELESS FORNACES BRANTFORD ROOFING BEAVER BOARD The Pilot Superior Pipeless Warm Air Furnace Nature's way of heat- ing your house, ONLY ONE REGISTER BRANTFORD ROOFING Asphalt Slate Shingles. Asphalt Slate Slabs Also Roll Roofing $3.00 per square and up. BEAVER BOARD It is equally applicable in old buildings as in new. We have all sizes, 32 and 48 inches, in width and from 6 to 10 feet in length. A FEW REFERENCES Ur. Robert Smith Mr. Frank Lobb aAfz, ierank Gibbs Mr. Thomas Glazier Mr. Jacob Becker. Mr. Thomas Lindsay Mr. D. Munroe, Brucefield HARL Hardware, Stoves and Novelties ND ROS. The Store With a Stock ATTENTION r •C!ieanu Sale ui naloil Slores 3 burner $20.00 t burner $30.60 We have just received a shipment of Quebec Heaters call and see them. Sutter Etc Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Beauty- ComfOrt IN THE CANADIAN ROME IS A SUBJECT WHICH IS RECEIV- ING MORN ATTENTION, TIIE Alt. TISTIC STANDARD OF THE AV- ERAGE HOME IS NOW HIGHER. THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN, PEO- PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR- ROUNDINGS. WALL HANGINGS HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH BRING- ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMPORT, • IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO. VIS- IT OUR SPLENDID STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES,, The ICI) Fair Co Often the Cheapest—;Always the Best EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Hohour Graduate of the Caned- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. Mr, H. B. Chant was in Parkhill on Monday. Mr. R H. Johnson was in Toronto on Tuesday, Rev, Mr. Adamson of Paris was in town en Monday. Mr. harry Wright of Royston is Vis- iting friends in town. Mrs. Wm. Glen has returned after a short visit in Toronto, Miss Florence Garrett visited friends in Owen Sound yesterday. Mr. Whitney Stone of Essex is tak- ing a course at the School of Com- merce. Mrs, Nelson Ball returned on Thurs- day from a visit with Auburn friends. Mr. Harold Hill of Hamilton is vis- iting at the home of his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes and family visited Listowel friends on Sunday. Mrs. James Shepherd of Townshend street has returned from a visit in Toronto and Paris. Miss McIver of Southampton has been the guest of Mrs. J. E. Hogg the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Miami, Flor- ida, are the guests of the letter's sister, Mrs J. E. Hogg. Miss Hattie Baker of Fullerton was the guest of Miss Florence Cun- inghame over the week -end. Mr. Took Wing Cheng was the guest while in town over the week -end of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cuninghame; . • Miss Edith Jennison returned home on Monday last after spending three weebs'with Lonodn friends. Miss Jeari Scott has returned to De- troit after her holidays spent at Bayfield and at her home in town. Mrs. Robson, who has been spending several weeks with friends in Par- is and Rochester, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Wei. Ilutner and daughter, Miss Beryl, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid of Stanley. Mrs. Childs of London was the guest over the week -end of Rev. D. N. and Mrs. McCamus at Wesley parsonage. Mrs. F. E. Doyle, who has been vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sours of town, left Tuesday for her home in Toronto. Mrs. Kerr returned to her home in Brantford on Friday after a lit- tle visit with Rev. S. E. and Mrs. Mcliegney at the rectory. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stone of Es- sex were the guests of their daugh- ter, Miss Stone of the School of Conmeree, over the week -end. Messrs. Fred Thompson of Brant- ford and James Thompson of To- ronto attended the funeral of the late Henry Beacon on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, E. M, Burst have gone to Lisle, where they have purchased a small farm and in- tend going into poultry farming. Mr.' George Beacom of Mount For- est was in town on Monday, hav- ing come to attend the funeral of his uncle, the late Henry Beacom. Mr. and Mrs, G. W, Pinner care up from London the end of the week and MGs, Pinner is spending tine week with her mother, Mrs. Bartliff. Messrs, W. Wiseman of Windsor and Jack Wiseman of Hamilton, who have been spending a holiday in New York, visited their, home in town last week. Miss Garrett, who has been spending the summer at her cottage at Bay - Sold, is Visiting her cousin, Miss Ward, before returning to her home in Wahington, D. C. Messrs, A. W. Redmond, Thos. A. and Wdlliam. Waiker and T. J. Benison of Marlette, •Mich., have been visiting' relatives and old friends in Clinton, Seaforth and Hensel' during the past week. They made the trip by motor. Capt. George S. Birchwood, Major Chas, II, Askiers and Major Henry 0, Andrews of 'Coshocton, Ohio, Who taupe to Canada to attend the I. 0, 0. F. Sovereign Granrl Lodge in ., Toronto, metered up from that city to vigit the letter's uncle and aunt; . Magistrate and Mrs. 5, J, Andrefvs. 0 iittiltrattgielitaltiged The merchant who advertises per- sistently, who is not afraid of his goods and prices being compared to others, is the one in whom the public repose confidence. The best medium for the purpose is through The Clinton News -Record, which goes into the homes of the people and is read by every member of the family. The Clinton News h.ec r Glir'ntol, Ontario People You Know Mrs, M. D. McTaggart is in Toron- to this week. Mrs. J. G. Steepe visited with Dun- gannon and Nile friends last week. Mrs. Govett spent the week -end with friends in Goderich. Rev. D. N. McCamus left this morn- ing for Chatham to attend the London Conference Epworth League Convention and Missionary Conference in session there. Miss Marion 'Gibbings left on Monday for Londdon, where she will take a course at the Western Univers- ity. She has also accepted a posi- tion as soloist in the Wellington street church, Londesboro. Rev. R. Osborne and Mr. Thos. Sampson motored to Walton on Sun- day, when Mr. Osborne preached in the Methodist church. Miss 1VIaud Lyon, who bas been do- ing Deaco nness work in Winnipeg, returned to that city last week, after a visit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. Lyon. Mr. M. Kells returned Wednesday after a visit at Thorold. Mr. Geo. Barr and Miss S. Barr toolc in the Bayfield fair last Wednes- day. Miss Ida Lyon is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. A. Kerslake of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. W. Lovett spent Sunday at Mr: John Harvey's. Rev. Mr. Button of Walton con- ducted the services in the Methodist church on Sunday. Mr. and Mr., M. Boultbee (nee Grace Tennblyn) of Toronto spent a few clays with Mrs. If, Tamblyn. Miss B. Scott, Mrs. H. Quinn anti Miss Anne Abrey pent Wendesclay of last week in Bayfreld. Mrs. M. Brown and family, who have been living in Wingham since last winter, have returned to the vil- lage, wherd they will make their hone. Anniversary services in Burns' church, Hullett, Oct. 16th a week from Sunday, Rev. Dr. Edmison of Toronto will preach. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson of Brampton visited at Mr. Albert Vod- den's last week. Mrs. W. Bruasden, who has been• visiting at Drumbo, returned Satur- day. Her another, Mrs. Mason, re- turned her. r e d with Mr. and Mrs, John Watson of Walton and Mr. and Mrs. William Bryant of Blyth visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Stewart on Sunday last. Goderich Township Mrs. Hicks and het sister, Miss K. Richardson, are visiting friends in Goderich Mr. Bert Rowden went to Toron- to this week to attend the wedding of his brother, Mr, Cecil W. Bowden, which tool" lilac; on Monday. The death oceured in Detroit on Tuesday of Ameiia J. Pickard, wife of Mr. W. J. Patton of this town- ship, Mrs. Patton had been in ill -health for some time. The fun - orate tering place from her late resi- dence, tomorrow, Friday afternoon. • Major H. Itt. Mowat, K. C. drops out of running in Perkdale riding, SaLgiel Mr. and Mrs. S. Kipfer and fam- ily spent Monday at Zurich. Mr, David Sturgeon and wife, who have been occupying Mrs. E. L. Campbell's shop and residence on Main stree'the past year, have talc - en part of Mrs. Tough's residence on Chiniquy street and moved in on Monday, Mrs. Trebilcock and son, Fred Trebilcock, who have spent the past season in their summer cottage in Lakeside, left for their home last week , MrAndrew Kipfer and Mr. and Mrs, , Menno Kipfer of New Hamburg spent the week -end as the guests of the former's son, Mr. S. Kipfer, Miss Garrett, who has span the past season in her sunup ge on Charles street, left last eek for Clinton, where she is visiting before going to her home at Washington, D. C. Mrs. F. A. Edwards is spending a few weeks with friends at Kitch- ener. Rev. R. C. Pitts exchanged pul- pits with the Rev. C. M. Hallowell of Middleton's and •Hohnesvilie on Sunday last, Bayfteid Fall Fair was favored with ideal weather and was one of the best in years, being attended by an exceptionally large crowd. In the hall there was a spelndid exhibit of ladies' Worlc, home-made cooking and art work and the flowers were ex- ceptionally fine. The roots and veg- etables, though not as good a show- ing as in former years, were consid- ered good and also fruit. One of the greatest novelties in the hall was a grandfather's clock made by Mr. S. Mess of Bayfield, which stands nearly seven feet high and also a stand. The frame and face of the clock Is made of pebbles and small stones polished and varnished, It is cer- tainly a very unique and cleverly con- structed piece of work and won much admiration. iratior. The showing of houses and cattle was good, the best in years, also sheep and pigs. The poultry was fine in quality, though not as large an exhibit as last year. • One of the most noticeable features of the fair was the absence of dolls and games. In the evening ar grand concert was held in the town hall, the entertain- ment being furnished by The Bruns- wick Trio Co, of London and Jocic Ballantine as comedian, The pro- ceeds for the day far excelled any previous show, altogether the fair was considered a great success, Constance Mos, Tudor, Mrs, Robt, Clark, son and daughter, Stella, spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. Abel Mrs. Har- old Graham of Goderich Tp. and called on other friends, Mr, and Mrs. William Stanley of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Stanley of Toror•,to visited Mr, and Mrs. 1), Tudor on Sunday afternoon, Don't forget the Constance anni veasary services on Oct. 25th, ltev, Mr. , Milken of Antrurmi 15 the speak- er, also the Fowl supper, on the 26th. Mr. ltobt. Grimbelby spent a few days in the vintner) taking up his po- tatoee for the winter. Mr, Thos. Riley has taken a pe - Mien With Mr, Elliott in Clutton, ► e1 4 4 Ti ail 2 Is right now, and avoid easy leaks and other roof troubles. "i..irds" Roofing is fire resisting and weather proof. Then we have Black. Water -proof building paper, wall -board. etc. We have the "Rockland' Quebec" and "Tortoise" heaters with oven, also a good line of other coal and wood heaters, GENERAL HARDWARE 6r r S PHONE 53 pr ats E i!g Yo f u Keep the Good Lagers. Dispose of the Poor Ones By this method increase your profit 50 per cent For 3 weeks we can supply a man skilled in outling to do this work. Phone or write our office, 5, .B. STOTHERS, Agricultural Representative Clinton. A6lemePID Five Chautauqua Concerts for $2.00 Auspices Girls Auxiliary The first concert The Del Mar Quaret in the Town Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 12th Plan open to subscribers Friday, Saturday and Monday To General Public Tuesday and Wednesday Children half price Tickets for sale at Faire Book Store Varna On Friday everting the Epworth League will hold Rally Services in the Methodist church, ImaitliettazEituMMILTITLIGIMMEIEGICOrlagar11151001,4, just received a fine sto3k of Narcissus, Hgacinths. Etc. Plant now for early bloom Giant Paper -white Narcissus special at 5c each. Transplant your plants now We sell prepared soil at 15e per pail. Cuninghame .' Florist 4014,1,3Int •lair ++d<,ard 4,4 l7++'i•rk Announcement The Pavilion Orchestra, Goderich, is open for engagements public or private, For information mrd terms write eV phone W, J. BUCIIANAN, Manager Phone 47 i3ox 1.8 Goderich, Out,: