HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-10-6, Page 511I04SPAT, OCTOBER 6.tlh, '192
fan Nays -i a ord
Of Interest •to You
It would be vell
for tloso 9
'who wish well to Irolaud and the
rest of the Empire to bo putting up -a
little prayer ocenionally .for the silo-
cess of the confe ren* o„ on the lithe
Seems a Pity Lloyd -George cannot
take a little holiday , and" eome4 to
Washington to confer reg'a'rding die-
arament. It would be a real rest
.compared to negotiating with
'the Irish but it seam's he eennot be
* * * *
Brown October ,is here, with its
,amber clays and chilly nights, its
'bright sunshine 'and fleeting, darken -
jug eloutde; its falling leaves and its
-early dusdcs, when it is cosy to gath-
er around a bit of fire, with a shad -
,ed lamp and a book for an evening's
solid enjoyment, +
Seaforth and vicinity can beat the
world 'for good looking boys and girls,
if the school parade is any evidence.
—Seaforth News,
The above was written the day be-
fore Clinton's fine' school fair parade,
than which, we'll wager, there was
no better in three counties.
Surgeons aro again busy experi-
ntenting with the grafting of a mon-
key gland in a man's neckin the
hope of renewing ,his Yo
lengthening his lifer Nearly every
man succeeds in making a pretty
thorough monkey of himself some -
timed' without the
during hie life,
of a surgeon, no matter how short it
There is something in the human
make-up which dearly loves the pros-
pect of "getting something for noth-
ing." The "Baker" nears are again
"ea it" trying to get their hands upon,
a very valuable lot of property in
the city of Philadelphia said to have"
onee belonged to a member. of the
--family. A Ma, Rice is now taking
the matter up and having been as -
'tired of $5,000 to begin with and six-
ty per cent, (so'reads the report of
-the inciednt), of the fortune . to
'be recovered, we do not hesitate to
predict that hi will be the one • to:
realize on this deal, ...., •
* e m .F
While we in. Canada and Eng-
land are quarreling as to whoi'should
do this or that and as to who is to
blame for this or that,Germany is
buckling right clown to work pro -
clueing the goods. One writer de -
dares that we should have to work
fourteen hours a day to keep pace
with her. The same writer is author-
ity for the statement that German
propaganda was responsible for the
recent labor trouble in England.
She is steadily regaining her
place in the commercial world and
will be the very first country to clear
off her war debt. We are not much
given to foretelling coming events
'but if we are not right in this re-
mind us later. ,
• Summerhill and surrounding com-
munity were shocked when word went
.around early Thurday,morning last
that Louis Frederick! Johittson had
-died during the night, He was a
highly respected young man in his
Nth year and was the, youngestson
of the late John Johnston and of
Mrs. Johnston of Summerhill,. He
had, not been in good health all sum-
mer but was working right. up. till
-Wednesday evening, When he re.:
tired that night he app,earetl to be
as well as uhnal. •Abouttwo o'clock
in the night his mother, as had been
her custom, for fear he might be
ill, called to him and on receiving no
response entered his room to find
him in a dying condition and as
quickly as she could give the alarm.
A doctor and others were soon on
the scene but no help could be ren-
dered and he soon passed away.
Heart failure was the cause of death.
The funeral, which was largely at-
tended by . many old friends and
neighbors . of the family, took place
on. Saturday afternoon to Clinton
cemetery, the services being con-
-ducted by the Rev. S. Anderson.
The funeral was conducted under the
irection of the I. O,' F. and L. 0.
L., he being a member of both Or-
'slers. The pallbearers were three
men from each order, R. Watkins,
C. Tyner, T. Mason, A, Neilans, G.
•Cools and G. Cornish, The floral
tributes were many' and beautiful,
sent from sorrowing friends far and
near. To his mother he was devoted
•having been her companion . for so
many years. Besides his aged moth-
er, who is grief -thicken, he leaves
five sisters and four brothers, who
:all keenly feel their loss. They are:
Nes; John Hoffman, Detroit, Mieh,;
'Mrs.' Ed, Grasslie, 'Mrs. Williams'
Rutledge, . Mrs. Isaac Carter, Clin-
ton and Mn,sI, H. Freeman, .Hul-
lett; Robert in St. Glare; James of
•Clinton, Charles of: Londesboro and
•John of Summerhill.
Much sympathy hs expressed for
the family .as this is the second
'death in five months; the late Mrs.
'Smith of Cresswell, Mich„ being a
*-* * *
Mrs, Johnston and fatnlly wish to
thank their many friends anti >tifigh•
bore for the kindnesses shown inso
many ways during their sudden and
severe bereavement,
Stanley Township
Miss J, McDlarmid of Earl Grey,
Sash., who is taking a course at
the Macdonald. Intituto, Guelph, Vis-
ited Miss Hazel Jaelcsen over the
week -end. r
Miss firma Diehl of the Ki.tehenbr
Public school staff assent the week-
end, ;at the home of her parents, fits'.
and Mee, If, Diehl.
Sl. 1j&E, ns .,
• lvlr; cinch Mrs, 'John Reid of. Au-
burn visited at the hone of ilobi'rsaen
Woods one clay lest week.
Mr, inti Mrs, Sant Reid Val ten-
ily •oi Aehfeld 'visited friends oroupd
St, Helyns on Sunday,
The :farmers are, nearly enough
filling their silos, The Cern Was an
extra good crop this year,
Xaslet ;James Itariiage slid Ruth
have returned after a pleasant visit
with,, friends at Ifincaaclipe,.
Mr; .and Mrs, II', D, Woods of
Grimsby spent a few days renewing
old acquaintances around St. Helen's,
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Thompson of
Wiughatn were visitory bete one clay
last week.
Mr,, ,and Mr, Arnold Barbour cruse
up front Fergus on Saturday, Mrs,
Barbour is spending a couple of
weeks with her parents; Mr. and
Mr's. R, J, Woods,
The third annual school fair was
held at St. Helen's on Sep, 21st, and
as usual everything Was quite atlas
cessful. This year the exhibits
wore nsade•in the church shed and
the races 'in Mr: W. Wood's field.
In the evening a concert was given
in the church sheds by the Redmond
company of Westfield, assisted by
Miss Deacon of East Wawanosh.
Belfast school got first for the par-
ade, Fordyce, second and St. Hel-
ens, third,
Very successful Anniversary ser-
vices were held in Calvin church. on
Sunday anti Monday, On Sunday a
former pastor, Rev. Mr. McIntosh
of Napier, preached morning and ev-'
ening, On Monday the annual fowl
supper and entertainment were held.
The program consisted of short ad-
dresses by Mr, McIntosh, Dr. 'Camp-
bell of Dungannon and the chairman,
Rev, Mr. Cummings, • while the
Harmonic Quartette of London pro-
vided the musical part of the pr•o-
gram. The proceeds amounted to
CROSS—GUNN—In Clinton, on Oct.
5th, by -tile Rev:"J,"-E. Hogg, Ise=
bel Grant, elder datightet of Dr,
Williani'and Mrs. Gunn, to Edgar'
A , 'Cress of Biirntinghans; England:
ROWDEN-112URRAY=In Toronto;'
. on ' Oct. Sad, by the, Rev. Dr.
.Hi4elcs, Margaret, daughter of Mr.
John Murray of London,: to Cecil
Rowden, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
^J. Rowden of Goclerich township,
James' Pesbyterian church, London,
on Sept. 27th, by the Rev. James
Mclay, Pleasance J. ,McTavish to
George Webber,cformerly of Clin-
CAMPION—FARR-In Goderich, on
September 21st, Margaret Farr,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' James
Farr, and Carl Campion, both of
Goderich. '
Wawanosh, on' Sept. 21st, by Rev,
C. J. Harris, Roy D. Risebrough,
of Toronto, to Ida M. Congram,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thds. Congram of East Wawan-
REID—At Varna, on Sept. 22nd, to
Mr. and . Mrs, William Reid, a .
daughter, Jean, McNaughton
BEACOM—In Clinton, on Oct, 1st,
Henry Beacom, in his 92nd year, •
FORRESTER-'-In Clinton, on Oct,
4th, Elizabeth:Aiken, widow of the
late D. A, Forrester, in her 66th
SALKELD—In Goderich, on Sept,
26th, Wilson Salkeld; in his: 78th
MILLER—In Morris, on Sept. 2lst,
Eileen Patricia, infant daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, J. Miller, aged 5
COULTES—In East Wawanosh, on
September 22nd, Martha Scott, re-
lict of the late Robert Coultas,
aged 81 years and 11 months.
FOWLER—At Goclerich, on Septem-
ber 20th, Mary Jane Thompson,
wife of the late T. A, Fowler, in
her 55th year.
JOHNSTON—In- Walton, on Septem-
ber 27th, Elizabeth Gallinger, wife
of. Andrew Johnston, aged 71
years, 1 month and 21 days,
For Sale
A Quebec Heater. In good con-
dition. Apply to Mrs. G. M. Elliott,
'Will Hold Bazaar
The Mission Band of Willis church
will hold a bazaar in Mr, Stothers'
office on Oct, 22nd at 2 p.m, There
will be booths for the sale of fancy-
work, and deals, candy, homemade
baking, also, a fishpond,. Afternoon
tea will,be served.-. All donations
from thCongregation 'thankfully re-
ceived,, —18
Auction Sale
There will be sold by public auction
.at the Flax Mill farm, Clinton, on
Saturday, Oct. 15th, at 1,30, sharp,
the following:
Spring tooth cultivator; 2 discs; 2
mowers, walking plow; 2 sett har-
rows; land roller; 1 horse rake, set
sleighs; 4 lumber waggons, 2 nearly
new; 2 waggoh racks; gravel box; 2
setts team harness, fanning mill,
root pulper; frame of barn 40x00, al-
so a number of small articles; geld-
ing rising 7 years;, cow in calf,
yearling heifer: At the same lime
and place will be offered for sale it
13 -roomed house and is acre lot on
Victoria street, Terms: On Chattels:
All sums of ,$10 and under, cash;
over, that amount 8 months' credit
will be allowed on furnishing ap-
proved joint n0508, or a Viscount of
4% straight allowed for cash ' en
credit amounts. Otiread estate,
d•,asy tennis,made known on day of
sale, Monter Bros,, t'orpriotors, (x,
H, Elliott, Auationeor, —18-2
(-Continued Forts Pllge 1) •
to the eliininey; that the roof dire
chimney • of• the building 'ever the
stock yard Scales be repaired , and
that en estimate -be obtained of- the
i ;r „ q
'oat of ro i ou And amain *a-
lel t( ii 4 E
board room, acrd the cleric's oftlee.
The following le the fissnnei'al report
for the month: .,
Street Acet.
Pay sheet for Sept,..,,.„, $46,20
Electric Light Acet,
P, U. C street lighting, Sep. 40,58
.• D. E. Closet Acct.
J. Carrick, salary for Sep. . 64,1.
Cemetery Acet,
R, Hunter, salary for -Sep, . 71.43
P. VanEgmond, wire fencing 21,50
Pay, shoot for Sept. ,.,,.,,,, 16.25
Salaries Acct.
R, B. Fitzsimons, for Sep. , ,
Collecting War Tax
Grants Acct.
Hospital for lighting , • , , . , 11
hospital for water 12
G W:,V,A, for lighting
Incidental Acct.
W. Coates, registration of bylaw 2.
11, ldennell, for draying , , ,
Printing Acct,
W. H. Kerr & Son . ,,,,,
Property Acct,
Lighting town hall.
Wire & Lamps
R. B. Fitzsimons
Market scales
11, Hunter
Worlc at Cemetery
inerre tit .. .
p 1 to y ,
Sale of lots
Rent of town hall , , , , , ,
.75 8 lbs, Good blk tea 950
3 pkgs. Jelly Powder 35µi
80 5 lbs. Rolled Oats 254
50 2 pkgs, Som. Flakes 254E
Flower pots all sizes 54 to 204
all others in general excellence. --
is enjoyed by millions of devoted friends
' 6829
Black, Green or Mixed Blends. Sealed packets coaly.
Speeds Up
There is no hard times coming, It's just the soft times going.
We quote Just a few of our moneysaving specials.
Huilett Township
The following 'is the September re-
port for S. S. No. 2, Mullett. Names
are in order of merit:
4th Class: Bill Clew, Lillian Glew,
Stanley Shobbrook, Annie Hunter,
3rd Class: Ruth Shobbrook, Anna
Batchelor, Frank Dale, Charity Snell.
2nd Class: Frank Smith, Archie
Dale. ' . ` .
• Printer: Hazel VanEgmond, Har-
old Tyndall,,: Murray . Dale, ' Marion
•--J.' 0: -'Lindsay, Teacher.
In Clinton, on School Fair day, a
buggy cluster- Finder kindly leave
at News -Record office,—18-1-p
For Sale
2 registered Clyedsdale. fillies, 2
years old. Plenty of size and good
quality, Real show stuff, Robt. R.
Watt, R. R, No. 1, Blyth. -18-3-p
For Sale
25 purebred Oxford Down lambs,
both sexes. These lambs are bred
from Arekcll' and Tilts imported
stock and are priced to sell. Could
also spare a few 2 and 3 shears ewes.
H. J. Trewertha, R, R. No.
Clinton, phone 001 ring 21. —18-2
For Sale
85 Barred Rock pullets, bred -to -lay
strain. Enquire at Hiram 'Hills' or
Mrs. Robert Watkins. 'Phone 6-640:
Horses Wanted
Two good work horses wanted by
'farmer for one month's plowing.
Leave name and 'amount wanted at
News -Record office. —18-1
For Sale •
H'ouse and lot. Story end.,half
frame house, electric lights, town..
water, furnace, 1/4 -acre lot, with fruit
trees, apples, pears, plums, and cher-
ries. Large stable on premises. Apply
to A. Seeley. —17-tf
Property For Sale
Containing 4 acres of hand, most-
ly seeded to alfalfa and clover, well
the underchained, with a comfortable
7 -roomed house and stable nearly all
kinds of large and small fruits, el-
ectric lights, waterworks and soft
water in house and waterworks in
stable. This is a very desirable prop-
erty and is well located on the Pro-
vincial Highway in the Town' of
Clinton. Apply to Mrs, A, V.
Quigley, Ontario St.—17-3
For Sale •
A number of storm windows, 7 ft
6 in, by 2 ft 8 in., and 7 ft. 6 in, by
4 ft. G in, Apply to Geo. McLennan.
Apples and Potatoes Wanted
I am prepared to take in a quantity
of apples and potatoes. Phone 17 for
quotations or call at store, A.,Carere
• —1.7-2
Notice of Registration of By-law
Notice is hereby given that a by-
law was passed by the Municipal
Council of the Cm'pnration of the
Town of Clinton on the sixth day of
September, 1921, providing for the, is-
sue of debentures to the amount of
$6,000,00 for the purpose of supple-
menting the water supply of the wet-
i:erworks system of the'Tomn of.Clin-
ten, and that such by-law was regis-
tered in the Registry Office of the
County of Him du on the Fourteenth
clay of September, 1921.
Any motion to quash or set aside
the same or any part thereof must
be made within three months after
the first publication of this notice,
• tnue t be. mud .hue.'i Ile,
aandandt e t
Dated the 211th. day of September,
1921, 1). L, Macpherson, Town Clerk,
For Sale
Consentplatform and curbing for
top of wells. S in• screen ventilator
6 inches above platform, will fit any
size well and fit arousal any size
trump. Can be reproved at any time,
Guaranteed to hold 'u11 a teams of
horses and to be" mouse and water.-
aterproof. Also resent soft water cis-
terns with cement platform with
12 inch ruin around man; hole for
sodding to provost frost and keep
out .surface water, If. B. •Ca melon,
IZ, it. No, 5, Clifton, Phone 3 on
tit£l, —1(1.2
3 bars• S•rap 260
3 plc,. A,nonnia 254
0 pkgs. Pecrle'ss Washing' powder 250
2 pkgs, Lux' , ,,., 254
Big Bar soap.,, „ 25¢
AT The store for everybody
CO'S GROCERY Phenae 112a
- I em prepared to fill silos again
this year, also to cut oat sheaves.
Phone 33w.'
Mushrooms Wanted
Highest Prices Paid
Furnished House to Rentor Sell
Furnished cottage on Rattenbury
street, west, to rent or sell. Apply
on premises to Mrs. S. Agnew.-17-tf
Notice to Creditors
In 'the estate of the late Wesley
Duncan Harvey, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
estate of the late Wesley Duncan
Harvey, late of the Township of
Stanley in the County of Huron, de-
ceased, yeoman, who died on or
about the 22nd clay of August, A.D.
1921, are required to deliver to The
Canada Trust Company, the Admin-
istrator of the said etsate or its sol-
icitor on or before the 17th clay of
October, A,D., 1921, a full state-
ment of their claims together with
particulars thereof, and the nature
of the securities, if .any, held by
them all duly verified by affidavit.
And take notice that after the
said last mentionecl.date the said ad-
ministrator will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased am-
ongst the persons entitled thereto,
having regard only to such claims as
it shall have received due notice and
in accordance therewith, '
Dated et Clinton, this 21st day
of September, A.D.;--1921,
- W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for the 'said Achninistrator.
Is hereby' further given that all
persons indebted' to the said Wesley
Duncan Harvey, deceased, are re-
quired forthwith to make settlement
of the same with the,, administrator
or with. •
W, Brydene, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for the Administrator.
Dr. ,iohn Ward
Chiropractic, and Electrical treat-
ments for Chronic and Nervous dis-
eases. Eyes tested, and glasses
scietifically fitted, Mondays Wed-
nesdays, and Fridays. Hours, 10.00
to 4,00 and by appointment. Office,
corner of Ontario and Willicmr Sts.
Clinton, Ont. —18-tf
The Dominion Feather and Mat-
tress Co. are in Clinton and making
your old- feather bed into the ten
roll Sanitary Mattress or down com-
forter. They also buy old or new
feathers, Drop a card and our agent
will call,
Mortorcycle For Sale
A twill cylinder, 3 -speed, kids
starter, Indian motorcycle for sale.
In the best of mechanical condition.
Apply to Wilfred”- Seeley, Clinton.
Not ice
We now announce to the public
that we are now• in ii 'position to
take on fall tractor work at the fol-
lowing reduced prices.
Plowing, $3.50 per acre. '
Silo Filling, Tractor 'arid box, $2.75
pea hour,
your own feeder, $1.65 Per hour.
Crcular Sawing, '$1.50 per. hour.
Grinding, $1..75 per hour,
Phone, Clinton, 626.R 14. E, H.
Eppa-•& Son, Varnn: • . ---15-6
Varna ilarber. Shop
Open on Wednesday evenings and
Saturday afternoon asci evening.
Come In, early to avoid the rush.
• —15-4, p
• Farm For Sale
Lot 27, Con. 9, Goderieh Tp,
miles from Helrnesville, 80 acres
good clay loans, well improved, Earn
50x5 , strain shed 30x3 with 'steno
stabling beneath. Now drive sshed
80x30, Good fraune house, a never -
falling well, all seeded with exception
of 115 acres, also lot 20, con. 9, 80
acres, been undo)! -pasture :tor thus
ber of years. Good hafik barn, plenty
of water, Lewis ,1 t'oetor, Holmes-
ville, On,tf
New Issue of Hydro -Electric bonds,
Guaranteed by Ontario Government.
$3,300,000 at 0%.
And all Municipal and Government -
Bonds supplied at market prices and
delivered at your bank without
W. BRYDONE, Clinton
lame Tuner
Our pllhfessional tuner will
be here from 'Bell •Piano Fac-
tory soon. All'apse ,having
tuning to do. Phone 6.019 or
Pox 229. Seaforth
f' :Js, ILA
Having several cars. of coal com-
'dng I will receive and fill all orders
for nut, stove and egg coal and de-
liver sense at once.
Orders received at Residence
King Street, or phone 119
l' on't Throw Your
Old Carpets Awai
They make new reversibly
"Velvetex" Rugs
Send for Velvetex Folder 41
Farm For ,Sale
Lot 15, con. 4, Stanley, 99 acres,
about 65, under cultivation, balance,
broken pasture land, Abundant -water
supply, good bank barn ani frame
dwelling. Price reasonable. A. T.
Scott, Brucefieid, —14-8
Slairella Corsets.
Spirella Corsets for healthfulness,
style, comfort and durability. Ev-
ery corset made to measure, Mrs.
Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street,
Clinton. —12-1921
Farm for Sale
250 acres, more or less, concession
4 and 5, Stanley township, about 414
miles from Clinton. Well improved,
good clay loans, 15 acres hardwood
and cedar bush, practically all fenced
with, new wire fencing. First-class
house and barn; telephone; rural
snail delivery. Will sell on reasonable
terms. Apply on premises to Adam
Stewart. 11. It, No.. 5, Clinton -05-13
Rooms For Rent
Furnished or unfurnished rooms,
with garden. Inquire at News -Re-
cord office. —93-tf
House for Salo
8 -room, solid brick house, town
water and electric lights, good gar-
den and chicken house. Apply on
premises. Corner of North and
Spencer Sts. -A, C. Clarkson,-80-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop.
W. J. Jago.--83-tf
The enforcement of the Headlight
Laws, means that auto owners must
equip their cars with approved lenses.
We have the following to choose
Shaler Roadlighter
Conopher Clear
Conopher Noviol
Come in and let us fill out year ap-
plications and Show our lenses.
J. H. Putman
'Agent for Overland Cars. .
Examiner: fol' licensed' drivers
Phone 88 Heti. Phetio 140
October e,Candy Day
A. special day for candy all over the Dominion
and in Clinton we would not be behind the times,
See our window for full assortment, of Bon Bons,
Fancy Candy anti' Chocolate Bars
BuB, a box for the
Loved ones at hope
and Sweeten the. World
`a=raercm. y„�.
Germane J . L. & W.
Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't
put off buying as the price is grad-
ually stiffening. Delay will only
cause a panicky buying craze similar
to that experienced last fall when
prices went crazy.
Let me advise you so fill up with
It answers the burning question,
We also stock for your convenience
Hardwood, in different qualities.
Slabs, the ideal summer fuel
Cedar rails, fine for kindling.
Canada Cement, the standard art-
Threshing Coal, convenient and safe
Hemlock Lumber, at new prices,
2x, 3x, & 5x Shingles, at your own
Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement,
Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal,
Phone for Clinton 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618.
Phone 45
We're Headquarters
for The finest blends
of tea obtainable
Our Blends at 50c, GOa, , and 80c
are teas the most particular tea
drinkers will enjoy.
Grape Fruit,
Olives, and
Cooked Meats.
Fred W. Wigg
There is a vast difference in
grades of corn. Our Corn is No. 2
Yellow which we believe is the best
grade on the market. It is free from
broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give
us a call and let us know your re-
quirements. Special prices on large
Now is the season for Bran &
Shorts. The quality is good and the
prices reasonable.
Figured on present value of live-
stock and home-grown feeds the use
of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will
return mere profit to the hog raiser
than ever before in its history,
Blood, Tankage and Bones produced
by the large slaughtering business
of Swift Canadian Co. are alntust all
used in Swift's High Grade Fertilizer.
Result: Large profit to you.
Our stock includes: Purity, Five
Roses, White Seal and Golden City,
W. Jenkins & Son.
Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141
Boars for Service
Champion bred,' big type 'Yerkshiro
and Cheshter White boars for service.
At home every forehoon..-A. 0:
Levey, Phone 5 tel 689, Clinton a.-211
Scranton Coal
h ve
ou hand
for immediate
Also some good; Hardwood.
Leave orders at my Residence,
Huron street. or Phone 165.
South End Grocery.
A full stock of
Groceries & Provisions
L '':vi St,If: _1g
in homes where Port Ilope'Porcelain
Enameled Ware is installed. a
can advise you on • any
plumbing n'ecossity ..:
Agent for tiepin Furnaces
Plumbing ,and Heating Phone 61
Shop over Corless .&•• Yenner's
C..tr of Shorts
Those in need of anything in our
Iine will do well to call or phone us.
Prompt and courteous attention to
your wants assured. on
Flour and Feed Always on Hand
Phone 123.
Live Pon itrl
Our advice to you would be to
market your poultry early this year,
while prices are high.
Our prices for poultry are expect-
ed to be much lgwer than last year.
Enquire of us for prices.
N. - W. TREWARTHA, Manager,
Phone 190; Holmesvigo .4 on 141
The demand for our butter id in-
To supply this demand we require
more cream,
We request you to ship us roes
We guarantee you the Ilighess
Market Prices, accurate teats and
prompt service,
Our firm is known to you rind need':
no further recommend,
We pay all expree( charges, furu-
fah cream cans and pay twice each
Write for can( or further WWWore: aa-
tioa to the
HE :MAIN:mama CR E4.MEI'tir Co.