HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-9-22, Page 8no Clinton News -Record CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELEBY STORE Are You. Proud. of Your,Wa.tch ? When you look at your watch are you proud of its appearance and _confident of its aceuraey ? ,. Watches pur- chased here possess both of these qualities. All makes of watches repaired ,11.' H. JOHNSON Jeweller aeid'OpticiasNext Hovey'sDrug Stora i Moneg in Your Pocket , Special sale for two weeks of Men's Work Shirts and Men's Odd Pants at old time prices. Come and look them over Murray McEwan, Merchant Tailor Wilken Block 7.2.2 lieauty Oo�fort IN THE CANADIAN HOME, IS A S'UBJPGT WHICII IS R) CE1V, ING MORE ATTENTION, THE AR, TISTIC STANDARD OF THE AV- ERAGE HOME IS NOW IIIGIIna TlIAN IT HAS EVER BEEN, PEO, PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR, ROUNDING$, WALL HANGINGS HAVE MUCH TO 110 WITH BRING- ING ABOUT THIS 'DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. Il' YOU ARE INTER, ESTPD WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT OUR' SPLENDID STOCK A'1' REASONABLE PRICES,' The W. it Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist,' an I3onour Graduate of the Caned- .ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours:' 9 a.ni. to 5. p.m. Practice limited to the eye. At tele ,'Pulse of Rea + Ma a ::. We have just received our . new suiting and .are more than pleased with :both quality -and price.'.They. consibt,of beautiful English Worsted and Tweeds";'.and' Blue, Black ' and Grey Serges and the prices are rock bottom..: Every snit tailored to your measure and a fit guaranteed Prices range from $25 to $50 Special for Fr'tdag, Sept. 9th We will have with us Mr. Legg to assist us with measurements, etc., also to show the season's newest models and we would be glad to have you come in on Friday and inspect these models and look over our range of suiting. ■ Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE al CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS. Our T ree Specials PIPELESS FORNACES BRANTFORD ROOFING BEAVER BOARD The Pilot Superior Pipeless Warm Air Furnace Nature's way of heat- ing your house. ONLY ONE REGISTER . BRANTFORD ROOFING Asphalt Slate Shingles. .Asphalt Slate Slabs Also Roll Roofing $3.00 per square and up. BEAVER BOARD It is equally applicable in old buildings as in new. We have all sizes, 32 and 48 inches, in width and from 0 to 10 feet in length. A FEW REFERENCES .'r. Robert Smith Mr. Frank Lobb Mr. Frank Gibbs Mr. Thomas Glazier Mr. Jacob Becker. Mr. Thomas Lindsay Mr. D. Munroe, Brucefield HARLAND BRCS. 'Hardware. Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock One Register(Pipeless) Heating The latest achievement in health- ful, economical home heating is the One Register (Pipeloss) System, i$ other words, to heat your house with one 'register only, is what this wonderful new system accomplish- es. Its, satisfactory operation has been taken out of the realm of theory and is today a proven fact. Before 141,cOIary's placed the One Register, (Pipeless) System on the market they thoroughly tested it under many different and difficult conditions. You can, therefore, be perfectly satisfied' that McClary's One Register (Pipeless) Furnaces will do everythhig their 'Walsers claim for then' because they arc not the result of theory clone, but are the outcome of many exhaust. lye tests performed under the most extreme 'weather conditions. Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING .Mr. 1. R'. Reece, of Toronto is visit- ing friends in town. 'Mrs. C. Ih Bartliff has returned from a visit in London. Mr. 'nine • Mrs. G. II, Pinner were iv • town over tlit+, week -end. Miss Elsie Bierge, of Stratford was a • visitor in. Clinton last week. Mrs- Wifliaen East is visiting friends in Brantford .for a few weeks. Mr. Fred Simian who is teaching at Bltyh, was in town over the week- end, Mr. and Mrs. Durnin and Mrs. Geo. Roberton motored to Detroit last week, Miss Agnes Walker, who is teaching at Clifford, Ont., was home on Sat- urday. Miss Minnie Falk of Waterloo spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Akam. Miss Lillian Fairfull has been v1s- rtnib at the home of Mr, C. J_ -Wallis, McLeod of Brussels is visit- ing at the home of Mrs. R. Pearson this week. Mr. Robert Marshall attended the baseball game at Zurich on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Plumsteel and fam- ily spent a few days at the London Fair. Rev. Dr. G. N. Hazen of Listowel vis- ited at the Ontario parsonage the past week. Mrs. H. W. Cook has gone to Win- nipeg to spend the winter with her daughter. Mr. Alec. Eagelson was a spectator at the motor races at London on Saturday last, Mr. Leo Flynn was visiting at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Flynn ov- • er the week -end. Mr. Alex. Neilans is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Brown, who re- sides in Petrolea. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kimball and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Scott, near B11t0. Miss Florence Cunningham spent the week -enol at Fullerton visiting Miss Hattie Baker. Mr. Orville Murphy of Goderich was a visitor in town at the be- ginning of the week, Mrs. Phoenix (nee Clufi') and Master Robert are returning to their home in Hamilton on Friday. Mr. Starling was in Port Elgin for a few days looking after his property, which is for sale. Rev. Kenneth J. Beaton, returned missionary, visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. D. Beaton. Miss Mamie hall has resumed her' position in the Royal Bank, hav- ing been absent on her holidays. Mr. Oswald Hunt of London is vis- iting a week in town with Mr, and Mrs. Hamblyn, and other friends. Mr, A. E. Erwin of Bayfield was 10 town on Tuesday evening and vis- ited with his aunt, Miss Beacom. Mr, S. Jackson motored to Lon- don on Saturday to be present at tFafrhe m,otor races and take in the Mr. A. Oakes of Staforth was vis- iting at the home of Mr, Higgins Fron idayRattenbury, street, east, last Mr. Will Taylor, who is a son of Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto, has been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Rod - away. Mr. Samuel Holmes, who has been ' visiting his aunt, Miss J, Holmes of town, has returned to his home in California. Miss Jennie Robertson is again oe- cupving the position of teller in the Molsons Bank after spending her holiday in Bayfield, ltev. D.®N. McCamus addressed the District Missionary Meeting of the London Conference in Chatham on Tuesday. On Sept. 23rd Mr. Mc- Camas will speak at Sarnia. Misses Jennie and Rose Tebbutt, who spent last week visiting friends in London, St. Thomas and. Port Stan - fey, and' also took in the London Fair, returned home on Tuesday, Mr. Howard hill of Taber, Sask., who has been visiting relatives in Clin• ton and other eastern points, this sunnmar, left yesterday for Regina, where he will open an office remit - senting Canadian and British Hard, ware Manufactures for Western canadar .., People You Know Ilarris took 'a load of baseball Fans to %dreh yesterday, 1tlr. Roy Ball metered to Zerich on Wednesday, where he wavy a spec,-: tato' cit the basebayll.'anio, Dr. Axon was one of many, Clinton ibarsebell .enthusiasts who Motored to. Zurich yesterday. Mrs, Tilos; Lo llington and babe, Roy Franklin, ,are Winglram . vial/ier7S this week,. Rev. ProfessorJohnston of Victoria College, Toronto, was in town on Tuesday evening, and in eeniPiiny with Rev. S, Anderson, motored to Exeter to address the district meet- ing hake there .on Wednesday, . Mr. Lennard Harland motored to Zurich on Wednesday to. attend the baseball ,.game, Mr. Ed, Munroe was among the many •Clintoniarrs who motored tO Zurich to see Zurich and Wood- stock play off in the semi-finals. Mr. Silas 11tcT'alls has been moved to the ,branch of the Molsons Bank at Aylmer. Mr. IvleFa'lIs left on Monday to take up his new position. Mr. and Mrs. George Watts re- turned Thursday last from Mani- toba, where they have been visit- ing friends. Mr. Watts reports things corning along fairly well and looking better; • Bonfield Rev. J, G. Stuart of London occu- pied 'the pulpit of St. Andrew's church in the abesnce of Rev. A. Mac- farlane. Rev. Silcox of Toronto occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday morning last in the in- terests of the Dominion Alliance. Rev. A. Macfarlane spent the week -end at Southamptona and Port Elgin. Mrs, Stirling 'and daughter Miss Josie Stirling spent the week -end at Port Elgin. F. A. Edwards is 'spending a fort- night with friends et London and vi.- cinit. R. Bailey, manager of the Sterling Bank at Marlboro is spending his holidays at his hone in the village. Dr. Lewis and wife ofToronto are the geusts of Dr. Woods and wife this week. MisseTillnee and Mrs. Darcey and slaughter, Miss Darcey of London are spending a week at Longue -Vial cot- tage on the Terrace. Mr. H. McKay and wife, George E. Greenslade and wife, Mrs. F. A. Ed wards and daughter, Miss Ploy Ed- wards, James Reid, Miss Mntry Reid, Thomas Cameron, John Cameron Samuel Moore, Bruce Moore, Henry Darrah and John Gairdner took m the Western Fair at London last week. Don't forget the Bayfield Fair on Sept, 27-28. Better than ever. The Directors have spared no pains in making this the best. They have eI- so secured the Brunswick Concert Company in the Town Hall on the evening of the 28th. Jack Ballan- tyne, the famous comedian -this con- cert will be the treat of the season. LITTLE LOCALS. Mr, George -McKenzie has given up his Position in the west and is going 'to assist bis father in the plan- ing mill. Mr. McKenzie intends to live here and . Clinton citizens wel- come him and wish him success. His family will move here shortly. • Remember the Gypsy Maid Show last season, The Pastime Club re- pents their success with the Canad- ian Variety Four, Sept. 28. Come. 350 and 500. Pian at Fair's, The Fall millinery is now on dis- play in the show windows of the two enterprising stores. Mr. Wur, Snell received prizes at the London Fair for the very fine specimens of sheep which he exhibit- ed. LITTLE LOCALS, , t It is assorted that nanny rules have been broken by the jariguerds while on the other hand many jails have been brolce by the blackguards, A maul we up in an airplane and reg'ahrerl; his wine, .when most Wren go up in the air they lose their beetle young lady reeently wrote to a eeettry newspaper asking if there ;yvere any editors in (leaven. The ed- 'tor replied: There is hat -one editor 'in Heaven. How he got there is not postively known•but it is conjectured ilial ho passed himself off ee a clergy- man. When the dodge was discov- ered they searched the length and breadth .of the realms of felieity for a lawyer to start ejection proceeding's but they couldn't find one, so, of ca'''se, the editor holds the fort." Some Mexican. raiders attempted to cut out a woman's tongue but for,. tun tely they made off( after she had given them a sample of it. There's a bumper crop in Annap- olis Valley ,a piece of news that ex, plains the name they gave the place, which we understand is what An Ap- ple Ie, Announcement that there will be no doles for the unemployed this win- ter, will be . doleful news to some of them. They'd rather be all doled up incl no place to go. On the farm of Mr, Holtzhauer, near Londesboro, a cob of Golden Glow corn was found with 20 rows and 50 kernels to the row. Stich a find would make an interesting ex- hibit at a fair. "Little England" is showing its ingenuity. Several barns have been re -shingled and Mr. Jacob Sloman is adding an extension to his house. Mr. Elliott is putting a new roof on his residence on Victoria Street. On Friday afternoon there will be a half holiday at the Collegiate In- stitute in honor of Mr. Ernest Liv- ermore. TIlUIISD:AY, SPPT, 22nd 1921 f AN OPEN CONVENTION OF THE NATIONAL LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH HURON. Will be held in Hcnsall on Seta'. day, October "est, at 2 o'clock, p.m., to which all men and women who are favorable to the Mcighen Govern- ment are invited. A candidate will be chosen to contest the riding. Dr. 115. Steel, 11f.P., of. South Perth, the or- ganizer for Western Ontario, will be present and deliver an address. A meeting of the Executive at one o'clock, By order of the Executive. South Huron United Farmers Political Association will hold a Convention in • HENSALL HALL Thursday, Sept.29 at 2 p.m. for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the Federal House. Meeting for the purpose of appointing delegates will be held in each polling sub- division in each municipality on the evening of TUESDAY, SEPT. 27th A11 electors in sympathy with the principales and the policies enunciated in the platform of the United Farm. ers of Ontario and the Cana- dian Council of Agriculture and willing to support the United Farmers political party are cordially invited to attend W. BLACK, President G. W. LAYTON, Secretary of Valuable Household Effects A Private Sale of the personal effects of the late Mrs, McTaggart will be held at her late residence Shiple,cy Street on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday September 26, 27, 28, 29 House willbe open to the public as follows : Morning 91to 12, Afternoon 1.30 to 6, Evening 7,30 to 10 s The above effects consist of Drawing Room, Dining Room and Bed Room®Furniture (mostly in Black Walnut) Pictures, Books, Ornaments, China and Porcelain Dinner and Tc a Sets, Silverware, Cutlery, Carpets, Rugs, Blankets, Feather Pillows and Ticks, Mattresses, Springs, Sofa Cushions, Mantel .Grapes and many other Household Artecles Many of the above articles are very old and were purchased when prices were low and are 'narked at a fraction of what they could be obtained for to -day Apart from their lowness in price they have an extra valbe to the lover of the dignified and substantial styles of fifty years ago. All articles priced in plain figures and will be sold without reserve Everything must be sold by private sale There will not be a public auction M, D. McTAOGART, Administrator Profits ki s Keep the Good Lagers: Dispose et' the Poor Ones 13y this method increase your profit 50 per cent. For 3 weeks we can supply a man skilled in culling to do this work. Phone or write otir office, SI 13. STO'TIIERS, Agricultural Representative Clinton. Be Prepared with the Goods Then Let the People Know About Thein. That is the , y' ay to Push Business That's what we are now doing We are following our, own advice. The News -Record Job Departmei.t Can supply you with neat, well -printed job work of all kinds. Do not send out of town for anything in the printing line until you have consulted us. Ask us about a Special Offer in Regard to Cotrnter Check Books Give us your next order. Have you any use for eddi g stationery? If so, we have it. Printed in text or script, on good paper, and with two sets of envelopes - s9 -To tat0J? Plev (tt:3 Is right now, and avoid easy leaks and other roof troubles. "Birds" Roofing is fire resisting and weather proof. Then we have Black Water -proof building paper, wall -board, etc, We have the "Rockland Quebec" and "Tortoise" heaters with oven, also a good line of other coal and wood heaters. M. 1 • Corless GENER4L HARDWARE PHONE 53 tt• .ii:: i iii y,.: n;. sf: Geo. T. Jenkins Ford Dealer CLINTON, ONTARIO