HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-9-22, Page 5THURSDAY, S1'll"1', 220d, :1921
Clinton News-Recc'rd
Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen
When the eleventh parliament met
in the early part of 1909 following
the general elections of the preced-
ing autuinn, there were many new
s . faces to - be seen on the opposition
.side of the house, Laurier was in
the full enjoyment of his unrivalled
jower; he .had been swept back into
office by an avalanche of votes the
rallying cry being the National.
• Transcontinental and "bet Laurier
finish. his work." When the House
i ' re aunt
met the Liberals s we ina jaunty
mood;.. defeat seemed to them to be
an event which need not be reckoned
with and' they had with them the
"Peerless One" with his magnificent
powers apparently untouched by the
frosts of advancing years. But the
jaunty Liberals. soon found there
was a fresh force on the opposition
benches, 'New and younger blood
was there and among the newest and
yonugest was a callow slim i•oubh in
his early thirties with .the oyes of a
%dreanmer, and a rather determined -
looking cast of• jaw• who was •re
turned for Porbage •le Prairie• in the -
place • sof Tom 'Crawford,•'.a ' stalwart .
Liberal. ••In the hurrys aneh.seranible.
•of thefirst few:Weeks of, the session,
when -every one was looking over- his
neighbor, and sizing sip the new or,.
• der of things the little - char from
Portage was forgotten. Then one
clay a wetsern question was •thrust
into the• cock -pit and Arthur Meigh-
en made his maiden speech. I re-
member the occasion , well. Ilis
desk -mate was Arthur Goodeve, and
nearby sat Martin Burrell. Over on
the Liberal over -flow was Doctor
Michael Clark, all of them newcom-
• ors. Meighen soon struck his stride;
•even in those early days of his par-
liamentary career he had superb
self-confidence, and before many min-
utes had elapsed the House accus-
tomed as it was to maiden efforts
was all ears. There was something
unusual about the quiet mastery of
himself and his subject which this
stripling exhibited, which focussed
all eyes upon his. In a few scathing
sentences he attacked Sir Wilfred
• and the old chief opened his eyes
in wonderment. He was indeed a
brave man who would throw clown
the gage of )rattle to 'le grand
signeur' in those days, but Arthur
Meighen, then as now, was absolute-
ly fearless. That maiden speech
marked him as a coining man, When
• the tide turned in 1911 he wase again
elected for Portage, and his youth
}alone kept him out of the Borden
•cabinet, and gave the place to Doc-
tor Roche, a mild-mannered medico.
-frons Mineedosa,, who had been ham-
mering away from the opposition
bunches since. 1896. But youth kept
-on knocking''tit the door and at last
would'not he denied. Arthur Meigh-
en became more and more the ris-
ing hope of the government side of
the House. He it was who rushed in
were Borden feared to tread, and
smote Laurier and the Grits hip and
thigh. Soon after the war broke out
he. entered the cabinet as Solicitor
General and his rise has since been
meteoric. When Sir Robert wearied
ami worn, relinquished the burden in
July of last year', there were no
shoulders upon .whom the .mantle
could properly fall other than those
of Meighen. Sir Thomas White, who
was regarded as being the logical
heir apparent was no longer in active
Polities; and when caucus voted for
a successor to Sir Robert the pre-
ponderance in favor of the present
Prime minister was overwhelming.
There are many thousands from
the Atlantic to the Pacific to whore
Arthur Meighen is merely a name
but • who will, during the course of
the campaign now opening, have an
opportunity` of 'seeing !and hearing
hien on• thee hustings. • ;they may or
May -mot -be disappointed. He.cloes not
possess•,the„ "$au",;and grand-plets
form manner of, :Sid Wilfred, who
played upon the feelings end en{o-.
tions of his audiences, particularly
in his well -beloved province with the
skill.of a master. Neither'lias he the
somewhat rugged appearance of ear -
mist honesty of Sir Robert Borden
Arthur Meighen does Loot possess a
platform mariner; his voice is not
particularly pleasing -it has no mu-
sic in it -anti his slim and almost
boyish figure is apt to be lost behind
the waterbottle on the table of the
pompous and voluble chairman. But
let hint get well started, give hint an
interruption or two to put him on
his mettle (Sir Robert Bordon was
always improved by one or two of
these verbal kicks from the rear)
and in a few minutes Arthur Meigh-
en will capture his audience and
carry it with him where he will,
just as he slid the critical House of
Commons or that February clay in
1909 when he made his maiden
speech. Those who expect to be en-
tertained will go away disappointed
for there is no crackling humor in
his speeches. He does not charm
men -by tricks of speech, or the glit-
tering generalities of the profession-
platitudinarian, IIe will, however,
give the man with an open mind
something to think over as he marsh:
ails his facts and figures and puts
them through a series of formations
thereby bringing to the front their
Strongest points. And those who
come to scoff may Make up their
minds to one thing; they may be
coucpellecl to cheer:= -Saturday Night.
Auburn •
Mr. A, E. Millsor of Auburn had
a severe shaking up suffered in an
.automobile accident. Mr. Leroy Horn
was taking him out south of. town
to where his horses are pasturing.
Harold Agnew was in the;. car with
them. Just before they reached the
concrete bridge ,beyond the cemetery,
the car swerved to the left and
• crossing 'the ditch , crashed through
the fence and came to a hatl in the
field.. Mr. Millson either jumped or
was thrown from the car and sus-
tained very painful injuries to his
back. Neither Mr. Horn or Mr. Ag-
new were at all hurt and the Forel
was little worse for it adventure. 11;
was at first thought that Mr. Mill -
.son was dangerously hurt, but his
injuries, though painful are not of a
-serious nature. .
Mrs. O. E. Errett and Mrs, J. J.
Washington spent the week -end In
London with their borther, Mr, E. •
Mr. and Mrs W. T. Riddell took a
trip to Walkerville on -Friday last: •
Mr. Frank Washington commenced
:Normal school et London last week.
Mr. Audrey and Harvey Dawson,
-who . have been sailing on the lakes
•.are home on a two weeks' vacation.
With .their parents here,
'TlHOMPSON-On the 16111 con. God-
erich township, 'to Mr, and birs, 1L,
G Thompson, a daughter.
MORETON-In Sandwick, Ont, on
September 6th, 1921, i0 Me. and
Mrs. Alfred Moreton (nee Ruby
1Cilty), a son, Alfred George.
;i3UR1FNS--In Goderieh, on: Sept" 170i,
to Mr. and Mrs. B. 1, Burns, a
on Sept. 14111, by Rev, J. A, Ag-
new, Clara It, daughter of Mr. F.
Lockwood of Clinton to Lotiis 13,
Powers of Windsor.
e1111s" Deaths
'ICILAR)— in Gotlet+ieii townshi
I p,
idnad' Sept 1", th William
on n y, Qn 9 w char -e
Piekaici, aged 55 year's,
The people. of 'Clinton and vicinity
will be glad to hear that the Pastime
Club has engaged the Canadian Var-
iety Four,. for one of their 'wonder-
ful shows on Wednesday evening,
Sept. 28th, in the Town Hall, Jim=
mie Fax, Canada's • greatest and
funniest comedian, with trunks of
gorgeous costumes; J. H. Cameron,•
positively guaranteed the finest en-
tertainer in Canada; Maud Buschlen,
the most_popnlar violinist in the Do-
minion; and Ada Davis Oldfield, the
beautiful and startling soprano, are
the artists. This show is guaranteed
to equal the Gypsy Maid Co•, and is
bought from the same management.
Reserve seats, 500, rush. seats, 33 ,
Plan' at Fair's Book Store.
Come and enjoy two hotus real
Notice to Creditors
In ,the estateof: the late Wesley
Duncan Harvey, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that loll
persons having claims against the
estate of the late Wesley Duncan
Harvey, late of the Township of
Stanley in the County of Huron, de-
ceased, yeoman, who died on or
about the 22nd day of August, A.D.
1921, are required to deliver to The
Canada Trust Convpene+, the Admin-
istrator'af the said etsate or its sol-
icitor on or before the 1.7th day of
October, A.D., 1021, a full state-
ment of their claims together with
particulars thereof, and the nature
of the securities, if army, held by
thein 'all duly verified by affidavit.
' And take .notice that after the
said last mentioned date the said ad-
ministrator will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased am-
ongst the persons entitled „thereto,
having regard only to such claims as
it shall have received clue notice and
in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton this 21st day
of September, A.D., 1921.
W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor, for the said Administrator.
Notiee .
Is hereby :further given that all
persons indebted to the said Wesley
Dunean Harvey, deceased, taro 're—
quired forthwith to make settlenvint
o:f the sante with the administrators
Of` with,
5 r
W. 11.r tlofne MAW, Bre/aerie, C noir ret
Solicitor ler the Adioi lstr, t r�
n o.
S. CoeseliGtIt Taggart of Lon-
iten, met Permie1 Meighen Thursday
for the 1iraj:- tiflle and listened to his
address in the eveltieg anil was'very
m11011 impressed with the prime
=itser's ability, "He is one of the big-
gest Canadian men I have. had the
piellau1e of meeting," he. stated to
The Wee.,Press, "His dignity lin-
pressed ani, Not the ponrpotisdignity
that wo sometimes meet with but the
natural reserve of a nation's first
citizen. I felt the same emotions. 10
Meeting llU Meighen that I felt when
I first met a President of the United
States. .
"His speech ap1"tr t from its poljtl-
cal significance, with which I;have`'no
thing tp do, seemed a marching filo of
Word soldiers, perfect. in equipment
and discipline. He impressed me, in
his speech, as a man who thinks
three times before speaking once. An
unusual quality which is rarely met
with. 1 am proud to have met and
heard the Rt. Hou. Arthus! Meighen,
a prime minister worthy of this splen-
did Dominion,' -London. Free Press.
Southampton has always been
known ccs a very healthy town and
has established quite a record the
past sunnier, for until the death of
Mr. Telford a few days ago there had
not been a death in town since last
1 am prepared to fill silos again
this year, also to cut oat sheaves.
Phone 33w. -
For Sale ,
Cement platform and curbing for
top of. _wells with 3 screen vetnilator
6 inches above platforin, will fit any
size well; and fit. -around any.,size
pinup. ;..Can..b9 rq,3neyed at eny,tiinie.
Guaranteed to hold use a . teain of
horses .and to be mouse and water
proof. Also cement soft water cis-
terns with cement platform with
12 inch rim around man hole for
sodding to prevent frost and keep
out surface water. H. II: Cantelon,
R, R. No. 5, Clinton. Phone 3 on
619. -16-2
Dr. John Ward
Chiropractic! and Electrical treat-
ments for Chronic and Nervous dis-
eases. Eyes tested, and glasses
scietifically fitted.. Mondays Wed-
nesdays, and Fridays. hours, 10.00
to 4.00 and by appointment. Office,
corner of Ontario and William Sts.
Clinton, Ont, -16-tf
Two live canvassers to work in
Clinton and district. Good wages
guaranteed. Apply to M. E, Ashton,
Rattenbury Houe, Thursady evening
or Friday, between 9 and 11, -16-1
The Dominion Feather and Mat-
tress Co. are in Clinton and making
your old feather bed into the ten
roll Sanitary Mattress or down com-
forter. They also buy old or new
feather's. Drop a carol and our agent
•will call, -16-4
Mortorcycle For Sale
A twin cylindoi•, 3 -speed, kick
starter,. Indian motorcycle .for sale.
.lei the best of mechanical condition.
Apply to Wilfred Seeley, Clinton.
Pears For Salle
I have a quantity Of pears for sale.
Apply at residence, Albert Street,
Mrs. H, Hill, phone150. -15
We now announce „to the public
that we are now in a position to
take on fall tractor work at the fol.
lowing reduced prices,
Plowing, .$3.50 per acre.
Silo Filling, Tractor and box, $2.75
per hour,
your owns .feeder, $1.65 per hour.
Crcular Sawing, $1,50 per hour. , ,
Grinding, $1.75 per hour.
Phone, Clinton, 626 R 14. E. II.
Epps & Son, Varna. -15-6
Varna Barber Shop .
Open on Wednesday evenings and
Saturday afternoon cued evening.
Conte In early to avoid the rush.
--15-4:- p
Slabs For Sale
A quantity of good slabs for sale
Apply to A, • McCartney, or phone
193W. s -i5-2-p
Executor's Sale of House and Lot
There will he offered. for sale at
public auction by George H. Elliott,
Auctioneer, on Saturday the 24th
clay of September, A. D., 1921, at 2
o'clock; p.rrf„ Lot number 883 and
part of lot number 875 on the west
side of North Street in the Town of
Clinton. On the premises is an 8
room ecl 'frame dwelling with good eel -
hit Fund a well tilled garden with fruit
trees. The house is newly remodelled
and was painted this year. Itis well
located and the drainage is good.
Possession at any time on completion
Of the purchase. •
For terms and particluurs apply to
The Canata, Trust Company, London,
Ont., Executor, or. W. Brydone, Cline
tan, Solicitor. -i4-3
Farm For Sale
Lot 27, Con. 0, Goderich Tp. 114
miles from 1lohuesville, 80 acres
good clay loam, well improved. Barn
50x50, straw shed 30x82 with stone
stabling beneath, New drive shed
80x80, Good frame ]rouse, a never -
failing well, all seeded with. exeeption
Of , 15 acres, also lot 20, •con. 0, 80
Wes, been under restart) for num-
of year4.. Cood batitberet olents6f! 9aer.Leeefs 'Praetor, Habeas -
es -00-1g
loathe charm off.
is in its unique flavour of rich delicacy. And It.
never varies. All grocers sell "Salads" in
sealed metal packets only.
a 886
..mom ,�....:.�.
Speed Up
There is no hard times coming, It's just the, soft times going.
We quote just a few of our Trion ey saving specials.
3 lbs, Good bllc tea
3 pkgs. Jelly Powder
5 lbs, Roiled Oats
2 pkgs. Corn Flakes .....
Flower pots all sizes ... 50 to 200
3 bars Sup 256
3 plcge. Anomia 2511
6 pkgs. Peerless Washing powder 250
2 pkgs. Lux ,,,. ,...,,250
Big Bar soap , , . , 256
ATS The store for everybody
•JOHNS( N '& CO'S GROCERY Phone int
Coal Oil Engine For Sale
3 horse power International coal
oil engine, only used about two
months, good as new, a bargain for
quick sale. H. McCool. -15-3
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. Estate of Wesley D. Harvey,
Deceased. On Tuesday, --Oct. 4th,
1921, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., .there
will be offered for sale at Public
Auction at the premises:
Lot No. 8, Con. 3, Stanley Tp. con-
taining 100 acres more or less. The
farm is well located in one of the
best portions of the County of Hur-
on, Yea mile from 'School, Vie miles
from • Kippee and Brucefreld. There
is -upon it' a come -iodine solid brick
house with stone foundation and slate
roof and with fuel shed and store-
house attached, a frame bank' barn
with two wings 45x60 and 30x65 feet
with stone foundations and stabling
underneath, well furnished -with
cement floors and B.T. furnishings, a
drive shed 20x40 and an implement
shed, tbout 8 acres have been sown
in Fall Wheat and about 42 acres
have been fall ploughed. There is a
bush of about 15 acres, an orchard
of about 2 acres and the balance of
the farm, all of which ie arable,' is
seeded down in hay and pasture land•.
The soil is clay loam.
Terms of Sale -Ten per cent of
purchase price at time of sale, bal-
ance on or before April let, 1022.
Sale subject to reserve bid.
At the same time and place will
be offered the following Implements
Machinery, Farrar Stock and Chattels:
Implements: Gray -Dort touring
car, Overland touring car, model 83
Fordson Tractor, Tractor plows, Hay
press, six -horse power gasoline en-
gine, John Deere hay loader, Massey -
Harris binder, 8 -ft, cut and fore -car-
riage, 7 -ft Dering mower, Massey -
Harris bean scalier, top cutter, Mas-
sey -Harris cultivator and seed box,
Power Horse clipper, 2 Farm wagons,
light wagon, Skeleton wagon, top
buggy, Light buggy, Cutter, 2 horse
carts, Set bob -sleighs, 2 -furrowed
riding plough, walking plough, Set
5 -section diamond harrrows, steel
land roller, Massey -Barris side rake,
2 Hay racks, Maple Leaf 10 inch
plate Giain Grinder, Clinton Fanning
Mill, Set scales, Forge, Anvil, Vise,
Circular saw, Cream separator, Pow-
er Washer and Wringer, Engine S.
pump jack, Water trough, 25 -gal.
gas tank, 3 barrels and a quantity of
oil, 2 Feed boxes, 2 robes, 1-15 rod
roll pig wire, 20-25 rods woven wire
fence, 25 grain bags, 15 cedar posts,
13 bunches of shingles, about 60 ce-
dar posts,,3 sets double harness with
collars, 2 sets single harness, saddle,
65 sap pails, long ladder, step lad -
del', bag truck, gravel box, about 250
feet 2 inch rope, a quantity of Lum-
ber and Plank, and a large quantity
of tools and sundry articles.
Cattle,. Red Durham cow, sup-
posed to be in calf, (Reg. Strawberry
oft Cromaoty, No. 138867), Roan Dur-
ham cow, (Reg. Beatrice 13th.' No.
136451) supposed -to he in calf, Roan
Durham heifer, rising 2 years (Reg,
Mary Beatrice No. 169282), Roan
Durham cow, 3 years with calf at
foot (can be reg.) Rohn Durham
Heifer rising 2 years (Reg. papers
coming) Grey. Durham Heife, ten
months old, (can be reg.) Grade.
Hereford cow, 3 years, supposed to
be in calf, Grade Hereford Cow, 5
years, supposed to be in calf., Grade
Hereford Cow, aged, supposed to be
in calf, White cow, 6 ,years, supposed
to be in calf, Black cow, 4 years,
with calf at foot, Heifer, 2 years,
supposed to be in calf, 2 Heifers
rising 2 years, S steers, 1 Year old, 5
Horses: Stallion, 5 years old, (reg,
Eorl O'Stanley), Agricultural mare; 7
years old, suppdsed to be in foal,
General Purpose macre, 3 yeare s old,
supposed to be in foal, General Pur-
pose mare, 9 years old, supposed to
be in foal, Agricultural horse, 4
years old, driving mare, 5 years old,
supposed to be in` foal.
Pigs: Thoroughbred sow, small
pig, sow with 8 pigs.
About 60 hens. About 5 tons of
hay. A quantity of buckwheat on
Lot 5, Con. 4, Stanley, about 7 acres
will be offered for sale on the geouul
1f not harvested in the meantime,
Terms of Sale of Chattels --All pur-
chases under $10, cash; on all pur-
chases over $10 a discount of 3%
will be enema or 6 months' credit
will be given on approved joint notes.
The Vendors reserve the right to
withdraw from sale any machinery
which may be subject to lien notes.
Lunch will be served at 12,30,
Thonimas .Gmnclry, Auctioneer, The
Cit dada Trust fret Cum an Admin"
Comptiny, tstra,.
tor, W 13t'yclonc, Sinciter for the Mi•
New Issue of Hydro -Electric bonds,.
Guaranteed by Ontario Government,
83,300.000 at 6%.
And all Municipal and Government
Bonds supplied at market prices and
delivered at your bank . without
W. BRYDONE, Clinton
Pismo Tuner
Our professional tuner will
be here from Bell'Piano Fac.;
tory soon. All thoseaaaving
tuning to do. Phone 0.616 ' or
J. E. 1-1U01LL.
Box 229. Seaforth
10 1
IIaving several cars of coal com-
ing I will receive and fill all orders
for nut, stove and egg coal. and de-
liver same at once.
Orders received at Residence
Ring Street, or phone 119
Don't Throw Your
Old Carpets .Await
They make new reversible
"Velvetex" Rugs
Send for Velvetex Folder 41
Farms For Sale
Lot 15, con, 4, Stanley, 99 acres,
about 65 under cultivation, balance,
broken pasture land. Abundant water
supply, good bank barn eine frame
dwelling. Price reasonable, A. T.
Scott, Bucefreld. -14-8
Spirella Corsets
Spirella Corsets for healthfulness,
style, comfort and durability. Ev-
ery corset made to measure, Mrs.
Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street,
Clinton. -12-1921
Farm for Sale
250 acres, more or less, concession
4 and 5, Stanley township, about 4%
miles from Clinton. Well improved,
good clay loam, 15 acres hardwood
and cedar bush, practically all fenced
with new wire fencing. First-class
house and barn; telephone; rural
nail dellivery. Will sell on reasonable
terms. Apply on premises to Adam
Stewart, R. R. No.. 5. Clinton -05-13
Rooms For Rent
Furnished or unfurnished rooms,
with garden. Inquire at News -Re-
cord office. -93-tf
House for Sale
8 -room, solid brick house, town
water and electric lights, good gar-
den and chicken house. Apply on
premises. Corner of Norbh and
Spencer Sts. -A. C. Clarkson,-80-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop.
W. J. Jago.
The enforcement of the Headlight
Laws, 'meansthat auto owners must
equip their cars with approved lenses.
We have the following. to choose
Legalite .
Shafer Roadlighter
Macbeth '
Conopher Clear
Conopher Noviol
Come in and let us fill out your ap-
plications and show our lenses,
'Agent for Overland Cats. ,
Eceamitfer for licensed drivers
hone 80 . Req, Phone 140
New Raisins
New Currants
New Dates
Already.we Have New Fruits at much lower prices
tl)ali last year,
New' Dates only
Also 0111' own Special Tea, at
150 per lb
3 lbs for $1,00
Teas will be higher and it will.
pay you to buy now.
Genuine O. L. & W.
Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't
put off buying as the price is grad-
ually stiffening. Delay will only
cause a panicky buying craze similar
to that experienced , last fall when
prices went crazy.
Let me advise you eo file up with
It' answers the burning, question.,
We also stock for your convenienne
Hardwood, in different qualities.
Slabs, the ideal summer fuel
Cedar rails, fine for kindling.
Canada Cement, the standard art-
Threshing Coal, convenient and safe
Hemlock Lumber, at new prices.
2; 3; & 5x Shingles,'at your own
Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement,
Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal,
Phone for Clinton 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618.
Phone 45
We're Headquarters
for the finest blends
of tea obtainable
Our Blends at. 50c, 60c, and 800
are teas the most particular tea
drinkers will enjoy.
Lemonade, .:.
Grape Fruit.
Olives, and
Cooked Meats.
There is It vast difference in
grades of corn. Our Corn is No. 2
Yellow which we believe is the best
grade on the market. It f's free from
broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Givo
us a can and let us know your re-
quirements. Special prices on large
Now is the season for Bran &
Shorts. The quality is good and the
prices reasonable.
Figured on present value of live.
stock and home-grown feeds the use
of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will
return more profit to the hog raiser
than ever before in its history.
Blood, Tankage and Bones produced
by the large slaughtering business
of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all
used in Swift's High Grade Fertilizer.
Result: Largo profit to you,
Our stock includes: Purity, Five
Roses, White Seal and Golden Citgo
W. Jenkins & Son.
Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141
Boars for•Service
Champion bred, big type 7Coirkshie ,
ave$ Clieshter Whiteoars for
b service,
At hone every forenoon. --A. O. •
Levey, Phone •ff on 699a Clinton
Scranton Coal
We have on hand for immediate
Also some good Hardwood.
Leave orders at my Residence,
Huron street, or Phone 155.
South End Grocery
Ji. full stock of,
G oc
el lt~S
Levi St
in homes where Port Hope Pi 4 sin
•Enameled Ware is installedeiWe
can advise you or any ,
plumbing necessity
Agent for liecla Furnaces
Plumbing. and Heating Phone 52
Shop over Corless &. Veaner'e
Flour and Feed
A car of Western Canada Oats
Farmers Fall Wheat Special Fer-
tilizer on hand. Just the thing
37011 need for your fall
wheat crop.
Flour and Feed Always on Hatncl
Phone 123.
Dive Pou[tr'u.
Our advice to you would be to
market your poultry early this year,
while prices are high. -
Our prices for poultry* are expect-
ed to be much lower than last year.
Enquire of us for prices. ,x.
N. W. TREWARTRA, Manager,
Phone 190; Hobneeville 4 on 141 .
The demand for our butter is in-
To supply thio demand we require
more cream.
We request you to ship ill your
We guarantee you the Bigheee
Market Prides, accurate tests and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and needs
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, furn-
ish cream cans and pay Was eaoI
Write for tants or farther informs -
,06a to the
, A. BA11, MAI�'AC*,