HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-9-8, Page 3HEALTH EDIJCATION• BY DR. J. J. IWIDDLETON Provincia] •Board of Health, Ontario Dr: Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mai. tern tllrougtoIbis column, Address filar at the Parliament MO, Toronto. such as is indulged ]n in youth, Walk Mg is one of tate best exercise% a'm even in tittles people should lrgerr- oeus'aged to deo nvoro walking to and from their sslaee of bushiest!, The increasing poptil'arity isf go1.2 and the opening 11p o`f mtmdcipsl golf (Woe in Same •o2 our large eiities is from the health viewpoint st decided naive in the right direction. In many of the centres, too, modified exor- cises for loehness men have been roe ranged, whieh should be developed' by� the mclnreapalilies t'ilj indulged aim by all the citizens who possibly can ars though he was formerly an enthusiast range the time. at these games. How to dive at various ages is a matter of vary g'reat importance. The young person has moss reserve power; more activity, and. requires more food, Older people show leas activity, sleep less and do not require •so much fetid. Besides, they have to go more man- fully and are inclined to avoid: even necessary exereiee. However physically fit the best athletes may 'ap'peat, they seldom show their best foam anter thirty. 'Very few of the players in the major leagues' of baseball are over thirty years of age, the most notable excep- tion, however, beim, Ty Cobb, the fa- mous Detroit outfielder.- In pugilistic circles Jack Jehsnson retained the world's chalnpinnshep when over thirty, but such met as these .are the one of the best adjuncts of 'health to exception rather than the rule. all classes of the community, and for Ono reason why strenuous exercise old people, especially those who have lived an active life, it is essential that they •oontimue to take en interest in the affairs of the world and some interesting, hobby otepastiane that will keep their minds serene •and enable them to get about and keep• their blood in circulation. How often we hoar and see '•instan•oes of men who have had a busy life, retiring •to seek a well-earned rest in their old ego, and passed away a`few weeks or mos:h; later when cut off, from the interests and •activities which kept their minds 'active and their bodily health sus- tained. The old saying "Remain in harness," applied in moderation, is very often one of the guideposts to e longer life. Many people worry a lot about so- called 'bodily infirmities when there really is little cause fox woa'ry. What they need to know •le that as the years go by the changed imelinations 'anid roquieements aro natural, and heeds of the .body adjust themselves to n'OW conditions•. For instance one has often hefted people complain about their:invbility to sleep as many flours as they used to aro, and think in 000 - sequence that they must be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. An- other will 'lament the fact that he cannot play ;baseball or .tennis, a1 - People epproecitimg the• old age of lige frequently complain of not be- ing able bo sleep well art nights, but it should be mennembsred rat this con- dition is often not ins'onnnia as it is the •eustonl'generally far old people- to take naps through the day. With ad- vancing years, caro should aver be taken to avoid infection, there being o great tendency for old people to de- velop ,bronchitis .gnat pneumonia. To guard against these it is advisable for aged folks to avoid crowded. places and not get overheated or chilled. Sunshine is an excellent tonic at this tine of life as it is at :any stage of existence. When the ;*cart's action shows signs of failing, rest ie. far ,bet- ter than medicines. Moderate exer- cise, graded to suit different ages, ie is inadvisable after youth has passed, is en =count of the blond' pressure in- oraasimg as the yeses go by. That the kind cf exercise one 'bakes in mid- dle life is of importance from a health standpoint is shown by insurance 'companies inquiring into this matter on issuing policier. After all is t:'sid anti dans, youth is only old •age deferred, sand the strenu- oue life, the bubbling vivacity and al- most ceeselees energy of youth can- not help but serve their .purpose in bringing the physical part of our make-up to• n1•ntumity, and. as a natural consequence, previ•de time in after years for the development of the mind •snd the capacity for study and •appli- n•»ti n in the melting of a living. At the *hit stage of life, too, the doetoilds •cf business and prcSes'sional activity necessitates a .considerable 'amount of -exercise which takes the place of organized exercise and play Will the lady sig'nin'g herself "Mrs. G. D,, Bothwell, Ont.," kindly send stamped addressed envelope to Dr. Middleton at the Parliament Build- ings, and he will reply personally, The $ .Lest inventions. For cooking snail amounts of food a coal stave has been invented that is just large enough to stand in a hole of a regular stove. .Hawaiian planters have found that sugar cane tops, formerly regardedlas waste material, make good stock food when properly dried. Improvements le the United States navy's radio station at Cavite enable the transmission of messages to San F'r'ancisco without relay. Of European invention are glass beads so formed that they fit closely together to iusulate wire no spatter in what form it may be bent. Far household use colored glass covers have been invented that can be placed over electric lamps to change the lighting effects of rooms. .An electric street car in Halifax, England, has bean fitted up as a tra- elIing kitchen, selling meals to per- sons w110 live along its route. After years of experimenting a Frencinnan has invented a carding ma- chine with which kapok fibres can be propared for weaving into textiles. The blade of a new safety razor is a circular disk which is revolved by a spring inside the handle, controlled by 0 thumb piece on one side. Porcelain money is being made in Saxony for Iinatemall, which plans to experiment with it in place of the hard, rubber currency now in use there. ' Vertrio heal drawn from a light sachet presses trousers after they are clamped in a new device. A, nev heater -of the crank -operated type can beat a single egg in a cup or leg under their respective flags• whip cream in the bottle in which it is 30111, Experiments with motor scow plows have been so successful in Norway that several municipalities expect 'to use them to keep the 'roads open next win ter. Its inventor has 'patented a. com- bination engagement and wedding ring, the latter part being added at the proper tama to form a single piece of jewelry. The Brazilian Government is erect- ing an ekperirneut station for com- bustibles and aline products and will extensively test coal produced in that country. Raiding the icebergs. The danger from icebergs in the North Atlantic is becoming so great that a destroyer has been .Sent ant by' Britain to .see if it is possible to dis- perse some of these floating ,masses by means of torpedoes. Although this is a new development, iceberg -hunting is a regular part of the work of American Navy vessels. Each year vigorous raids on the Ice - fields aro carried out, The International Ice Patrol, n,s the fleet is cailed, came into existence as the result of the sinking of the Titanic by striking an iceberg in April, 1911 Since then it hits clone mgch good work. On ram than line cccasian ships ii.ave been saved from danger by the patrol's, wireless warnings, The cost of the work is borne by all maritime nations wring the Atlantic, in proportion to tho number of ships sail - The Folly ' o Cheating __ Nature Many -people get the tunity you deserve in idea that they can keep order to do your best their nerves on edge and work, make up your mind their digestion: upset year to quit tea and coffee for after year, and "get away awhile—and drink deli - with it." They sleep only cions, appetizing Postum half as Ulrich as thby instead. should.-- and never get properly and thoroughly Postum permits rested, sound, refreshing sleep which builds strength, energy and endurance.' If, you than out easily, if you aro getting pale and anemic, if your food'. doesn't. digest as it should, wouldit net be well to stop and consider whether teaor coffee is having i"ts effect on you? 'rhe thein and caffeine found in tea and coffee ate drugs, as any doctor Can tell you. Is it any wond er that the steadyuse of these drugs sometimes causes serious damage? Order Postum from your Grocer today. Drink this bet, refreshing bever- age in place of tea or coffee for, 10 days and see what a wonderful . ciif2erence it will make in the way you feel: Postum comes In two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) rriade instantly in the cup by the addition of boilinlr water. Pasture Cereal (10 pathoses of If you 1"selly Want to larger built, for those who pro: tato make the drink while tho be fair with yotiraeN, ant! ,. • meal Is being prepared) rondo give yolrself the oppor by heeling for 20 minutes. Postum for Health "There's si.Xttfasolt" . 104 CROSSSED SEA, BUT .NOW A WRECK ATLANTIC CONQUERED IN THREE AIR. FLIGHTS. Crumpled by a Storm Soon After 'Return to Scotland Prom 1United States. The British 11.34, the first dirigible to Cross the Atiantic,g•barted froze past lrcrtlI e, 'Bootland, July. 1, 1910,, alta landed. at Roosevelt Field, Mineola, Long Island, on the morning of July 6, covering the 3,2'00 miles its 108 ]tour's and 12tminutes. Shia left' New Yorlc on tse..ireturit trip to Scotland July 9 and reached ller 'home pert a few days later. On January 29, 1921, the his- torie craft; which has cost moxe than 91,000,000 to build,.was cut abnoat In two by a violent wind and left a wreck outside her airdrome near Edinburgh% It is recalled that despite elaborate arrangements• two yours ago the men of the 11-34 passed through harrowing. hours when the leviathan of the olouds ran into a shallow atmospheric depres- sion off the coast of Newfoundland, They were then within a few hundred miles of their goal. "Tho weather was terrible," said Major G. H. Ceolce, the navigating of- ficer et the It -34, "It seemed as tlsough the atmosphere was haunted by 5,000 devils: We were- shaken to the core. T,hlat night we hit every- thing—heavy rain, thick fog and low visibility The ship seemed as though she WAS going to break inter bits, rising and falling like a cork on a heavy sea. At timeaehe seamed to stand up thirty degrees into the air. Alll had been fine salting up to that time. The most unusual thing about the entire trip was the extreme violence of the 'bumps' i regions where they were totally unexpected. I consideroil it al- most a miracle that we completed the trip successfully after what we went through. The weather situation on the Atlantic must bo investigated thor- oughly before air travel between Eng- land and America can be made safe and practicable. With the limited in- formation we have now, transatlantic travel is highly dangerous, 'Atlantic Crossed In Air Three Times Three successful air flights• over the wide expanse of the Atlantic were achieved; 000 in a hydroplane, an- other in a biplane and, finally, the third in the 17.-34. The hydroplane, known as the NC -4, one of tour United States naval machines, in charge of Lieutenant Commander Albert C, Itoa.d, loft Trepassey, N.P., May 16, 1919, and reached Hotta, in the Azores in fifteen hours and eighteen minutes, having traversed the 1,200 miles at an average speed of 78.4 knots, Later it flew to Portugal. Prior to the three successful flights alluded to previous attempts has been Made to negotiate "the big pond" through the air. The earliest of these was made by Walter Wellman, Ameri- can journalist and explorer, and Mel- vin Vaninan, On October 15, 1910, in a dirigible balloon called the "Alineri- ca." They started out from Atlantic City, Ni,.with a crew of four men, in- cluding an Englishman, an Australian and Two Americans. Their objective was any point on the coast of England, Ireland or France to which the wind night carry them, After being three days and nights in the air, aailiug 1010 miles and toss- ed about by adverse winds, the party was picked up by the steamship Trent, 875 miles east of Cape Hatteras, half way between New York and Bermuda. Tire dirigible was abandoned at sea. Most Daring Flight Ends in Grief. Flarry G. Hawker, a British aviator, and Lieutenant Commander Macken- zie Grieve, of the British Navy, in a heavier-than-air machine, started from St. Johns, N.F., May 18, 1019, on a nor -stop Right to Ireland. The attempt was generally regarded as the most daring of them nil up to that --time. Hawker and Grieve, atter many hours of peril in the air and struggling against 51001ly conditions, were res- cued in mien ocean by the Danish atoanship Mary, May 111. hawker was killed on July 12, 1921, sited the game line tante on his machine exploded while he was malting a landing at Hen- don, Eng„ flying field. The Spider's Trap. Have you ever seen a spider con- structing his web? It is one of the most intereetiug and most beautiful sights in Nature, Having found a suitable place, he begins first to make the "spokes." The spokes are made of a different Mad of material from the web proper—they are not sticky. Now beglne the teal business of making the trap itself. Starting at one of the spokes, the spider gums down a thread, and then moves in a spiral direction, paying ottt the thread as he goes, It is gullimed firmly down to each spoke, and it is provided with thousands. of tiny drops of guns in be - Wean the spokes. • This guns, secreted by a special gland in the spider, bolds captive airy fly that touches ono of the spiral errands. Round and round goes theespider weaving the sticky, net and spacing its meshes so that no fly can pass be. tween them. As soon as the trap is perfect, .the spider takes tip his position at its centre, layin& each of iia eight legs on one of the spokes. In title way be le able to feel at once 11,10- arrival of a •liy in airy part of the net, IP. Ito captures an fazed tee litrge to be dealt with summarily, he weaves a tine web• round it, and dons not 005150' ,lb close quarters until it is so steam ly bound tlsal. it cannot stove a limb. She. . ,D'dn' t Knees Deans: Grocer ---"We have some very Ilea string beans today." • Mrs, . Nesvlsiia:e--"linty much are they a ,string?" Save the 'lareod sows. Canada is ltlresdy shover of Weeding Steck, GOOD HEAD" `•• • CAN a YOURS If Your Blood Stimiily is Kept Rich and.Red, • 1t is a f rve and moi ey toot. flglrt merelywaste bite osdgntes; of dllse'wsec ir1 the tang run you aro? probably worse 911 than alien you slatted. What is Mr more irnport.aut is; ,that yon should Intelligently exame* the various symptoms• and trite) the oattse, When. you remove the taus', health will be yours, For example, uneemie people 1) ofteft endure months'Of suffering while treating 'its symptoms, =oh as indi- gestlon, s'ltortness at'f breath,' palplta- tion of the heart tu)dlexlraus•tion after any small °inlet, - The epparont stomach and heart troubles are generally nothing more titan the result of an insuiilclent sup- elY.ot Mire blood. Tis anaemic etate May have followed s me previous W- ines., or an attack of influenza; or it may have arisen front overwork,woo' ry or too little Presli air, To obtain good health the simple and proper course is to build up'the blood, but to do this you must select a Tellable remedy with a .reputation such 05 Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. These pills en- rich the blood which carries nourish- ment to all the organs of the body and enables them to do the work nature expects, of them: Thousands of men and worsen have prayed this for them- selves, One of these Is Mrs. T. Flynn, R.R. No. 1, Erinsville, Ont„ who says: "Last spring I got into a badly run down condition. I had ne energy; work left me ,exhausted, and the least exet'tien would make my heart palpi- tate violently. I had often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and decided to give them a trial and got a half dozen boxes. I had not been taking the pills long when I felt a decided improve- ment in my ca•ndition and by the time I had used tate six boxes I could do my housework with ease. I can s•trougly recommend Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills to all weak people." Ydit can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail post- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 92,50 from The' Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. The Eagle Eye of the Forest Airplane. The use of airplanes in forest pro- tective work is bringing to tight some valuable features that had not been anticipated. Most 'forest fires are caused by the carelessness of human beings. It prospectors, hunters, camp- ers, fishermen, and others who go into the woods for business or pleasure could be educated to be always care- ful with their camp fires, their match- es and their Mgai'otte stubs over half the load would be lifted from the shoulders of the fire fighters. This is the reason wily the tire, warning poster is probably the moat important single factor in forest protection. And here carnes in a little psychology in which the airplane figura: When a man camps at a place where a warning against the careless use of fire is con- spicuously posted he careful to put out his Piro, but when he camps at a spot where he seems to bo outside of the range of human touch or observa- tion, he is apt to grow careless and fires are likely to follow iu his trail. One of the Dominion Forestry Branch inspectors, in reporting on his first week's experience in observation from an airplane, records this fact that men camping in the woods or out trout the city for a few days or a week -end are suddenly and effectively reminded of what they ought to do by the appear- ance of an airplane high above them, attending strictly to its business of patrolling the forest. This impression is deepened when the men realize that they and their ctunp have been seen from the airplane. Of this they are certain, when they see a message fluttering clown to thein through the air. They naturally watch where the paper falls arid, if possible; get it. They Lind it a meosags_reminding then that as 'citizens of Canada, they should assist the Forestry Brandt and the Air Board in protecting their ova proper- ty --the forest—by being careful with 11re. As preventing fires is much more economical and oti'•ective than fighting firs, this feature of airplane patrol is of great importance. Health from Sarna. One cf the best ways of recuperat- ing jaded nerves to to walls barefooted aver it long stretch of sand. The nerves of the feet are slightly it'ri- tated by the sand grains, end the blood; being thus stinlullited, circulates more freely. Doctors say that, apat't from tate physical effects, • the mental powers are greatly invigorated by the exer- cise, Their explanation is that the long strotcbes of sand, together with tete absence of noise and other dis- turbances, have a soothing effect on the mind, which quickly responds to the trentnetlt. ' Sere Sam: "Some fellows can think up twenty thing's Pal'•iamcnt ought to do ler them, before they can think of a single thing they ought to do for thetnselves. Ltrii , Minards ozenalber" m � man'sFrlen(1 Gods children Were not nitucie to grovel burl to aspire; to look up,rice down, They were toot made to pinch along in povcrty..but for larger, grander things, Nothing is too good for the dhflde= of the Prince of Peace; noth'ing-'to•o beautiful for hu- man beings; nottting too grand, too ecihlianc, too ragtlificcnt for us to enjoy. • . SPECIAL OFFER Es i 6'qwwo 12 gauge Pump Ono..304011 12nil choice Bnrrei krona •Note. Special Price for 10 close 504.00. THE' D. tIKg Go., tate,' 101 Kati Street Beef "Yeeteito No Pev'tt11t Ne0eeade for British SiNocta, Aqua Regia, Ili th'o oltentistry class we learned Brow aci2s act pit different substances, Sometimes they inalea a mixture that explodes 0r burets 3140 JIaln.es, S(nle- tilnes they eat up the eulrstentee 10 whiah they ante applied, Sentetinleit they act slowly, showing that they do trot have molt bower ever what 11ea been expo -sett to their .action, In the course of our experiments the professor gave us a bit ol; Vold and told us to dissolve it, We tried one acid after another, but none bad any effect on the gold, We loft it all night in the strongest acid We lied, but in the morning It was Just as it had been the algid, before; we aright as well base tried to dts•olve it In water. We tried combinations rof different acids, but still the gold remained unaffected, Filially we told the professor 'that we though gold could not be dissolved. He smiled, "I knew you could not dissolve the gold," be said. "None of the acids that you have there will at- tacic it; but try this," and he handed us a bottle labeled., "Nitro -muriatic Acid (Aqua Regia)." We poured some of the contents of the bottle into the tube that ]geld the piece of gold: And the gold Boat had resisted so easily all the other acids quickly disappeared in the royal water, The gold at last had found its master', The next clay in the classroom the professor asked, "Do you know why It Is called royal water?" "Yes," we replied; "it is because it is the master of gold, which can re- sist almost everything else that can be poured au it." "Boys," said 11e their, "It will not hurt the lesson to -day if I take time to tell you that there is one other sub- stance that is just as impervious as gold; it cannot be touched or changed though a hundred attempts are made upon it. That substance is 'the sinful heart.' Trial and affliction will not break it down; riches' and honor will not soften it; imprisonment and pun- ishment will sot master it. Even edu- cation and culture will not dissolve the sinful heart and purify it of its dross. There is but ons element that has power over it—the blood of Jesus Christ the Saviour, the ague- regia of the soul- Your soulsare precious, in- finitely more precious• than the gold you have been working with. Do not trust your souls to the action of these other iniluences. They cannot touch or change them. But bring them un- der the blood of Jesus Christ and the sia of your soul will ]n3 <R solved away in the precious blood of the Son of God." Eine' Takes Odd Assortment of Luggage. Probably no party that has ever lett London carried a stranger assortment of luggage than did the Emir of Kat- sina the native Nigerian ruler, who left recently for his homeland with his several wives after having had the time of his life In England, While the travellers had no trunks to epealc of they took enough things into their special train compartment to cause a Canadian porter to turn white. There were dozens of packages and bundles done up in cloth, tea pots, pails and colored vases, but the prize bit of luggage was a gigantic copper bathtub which was carried .into the car with great ceremony. It was not stated to what use •the Emir intended to put the bathtub, but the water with which all the pails and teapots were filled, it was explained, would be used by the party before the prayers which they would be compelled to make lu the train. The Emir's wives seemed particu- larly delighted and under their hoods they giggled like schoolgirls and ale buns which had been purchased for then at the station. They were a bit annoyed when the crowd peered in at them through the windows, but they were so delighted with the buns• that Just before the train pulled out nn - other large quantity was bought. The Emir le going hack to attend the Mohammedan festival at Mecca, "But I am coming back;" he said, "and one of the things I am corning back for is to enjoy a day's •huntiug in Eng- land." SUMMER HEAD ON IIARD ON BABY No season of the year is so danger- ous to the lite of little ones as is the stunner. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all Hunan help before the mother realizes he is i11. Summer Is the season when diarrhoea, cholera, intantum, dysentery and colic are most prevalent. Any one of these troubles may prove dead- ly if not properly treated, During the satnmcr the mother's best friend is Baby's Own Tablets, They regulate the 'revels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by sneclicine dealers or bymail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Canadian Forests Publicly Owned. The methods of handling forest lauds In Canada differ radically from those maternally in some other 0oun= tries In Crnoda the different govern- ments sold, and sell sell, the timber to the llnnbel'Imtt sad• lease thein the hind on which the timber grows. In some ooult1los a large po'ecentege of the thnber land is owned outright by private interests. In Canada 98 per cert. of the timber land is own -ad bit the provinces or the Dominion. The prey inels I and federal governments collect in stumpage does and ground rents a revenue of between nine in11= 11011 and torn million dollars per year, No matter whether tine retests are owned by the state or by privllo tor- porati0ns every citizen 15 intoresto:i In their ren; 300 111011 because of the money the1` atilicatien circulates, but (lanailiatss het'e 1112. additional latch. care for (lie forests that 91 trees out of every hundred eat down bring some i 0venfio directly rete tt pe"e. vluctnl (Maury or the 3)011,I3t011 111a - keep Millard's Liniment In the House. Ocean Travel To -defy. We recetltlY had occasion to g0 eve' to the ".01d band." Slaving had tiro pleasure of or'oatting in Manz of the famous ships of different Imes, we, this time, soleetird the Olyinpie, of the White Star Imine, .We certainly made na mistake; Indeed, we wore so pleased with the accommodation pro- vided that we planned our trip to su- tural by the Same ship, in the same ca, 2bin'loe 0lyrnpie, undoubtedly', repre- sents not only the last word, but the very last syllable in (mean travel. Site burns oil, and consequently 010 black smoke and tons of cinders, that usual- ly render the promenade decks of the crack liners almost unusable, are con- splououely absent, Site tines her de. parturohem the other side and the ar- rival on this side, always at the same hour, so that th1 traveller easy abso- lately rely upon keeping his dates al, most to the minute—wind and weather snaking no difference whatever, as she has ample power and speed aiwaya In reserve, rendering Iter aa' dependable as the first class express trains on land, The Olympic, as everyone knows, did such wonderful service in the World War, in the transport of troops, .carrying over 200,000 without the loss of a single life, or the slightest delay through derangement 92 maohlney-- a record of which Commander Sir Bertram F. Mayes, K.C,M.G., R,D., 1t,N,I1, and Chief iingineer A. Ferguson, O,B,E., have every reason to be proud. Previous to Iter being taken over by the Admiralty in April, 1917, she had carried many thousands of passengers safely through the sub- marine infested waters, and performed some gallant feats of rescue work, notably that of the entire crew of H.M.S. "Audacious," and the attempt- ed salvage of 1110 ship herself off the coast of Ireland. It was hardlypossible to imagine you were at sea, when seated in that great dining saloon, capable of accom- modating 500 persons, and dining as luxuriously as It is only possible to do in the very finest and most famous restaurants in Loudon, Paris or New York, The cheerful, willing service leaves positively nothing to be de- sired by the most exacting travellers. The White Stat' Line, evidently in- tends to keep ahead too, for not only is the Olympic, of 40,439 tons, the largest steamship afloat in the world, but they are now building an even larger vessel, the "Majestic," of 50,000 tons, which will shortly take her place on the ocean ferry. -Toronto Truth. ASPIRIN Only "Bayer" is Genuine Warning! Take no cbancee with substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tab- lets of. Aspirin." Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tab- lets you aro not getting Aspirin at all. In every Bayer package aro directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Mem. matis•m, Earache, Toothache, Lum- bago and for Pairs. I•Iandy tin boxes of twelve tablets cc,st few cents. Drug- gists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of. Bayer Manufacture of Mouoaoeticacidestor of Salloyilcacid. Why the Prairies Are Treeless. It is impossible to say what the exact causes are which, operating for eeutnries, have produced this result (lack of trees on the prairie), but it is generally thought b,v those who have given some attention to the sub- ject, that a large part of 'what is now prairie was not originally so; In fact there is direct evidence to show that at least some district, which are now treeless wre originally well timbered. Undoubtedly the chief agency which little by little, has caused the prairies to encroach on the timbered area is the frequently recurring pralrle fire. It is well known to those tnnlillar with the country lint, it flros are kept out of a distr'lut for e number of year's, small bluffs of poplar spring up all around the sloughs end low places, which if not disturbed ,grarinaliy 01 - tend till eventually a formerly treeless district becomes well timbered. From this it would seem that had Rtes not been so prevalent an the past, the tim- bered areas would be much more ex- tensive than they are itt present. The fact stilt remains, However, that there aro iuunehse trects of land absolutely treeless which can unly be utilized to their fullest advantage after a certain measure of protection is afforded by the presence of belts or plantations of trees,—Norm= 151, Ross: Dominion Forest Nursery Station, Indian dead, Seek, What One of the Beat Known • Travellers in Canada Says. "Now 1 nm going to give you stn 1 - sollelt0d testimonial as they say In the patent medicine ttdVei'tisbng. 1leretotbre f. MVO ltd a prolound contempt for, pa- tent medial nes. particularly so-called - ]IMin enls. Perhaps this Is 2 us to the reason that I hav0 been blessed With a sturdy constitution, and have never been 111 a day in my life thio stay last fall itf tor a hard day's tramp in the slush of Montreal. I developed e, severe pain In my legs and 05 Coarse 1 Ise••a man whu', has never had anything wrong with him physically, I complained rather bolster=, busty. 'rho good' little trite ane I will 01,15 them with Gam0 liniment I hal...'. Co ahen.tl,' 1 said, Just to humor leer. Well, in she COMPS with a bottle et n DBtnaril a hiltisnent and gels busy, 130.1 lieVe me the nalrt disappeared a fowl Minutes after, n.nd YOU ran tell the world 1 w," 15illac1.)00IrISANK 15 3011N$,llelltreah Panama naivetes tes one. of the greatest of geographic jokes 053 those -f 110 Who visit it. The direction n . i 0 canal. Iran the Atlantic to the PI -tellies' ie- from northwest to southeast, irntl nit Atlantic end is actually farther west. than .the. Pacific: ond, 1lnotiler •I cogt'0phio puzzler is, that :from Port- land, lattiliiie, you 131lst 441.i1 south of roast to �t by Ilio tip of of biova ONTARIO WOMAN GAINS 32 POUNDS GIVES TANLAC CREDIT FOR FINE HEALTH, Says She Only Weighed 9& Pounds When She Regan Taking It. "I only weighed 98 pounds when I started oa Taulac, but I now weigh 130 aid am fooling 1lko a different per• son„” died Mrs, Frieda iirylgea, 818 John St, North Hamilton, Ont. "I underwent an operation four years ago and over since then I have been in a very weak and rundown eon - Mimi. My stomach was so upset that I could hardly eat a morsel of solid food and I got so thin people told me I looked like I was starving. I was very weak and my nerves' were so 5111 - strung that I could got but very little sleep at night. ' "That was my condition when I got hold of Teasley, but five bottles of the medicine have simply traraformod are. Why, I have actually gained 32 pounds in weight and am feeling simply flue. "I have a splendid appetite and can eat whatever I want and never suffer a particle from indigestion. My nerves are steady, I steep wolf at night and am so much stronger that I can do my housework with ease. "It is nothing leas than marvelous holy Teslac has built me up and I take pleasure in making this statement for the benefit of others." Tanlac is sold by loading druggists everywhere. Adv. Beggars' Hotel in China. In all large cities in China aro ho- tels patronised excluslvelyby beggars'. . Mlnard's Liniment used by Physicians. A swarm of locusts 'have been known to land en. 'a ship 1n mid- Atlantic, 1,200 miles from land. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, France's Papulation este d:cereasel 2,500,000 •since 1911, without reckon- ing Alamo Lorraine anti Algeria. Ask for Minard's and take no other. Among the stores in a great Allarl- tie liner far one voyage will be 170,000 pounds of meat, 50 trays of potatoes, and 5,000 pounds of butter. ♦morian'a Pioneer Dag itemanres rank art DOD DISEASES and liow to Feed Maned Free to any Aa - ,dress by the Author. GIty plover 00., 0ca. 313 West 31st Street New York, U.S.A. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Caa'locs TORONTO SALT iw0R9te 61<..0 01377 - 'rOrieNTO Len Cutiettra Be Yo'ui! First Thought Always When the art signs at minutes..rcanese, or roughness appear; smear gently wall Cuticunl Ointment to soothe and heal, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water to cleanse and Purify. Finally dual on the refreshing Cuticura Talcum, n deli• cutely medicated oaquisitely scented paw• der. It used for every -day toilet purposes, Cute.; sradoesmuchtoie avantsltitttrouble, $aaa20e eletmoa 25and50a TaleavaSt, Sold throu,ghouttheDoninlon. CanadionDepot: Lrman., Limited, 344 Sc Panr$t.,.W..„Idactts,d. p`,rF7 •Catia»m Soap obavea withoutemue. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN This is a Short- Letter Bea 1'� Proves the Re ialtrility e& Lydia E. PijtltGlitun's Vega.: table Compound. Beetle. ISSUE Bothwell Ont... --'t was weak anti run down, had appetite asusi was ner3 vow. Tbenursewhu took eacc of me told Jere to try. Iiydig E. I'$nitlldin.b Vege- table Eonipersnd, and noror 1: ism get- tingstcong. ir'ecom- mend your medicine to my' friend's, and yen may use any testimonial, 0'—Mrs. W. J.Braciy-, It. IL 2, A. Bothwell, Ont. myth , The resson why 1,7 is 10. Pinkl,am's Vegetable Com - 1 ound is so successful Jar overcoming weapon's 111s is because it contains the tonic, strengthenit g properties of good old-fashioned roots and herbs, which act on the female Organism, Women fra"h1 all parts of the country are con- tinually testifying to its strengthening, bonefleial lrrtluenee, and es it COMreilI.s 310 nar'eotitss or harmful dugs it is a sn fo modiehic for Women. If you want special advice write I,ydia 11, Pinkbam Mcdsciue lid'cntial), Lynn. Mass. Your letter will'bo apeilad1 read, slid answered, by wotsion onlji: ' ISSUE 1Co.