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1 hat Benefit
Our glasses and the fitting of thew to the
eyes, are pronounced entirely satisfactory.
When worn, they aid the vision and prevent
the brain from becoming over -tired; and when
the glasses are taken off, the brightness of the
eyes shows that the sight has been benefited.
Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Snort
Money in Your Pocket
Special sale for two weeks of
Men's Work Shirts and.Men's Odd Pants
at old time prices. Come and look them over
Murray McEwan, Merchant Tailor
Walken Block,' 12-2
The Clinton NewssRecord.
IBoanty Comfort
9i Alas hese
About 50 pair Womens Pumps, Oxfords and Strap
Slippers,—Odd lines and broken sizes that sold up to
$6.00 a pair, Kid and. Patent -leather, mostly sizes.
22 to 4 at 1.95, 2.5:•I' and 3.519 a pair
Balance of White shoes and Tennis shoes clearing
at less than cost.
Small Boys Bltiomers, sizes 2, 3 and 4 years
to clear at 35c a pair
A few dozen liens Cotton drawers
at 45c a pair
Also clearing prices on balance of
Seemlier goods
Plumsteel Bros.
The Pilot Superior Pipeless WarmAirFurnace
Nature's way of Heating your House
Only One Register.
IlAr. Robert Snaith
14Mr, Frank Gibbs
Cold air being heavier than warns
air, falls, and the falling of this cold
air displaces the warm „air and driven
it through the house. ' It will heat
your whole house in every nook and
corner. Keep fresh, warm, moist air
in constant circulation, lessening the
danger of colds, coughs and dry,
raspy throats. It will keep the floors
warm, making .it safe for children to
play oh floors anywhere in the house.
It will bring health and comfort to
you and your family. Only one
opening in the floor to cut. No pipes
to duals under or bump your head
Burns hard coal, soft coal, coke or
Vegetables and fruit may be
store`cl within a few feet of it—it
,heats the house, not the cellar, If you
need a furnace let us figure with you.
A few references:—
Mr. Frank Lobb Mr. Thomas Lindsay
Mr. Thomas Glazier Mr, D. Munroe, Bracefield
Hardware, Stoves and Novelties
The Store With a Stock
tviTen Reasons why You Should Buy
CJ ;irr.Q 1
The Diminion Steel Products Company, Limited, absolutely guar-
antees the performance of each machine leaving the factory,
All the houshold appliances, washer, sweeper, churn, cream sep-
arator, electric iron, toaster, etc., can bo operated from its power,
It is built to the highest standard possible.
Only the large Prest-O-Lite Battery is used (100 ampere hours,
8 hour rating,'
All DOMINION LIGHT Plants will carry their guaranteed load
easily and in addition have a large reserve of power..
You cannot afford to be without eleetrfe light,
During the longest winter nights one quart of coal oilper day
will provide ample light for hones and barn—fire risk eliminated.
If you buy Canadian Made Gooses, Canada has both the money
and the machinery,
It is Canadian Matte by a Canadian company.
Prices are at Bock Bottom now.
Satter & Perdue
Tlie W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest -Always the Beet
A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist,
an Honour Graduate of the Canad-
ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto.
Goderieh, Ont, Office hours: 9 a.rn.
to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye.
Mrs.- Robson is visiting relatives and
friends at Paris.
Miss Agnes Walker left this week for
her school at Clifford.
Mrs. E. G. Courtice and Miss Hattie
are in Toronto this week attending
the big Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Evans are spen-
ding -a few days this week with
Sarnia friends.
Misses Ethel Boucle and Lolo Iludle
aro spending this week in London
and Port Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinnon and
Miss Kathleen return to their hone
at Sault Ste. Marie this week.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Gandier, who have
been holidaying in Toronto and at
other points east, have returned
Mrs. James Ross and daughter, Miss
Annie Ross, of San Francisco, Cal.,
are visiting at the hone of Mr. J.
T. Harland and with ether: friends
and relatives in town.
Postmaster and Mrs. Densmore of
St. Thomas have been visiting the
lady's parental home that of Coun-
cillor and Mrs. W. T. Paisley, and
. with other relatives during the
past week.
Elton and Mrs. Rozell and four sons,
Clinton, were in town last Satur-
day calling on' relatives and old
friends. lir, Rozell was a former
well remembered resident of this
locality.—Brussels Post.
Mrs. R. J. Cameron and daughter,
Miss Arabell, and 7? Tasters Ken-
neth and Stewart of Rocanville,
Sask.. are Waiting the lady's sis-
ters, Mrs. W. C. Farquhar and
Mrs. J.' R, Taylor of town.
Mr. John McIntosh returned to his
home in the west on Saturday. He
visited friends in Eastern Ontario
for a time, coating up for the
Golden Wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carter last week,
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wasman returned
this week to Toronto, after spen-
ding the vacation with their par-
ents here, Mr: and Mfrs. Wasman
wished to get settled in their new
home before school bpeus next
• Iveelc,
Miss Blanche Shepherd returns to Ot-
tawa this week to be ready for
the opening of school. Mrs. Shep-
herd accompanies her as far as
Toronto. where she will visit her
son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Shepherd.
Misses E. M. and Doreen Stephen-
son left Monday for' Port Arthur,
where they will resume teaching
at once, the schools opening there
today, Sept. 1st. Mr. Stephenson
will probably go up later so that
they will be together during the
Sept, H. B. Chant of the Public Utit-
sties was in Norwich hast Thurs-
day looking into the working of a
Dump in connection with their
waterworks system. Incidentally,
he heard Premier Drury and oth-
ers speak at a 1,J,. F. 0. picnic in
that town.
Mr. M. Mortensen and family, who
have been visiting friends at Blyth
for a couple of weeks were in Clin-
ton on Tuesday on their way home
to Marlette, Mich. They had a
most enjoyable trip coming and
were anticipating a pleasant jeur-
ney home.
Mr, Jacob Taylor of Toronto is in
town this week Mr. Taylor tikes
to cone up and Iodic after his bus-
iness interests •here occasionally
and, incidentally, enjoy a' game of
bowls on the local green, with old
friends. He wishes to be home for
the York 'Bowlers' Tournament on
Saturday, however.
31r, and Mrs. Broadbent 'left for
their home at Thornhill. Man., on
Saturday alter spending six
weeks or so with the lady's sister.
Mrs, Ed. Carter. They also visit-
ed a woelc with friends at Blyth,
Londeshoro and Walton. The
went by boat and intended stop-
ping off in Winnipeg for a few •
Rev. 3, A. Agnew, formerly pastor
of the 'Ontario street church, Clin-
ton, stopped off on bis way
through town last week on his
way to Lucknow and spent a few
hours with his wife; and family,
Who have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. 3. Livermore. Mr. Agnew
conducted anniversary services at
' Whitechurch en Stnlrlav afterranoir
find "evening, preaching in Ltici
now in the morning,
News from Breezg Hayfield
Mr, 'Wili.ar Bogue of 'Windsor has •
pur.ehasecl the fine summer residenee
of Mr. W. Johnston, London, pp.130r.
field Terrace, formerly owned by Dr,
Mr. Sul3pniak of Detroit has pps-
ehased from Ma', W, dowels • tine lot
next hie place of residence on Bayfield
Terrace, where he`will .emet a eot-
Mr. and Mrs, 3, McEvoy and fa'ne-
ily of London -haste taken a cottago in
White City for a week.
Rev, J. Stuart of London occupied
the Pulpit of St. Andrew's church on
Sunday last in the absence of the pas-
tor, Rev, A. Macfarlane, who was at
Rev, A. Macfarlane will exchange
pulpits with Bev, Jas. Abr•ey of Lon-
desbora on Sunday, next. Service in
the evening at seven o'clock instead
of seven -thirty.
Mr. and Mrs. A„Smith of. Strat-
ford were the guests of Mr. •and Mrs.
D. Sturgeon on Sunday last.
• Mr, E. A. Sander of Kitchener spent
the week -end with his family at their
summer cottage on Catharine St.
Rev. R, H. Gairdner of Lorraine,
Ohio, occupied the pulpit of Trinity
church on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Shannon and Mr.
and Mrs. John Taylor of Walton were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs.- W. H.
Robinson at their summer home on
Tuyll St.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Harding and
family of London spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ii. Robinson at
their summer home.
Mrs. Kirk and daughter, Miss ,Kirk,
of Toronto are spending a week with
Mrs. James Sturgeon,
Mr, and Mrs. Williams and fam-
ily of Wingham are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. S. 33, Chapman at their sum-
mer home, "Ever Rest” in Lake Side
Mr. Yenclell of London is the guest
of Mr. Herd at their summer cottage
on the Terrace.
Miss Elva • Little, Winthrop, Is
spending a few days with Mrs. W. 11.
Robinson at her summer home on
Tuyll street.
Messrs, W. T. Box and Son of Sea-
tertb have purchased a lot from Mrs.
Campbell on Delevan street and will
erect two or three cottages on the
property in the spring, '
Misses Bessie Murphy, Alice Nairn,
Emily Ford, Eilene Munnings, Gladys
Ginn and Jessie Foster, with Miss
Isabella Foster as chaperon, are camp-
ing on the flats near the harbor.
Ilir. V. A. Burt and wife (nee Lulu
Baker) returned from their honey-
moon this week to spend a few days
at the bride's home in the village be-
fore leaving for their home at London
Miss Minnie Ker, who has been
spending the past week with her
aunts, Mrs. Darrah and 'Mrs. Davi-
son returned to her home at Brant-
ford en Wednesday of this week.
Mr. Lloyd Hodgins of Stratford has
purchased a lot from Miss Simpson
on Bayfield Terrace and will erect a
Cottage in the spring,
An erroneous impression seems to
have been given in last week's paper
regarding sites for summer cottpges.
There are still plenty of excellent
sites along the lake and river front
and they are being bought up right
along by those who know Bayfield's
advantages as a summer resort. Bay-
field has had a pros successful sea-
son and it is expected that nebt year
will see a continuation of the boom.
Mrs. Thornton, Goderieh,` is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Cowie.
, TII URSI)AY, SE 1st, 1:9U '!
.1\1t•, and Mt'sr W, Rim's of Pittsburg
are the guests of his parents, ;Mr.
and Mrs, M. Ross.
Mi. and Mrs. Thornton of Detroit
spent a few bays the past week In
the village.
Mr, and Mira. James Cameron and
family, Toronto, are spending a few
weeks holdlays with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Thomas Cameron.
Mrs, Geo, King, who spent the
past six weeks in the west, returned
home Tuesday.
Mrs, Riley and Misses Lillian and
Mary Janis, the former's sister, Miss
Berrie Marks of. Minneapolis ante their'
cousin, Mr. Geo. Shattitcic of Los An-
geles, Cal., are spending a week in
the village. Mr, Shattuck, who is a
son of a Bayfield old girl, formerly
Miss Clara Sellers, made the entire
trip from Los Angeles by auto. He
left there on June 8th and has been
visiting at various pointq•,In the Limit-
ed States and Canada, and has found
it to be a most' interesting and pleas -
tint way to travel.
*, * ._.
(Heid over from Iast week)
Bayfield held its first regatta on
Saturday afternoon and it was such
a success that it will likely become
an annual event. Some excellent ex-
hibitions of skill were given, espec-
ially in• the diving events. The vil-
lagers and summer residents, to-
gether with visitors from 8foderich,
Seaforth, Clinton and IIensall lined.
both sides of the harbor to witness
the interesting events. _ The races
wore without mishap and were hotly
contested. The following are the
prize -winters:
Men's doubles—Gem and Jack At-
kinson, Detroit; E. Chapman, Lon-
don, and R. Brownlee, Toronto,
Ladies' doubles—M. McTaggart
and E. McTaggart, Clinton; D. Hod-
gins, Stratford and 1I, McMillan,
Mao's singles—II. Brownlee, Tor-
onto; J. Atkinson, Detroit.
Ladies' singles—E. McTaggart,
Clinton; M. McTaggart, Clinton.
Gunwale raee—W, Reid, Detroit;
J. Atkinson, Detroit.
Mixed doubles—G. Atkinson, De-
troit, M. McTaggart, Clinton; Miss
Wallace, Goderieh, M. McKellar,
Crab race—W. Reid, Detroit; J.
Atkinson, Detroit.
Bees, 16 and under—Upthegrove,
Girls, 16 and under ---H. Monk -
house, Toronto; M. McTaggart, Clin-
Boys, under 12--R. Daly, London,
B. Glass. London.
Ladies' open race—M. McTaggart,
Clinton, E. McTaggart, Clinton,
Men's open race—Upthegrove, C.
Mustard, Toronto.
Boys, under 14—Hearcl, London, R.
Daly, London.
Ladies open race—M. McTaggart,
K. Partridge, London.
Men—G. Atkinson, Detroit; W.
Reid, Detroit.
Relay race—Won by North beach,
W. Reid, G. McTaggart, W. Greig,
C. Mustard.
The following gentlemen kindly
acted as judges: S. Frank Glass, M.
P., London; 'Geo. McTaggart, Clin-
ton; Dr. Partridge, London; Rev. A.
Macfarlane, Bayfield; W. Bong,
Windsor; Lloyd Hodgins, Stratford.
Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Johnston and
family have returned from a vacation
at Brigden and Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holmes and
family of Brampton motored up on
Saturday and spent a few days with
Mr. J. R. and Miss Holmes and with
Goderieh friends.
Mrs. M. W. Howell and Miss Mary,
who have just returned from a visit
at St. Thomas. and Miss Jennie
Holmes of Clinton, visited. Mr. and
Miss Holmes on Tuesday,
Iter. and Mrs. F. S. B, T-Inlnes and
family of Toronto are visiting this
week with Mr. and Miss Holmes,
The Goderieh township Beef Ring
held its annual winching up nneetnt^'
in ITohnesville on Friday Last. On
balancing up the books it was found
that the season had been a most suc-
cessful one.
Mrs. Wnt. Bodour and her mother,
Mrs. Butler, haev retuned after
spending a 'few days with Teeswater
and St. Augustine friends.
Hullett Township
The Snells are exhibiting sheep at
the Canadian National Exhibition,
Toronto, this year again. Messrs, H.
R. and•Eph. Snell taking down some
fine specimens last week. Snell and
Sons have sold a number of good
sheep lately to buyers in New York
State and other places, one of the
ewes- on exhibition at Toronto being
sold to the proprietor of Wawbeek
Farm, North Bangor N. Y. Mr. J.
A. Currie of Har twick, N.Y., bought
two and Mr. L J Battu idge of Perry,
N. Y., three. Two sheep were also
sold to Mr. J. Purcell of Huntington,
Que., an old customer.
Mr. James Snell goes to Toronto
today, asthe stayed over to hear Hon.
Mackenzie Ring and Dr. Boland, who
spoke at Seaforth yesterday evening.
Miss Mary Snell, who has been
spending a few weeks at her home:
here, has gone to Essex to nurse a
Miss Edith Delmaa'e of Detroit is
visiting her mother, Mrs, Duhnagc,
in the,,villitge, also her brothers in
Miss Emma Mann: spent a few
days with her aunt and. uncle, Mr.
and urs, Ib. Tudor..
Master Harold Coleiough spent a
couple of weeks as the guest of his
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Johan
Mann. m
School will commend° on Tuesday
morning., Sept. 0th.
Mr. M. Mortensen and family, who
have been visiting at the home of
Mr. Fred Austin for the past couple,
of weeks, left Tuesday for their
home at Marlette, Mich. They made
the journey both ways by auto, en-
joying the trip very much.
The farmers are getting well on
.with their threshing in this section,
bht the oats are very light. The
other crops are turning out not so
bad, its fact, the corn is a bumper
crop, some of it being ton.fect high.
`Che potatoes are a poor crop here as
elsewhere and bugs are just stripping
the beans. The fruit crop is also
very light and of a rather poor qual-
Staff Captain and MA. Lewis, af-
ter spending twenty years in India,
will lecture on "India. Its People and
Its Problems in
Thursday Evening, Sept. 15th
The spealcet;s will dregs in Indian
costume; sing in the Indian language
and will also have some curios to ex-
A free will offering will be taken
Betts' Bakery
Closed Monday
Monday next being Labor Day my
bakery and store will be closest all
Notice to the Public
I have retired front the hardware
business but .i intend continuing my
electrical work here and would re-
spectfully solicit a continuance of
the patronage of tho people of Clin-
ton and surrounding community who
etre in need of anything its my line,
All orders left int my residence,
Huron street, will receive prompt at-
Phone 151w .. u i 1. r�12 3
Re Preparod with the Goods
Then Let the People
Know About The .
-isr - "mze a une.-cel,
a t r
Thatisay to
Push Business
That's what we are now doing : We
are followring our own advice.
The News -Record
Job Department
Can supply you with neat, well -printed
job work of all kinds.
Do not send out of town for anything in
the printing line until you have
consulted us.
Ask us about a
Special Offer in Regaud to,
Counter Cheek Books
Give us your next order.
Have you any use for
Wedding Stationery'
if so, we have it. Printed in textt or
script, on good paper, and with
two sets of envelopes
klllloincement to the Public
Having taken over the business for:the past year
conducted under the firm name of Corless tl>, Vennel,
1' am prepared to cater to all who are in need of any-
thing in the hardware line. As I am discontinuing
the electrical line. all stock now on hand will be sold
at a reduction. I shall continua to carry a full line
of hardware, and hope to merit a share of the public
patronage which I now solicit,
Respectfully yours,
Geo. T. Jenkins Ford Dealer
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto.
AUG. 27
To be opened by
Lord Byng of Vimy,
Canada's new
Color of the
Gaiety of a
Mardi Gras
Comiilete expositions
of Canada's resources,
skill of men,
f o
we ltlt
— inclusive — SEPT. 10
"OVER HERE"—Super Pageant of Regal
Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's.
Origin, Growth and Achievements.
Performers—Music—Fine Arts ---World's
Largest Collection of War Photographs—
Thrillers of Many Kinds®Fireworks on a
larger scale than ever before—Scores of.
Features only to be seen 'at Toronto.
Canada's Greatest Lice Stock and Forme
Display ---Machinery and Equipment of
Endless Design for increasing theictency
of the Farm and the Comfort of the Nouse,
Reduced Pares on Ah Linos of Travel'
.f OEtN (t KE$1', RO0t, fi1,CiVfi1NG
Managing Dir.otol , PrSJstosit: