HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-9-1, Page 5'TOURS SEPT. SEPT. 1st, 1921 Cli!atan News.Rec."rd Of Interest to You and Me The Street Paihvey Commission of 'Toronto is going -to charge children .a}ceoxcling to height, Anther than age, h} ,future, We'd suggest that they be charged ascending to width, • I,wro If women are appointed to 'life tWill itill hardly be the ecmreet thing any. longer to contemptuously - refer to it as "a buneh of old vein - en," the deal' ladies might take at - too literally and he Offended, M 0 0 M , It has been ' rather amusing to -watch the newspapers opposed to the Dominion Governinent fixing 'things 'up so that no matter whether or net an election is held the Government :eau be proved to be in the wrong. * 0 0 0 The shortest route .we know to a certain sort of notriety for. a news- paper or an individual •is for them • to express a slight disagreement with a person, or some doubt of a party, of which they have hitherto been supporters, a +k 0 * The councillors of the village of Acton. have voted themselves remun- eration for their services. They 'Were copying the members of par- liament, who have never shown much shyness about seeing that their own bread was amply buttered. . • t . • The Midway is not even midliaxy ibetween decency and indecency. as other midways sometimes are.—To- ronto Star. That's right. There's nothing mid - Way about it,it goes the 'whole we e+, > so we judge from what we've hearer. "The editor of the average coun- try weekly," remarked Mr. Roy Sayles at the meeting of the Perth and Iluron Press Association at God- erieh- last week, "uses his pencil too exclusively for writing, not enough fur figuring'." m +. a Come to think of it, why shouldn't everybody be charged according to width, or weight? • We once saw the late Dr Beattie Nesbit rise in a• 'crowded street car and offer his seat to a lady and two ladies sat down gratefully in the space. While there niav' be a fte\d'people. who cliscl:'niin llank•desire'for'nea4spa- per fame --there are others who''W311 go' quite a length to obtain it. A man over in Kansas -City admitted the oth- er day to havin'ge confessed, belonging to a fake assassination gang, 'giving as his reason that he "just \vautecl to get his name' in the newspapers." a a a a • The worst is about to' happen. Nellie McClung is advocating that Mrs. Murphy, "Janey Canuck," be appointed to the senate. Looks as if man might as well throw up his unavailing hands ;and quit. With women invading the senate there is not a spot left in which he can sit down in peace with the assurance that he will be left in undisturbed possession. m . ,r . Hon. Lionel H. Clarke. Lieut -Gov- ernor of Ontai.-io, died at Government House, Toronto, on Monday after- noon. He had been ill for some time and his death was not unexpected. On his appointment to his high office Me, Clarke said it was his intention to make Government House "Thor- oughly democratic, an institution to which all the people of the Province shall have free access, regardless of -their station in life," a Section three of the Adolescent School Act, compelling school atten- dance up to the age of sixteen, goes into effect today, Sept. lst.'The peo- ple have been warned of this for months and everybody, parents and school boards, should be prepared. It is not the intention that the en- forcement of this law t shall be a hardship but the Minister of Edu- cation purposes that the law shall be enforced, gradually but without undue delay. The boy or girl under sixteen who is not attending school after today will have to be able to 'give the reason why. et YOUNG GODERICF TOWNSHIP FARMER WEDS STANLEY TOWNSHIP "GIRL YESTERDAY A pretty wedding took place at ' The 'Willows, the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Tough, Stanley town- .ehip, at .noon yesterday, when their niece, Bessie Isabelle, became the bride of Mr. George Milton Stcepe, son of the late J. G. Steepe of God- erich township, and of Mrs. Steepe of Clinton. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, wore a handsome snit of navy blue tricotine with bodice of sand georgette and a corsage bou- -quet of Sweeheart roses. The brid- al couple stood during the ceremony before a bank of flowers and ferns. They were unattended. The Rev, Mr. Lundy of Kippen performed the. ceremony. Mrs. Lundy played the wedding music. After the ceremony and when con- gratulations had been extended to the young couple by those present the newly -wedded pain and the guests; :' who consisted • of members of the two families only, sat down to the tvedding luncheon. Later Mr. and Mrs. Steepe left on the afternoon train from Clinton for a honeymoon trip to Toronto., 'tri their return they will reside en .Pleasant View :Marron on the Bayfield road. Congratulations and good wishes are extended, •Stanleg Township Mr, and Mrs. Richie and •family of Lucknow have been visiting Mrs. Itie]1lo's sister, Mrs. George Coleman 'of Parr Line, over the week -end. Wedding bells Will again be ring- ing on the Parr Line this week, Rev, Mr, Foster and family of Var.. na are spending their holidays around :Parkhill, The .Varma lnripit was * eupied by Mr, Will Robinson of Gosh• • en line -last Sunray. Mia James Reid and daughto}+, Miss Enke), ,haXaretU returned. from a tWO MOW visrt'with- Prillie friends. Afy, Auld Mos,.:.N. Stuuiereeek spent Sunday at the home, of Mr, -Alex, NI". sons, Niles, Pearl Taylor, vile has"been teaching on Parr Line, has ,aeeopted a position on the Brussels- eelulol stab', which 'carries a good salary, Iter sis- ter, Miss Ruby,•takos:the Parr line school, At the oxarelnatio} held in July by F. L. Wiligoose of the London- Con, servitor,., of Music, Ruby lirratt was successful in 'taking 1st class honors in 2nd grade theory and within two marks of lst class honors in 3rd grade piano, The young lady is to bo con- gratulated, Dr. Wesley Jackson of Philadelphia returned home on Saturday last, af- ter Gter spending three weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Jackson, - Misses Annie and Abbie Stewart spent the week -end with their aunt, Mrs, Will Spear of Highgate, London )Bad - ,Mrs. Fred Nott is visiting be: Ma- ter, Mrs. Jackson of Blyth. • Miss Nellie Medd is spendin;;• the last week of her vacation as the •guest of Mo, and Mrd. G. W. Layton, Mr. and Mrs, John Layton of I'et- erbor°, who have been spending a 'couple - of weeks holidaying with friends ]hereabouts, returned home •Saturray. They made the trip by motor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nott and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Layton were in Mit- chell on Sunday. The sympathy of the people of the con-imtmity is extended to Mr, and Mrs. N. J. LeBeau in the death of their little 'son, Foch, aged three, who passed away on Sunday, The little fellow had never been very strong or robust.. Mr. and Mrs. Chowen of Lucia called on the Waldron family on Mon- day. A number of London Road people picnicekd at Bayfield on Thursday last and report an enjoyable time. A'7e1'ri?9ges STISEI'E-TOUGH-At The Wil lova, •Stanley' township, on Aug. Rist. by the Rev. '.VIr•. Lundy, Bes- sie Isabelle Tough, to George Mil-' ton Steep°. - CANTELON—LAIT{E=-In Toronto, on Aug. 27th, Mabel Lake to Harold R. Cantelon, third son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Cantelon of Clinton. .. Births CAMPBELL—In Wingbam, on Aug- ust 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Campbell, a daughter. ANDREWS—In Seaforth on August 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ae- drews, a daughter. Deaths LADD—In Clinton, on Aug. 31st, Mrs. George Ladd, aged 63 years and 3 months. LIVERMORE—At Memorial Hospit- al, Niagara Falls, N. 'Y., on Aug. 28th, as result of an accident, Dan- iel ivermore of Clinton, aged 42 years and two months. KIDD—At Godeeieh, on Aug. 25th, Joseph A. Kidd, son of the late Jos- eph Kidd of Dublin, Ont., in his 6011 year. IN MEMORIAM GREALIS—In proud and loving 'memory of Pte, Clifford Grealis, who was killed in action at Bois- Dewert on Aug. 27th, 1918. • "When days are dark' and friends are few, O Clifford how we long for you. . —Sadly missed in the home." GREALIS-In loving' memory of Dora Grealis, who died Sept, 1st, 19101 "Only those who loved and lost can realize the bitter cost." —Mother. CUR IIE—In loving memory of Pte. ,I{onheth Currie of Bayeld, who cried in France on Aug, 13th, 1918. "It is 'a beautiful belief, that ever round our head, Are hovering on angle wings, the spirits of the dead," —Mother and sister. NOTICE Section 485, Criminal Code. Everyone who, without. lawful au- thority, the, proof of which lies on hint, possesses, keeps, sells or deliv- ers any public stores, bearing• any such mark as before said, knowing then3 1 bear such Mark is guilty of an indictable, offence and liable on conviction on inditenient to one year's imprisonment. All military clothing must be re- turned to Lt. -Col. 11. B. Combe be- fore Sept. 6th, 1921., Military cloth- ing has been offered for sale in Clin- ton (illegally) and the possession of these or any military clothing will render the possessor liable, Stanley Voters' List The Voters' List, 1921. :Cot' the Township of Stanley, County of Hun, - on. Notice, is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons Mentioned in. section 9'of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies of the list., made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the, last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at el- ections of members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections and that the said list was first post- ed up in my office, Stanley tp., on the 81st day of August, 1921 and re- mains there :for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to exam- ine said list and if any errors or omissions are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the same corrected . according to law, Dated at Stanley this 131st day of August, i) 21,' E, Ittrnwe1I, Mun- icipal icipal Clerk..—13.8 14. .l. Porter's Hill Mr, and Mrs, 'Wan, Mair and chil- dren a ard Byron 44d. neo 0 Weston o.London-anent-4.1,10w days with Mrs, Jehn Coxof the(th 001,, and •Mrs. Wilson of „Detroit have moved into Mr,•Viete. j+Blunt,s house, Mr, Duncan Martin of Bayfield Is spending a few days at Mr. Sterling McPhail's, M.rs`, Weston is up st i{inlough and Kincardine spending - a month With friends, Mr. Ernie Vandenburgh motored up to Kincardine Saturday, acconlpani3d by Mr, and Mrs.. Geo, Munk. He took Mrs, Wes, Vandenburgh and children hem to Kincardine after spending a month with friends around here and Holm esville. Miss ,Knight of Gedorich'iii spend- ing a few days with Miss Norma Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Trewa rtha of I•Iolmosville spent Sunday at Mr, John McClure's Miss Pearl Edwards returned, home again aftera couple of weeks visit with friends around Clandeboye and London. REAL) THE NEWS -RECORD "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER" FOR NEWS 013' CLINTON AND HURON COUNTY Mall Contract . Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, 01 -Friday, the 23rd September, 1921, for the convey- ance of His Majosty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, 12 times per week over Bayfield. No. 4 R. R. and between Bayfield P. O. and G. T. Ry. Stn. (Brumfield), from the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Postofces of Bayfield and Bruce - field, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspec- tor's office, London, Aug. 12, 1021.. D; J. McLean, Post Office Inspector in charge. X12-3 Notice of Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting -be- tween us, the undersigned, as hard - ala merchants in the Town of Clin- ton has this day been dissolved by mutual consent 111 debts awing to the said parncr':hip are to be paid to 11Ir. Corless at Clinic:n aforesaid, End ail claims against the said partner- ship are to he. p •e •rer.ed to the send Mr. Corless, by whom the salve will be 1, ''fled. Signed: 141. T. Corless, C. H, Ven - tier. Witness: W. Brydone. Dated at Clinton., Ontario, this 20th day of August, A. D., 1321. Notice Dr. John Ward, Chiropractor and Electro-theraputist, is opening an of- fice and treating rooms at cor. Wil- liam and Ontario Sts„ Clinton, Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday. Hours 10 to 3. Auction Sale Of household effects on Saturday, Sept, Ord, 1921, opposite to Chas. Wallis' at 2 D. M. the following': Cooking range, lawn mower, coal heater, garden tools, wood heater, daisy churn, extension table, drop leaf table, bed room suits, 2 side boards, cupboard, 2 lounges, chairs, dishes, sealers, cooking utensils, 2 ton coal and other atricles too num- erous to mention. Terms, cash. Mrs. Hays, Proprietress, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer —13-1 Auction Sale Of houses and lots and household effects on Bond St., on Saturday, Sept. 10111, 1921, at 2 p.m., sharp, consisting of the following: Steel range, nearly new, tables, chairs, beds and bedding, springs and mattresses, carpets, linoleums, cook- ing;' utensils, about 75 sealers ' of choice fruit, dishes, copper kettle for Making apple butter, complete, side board, washing machine, light wag- gon, cutter, plow and other articles too numerous to mention. Also at the same time and place will be of- fered for sale the followipg houses and lots: Parcel No. • 1 consists of a good frame cottage with electric lights, town water, good frame stable twith ly acre of good garden land, with abundance of small fruit. Par- cel No, 2 consists of a good frame cottage in 'first class repair, town water, to acre Land, a quantity of small fruit, Terms: Effects, cash; on property, 10',1 of purchase'a}non- ey on clay of sale, balance in 30 days. H. Livermore, Proprietor, G. H. Elliott. Auctioneer. —13-2 Peaches For Sale We will have a quantity of choice canning peaches for sale after Sept. lat. Apply at residence, Goderich township. John R. Middleton, Tele- phone 14 on 606. —12-tf Furnished Souse for Rent On Gibhings street, Clinton, a 7 - roomed hmise. Apply on premises. Mrs. A, Couch. —12-tf For Snit, Good cow, 7' years old, due Sept. 20111, also 10 choice York pigs ready to wean, and 20 pure bred Barred Rock pullets. Apply to 1', J, Coleman, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phorne 19 on 614 —72-2 Robe Lost On the 9th concession, Goderich township, near Hohnesvillc, smolt!weeks ago, a buggy lap robe. steward for return to George Connell, 11. B. No. 3; Phone 33.605, •-12.1 Roomers Wanted We Have accommodation for a num- ber of roomers. All conveniences, Near both schools, Girls preferred. Mrs, Durst, Itattunhny street, Cline ton. —12.2 verybikly Enjoys fine iX4 cup� o Tea. PP IF YOU DRINK JAPANS "SALADA" GREEN TEA Infinitely Superior to the best of Japans. 'TEAL BB" is truly delicious at all times. 30 years' re- putation for fine teas. }Here Is Where You can get quality Jar Rubbers, The kind that keeps your jars air- tight' so your fruit ,will not spoil. Get our prices of sealers this year,, 2 large pkgs. Corn Flakes , . , , 25¢ 1 1 doz. jar rubbers , .. .. G¢ & 10¢ 2 pkgs. Gusto (toy) .,., ...... 25e 1 doz, 71ne rings ...... ., . 35¢ 1 tin Salmon . . . . . . . . ..... 10(1 Parawax, per lb . , 18¢ 3 lbs, Blk. Tea , .. 95¢ SPECIAL, PRICES 1 doz. sweet oranges ,•,, ..,...84¢ on Stone Creeks 1 to 5 gal, sizes GET TILE HABIT OF DEALING AT J The store for everybody HNSC N & CO'S GROCERY phone 111 SILO FILLING I am prepared to fill silos again this year, also to. Gut oat sheaves. SATISFACTION GIVEN AND PRICES REASONABLE FRANK W. ANDREWS Phone 33w. CLINTON Rooms to Rent Furnished rooms; suitable for light housekeeping', or with, board. Radi- ator 171 each room. Bath and.all city conveniences 00 same floor. Apply to Mrs, Downs, Opposite Ontario St. Meth. Church. Roomers Wanted Comfortable rooms, . suitable for students. Apply at Mcllveen's gro- cery store. —12-tf Seirella Corsets Spirella Corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton. —12-1921 Farm For Sale Lot 27, Con. 9, Goderich Tp, 111 miles from Holalesville, 80 acres good clay loam, well improved. Barn 50x50, straw shed 30x32 with stone stabling beneath. New' drive shed 30x30. Goocl frame house, a never - failing well, all seeded with exception of 15 acres, also lot 29, col, 9, 80 acres, been under pasture for num- ber of years. Good bank barn, plenty of water. Lewis Proctor, Holales- ville. —09-tf For Sale The frame of a barn 40x60, in good condition. Inquire at News -Record office. —00-tf Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale at pub- lic auction by Thomas Gundry, Auc- tioneer, at the Town Hall in the Town of Clinton., on Friday, the 16th day of September, 1921, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon the follow- ing property, viz: Parcel 1. Part of lot No. 24, H. R. C. in the Township of Goderich locat- ed in the Town of Clinton and de- scribed as follows: Commencing at the N. limit of Charles Street at the S. W. angle of Lot No. 2043, thence clue north 3 chains, 28 links, thence due W, 11. rods and 1113 of a roti, thence clue S. 3 chains, 26 links, thence due E. to the place of begin- ning, containing 31 of an acre and 26 rods of land, more or loss. Parcel 2. That part of Lot No. 26 in the 2nd Concession of the Town- ship of Hullett described as follows, Commencing at the N. E. Angle of Lot 26, thence South 30 degrees W. 7 chains and 123'x, links, thence N. 60 degrees W. 22 chains, 10 links, thence N. 8 chains and 24 links more or Iess to the roadway, thence S: 60 degrees E, 26 chains and 43 links more or less to the place of beginning, con- taining 171,1 acres of land, more or less. Parcel 3, Part of lot No. 26 in the 2nd Con. of the Township of Mullett, described as follows: Connnencing at a point where t11e Westerly 1111111 of the Town of Clinton and Blyth Gravel Road intersects the E. limit of the Base'Line, thence due N. along said E. limit of the Base Line 18 chains, 89 links to a point thence S. 60 degrees E. 10 chains, thence S. 30. degrees W. 16 chains to the place of beginning, containing 8 acres of land be the same more o: less.' On Parcel No, 1 are erected a good two storey frame dwelling with barn, garage, and outbuildings. The prvrp- erty is well planter, in fruit trees and small fruits and is well located and desirable as a residential property. On Parcel No.' 2 is a fruit farm planted out in cherries, pltuns, pears, apples and other fruits. There is up- on it a comfortable and substantial 11/2 storey house and a new barn and outbuildings and the property is lo- cated within a mile of the Town of Clinton. On Parcel No. 3 is ai* i a fruit orchard composed of young trees, most of which are just beginning to bear-. 71 contains also pears, plums, apples and other fruits. For tonne and conditions of: sale apply to The Trusts & Guarantee Company, the Vendors, or to W.,Bry- clone, Clinton, Ont., their solicitor. Dated this 24th day of August, 1921 ..42-4 VICTORY BONDS New Issue of IIydro-Electric bonds, Guaranteed b Ontario Government. ar $3,300.000 at 6e,. And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton Piano Tuner Our professional tuner will be here from 13011 Piano Fac- tory soon. All ,those having tuning to do. Pone 0 016 or address: J, E, HIUG1LL. Box 229, Seaforth COAL a e'. Having several cars of coal com- ing I will receive and fill all orders for nut, stove and egg coal and de- liver same at once. Orders received at Residence Ring Street, or phone 119 m e's R. J. MILLER Don't Throw Your Olen Carpets Avva> They make new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 41 CANADA RUG COMPANY LONDON, ONT. For Salo Hemstitching and Picoting at- tachment, fits any sewing machine, Price $2.50. Personal checks 10c.,ex- tra. Bridgman Sales Agency, Box 42, St. Catharines, Ont. 09-6 Farm for Sale 250 acres, more or less, concession 4 and 5, Stanley township, about 41,' miles from Clinton. Well improved, good clay loam, 15 acres hardwood and cedar bush, practically all fenced with new wire fencing. First-class house and barn; telephone; rural nail delivery. Will sell on reasonable terms. Apply on premises to Adam Stewart, R. R, No.. 5, Clinton -05-13 Farm For Sale Lot 32, 0021. 9, Goderich township. 80 acres well improved and fenced. Good buildings, new barn 45x60 with cement stabling. Will sell or ex- change for larger farm. Geo. J. Connell, R. R. No. 3, Clinton -07-e Rooms For Rent Furgished or unfurnished rooms, with' garden. Inquire at News -Re- cord office. —93-11 Souse for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar. den and chicken house. Apply on premises. Corner of North and Spencer Sts.—A, C. Clarkson,-80-tf Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop, W. J. Jago, —83-tf CLINTON GARAGE —AND— BATTERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the Headlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved lenses.' We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophoie Lagalite. Shaler Roadlighter Clamert Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear 'Conopher Nnviol Come in and let us fill out 'your 09- plications and show our lenses. b.o+ J. IL Paxiilan Agent for Ove nd Cars. Examiner • fo denr er se dri, d vers ileac $0 Rea. Phone 140 MON Spsoa! For Labor Day 'Peaches, Grapes and Blue Berries They speak for themselves and they tell us the season will be short. Get our prices before buying. W. T. T H E H U B O'NEIL 'GROCERY 'aamaraaaaeaassM2IS. evaxasasacomemempuraelegn G eiuiuine Serall .te.&We oli Baal Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't put off buying as the price is grad- ually stiffening. Delay will only cause a panicky buying craze similar to that experienced last fall when prices went crazy. Let me advise you ro 1111 up with MUSTARD'S COAL It answers the burning question. We' also stock for your convenience .T1-CLINa1'ON t1 Hardwoed, in ,different qualities. Slabs, the ideal summer fuel Cedar rails, fine for kindling. Canada Cemcnt,•the standard art - Threshing, Coal, convenient and safe AT BRUCEFIELD Hemlock Lumber, at new prices. 2x, 3x, & 5x Shingles, at your own price. Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement, Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal, J. w°. MUSTA S'• D CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD,' Phone for Clinton 74, Phone for Brumfield 11 on 618. THE CORNED STORE Phone 45 We're Headquarters for the finest blends of tea obtainable GRADED UP TO A STANDARD NOT DOWN TO A PRICE Our Blends at 50e, 60c, and 80c 'lire teas the most particular tea drinkers will enjoy, FOR THE PICNIC BASKET: Lemonade, Orangeade, Grape Fruit, Olives, and Cooked Meats. Fred W.Wi;o-g LIVE AND LET LIVE CORN There is a vast difference in grades of corn, Our Corn is No, 2 Yellow which we believe is the best grade on the market. It is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us know your re- quirements. Special prices on large quantities. BRAN, SHORTS. Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. The quality is good and the prices reasonable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured on present value of live- stock and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will return more profit to the hog raiser than ever before in its history. ,SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and tones produced by the large slaughtering business of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all used in Swift's High Grade Fertilizer, Result: Large profit to yon. FLOUR Our stock includes: Purity, Five Rosas, White Seal and Golden City. W. J ei1kIiDS & Soil. FLOUR AND FEED Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141 Boars for Service Champion bred, big type 'Y'orkshirs and 'Cheshter White boars for service, At home every forenoon.. -A. C. LeVey, Phone 5 on 3380. Clinton r 28 • Scranton Coal We have on hand for immediate delivery ;.IIARD AND SOFT COAL Also some good Ilardwood. Leave orders at my Residence, Iiuron street, or Phone 155. TERMS CASH E. WARD South End Grocery sweA A full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT 'YOUR PATRONAGE Leri tong PJTONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY 1 CONTENTMENT DWELLS in homes where Port Hope Porcelain Enameled Ware is installed. We you can vise pinnhadbimg' necessityonany • THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for 11ecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 58 Shop over Corneas & Venner'o and Feed JUST RECEIVED A car of Western Canada Oats Fanners Fall Wheat Special Fer- tilizer on hand. Just the thing you need for your fall ., wheat crop. Flour and Feed Always on Hand J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. Live P iltrg Our advice to you would be to market your poultry early this year, while prices are high. Our prices for poultry are expect- ed to be much lower than last year. SELL NOW Enquire of us for prices. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTBA, Manager, Phone 1.00; Holmesville 4 on 141 CREAM WANTED! The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we irequiri more cream. We request you to 'Ship us youlf cream,, We guarantee you the Hlgheall Market Prices. accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn- ish cream cans and pay .twice each month, Write for cans or further Informa- tion to the THE SEAFORTII CREAMERY CO, C. A. BARBI$R, MANAGER.