The Clinton News Record, 1921-9-1, Page 2' P, illeTAOCART M.D elle'PAGGARI! tee-- illtriaggart Rros ee-ellANKERee-ere A GENERAL BANKING, 13USI. NESS TRANSACTED, NOTES 8(''°uN'aele, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTER iggr ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PlJ FL T. RANCE — NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL REAL Enders ANI) FIRE INSUR- ANCE AleENT. 111111?ItlCSENT- 1NG 14 FIRE IN SURA NCE C014PANIES, DA VISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. DRYDONE, BARRISTER, eOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC. ETC Office-. .Sloen Block —CIANTO1V MC. J. C. GANDIRIt OflIce 11oura:-1.30 to 3.30 p.m., 7.80 to 9.00 p.m. Suneasel 22.00 W 120 S in. Other hours by appointment only. °Mee and Residence—Victoria SI DR. G. SCULLARD Offlee in Dr. Smith's old stand, Main Street, Bayfield. Meet Hours: 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. • Phone No. '21 on 624. G. S. ATKINSON, D.D.S., L.D.S. (Graduate. Royal College of Dental 'Surgeons and Toronto University.) Dental Surgeon Daz office hours at Bayfield in old Post Office Building, Monday, Wea- ns:Any, Friday and Saturday from 1 .to 5.30 pm. CLUARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer. Notary Public, Con al hi sinner, enc. REAL ESTATE and I S URA NCE issuer of Marriage Licenses :V CRON STREatef, — CLINTON. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed• Auctioneer for the County of Duren. Correspondence promptly answered. Itnmediate arrangements can be spade for Sales Date at The News-Itecord, Clinton, or be calling Phone 2Q3. Cherges moderate and eatisfaction guaranteed. TRZwr -4;C4' rAliLE.— Trams will arrive 'at and depart Irani Clinton Station as follows: ISUFFALO AND GUDI:ItICH INV. ,Go.isig east, depart • 6,28 a.m. 2.62 p.m. .Going West ar. 11.10, dp. 11.16 a.m. " Air. 6,08, ,dp. 6,47 p.m. ar. 10.03 p.m. LONDON, DIMON & BRUCE DIV. Ceoiug South, at. 8,23, Lip, &go Lai 4.16 p.m- Coing NortJa depart 6,40 pm. •" 11.07, 11.11'ae2fl. JIie McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company cffice, .5:eaforth. Ont. /*resident, Javes Connolly, Goderlcht Vice., .Insuise Evans'IlitechwoOd; Nee.- freasurae, IL slays. Uwe. torth. Directors: George McCartneY, See. forth; 4.1. F. McGregi.r. Seaforth; G. Grieve, eValteieWm. 1l2,,Sea. forth; IL licriwon„ Clinton; Robert t tnle2, liariock; John liennewelr, Lroni.ageri: Jaj. CONtIol.y, Cm:Weide egenie: Alex Learn, CLinton J. W. 'to, Goderieh; Ea. Ilinchrey,8e1lforth; eiscuiloy, k. u.Jar- Atrodbukcia. !my money be paid :a ma, be gaid to Moorish C1uthk, Do., Cliuten, 'sr la Cates Grocery, cederkty Parties deem .g tis 'duct insurance ,,,a„seec ether bueirces will be promptly Weeded to on epplication_te sesy gf the noose AtIkers addresaen te their respecLive rose office. Les. e tree. eteii lay the di:entree gee 11.7.4 ...cutest the setae. Cljnton News - Record 'CLINTON..ONTARIO. Terms of subscription -AMU per year, In advance to Canadian addresses; t2,50 to the U.S. or ether foreign gauntries, No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The ,date to which every subscrintien is paid is denoted on the labeL iertising t a Les-.4ransient adver• ,tiBenumts, lo cents per nonpareil iino lur iirti insertion and 6 cents ,per hue for each subsequent inser- tion. Small advertisements but to tine inch, such as "Lust eStmead," or "Stolen,' etX., insert- ed more ter 35 cents, and care Lubs� '4, quota insertion 15 cents CoMmunications intended for pubilca. .tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by tile name et ,the'writer. 4. IL HAM. M. R. PLANE. trePtietor. Editor:, nee 41(-4$4,4y.„ig 040i/eels oom,nunIoIon 2i AcivonemTeta ee nemelder St. Waite Toronto, Profit in Pileebred Singe The nee value of tieing a pore - bred bee has been etrecingly proved, in ea interesting experimeet carried mit last year by a fernier en the Pecille roast. He wee able to sboW,11 difference in th,o selling price of $$3,4Q between two eteers. of the sante age, out oi the mune kinda cows wawa lead been reamed 11(15by side on the! 10031)331 tint ground corn 5203' enter largely into eur Canadian ra- 101)50 mid bed been flashed. togethor tone, A mixtuee of 4 paarts, bran, 2 parts corn, 2 eases oets and 1 part,oil meal would be an .excellent concen- •teated tsubstitu.te for a roughage. Even the influence et a pure-bred a9 against bran *end can, as these concentrates 22 ecrub 1170. The /story of the expert- are likely to be the most easily pro - clued, could be fed, 4 parts bran, 2 parts eorn: The use of straw—Where roughage is searce, etraw ean.net lee afforded as o becaling material, p•articulagly oat stew. It must practically all be fed, The peed...ice, of feeding cattle entirely tere in the sprin,g of 1920 'and put on straw is, of course, not econornioal, but the ruminant must have a .certain ithe the serne feed -lot eel December amount of crude fibre. They should let, 1920; they were then fed all the alfalfa hay they would, eat until Jan- tuery 15121)., when about 20 lbs, of silage end 5 to 6 lbs. of cern wren added to their daily rations, amen Meech 201212, when they were shipped to epokane for sale. The •steee sited by a 'purebred bull weighed 1,410 lbs. and sold for 8e per lb., or $112.80. That sired by a scrub bull w.eighed 990 lbs. and sole for 6e per lb., or $59.40, the difference in the price oe the two steers 'being $53.40." A similar result demonstrathd by carloads was recently recorded on the Chioago market. An Illinois feeder shipped two carloads which he had fed sinee weaning, one carload the pro- geny .of a purebred bull, the 'other pine cbasecl in 'his immediate vicinity. Throughout the animals were fe.d. and grazed together. The load of hie own breeding 'weighed 1,365 lbs., while the purchased load weighed 938 lbs. The spread in price was 75c, per cwt., while th•a total dffference per head was $42.91, a result solely to be credited to the purebred sire. quality, 4 to 0 les, of stem/ and de- pending on the ago and condition of the animal, a eew pound% of a mixture ef bran 2 parts, eats 2 Perte/ noeeed oil meal 1 pare production need not be, loolced epr, but the apimal -will be Well natinteined. Corn, from all Maim - Vane, will be ,one of the heavieet crelle over receeded in the United Seethe, In the same feed lot—. differentia, according to his own statement in tin Ainertieen farni, imper, dee entirely to meet is time briefly told in the worde of the produeee ,himself: "Both steers were calved inithe spring of 1918, their dams being the same kind and quality of cow. • They wee% put to- gether inthe fell of 1919 and fed to- gether during the winter of 1919-1920. Theywere turned into the same pas- Ilow Can We Meet, the Shortage of Hay and Straw. The general. map situation in On- tario tiering the present season indi- cates the neeeesity of radical changes M the feeding. of roughage this win- ter, How may roughage be saved? What are the substitutes, if Any ? It has been shown that live stock may be maintained 00 0 ration of 'colleen - hate, This Is neither practical, econ- omical., nor necessary, however. In very brief form the situation may be appro•aehed under the following head- ings. Care in feeding—Possibly in 75• per cent. of our live stock farms, hay and etraw have been overfed'. With the mows full and hay cheap, our live stock have been asked to obtain the nutrieets necessary for their main- tenance and. growth by handling large quantities of crude fibre with a com- paratively small percentage of nu- trients. Under these paxticular condi- tions they have conie through the win- ter at least fairly well. With hay and straw at a premium, however, the questiee arises to what ,extent can ronghage be cut out of the ration of the horse or cow and substituted with other feeds which are procurable. Very few feeders have ever had occasion to weigh tee hay whichthey are feeding their live stock. The manger is filled and the operation rerpeated. When it is considered that the standard re- commendation for the feeding of hay to .h.orsee is at the rate ef le lb. to every .100 lbs. of live weight, it will be appreeiated thee meny hors•es have, in the pest, eaten hay for their own amusement only. When It is realized the past considerable quantities of the that 8 or 9 lbs, of good clover hay most veluable part of the plant have • and 4 or 5 lbs. of oat straw is. all been wasted in the form of chaff, leaves, etc. These accumulate on the barn floors and too often find their way to the manure pile or barnyard direct. They must, of course, reach -the barnyard by way of the manger. In general it is difficult to offer a recommendati•on where stech a wide variety of cases and conditions arise. The male advice to be given, in con- clusion, is after all extreme =enemy in feeding hay and straw. Weights end quentities are difficult matters to not, however, be asked to' abeam them energy friar the comparatively low percentage of nutrients contained in straw, Neverehel.ess, w'i'th some grain or concentrates emp,pliect, stra.w forms an excellent made fibee filler and in order that the digestive and exeretory organs may function properly, straw may be made to take the place ol much mere valuable roughage. It is safe to say ethat there will be very little bedding wasted this winter in many parts of the East. Sawdust and shavings areeavailable in many places. There is no reason why considerable bedding material might not be gather ed in the forin of leaves. in the fall. They have been utilized in the past, The advisability of cutting hay and straw and of mixed feeds—By increas- Mg the labor el feeding in the outtin.g of roughage and by mixing say cut hay, cut straw, ana whatever meta is being fed, there is little doubt that a considerable saving of roughage may be secured. Less energy is required to inesticatee digest and assimilate this cut feed, tend wheee it is mixed the palatability is bettered or at least averaged. Under normal feeding ame- bic° the edvisabelity of eating rough- age is doubtful in that the cow is fit- ted by nature to do this work herself, However, this winter the object is to save roughage and the farmer who has facilities for cutting the roughage will find a result in mein. Gan the feeding value of such a mixtuee be further improved? Molasses—A straight comparison of molasses with .such feeds as bran, oats, shorts, corn meal, etc., shows the fact that molasses has a. comparatively low feeding valve. It true that the sugars are of considerable value from their carbohydrate nature. However, as a conditioner or as an agent to render other feeds more palatable, and on top of.this, with the very fair feed- ing value in the feed itself, molasses could be highly recommended to feed either mixed with cut feeds, distri- buted in the un.dilated form over hay or straw, or diluted with evater and sprinkled by the use of a watering eon over the feed in the mangers, It is a wonderful relish and the use of cent- paratively small quantities of it is easily seen in the better condition of cattle. Apparently the feeding grades of molasses will be fairly readily pro- curable, paiticulerly in the Maritime Provinces. Prices will be very con- siderably lower than have applied within the last few years and the comparatively smell quantity that would be eequired would. he such as -to force the use of this material on the consideration of jive stock feeders wherever it may be procured. The value of chaff and leaves—In the roughage needed for the milking cow eupplied with a well balanced meal mixture and ensilage it wie be evid'ent that hee is in the very greae inejority of nem overfed to cattle. Even for the producing dairy herd where no other roughage appears in the ration and where it is supplemente ed only by concentrates the very limit ,of hay that would. be required vveuld be 20 lbs. daily with say 8 or 9 lbs. of oat straw and thia for the eow that is being held over for bettee times, and niggle with when speaking in a gen- this will deacribe the elevation in oral way. The eye of the feeder is, many districts thee' cutting down the after all, of proverbial merit. More quantities used in past feeding prac._ or less experimentation will be re- tice a full 50 per cent. end substitut quired by the individual feeders in ing with a few pound's of meel would cutting down little by little the rough - not only effect a great saving in age whieli ho lia.s been accustomed to roughage, but incidentally would bring feed and replacing it by minimum the cattle in miestion through in as quantitica of concentrated or grain good or better shape them had been rations. If hay eontin.ues to increase the ceee Where roughage was fed in in price and if grains antl concentrates unilietted quantities, do not rim too quickly, it would actu- More silage and reots—In many ally be cheaper to cut down roughege seetione cf Ontario particularly, hay 50 pee cent, end reelace with some of mee be substituted 'by the else of more the grain mixtures recommended, ensilage and 3,1.10'.3. \Velma succulent The man who does not take every reegeaeee Kin., a; the kneeing aro possible step to hold over his etook, avedlable the emanety ef hay fed may and who sacrifice e his assets, will be cut to the very minimum. These make art unqualifleci miseake, True, feeds v1iI, however,' not •be available it were distinctly better to despise of, 0 any great extent in many peen oe practically give away, a • jedirsiouelsr uceee and the greater part of the culled few, and wintee the balance Maritime Provineees according to' leerlY well, than to stint all. Such u loss though immediate, may prove a blaeshig in disguise. Alter all, the problem rem:Ames itself into one of distribution end control of eupply, a question which .may have to be ha00l- sO the province most affected. In Ontario, with riot mere than 10 per cent: oe Mat year's clop held over in the dorm of low grade hay end with IL 60 to 66 per cent. bormal erop this year there is no "bullish" movement to the hay merited; es yet, , Nearly elioryono has tipping, tenrinsialicadnehea ^ 81 0,21,9, Ineorilored atom. ech-alUggleh liYer does it. Cheer Upi here's the real relief -Chani borl al n ie • Sumac/14nd Liver Tables, l'hol rut the domed, antl bowels right Mietratigiste. 25c.. or by mail from 9 CIetnherlain Medicine Co., Toronto • • • • HAMBERLAKS ' . . -eeeen .2 present indications. Meal subetitutes—To replace one - hall of the ration Where city roughage has been 'calculated to fo•ne the Whole melon of the tow, eats, bran and oil eake are particularly to be room - mended,. Oats in itself ie from 10 to 12 per cent. more valuable than brae. from a milk producing standpoirt, itself it las a fairly high fibre con- tent. All throtigh Eaetern Canada, however, oats is a light crop and we will be forced to depeed upon West . - ern peoduceion. Wheat .by-peg.clecte ehould be fairly"readily procurable, Oil.ctelte mid emcee by-peodocts will be high in price, .hut Will eppareetly be avalulde fairly generally, Even et this high price 112 122 doubtful it the feeder whose main elesire is to eitt down on roughage matelot affeed to be Without eolith linseed MI meta in the rattan, With 10 lee, of hay of fear A. septic tank may save yoor life. couple ol anchored posts eland- ieg eight feet above the ground with £2 heavy wire tautly etrung between will make a eel°, run for the bull. Simply attach 5, wire from hie nese- ring to a ring on the overhead wire and lee him pace MO beat. „ No Weller 1202530 ebeeldrilatve 1219)01:11" 1ft eleleafene in j 2t 0310 t.1100. More ease lees' feee final Mere tummy has been the yo$tl1 of cullithe out the poor Ilene early. A regged bird that bee just begun to molt ohould, not eelled new jelit beeeteee she is nut laying, Iread lice on eelelcene oe turkeYe otin be allied lie rebeieg on a little =Palmated oil. Keepieg youn,g 'roosters after they Weigh eve pounds to the per is a waete of food, for after their combs grow they are classified in market as "old mean's," which eensitier- ably lees in prem. Do not eirerereiecl. A great mane farm poulay keepers in their exiting - Mem for reeking money tettenot to keep twice as many birds as they heve room for and, by ovmarowding, almost entirely cut 9ff the production'of wine ter eggs. Each bird ebould have about three square feet of floor space in the house. Either Maid more houses or market the extra birds before winter sets M. Corner nests save room, and, teing eetni-cleek, hens prefer them. They can be built M ener style deeiredg-can have gelid walls, Or they may be made eletted, with plastering lath. The latter plen might be preferable in most climatee, as the air could enter them more feeely. The opening to the lower fleet should he aboiet three inehes from the floor. A perching board had best be erected for the hen to aliget on in flying •up to the top net. Robber,- Bees. Dozing a }Jolley clearth while the weather is still waem, the bee -keeper ehould In all hes -work carefully avoid doing anything that will excete rob- bing, for robber -bees are constapt annoyance and, clanger in the apiary-. Bees that heve nething else to do in warm weather will readily yield to any temptation to obtain honey in this way. After more or less fighting they will overpower any very weak colon- ies, especMay these that have lost their queen, and will carry the honey to their own hives. Robbing is fre- quently started, by the .camlessness of the bee -keeper dining manipulation, especially when removing the honey. In dealing with this subject in I3e1- letin No. 26, Second Series, available at the Publication§ Branch of the De- partment of .Agriculture, Ottawa, the Dominion Apiarist points out that to prevent robbing, no colony should be Meowed to grow weak and no honey or syrup should 'be eel:weed in the apiary. I± robbing has begun, the at- tacked colonies should have a bunch of wet gram or weede thrown over the entrance. Hives 'should: be opened as little as possible, aeul teen only dur- ing the 'hour before sunset, or early in the lemming, or under a net tent. It is adviseble, after the honey flow is ended, to 'contract the entrances of all hives. One can tell if a colony is be- ing robbed by seeing the robbers enter hurriedly with the abdomen contract- ed and leave with the addomen dis- tended, flying straight home. A. neighborhood without a commun- ity house is like a family without a home. A few minutes given 'at a definite time each day will keep a record of the farm business; and with accurate figures at the end of the season a man can see at a glance where he is, makeeg money and where he is los- ing it. THE GARDEN IN AUTUMN Autumn la a time of preparation foe Whig over the weiiiing there oe white], 0151 Prepering for elle fairing. Now 53 the time to review the eeeelte ef the eunintere Worlc, What flow/eye 1151 riot sereee'd?. Of svhieb vegetables did. We ave to few or too Many 6' I well remember otn, fleet garden,. We were very fend of peas but had only tWo ehert rows. We oared nothing at all Mutat 'summer teatimes but /heti sixteen rlpe at 011001 Have we fielected plepty of seed 'corn .and eeed potatoes? Most el the quel•ity and noel] el the quantity 'of the neat .erop will depend 'upon the cage with which wed is selected and stored. • Are the apples' stored.? 'Each apple should be twisted into a 'piece of apee. If well wrapped, they will keep better in the home cellar than lying levee in the root cellar. Everything in the 'clietlen that 41e not hardy should now be lai'eked 15 for the winter. Tho tender rose 'bushes and grape vines should be trimmed and laid (if th.ey are not bazdy) but not covered over until the ground bes frozen. In the meanwhile keen'them dry. • Eveigreens require just elle oppo- site treatment Do not trim them and be sure that they 'go into their winter quarters with plenty el moisture in the soil. Even under the 'best of condi- tions a sudden wenn spell in the early spring is apt to start active operation hi the leavee ,and cause them to give off moisture faster than the roots ean take it in. This results in an ugly browning of the leaves end sometimee in death, Do not mulch the beds or shrubbery this month unless you wish to build 11 'winter home for the race ane other rodents who will Teeny your loindness by girdling the plants. Ween the ground hes frozen Imre 'and these troublesome Tittle beggars have gone into permanent winter quarters else- where, it will still be early cue/nett to mulch. Mulching is not done for the purpose of keeping the ground 6,10111 freezin.g, but to keep it from thaeving until -warm weather has come to stay. It is the alteenate freezing and thaw- ing and the consequent heaving of the soil that breaks the roots and cauees the damage to the plants. Leaves Mid trash should be raked ap now, especially en the 'lawn, before they Irene .to the ground and ere matted into the grass. They am mom or lees of a nuisence in the shrubbery in the same way. Rake them into a pile in some but -of -the -way place, hold them down with boards to Top them from •beowing all over the place or burn theni. They may .be usedfor a mulch later, if needed, II some manure is mixed with the pile it will make .an excellent compost heap which will furnish a splendid sail for your flower beds. • . Dead weeds in the garden nearly all have seed on them at this time of year. They should all be collected now and burned. If the garden es plowed now, many an insect which is trying to winter over in the ground well be brought to the light and killed, and the rough ground win niellow nicely with the frost. Have you ever noticed bow the ber- ries of the mountain ash and the tee- ter sweet, the red -wigged dogwood, the high -bush cranberry, the sumac and the Japanese barberey brighten up the yard tater all the a flowers axe gone? Have you any sunflowers for the birds? Leave a few big fellows Making the Old Farm Well Do New Tricks No . more wading through snow - choked paths on a freezing January, skeeter the farmer, loaded down with immense pails of water fee the barn- yard drinking trough! No mem carrying of water from the old pump on "blue Monday" for the farmer's wife! The modern farmer revolts against being civilization's drudge, and one of the oustanding signs of his revolt is his determination to have an up-to-date water system on his farm. Heretofore, the storage tank has found favor in various quarters as a successor to the old-fashion'ed, bacic- breaking, pump -and -pail method.. Users of the storage tenet, however, find that its water supply is not fresh, but stale and brackish and at times contaminated with deposits of slune and rust. One of the best systems available for farm use to -day discards the stor- age tank altogether and substitutes an air tank and an an' -operated pump submerged in the well. The other es- sentials of the equipment are an am - compressor, an air -trap, and an engine or motor to supply the power. The first advantage of this system eppears in the proems of installing it; the engine, air tank and connecting ap- paratus mity be located in any con- venient place about 'the farm build- ings, and the owner is saved the ex- pense of bending a pump house .or digging a pit in which to bury a tank, as is necessary in many storage -tank ey.stems. Often heefinde an. outbuild- ing the best location if he wants to get double use from his gaeoline en- gine, in operating .other farm Ma- chinery. A. good place is the base- ment of the farmhouse, from which pipes men e.mily be elm to the kitchen Anil bathroom upstaire, as we11 at to hydrants/ in tee yard and the -stable. A gasoline engine or. electrie motor operates the air-conoreseor by means of a belt, The compeessor send e th.o air in the tank through a galvanized iron pipe into the well, driving it into the alien), Which is submerged at least Six feet Iodine the surface of the Water. Besides the air -pipe leadieg into the Ono, an ale exhaust -pipe leads out of it, also a water discharge - pipe which conne.ets with the alletrap tend the •fetieets. The peesiure of the aer, driven by Um ternetessor, forces the water downward in the mime cylinder Mal toevard agaie, throv)1 the water discharge-pip'e. As 112 12,1021010 out of the well to the air -trap end the fatieete, the eir eecepes into the u.ppm part of the well through the exhimet- Plae• The expension of the air in the trap, after each discharge of the pump, ex- erts enough pressure on the water in the trap to secure a constant flow from the faucets. Not even a city water -system could maintain a stead- ier pressure on its pipes. If the faemhouse ha e eistern, al secend pump with pipe attachments! may be sunk into it, with a special' air -trap, while the same engine, tarn tank arid compressor that supply th0! hard -water faucets •will provide soft water for laundry and bethroom per - poem.. With equal facility water may be piped to tho farm buildings :from O spring, hike or 0 miming stream! If ri gaeoline engine is used, an' cenomatte cat -off is provided to stop ,it when the proper pressure it; reach - eel. Thus the farm owner May Start the engine and leave it, secure in know- ing that there is no chance of the air tank's becoming overcompressed, The adnanta.gee of this system are almost endless. With am hourly ea- paclty of 300 gallons at e total lift of seventy-five feet and 200 gallons at a.liet oe 160 feet, es there an.yehing a man can not do with 'et? Beidee saving unlimited. Lime and strength, it insures an inexestuetible supply- ef fresh drinking water, free from 000 - tact with tee epee air and dirt, not only for ihe family but for the etock. It makes possible the more frequent entering of &ivy cows than under the old systems, also the indoor watering which wise /Diemen prize highly, It Menge •water of just the right temper- ature, thus encouraging the eowe to drink all they need end increasing the' milk output to a surprising e.egroe. The seetem furnishes plenty of water to %winkis. the i11101 lavne and gatelen and to keep the housewife's flOWCY hafiti flourishing. Owners ed! "show .coutitry places" may even gratify their crevines fee a lily pool or a fountain, if that): water-straply waigants 112. The farm owner Ilea not be afraid that the sestem will monopolize bit gasoline engine. In feet, he may 1100 the engine 0112 1110 name time to furnise electric lights, grind feed end separ- ate mak, thus coesieerably reducing the met of his watee-eupply. All of which mane that tee purap-and-air- teat syetem loses 110 titrie in paying for itself, There is no best watmesystem for teem homes, but there are snarly good 0005. WIMOVer lean a gas englee 07 eleetaleity 1toutd have running' water, • e la eight Of Vele wireliThe enel it will tie reek benne good to tie° .how the fettle winter birde enjoy them, The Worhi's Live Stock Sitheltien, The now' United Steam Protective tariff haying a eepreesing effect on the live ;stock elleattion im12bie muniry, naeelculerly afi regerds yNStern MeV. inee1). 11115 11.11004100,, ilOWSVOY, iS 19512 911141011t ecoeful, throe; etheistimi gal:hewed by the International Died - tele 01 Agrieulture samv that in Ear - ape them Wee a tremendone demean In live stock ni the end oe 1920 emu- earea 'With pre-war yeere, excepting only de sbeep 111 elmen.aey, 111 Britaip the (levees** ebown were of tattle 421,057, of elmep 4,638,617, of mine 523,748, or about a fifth 'of the neenber it the oeuntry in 1914, -In Franee the decrease of melee VIM 2,414,060, of -sheep 7,140,400, or nearly fifty per egat, le•ss than in 1914, ef .swine 2,- 955,290, or 30 per cent, less than be- et/re the wen In Italy the <Imre:tees were of tattle 400,259, ef shee.p 2,070,- 000, and of sgine 383,074, or a eeventh of the whole. In Oorinney there were dee/eases of cattle 4,089,363, or more than a fifth and oe swine 11,380,643, er imarly forty-five per cent, Belgium Showed, deereases ol 557,213 eattle, of 09,171 sheep, and of 866,519 swine, fleeing a .cleeldne of over thirty per eent, en both cattle mai sheep and of more than 50 per cent. in swine, Not emly the counteice that paittitipated ie 'the war allow deereesee but every 'country en Europe, exeepting 01113' Spain and Porbagal, is in the same position. Thus Denmark shows a de - •cline of 60 per emit, in swine and the Netherlanas 65 per cent., these being Canadals principal competitors On hog peoduets. fteturne front Rus - ado and Atietria for obviou.s 1105230110 .are net given, but Czecho-Slovalcia Acme a decline of 30 per cent. in, cat- tle and nearly 55 per cent. in swine.' The United States ehows an increase of close upon 17 per cent. in cattle, a' loss of nearly :10 per .cent, in sheep,' and a gain of over 12 per cent.. in swine. Marriage of Wrens. "Little biras in their newts agree." So likewise do their parents, presum- ably, But there has been much specu- lation as to whether paine of birds, once married, do or do not perpetuate tho wedded relation form year to year. How about the house -wren? It is a gentle ana virtuous bird, nimest domesticated, as one might say, inas- much as it customarily betide its nest in or about human habitations. People who have watched the habits of house - wrens have often been heard to say (hat they were sure the same pairs re- earne(1 to the same nesting plums sea-. son after season They were pro- claimed as models of martial con- stancy. However, Mr, S. Prentiss Baldwin, RUN OOWN AND WORN OUT )3001111Se you leive nee thoroughly perilled.yeur elope, but have allowed to reingel in it the accumulations of -wage Metter thee mum ereeleiess, Pee of appetite, dull beadaelle, Molten sleep, beeknolie, ereptione tuld hieinere and other troubles. Take Hood's leareaparilla, the medicine that eenovatee, etrenglen ens, lonos---it bale You Ilia make yoe feel better all ever. elooe's Pills help ae a stomech- loning-clipestive cathartic, 1 of Olevelend, who for many )'031'5 1100 intale the teappeig rued bantling of bird3 hie special bebby (afterwaad re- jeasing them to be subsequently re- trapped perhape and identified), bas found that Itouseevrens are no more Lel lat leteo t tI11110 19romeee ini zgtaa1101210118 1 erees1 Iliese relatioas are porpetuetea from Reason to season: but often it happens that a. heuseewren, male or female, indulges in a violent fie/teflon, even )m0011154 bluff at sterting housekeeping, and then making tinal choice of another mate: Divarces. occur. A gentleman house -wren may merry, rear a family baanldten leave his wife, going off h wit another lady housegeren and setting up an establishment with her. Where, upen there le nothing for the deserted female to do but get another nue- id. then Bullion Supply. - There is now stored in the new building of the Assay Offiae. on Wall Street, New York, more than a billion. dollen' worth of gold bullion, by far the greatest quantity of gold ever ac- cumulated in one place anywhere In. the world. The famous theme° of King Midas was trifling coMpared, with it. The bullion is kept in steel vaults of the most to -to -date conetruc- Lion, watch' extend seventy feet below the level of the street and forty feet below the water level. Uncle Sam has allvens prided himself on maintaining equipments for the handling of tummy metals elle for their coinage into money tuperier to these cf any other country in the world. Hence the re- cent introduction of electric furnaces In the Philadelphia Mint. One ot these furnace% rated at eight kilo- watts, will melt 1,000 0U11C83 of sever in an eight-hour day. Ahothor, a *ea- ten Rennerfelte is equivalent for deal- ing with bronze ingots to seven of the gas furnaces fornierly used, -which re- quited fur their emmation seven melt - ors and four helpers, Thie flew elec- trie furnace requires only three melt - ere and six belpers foe melting, pre- paring and delivering the metal to the coining department. The first expedition to the South Pole emir place in 1567. Deetroy weeds thie fall and they woret get a chance to grow next speing. Simple Methods of Preserving Vegetaes • While many garden vegetables can be stored: in a well conetructe,d cellar for use during th.e winter zed spring month% thmes are adegeetage.s in pre- serving some of them in eracke, bet- ties, end other containers. A simple method of peeserving Vegetables by fermeraatiea end salting is described M. Bulletin. 93 of tee Experimental Perms, Otteeve. Such containers as olci kegs., better tides or stone crocks may be -used. The preservation may he 'carried out either by ealting with - oat fermentation, fermentation with dry 'vatting, and fermentation inbrine. Salting' Without Fermentation, The vegetable's beat suited for salt- ing without fermenbaltio.n. are .spinach, string beans, green peas, COIM and aelebage. The vegetables axe washed., the water careene& off, and the vege- tables weighed,. Tee hest remits ere obtained by using 25 lbs, of salt to every 100 lbe, of vegetables:. Sprend a layer of elm vegetables otee Melt deep in the .b.ethein of the crock and sprinkee with vale b•cIng caroful to 61On:elate the sea evehly. Centinuo inaki•ng alternate layers of vegeetiblee and men mail the creek is nearly full, Cover with a piece of cetton et, a datable thicluies5 of theescalolle Ova: thie put a plate or a 'pion t of board anti a weight. A close break or senile may be used 415 a we•iglet. ' The centainer shield 11027 he set aside in 0 coel place. If at the enti of 24 haves the ''alt and the peesstere on the vegetables linve not extracted Mine eectigleio cover, add a brine made by dissolving 1 110011d of salt hi 2 quarte of evater. .Enough brine eh/mkt be added to 0:;200 aboee the plate Or boa -rd. Set ;itilee in a peace wilere et will not be ft,..iturbed and cover with hot paraffin 00121. Inmate sh.o.u.el lie eta in two-inch peeces.; pee.,s should ee sthellea; while eorn shoul(1 115 melted for tee minutes to set the 013111, atter Melva et IS eut off the cob with 0 sharp knife. I•t leas .e.een Mond thot in preparing staked toana for the thele, it is much better to §:oak (he 11031,51 for two hours in the emening, ohan.ging the evater several timee, and elee chenging the water waile cooking, rather than to allow there to seek ever aget, as long soteking sefte.ne the -beans. Pigmentation With Dry Salting, In meant/leg vegetal:lee foe fermen- ta.tion meth dry,enting, the vegetable, ;nee w•aelied, &tired anti. weighed. Use I about 3 ilee. of sett for 1.00 lbs. of I vegeteblee. No water is noceeemy, ! 1 becau•se the salt csxtrects the 11 12110 mois.eure fecal the vegetables. Caleb.ege, string beam, and .beet tope , May benreeted in this way. Spread a Myer of vegetablee one eneh theck 011 the bottom of the crock, .covering with '21 very thin layer of salt, being .eareful to desetibuto the salt evenly. If more I.selt hes to lee added the finisieed pro- duct will be too -salty. Fill the tiock only three-gauters full, placing a 1 cloth over the top, then a plate Memel Iupside down 07 11 piece of clean. board, , and a weiglvt. • A. ten -pound 110)51112 15 sufficient for a five -gallon crack. IThe eentainer sh.ould be allowed to stand in a warm room far hem eight ! to ten nue.. When bobbles • of gas 00.1.30 tO sower the fermentation is complete. IA layer of hot paraffin wax, teepee one-half ineh thick, is poured over the top to prevent a scum -forming. It is very inottetant that the wax serealei not be earlee befere the ferntentelian COOSCS. Fori . , . . M.11 hal .1011 mho. Cueumbees, etring beans, green 1:3 - =tees, beats, and corn may all be preeerveri 110 enne. Wesh tee vege- tables, •erarin off the water. and meek 111 t rock tietel nearly full. Prepene a. weak brine, using one-half 12 pint of I vinegar teed threeefoarthe of a eup of salt toe eace gallon of waive 1e a five -gallon -meek is need, two 31134 0113. half gallon; of brine will ee neees- I eery. This must be covored with a ! °loth, a pieee of clean boned. or a !plate, and a weight. Th.c conealnera meet be lett in a warm .place until the fermeithaeion has -ceased and then taken to ft 'cool plarg, whore it wal not be disturbed. aftee covering 19-010 hot waffle "MAX,' Ween ealleng cucumbers, a layer of di11 and a handful of mixed. spic,e may be pieced on the bottom end top et the crock. Oreen tomatoes may also be. prepared with dill and spieee Beets ehould net be peeled (m eked before Meg fermented or they will lose their calmand flavor, Fermented, corn may be us.e.cl in the preparation of such. dishes ae chowders or omelets, where the meld teste May not be objection', able, as 11 11315.1112 be to some people if the men weee eaten alone, Eirevrecyneneer-...ep,==,. ' Aa 411 sgezielf zccesseen. enure' o It • WItn1,1.11too men lInve '^i'' e'" °" c."•°• • 1 )1 . edone, you canedo I ihi eyour sipare time sr husocrota of 8111155 that maim Star SaloumMameyourexperince has beefi—awhatevor 11JOS/18Vbr tlls (Motion; .Are you 00001110113 to earn 810,0005 year? Then ant itourwig me at mica en peeve to you mowithout cast Ol obligation hat yen can eaely become Sar 1151010150,n, Iwill ahow yn how the Salesmanship Traning And Irecakmaloynaat Sevice atthe 5.7. A. wll klp you to quickRenal Thse /eaning at homo you 251105,11' 0,052 Slorice of Succos dngewhterornetYonthyon nuObe on-ehink you 0511 5e33."— .1.161 Mho St ,12 OuCOO55 ki $10,000 A Year Selling.,Secrets 430 400 1410 *St(Ii. 07 03o0 ‘Atonmen3ll110 1 teughl hy_the N. 5.. 12 .2 360 5.210 Onamovola, Almost overnight, te leave behhul Or ever the dnue ery' amid] P.y Of oloul.fdley jobri that 10011 no*lleto, No 'hotter 0332 3)05 "10 300,'0) the (ley! Of tolling aro, you ri rater°. (Tel IN hots, National Seleetneit'ii Traini n Association 0) CAritiditut Mgr. .Box 382 to, Oin