HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-8-25, Page 2.
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4; If, ltWPA00ART r "'"j�i
.A� Count k., hrar , , ,'"•,- I - - fee vy estertitt rax wadeaw-a •s, wllll,ow..
a ,r ,�-{ v YPNRINAL ]]ROTS KERB
: , ; ' y itt In t1rE mu. o•r 1 sin•. pit Vlvo r r
/E, D. IiEaTAGGAIE'1 , 1k1 IZottclinr' 11as been rite sattt'eo cYY$ �g��l) S rearWbaR lattuco.:, g gQ{($ ANj B�j�•
`i t� ,�•t,i» eilneation and Inspiration to most of I `Chp pieturesflus mlpa hate of the
--^ - t .. :Q i .''"r, - + our great men. Il cis have been their And other alteratives, tonic" and.
��`k. 1 ';f�•, taoana'.os ihrnngh ii7bl` trials Ant '.�' --- _l avativaa .nxo Sn'tpresting who, ..Y'ou libalthgiving ingiociet.}to that .ext+'
�� g �+ " „ ++i t � � ' ' /i thunk that thio have been eonetraa rid r Oomrnendod in the bast medical
cTa `y t Dross ass r ?." j -` - .' ''ter �•: 1. their successes., � Th'e Ii'i,i inos like all Oriental 4 1
Cj Y
; � w. 4 '� .r -_ y, ���.• p vviChotut n P•oo;t of lu'mben, a azvt8l; +t jl4nica, +az'a eonabincsi in FIopd'e bar.;
Yry Iran ,4 �, � to somo lacca aver where tkterc Cao, races, u'ca rias a'tt lhel? prin-]pal cer-
+"- BANIi1.11"1-- < �.," fanallfes Ill whoso�b'milu'i books 'trp ' t paint, saparSlla, It builds ala filo blood,
;} <, Paumd Cl ]iarthyarr Without
c - l'1tls rfC. is Coltiveted' under piaettil•, trintraafal6, Otx=0,'brick, Or Wo, Improves the appetite,inyigorAtea the
•- � pttl fCsv<i
�d4resa Fonitlluelcations to Aarononi,c. 73 Adslaida st. Wsat, TWPIII;.. unknown. In shelf houles, the people Arent haildieaps. Most of bile laztIN Yet they widiF, aiutl earthquakes Arid digestion, taxies file skomit. A»d{'
..,...,-- 1'lYp tYlfllln tlteiliael\'ea as their llYoa
A I. G 13U51r The Vurm F fxtic in Late Summer, veT;v PILY0.9ible to believe t'h•alt mom a'1co-.&•rowers 1x1 the vicinity Of 1vlanT]a •uboe'at? 'unci heat, ttmrt an pictureague gives nerve strength so as to promote
„GIsN1JRAL IANISIN ] are limited to their own oxperlences,
Tp75 :, ;, r call be sawed by grinding liame,g'rown ]glow Lhsi'r, ]]aids with on•e.haardllecl as wr,Dl, 7n eortaim. ,'arts of Manila Permanent good health. Iia. mer!Wl
NESS TRANSACTED. NO 1 ul.ets and cockerels thet feather They do not know the joy of drawinb otecl lows drawn BY wnite'r buffal'003 � �c rows of these n1pa ed And Bold the raise of three gen-
41), rapidly make the best Laying and most gr+sin or grwttn ,ui'clrased Froin the from tete world's accumulated ltnowl- n one may "]rill arc p p R
DISCOUNTED, DRAvrs 1saUl p y neighbors.. P'Or large flocks a Powe", edge and in from, eftrab:aos, The albs is tamu_plam'ted :hhitd, oratiene, You should give it a trial.
„ vigwat`ons fat•m flock. Such bird's should a a a Inspiration as passerved iu From aced -beds harvested b hand ' k..._ -
IN'1F[tES C ALLOWED ON l7Er be,batvdecS so that they%attn be retained I grinrcler is needed. For small ia3"nT Uoolels, y As a gentle tltoronh eathartio
]lock's ono of the lorge.,t size hated- and bhreslaed in a commnuilty machine. many r•eaolitrnond HOW a Pills,
POSITS, SALL . NOTI:c3 ] UIZ. when the flock is culled in the fall. In these homes boys •tilt] girls Are n oyli VCE Feed albbitllr
grhid'ers will Provo very useful. I In tt very moumtadn'ous� section o£ .••-----•--.----•••--_---.------..-.--•
It pays to 'band all the hetes that are Now is, the time to Clean and' oil growing ap to tape their places iii the the Philippine Islands the inhabitands A rabbit is the cleanest, most par• reduce the ration till It is, Trampled
held over sp their ages will be known the stove brooder..% •"and store them worlds activities, it is of public con- ltlave Oniy the ver steep mou'ntaiir, titular animal when it'comes to eat- and Soiled food on the lintel; fluor
- iwid -they wi71 no't be held) longer than Corn that they be educated for effl- y ing: ho will o hungry rathe2' than eat
-- -- Il, T, 'RANCE -„ Y for next yew", IF ee, in the Colony sides an tviiichi to raise Choir crops of g is \vested, as rabbit food -be fs toe
thein• period •o£ usefulness, o confused Cleat citizenship, ']`hay need access t4 bonE things he does net want, IIo is
NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY. with ,bird's of a younger Age, Many houues they will liecone rusty anal hood books so that their education flee, Those who see filo arming be -ave crag]", but ciooa not care for much of An epicure to eat it unless
ANGER, FINANCIAL ILEAL P Y g g y mt'cbssun. Starve pipes will else rnsL ford filo lmaparatSem fon farinling be- g b very hu•ngty,
yearling liens look much like pullet> may be broad, ragweed noi'-atrnstard; lie will nibble
ESTATE AND FIRE INSUIZ• quickly and they should be drn�minie43 gins would say that it was uditerly iiia- If the rabbits• seem troubled with
wheal the hen's ,are through the molt A. county library will ineel the needs • rat curled dude or pigweed, and rather
out and stored' in a dry a'aam. The possible, but to these m�oumbnineexs it looseness of the bowels, crit down on
ANCE AGEWr. REPRESENT• rand the ImnKle be$P to dtistingnish of these young folic. and their pareuts. • + likes plantain and mablow. When
1NG 14 IFIRK INSURANCH thehi, I film of ail on the iron stoves keelps ,a not d. th.slbla, for they must have the groan food, and "mix some flour
r It will meet the mails of all rural l given the chance, rabbits• search, out
The high normal la arm inalte the out rust and helps Cha argue to deliver on aiud' this nand is the orally phac ey with the grain,. all
water should
COMPANIES. res�ideuts \vlio au'o interested in boolts clover; they oft Lhe flowers prat, tiro, •
g Y ninny years of serviec, on vnhir,.li ,they can ,arae it. So they be before thorn all rho- time; and a
best breeders for •tors farm flock, liens as It will bring to them, to a certain the leaves and Stems, Sometimes
U1VISlON COURT OPFICl,, sot to wotl� with sticica and bare hand�a piece of rack salt, The latter velli
CIANTON. with high egg records have often degree, the Conveniences of a library *lid acine'l,y terrace A steep mlourntaln= overt th'e Toole are dug up, for bunny make salting of the food unnecessary.
__ �__.__ ._ _ __ _ _ proved poor breeders. The highest What Makes a Bacon Hog? system such as exists in most good. side, making does, love clover!
level sections on which In winter, rabbits should have a
W. RRYDON producers are apt to exhaust their sized towns and cities. Young rabbits require little but their
li P P To produce the team, mild'-eurecl aide to plant thele crops, Rocks and' stones warm mash once a day, preferably in,
energy in egg production and this known •irs "Wilits'hire" we require a A county library is supported by mothers mills for the first six or eight the morniug, Give the nursing doe all
ell aro all Taken out and laid' "aide i�n
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, means low vi'talit in the chicks, county taxes. It lends books and ,weeks. ,Once a day they can be given
>R Y long, deep., smooth pig, possessing a order to build, a wall- around. the ter- Is this she will eat. One whoa] bran, mash
magazines. free to anybody in the a mixture aP bread and mills, and aYtaT
NOTARY PUBLIC, E'PC Remember the inongels and cab- fight head and shoulder, an event back, races:, for rice needs plenty. of water r made of ground "paps, wheat bran,.
b'a county. Distribution may be made by the dural intro hay and grain can be
gess and, keep them growing four not hoc wide, but well ,covered with and these sections mush hold the railed cabs, equal parts, with some
Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON paultT-y feed next •Winter. Green food) flesh a bock truck which make's regular gradually introducocl• ohs ed -up vegetable like carrots,
yet not fat, The est lb from trips to the homes of the farmers; eater that ids diverted, Into Them. pats are the Only suitable grain for rap
_ has been proven very necessary as a backof ah•oul.cler to heart must be deep i5amotinies those wadgts are very high, Corn fodder melee" a pleasant change
colleatlons of books may be placed in rabbits, and must be crushed for the
Ult. J. l:, t; AND1Ell � winter egg producer anal a moan's of aiud long, the rib short and sprung but average ,about fifteen feet and occasionally. Be extremely careful in
Unice liours:-1,80 to s,30 m, 7,80 keeping the liens healthy, If stores, schoo•Is, Churches, granges and little fellows under three months of
p, , y green out Boldly and dropping almost at wide enough sin that the taps tun be experimenting on the rabbits` food,
to 0,00 in, Sundays 1'1,30 4 l.Yo fodld eaves the life of five hens and other rural societies, or the rural de- age, Also, mix in a little bran. Feed and guard particularly against bowel
p Y ,]•gilt aa>-glets, the underline straight used as paths, a'Uang which 'l�hc fsariii-
t' »n, produces,twenty dozen inore s next] , livery may be used for distributing the twice a day, except when a dou is trouble.
lir Y egg and free from flabbiness, the ham books, and branch libraries may be 'ens walk. nursing. Give her a noon meal, In
Ull;cr hours by appointment only. winter, that will surely play for quite smooth Gild• belle with the• maxi- established in towns and villages. The These terraces ane Irrigated by summer the -larger part of each: meal
_Oiflcc and Residence -Victoria Sk a few hours' labor spent in weed,intg ilium Amount or flesh on the outside. where system should be in charge of streaans a8 water far up in the malum- should be green stuff-clovor, plan- Rules for Harvesting Apples.
the mangels ,and setting out blie cab- The pig should stand on strong, but experienced librarians who _5W_o be tains. tain and grasses. Lawn cuttings are 1. Pick 'Power limbs first, 2. See
1 DR, G. SCULLAPrD bages. n'ot coarse, well balanced• legs acrd wflliug to give counsel and informa- Among other interesting things good, that the ladder is pushed into the tree
Office in Dr. Smith's old stand, The young cockerels that show early feet and mlust be vigorous,' healthy and tion in person, by mail or over the seem in the Philippines are the cara- Hay is a necessary part of the rab- genU7 Iso las not to knock off or bruise
Main Street, Bayfield, sighs of maturity and vigor should be a good, feeder. This is the kind of telephone, ba'os, the 'Burden -(bearers of the Is- bit's diet, but it must be. sweet and the fruit, 3. Hang the basket sa as
Office Hours: 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 P.M. banded -for breeders. Itis assumed pig needed fon both home and foreign Towns and cities with tax supported ligands. Not only dlo they de the plow- free from mold, Some breeders keep ,to be able to pick with both hands. 4.
that they coarse from ]lens that ase markets. He is a type, not breed., libraries already in•g in the rice end coact. -fields but bay before the rabb'ts all the time, Lay the les in; net drop or throw
Phone No. 21 on 624. y ender sllib can eon- P'F P
good layers. It pays to band' a surplus As a rule fire weight limits of the tinue their independent libraries, in they are used for lietwy haulinlg of all !]waging to lessen the appetite for them. 6. Pick no specked apples. 6.
to matte up far .any unexpected losses. 'bacon hog aim fixeid art 160 to 200 lbs- which case they would be taxed for stats. Work -ho'rse's as we know them "greens." Too much green stuff is Pick no small, green ones. 7. Do not
Q. S. ATT{INSON, D.D.S., L.D.S. If many cockerels are saved' it is 'best live weight. At the same tisms, a hog the county library system. tin this country ase seldom seen in, the sure to make the very young pot- take ,maeb time picking •a few little
(Graduate Royal College of Dental to isolate them from the puilIets so may weigh safghtly more than 200 This is a thing for public-spirited Philippines, as they do not thrive in 'bellied, Never feed green stuff when ,apples out of reach. 8. In emptying,
Surgeons and Toronto University,) thalt the pullets will not be retarded fibs„ and still make a good Wiltshire citizens to foster, They should help thebot climate. The hones •-here sire it is, wet with dew or rain, pour ,gently, as you would eggs. 9,
Dental Surgenn in growth by being crowded. from the side. Most hogs are, however, Viable create public sentiment. favoring the small auridar
mch like 4yar ptondes, and The adult rabbit that hits a liberal Do not set one basket or crate on.
;las Office hours at Rayfield in old feed 'hoppers and tramples] when the to be too fat after they reach the establishment of such a library so are used almost entirely for carriage meal of green food in the morning another so that the apples 'below will
Post Office Building Monday, Wed- scratch grain is scattered on the 200 -ib, mark, will relish a Handful of oats and some be bruised. 10. Lift and ,set down
ne:day, Friday and Lturda from 1 that many may have available enjoy. purposes. The cambaoa are very db -
to b.30 P.M. Y range' We must produce a regular supgnly. ments of life hitherto unexperienced. 'eilke animals, and this natives seem to alfalfa in- the evening. Rabbits. must .gently all filled crates. 11. Use springg
When a -breeder has a little success We cannot go into the business for - be able to guide them wherever they have green food in the winter too, wagon in hauling, •avoid rough ground,
CHARLES H. HALMWith poultry he is often tempted. to six months of the year and. then go Knock Off the shoes and, turn the wish with ondy a single line or perhaps Bests, kale and turnips are goody and go slow excerpt on smooth road.
want to raise enough to cover a covin out of it for six months without hav- horses in pasture for a week ,or so, ]]tail:. When they are not working though it the turnips are wilted they :,--
Conveyancer, ti Lary Public, tY. 'Bien it is good to advance care- ing a general average of price that is when Summer work ds elver, they are usumly found in some Of the have little food value. Some raisers It's. a good' plan to give the boy a
Commissioner, Etc, fully and remember that quality is unprofitable both to producer and condemn cabbage, though I have seen day Off now and then, with a little
SEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE very important and a few poor liens packer. Such a course breaks trade - no bad results from its moderate use. spending money; it's a still better
in a large flock will crit down. profits connections, lasses customers and, ul- �yi Watch the amount of grain food plan to go along with ,him and• be a
Issuer of Marriage Licenses rapidly. Large poultry flocks require tiirrately results in a cutting of prices The Ideal Kitchen consumed; if it is not cleaned up, bay yourself once more.
HURON STREET, .- CLINTON. much equipment and the work is coir on the part of the pecker to get these �p
fusing and discouraging and h tapl'en the the price
back. The farmer must pay I wonrleT if every woman is posses- Tile sink was high em.oug'h from] the T e Welfare a ®� ttY�+ Home
is skillful and has plenty of the shite buyer
this irregularity, theasThe sed• with a mania for ripping to .piece's floor to allow me to sitand' upright.
i.icrnacd Auctioneer for the County ea.pdtal and equipment; on which to British buyer must have the assurance and malkim, o� '
of Huron exercise skill. of A regulars, supply, otherwise he will g ver, Theres the matter Indeed, I could net my arms on that
Correspondence promptly answered. Egg production and mills production utilize sources wheie, the supply fs of houses. I never moved into a house edge while I w'aShed ddedres. It was Art d the J( ittle Child
immediate arrangements can be are often compaTred' as if they were dependable, In ;short, our supply must with one exception- ,that I didn't large enough to hold' both ddollpairs
made for Sales Data at The quite similar. But the cow Fp Y Immediately want to move a few at once. At bho left of the sink, be -
made be orae+tinized to meet the supply of roomis around, Stretch some oast and tween ilt and the Cupboard's, was a Art is a big word to use in Con-' display of ,bright fruit preserve or
News -Record. Clinton, or by one calf a yeah and then furnishes ,the 'trade. If the market wants hogs ,action with a little ohikb who at aluminum <ldshes in the kitchen and
calling Phone 203. food' for the calf. The heirs forms the in September, then October market- make some smaller, no matter how bi illt-in table, covered with Anc, and
Charges moderate and satisfaction possibility of a lively chicle with every Ing will not do. It may -nit our con- well I thought I wee going to like it with ane broad shelf beneadh. This presenit is able to distinguish only the the use of welI-selected paint and
guaranteed, ogg produced. In Other nvor,•ds, the venience 'but it will not build v our bore. Especially the kitchens, Of made an ideal' cupboard for dishlpalls, Pnnaary colors and whose drawing wall -papers may accustom a child to
hen that is laying heavily isconstant- business. P are a fan male scribble, But all the good taste in the humblest home.
course, men growl at this propensity, scouring material, extra soap, baking
a a \ ti, 1 ,ly striving to reproduce herself and It is this irregularity but that is because they do not have tins, etc. The remaining -space do the child is •going to be grows out of what. All studies that have been made of.
ho ty t the pro- to do the work. The reason most bottom of ,the cupboards was divided he is, and' all that he is going to have i children's interest in pictures indi-
eM � � , � _ a that is a greater strain he the vitality duction of our hogs that :has been uses do not suit women is .because into space for a flour (bin and dr'awer's depOltd's upon the wisdom of our' tate that; their first liking is almost.
them is the case 'with the cow giving directly xesponsi,ble for what is often I whop for the story. The are not
-TIME TABLE milk, a man playas and- builds them. Very for ddlslitowols, kitchen- aprons, cutlery g1ving now. Y Y• Y
wrongfully berinecl' Over-prodntatioin very particular about the color, and
Trains will ,,rive at and depart A fele capons for homie use will be I A study of our Canadian market seldom do you find a house planned and paper. I kept the spicas, flavor- When we aria ourselves what art the have no inborn taste for -the Old
tram Clinton Station as follows: greatly appreciated during the winter. shows such irregularity of marketing by a woman That is why in most ing, etc., in the cupboard over this means to a human being we soon Masters. The people m the pictures
BUFFALO AND IiULIJItiCH DIV, But a tEet of capon tools is mot a .Suref to exist, kitchens the sink is so low you nearly flour bin. Without moving from the answer our own question by saying: P p
break axe their friends, and it is the drama -
Goin east depart .road to profit with cockerels. sus I The above extracts are frown •a am- your 'back every time yon wash table I aOiild� reach everything I need- Art is a means of happiness and' a tic rather them the esthetic consider"-
" g .. , . 6.22 a.m, must •have plenty of feed, to devlop phlet, "T•he Bacon Hog and• the British the dishes. I was in, one ,the otheal ed with which to bake. means of expression. IF we ask fur- tion that effects them.
2.62 p,m, large fr•tmee and• plenty of melat, At Market,' issued' b the Department of This suggests Goma ;Vest at. 11,10, dp. 11.16 a,m, g P Y day where the only way a woman of At the right of the sink was a tiler, whether 9t may be both to ally
" " or. 6.08, dp. 6,47 the present cost of growl, Y medium height could ever make use wooden drip boewd, grooved, running we reply: I't may be a meatus of what we are to do.
p,m g poultry Agriculture. Sugplememtinlg this in, of the sink would' be to sit down. The from sink to west wall. Alongside happiness to all, and although Let us select book -pictures and pic-
a,• 10.03 p.m, mea it dans not seem possible to formation• is tike statement in a see- tures for the home walls that tell
'LONDON, HTIROY & BIluC,O DIV. make mueh pre -Iii, on capons Those and cupboards are invariably in the wrong of this stood the range, and, pust north to only a . few can it be •a
p paanrpgulet, "Bacoan Pigs in Can- corndr of a magi -made kitchen the of the range the door Ipadiatt into the way of arledlvste expxOsmioan, yet beautiful stories in a (beautiful way.
Going south, or. 8.23, dp. 5.28 u.'a that are raised must be Skillfullyiltmar- oda," ,by 1)r. J. H. Grisdale where at stove Cts for from the table as it can yard. Over this door was agtransom. there is little doubt that everybody, Let us implant forages that will al
4.16 P.M. ketal where they are appreciated, the Central ExperimenW, Farm, that ways be treasures worth while, both
Going forth depart g,�p A visit to the Poultry ednow at the "Pi be put, and the pantry, if they con- With the transom open and the kichen if carefully trained, can to some de-
" p,m y "Pigs most na/arly conforming to the descend to, give you one at albs far window open a tiny Crack at the bat- gree, express himself through art. The I because they are good' art and because
" " 11.07, 11.11 R.M.Feer is often a stimulus to the pool- requirements are found in (greatest they are eternally inspiring,
-- try keeper 'On the farm. Visits with numbers among Large Improver. from the stove unci your table as It tam, edlors and steam were Fucked' out- importance of art then is not the pos- wing dame what we can, early
The eK�llo Mutual cam be put. side. Standing nit the sink I could by siliility that we may discover and da-
Other breeders ago often encouraging. Yorkshires, Taantvorths and Berk- and often, to help the child enjoy calor
The sight of many fine (birds inspires Shires and, anion their I have had sic kitchen• wor]<adi'o s onp step reach sltnvs or cupboarcd. Bale- velop a few masters, :but that we may
p e grades and in my housekee in days, and only one in was a dream and meal- ettin open to all the people new pathways and see 'beauty in nature and the
the poultry keeper to, make macre effbrtl cross-.barod5. The Large Improved p g Y ' y g ' g g p p p p Y home, having made good pictures his
Fire Insurance Company p y Y of self-expression and happiness. friends, we may expect to find him
Fire in the mamagememt of 'his otvrt stock. Y.arlcshires in rile a Gonne ver ,earl The beginning of every era is do
And the pauitry show Is needed to being ideal bacon pigs. They furnish ZIVIIV6 )900%1 g ready to ranks some efforts at Self-
- ci&e, Seaforth, .Ont. keep up file interest in the standard- a very large proPortdan of carcasses appreciation. The wise mother to -clay expression through pictures. Gootl
bred fowls, does not have her child begin music' I souse tells us that we should place
Llsaa conttY : answering the requirements hams re the by sitting him down, reluctant, at the
Presidene, Ja•aas Connolly, Goderlch; It seams as if the time has arrived best ba�cau trade. The hams are well C0�4 T C/f� � within his reach a few afro, colors,
rice„ Jamas Evttas, $p�wegll when -the home feed' grinder should developed' and the proportion of fat /%�%L piano and having him "taker' music an easy medium and models largely
Bac.-le.'thee, IL tlaya, lien. go with every poultry flock of any to lean is usually about right. Tam- CLOSET lessens, like nn inoculation. She sees of his awn choos'irng. Soft crayons
size. With these St �7 to it that he hears much good music fumish the 'best first medium and
laDir, grinders it is pas- worths, red pigs, aro almost fn, but from the cradle days until he ig, as adequate colors. His first efforts will
Directors* George McCartney, ,Bas, snide to crack sma•I'1 grains and save ably deep -sided and long -bodied, but OG1iiV it were, saturated with music, and is
ford+, D. E. McGter, r, Seafortb; J. the buying of fine chick scratch are net infrequentIly rather light in eager e, find some way Of express], ' be to portray an idea rather than an
C. Uri -vo, Wettest; 111-m, RIAJ, S.ea. grain. Corn cam -also be cracked for the ham, Berkshires, 'black .pigs, , in g • image. If he starts to make a night
twbh; X. llciuwaa, Clinton; iiobot'1 the .growing stock. On rainy days the conformation are not quite so i well music with his voice and fingers. picture it will probably consist of a
,lilenriea, Harioek; John tiennsweir. grain for mash can be ground up and suited for the bacon trade a8 some CLOTHES Cl�,QB0,4F2'I?--
And so alto way to help a child to row of stars. Design rather than
ZFOJi:utten; .Jas. ConaeDy, Gdderirh. mixed. At the present price of gratin of the other 'breeds, but they are very ck 'Cllur art is to. help him to feel far 'color, to drawing, will be his mood, and his
iteents. Alex I,eitta, Clinton; J, W. and Commercial dry mas'li it seems well suited for pasturing" 0 - rejoice in fire end sunlight and sha- efforts to portray action will be cx-
Too,';oderich; lwn. Hincluey, heaforth; � Qj ZWJW#yr dbwey to enjoy tracing out happy de- tremely 'impressionistic." Freedom,
W', i:heaney, tiGmonArvilfe, lb. Q. Joh j R sighs, and perhaps best of all, to joy and vigor rather than accuracy
loattth, Brodhagen. Tuberculosis in Cattle. So far the work has been confined to ]earn to love pictures. I Should be the aim. Tracing is useless
/..uy money be paid :a may t,e British health officers belierve that pure-bred, herds, but there is a likeli- V PANTRY
Paid no Aioortsh ClOth!LL'N.. Clinton, hood of Its being extended, with in- Ui e/TC-HEN The homeliest playthings may be and copying vain, but the young child
ea.at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich, if tuberculosis Could, be entirely et'adi- creased. grants for expenditure, to used to develop the color -sense. Bright who makes pictures his other lan-
J'urtics d'esiri •g to s.fiect insurance sated' from dairy cabtle, the'eompiaint commercial grade herds of dal I2 ii 13 .. � bits of pottery, marbles, scraps of I gua•go, who tries to say something
.•r transact other business will be wou,d be reduced at least fifty per cattle. 0 � cloth, shells, flowers, gold -fish, all. wlth his fingers, lids 'begun to climb
promptly a anoved to on epyltCatioti to cent. in human. beings. How necessary -- N„ afford daily opportundties, and even a' the "Delectable Mountains,"
say of the auovo oltfe@rs adureseeu to Efforts in this direaiion ma became 5'
their respective poet oflica. 1."c' t* Y Harvesting .Dears. f , *! q — —'-
1rel;,,Led :,y the director who UT44 nmty thus be well understood. By co-
'.,carest the acsaa clieration between the Do'm'inion and Pears, while far less commonly l '1 A'o ' ��
--- Provincial departments of Agriculture grown than apples, are found in. soave %9 ®� 4��� °
%C * �� a great deal has beemy and. is being as Harm orchards. Peers are often neg- P ��
aoinlplished'. Canada has been proved leeted at time of harvesting amid star- R %i �+
� ��pp to possess the healthiest live stock of ing; therefore they are not sto fully � ,� " m 1 M I
co rU any Counttry. T'he Adolption of the Ac appreaated as they might be. What is h ,l 1 a tr Pe„ a
far IN'rON, ONTARIO. credited IIerd' Plan is in the way oft better than a luscious, juicy, properly- ,/ �I
Terms of subscription -$'2.00 per year, achieving much toward the perpebva-I riponed pear, unless it is two or a "
in advance to Canadian addressor; tion of good 'health, partiaularty in moiro7 has suited me. Of course, it ]vas n took so :few steps 'you Coa]dn't get ® r to ~.1 - n
$240 to the U.S, or other foreign our dairy caft'.'e. In 1917 the Akin was I '•to nia'ture and ripen to best ad- city kitchen, but the arrangement tired. The Entry to the di finga•oatil � { : ,
countries. No paper discontinued intrmducex, in the United Stapes and I vantage pears should be harvested be- would be perfectly practical for a Was on the natith side, opposite the N beadThey is
t a member of the familystomach, need suffer from fok sg esti ill sack
fore they wrlivi ri nn naturall' headaches, biliousness, fermented Tabletora, if ea s she will take
anti! at[ ,,,cera are paid unless at has proven eminently successful. Two � p y on the country hone. With a washroom eel- sindc. Between the two rooms was a Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach
the option of the publisher. The Years ]latter it was •adop.ted in this trees. Summer and fall varieties are joining, it would be large enough, too pantry with immense cupboards which and bowels and atimulato the liver to healthy activity and tone up the
isle to which every subscription is chantry, anl:l a',:recndy there as evidence' usually picked a week or ten days for the real worlc ,c f a kitchen, prepar- held disbes and d'Sning-roam snppliee. whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGIiT in the morning.
paid is denoted on the label. of much gcod i::aving been 11rougllt� before they fnlgy matm•e. Proper s'ta;ge ing food. There were draweTs here ftr table Alldn+gg6le, 25c, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16
Adaarustirl, aatea-'Transient adver• about, a cechl':y ss animals belonging of inaturilty :for ltatrrresting ebmes 'Phis kitchen was 1.2x18 feet. This linen and silver. Under the window
risen@pts, 10 cents Por nonpareil to hcr•:.t proven to be absolutely cleat; 1 when the fiend green color is ('being entry from the living -room was was space for the refrigerator, with ®, . � p
hoe for first insertion And 6 cents .in•d in receipt of certifi•oats's to that. repivaced by n cledrer, more trans- through a halt, out of which went •both outside drip, and• the elbthes chute, d f s 1A; d e
;ter line for each subsequent h.ser• effect can be freely exported to the Parent, lighter green, cellar stairs and stairs leading i,o the for dropping sailed linen into the � A w
"ton. Small advertisements not to United States.. At the end of July After picking, the pearrs should .be upper rooms. This hall made it pots•-( Itam:ndry in the basement.
fritted one inch, such Aa Lost" -_� ..._._ ___....__.____ __.--_---..____
„ a .est in this country 622 herds were rip�emed in a cool, stark place, prefer- si�bde to (deep the •sm.Elda of cooking To me it was an Ideal- arrangeanent. _
Strayed, or "Stolen," etc,, insert"
rad once for 36 cents, and each subsio going the tuberculin test to ens ably in single ]'ttyors tai rocks of somo from the living -room. Ib opened into SOme'wom:em might object to the part- -
queut insertion 16 cents. „ Able them to quallafy for certificates, sort. They should not •lie piged' in this hitcher ill the east side, next to try .between kitchen and, cianling-,coin, er - ® a ® ® c
At ;Ane same 1>inne themte were 100 he,ap•s. tSuminer varieties are usually the north wall from this �do•orwny to but the fe'ty extra, stops it made woro ', a.,
Communications intended for public]►. Haines of Iher4l aro rietors an'the wart- at their best from one to three weeks the south, wad'1 were cupboards with to me •m,oro than affsot by tJB<t fa'ci: a
tion moat, as a guarantee of good P p' after harvestin Pall or Winter two dw•ors reaching from floor to cedd- that it affee'tmaily shat •ofF a vfEw of a '�0
faith, be accompanied by the name of m'g list, and, so numerous were tine g• g
vari'eti'es ,
the writer. l e service, ands the , \vharllt ale tnlo'st satisfactory ing. the ]ddtchem from the dining -xoom, and ° 4 i s w
a,pp lloatioms for the
G. 3. BALL, N, R. CLARK. consequent domande ,upon the Health for eating purpos'els in from two trb In the middle of rho south Wall were also helped to keep out odors. There a nim °�.y°5��i
Proprietor. Editor. of Animals sdTtff, that over. 220 other's faux weeica "flag piclnng, should, be two wimdavrs five fee; from flue floor, was no roam in the kitchen fog loautg-.� t�e, t O tl� of e3,fiufaaet
—__ had to ire temporarily rgfused. Up to taken from tha tree whew of the same (Beneath which was th.o stink, with erg, only apace for one ehadr next rho 1il....h— ntmi ],ave Jeno, you enn dot Tn vour a Aro limo
ni the period mentfoiredl no fewer than color as earlier vaai•eAies. pipes going into the watl'1 ],:"read 'of paniiry itch, "And tufa Was aW obviously Road Those Amazing ,A ho yot enn enolty mucro,........... of ao11Methat rn11
Germs, she "frau a hand-tO-moUtii Storlea of Suoceea afar "Altana,, WhateVor your oxparianco ilea bent -whatever
8Q,802 tests aiul retests lead ,beet] made C.•.Teful handling is essential to suc- into the floor. Tins inedo it oasy to in tho way that It discouraged visitors , "i A'.,1 A 1'. ly"i., ,ao " You may be doin04
How-wbathat' or no'y
Yon think You enn soil-
afi . Keep your hands clean, me tk. r.,, a r .I ;tee nAe tmo lust ,newer Lhie gteEion t Aro you ninlnUo". to enn, 5.10,000 n
and 3,819 reactors had- •been con'da'mm• cess in keelping pears, Speciments with clean around' undai the sdndc, as there sitting there long, This might also ,,,:1 ens, t" nn.. d,A, mow, ,n,
od necessity 'fat' til bruised F ors or Witil broken shins were no i.. C to Ca Lah rho cli.rt 'tacit bo a dranvBack ' a •somo rvmnen but f.^ "'°'i a' e, x i h nA poo AnAr. ysnrt ,bon sot stn to"All
wail in of onto; Twill prove to you
necessitating e payment Oe P pipes a r - I I tvlihout cost or
obtigatlan th,tr on enn eoall btcomo n atnr
Wbreav tolinn a Toa n down quickly f Are opic of the ort who Clint, x ,.,A""t"" a wn, y y
P.a g f, pvit on a 896,4(34 In compenintion. 't\he extent soon g do v qu c y a ler having Of them, �Ut this hilr brigenievb proved you 0 a i tee ray ar"ri"1'%"1 ah i t "ink anlamm�n, T Will,hove 1.1".1111i.
en ]tow ilio Snlesmmtaltot Trnhling uxd
pair of robber's. May save a badb :f ] o rencihed• the ht hest d•e Teo of. edabil- isotherwiseE T, rfA.. 4 " rA fhARitoo IA I5 oa Smptoymlonst smrvlca of rho N, s, m, A, amu herr von to galct<
Y cult, of the woi:lc en xiied on m the UniLEdl g g the cute ]law i ori pCtdcet Work taldlt, and• dla not lilts to stay f,l},;Art i;'o"e ctAta"ol"r4.„y eucnasnlnSc
Statos will be understood when it Ss illy. Nor may we expect warmy or kitchen. In building, tho . as ltlud in tine l*031en forevew, it is a gooal A<-:, ilia] tt,.a ,,,' A �y t e
When you most a man for the first .Stated' than this Year Congress alk c i%elwed F1ejcimens to keep we'll in not boom, perfectly praleetOd Qrom the lila,, t611, nil"171"�',p r f�'w'A � i v $1 0,000, eek k C'�i' °9�n�af9� ��CI��S
time, and carry away with you a v:Vid Witsbiington vot>cci five million, doll.",; Storage, cold, incl every winter they from up, l ahvyys kept a high aispal slipped ^"t a•�l� ]hada" G� l" Woml ho aeeYela Of alRr aAteAMMtli l aR IRaaht h bio N, a, r. A6MA
.—:.-....,"... - ar r,r,Rs or aror,h w - ,r e, o0 ry�� y
Builders have, told rno, hlavveyer, filet under ;114! 'almdt board fan' my )Wil tiaa, e e o r .A,loir ,n ,! i err onn ,, t lombofl 1 ,enE "Might, to ]cave bchinA Tor ovoT rho drM4 cry
impres6ron of as ttamArk, the tomo of far Compensation and salaries. PO ° I r ,r, �• And ,Art) v o�ttI j. tlnq JebA that tend near ro, No Matter whet �An
.... . .. .. .. ,.. ... , .. , ., , , r . . ,.. - (nit Y 4 Al, i f, 0: of nn 9
ins voice land expression of hes c0un- neeeive a dei thfica Le of attar rdatniton n
Nora r„t mors ,lie 'rroln heing re- this might have been avoided, by pro- It Nina the work of a moment to pall it I,�g(�{A, .,e AA gAMl , .-t kr el re,h APo hew icing, tho hill of Wilh,a aftt,a Ton 0 kid future, not rho fn.io,
r '' 'Y'ti N.aTA a,1. nr1 t , h • earl 01419 , , a ,
terutmo, and p ]harps a Memory of as herd must pass three ;'semi -a nunii t]ie4i thaai ]'rout being tired, totting' the pipes where they entered out and sq -t down to prepare vogetaoles r»., r"ml A l„r>„e tl.00e”. A 1 �
into -, ,., las without .. , •, 'i''h•e ill tin lip will i ft' 91d :r w Or fruit -for a md~at] Or a\"On t4) dr Mi eai° n°w"lo n,"Aon •�, i. jvatt07ra1 aAleshien 6 `1'ralnidij :18,.a50aiatien
played its part and Won, of a year be Subject to another tOst, f Oa]d , Y Cnfl,_gL _Vltn. i3ep ioz....AConnnm,oa+.
Y cliches, .. —.1,=-"---1--"w
look his soul itta IorsouaHi has wilt out a ve mtdi slid at, the eticl can ]tot ha helped, ! t t take advice the wa wall
with a], extra coat O ._- '`
i *