HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-8-18, Page 5'11:r msl)iAy, AUGUST :tStb,
OI° Iiaitei.'est tQ You
and )Vie `
Rldgetown has a fax.rate of forty
mills this veer,
• *
Enrpleymertt has- been found, af-
ter the expenditure of some effort,
:for the father of the three pairs of
twins in Toronto, We'd be willing
to wager that the mother of the
twins hasn't heti any trouble find-
ing empleynmeitt,
* wt,
We've heard of people "biting off
their nose to spite their face", which
has always been consideree) a foolish
'preceeding, but a Frenchman the 0th-
•-er day bit off his landlord's nose, ev-
idently' with the idea of saving his
:rent. We understued it didn't work.
w a w w
Thieves entered the drug store of
"the Mayor of Goderich early on the
morning of the first •clay of the old
hone week in that town and stole
all the liquor on hand. It probably
'was seine old home enthusiasist who
:'was preparing for a real enjoyable
`time during tine corning week,
w # u *
"It isn't possible for mother to
cut down her skirts for her little
.daughter any more;" remarks an ex-
•change. Well, what's the natter
with that ? They can wear the
same skirts interchangeably and so
save' time and trouble. Even "mo-
ther" is getting bitten with the
• efficiency bog.
w ww
Some people do not consider the
subscription price of The News -Re
•cord too high. One esteemed sub-
scriber Who had been reading the
papers and had noted the postage
rates were going up after January
first, and whose subscription does
:not expire at the beginning of the
year, told us she would come in and.
pay the extra postage before that
• date.
w w w
Somebody suggests that the g•ov-
•ernnient create a' rainmaking depart-
ment and engage a professional rain-
maker to tide over a dry summer like
•the present one. Some foxy, enemy of
the government, we feel sure, made
that suggestion, Just as its there
weren't enough of things to. blanc
:the government for without adding
the weather. "Ernie" Drury will be
:too wise to be caught in that trap.
Miss Medd spent the week -end at
the home of Mrs, Jas, Cartwright.
Miss Mary Jamieson has returned
.after visiting friends at Carlow.
Rev. Mr. Thyne of Palmerston will
take the services in Burns' and Knox
churches next Sunday.
Mrs. J. McVittie of Goderich is
visiting at -the home of Mr. Robt.
. Caldwell.
Mrs.Campbell of Westfield, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Tam-
hiyn, has returned home.
Mrs. M. Ross entertained the Pres-
byterian ehoir Friday evening.
Miss Olive Little of St. Cathar-
-hies is visiting at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs, Lounsberr•y and chil-
• dren are visiting at Delhi.
The ladies of the Woman's Insti-
tute .will serve ice cream and cake
after the ball game Friday evening,
Mrs. Brigham and Misses Lavine
and Olvetta Ieft Thursday on a mo-
tor trip to Niagara Falls, Ridgeway
.and Buffalo.
112x, Fred Prest left for the west
last week.
A number from here attended the
:funezal last week of Phoebe Tufts,
aged thirty-nine years, beloved wife
of Mi. Win. Breslin of Grand Bead,
of whose death mention was made in
last week's issue. Mrs, Brown's
' death is the third in the family with-
in, the past few months, Her aged
.fther, Thomas Tufts, of Kirlcton,
well-known to many in the totanship
• of Mullett, passed away on April 1st,
1921, and the folloving week her
brother, Norman, principal of the
High School at Carmen, Man. was
called to his reward, Mrs, brown
leaves behind to mourn her loss a
loving husband and four small chil-
dren, also four sisters and two broth-
ers: • Mrs. Borland and Mrs. Brown,
Man„ Mrs, J. F. Ross, Alberta, for-
merly of Londesboro, Mrs, Geo. Moon
Londesboro, Stiuniel Tufts of Kirkton,
a prominent layman of the Methodist
• church and the Rev, A. J. Tufts) B.
D., president of the Methodist Con-
ference of Saskatchewan.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Weymouth and
.son, Weston, motored from Walker-
ville and spent the week with Mr,
and Mrs. A. Weymouth and Mr, and
Mrs. Chas. Sundercock, •
M. A. Weymouth spent Sunday In
• God'erich.
Miss Rachel Woodsman has taken a
position in Mr. Lounsberry's store.
Mrs. W. Ross is visiting her moth-
• er, Mrs. Adams of Blyth, who is i11.
1VIr, Howard Cowan of Clinton vis-
ited, friends here,
Mr. James Roberton has returned
after a week's visit with frieuiis in
Miss Nettie Woodmen of Chatham
'has. been visiting.. her friend Miss
Edyth ' Sampson.
Mi', and Mrs,' Bombard of Port
Hurpn visited at the home of Mr.
Robert Young.
M.r E. Livermore of Clinton visit-
-ed Mr. Keith . Hamilton.,
Miss,Jewel and Miss -Gladys Grain-
ger spent a few days with Miss Ma-
bel Haivey,
Miss Mary Jamieson will return to
her position in 'reroute Saar a thitee
week's visit at tier home -
Miss Luella. Kahle is visiting her
:friend, Miss Lillian Cartwright,
Miss M:1rgie McCool of Monoton
visited on Sunday at the home of
Mr. Bert Nott.
Miss Rose Crawford has gone west
with her brother, Clarence. '
Mis Maines and Mrs, H. Adams
.are visiting relatives in the West,
• There are over 200. p eturos .in the
British art collection at 'the Canadian
National Exhibition this year, valued
at $250,000,
News from
Anniverstiry sovieee will. be held
in the 1'resbyteria,n church neat ,Sunw
any at cloven tam, anti seven -thirty
pm. The preacher' is Rev, Geo, la.
Morley, 13. A,, Toronto, and special
nnisie will be .renderer) by a getout
quartette from Godeirieh, heluding
• Mrs. F, Saunders and Miss Belcher,
soloists, All are heartily invited to
,attend and enjoy these services.
On bfonday evening one of the
treets of the seeSoe will be given
in the town ball in the forum of a
concert. A splendid program has
been prepared, Mr. Morley, who Is
a noted clovutionist, will give a var-
iety of readings, dramatic and hum-
orous; and musical numbers, vocal
and- fnstruntontal, will be given by
Mrs. Silver, Miss Bilvester, D1rs,
Suppaaiek, Mrs, Martin, Miss' Norma
Brown, Detroit; and Mrs. Daly, Lon-
don. This is, an unusual opportun-
ity to hear a high class concert at a
nfoderate price. ' -
Last Week we trade brief mention
of a very pretty but quiet weddi,rg
whieh took place in Trinity church,
at high noon on Aug, 10th, when
Lulu Madeline, eldest daughter of
Mi'. and Mrs, F. W, Baker, became
the bride of Victor A. Burt, son of
Mr. and Mrs. F. Burt of London. Tha
ceremony was performed by Rev. R.
0. Pitts, The bride was prettily
dressed in white georgette crepe with
satin trimmings and bridal veil and
carried a bouquet of sweetheart
roses. The wedding ring was of the
orange blossom pattern. She was
ably assisted ssisted by
y her cousin, Miss
Muriel I•Ioward of Smith's Falls, who
wore a sax blue silk gown with lace
hat and carried Ophelia roses. Mr.
Fred Buirt, brother of the groom,
acted as best man. After a luncheon
at the bride's home the happy couple
left amidst showers of confetti and
congratulations for a trip to Toron-
to and other easteln points, the bride
travelling in a navy blue tricotlne
suit with hat to match. The groom's
gift to the bride was a handsome
platinum bar pin with diamond set-
ting, to the .bridesmaid, a brooch set
with pearls and to the best man, gold
cuff Links. On their return from their
honeymoon Mr,..and Mrs. Burt Will
reside iri London. Guests were pros-
-ent• front Smith's Falls and London
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLean and
fancily of Port Elgin are the guests
of Mrs. McLean's mother, Mrs. W.
The campers are getting up a ser-
ies of water sports, which will take
place between the two piers on Sat-
urday afterntobn. A good afternoon's
sport is anticipated.
Miss Hazel Reid, Seaforth, and
Mrs. Meredith, Wallaceburg, are
guests at the Commercial.
The Boy Scouts, about forty in
number, from Mitchell, arrived on
Monday afternoon and are camping
on the same grounds where the Girl
Guides left. The Scout Masters are
Rev. Mr. Roberts and Alf. Stringer.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyne, Windsor, are
guest at the Commercial.
The Misses Rankin of -Detroit' ar-
rived on Monday and will spend the
balance of the season at their sum-
mer residence on the Terrace,
Mrs, Munro and daughter Miss
Munro, London, and Mr. P. Grieve,
Seaforth are guests at the Albion,
Messrs. K. Chamney, D. Philip and
Miss G. Philip are summering lh
Kenny Moorhouse's residence on Cel-
ina 'street.
Mrs, S, Sauder of Kitchener is the
guest of her daughter-in-lanv, Mrs,
E. A. Sauder, :in- "Sunt -R -Inn" cot-
tage on Tuyll S.t
Mrs. Wilson, son and daughter and
Mss. Watt anti child, Toronto, are the
guests of Mrs. (Rev.) Jas. Abrey in
Deer Lodge.
Mr, Price of Toronto joined his
wife last week, who is summering in
Deer Lodge.
Messrs," Lawrence, Langford and
McLean of London are camping in
Deer Lodge,
The Misses MaeDonagh of Loncicn
arc the guests of 1'liss Millman 10
Deer Lodge.
Mrs. Morley of Detroit is spending
the summer at Mrs. L. M, Day's in
the While City.
Miss Annie Beattie of Brandon is
the guest of her sister, Mrs, A. E
Erwin. •
Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Virtue of Leth-
bridge, Alte,, are guest., at the Com-
Mr, Robert Howard and wife cf
Smith's Falls are spending a few
weeks with friends in the village.
Mr, J. F. Parkinson of Loudon is
the guest ,of his uncle, Mr. James
Fitzgerald, in Deer Lodge.
Mrs. J, E. Willis and son, Fred,
and Miss Fergus Mglley of Seaforth
are spending the week at Mrs. Hort-
Misses Irene Harrison and Gladys
Nelson returned to London after
spending a few weeks at the former's
hone in the village.
Mr, George Cuttle of Toronto was
the guest of his niece, labs, F. A. Ed-
wards, the past week.
Dr, and Mrs. Thomson and daugh-
tor, Miss Margaret Thomson, Mr, and
Mrs. Montgomery and three children,
Mies Screeton, Mrs. Taylor, Miss
Winnifred • • Taylor, London; Mrs.
Rooney, Miss Rooney, Sarnia; Mies
Day,. St. 'Thomas; the Misses Welsh,
Stratford; Mrs. Thomson, Miss Mar-
garet Thomson, Tilsonburg, and Mr.
Best, Seaforth, are guests at Mass
On Taesday of last week, the ev-
ening before ler marriage, 11 miseel-
Ianeous shower was given in honor of
Miss Lula Baker, when some :forty
gueets assembled at the hone of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. E. Harrison. The
bride-to-be received many very boatn-
tiful gifts. An address was road by
Miss Hilda King, After the opening
of the gifts luncheon was server) and
the rest of the evening was spent in
music and dancing, Following is the
address: "Dear Lula:-
We are astembled here to night to
express to you in a ineasnl'e our re-
gret at losing you from our jolly arr•-
clo. As yeti have always been tt
good pal and acted the part assigned
you 'willingly We feel sure that you
will so continuo in the new life that is
before Von. We think the grooin to
be a very f,rfunate ratan in choosing
J'I L ROOM 6, '
,. , „�,•,W,rJsuch a oaptreel0 partner end We would
lllce you 'to accept these small tokens
of estoonr with otic best wishes for rr
bright and poreperous future. Signed
on behalf of year Moods,"
Trinity church garden party Wile
held on the rectory lawn on Tuesday
evening en prove<l to be e very
pleasant and suscossfatee 'air•. The
everting was ideal earl € large nupiber
were present, bent on having a plots-
ant evening in the 01)011 air, Tho lad-
ies of the congregation bac) prepared
a very fine supper and after this was
thoroughly enjoyed a program was
given by the Phalen Orchestra, Clin-
ton, Miss Cullis, soloist, London, and
tlr. Chas, Cook, soloist, Clinton. The
orchestra was very much appreciated,
the niu is being of a high order and
generously dispensed. Mr.. Cook's
singing was also appreciated as ho
filled in on short notice, Mr. McCul-
lagh disappointing the committee at
the last minute. Everything went off
very satisfactorily and the officials
were much pleased,,
Statile)! Township
Miss Vera Popper was successful in
in her entrance to normal exam,, ac-
cording to the results published re-
London Road
Mr, W, Moffatt lost a valuable
horse on Saturday evening,' it being
killed b
lightning, during the severe
Over 15,000 veterans are expected
to parade to welcome Lord Byng when
he opens the Canadian National Ex-
hibition, August 27.
Births •
LIBBY In the Clinton Public hospit-
al, on Aug. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Libby, a daughter.
WELSH -In the Clinton Public hos-
-pital,. on Aug. 15th, to Mr, and
Mrs. Ed. Welsh of the Base Line,
a daughter. •
MURPHY --In Clinton Public hospit-
al, on Aug. 13, to Mr. and Mts.
John Murphy of Dublin, a son.
RANCE-In Clinton, on . Adg, 12th,
Hurry Proctor Ranee, aged 19 years
and 0 months,
MARSHALL -In loving memory of
Elizabeth Marshall, wadi died one
year ago, Aug. 19th, 1920.
"One year has gone since that and
God took our darling mother away.
Our hearts are sore with grief and
But trope we all shall meet again."
-Mrs. J. •Livormore.
Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments at Lot 26, Cut Line, Goderich
Tp., 114 miles west of Holmesville, on
Thursday, Sept.. lst, at 1 -o'clock,
sharp, the following.
The Farni-S0 acres, comprising
Lot 29, 9th con„ Goderich Tp. All
cleared with exception of 10 acres.
Farrar will be offered for sale at 2
o'clock, Horses -Team of work horses
2900 lbs., team light horses, Welsh
pony. Cattle -4 4 -year-old cows, to
freshen next month, 2 4 -year-old cows
supposed to freshen in January. 2 3 -
year -old cows supposed to freshen in
January, 3 cows supposed to be in
calf. Due in spring, 4 cows nearly
fat, 6 yearling steers, 6 yearling heif-
ers, 4 spring calves, 2 -year-old steer,
Poultry -75 hens, 23 geese, 8 ducks.
Implements -12 -hoc drill, 6 -ft mover,
bean harvester, set iron harrows,
blacksmith made, 12 -inch cutting box,
nearly new, gang plow, 31/2 horsepow-
er gasoline engine, nearly new, circu-
lar saw frame with 30 inch blade, ag-
ricultural cooker, 25 gal. capacity, 2
heavy wagons one nearly new, wag-
on box, gravel box, seta Manitoba
bob sleighs, sett light sleighs, sett log
bunks, 2 light wagons, buggy, buggy
pole, whiffle trees and neckyoke, dray
platform for sleighs, wood rack, stock
rack, sett Stewart horseclippers, new,
sett heavy brass mounted harness, al-
most new, sett heavy team harness,
sett light double harness, 2 setts
single harness, 2 setts plough har-
ness, 2 pair open bridles, 6 horse col-
lars, 2 strings bells 2 'wool buggy
rugs, 2 wool horse blankets, 2 setts
light collars and hames, sett plat-
form scales, 2000 lbs capacity, hand
grindstone, power grindstone 4x36,
2 cross cut saws, 50 sap pails,
and spiles,•24 ft -ladder pole, chick-
en feeder, 2 wheelbarrows, 2 hand
scufflers, 8 in rubber belt, 2 4 inch
canvas belts, nearly new, sett Can-
vas for 6 -ft binder,'2 stoneboats, log -
boat, 2 setts, whifetrees, piano box,
buggy box, 6 stable sash with glass,
2 window frames, 100 ft 3 -in cedar
plank, 700 ft. 2 inch elm plank„ sev-
eral piles of wood, quantity of hard-
wood lumber, 1,.11/2 and 2 inches, pile•
hemlock scantling,. 8x5, 18 ft, long,
some 1 -in, used hemlock lumber, quan'
tity'of old barn timber, suitable for
fuel, pile hardwood logs, suitable for
fuel, quantity of carpenter's tools, 2
crow bars, Sant hook, 2 logging
chains, 150 ft. hayfork chain, fork
anci pulleys, oalc barrel, 25 gal. milk
can, 11 cow stalls and mangers, used,
2 rolls of Woven Wire fence, pile hard,
wood rails,` pile cedar rails, 4 oak'
horse stall posts, planed and grooved,
buggy jack, 2 kegs nails, 2 in and 6
in. 4 sacics hydrated lune, 4 setts nev-
erslip'shoes, barn door track 24 feet
long, 4 hangers, 50 ft. 11 in. pipe,
3 belt pulleys, 12, 16 and 20 inches,
quantity of galvanized steel roofing,
used and new. Household Effects -2
writing desks, bedstead, large iron
pot, sap kettle, 3 kegs, Daisy churn,
Terms--Stocle and Implements: All
stuns of 512 and under), cash. Over
that amount, 12 months' credit on
approver) joint'notes ma a discount of
5% per annum will be allowed for
Sash on credit amounts. Parrot 1011%
on day of sale, balance its 30 days.
George Proctor, Proprietor, 0. H.
Elliott, Auctioneer,- -
• Clinton I"J¢fivs-Yterr`rc!
has a far finer flavour than that of any Japan
or China Green Tea? Send for a Sample and
be convinced. Address-Salada, Toronto.
Here is Where
You can get quality Jar.' Rubbers. The hied that koeps your jars air-
tight so your Trait will not spoil. Get oar prices of: sealeis this year.
lavge pkgs. Corn Flakes •, 25s'i1 dos tar rubbers ...... ,.50 & 100
pkgs. Gusto (toy) , , 256 1 1 doseine rings 35i
tin Saluron .... ..... lop I Patawax, per lb , , . , 18e
lbs. 131k, Tea . , , , , . , , . , . , 950 SPECIAL PRICES
doz. sweet oranges .... .,,,...34¢ on Stone Crocks
1 to 5 gal, sizes
GET TIM HABIT OF DEALING Al' The store for everybody
Sargent will have a picture at the
Canadian National Exhibition valued
at 530,000.
For Sale
'4,000 feet rock elm flooring oft:
the county bridge between Goderich
and Stanley townships, on the 2nd
concession of Stanley. Will be sold
in quantities to suit purchaser', on
Saturday evening, Aug. 20th, al the
bridge, at 7 o'clock. Morton Elliott,
chairman Road and Bridge Commit-
tee. -11-1
I am prepared to fill silos again
this year, also to cut oat sheaves.
Phone 33w.
Llon't Throw Your
Old Carpets Awag
They make new reversible
"Velvetex" Rugs
Send for Velvetex Folder 41
Glasses Found
Picked tip in Clinton, a pair of spec-
tacles. Enquire at News -Record.
Shawl Lost
On the road between Malcolm Mc
Dermid's and John McMillai's, MuI-
lett, a plaid wool s)rawl. Finder kind-
ly leave word with Tho News -Record,
Clinton, The Expositor, Seaforth, or
call phone 124, Seaforth: -11-1
For Sale or Rent
7 -roomed house on Princess St.
Town water, good cellar, all in good
repair. Large garden with chicken
house, Apply on premises to Mrs. M.
Taylor, -11-2
Any farmer wishing tractor plow-
ing done will clo well to communi-
cate with E. H. Epps & Son, Varna.
Terms 53.50 per acre, 11-2
For Sale
Ford touring car, good condition.
Cheap for quick- sale. Don't- miss
this opportunity. E, 11, Epps &
San, Varna. 11-2
Rooms to Rent
Furnished rooms; suitable for light
housekeeping, or with board. Radi-
ator in each room. Bath and all city
conveniences on same floor. Apply to
Mrs, Downs, Opposite Ontario St.
Meth. Church,
For Sale
Upright piano in good condition,
also Florence automatic three-burnner
coal oil stove, iron beet and springs,
and dresser. -Mr's. Carruth, Princess
street, west, • 10tf
For Sale
Bedstead and springs, also wash-
stand anci toilet set. Apply Miss
Rudd, 09-tf
For Sale
Ilenrstitching• and , Plaiting at-
tachment, fits' any sewing machine,
price 52.50. Personal checks 100 ex-
tra. Bridgman Sales Agency, Box
42, St. Catharines, Ont. 09-6
Farm 'For. Sale •
Lot 27, Con. 9, Goderich Tp. 1i/ti
miles from Holmesville, 80 acres
good clay loam, ivell: improved. Barn
50x50, straw shed 30x32 with stone
stabling beneath. New drive shed
30x30, Good frame ''home,' 8 never -
failing well, all seeded With exception
of 15 acres, also lot 20, con. 0, 80
acres, been under pasture for num-
ber of years: Good bank barn, plenty
of water. Lewis Proctor, Melill o-
ville., •09-tf:
Farm for Sale
250 acres, more or less, concession
4 and 5, Stanley township, about 41,6
miles front Clinton. Well imprevode
good clay loam, 15 acres hardwood
andcedar' bush, practically all fenced
with new wire fencing, Firsteclass
house and ,barn; telephone; rural
snail doli]very, Will sell on reasonable
tents, Apply on premises to Adam
Stewart, R. R. No,. G, Clinton -05-13
New Issue of Hydro -Electric bonds,
Guaranteed by Ontario Government.
53,300,000 at 0%.
And all Municipal and Government
Bonds supplied at market prices and
delivered • at your bank without
charge, •
W. ERYDONE, Clinton
Piano Tuner
Our professional tuner will
be here from Bell Piano Fac-
tory soon. All those having
tuning to do. Phone 6.616 or
Box 229, Seaforth
Having several cars of coal com-
ing I will receive and fill all orders
for nut, stove and egg coal and de-
liver same at once.
Orders received at Residence
Ring Street, or phone 119
Farm For Sale
Lot 32, 'Con. 9, Goderich township.
811 acres well unproved and fenced.
Good buildings, new barn 45x60 with
cement stabling, Will sell or ex-
change for larger faun. Geo. J.
Connell, R. R. No. 3, Clinton-074ft
Farm for Sale
50 acres, more or Iess, two utiles
from Clinton, lots of good water,
good brick house and other outbuild-
ings. Inquire at The News -Record
office. 07-t f
House For Sale
8 -roomed frame house on Church
street, Clinton. Good cellar, town
water, all in good repair, cement
stable on premises. • Two lots with
about 40 plum trees. Possession given
Sept lst, or sooner if desired. Ap-
ply on premises to Mrs. Hays, or to
A. Wilkon. -03-tf
For Sale
The frame of a Barn 40x60, in good
condition. Inquire at News -Record
office. -00-tf
Roans For Rent
Furnished or unfurnished rooms,
with garden. Inquire at News -Re-
cord office. -93-tf
House for Sale
8 -room, solid brick house, town
water and electric lights, good gar-
den and chicken house. Apply on
premises. Corner of North and
Spencer Sts. -A. C. Clarkson.--80-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop.
W. J. Jago. •
Fon, Sale
Two six roomed }muses on• Fred-
erick street, near the new flax mills,
will be sold cheap, and on easy terms.
Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale.
The enforcement of the Headlight
Laws, means that auto owners must
equip their cars with approved lenses.
We have the following to choose
Legalite '
Shalee Roadlighter
Conopher Clear
Conopher Noviol
Come in and let we fill out your ap-
plications and show our lenses.
J. IL PaxIll a..
Agent for Overland Gars.
Eerarniiter for licensed drivers
Phonic 80Res. Phone 140
What :. e Have Thi
White silverslcia onions for pickling
Cooking onions , Red Peppers
Parks Pickling Mixture
Parks Catsup ).flavoring
Best .Heinz. Vinegar
Best Older Vinegar
Best White Wino Vinegar
Green Poppe
VINEGAR to make the pickles sour, and
SUGAR (by the bag) to make them sweet
Also a quantity of good cooking apples
Fresh Salmon Trout
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Genuine D. L. & Scranton
Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't
put off buying as the price is grad-
ually stiffening. Delay will only
cause a panicky boying craze similar
to that experienced last fall when
prices wont crazy.
Let me advise you so fill up with
It answers the burning question.
We also stock for your convenience
Hardwood, in different qualities.
Slabs, the ideal summer fuel
Cedar rails, fine for kindling.
Canada Cement, the standard art -
Threshing Coal, convenient and safe
Hemlock Lumber, at new prices,
2x, 3x, & 5x Shingles,'at your own
Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement,
Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal,
Phone for Clinton 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 an 618.
Phone 4 5
We're Headquarters
for the finest blends
of tea obtainable
Our Blends at 50c, 00c, and 80e
are teas the most particular tea
drinkers will enjoy,
Grape Fruit.
Olives, and
Cooked 'Sleets.
There is a vast difference in
grades of corn. Our Corn is No. 2
Yellow which we believe is the best
grade on the market. It is free from
broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust, Give
us a call and let us know your re-
quirements. Special prides on large
Now is the season for Bran '&
Shorts. The quality is good and the
prices reasonable.
Figured on present value of live -
stook and home-grown feeds the use
of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will
return more profit to the hog raiser
than ever before in its history.
Blood, Tankage and Boned produced
by the la"ge slaughtering business
of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all
used in Swift's High Grade Fertilizer. .
Result: Large profit to you.
Our stock includes: Purity, Five
Roses, White Seal and Golden City.
W. Jenkins & Son.
Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141
' Boars for Service
Champion bred, big type Yorkshire
sad Cheshter White boars tot service.
At home every forenoon, A. C.
Levey, Phone 6 on 689, Clinton1,.-28
Scranton Coal
We have on hand for immediate
Leave orders at my Residence,
Iluron Street, or Phone 155.
South End Grocery
A. full stook of
Groceries & Provisions
vi Siong
in frontes where Port Hope Porcelain
Enameled Ware is installed. We
can advise you on any •
plumbing necessity
Agent for I-lecia Furnaces
Plumbing and Heating Phone 55
Shop over Corless & .Venner'a
FI ^t' ur and Feed
'A car of Western Canada Oats
Farmers Fall Wheat Special Fer-
tilizer on hand, Just the thing
you need for your fall
wheat crop,
Flour and Feed Always on Hand
Phone 128.
Live Poultry
Our advice to you would be to
market your poultry early this year,
'while prices are high.
Our prices for poultry are expect-
ed to be much lower than last' year.
Enquire of us for prices.
N. W. TREWAHTHA, Manager.
Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 141
The demand for our butter is in•
To supply this demand we 'regain!
more cream.
We request you to ship us yous
We guarantee you the Higbee)
Market Prices, accurate testa and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to yon and needs
no further recommend.
We pay all express charged, furn-
ish cream cans and pay twicS each
Write for can or further inform*.
tion to the
, C@r
0, A. BA1CBl9R0 MANAGER,.'