HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-8-11, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEWLL�ERY STORE Glasses hat Benefit Our glasses and the fitting of them to the eyes, are pronounced entirely satisfactory. When worn, they aid the vision and prevent the brain from becoming over -tired; and when the glasses are taken off, the brightness of the eyes shows that trim sight has been benefited. R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store Don't Miss !hese About 50 pair Womens Pumps, Oxfords and Strap Slippers,—Odd lines and broken sizes that sold up to $6.00 a pair, Kid and Patent leather, mostly sizes 21 to 4 at 1.98, 2.50 and 3.50 a pair Balance of White shoes and Tennis shoes clearing at less than cost. Small Boys Bloomers, sizes 2, 3 and 4 years to clear at 35c a pair A few dozen Mens Cotton drawers at 45c a pair Also clearing prices on balance of Summer goods Plumsteel Bros3 THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 90 CLOTHING! NEW IDEA PATTERNS. 1 assn. The Pilot Superior Pipeless Warm Air Furnace Nature's way of Heating your House Onig One Register. A 11J A Mr. Robert Smith Mr. Frank Gibbs Cold air being heavier than warns air, falls, and the falling of this cold air displaces the warm air and drives it through the house. It will heat your whole house in every nook and corner. Keep fresh, warm, moist air in constant circulation, lessening the danger of colds, coughs and dry, raspy throats. It will keep the floors waren, making it safe for children to play on floors anywhere in the house. It will bring health and comfort to you and your family. Only one opening in the floor to cut. No pipes to duck under or bump your head against. Burns hard coal, soft coal, coke or wood. Vegetables and fruit nay be stored within a few feet of it—it heats the house, not the cellar. If you need a furnace let us figure with you. A few references:— Mr. Frank Lobb Mr. Thomas Lindsay Mr. Thomas Glazier Mr. D. Munroe, Btuoefleld A �,...N Hardware, Stoves and Novelties ROS. The Store With a Stock and Pump Supplies We carry a full line of Pumps, Cylinders, Valves, Fittings of all kinds. Call or phone for prices One Maxwell Hand -Power Washer Only $,0.00 Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING. Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away No matter how old; , dirty, prow dilapidated, IAe a rope around Won and mend to. no to be made into The Famous „'VELVIETI X" Rugs toversible w'llp wear a Wattle—Prices reasonable, We hail hundrede or reoommendntlona from sada. Sind euat*reure. Ask for „VELVETEX" Price Llet. We PIT 6xnreas both ways on largo orders. Ono Way oe amapl, orders. Establlehod 1009 Phone Ma CANADA RUG COMPANY 99 CARLING eTnutrT 11 LONDON, ONT. BeautyCo :or no Clinton News -Record IN THE CANADIAN HOME IS A SUBJECT WHICHT IS RECEIV- ING MORE ATTENTION TIIE AR- TISTIO. STANDARD OF THIS AV- ERAGE HOME' IS NOW HIGHER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. PEO- PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR.. ROUNDINGS. WALL HANGINGS HAVE MUCI-I TO DO WITH BRING- ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO WS - IT OUR SPLENDID STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Tire W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best EVE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderieh, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. nIIrJ10[AlnVrtRltftlunanm11UH,, o,` Mrs. 0. Crich has been visiting her sister in London for the past • ten days. Mrs. Ilugh Miller of Brooklyn is vis- iting her daughter, MTS. W. T. Hawkins. Miss Emma Southcombe of Niagara Falls is spending a vacation sat her hone in town. Mr. .Tames Hunt of Toronto is visit- ing at the hone of his brother, Mr. Chas. Hunt of town. Miss Washington returned on Thurs- day last after a month's visit with friends at -Port Union. Miss McLennan of Sarnia was the guest last week for a few days of Miss Winnie Thompson. Miss Louie White of Philadelphia has been visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. Thos. White of town. Mrs. John Douglas of Montreal has been the guest of Miss Rudd and Mrs. P. J. Evans a few days this week. Mr. C. H. Hawke is supplying the Methodist pulpit at Ilensall during August while the pastor is on va- cation. Mrs. John Cardwell of Stratford spent a few days last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cardwell. Miss Ella Pearson of Ethel is the guest of her cousin, Miss Richard- son of town, and is also visiting other friends. Mrs. E. Aitcheson and three children sof Lucknow are visiting the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Carruth of Princess street. Capt. Smith of the Salvation Army has returned from a three weeks' vacation. Lieut. Lightowler is now on holidays. Rev. S. J. Allen of Torornto, who preached in Victoria street church, Goderich, on Sunday, was a caller in town on Saturday. Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Jones and Miss Madeline motored up from Grand Bend on Thursday last and visited Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Cooper, Mr. Alex. McIntyre and Miss Mc- Lean of Wingham spent the holi- day\ last week as guests of the for- met's mother, Mrs. Mary McIn- tyre. Mr. and Mrs• W. Southcombe and child of Sarnia and Mrs. South - combo of Toronto have been visit- ing the Misses Southcombe of town. Mr, Silas Davis of Toronto has been renewing acquaintances in Clinton during the past week. Mr. Davis keeps a warm spot in his heart for the old home town. Mayor McMurray was amongst those taking part in the civic reception to the Goderich Old Boys on Mon- day last in connection with the reunion festivities. - Mr. Cannan Powell and his sister, Miss Blossom, of Lucan'caalledl on friends in Clinton on Thursday. Mk, Powell received his degree at the Western University this year. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Holmes and Miss Perkins of Gerrie and Mrs. Barclay of Toronto visited over the week -end with Mrs. R. and the Misses Thompson of Isaac streret. They also visited Miss J. Holmes of town. Mrs. (Dr„) Stanbury, who has been staying with her niece, Mrs. Gib- bings, is speeding a few weeks at Bayfield,, which was for eo many years her home. Mrs, Gibbings and Ms. and Mrs. I. Johns of Tuck- eosmith visited her at her cottage this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Dunbar and dau- ghters, Misses Dorothy and Bes- sie, of Sarnia, who have been vis- iting the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Burnett of town, left last week to visit Mr. Dunbar's parents in London township before returning horse. - Mr. and Mrs. E. 5, Jenkins and Mas- ter •George of London were guests at Woodlands Fenn over the week- enc, Mrs. Jenkins sang at the evening, service itt the .Methodist church at Auburn on Sunday, in connection with their golden jubi- lee, iV.ir. and Mrs. J. P. Sheppard, Miss Irate Sheppard and Mists A, ,Kate were in Duitgannon on Sun- day, being called there on account of the death of the formes's cou- sin, Mr. S. Treleaven. Mr. Shep- pard, Mr. 0, Andrew, anti Miss Webster also attended the funeral en Tuesday, . . • 11i1111a TAUT 03 Ay', AUGUST itlt, 1921 11 Come In rad Let Him Ex p• mine Your Feet and Advise You FREE If you are tired of being bothered by hurting, tender feet, here is your chance to get immediate relief and permanent correc- tion. You are invited to consult this foot specialist while he is here. He Will Be Here SATURDAY k`. AUGUST Don't wait until the last minute and,1 maybe, lose your chance to get foot comfort. Come in any time during business hours! and talk it over with the expert. Manisa Soh oJ� /Appliance orRemetly. EvejFhot ritai There is no need to suffer from any foot trouble, any more. Be it ever so simple or ever so serious this specialist, who is a member of the Staff of Dr. Wln, M. Scholl, the noted foot authority, can show you the way to immediate relief and to ultimate Foot Comfort if you'll step in and give him the chance. He can tell just what the cause of your trouble is, and he knows the remedy. Improve Foot Appearance No larger sized or oddly shaped shoes needed. Wear the kind you like in perfect comfort. The Dr. Scholl Appliances actually' improve the grace and beauty of the feet. JACKSON'S SHOE STORE "Watch Your Feet” News from Breez j Bag -geld The Junior Guild of Trinity church stet on the lawn of Dr. Woods on Monday evening where they spent an enjoyable time. During the even- ing a presentation of a fine cut glass water set was given to Miss Lucia Baker, who became the bride of Mr. Victor Burt of London on Wednes- clay of this week. Dr. and Mrs, Thomas and family of London are now occupying their new cottage on Huron terrace, over- looking the lake front. Mr. R. T. Harding and Mr, White of the London Normal have purchas- ed lots from Messrs. Robinson and Manness, on Delevan street, and will have two new cottages erected in the spring. Mrs. Carty and son and Miss Carty and Master Junior and Miss Edith Green of Detroit, are the guests of their mother, Mrs. Green. Mr. T. J. Robinson of Vancouver, B.C., S. Shannon and wife and 11. Shannon of Londesboro were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson at- their summer cottage on Tnyll street, on Sunday, Mrs. J. W. Tippet met with a very serious accident on Monday after- noon. While spending the afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. W. Mustard, in playing with the children around the table she slipped and fell on the floor, breaking her hip, which will lay, her up for a number of weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Beldon and son, Mr. and Mrs, M'cDirmid and son, Mr. and Mrs. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Strad - ley and daughter, Detroit, Rev. Me. Jennings and daughters, Misses Bes- sie and Marion Jennings, and Mr. E. Treworth, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Kingston; Misses A. Nichol, D. tad, V. Fowler, A. Fowler, and Messrs. R. Fowler, iR. Cochrill, and Mrs. Brownlee and two sons, London, are guests at the Commercial. Mrs. Walters, Miss Elizabeth Wal- ters, Grand Rapids, Ohio; Mrs. Fra- ser and two sons, Fort William, and Mrs. Malcolm McLeod, Port Francis, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Thomson. Miss Ada Jenklins of London spent the week -end as the guest of, Mrs. C. le. Chapman at Lake, Side park. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wamsley and family of Niagara Falls are spending a few weeks in the village. Mr. Ernie Keys and Mr. George Reeve of London spent a few days the past week at Mrs. T. Ilarrisol's. Miss Irene Harrison and Miss Gladys Nelson of London are spend- ing a few weeks at the :former's Noire in the village. Mr, and Mrs.- Art. Cable of I itch- eeor, Mr. Art, Sarutler of Toronto and Miss Melo of London spent the week-ond with Mr, and Mrs, Fl, A, Sauder at their summer cottage, "Sum -R -Inn." Mr. Kennedy of London spent the week -end with Mrs. Kennedy, who is sunmieiing at Miss Ferguson's. Mrs. Gibson and the Misses O'Neill of Detroit; Dr. and Mrs. Fox, Miss Norton, Miss Carson of London; DIrs. Walden, Miss Bertha Raven, Miss Nellie Allen of St. Thomas are guests at the Albion. Mrs. Cowie is spending the week - with friends at Goderich. Miss Monteith of Stratford is a guest at Mrs. J. W. Pipet's. The following are guests at Miss Ferguson's: Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Fra- ser, Miss Betty Fraser, Mrs. Mc- Laren, Miss Mary McLaren, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Miss Jean Patterson, Mack Patterson, Mrs. Kennedy, Miss Eula Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Footitt, Mrs. Percival, Mx, and bit's. Robert Heard, Wesley heard, Jamie- son Reid, George Yendall, Mr. E. Graham of London; Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Hambly, Mrs. Day, Miss Billie Day and the Misses Parker of St.Thonnas; Miss Abram of Chatham; Mrs. But- ler, Miss Louise ,Butler of Detroit; Miss IIarland of Toronto; Mrs. Mc- ICellar, Miss Margrey McKellar and Miss Jessie O'Neil of Aylmer; Mrs. Swan, Miss Swan and Mrs. McCul- lough of Hensall, Miss Gill and Miss Leila Barton of Stratford; Mrs. Holland, Miss Elder, Miss Ella Elder and Miss Edge of Seaforth are guests at Mrs. T. Har- rison's, Mrs. J. Monteith and Mrs, W. A. Monteith of Stratford spent the past week at Mrs. T. Harrison's. Mr. and Mrs, J. M. S1:ewart of Stratford are the guestesof Mrs. Stewart's mother, Mrs. J. Pollock. St. Andrew's church will hold its anniversary services on Sunday week, August 21st, when .the Rev. Geo. E. Morley of Toronto will be the preach- er both morning and evening, A quartette from Knox church, Goder- ich, and Mrs. F. Saunders anci Miss Belcher, soloists, will assist in the musical part of the services. On Mon- day evening a concert will be given in the town hall, when the Rev. Mr, Morley, who is a gifted elocutionist:, and others will put on a ethernet The marriage tock place at noon yesterday in Trinity church of Miss Lulu Madeline, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, and Mr. Victor Ar- thur Burt the Rev, R. C. Pitts offic- iating. Mr. anci Drs. Burt left on the C, P. R. train at Goderich for a trip to 'Toronto and other pointe, They will reside in Loddon, whore Mr. Burt, is a member of: the pos1;- ofiiee staff. The friends of the young couple extend hearty congratulations 'There 1)0 You Get Your �fliee Stationery? Do you give this business to Mail Order Houses ? If soy Why ? The News -Record is prepared to do all kinds of High-class Job Work "You certainly should have had your name on this job, it is a credit to any office," " I was very much pleased with the work." ' Those cards were just what I wanted, and were very attractive looking. I was much pleased." The above are some comments on work turned out of this office within the past few weeks. We try to make every job merit such commendation. Give us your next order and help LL keep Clinton Busy." We can supply you with Counter heck Books of various styles and grades -at Greatly Reduced Prices See samples before ordering your next supply GRANITE$'A The long expected drop in the price of Graniteware and Aluminum has come at last. Our first shipment at the new price has ar- rived. Come and see the beautiful preserving kettles and other useful articles we are offer- ing at prices that will surprise you. Corless & Vernier HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL iSWECZEM "&lkl'1r+Tr ffi'3 PHONE 53 Geo. T. Jenkins Ford Dealer CLINTON, ONTARIO Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, AUG. 27 -- Inclusive -- SEPT. 10 To -be opened by Lord Byng of Vitny, Canada's new Governor-General Color of the Orient Gaiety of a Mardi Gras Complete exposition of Canada's resources, skill of men, wealth of material, "OVER HERE"—Super Pageant of Regal.' Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's. Origin, Growth and Achievements, Color—Symbol—Allegory—Hundreds of Performers—Music--Fine Arts—World's Largest Collection of War Photographs --- Thrillers of Many Kinds® -Fireworks on a larger scale than ever before—Scores of Features only to be seen at Toronto. Canada's Greatest Live Stock and Farm Display—Machinery and Equipment of Endless Design far increasing the Efficiency of the Faun and the Comfort of the Rome. Reduced Pares en All Lines of Travel JOHN 0. tcaN'r, ROUT, !'tCMINC, a Managing Dfrooter 'rcatdenp