HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-8-4, Page 8The Clinton News4tei?olyd CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE Glasses i htat M enef t Our glasses and the fitting of thein to the eyes, are pronounced entirely satisfactory. When worn; they aid the vision and prevent the brain from becoming over -tired; and when the glasses are taken off; the brightness of the eyes shows that the sight has been benefited, R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Stor4 WEEK END SPECIALS Lisle Hosiery at Half Price On Saturday we place on sale about 100 pair Women's Black Lisle Hose, This Hose sold for 65c -to 75c a pair Special Saturday 35c or 3 pair for $1.00 Men's Blue Stripe Overalls at $1.85, Don't' pay 2,50 for this line but buy here on Saturday at $1.85 Big Specials each Week End Plum steel pos, THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE se CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS. yrs 1 S1'ECIAIS TO CLEII 1 only Lawn Mower, regular 311 for 59.00 1 only Dash Churn, regular 3.50 for 3.00 1 only No 3 Daisy Churn, regufar 317 for 15.50 1 only No 2 Daisy Churn, regular $15 for 33.50 1 only 8 -gallon Cream Can, regular 6.50 for 5.50 1 only Hot Blast Oil Stove, regular 2.50 for 2.00 1 only 4 -ft Pig Trough, regular 3.50 for 3.00 1 only 6 -ft Pig Trough, regular 4.50 for 4.00 1 only Eureka Air Compression Sprayer, regulaa 510 for8.50 1 only Loudon Hay Fork, regular 310 for' 8.50 1 only Electric Lamp, regular $17 for 13.50 1 only Electric Lamp, regular $14 for 11.00 The Superior Electric Irons, regular 6.50 for 4.75 1 only 4 -burner Perfection Oil Stove at a bargain Egg Crates, regular 31 for .85 O'Cedar Mops 31 and up. Kiddie Cars 32 for 1175, 2.75 for 2.25, 35 for 2.50 A bargain rn Army Paint, grey and white only, in 1 -gallon cans SEASONABLE GOODS Paris Green -Arsenate of Lead -Bug Finish Garden Hose -Scythes and Snaths-Cow Ease and Sprayers -Hay Fork Rope and Chain -Oil Stoves -Machine and Tractor Oil -Screen Doors and Windows -Wood Dash and Daisy Churns-Iiuron Roadster Waggons -See the New Mara- thon Granite Ware. Agents for Pilot Superior Pipel,ess Furnaces. ALAND BROS. Hardware. Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock 063.1.1 tattomenesuca and Pump Supplies We carry a full line of Pumps, Cylinders, Valves, Fittings • of all kinds. Call or phone for prices One Maxwell Hand -Power Washer Only $10.00 Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away No mutter how obi, how dirty, how dSlaytdate5, tie robe around them end ■ end to us to be sande Into The Famous 4VELVETEX" Rugs tl tt e--Prlcee reaeenable. f1t?�t We have hundred, of recommendations from saute- fled ouetotgere. Ask for 'VEI,VETEX"+ Piled 1 -let. W6 slay extrema both ways on Wei ardere. one t WaY on email order& a,tibtMti�lal shed 1008 Phone 2433 `iAI1 rI � w RUG COMPANY OARLINO lNLi A•1'ftEfLi :ii LbNDQN, ONT. IN TI -IE CANADIAN HOME 1S A SUBJECT 'WHICH IS RItCEIV- LNG MORE A'TTENTION. 0.'13E AR- TISTIC STANDARD OF THE AV- ERAGE HOME IS NOW HIGHER TITAN IT HAS EVER BEEN, PEO - ?LE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR- ROUNDINGS. WALL HANGINGS HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH BRING- ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT OUR SPLENDID STOQIC AT REASONABLE PRICES. Tile W ! D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -.Always the Beat EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the\ Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. n';n mminas c uumrgnh ._- ��.areONl h. Miss Mattie Biggins is spending a va- cation in London. Miss Luella Walkinshaw is spending a few clays in London. Miss Crow of Chatham has been vis- iting Miss E. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Theobold -of Cornwall are visiting Mrs. E. Jervis. Dr. and Mrs. Gandier and family are camping at Iron Springs this month Mr. John R. Rumball of Toronto spent the week -end at his home in town. Miss Helen Forrester attended 'the wedding of a cousin in Mitchell yes- terday. Mrs. Win. Glen has gone to Goderich to visit her daughter, Mrs. Frank Saunders. Miss Eclna Scott of Wingham is vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fitzsimons of• Detroit have been visiting the for- mer's parental home. Mr. Wallace Diehl of London visited over the week -end with his grand- mother, Mrs. McGarva. Mrs. Jack Ross and Miss Dorothy of Toronto are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. Ii, W. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter, Miss Peart Potter and Mr. Frank McKhn spent the week -end at Woodstock. Miss Ruth MacMath is spending a va- cation with Miss Harriet Cantelon at the summer camp at Burks' Miss Olive Hlarland of Toronto is •spending a fortnight's vacation with relatives and friends -in town. Mrs. (Rev.) Roulston and little daughter, Miss Doris, of Staffa is the guest of the Misses Walk- inshaw. Mrs. W. Atkins and children of To- ornto are visiting'itt the lady's par- ental home, that of Mr, and Mrs. A. Cook. Miss Mary McGamus of the General Hospital, Toronto, is spending a holiday at her home, Wesley par- sonage. Sfr. .Leslie Hanley of Toronto visited his hone on the London Road and friends in town over the holiday, Miss M. A. Stone, who has been spen- ding the past few weeks at her hone in Essex, has returned to town. Mr. Wm. Potts, a former resident of Clinton but now of Suspension Bridge, N. Y., has been calling on old friends in town during the past week. Mrs. Helen Quinn of Londesboro and Miss Sadie Armstrong of Toronto visited over the week -end with the former's sister, Mrs. T. Herman of town, Miss B. F Ward, • who has been spending the Past few weeks with her mother at Ocean Grove, and at her home in Maryland, has returned. Rev. Kenneth and Mrs, Beaton and two children, who have lately re- turned from Chitna, are guests at the fornmer's home, that of Mrs. A. D. Beaton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Floody, Jr. and chil- dren of Toronto carne top for the holiday. Mrs. Floorly end children are making a longer stay with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. 13. Chant. Mrs. Frank Saunders of Goderich. was in town visiting her mother, Mrs. Glen, and her sister, Mrs. G. M. Elliott, the beginning of the week, Mrs, Glen returned with her to Goderich and will spend some weeks there. Mrs. Coulston and Miss Bessie Ir- win, who have been visiting the :latter's parental hone, that of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Irwin, returned on Monday to resume their work in . connection with the Deaconness Home, Montreal, Mrs, P. 7. Evans" of Minnedosa, Man., is the guest of lien sister, !Miss Rudd of town, Mr, Evans is in Toronto and will come up later, Mr. and Mrs. Evans are former residents of Goderichtownship and will be remembered by many. Mr. Chas. Cuniughanne of Grand Rapids, Mielt,, is spending a vaca- tion as the gt est of Ilia brother, Mr. John Cuninglntme of town, It Cis a good away Years since Mr. Cuninghatno visited Clinton, 'there aro only the two brother's left of the fttnsily, , . 1 . Coyne In and Let Him Examine Your Feet and Advise You FREE If you are tired of being bothered by hurting, tender feet, here is your chance to get immediate relief and permanent correc- tion. You are invited to consult this foot specialist while he is here. He Will Be Here SATURDAY AUGUST 3 Don't wait until the last minute and,' maybe, Tose your chance to get foot comfort. Come in any time during business hours, and,talk it over with the expert. Tisa Appliance orAonee Zr venjFootTirncdk There is no need to suffer from any foot trouble; any more. Be it ever so simple or ever so serious this specialist, who is a member of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, the noted foot authority, can show you the way to immediate relief and to ultimate Foot Comfort if you'll step in and give him the chance.! He can tell just what the cause of your trouble is, and he knows the remedy. Improve Foot Appearance No larger sized or oddly shaped shoes, needed. Wear the kind yob like in perfect comfort. The Dr. Scholl Appliances actually improve the grace and beauty of the feet. JACKSON'S SHOE STORE "Watch Your Feet" Geo. T. Jenkins Ford CLINTON, ONTARIO ealer Goderich The Tanner family held a family reunion at Goderich on Thursday week. They took up a collection to defray the expenses of the day and donated the unused balance to the Chiklrcnhc, Goderichs' Siseltperpvaring for a Fig Old -Hone heck, commencing on Sun- day and continuing to Thursarly, The Rev. Dr. Dickie of Montreal will be the chief speaker at the memorial ser- vice at Maitland cemetery on Sunday afternoon and Premier Drury, who is coming to attend a U. F. 0. picnic at IVlenestung Park, will address a meeting in the Agricultural park on Thursday morning at half toast ten. Goderich citizens have decided to retain its Chautauqua, which haus hitherto had for its solo guarantor Mr, C. C. Lee, but who was not wil- ling to continue so. A number of the Prominent citizens have put their names to the guarantee and the Chau- tauqua will be retained. Auburn Rev. A. E. Millson attended Sum- mer School at Guelph last week, Miss Hibbs of Clinton spent the week -end With her friend, Miss A, Sturdy, M1'. Earl Raithby had a stook - threshing of Friday last. Mrs. Joseph Carter has gone for a month's visit with her son at the Can- adian Soo, Miss ,lean L a'idlaw of Blyth has been visiting tier aunt, Mrs, 3, Laicl- law, The Methodists of Auburn intend celebrating their golden jubilee neat Sunday. Rev, Dr, Cook of Toronto will preach in the morning at eleven o'clock and in the evening at Bowen. On Monday evening there will be a galeleii party on Mr. J. 0, Clarkers lawn, It is expected tlutt a Thursday, Aug.11 Hon. E. C. Drury Premier of Ontario. Hon. F. C. Biggs Minister of Public Works U. F. Picnic Menesetung Part. (one mile north of Goderich) Thursday, Aug.11 Shingles for Sale 'rhe tl, 1+1. 0. will have a carload of t'i X 13, shingles arrive in a few days and will have a Iint itt'c1 quanii•y for salo, Pince 0rdltl9 at once with the secretary. G. W. bitVT()N, 131'nc0i'hli ll P110110 3 on 029, illi -1 large number of people, :iornlcr resi- dents, will take 171 this celebration. Auburn celebrated its Civic poli•• day by a grand picnic to I'oiut Form last Wednesday: THURSDAY, AU.GIJST 411i, 1124. ;r77d1 Where o You Get Your ice Staionery? Do you give this business to Mail Order Houses ? If so ; Why ? The News -Record' is prepared to do all kinds of High-class Job Work " You certainly should have had your name on this job, it is a credit to any office," " I was very much pleased with the work.' "Those cards were just what I wanted, and were very attractive looking. I was much pleased." • The above are some comments on work turned out of this office within the past few weeks. • We try to make every job merit such commendation. Give us your next order and help " Keep Clinton Busy." We can sup/ ply you with Counter Check Books of various styles and grades -at Greatly Reduced Prices See samples before ordering your next supply GRANITEWARE The long expected drop in the price of Graniteware and Aluminum has come at last. Our first shipment at the new price has ar- rived. Come and see the beautiful preserving kettles and other useful articles we are offer- ing at .prices that will surprise you. woosemenroangsmantommanalt Corless Venner HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL ' PHONE 53 .axa..®. , Motorcycle For Sane Gordon Hall, News -Record Office - 7 1 E STAR 9R Cal ersY✓ill s°ir�`f �dfra/f�S.r�.✓/::t,'/"'.�;fp,FvreS•A�.�:l/✓fA� _ s,/1i: Sppeciat Midsummer Excursion E ICH to AND RETURN TrnPir _j.�- 74-A A1.41 mtnyakop • 55 (MT Stea tel r Greyhound Leaves Goderich. ]'Monday, August S1:11, at 11.15 pm, arriving Detroit, Tuesday, 7.15 aan. R,et•urning leave Detroit, Thursday, August lith, 2.30 para. on Str, OWana.. $3.00 Round Trip $2.00 One Wag hast trip to Detroit, Friday, August 12t11, at 7 a.m. on Str. Owana. 'Don't miss this midsummer opportunity to visit beautiful Detroit, A delightful ride across Lake Huron and down the St. Clair and 1)e. troit Rivers. i .-t reghound t..00nllght OUT OF GODERICH, Monday evening, A lieu st 8' th, SS.1lj p m, platen's Famous Detroit oeottestra For dancing in Greyhound ballroom 501E, Children under 12, 240.